trend forecast

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career fair

by adl

geek to charming






playful kindergarten teacher

rock n roller

internet make up mogul

Career Fair is inspired by possible young Generation Y member career choices. For the Gen Yers, anything is possible, so there is a wide range of jobs that influenced the fashion trends this upcoming season. The six trends are “Geek to Charming Technolite”, “Genderless Nurse,” “Caffeine Enthusiast,” “Playful Kindergarten Teacher,” “Rock ‘N’ Roller,” and “Internet Makeup Mogul.” From a barista that is all about a slow paced lifestyle to a techie that needs everything now, there is something for everyone in the forecast. Careers were the perfect medium to forecast trends for Generation Y. It’s something that is relatable to the generation. People go to work from nine to five, most likely at least five days a week.

The world is changing so quickly in the 21 st century, we see gender roles blurring and feminism becoming more prominent than ever. People are more willing to take a stand in what they believe in, as a spirit of rebelliousness is slowly emerging. In addition, we see huge technological advances that the world has never experience. Efficiency has risen, however our attention spans have suffered along with it. People demand more and the working class works harder than before. The idea of respite is so refreshing than before. The power of 6 distinct trends will unfold itself‌

geek to charming technolite

T his technology guy grew up with technology at his fingertips. He received his first computer at age 6. Yes, this is early for to receive a computer, but not for a tech-savvy prodigy. At first the computer was just used to play games, a little pinball here and there. But then, the young digital aged child discovered all the things the computer was capable of. Instead of playing games like his friends were du ring “computer time” at school, he was learning the computer’s hardware. By his teens he was able to completely take apart his computer and put it back together again. His family and friends had a local tech guy that they could run to at any given point in time.

T his trend has major futuristic vibes. Because it seems that the technology guy actually comes from the future. He grew up being known as a geek, but now he is still is a geek but this fashion trend has made it cool. We are in a digital age right now, where the Tech Guy will only make the world more digitalized. This is what makes this tech savvy trend relevant. The technology guy likes to wear simple silhouettes but really stand out by what fabric he chooses to wear. This techno guy likes to be kept on his toes, so wearing extra modern fabric does just that for him in terms of style. A goldfish is something that really resonates with him. Not only did he name his first goldfish “Mac” but also he likes to relate the people’s attention span around him to goldfish.

W ith the computer’s capabilities, he is figuring out how he can use the computer to better the world. In the meantime, he always wants to learn more and more everyday. His brain is a sponge, where he is able to translate all his learned information into new technology innovations. Steve Jobs is his idol and who knows we could have the next Steve Jobs on our hands.

geek to technolite G oldfish Orange, keyboard grey, bluetooth blue,

megapixel green, interstellar blue, digitize lavender, default orange, out of this world blue make up the “Geek to Charming Technolite” color palette. The color board shows the tech guy’s best friend, his computer. The colors reflect the mood, different shades of blues, oranges,metallic, with hints of purple and green. The colors are outer space and computer inspired to tell the innovative digitized story.


Goldfish Orange

Inerstellar Blue

Keyboard Grey

Digitize Lavender

Bluetooth Blue

Default Orange

Megapixel Green

Out of This World Blue

T he technolite wants to stay on his toes at all times.

He does that with fashion through the fabric choices. Fabric combinations that are not usually paired together come together to show the transformation from geek to a trendy cool techie.


the shapes and styles for this trend are inspired by Futurism. The shapes display geometrical over size look that associate with technological materials. The style is associating with futuristic fabrics such as metallic, glossy, etc. In a way, the technological shapes and style can be considered as daily fashion.

political reference Politics is affecting the way we use technology. In most countries in the world, politics have allowed people to have the freedom to use technology however they want, take for example the Internet. We can get access information very easily through the Internet and on the contrary, we see North Korea having restrictive web access due to their political stance.


However, when it comes to most developed countries, the Internet is ubiquitous in the daily lives in the present lives. Politicians are capitalizing on the Internet to change our perception of social media, in particular. The days when politicians and citizens are often disconnected when it comes to citizens understand policies and politicians knowing what the citizens need are long gone. Nowadays we see politicians taking up Twitter to not just draw attention to important issues but to open events and channels for communication. Take for example, on Barack Obama’s twitter page, Americans who are concerned with the political environment can get a chance to meet President Obama and have a good discussion with him. Another politician, Donald Trump is making waves through social media, particularly Facebook and Twitter. Donald Trump has 7 million followers. His tweets are retweeted thousands times a day and are often quoted in mainstream media. (The signal and the noise, 2016) As he is most likely going to win in the Republican nomination and may be the next American president, the perception of social media is greatly altered; social media will be more than a channel for building interpersonal relationships among friends but rather a medium for politics. This further prompts the use of technology, particularly social media among people.






