Aspect 1
Accountability Proverbs 27:17, “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.”
In order to maintain a long lasting friendship your friend and you must realize how important it is to hold each other accountable in all aspects of life and daily tasks. As friends, you should strive to bring the bets out of each other and to encourage one another in becoming a person of God.
Aspect 2
Loyalty Proverbs 18: 24, “A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”
Another aspect of a long lasting friendship is to find a friend who has the characteristic of loyalty. Your friend should always support and stick with you though all your troubles and tribulations in life. As this verse teaches, many friends does not always mean good fireships will be established. But instead you should seek a loyal friends instead of just many friends.
Aspect 3
Integrity Proverbs 16: 28, “A dishonest man spreads strife and a whisper separates close friends.”
The next aspect leading to a long lasting friendship is having a friend who has integrity. A friend who has integrity will not spread rumors or create troubles in your relationships with others. As this verse portrays, close friendships can be broken by a friend who does not have honesty or integrity. Therefore, honesty and integrity are key characteristics in friendships that will be long lasting.
Aspect 4
Wisdom Proverbs 13: 20, “ Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise. But, the companion of fools will suffer harm.”
Another aspect that your friendship should practice is wisdom. The people you are friends with should encourage you and help you become wiser in your decisions and acts. This is also a key and vital characteristic that will lead to good friendships and a good walk with God. As this verse says, if you choose to participate in unwise friendships that are toxic to you then as stated, harm will come to you.
Aspect 5  
Trustworthy Proverbs 11: 13, "Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets, but he who is trustworthy in spirit keeps a thing covered."
The next aspect of a good friendship is to have a grin who is trustworthy and not someone who will betray you. Even though, everyone in our lives will at times betray and disappoint us, it is still important that you find friends who have empathy and will keep their mouth shut. A friend who is trustworthy keeps their word, and will not reveal secrets.
Aspect 6
Influence Proverbs 29: 19, “Trusting in a treacherous man in time of trouble is like a bad tooth or a foot that slips.”
Another aspect of a long-lasting friendship is to be surrounded by good influences. Your friends should not hinder your walk with God and should not take the place of God. Your friends should only be here to encourage you, and your walk with God. They should give you encouragement to make the right choices in life, and not to choose the wrong. Having friends who are good influences is a vital aspect that is Biblically relevant to a Christian friendship.
Aspect 7 Accountability Proverbs 22:24-25,“Make no friendship with man given to anger nor go with a wrathful man less to lean his ways and entangle yourself in a snare.
The next aspect of friendship is finding a friend who is slow to anger and is full of love, instead of hate. As this verse states, having a friend who is prone to being angry will just lead you to troubles and into a trap. Instead, look for a friendship that evolves around good listening and patience for one another and each other's problems.