Perspectives | Fall 2018

Page 39

| Our World M O L LY RU D O L PH ’ 19 | MA R IN E SC IENC E Interning with the South Carolina Aquarium

like this from happening to these incredible creatures. I was invited to assist in a sea turtle release at Folly Beach,

Sea Turtle Care Center

where I helped set free six turtles that I had seen through the full

was unlike any experience

recovery process. Seeing the full circle of recovery and carrying

I have ever had, and I never

the sea turtles out to the ocean was unbelievable. Watching them

could have expected the

jet through the water was absolutely worth all of the hardship and

ways in which it would

effort that it took to get them there.

affect my life. I worked

This internship drastically changed what I want to do with

with biologists,

my life. After witnessing the amazing things being done at the

veterinarians, and

Aquarium, I have shifted my goals to ocean conservation. The

volunteers to care for sick

variety of jobs at the Aquarium showed me the endless possibilities

and injured sea turtles

that I can have in the field. My Senior Thesis is on ocean

and learned how to clean

acidification and the effects that it will have on marine ecosystems

their tanks, feed them, and

as well as on humans. This experience drove me to recognize my

nurse them back to health. In addition to educating the public

love of the ocean for what it is—a passion that can be cultivated

about how to prevent sea turtle injuries, I assisted the veterinarian

into a lifelong career. I am so excited to see what this field has in

with several surgeries, which was an opportunity that I will never

store for me.

forget. As I was resuscitating a sea turtle injured by a boat strike, I realized that there was so much that I could do to prevent things

V I R G IN IA JO N ES ’ 19 | M EDICINE For my Junior Internship, I shadowed the pediatric surgery

tissue laparoscopically and

team and nurses at the Medical University of South Carolina’s

took samples to be sent to

Children’s Hospital. Last spring, my lung spontaneously collapsed,

pathology. He then removed

and during several weeks at MUSC, I fell in love with the nursing

the unhealthy portion of

profession and was fascinated by everything happening inside the

the colon, which in total

hospital. Dr. Robert Cina, a pediatric surgeon and father of two

was almost the length of the

Ashley Hall girls, was kind enough to accept my request for an

baby’s body.

internship, as were two of my nurses from the seven east unit, Abby

As a profession, nursing

Cross and Grayson Lambert. MUSC allowed me to come back to

appeals to me because

the hospital where I had been just two months prior, but this time

of the patient and family

I was in scrubs instead of a hospital gown. I was able to follow the

interactions. During my

pediatric surgery team on their rounds, witness pediatric surgeries

experience as a patient and

in the operating room, and learn about patient care with the nurses.

on the other side as an intern,

Dr. Cina was insistent that I should pursue surgery but kindly

I saw the importance of not

indulged my interest in nursing and took me to visit each nursing

only providing excellent care but also of supporting patients and

unit in the hospital. On this tour I was able to hear about the

their families. I plan to study nursing in college, and my week at

different aspects and learn what qualities drew the nurses to

MUSC solidified this decision.

their units. My favorite memory was witnessing a Swenson procedure to correct Hirschsprung’s disease in an infant. In this operation, Dr. Hollinger detached the colon from surrounding

Photos by Kelly Grace Photography


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