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BUOYANT The Evolution of Dutch Water Management & Landscape Architecture's Role

BUOYANT The Evolution of Dutch Water Management & Landscape Architecture's Role

ASHLEY SCHWEMMER Joseph J. Lalli Fellowship 2017

Table of Contents Introduction Background

Part I: Making the Land....................20

Flooding & Pumping


Flood of 1953

Part II: After the Flood...................30

Delta Works

Oosterscheldekering Maeslantkering

Part III: Post Delta Works.................38

Scheveningen Blvd.

Ijburg Masterplan

Ijburg Floating Homes

Maasvlakte 2

Part Iv: Looking Forward...................56

Room for the River

Biesbosch National Park & Museum


Watersquare Benthemplein

The Sand Motor

The Role of Landscape Architecture.........80

Water management Water resource management is the activity of planning, developing, distributing and managing the optimum use of water resources (wikipedia).

introduction The know-how and technology with which the Low Countries have dealt with water have long been a source of wonder for the rest of the world. Now that the climate is changing - whether or not this is systematic, caused by man or part of a natural cycle - water is muscling in from all sides. It’s raining more often and more intensely; rivers are swelling; sea levels are rising. All eyes turn once again to the Dutch: How are they dealing with this? And what can the rest of the world learn from them? (Metz et al., 2012, p. 9)


This book tells the story of how the Dutch have evolved their perception, and thus management, of their water resources. Water management is a broad term that includes the planning, developing, distribution and use of water resources. It also involves the policies and regulations that guide these activities.


For South Floridians, our location represents a pivotal point in how our nation goes forward in handling water issues. As some say, we are the “canary in the coal mine.” The warning signs have appeared, and it is yet to be fully determined how our government and communities will respond. The profession of Landscape Architecture has the tools to play a significant role in this water management paradigm shift. I dare say we have a great responsibility in doing so. Our job is important - we are shaping how people experience the world, and also determining how development affects the natural environment. We must take our role seriously, educating ourselves and our clients, and allowing our projects to become the elements that bind together and create more resilient cities and landscapes.

This was the inspiration of my fellowship proposal - to educate myself, and eventually advocate the role of landscape architecture as a problem solving tool to today’s water issues. In order to do this, I must first understand better how landscape architecture fits into the process of addressing water management issues. It would be very easy to leave the issues of water quality, rising sea levels and salt water intrusion on the shoulders of engineers and policy makers. However, The Netherlands’ water management history is illustrative of the dangers of this approach. Over centuries of fighting water, they’ve lost a few battles. Today, they have decided to welcome water as an ally. With this new mind-set comes a new approach to management - one which landscape architects serve a vital role. Let it be clear, it is this collective mind-set and evolved approach of the Dutch that others can learn from, not their land based water management solutions. There are few other places in the world that share the unique water context of The Netherlands. We must be cautious how we apply their approach. Each project requires a unique solution; one that considers the site as one link within a complex system of economic, ecologic and social constructs. The Dutch are just now realizing this lesson themselves, through trial and error. Their history of approaching water issues as a united front and integral element in their governmental structure has been effective in making rapid advances in water policy and infrastructure.

“Like most South Floridians, he believes sea-level rise is something that is going to happen slowly and that engineers will figure out a way to address.� - Rolling Stone, 2013


background The US|NETHERLANDS CONNECTION I’m writing this having visited The Netherlands, studied its current water infrastructure constructs, and spoken to experts there about the future of Dutch water management. That being said, the knowledge I’ve gained during the past year is narrow when you consider all that encompasses a nation’s past, present and future water paradigms. The saying, “The more you understand, the less you know” proves to be more true as I continue this research. My first week in the Netherlands I was a part of a program called The US|Netherlands Connection through the Florida Earth Foundation. This program gave me “VIP access” to all major water infrastructure sites, as well as interviews with the government officials, operators, and engineers involved in The Netherlands’ political and physical water management system.


While none of my colleagues were landscape architects, they played a critical role in shaping my understanding of landscape architecture’s role in water management. They did this by educating me on their profession’s role in water management. I was 1 of 4 people in the group that was not in an education or research position. In general, our group could be categorized into three silos: Governance/Policy, Ecology, and Land Planning/Development


These individuals were bright, passionate, well versed in water issues, and well rehearsed when it came to speaking about their profession’s role in the matter. I quickly learned that there are many variables that go into water management, from over arching political constructs that determine

decision making methods, all the way down to the micro organisms in our streams that are indicators of that water body’s health. These topics, and almost of everything in between were discussed during the hours of bus rides, meals, and “down time.” I could speak more about all that I learned from this group, but I’ll boil it down to one important realization - landscape architects can serve as a bridge between these professions and their agendas. However, we can only be effective at this if we take the time and have the sensibility to value the role of each affected group - from the scientist at the front end, to the end users. Landscape architects have the skills and are in a position with developers where we can ground new ideas, research and methods into the built environment - affecting tangible change. This is perhaps the most valuable lesson from my trip, because all of the facts and data that I absorbed are useless if there are no facilitators to transfer the research into action.




rIsk ManageMent scIentIst

coastaL Land use PLanner

regIonaL PLanner

PoLIcy anaLyst Phd student

ecoLogIst at arcadIs

archItecture Professor

cLIMate change LaW Phd student

envIronMentaL ProJect Manager

LandscaPe archItect

IndIan LaW LaWyer

oceanograPhy Phd student

archItecture Professor

Water governance Phd

earth scIence Professor







There are two parts to the definition of BUOYANT, light in weight or light in spirit. Similarly, there are two parts to The Netherlands’ evolution of living with water. One, the physical feats that keep their country afloat - Light in Weight; and the other, the human spirit that drives this innovation - Light in Spirit. You need both to incite change, because not all change leads directly to the right solution. It’s a trial and error process, which takes persistence. The Dutch’s history with water is not different. The traditional Dutch way of managing water has not always been the sustainable, smart approach that some people may envision. It is heavily


engineered and was designed to be isolated from society and ecology. All journeys have their pitfalls, but the Dutch have proven to be buoyant in their struggle with water. One can attribute this success to a couple things, both of which are inherent to the field of Landscape Architecture, and that is hope in, and dedication to, innovation and the human spirit. Einstein said that the world will not be saved by science or technology, the world will be saved by the human spirit (Hermanns et al., 1983). Einstein and the poet: in search of the cosmic man. Branden Press, 1983.. In water related terms - we must be buoyant.

adj light in spirit

joyful resilient

elastic invigorated

adj light in weight






abstract BUOYANT is a narrative of the Dutch’s evolving relationship with and management of water. This narrative is best told through the Dutch landscape. The land on which The Netherlands is built is almost entirely man-made, and therefore is a reflection of the values, culture and mind-set of the native people. The Dutch landscape reveals how the nation’s evolving perception of water has affected the built environment of the country, and vice versa. People’s everyday environments affect their world views. The nation’s perception of water continues to shift as designers push their built landscapes to engage and inform the public and decision makers. These views trickle down into daily behaviors, and also become magnified into regional political decisions (Orff, 2016). The role of landscape architects in creating spaces that bring awareness to the site’s water management functions has become more and more prevalent, offering environmental design as a key tool in catalyzing a holistic change in the way society thinks about and treats water.