The loop

social/economical reference



According to behavioral science, we are naturally social creatures and with the technology boom, companies started creating services that meet our most innate desire, socialize and to connect. Thus social media is born. For the past 5 years, social media has been surging in popularity. According to new findings by Social@Oglivy and SurveyMonkey done in 2014, research has determined up to 53% of Chinese consumers use and share contents through social media. (What makes Asian consumers share on social, n.d). In addition, there are an estimated number of 650 million social media users in China alone.

cultural reference

Met gala 2016 is a perfect example of cultural influence on technology guy. Met gala 2016 theme was “ Manus x Machina: Fashion in an Age of Technology” This theme clearly shows how technology plays a huge role in fashion industry. More technology becomes innovate, more fashion evolves.

In addition, there is a huge demand for faster technology as our attention span has dropped significantly. According to a report by Time magazine, our average attention span of eight seconds is lower than a goldfish of nine seconds due to the surge of social media and various forms of technology (Now you have a shorter attention span, 2015) The average Chinese consumer is getting richer on average. In an article written by Forbes magazine, the discretionary income of an average Chinese household, rural and urban, has increased 10.9% (rural) and 9.7% (urban) from 2013-2014. (Average Chinese getting richer, 2014). As their discretionary income, Chinese consumers would want to spend more on ‘want goods’ such as luxury items and technology. This further inspires our trend to incorporate elements of silver and mesh to imitate a feel of the digital age



genderless nurse

B eing a nurse, calls for someone that is selfless.

A nurse used to only be asso-

ciated with a woman. But that has been changing over the years. Men and women can both make nurses their career choice. Lovers of t.v. shows like Scrubs all over the world rejoice. Much like pink is not just a girl’s color or blue is just a boy’s color, the two worlds can collide. This idea of breaking gender norms makes being a nurse genderless.

T wo best friends grew up, both having a love for helping others. On the weekends they frequented each other’s grandparents house just to help them out with chores or just chatting with them. Once they grew up, they knew nursing had to be what for the rest of their lives.

T he typical wear for a nurse is scrubs. These are possibly one of the most comfortable items, being able to wear this outside of the nurse’s office is a dream. This trend is heavily inspired by what nurses’ wear from day to day being incorporated in their lives outside of work. How can nurse wear be chic? We explore this question.

M uch like the scrubs the nurse’s wear are genderless, the clothing from this trend could be seen on both men and women. Pastel colors tell this nurse’s story. The idea that men and women should be equal has been a trending topic. Nurse wear as a fashion trend helps this debate really come to life.

genderless nurse

Typical nurse gear that a nurse would use everyday is seen in the color board. The color palette is pastel, to enhance that youthful feel.


Pastel and lightweight fabrics are used. The nurses could wear

what that wore to work after they left work. That’s how comfortable the fabrics are.


Scrubs Green

Sweet Pink

Waiting Room Yellow

First Aid Grey

Stethoscope Blue

Band Aid Beige

Feeling Blue

Rubber Ducky Yellow

As inspired by traditional nurse scrubs shapes and styles. For this trend, boring nurse clothes has become a trendy outfit. Simple shape of scrubs can be worn as loose fitting T-shirt. Also, basic pant can be rolled up. In a way, such basic clothes has become trendy look

political reference

‘Female power’ is on the rise, we see female figures gaining more footholds in politics and business alike. Angela Merka, the Chancellor of Germany is a prime example. She was widely mocked by her peers, pegged a ‘milkmaid’ on account of having spent her first 35 years of her life living in old communist East Germany. However, she did not let that affect her and later become one of the best leaders in Germany, leading the country out of economic recession. Today, she is ranked as top of Forbes’ World Most Powerful Women. (In profile: Angela Merkel, n.d) According to reports, she may seem endearing but she can be really ‘ruthless’ at times. She would show up in evening dress numbers and embarrass macho men around her. Hilary Clinton is another strong political figure that is rising in power in America. If she wins in this presidential election, she is going to be first female president of the United States. Both women are good statements to feminism and testaments to the social issues women today face (unequal pay and promotion, forced marriages etc)



