Analysis of the Carbon Tax Market This Research Service provides a overview of the pending South African carbon tax environment. Recently, a legislative document was tabled and the proposed way forward by the South African government will have dire consequences on the industry. This Research Service explains the concept of a carbon tax, evaluates various international case studies, provides the opinions of key industry participants, and evaluates all of the aforementioned within the South African context. Key challenges and drivers are provided, ensuring that the reader is placed on the best foot to provide informed input into not only the next phase of legislative discussions, but also strategically placing his business on the front foot with the carbon tax in mind. Request a Sample for or Inquire before buying the Carbon Tax Market Major points covered in Table of Contents of this report include: Table of Contents 1.Introduction 2.ExecutiveSummary 3.MarketOverview 4.GlobalOverview Introduction MarketOverview 5.InternationalBenchmarkingandLessonsLearned Introduction Sweden Norway Denmark India CarbonTaxes-InternationalExamples InternationalStudy-LessonsLearned InternationalStudy–SelectedCaseStudy–LessonsLearned–Qantas(Australia’slargestairliner) InternationalStudy–SelectedCaseStudy–ContinuedWoolworths(largestsupermarket–revenue) 6.LocalOverview Introduction LocalMarketOverview(Snapshot) MarketOverview-Local(continued) Tariffs(andRevenues)accordingtotheDecember2010DiscussionPaper EskomClientCompaniesInfluencedbytheCarbonTax SouthAfricanMiningIndustrySnapshot SouthAfricanEnergyIndustrySnapshot SouthAfricanTransportIndustrySnapshot SelectedSouthAfricanIndustryComments
SelectedSouthAfricanIndustryCommentsHighLevelSummary LocalMarketOverview:SelectedKeyLegislativeDocuments 7.ExternalChallenges:DriversandRestraints-TotalMarket Introduction GeneralMarketChallenges DriversandRestraints Drivers-ImpactandDuration DriversExplained Restraints-ImpactandDuration RestraintsExplained IndianDriversandRestraints 8.ForecastsandTrends-TotalMarket 9.FutureMarketDevelopmentsinSouthAfrica 10.CarbonTax-WayForwardAccordingtoDepartmentofTreasury 11.Re-investmentofCarbonTaxRevenuesIntotheIndustry 12.Conclusions 13.LastWord 14.Appendix Request Price, Explore Tables of Contents available in the report @ Published: February 2012 Contact: Priyank Tiwari 7557 Rambler road, Suite 727, Dallas, TX 75231 Tel: +1-888-391-5441 Visit our Market Research Blog @ Connect With Us: