T he Titan TellAll Friday, September 19, 2014 Edition 2
The Titan Tell-All is a bi-weekly newsletter highlighting the awesome instruction and events going on around TSMS. There are SO many great things going on, it is hard to catch them all! If you or someone you know has an outstanding idea that should be showcased, please let Ashley Roberts know!
n, our o is r r a H l o r Ms. Ca OCKS!! R , n ia d o t s u head c
Current Happenings
Want to help show students how reading is a life-long skill? Ask Roberts for one of these signs and one will be delivered to you!
AVID students in Mrs. Morrison’s class revise and study their Cornell Notes
Showcase classrooms: Continuous improvement Mrs. Wachowiak gets feedback from her students while formatively assessing them on fractions and integers.
In Coach Shera’s class, students rank their readiness for the upcoming class test, while he posts their quiz results on the data board.
SHOWCASE CLASSROOMS: Continuous Improvement
Mrs. Duermeyer holds her students accountable for their own learning by consistently updating the class data board
Students track their own progress in Ms. Salinas’s math class
Showcase classrooms Mrs. Newman taps into student background knowledge by asking them to complete an interactive KWL chart Creative Writing students in Mrs. Salan’s class engage in the “Nobody’s Perfect” prewriting collaboration activity
In honor of Constitution Day, Mrs. Mason’s ELA students participate in an inside/outside discussion line to refine their drafts.
In QUEST, Mrs. Kelley brings movement to math by using a “hallway sized” number line!
Mrs. Martin added a Gallery Walk to the 13-ColoniesJigsaw project this year.
In Pre-AP Science classes, Mrs. McDaniel and Mrs. Newchurch asked students to review lab equipment and Dichotomous Keys through a collaborative project.
Mrs. Coyne’s Theater students filmed persuasive commercials using Imovie on the Macbooks
Coach Shera provides opportunities for EVERY student to respond EVERY time by using the flip whiteboards in math!
Oral Assessments already s i s n i a Mrs. R ut! it o trying
Do you need help ensuring all qualified students receive oral administration on tests? Let Roberts know and she will record and upload to the EDMODO group!
Group code: bk98b3
Quality Tool of the month
Have you tried one this month?
Need an idea or help? Let Roberts know!
A final reminder from Mr. Quattlebaum:
What Mr. Quattlebaum expects of his students‌
What Mr. Quattlebaum expects of himself‌
Have a great weekend! Keep up the awesome instruction!