When dealing with water cycles, it is dangerous to lose sight of one’s place within the grander picture, especially for those living “down


stream” from you. Single use designs translate into overly simplified public perceptions about natural systems (at best), and no realization of natural systems (at worst). The Dutch have experienced the negative effects of overly simplified notions of water; firstly, by treating water as a tool, to be manipulated for profitable gains. This shifted quickly to treating water as a threat, to be kept out at all costs. Today, the country’s leaders have come to respect water as a resource that cannot and should not be engineered away. Their aim is to better understand the processes of the sea and rivers, and become more synergetic in the way they deal with these processes and the industries that affect them. To illustrate the Dutch’s evolution of living with water, this book is organized in chronological order of project implementation, and divided into four sections representing different water management paradigms in the Dutch’s history. Each section will begin with an overview of landscape architecture’s role during that time period. Individual projects within the sections elaborate on specific design and/or landscape architecture elements within each project.

why the dutch are investing in design The Netherlands’ governmental water management branch recognizes that marrying engineering strategies with landscape architecture is beneficial to the security, financial viability and communities of their country. More and more, as other nations begin to address their own mismanagement of water, water knowledge is becoming a profitable export. The Dutch are capitalizing on this global need, and investing in their complex water context through collaboration and data collection. The ability to export their findings to other coastal cities and nations has made their efforts beneficial for the future of their nation on every level - ecologically, socially, and economically. The Dutch’s government agencies are working to evolve their water management approach into a holistic model that addresses multiple issues and parties. This approach has broadened its umbrella of who weighs into the country’s water management questions, and Landscape Architecture is getting a seat at the table. Ironically, it is the general public who now must be convinced to invest in a new water management approach. “Outside the Netherlands it is hard for people to believe that the Dutch don’t live in constant fear of being

inundated;” however, the Dutch have been disconnected from their water for so long that they no longer see it as a threat nor an asset, but simply a fact of life that is handled by the government and supplied in various forms of need (Metz et al., 2012). Government leaders are now relying on civic and infrastructural landscapes to reconnect communities to water, bringing awareness to both its threats and benefits. With climate change bringing on a new set of water dynamics and issues, water can no longer solely be the responsibility of the government, managed by large scale engineering projects. The necessary approach will require individual behavioral change and decentralized efforts to effectively manage the nation’s water threats. The landscape can be a powerful voice and storyteller. When it comes to urban contexts and infrastructure, design can be used as a tool to reveal processes and functions to users. A final design must do more than result in a beautifully photographed project - “it must provide a framework for behavioral change.” In doing so, that landscape, that place, can spur a larger pubic debate about achievable solutions and grow a collective responsibility for their implementation (Orff, 2016).


The neTherlands’ WaTer ConTexT The Netherlands is comparable to the size of South Florida. This fact enables them to more easily form a “united front” on their water policies and practices. Dutch water issues stem from the ever impending threat of the North Sea. However, recently, more flooding has been caused by the four main rivers that run through the country - the Rhine, the Meuse, the Schelde and the Ijssel.

sWeden north sea

LatvIa denMark LIthuanIa

unIted kIngdoM

The neTherlands PoLand beLgIuM



cZech rePubLIc france


sLovakIa hungary roManIa


croatIa serbIa



river neTWork

Modified from (Dörrbecker)

elevaTion •

26% of land is below sea level

21% of the population lives below sea level

50% of the land is over 1 meter above sea level

Below sea-level Elevation 0-7m Elevation 7m+ 17

part i: making the land



"God created the world, but the Dutch created Holland" Traveling through The Netherlands, one may come upon this phrase frequently carved into old buildings, marking historical sites or proudly recited by tour guides. This phrase reflects the attitude of the Dutch during their early days of settlement. To an extent, they weren’t wrong. The land they inhabited would not be there if not for human intervention - it would belong to the sea. As is the case with many things, the land was created out of necessity. The Dutch, Celtic and German tribes at the time, had been pushed to the corner of Europe by invading barbarians. The area’s rivers, lakes and wetlands provided protective barriers (Amsterdam.info, ND).

The settlers’ first attempted to retreat from the water by building hills known as terps and placing their communities atop them. They quickly outgrew this method, and out of desperation came innovation. This section elaborates on the early methods used by the Dutch to keep their “feet dry,” as they say, and elaborates on the design and innovation that sparked what would become the beginning of their water management legacy.


draining & pumping Building dikes, channeling water, and pumping it out created the necessary farmland for the Dutch to establish their country. While digging ditches and windmills seems like a simple matter, there was much to consider when deciding when to pump and when to stop. One windmill (which were essentially their pumps) was useless when acting on its own. The communities needed to act as a unit in order to keep water from flooding their homes, but also not pump too much water, leaving enough for their crops, livestock, and themselves. As to not cause flood or drought to their neighbors, individual communities needed to be in communication with the communities “upstream” and “downstream” from them. For these reasons, the Dutch established their first form of democracy - Waterboards. They also used the “language of the sails” to communicate (See diagram to the right).

The polder sYsTem (Herrema “POLDER”)


Waterboards are regional bodies that control the amount and quality of water in their region and ensure the safety of the secondary dykes. These groups were formed by local farmers. Waterboards still function in the same capacity today. This early collective mind-set set the stage for how The Netherlands’ government would approach water management - as a unit. Man-made dikes and polders make it possible for the Dutch to live below sea level. Polders are lands that have been reclaimed by building a dike and pumping the water out into a higher water body. For centuries, polders were the most applied way to turn water into land. There are still four thousand polders in the Netherlands. Although the Dutch export their land reclamation expertise throughout the world, in the Netherlands, no significant polders have been constructed since WWII (Metz et al., 2012). In fact,


since 1990, they’ve been taking down dikes and giving the polders back to water and nature. What the Dutch have discovered is that impoldering has caused significant deterioration of soil structures. As soon as the water is pumped out, and the peat is exposed, it begins to shrink and the soil begins to subside. As a result, the polders sink lower and lower, and are now significantly lower than the surrounding waterways in which they pump their water out into (Metz et al., 2012). This is called subsidence. Essentially, the Netherlands is turning into a bathtub with the land on the bottom and the water rising all around it. This same process happens in Florida’s Everglades. Since being drained in the early 1900’s, the subsidence rate has been roughly one inch per year. This totals about nine feet of soil depth loss to date (University of Florida). It is clear that the Dutch cannot go on pumping water out indefinitely. However, developments continue to be planned and built in these low lying polders. Some communities are still being built 7 meters below sea level with the only thing keeping the water at bay is a dike - which have failed before. Dutch landscape architects such as Adrian Geuze have begun to take a political stance - issuing pleas to their countrymen to stop “pumping themselves into the abyss” (Metz et al., 2012, p.78). Others in the field are advocating through storytelling and conceptual design renderings in order to spark conversations and innovative solutions. Their goal is to make people more aware of how dikes define their environment and affect their everyday lives. The Dutch population, they feel, has come to take the structures for granted so much so that they don’t even see them anymore (Metz et al., 2012). Proposed solutions to this problem will be discussed in following chapters.

joY posiTion-Signifies a happy event such as a baby or marriage.

funeral posiTion-Signifies a death in the community.

noT Working posiTion(shorT)The mill is closed temporarily.

noT Working posiTion(long)Mill is no longer in use or the miller is away for a long period of time. (Kinderdijk)


kinderdijk Kinderdijk is a UNESCO World Heritage site for human ingenuity in reclaiming and protecting land. The iconic Dutch windmills can be found all over the country; however, this site is extraordinary in that it also contains a number of waterways, dikes, and sluices, which together tell a story about the country’s evolving water practices. The site is at the border of two historic rivaling Waterboards - the Nederwaard and the Overwaard. Each Waterboard dug its own canals, and built their own windmills. The two canals run parallel, separated by a strip of raised land, which today serves as a walkway for visitors of the site.

The area was drained naturally until the thirteenth century, when canals were dug to drain surplus water into the Lek river. This dewatering lead to land settling and other issues. The increasing drainage problems lead to the construction of high boezems. To pump from the low to the high boezems 16 windmills were built - 8 per side in their respective waards. In 1868, steam-powered pumping stations supplemented the windmills. The stations were converted to electricity in 1924, and then replaced again in 1995 by a screw pumping station.


St. Elizabeth Flood kills approximately 10,000 inhabitants. 22


Modern Pump Station Lek River

Overwaard Nederwaard

Low Boezem High Boezem

norTh sea

amsTerdam delfT kinderdijk







The Dutch East India

The windmills of

Company is formed.

Kinderdijk were built.

United States’ Independance Day


role of design In the early Dutch settlements, farmers were essentially the urban planners and architects of their communities. The organization and design of these towns were driven by practicality and function - but that is not to say they lacked innovation. Quite the opposite. The Dutch’s motivation to be efficient and enhance performance drove an ever evolving approach to design. At Kinderdijk, with two adjacent communities lining each side of the canal, one can clearly observe the competing approaches regarding windmill layout and design. Both sides took great pride in the design and function of their windmills; both convinced that their mills were the most beautiful and efficient. On the Overwaard

nederwaard-round stone windmills, spaced closer together, staggered 24

(South) side, the ten octagonal wooden grondzeilers or ‘ground sail windmills’ are thatched, lined up neatly, and spaced farther apart than the Nederwaard (North side). On the Nederwaard (North) side, the grondzeilers are round and made of stone with slate shingles. The Nederwaard windmills are spaced closer together, but staggered to ensure that they do not block each other’s wind. Touring inside these windmills, one can better understand the Dutch’s intimate relationship with this water landscape. They inhabited the vessels that pumped water from their lands, making it possible to live and farm. These windmills connected the community members in their collective

overwaard-octogonal wooden windmills, lined up neatly, spaced farther apart y and

spaced farther a part


efforts to stay above water. In order to effectively and efficiently pump the water in and out of the canal at the correct times, all windmills needed to be synchronized. Operational aspects such as when to start and stop pumping were communicated through the positioning of the windmill’s sails. The language of the sails was also used to communicate cultural events such as weddings and deaths. One might say that these man-made landscapes say more about the cultural aspects of a place than the natural ones. Visitors can gather a lot about the lives and practices of these people simply by experiencing the landscape and homes they’ve created.

view from a bedroom window within the windmill


flood of 1953 In 1953, 8 years after WWII, a twenty-foot storm surge caused over 100 dikes to fail, flooding the empoldered communities and farmland they’d protected. The total damage of this flood was 1,800 people killed, thousands of livestock lost, and 100,000 homes lost. In the wake of the event, there was a public health panic regarding the thousands of dead animals floating and tied up in the water. The young Dutch men went out in the freezing water and collected the dead animals. This involved diving down and cutting out the animals that were tied up and trapped in barns. Individuals worked for the collective good, while trusting that their neighbors would do the same lest their efforts be in vain. These same people began rebuilding their communities from the soil up. They were united by their cry “Never Again!,” and immediately began planning their security defense from water.

1814 The countr y becomes the Kingdom of The Netherlands 26

Our guide through the Watersnood Museum was a survivor of the flood. She recalls the government providing funds to affected communities. The people did not speak of the past event, instead there focus was on rebuilding. In fact, there was not a national memorial until 40 years later. It took 90 years until the museum was built. Now the museum is a knowledge center for research in water management. Their mission is to remember, to learn and to look forward. This museum illustrates the collective spirit of the Dutch people then and now. At the time, and for a long time afterwards, the Dutch were on the defense and determined to keep the water out. Today, they’re changing their mind-set, learning from the past and realizing that they need to learn to live with water, but not before they tried to fight it.




Draining of the Florida Everglades

WWII - Germany invades The Netherlands.



(“Legacy,� 2013)

(Edvan Wijk, Nederland fotomuseum)

flood map-A model illustrates the flooded areas, the locations of each failed dike or barrier, and when it failed that night in 1953. 27

part iI: after the flood



"NEVER AGAIN!" This battle cry set the stage for Dutch water management in what rang in the paradigm of “water as enemy.” The Dutch dikes and dams collapsed to flood their land. Days later, governmental leaders, engineers and experts gathered with one collective mission - to keep the water out at all costs. This blind ambition lead to some of the most innovative and impressive engineering structures in the world. This section illustrates the Dutch’s pivotting point as a country leading the world in water managment innovation and technology. At this

point, Landscape architects and urban designers are not being consulted, as the projects were seen as purely for safety. This mindset created projects that were isolated to their function, without social and ecological functions and benefits. The successes, and especially the pitfalls, of these projects are extremely important in the future role of landscape architecture in Dutch water management. Sometimes the things that are lacking speak the loudest.


delTa Works As a direct result of the Flood of 1953, the Dutch government began investing in the national defense against water, a project of 13 dams and surge barriers collectively called Delta Works. The goal of the Delta Works barriers, dams, locks, levees and dikes was to shorten the coastline and protect their land from the ocean. The effort was lead by a group called the Delta Commission, which was inaugurated 20 days after the Flood of 1953. The effort took 50 years and $7 billion to complete. This massive engineering feat put The Netherlands on the map for innovation in water management. They had conquered mother nature - or so they’d thought. These engineered solutions are truly impressive and still fully functioning as a vital part of the country’s defense system. I was fortunate enough to have visited a few of them (left, highlighted in red).


Flood of 1953 and institution of The Delta Commision 30

1953 delTa Commission-The Delta Commission was a state commission instituted on Februar y 18th, 1953 after the flood. This committee of experts had to advise the minister what measures were necessar y to prevent a subsequent water scare. The committee consisted of 14 experts: 12 civil engineers , an agricultural engineer and economist (“Deltacommissie (1953)”, 2017)

1986 Barrier of Oosterschelde

1997 Maeslant Barrier


north sea Amsterdam Rotterdam




Hollandse IJssel Kering Haringvlietdam


Brouwersdam Volkerakdam Grevelingendam Oosterscheldendam

Zeelandbrug Philipsdam


Zandkreekdam Oesterdam

Bathse Spuisluis


Oosterscheldekering This 9 kilometer sting of dams, dikes and artificial islands is the largest of the 13 Delta Works barriers. It took over a decade to build, cost 2.5 billion euro to complete, and 15 million euro per year to maintain. At one of the barrier’s artificial islands, Neeltje-Jans, a plaque is installed with the words: “Hier gaan over het tij, de wind, de maan en wij” “Here the tide is ruled by the wind, the moon and we (the Dutch).” This phrase is very illustrative of the Dutch’s attitude towards water management at the time. A portion of the barrier is open to the public. The halls leading to the exterior structure are lined with models and informational diagrams. Unfortunately, the information reaches a limited audience as there is little incentive to visit the site.

visitors’ perspective

( Embassy of the Netherlands, 2016)


