CNH Key Club Secretary’s Manual Hello CNH Secretaries!
2009-2010 Edition
Once again, congratulations to being elected as the secretary of your club! I
Table of Contents
commend you for taking on this role as it is one of the most important to this
*Click the page you want to visit
organization. You may have already heard that in this office, you are the backbone, the foundation, the support of your club. Be prepared for a year packed
with record keeping and files.
Table of Contents ..........1
To summarize your duties, you will have to constantly update your Club Monthly
Duties ...............................2
Report Form, you will compile a club roster that will be submitted to Key Club International, you will record minutes for every club and board meeting, and
Roster ...............................3
much more. Sound like a lot of work? You may feel overwhelmed with work at
Monthly Report Form.....3
some point but as long as you stay organized, manage your time wisely, and never procrastinate (never ever ever!), you’ll be fine. Please feel free to refer to this manual throughout your term. If there are any items that you would like more assistance on, as always feel free to contact me via e-mail, phone, AIM. Also feel free to post any questions you have on secretary’s reflector! Good luck and have fun with your office; I look forward to seeing all of
Monthly Report Form.....4 Minutes ............................5 Serv ice Hours ..................5 Recognition ....................6
your work at the end of this term!
Important Dates.............6
Buzzing with service,
Contact Information .....7 Resources........................7
Willy Hoang District Secretary California-Nevada-Hawaii District
2009-2010 CNH Secretary’s Manual
Duties of a Secretary
Listed below are all of the tasks that a Secretary will complete throughout his/her term. If you fulfill all of your duties, you will most likely be recognized at the 2010 District Convention as a Distinguished Secretary. Once you get into the habit of taking minutes every week and filling out an MRF every month, your duties will feel lightweight. Remember, never procrastinate!
Attend all club meetings and board meetings
Attend Divisional Council Meetings (DCMs)
Record minutes during meetings
Complete and submit your Monthly Report Form to
Create sign-in sheets to track attendance Create sign-up sheets for events and activities
Communicate with fellow officers, your advisors,
and your members Collect Data regarding service events, club meetings,
your Lieutenant Governor, Faculty Advisor, Kiwanis Advisor, Regional Advisor by the 5th of every month
Keep members up to date on their service hours
etc. for your Monthly Report form
Keep member service hours updated
Constantly update the club roster on your Monthly Report Form Assist the Club Treasurer with the online roster during dues payment Attend Officer’s Training Conference, Regional Training Conference, Fall Rally, Conclave, and District Convention, and other events Attend Kiwanis meetings (Kiwanis Divisional Council Meetings or regular Kiwanis club meetings) Complete and submit the Annual Achievement Report Form to your Lieutenant Governor Complete the Annual Club Election Form and submit it to your Lieutenant Governor, sponsoring Kiwanis club, and home club. Complete 50 hours of service Aim for the District Tree Award (100% MRFs submitted on time) Apply for Outstanding Club Secretary (complete all items of the checklist on the guideline) Compile a Secretary’s Binder to keep all files organized and for recognition at District Convention, submit for Distinguished Secretary recognition Assist the incoming Club Secretary for the 2010-2011 year
2009-2010 CNH Secretary’s Manual
Monthly Report Form
The closest friend of a secretary is this excel file. The MRF contains almost all the information regarding your club for the year. It contains the roster, the annual achievement report, service records, the election report, a projects list, and of course, the monthly reports. Some of you are already best friends with your MRF which is great! For those of you who are not acquainted yet, here are some introductions.
Club Directory/Roster The roster contains all the contact information for all the officers, advisors, and members of your club. It also contains the basic information of your club such as the location, time, sponsoring Kiwanis Club, etc. Update this roster throughout the year and keep it on hand; it will be helpful when you need to contact your members.
Service Record For those of you who do not have a separate file to keep track of service performed by your members, you can use this. The member names and ID’s are already transferred from the roster tab. All you have to do is fill in the event name, the date (top two rows) and the number of hours that each member performed if they attended.
Election Results At the end of your term, your club will have elections to elect the 2010-2011 officers. The Lt. Governor elect will need to gather information for his/her Divisional Directory at this time. After your election, fill out this tab with the contact information of your new club officers and submit it to the Lt. Governor elect AND Regional Advisor.
Annual Achievement Report The AAR for the most part fills in itself by using information inputted on the Monthly Reports. There are three sections that you must complete: Club Reports, Club Leadership Training and Development, and the Projects List. Simply follow the instructions in the gray space. You will submit the AAR to your Lt. Governor at the end of this term and the scores will be used for club recognition at District Convention.
2009-2010 CNH Secretary’s Manual
Monthly Report Form
The previous page described the first few tabs of the MRF. The next section that I will explain is the Monthly Reports. I’ll describe the general overview of the report. I will be publishing an MRF manual soon that will go more in depth if you need more clarification.