social/economical reference


Emma Watson, the actress of Hermione Granger in the renowned movie, Harry Potter, has been appointed UN Women Goodwill Ambassador in July 2014. Emma has been involved in the promotion of girls’ education for several years and previously visited Bangladesh and Zambia as part of her humanitarian efforts. She has worked to promote fair trade and organic clothing and served as an ambassador for Camfed International, a movement to educate girls in rural Africa. She is a huge empowerment of young women and will serve as an advocate for UN Women’s Heforshe campaign in promoting gender equality. (UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson, n.d)

cultural reference

The american comedies tv show, Scrubs is show the life of nurses and doctors. In this tv show, there are no gender boundaries in a way of portraying a man nurse and women doctors.



caffeine enthusiast

B rew. Pour. Sip. The barista is all about the little things in life. There is nothing better than sitting down to a nice cup of espresso that is sipped on slowly for all the tastes and aromas to come through, while reading a good book. They take pride in their work of providing caffeine to all the hard working people that need that cup of coffee to make it through the day.

T his trend is surfacing due to the laid back lifestyle millennials want to have when they aren't at work. A little downtime is what everyone needs during the week. the way consumers shop is changing, where shopping is now about the experience. For example having a cafe in a store. This is how the barista fits into the fashion world.

T he mood is fresh and has laid back feeling. Why live a fast past life when you can sip slowly? The barista dresses in a color palette inspired by the coffees they work with everyday. Deep rich browns come together and make the barista think of the coffee bean, where the coffee brewing process all begins.

A ll the barista needs their trusty apron; a fellow caffeine enthusiast’s order and they are ready to work. After work? The barista can still be found in a cafÊ. Hopping from coffee shop to coffee shop, in search of the perfect cup of joe and relishing in the coffee community around them. Only to find out that they actually find the best coffee in the cup they brewed themselves. The process of adding all the ingredients makes the cup that much more meaningful. Coffee is serious business and the barista loves every minute of it. Wake up and smell the coffee is truly what this barista lives for.

caffeine enthusiast

The colors are inspired by everything that a barista could

make. The names reflect different drink orders or ingredients that could pair with coffee nicely. Items that would be seen in a coffee shop help tell the barista’s color story.

Deep browns and rich latte inspired fabrics are used. There is



Iced Latte

Coco Brown

Coffee No Sugar Brown

Cafe Au Lait Gray

Matcha Macchiato

Chocolate Expresso

Bronzed Butterscotch

Burnt Hazelnut

blend of light and dark browns that show all the colors a cup of coffee could be.

The shapes and styles for this trend are inspired by barista’s apron. Regarding the use of barista’s apron, it is for protect clothes from coffee spills or any liquid spills. However, this basic apron plays a huge role in fashion trend. The shape of apron can be use as dress or jumpsuit also for details of garment.

political reference

The average Chinese worker is working between 2000 and 2200 hours each year, compared to an average of 1677 hours in the UK. (How hard does China work, n.d). In addition, according to Li Chang’an, a labour economist at the Beijing’s University of International Business and Economics, he quotes that such ‘ as we are still at the developmental stage of chasing GDP growth and increasing total production, long working hours will persist for a certain time. ’China’s governmental stance on improving GDP has hurt the Chinese people physically and mentally. Another report done in Hong Kong also shows the fragility of the working class when they commit more than 51 hours work week. (Give us a break: Hong Kong needs to limit working hours if its serious about making people’s lives better, 2015) A Barista theme is created using mostly earthly tones, in order to create a sense of relaxation among the exhausted working class.

social/economical reference More and more people in the working class are overworked, which results in less social time. Therefore, more and more people are getting lonely. According to a report made by SocialMediaWeek, even though with the rise of social media, we are getting lonelier than ever. Hence, a need for socializing and respite is needed and it is the reason Barista Thursday came about. (Why Social Makes us Even more Lonely,2015) Shopping with friends at a shop cafĂŠ can be uplifting and pleasurable experience, particularly when we see the rise of such concept fashion stores with cafes.


ifc mall

playful kindergarten teacher

N othing makes this teacher happier than going into work every morning and seeing her student’s smiling faces. She often thinks of them as her own. She has always loved kids. She grew up babysitting all the kids her neighborhood. With her love of kids, the natural next step was to become a kindergarten teacher.

S he didn’t even mean too, but she started dressing like her student’s favorite stuffed animals, characters, and drawings. She keeps all her student’s artwork on the refrigerator, so she sees it everyday. After awhile she started dressing like all the creative characters on her fridge.