02 maeslantkering The most recent Delta Works project we visited was the Maeslantkering. This barrier is a big as the Eifel tower and only closes when the water level is predicted to rise 3m above sea level or more. The land adjacent to the barrier hosts a visitors center where people can learn about the complexities of this massive piece of infrastructure, and its importance to national security. Unfortunately, only select groups are allowed to tour the site.

visitors’ perspective



role of design The Delta Works projects were designed primarily by engineers who undoubtedly accomplished their goal of keeping the Dutch and their land safe from storm surge events. The structures built to accomplish this goal are amazing in their size and strength. Much has been learned through these built works and resulting social, ecological and economical effects. While under construction,

the focus of these infrastructural projects was to protect the country from flooding. However, in creating these massive isolated structures, the population became sheltered, and blinded to the reality that they live below sea level. Hiding this fact behind walls has not done the country any favors when it comes time to collect tax money to keep these sites operating, or when asking people to adjust their individual water usage habits.

oosterscheldekering- Select gates within the barrier are now open in order to allow the salt water, fish, currents and sand in, which are necessary to maintain a healthy habitat and fishing industry in the Delta. 34


unexpected ecologic & economic backlash During the years following the Delta Works projects, there was a paradigm shift in the way the water industry thought about managing water. This was caused by the unforeseen effects of these projects. By using dikes and dams to restrict natural water flow, areas that were salt water converted to fresh water (or what the Dutch call “sweet”), and vice versa. These shifts in salinity caused massive changes in the ecosystems that inhabited these waters. Oosterscheldekering was blocking the amounts of water and sand necessary to satisfy the ‘hunger for sand’ of the salt marshes and flats on the other side, which are now gradually disappearing. Other locks are completely closed off, which has blocked the migratory routes of fish such as salmon and sea trout. What caused the alarm was not necessarily the fact that the ecosystems were changing, but the fact that the fishing industry was being effected. Suddenly, what was bad for the environment was now seen as bad for the economy by the general public. These unforeseen events made operators, fishers, and farmers realized that they must look at the ocean, deltas, and rivers as one cohesive system again.

These lessons and observations have served as drivers for a turning point in how the Dutch approach stormwater management, specifically in regards to planning and site design. This change in approach drastically changed how landscape architects contribute to the decision making and implementation of infrastructural projects. This more prevalent role was not assumed, but was the result of advocacy by Dutch landscape architects. Through articles, visioning competitions, collaboration with research entities, and sitting on local government boards, designers made their voices heard and presented alternative approaches and solutions. Today landscape architects are leading the next wave of stormwater management projects called Room for the River, to be elaborated on in the following sections.


part iII: post delta works



“Little by little, the idea that water safety can be combined with other objectives is gaining ground. Dikes need not be entirely separate from their surroundings in order to protect us; in fact, they can be multifunctional. That saves space and money.”

(Metz et al., 2016, p.88)

"Living with water" The Delta Works resulted in enormous advances in water safety, engineering and land reclamation. In it’s completion, it also highlighted other issues not previously considered; namely, respecting ecological systems and providing community space. Therefore, there will not be a total replacement of the Delta Works projects, but a ‘second completion, whereby the works are retained and made to function in a new context.’ This was a conclusion of the report of the second Delta Commision, lead by H+N+S Landscape architects and Deltares, an independent research company. After learning from the Delta Works, designers and artists, ecologists, and Waterboards started pushing for projects that take water safety out of isolation and set an example for how water safety, landscape, and

social amenities can reinforce one another. This group of people saw water and infrastructure as an asset that should be capitalized on, as well as an inspirational backdrop for innovation. After the Delta Works, the world looked to the Netherlands as experts in water management. The country saw this as an opportunity, and after investing in this sector, continues to grow and distribute their water “know-how” as a profitable export.


sCheveningen blvd. One of the first innovative projects that resulted from this paradigm shift was Schenigen Beach in 2013. The site holds significant cultural value and is located in the country’s capital, Den Hague. The sea wall at Scheveningen was one of the weak links along the coast. The Delftland water district saw it as an opportunity to renovate both the dike and the boulevard in an innovative way. The solution was to incorporate the sea dike into the old dune embankment, and place a boulevard on top. As part of the reinforcement of the seawall, the beach was made 40-70’ wider and sand was dumped into the sea to absorb the force of the waves.


Initial planning stage for Scheveningen Blvd. 38


Construction began.


Scheveningen Blvd. is completed.


north sea

the hague


delft Rotterdam germany


(Š dabldy, Adobe Stock)


roLe of desIgn Spanish architect Morales, along with dutch engineers, lead the design team with the goal to use this safety infrastructure project to also enhance the spatial quality of the coastal waterfront. Solà-Morales (also designer for the Barcelona waterfront) wanted to revitalize the vanished historical curve in the coast line, camouflaging a sturdy dike beneath a multilevel pedestrian boulevard (Voorendt). This vastly improves the relationship between the community, land and sea in one strategic move. The terraces serve to separate pedestrian, cycling and vehicular circulation. Unifying the curving boulevard are colorful materials and furnishings. Beach pavilion clusters are spaced apart to create a string of activity, all with clear views of the beach and sea (Oorschot, 2012). The technical design was lead by Arcadis, a Dutch consulting company. The coastal protection approach was a hybrid of ‘hard’ dike and an expanse of ‘soft’ sandy beach. The deep beach reduces the wave height allowing the dike to be lower (Voorendt).

The project was finalized in 2013 with construction costs totaling over 75 million euros. The 1.9 kilometer long, 40-70 meter wide, beachfront was created using 2.5 million cubic meters of sand and stone (Oorschot, 2012). The technology and design behind the boulevard was entirely reinvented. Unfortunately, the innovative nature of this solution will forever be invisible. If I had not known about this project prior, or not had to benefit of being with one of the engineers who worked on it, I would not even know I was standing on a dike. This is the beauty of the project, but some see it as a lost opportunity to engage and educate the public. Some even believe that by not exposing the large infrastructure element, that they are creating a false sense of security to the public who do not realize the efforts needed to keep them safe (Metz et. al., 2012).

seCTion Through The sea Wall/boulevard (Nieuweboulevard, 2010) 40


(© [Photographer ’s name] / Adobe Stock)


ijburg masterplan Amsterdam’s rising popularity as an epicenter for business, culture, education and tourism has also lead to a housing shortage. However, space is limited for real estate development as more and more undeveloped land is needed to hold stormwater. In the mid 1900’s, Amsterdam knew they need to expand in order to address the housing issue. The challenge was finding the space. To the west of Amsterdam is an industrial zone; to the south is the airport; to the north is a centuries old polder landscape with many historical villages; and to the east is the IJmeer Lake. Building in the IJmeer Lake came with many controversies. On one hand, expanding into the IJmeer would mean restoring the city’s

connection to the sea (Rutgers, 2015). On the other hand, IJmeer Lake is a vital link in a series of fresh water lakes within Europe, and its isolation allowed it to become an important site for bird, mussel and aquatic fish habitat (Rutgers, 2015). Fifty years ago, these facts would not have posed an issue - as water was perceived as an adversary, to be kept out and controlled through land reclamation. However, towards the end of the 20th century, people became more aware of “...the ecological consequences of such interventions. The value of the aquatic landscape was recognized, and water was no longer treated solely as an enemy but as a potential partner” (Rutgers, 2015). For this reason, Amsterdam Municipality’s development of Ijburg was pushed and pulled by multiple different interest groups to become what it is today.

