World Aseptic Packaging to 2015 World demand for aseptic packaging is projected to grow 9.1 percent per year to $35.8 billion in 2015. Advances will be stimulated by the increasing number of applications and the cost and convenience benefits associated with aseptic packaging. Strong growth is expected in developing countries, where the lack of a cold supply chain infrastructure will continue to fuel demand for shelf stable products packaged aseptically. Aseptic packaging is a type of packaging used with beverages, liquid food and pharmaceuticals. In aseptic processing and packaging, the contents and the container are commercially sterilized separately and are then combined in a sterile environment to prevent microbiological contamination. In food and beverage applications, the process results in packaging that is shelf stable at ambient temperatures. Aseptically packaged products generally have a shelf life of six to twelve months or more without refrigeration and the process does not require the use of preservatives to achieve the shelf life. Request a Sample for or Inquire before buying the report Global Aseptic Packaging Market
Major points covered in Table of Contents of this report include: Introduction Executive Summary Market Environment LIST OF TABLES & CHARTS: 1 World Gross Domestic Product By Region 2 World Population By Region 3 World Urban Population By Region 4 World Per Capita Gross Domestic Product By Region 5 World Personal Consumption Expenditures By Region 6 World Packaging Demand By Region 7 World Manufacturing Value Added By Region 8 World Food & Beverage Manufacturing Value Added By Region 9 World Pharmaceutical Shipments By Region Overview North America General Aseptic Packaging Demand United States
Canada Mexico LIST OF TABLES & CHARTS: 1 North America: Aseptic Packaging Market Environment 2 North America: Aseptic Packaging Demand By Product & Market Cht North America: Aseptic Packaging Demand By Country, 2010 3 United States: Aseptic Packaging Market Environment 4 United States: Aseptic Packaging Demand By Product & Market 5 Canada: Aseptic Packaging Market Environment 6 Canada: Aseptic Packaging Demand By Product & Market 7 Mexico: Aseptic Packaging Market Environment 8 Mexico: Aseptic Packaging Demand By Product & Market Western Europe ASIA/Pacific Other Regions Industry Structure Company Profiles Explore reports related to Industry Profiles @ Report Details: Published: March 2012 No. of Pages: 322 Price: US$5900
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