The Basics Everything at the top of your Monthly Activity Reports will be transferred from the roster. All of this information should already be filled out so you will never need to touch this section.
The Data Report This section contains most of the raw date for your club this month. Here you fill in information on membership, dues, club meetings, board meetings, Kiwanis events, divisional events, regional events, District Events, and more. Mainly here you will be answering Yes or No or you will be filling in a number (most likely the number of members that attended a specific event). Make sure to look over every section.
Project Report Here is where you will list every event. For each event, multiply the number of members in attendance by the number of hours each member performed for the Total Number of Hours. Make sure to mark an “X” for all sections that apply.
Narrative Report You can think of this section as the Free Response section. In the Club Snapshot, feel free to write as much as you want. Provide details on the progress, weaknesses, and successes of your club. Help your Lt. Governor understand your club. In the Project Snapshot, the projects listed in the Project Report will transfer over. Provide a basic description to explain what the members did at the event.
2009-2010 CNH Secretary’s Manual
Minutes are to be filled out at every meeting (general/board). Here are some tips:
Include the Date and Location of the meeting
Record who called the meeting to order and who adjourned it
Include who spoke and any motions made.
Don’t state your own personal opinions, only include facts
If you do not type your minutes during the meeting, type them up after the meeting. Then, publish it to your advisors, officers, and members
Here’s an example of how you can organize your minutes. Remember to include all of your minutes in your binder!
Service Hours Service hours are the number hours spent or used for
How to Record Service Hours
service. For example, a fundraiser for an organization or
Have members sign-in and sign-out of events.
program (PTP/PEM) would give members service hours. All service events where members are serving their
In your Monthly Report Form, go to the Service Record tab. The names of all your members will
home, schools, community give service hours. Every Key
transfer over from the Roster tab. Fill in the event
Club member should perform fifty service hours by the end of the Key Club term to be considered in good
name and date and under that column, fill in the number of hours that each member performed. On
the far right, you can use one column and the
Some events that DO NOT give members service hours:
summation feature of Excel to total up the number of hours for each member.
For each event, create an Activity Description Report
Fall Rally
and include the event name, date, location, number of
Club meetings
members present, number of service hours, event
Club Fundraisers (where the money earned goes to
chair’s name, the type of activity it was (service event,
the club)
2009-2010 CNH Secretary’s Manual
fundraisers, etc.), and a brief description of what went on.
Recognition District Tree Award The District Tree Award recognizes clubs who submit all twelve of their Monthly Report Forms on time. This means that the MRF was 100% on time. On-time is determined by your Lieutenant Governor so listen to his/her deadlines. Your club will receive a banner patch and your club’s name will be shown at District Convention on those big screens that all eyes are on. Easy recognition that you deserve for your hard work!
Outstanding Secretary If you, for some insane reason, do not compile a binder to submit, you can just follow the checklist for Outstanding Secretary. Complete the list, have the correct people to initial, and submit! Some recognition is better than no recognition! After one whole year of hard work, why not have it pay off? If you complete all of the duties listed on page 2, you will definitely be recognized as Outstanding. However, if you DO reach that point, you also qualify to apply for Distinguished so go for it!
Distinguished Secretary This is the most distinguished award that a CNH Secretary can receive (hence the title Distinguished Secretary). This year, there is one important change that should be noted: all submissions must be electronic; no paper binders will be accepted. Instead of submitting all of your work in a 3” binder, you will now be submitting everything in a CD. This is why it is important that you have electronic copies of all your files. Remember to start early, use graphic standards, and follow the guidelines. In your electronic binders, here are a few things you can include:
Letters of Recommendation
Monthly Report Forms
Meeting Minutes
Service Hour Records
Important e-mails you have sent (communication) Club directory/roster Anything else that shows your work for your club/division 2009-2010 CNH Secretary’s Manual
Important Dates 5th of Every Month
MRF Deadline June-Aug.
Officer Training Conference Sept.-Nov.
Regional Training Conference October 24
Fall Rally North November 1
Early Bird Dues Deadline November 14
Fall Rally South December 1
Regular Dues Deadline April 8-11
District Convention
Contact Information and Resources
Willy Hoang
Governor Jesse Truong
(310) 818-6819 AIM: willyhoang0
Secretary Willy Hoang
Treasurer Jeremy Truong
Feel free to contact any of the executives! We want to hear from you so don’t be shy!
Tech. Editor Hillary Yuan
CNH District Website
Key Club International Website
CNH Secretaries Reflector *Please join the reflector to receiv e updates from me. A lso feel free to post questions here! P.S. Thank you once again for stepping up and serv ing your club! =]
2009-2010 CNH Secretary’s Manual