ROLE OF DESIGN With the motto ‘Water is boss, the city its guest,’ developers, urban planners, ecologists, engineers, and the public began tackling the challenge of how to develop a city that is part of a natural ecosystem, even improving upon it; and conversely, using the natural landscape to improve urban life. This direction was pioneered during the original master planning efforts in 1996 by the landscape architects and urban designers at Palmbout Urban Landscapes (“Ijburg: City of Islands,” 2014). Dirk Sijmons, now co-founding principal of H+N+S Landscape Architects in The Netherlands was later involved, ensuring ample green space was incorporated into the plan. Subsequent plans for IJburg involved constructing traditional Dutch polders with high dikes, cutting the land off from the 42


(Š Your Captain Luchtfotografie / Adobe Stock)

surrounding water. Today, the design consists of a group of thin islands, floating on the lake with views and access to the water (Rutgers, 2015). To create a more natural feel, great care was taken to create human scaled irregularities in the engineered edges. Each island offers a look back at itself, as well as views of neighboring islands. Responding to the tides and water currents, the shorelines of the islands vary from sturdy dikes on the northern sides, to soft planting buffers on the southern sides (Rutgers, 2015). The master planning efforts that went into this development were ground breaking for its time. In a way, it was the city’s first experience with community informed planning, as well as their first project executed as a coalition between traditionally opposing forces - the city and development agenda, and the ecological agenda.


ijburg floaTing homes One solution that takes advantage of the country’s exorbitant amount of surface water, is not to fight it, but to built with it - specifically on it. ‘Steigerleiland’ (Jetty Island) is the first island in the IJburg island chain. The framework for this community is built from banks, jetties and water, with two floating neighborhoods and a row of platform homes built along the Dwarslaan dike. A total of 75 homes were designed and built between 2001 and 2011 serving the social rental sector, and low to high end private housing sector (Marlies Rohmer).



norTh sea amsTerdam delfT


roTTerdam germanY



Marlies Rohmer Architects & Urbanists design the floating “water dwellings”


Construction is completed. (Nhâm, Hiếu, 2014)


Notes from the architect: Floating Homes layout create a simple play of continuously varying views. This effect is enhanced by reserving considerable space between the floating homes for boats, thereby achieving a number Given the strictly geometrical structure of the of objectives without resorting to artifices. triangular allotment – created through the These objectives include a pleasant, rumbling diagonal slicing of the basin by suspended character, water ambiance, movement, a power lines – we tried to give the plotting sense of individuality, and a boat docked at along the jetties the perception of a seemingly home. We strive to achieve a sense of laxity detached informal layout of water dwellings. and individuality in spite of the project-based By varying the distances between the dwellings approach (Marlies Rohmer). as well as their orientation, we attempted to Both the layout of the development and the architecture within it were designed by Marlies Rohmer Architects & Urbanists.



Notes from the architect: Floating Homes design The floating homes are supported by concrete “tubs” submerged in the water to a depth of half a story. A lightweight supporting steel construction is built on top, which can be filled with glazing and brightly coloured plastic panelling. The occupant can then later change the sides on which he desires a view or privacy. Other options include the possibility to add extensions by means of a pre-designed extension package. Sunrooms, verandas, floating terraces, awnings, etc. can be easily attached to this skeleton frame. Differences in height between the jetty, water, and front door on the ground floor are bridged by means of a boardwalk around the home that slopes down to the water. The boardwalks also make it possible to walk around the homes – like on a boat – and have close contact with the water. The concrete tubs are moored to posts or to the jetty by means of a shore. They are painted bright red and numbered. All in all, it is a no-nonsense, basic design that alludes to the water world, while at the same time creating a comfortable home. It is a hybrid. It is not what it appears to be (Marlies Rohmer).

< left- Section and plan views of the modular design concept illustrate the various options to customize each dwelling (Marlies Rohmer)



03 observations Building on the water resolves the issue of rising water levels, as these structures rise and fall with the water level, lack of development area, and the need to maximize water volume for floods and stormwater overflow (“Ijburg: City of Islands” 2014). These communities also connect residents to the water. Conceptually, the notion of building homes on the water makes a great amount of sense. However, upon arriving to Ijmeer Lake, where these houses float, I found myself not wanting to live there. On the tram from downtown Amsterdam over to Ijburg you cross over an iconic sculptural white bridge. After crossing the bridge to Jetty Island (the first island, and the only one I personally visited), you get a glimpse of a bay with colorful housing floating on the water. Their reflections peacefully resting on the water’s surface. The homes were beautiful.

The architects took great care to provide unique and varied designs. Many residents even had side yards, gardens and terraces. However, when I went to find a coffee shop, there was none to be found. No coffee shop, no grocery stores - nothing besides other housing developments. This made me realize more than ever the importance of urban design. It saddened me that this beautiful idea and these unique structures weren’t supported by any amenities within the extents that I explored. Creating vibrant neighborhoods and a high quality of life takes more than great architecture and appealing streetscapes. I do applaud the development for its innovation. It has inspired other similar developments, and made large strides on developing technical strategies and solutions for floating structures.


Maasvlakte 2 - Port Rotterdam Maasvlakte 2 is the most recent extension of the Rotterdam Port. The agreement between the Port Authority and the Dutch government was that they could expand their port by 20% but be allowed 0% additional emissions. The Port achieved this lofty goal through a variety of methods. One large component in this effort was making all additional systems electric - that is, not powered by fossil fuels. This in turn forced the companies using their port to do the same. My group was guided around the port by an engineer that worked for both the Port Authority and the water management branch of the government. I found that most government employees wear many hats. I attribute this fact to the small size of the country, and also that it is important to them that their decision makers are experts in the subjects in which they make decisions.


Driving through the site, I saw all the machines moving without operators. It is operated essentially by robots - shipping containers were being transported across the service yard and hoisted onto boats without a human in sight. We were informed that this did not necessarily remove human jobs, but transferred the workers to safer conditions where they can remotely control the port activities. Without humans on-site, there is no need for the area to be lit at night, saving even more energy. This project illustrates the transition from the highly engineered isolated Delta Works projects. Maasvlakte 2 is a great example of achieving economical growth while providing space for people to recreate and learn.


norTh sea amsTerdam (Gar y Carpender, 2014)






LandscaPe archItecture’s roLe The extension of the port is a man made island created through dredging and relocating sand from the ocean floor. The dredging process was done as close to the site as possible in order to minimize transportation costs and ocean bed disturbance. Of course, aquatic habitats were disturbed and destroyed in the process. In an effort to counter these negative effects, the Port Authority purchased an area of seabed nearby, which is ten times the size of the dredged site, and have restricted its uses as a protected area. They’ve also closely monitored the dredged area in order to analyze how quickly it regenerates. It has almost regenerated 100% in 8 years. Other elements that contribute to the multi beneficial nature of the project are the wind turbines, which produce 10% of the nation’s total wind energy, and a public beach that also serves as a protective barrier against

storm surges with 11-14 meter high dunes. The beach’s social and ecological functions were orchestrated by the Dutch landscape architecture firm H+N+S. I was able to speak with the designers there and hear how they took the various constraints of the site and turned them into opportunities. Their design intentions were made obvious throughout the various scales of the project. On a master planning level, the shared road to the beach and the new port site was carefully placed to emphasize the juxtaposition of nature and industry. On one side you have a view of massive ships docking at the port, on the other side is the long expanse of native planting and beach dunes. The road winds through the site revealing the wind turbines, a vast open area specifically for bird nesting, tall cranes and industrial silos. The coexistence of industry, recreation and nature made for a thought provoking car ride.