H er students inspire her in every single way, even through fashion. She likes to be playful too and this definitely entertains the kids at school. During story-time at school, she allows the kids to make up their own stories of what each character on her clothing is doing on their adventures. Characters had a major moment on the runway in the early 2000s. Now they are back, the Saturday morning cartoon watching gang is all here. Millennials relate to this trend because they like to have a work/life balance. After work, it’s time to play!

Y ou could say that she is a child at heart. Even when she is not at work she still wants to pretend like she is by dressing the part. For this teacher she cannot wait till Monday morning every week.

playful kindergaten teacher

Bright colors are told through different stuffed animals, toys, and school supplies. The color board just screams playful.


The fabric choice has several different characters seen. The

characters are not so typical, like poodles and little bubbles creatures. The patterns and colors are bright and are give a nostalgic feeling.


Bubbles blue

Buttercup Green

Blossom Pink

Mario and Luigi Blue

Winnie The Pooh Orange

Tweety Bird Yellow

Hello Kitty Pink

Smurf Blue

The shapes are light and the dresses are on the baggier size. Comfort is key for this kindergarten theme. There is layering that is happening too. A light maxi dress is thrown on top of a t-shirt paired with sneakers.

social/economical reference

Work life is more essential than ever. However in Hong Kong and China, work life balance is off. According to researchers from recruitment agency Randstad, they found out that 77 percent of Hong Kongers felt that they had to take work-related calls and respond to mails even on a holiday. The Mainlanders are next on the list. (2015, Give us a Break: Hong Kong needs to limit working hours if its serious about making lives better)


Kpop has a huge influence on how Hong Kongers and Mainlanders dress. In the Milan fashion show for Spring/Summer 2016, CL, the leader of the girl group 2NE1, dressed up in a black dress with stuffed toys enveloping her neckline. CL is a huge fashion influencer and this is starting step which would fuel the fun and whimsical Kindergarten trend




P icture this. Loud music blaring through the speakers, neon light signs lit up in every corner, cigarette smoke in the hair, all with a guitar in head. This is where this Rock n Roller is seen every night, at a concert. Music is this person’s life.

E ven though this music lover was born in the nineties, they like to think of themselves as a late baby boomer. Coming across 1960s-70s music at a young age, they became obsessed with this era. Everyday she would think of another question to ask her father about all the bands. “Did you ever go the concerts?” What were all of band’s names?” “I like the drummer the best, what is his name again?” Endless amounts of questions turned into a career for her. She first started at an open mic night, after several encore rounds at her frequent karaoke hang out spot. She worked the courage up to perform in front of a larger crowd, a classic rock and roll song she had written, and the crowd did a standing ovation. She ended her set with the rock and roll hand gesture and her tongue sticking out, naturally.

P atchwork first was seen in the 1960s during the hippie movement, where the peace patches symbolized opposition to the Vietnam War. Patches were made popular again the 1970s during the punk movement in a completely different way covering leather jackets. Now patches are coming back and they are better than ever. Patchwork will cover the entirety of garments with only a few distressed grunge pieces will actually be able to be seen underneath the patches. Street wear inspired this trend, now it will be seen all over the runways as well. It’s a trend because anyway something already popular can resurface in a cool effortless way,; people will want to be apart of that. Rock n Roll is not just a genre of music, it is a lifestyle. She dresses in heavily covered patchwork denim pieces; inspired by the punk movement she holds so close to her heart. She likes to dress like the old photographs she has collected over the years. Her style is heavily influenced by grunge. She really dresses for herself, and does not care what anyone else thinks.

rock 'n' roller “I want to rock and roll all night and party everyday, “ is what this color board is saying. Patches, cigarettes, dollar signs everything is all there for a concert groupie to have a good night. The colors are very bright and in your face, exactly how they should be to gain everyone’s attention.


An array of fabrics ranging from leather to sequins will be used

to capture the Rock “n’’ Roller’s aesthetic: bad to bone in vibrant colors.


