From Rianna Koppel, Sustainability Coordinator:
Dedicated to the staff that make us stronger together.
2020 was a challenge for essential workers.
In March, when canned goods and toilet paper began leaving our
shelves empty, the Ashland Food Co-op showed up as a beacon of
community resiliency. We masked up, stocked shelves together, and
upheld store safety for all.
In September, the Almeda Fire destroyed over 2,000 homes in our
valley - including seven of our staff. We have experienced the effects of
climate change first hand.
In October, we made a commitment to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity
with the formation of the EDI Committee. We publicly stated that Black
Lives Matter.
We are grateful for our community’s support, and proud of what we
can accomplish together.
Our Vision- We're on a mission to change the world. By 2030, the Ashland Food Co-op will be a living model of cooperation with the laws of nature in all our affairs. Read on to see how we put this mission into practice over the last year.