< sea

Modified from (H+N+S Landscape architects, “Landscape Plan Maasvlakte 2”)



Wind turbines- Total capacity of wind turbines installed in the Rotterdam port area is 200 megawatts (MW). This represents about 10 percent of the total wind energy capacity in the Netherlands (Port of Rotterdam).

unlikely parallels- The public road connecting visitors to the beach tells a unique stor y. On one side there are massive ships; on the other, expansive nature.

art in the ordinary- With few built inter ventions on the beach site, the design team hired artists and sculptors to add beauty to “ordinar y� site features.

public beach- The edge of the port hosts birds, people and even seals on a public beach.

port <


part IV: Looking forward



Creating Collective Awareness & Responsibility I asked a few of the operators, engineers and government officials that toured us through various sites what they believe their biggest obstacle is in getting these projects implemented. Is it finding the right solution? Money? Time? No, each person agreed that it is the public’s perception of water issues. The general public is comfortable, believe they are safe, and do not feel any desperation or need for change. Those leading the charge for change believe this mind-set is caused by the projects being “too good” at their functional tasks, and not good enough at engaging and educating the public. First the projects were too massive for a human to relate to or interact with, then they were hidden from the public eye, their functions masked over with boulevards and buildings. This has resulted in a society that has lost touch with the reality that they live below sea level. This disconnect has lead to a lack of support when tax dollars are needed to fund these infrastructure endeavors.

The Dutch are not only at risk of losing sight of the effort it takes to keep their feet dry, they are also at risk of losing the cultural ties to their water infrastructure. The mechanisms that were once their homes have now evolved into isolated barriers, far away from their communities. This social issue, along with the previously discussed ecological issues caused by the Delta Works mind-set of “water as enemy,” has lead to yet another era of Dutch water management, where the goal is to create collective awareness and responsibility through water infrastructure projects. Government entities are taking this challenge seriously, bringing together designers of all kinds, scientists, engineers and policy makers to push the performance of water infrastructure to be synergetic and multi beneficial.


room for The river Over the past 1000 years, rivers have been harnessed between higher and stronger dikes (Landzine). However, as a result of climate change, the rivers in the Netherlands have increasingly larger amounts of water to transport. In order to prevent further flooding, the Dutch government is taking measures at more than 30 locations to make more room for the Ijssel, Lek, Maas and Waal Rivers to flood safely. Moreover, the measures are designed in such a way that they improve the quality of their immediate surroundings (Ruimte Voor De Rivier). This national program is called ‘Room for the River.’ As the catalyst to this effort, in 1995, rivers reached extremely high levels forcing 250,000 people and one million head of livestock to evacuate. Almost 3 billion dollars later, the river’s maximum discharge capacity has increased from 15,000 cubic meters per second to 16,000.


Flood of 1953 & beginning of the Delta Works 56



Delta Works are completed


Major river flooding and evacuations


Planning Room for the River


Room for the River projects are completed 57

(Ruimte Voor De Rivier)

roLe of desIgn Making room for natural processes as a means of water security was a huge turning point for the Dutch. With this paradigm shift also came the notion that these projects can offer more than safety, they can connect the community to the water and create social value. From 2000 to 2006, the Delta Commission examined the rivers’ floodplains and found 600 possible locations for expansion. During that time, they worked with regional and local agencies to determine which of those sites would be less harmful to the communities surrounding them, less expensive and most effective. Of the 600 identified, 34 were chosen, and as of 2016 have been completed. Royal Haskoning, the engineering company working on most of these projects describes that “...The project has two goals: to increase safety and to add a spatial quality to the area around the rivers, reconnecting our country to the rivers.” To increase safety, Room for the River projects restore the river’s natural floodplain. Through the means of 30 measures, the floodplain will be lowered, broadened, and create river diversions and temporary water storage areas (See diagram to the right). Engineering methods are being married with ecological processes as marshy riverine landscapes are being restored once again as natural water storage sponges. These restored areas are bringing back flora and fauna to the areas, safeguarding biodiversity and adding to the aesthetic and recreational value of the land.

citizens co-designers. This was critical to project acceptance, and creating a sense of ownership for continued maintenance of the projects. For many projects, giving the flood plain back to the river meant that people would have to relocate. However, the Dutch made it so that people had a choice to stay, in most cases. If home owners decided to do so, the design team would determine a safe location for their home within the polder, and provide them a safe route to high grounds should flooding occur. With all projects assuming a water level rise of over 60cm, the Dutch consider this their first step to adaptive climate change action. They recognize that all of their previous flood defense projects, including Room for the River have been reactive, responding to threats after catastrophic events. Today, they are implementing policies, and cooperating between provinces, municipalities, regional water authorities and Rijksaterstaat (national Department of Waterways and Public Works) and even internationally, to stay one step ahead of disaster.

A “Design Tool Box” was developed to ensure each project was executed in a way that responds to its respective communities, creating a multi beneficial product. The process involved rigorous community engagement, making “Measures: How We Will Make Room for the River ” (Ruimte Voor De Rivier)




Lowering floodplains Lowering/excavating part of the floodplain increases room for the river in high water situations.

lowering groynes Groynes stabilise the location of the river and ensure its correct depth. However, in a high water situation, groynes may obstruct the flow to the river.

Dike relocation Relocating a dike inland widens the floodplain and increases room for the river.

deepening the summer bed Excavating/deepening the surface of the riverbed creates more room for the river.

depoldering The dike on the riverside of a polder is lowering and relocated inland. This creates space for excess flows in extreme high water situations.

removing obstacles If feasible, removing or modifying obstacles in the riverbed will increase the rate of flow.

high water channel A high water channel is a dike area branching off from the main river to discharge some of the water via a separate route.

Lowering floodplains Lowering/excavating part of the floodplain increases room for the river in high water situations.

Water storage Providing temporar y water storage in extreme situations where the storm surge barrier is closed and there are high river discharges in the areas.

Lowering floodplains Lowering/excavating part of the floodplain increases room for the river in high water situations. 59

biesbosCh naTional park & museum rooM for the rIver InItIatIve If there is any site that tells the story of The Netherlands’ evolving relationship with water, it is National Park De Biesbosch . Originally a 300 kilometer polder that housed small farming villages, in 1421 the lands were submerged in the St. Elizabeth flood to become a network of estuaries for the rivers Rhine and Meuse. However, within recent centuries, areas were slowing reclaimed and turned into polders again for farming. After the Flood of 1953, the Delta Works projects closed the area off to both the rivers and the ocean. This was to control flooding and reclaim even more land for farming. As a result, many of the thriving ecosystems within the Biesbosch disappeared and pollution became an issue. As part of the Room for the River initiative, The Dutch government decided to undo most of the reclamation and give it back to nature, reconnecting the Rhine and Meuse with the Biesbosch creeks. This decision was made as a result of extremely high river discharges in 1993 and 1995. A large part

of the Biesbosch has returned to its original state: an interconnected network of rivers and creeks, serving as an inland river delta. The area now functions as a natural buffer to prevent major floods and to lower the risk of high river levels. Giving this land back to the river system has restored some of the natural ecosystem and resulted in an expansion of many animal habitats including beavers, osprey and egret. There are currently plans to further reestablish the estuary function of the area, restoring the natural shift from fresh to salty water and allowing the return of the tides in the Biesbosch. This will be made possible by opening some of the sluices of the Haringvlietdam. Reconnecting the ocean to the rivers will hopefully result in the return of the salmon, trout, shad, smelt and the almost extinct population of seals, which used to be a common site in the Biesbosch region.


