T he Titan TellAll Friday, January 8th , 2016 Edition 21
Current happenings canvas training
Shelly Shaw is here in the library all day for Canvas Training! She is catering her insights to our needs. Her workshop is very user-friendly and makes Canvas seem like a breeze! Please come join us!
Current happenings T.I.T.A.N.S Ribbons Many teachers and departments have already started earning T.I.T.A.N.S. ribbons and proudly displaying them!
Current department leaders: 7th ELA 8th ELA 8th Science Current individual leaders: Rains Ennis Proctor McDavid
Showcase classrooms
Creative Writing students in Ms. Hunter’s class use all 5 senses to add descriptive and rich language to their pieces as they rotate through each station. Stations also include a QR code with directions!
Showcase classroom
GTT students in Mr. Parnell’s class work together to create a system of moving levers and gears. They also defend their designs to staff members that are invited to visit!
Showcase classroom
Mrs. Crow’s Pre-AP Spanish students collaborate in the library to design and create a PhotoStory. The digital slideshow demonstrates their understanding of Spanish adjectives.
In an effort to get to know some new faces at TSMS, the Titan Tell-All will now feature a “TEACHER SPOTLIGHT” section! Teacher spotlight
Jessica Miller 7th ELA Room: C124
How many years have you been teaching? This is my first REAL year. (She was an aide here at TSMS last year) 2. What is you favorite thing about teaching at TSMS? Hanging out with the kids and I really like the staff. 3. Who is your favorite superhero? It has to be a girl…Wonder Woman! 4. What is something about you that not many people know? I listen to The Ticket everyday. 5. Who is your favorite sports mascot? UNT’s Scrappy Eagle 6. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? A news Anchor like Katie Couric
Just for fun:
Have a great weekend! Keep up the awesome instruction!