Hot Hot Pink

Grass Stained Green

Tongue Red

Punk Blue

Money Green

Juvenile Delinquent Black

Electric Guitar Red

Lights Out Charcoal

The silhouettes for this trend are grunge inspired. The shapes feature garments that hang away from the body usually with a heavy outerwear piece. Patches will be a key component that will cover the entirety of the garments. The style is hard and rebellious.

social/economical reference

The punk style is not new. It has been around longer than we expect. The punk fashion style started in the 70s in which was pioneered by Vivienne Westwood. Vivienne took the punk movement that started on the streets to what it becomes today. Punk style adopters back in the 70s and 80s were in contempt of the society; hence they decided to present themselves in a rebellious fashion. Similarly, as we move through the 21st century, we see more and more advocacy groups making waves on the streets. People are less afraid to show their values and belief, which exemplifies a time of rebelliousness.


It is a period of time from early 2000s to now that we see punk rock declining, however, the band, Fall out boy has proved punk rock is not dead. The band proved a success as their latest album, American Beauty/American Psycho appeared on the #1 Billboard 200 chart. In addition, sales week for American Beauty/American Psycho launch is the second highest for a rock album in the last two year behind Coldplay’s Ghost stories. (Fall Out Boy Scores Third No. 1 Album on Billboard 200, 2015)



cultural reference

With the recent losses of David Bowie and Prince, people want to pay homage to the two musical legends, which can be achieved through fashion. David Bowie and Prince both were known for not following in everyone else’s footsteps in terms of fashion and in just life in general. The trend “Rock ‘N’ Roller” is influenced by this mindset of dressing however you want and not caring what anyone else thinks about it. It is heavily influenced by music and what David Bowie and Prince might have worn to a concert. The two musical legends can live on through fashion trends that are tribute to their iconic fashion moments and musical lifestyles.





M astering the perfect cat eye is no easy feat. Let alone filming yourself drawing the perfect cat eye and letting the whole world see the results. Luckily for the highly trained makeup connoisseur this is a breeze. Or should we say, “Easy, Breezy, Covergirl.”

P laying in her mother’s makeup is this makeup artist’s earliest memories. Getting lipstick all over her face and using eye shadow and sparkles, as blush is where it all began. Since then the makeup artist has fine-tuned her skills. Her mother let her wear makeup in middle school. In middle school she stuck to a simple makeup look. A little eye shadow here and there and a little lip gloss and she was ready to go. By High School she found her makeup style and all her friends asked her to do their makeup. For prom she did all the girl’s makeup. And she herself was the prom queen, probably due to her perfect pink lipstick.

W ith technological advances in the beauty world like facial recognition, it has inspired fashion trends. Pink, blushes, reds oh my. The color palette is inspired by all the makeup that can be found in her beauty bag. The mood is girly and light. Beauty is her passion and that is reflected into this trend by her go to makeup products.

S he received a video camera for her birthday and she decided to start making her own makeup tutorials. She had seen them on YouTube and knew she could do that too. 100 million YouTube views and counting later, she is able to make a living by doing what she knows and loves,-makeup.

internet makeup mogul

The beauty bag essentials for the YouTube’s makeup artist

is explored. All the favorite makeup products made the cut for th color board. There is a range of nude colors, blushes and red coral tones.


Different shades of the color nude neoprenes come together with other shades of pink and a fun makeup print that ties the entire trend together.


Shimmer Beige

Baby Blush

Eyebrows on Fleek Brown

Coral Me Tawny

Fair Beige

Peachy Beige

Natural Nude

Bronzed Nude

The style is monocratic nudes and lighter shades of pink. The tops are innovative and have a see through detail where the beauty of a woman’s body is shown. The bottoms are wider to even out the proportions of the tops seen in the trend.

social/economical reference

Women love to look the best they can; it is an undeniable fact. Instead of relying on make up artists from make up counters to determine the best make up, women nowadays can rely on the power of the social media platform such as Youtube to aid them in creating the best make up for themselves. With a healthy demand results in a healthy supply, nowadays there is a huge increase in people teaching and recommending make up products online.


They are called beauty vloggers or simply, Youtube Make up Artists. These artists can earn a healthy sum of money through vlogging. One of the prime examples is Michelle Phan. Michelle Phan started out as a vlogger on Youtube, posting beauty tutorials as she felt it was meaningful to her with no expectation it would turn out the way it is today. She is worth 3 million dollars today with 8 million subscribers on Youtube. (Michelle Net worth, n.d)



technological reference

L’Oreal Paris has pushed the make up industry forward with their facial recognition app, Makeup Genius. In this app, shoppers can see what suits them without having to visit the store. In this Makeup Genius app, consumers can take selfies of themselves and the app will map 64 points on their faces to determine skin tones and features. Consumers can then see what make up suits them the best. (The New Technology in Shopper Marketing, 2015)




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