St. Elizabeth flood submerged the polders of the Biesbosch region, returning the area to its natural 60 estuary function

Area was slowly drained and impoldered once again...


norTh sea amsTerdam delfT

museum naTional park





Delta Works barriers close off the Biesbosch to the river deltas and the sea 1993-1995

Flood of 1953 floods the polders, once again

Biesbosch Museum is constructed

Flooding from high river discharge causes the government to open the barriers, giving the Biesbosch “back to nature�

2 0 15


making room for the river As part of the Room for The River water safety program, 4,450 hectares of the Noordwaard polder (reclaimed land through means of pumping water out) were “given back to nature,” and turned into a water retention area (“Biesbosch Museum Island / Studio Marco Vermeulen,” 2015).

museum island at low tide The Museum Island hosts a visitor ’s center, which informs the public about the Biesbosch ’s histor y. Outside the museum is a model of the Biesbosch estuar y, which illustrates how water flows through the region. The building is also the headquarters for the national park’s offices. 62


biesbosCh naTional park masTer plan Various areas of the National Park have been renovated, including the museum. A boat tour guides visitors through the estuaries, while new bridges connect them to areas for camping, bird watching, and hiking.

museum island aT high Tide

("Biesbosch Museum Island / Studio Marco Vermeulen,� 2015)


landscape architecture’s role As we drifted through the Biesbosch ’s estuaries on a tour boat guided by a stream ecologist turned Dutch policy maker, one would never imagine that the area was ever anything but natural wetland - that it’s been drained, then filled, then drained, and now filled again with water. The engineering feats, forces of nature, and politics that have shaped the land is invisible. For this reason, the Dutch renovated their museum to educate people about the site’s history. Designed by studio Marco Vernuelen, the museum showcases pitched roofs, which look more like landforms.


The rooftop pathway leads you to a platform that overlooks a model of the Biesbosch ’s estuary system. This model is designed to be interactive and informative. Water from the model then flows into the fresh water tidal park, which holds and cleans water during high tide, and returns to the wetland.

museum de biesbosch entrance The museum’s roof is planted with native vegetation, which will gradually grow into the surrounding landscape. It also serves to insulate the building.

museum de biesbosch exterior Outlets on either side of the museum were dug to make more room for the river. This created Museum Island.

boat tour with hans brouer

museum de biesbosch


04 green roof The designers included a path on top of the museum to allow visitors to walk through the green roof. The path leads you to a lookout that has views of the surrounding parkland.

WilloW filTer Sanitary wastewater is purified through the willow marsh. This planting absorbs nitrogen and phosphate, thriving from the nutrients while cleaning the water. The willows are then cut and dried to be used as fuel in the museum’s biomass stove.

‘The biesbosCh experienCe’ A scale model of the Biesbosch ’s hydrology with polders, dikes and streams illustrates to visitors the water management function of the area. Within a half hour span, the water level changes from low to high. Children and adults are able to alter the course of the water by opening and closing locks.

energY The museum is heated through a biomass stove, which is fed by willow and other brush around the site. The biomass is burned and circulated through pipes in the floor. The museum is cooled by pumping water from the river through these same pipes.

boaT Tour doCk

fresh WaTer Tidal park

eleCTriCiTY generaTing WaTer Wheel museum de biesbosCh

sIte PLan

("Biesbosch Museum Island / Studio Marco Vermeulen,” 2015)


nijmegen rooM for the rIver ProJect Near the town of Nijmegen, the Waal River makes a sharp bend. This creates a bottleneck and leads to flooding in the area. To alleviate this pressure, the Waal dike in Lent was moved and a by-pass channel was introduced. This channel creates an elongated island, which is designed as a River Park offering opportunities for the community to connect with the river safely. This Room for the River project was the final effort in a string over over 30 projects, and is said to be the most complex.

before - 2012 66

(“Room for the River, Nijmegen,� 2016)


(Ruimte Voor De Rivier)

afTer - 2016

(“Room for the River, Nijmegen,” 2016)


LandscaPe archItecture’s roLe Designed by Landscape Architecture firm H+N+S, the design of the River Park was based upon water dynamics, erosion, sedimentation processes and the tides (Landzine). The effort took massive coordination between consultants, as well as intensive community engagement.


permanent structures for events are located on higher land.

The programming of the island responds to the various flood levels. Pathways are situated at different elevations, allowing for water level fluctuations. Passive recreation is planned in the lower areas, while more

The project was under construction while I was in the Netherlands. However, I was able to speak to Jandirk Hoekstra, principal at H+N+S Landscape architects. His team stressed the idea of bringing awareness to the community of the changing water levels. Pedestrian bridges flood to reveal elevated stepping stones for an adapted means of circulation that highlights rising water. Terraced slopes create relaxing areas to view

River situation in 2012 with the existing dike (green).

The dike was moved 350 meters inland.

An ancillary channel was dug in order to give more room to the river. This created an elongated island.

Bridges were built across the channel to increase pedestrian accessibility.


the river. At the same time these slopes serve as a flood protection barrier during high water events. Other areas have been left to nature, placed in a way that harnesses the tide and sedimentation, creating unique ecotypes over time for flora and fauna.

river’s edge The edge condition acts as a flood barrier, a pedestrian promenade and a flexible event space.

pedesTrian bridge Pedestrian bridges increase accessibility to the River Park. This has proven crucial to the success of the island in creating a community landmark.

vehiCular bridge The vehicular bridge is designed to serve pedestrians. It’s sculptural nature enhances the river experience, providing a unique vantage point.

All Images (“Room for the River, Nijmegen,” 2016)


WaTer sQuare benThemplein rotterdaM In the coming years, rainfall events will not only occur more frequently, they will become more intense (EPA). This presents a problem for cities like Rotterdam, which consists primarily of impervious surface. If additional space for water is not made, flooding will increase. Finding such spaces in especially difficult within an urban city. The “water square” started as a innovative idea, which uses multifunctional urban spaces to collect, treat and temporarily store water during heavy rain events thus, decreasing pressure on the city’s underground stormwater system. “The water square combines water storage with the improvement of the quality of urban public space... It makes money invested in water storage facilities visible and enjoyable. It also generates opportunities to create environmental quality and identity to central spaces in neighborhoods” (De Urbanisten).

2005 De Urbanisten invented the typology of the water square for the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam 70


norTh sea



roTTerdam germanY




De Urbanisten carried out Water squares became official typology research by design on policy in the Rotterdame water squares Waterplan 2

2011-2013 Water square Benthemsquare was designed and constructed 71

LandscaPe archItecture’s roLe The Water Square Benthemplein was a pilot project designed by the landscape architects and urban designers at De Urbanensten. The first steps in the design process for the square was public engagement. A primary goal of the project was to bring awareness to visitors and community members about stormwater management. The hope is that with heightened awareness to the fact that better water management can yield multiple benefits, there would be a stronger community interest and investment in water management by the community. Community backing for water

management projects will be the turning point in elevating our cities to become more resilient and efficient with water resources. For these reasons, cultivating community interest from the beginning is critical. The team recognized that if the project does not provide spaces and amenities desired by the public, no one will use it, and the catalyst effect will not ignite. Students, teachers, members from the youth theater, the church, the health club, and member of the neighborhood were able to see their ideas built to fruition in this project.

(De Urbanisten)



shalloW basin #1

(De Urbanisten)

The water square consists of three different basins. In the two shallower basins, rainwater from the adjacent parking lot and rooftops is collected. Water from the larger surrounding area flows into the deeper sports court basin. During rain events, water is carried from the exposed gullies, or gutters, into the shallow basins. If the water levels in those basins get too high, the water will be released into the sports

court basin through a weir, creating a water wall. The square has the capacity to hold 1.7 billion liters of water. After it stops raining, the water is slowly released into the ground, or flows into nearby canals once the water system in the city has enough capacity again (Waterplein Benthemplein, 2012). However, most of the time the watersquare will be dry and in use as a recreational space (De Urbanisten).


observatIons In preparation for my trip to The Netherlands, the water square was my most anticipated site visit. T he project is a scale I’m familiar with, and the process of its planning, design and implementation are all within the scope of a typically landscape architecture project. I cannot say the same about some of the other massive projects I’d visited that week. Once there, the site seemed slightly disheveled. It did not help that the school was closed for the weekend, and that an adjacent building was abandoned. There were kids skateboarding and smoking cigarettes within the shallow basins, which create a defined space for medium sized groups to congregate. The colors, circulation and signage within the site clearly communicates to users that this space involves water management. By following the path of the gullies, I was able to understand how different elements transported water from in and around the site into the retention basins. Unfortunately, the framework which was working so well to communicate the site’s function, wasn’t maintained. Leaves, trash and cigarettes clogged the gullies, and small traces of graffiti marked the walls of the sports basin. I believe that this project is an excellent example of how cities can use urban spaces to both manage water and also create public space. However, it’s lack of maintenance is likely deterring the space from reaching its full and long term potential.



deep sporTs CourT basin

All Above Images via (De Urbanisten)


de ZandmoTor “sand Motor” Beach renourishment is a process by which sand that is lost through drift or erosion is replaced from other sources. This is typically a repetitive process since it does mitigate the forces eroding the sand away. Renourishing beaches is not only vital to Florida’s tourist based economy, it is also provides significant storm protection for upland properties and restores shorebird and marine turtle habitat. Since 1998, $626.6 million of government funding has been appropriated to beach restoration and renourishment activities in the state of Florida. In a typical beach nourishment project, sand is collected from offshore locations via dredging and piped onto the beach. Bulldozers are then used to


(“ The Sand Engine in the Netherlands”)



move the new sand on the beach to meet the slope criteria established by the Army Core of Engineers. The Dutch have a new approach to beach renourishment. This approach involves depositing a large amount of sand in a strategic location relying upon currents to distribute it gradually down the coast. If the Sand Motor fulfills expectations, which it has thus far, sand replenishment off the Delftland coast will not be necessary for the next 20 years. This is opposed to the typical 5 year cycle, where sand was deposited along the entire coast. The previous process was more expensive, used more resources and disturbed vulnerable sea bed (dezandmotor).



north sea

The “sand motor� delft


Rotterdam germany



conclusion landscape architecture’s role The export of water related expertise (‘delta technology’) is one of the top sectors of the Dutch economy. The Netherlands’ government spend 7-8 billion euros a year on water related matters, and the export value of the sector is no less than 18 billion euros annually. The Netherlands controls a third of the of the wold market in ‘wet construction.’ This market will only grow and the concept of “nature as ally” is setting the tone. However, without the presence of landscape architects in these projects, “nature as ally” has become more paid lip service than an approach to implementation (Metz et al., 2012). Landscape architects in The Netherlands have advocated their way to leadership positions in the development initiatives of their country. They have branded themselves as experts in providing multibeneficial water infrastructure solutions, which has been and will continue to be highly profitable for them. Water-conscious development is predicted to be a trend and a knowledge base that will continue to be increasingly sought after. How long will we, in the United States, continue to build larger pipes as a solution to increasing stormwater runoff? This is just one example of a water issue that is in desperate need of a landscape architecture approach. This approach provides solutions that both mitigate flooding, provide social amenities and valuable ecological services. What can landscape architects do to establish themselves and the profession as necessary assets in project-based solutions


to our cities’ water issues? After speaking with the leading landscape architecture firms in The Netherlands, and listening to the lectures of many peers and experts on the subject of landscape architecture’s role in climate change at the 2017 National ASLA convention, I suggest an approach to the aforementioned question.

EDUCATE It goes without saying that landscape architects will have to familiarize themselves with new ways of construction, and detailing. Perhaps more important is being savvy about the benefits that better water management within the landscape can provide our clients. Learning to communicate those benefis through the correct lens may prove to be the biggest challenge.

Incorporate There are three key tools that designers can use when planning and developing resilient water management projects. 1. Partner with local experts and organizations. These entities can provide invaluable knowledge, and save on time and research. 2. Engage the public. It is scary to insert ourselves in issues of national security. However, through education and partnerships with other experts, we can elevate these infrastructural projects to spaces that provide social equity, as well.


Growing this social consciousness is critical for the continued proliferation of similar projects, and maintenance of existing projects. There are multiple methods to tap into the social consciousness of a community. Most approaches involve getting “boots on the ground,” and taking the time to discover the dynamics of a community. In addition to providing critical input on what the community wants and needs, public support is a powerful tool in getting municipalities to accept and permit innovative project elements.


users, allowing visitors to see how ecological functions don’t just provide environmental benefits, but also social and economical benefits. Designers of all kinds need to take “multi-beneficial” and “multifunctional” to another level in order to catalyze a paradigm shift in how our landscapes and cities manage water and other resources. It is not that we don’t have the knowledge and the means - we don’t have the collective mind-set. As the Dutch have done, let us use the landscape as a medium to educate and unite the public around the issues and opportunities of water management.

In order to gain a “seat at the table,” landscape architects must communicate our value to the industry as leaders in planning and designing with ecological, economical and social values simultaneously to solve complex problems Scientific facts cannot speak to values of all humans. It is often stories or pictures which motivate individuals to action. The landscape and people’s everyday environments can be a compelling story-teller. What if our designed landscapes where the mediums that communicated ecological functions to the public and clients in a way that shows them that the right decision for the environment can also be the right decision for their individual goals and values? Projects need to inspire, they should elevate the human spirit. They need to go beyond their functions to speak to the values of the


aknowledgements Thank you to EDSA for continuing Joe’s legacy, emphasizing the importance of travel, art and the pursuit of excellence. As an intern at EDSA, I was fortunate to be in a studio neighboring the Lalli Studio. He would have certainly enjoyed the pit stop in Orvieto, Italy, made on our way back from the Netherlands. It was one of his favorite places to watercolor. Thank you Brendan for always pushing me to think harder, encouraging me to tackle the tough questions, and helping me to simplify my thoughts. You’re a sane-t. Glad you let me tour you around the windmills.

Thanks to family and friends and colleagues for rarely complaining when I declined invitations in order to “work on my JJL Book.” I will gladly go to the beach with you now. You all are a constant source of energy and inspiration.

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