Ashlyn Reece 2022 Architecture Portfolio

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Selected Works

Ashlyn Reece Master of Architecture Student,stadium,andhistoricpreservationprojects.-Designdevelopmentandconstructiondocuments.EducationalHistoryMastersofArchitectureSchoolofArchitecture,Design,andPlanningUniversityofKansasAug2019-May2024CertificateinHistoricPreservation-Navigatedprojectplanning,coordination,andethics-Workedonprojectsregadingsustainabilty,humanexperience,andcomprehensivedesign-Studiedunderaward-winningarchitectsandsawprojectsthroughtofruitionduringdesign-buildMinorinPsychologyAugust2018-May2019 Educational,AwardsExtracurricularScholarships, Service 2022. DLR Group scholarship 2022. NAWIC Wichita Chapter 2021. Daw, Jarvis, Goodman 2021. NAWIC Wichita Chapter 2020. Kansas City Architecture Foundation Recognition 2018. Presidential Service 2018. FAS Scholarship (3.8 GPA) WomenMentorshipInvolvementCollaborativeAugust2021-present-2021-2022PresidentAIASSeptember2019-present-2021-2022EventCoordinatorinDesignAugust2021-present2021-2022Member My call to action is that we are the generation that places our community first, uplifts those who are oppressed, and focuses on design that creates bridges rather than ShannonReferencesbarriers.Criss Kent Spreckelmeyer Anne Patterson University of Kansas University of Kansas University of Kansas Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor


0 1 Infinite Arches Sculpture Studio pg. 014-212 0 3 Helix Pavilion pg. 22-25 Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Systems pg. 06-13 0 6 0 5 Design Build: New Years' Pagoda pg. 28-33 First Year Selected Works pg. 034-354Personal Selected Works pg. 26-27


Kaw Point, KS Sketchup, Adobe Suite Shannon Criss Spring 2021 Kaw Point is a location with deep cultural and historical significance, but decades of expanding indus trial and infrastructural develop ment has left the site abandoned and disconnected from the city. Our mission is to thoughtfully re-build Kaw Point's cultural significance and sense of place on this extraor dinary site where two rivers meet.

Mission statement: Dedicated to the increase and diffusion of knowledge about how the nation's lands are ap portioned, utilized, and per-ceived.

The built landscape is a reflection of the culture and economy of a place. This community center is focused on the interest in understanding na ture and extent of human interac tion with the earth. Creating a pas sive-turned-active appreciation for the earth, and in turn inspire those to protect it. I believe that land scape is a cultural inscription, that can be read to better understand who we are, and what we are doing.

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Tuberosa Butterfly Milkweed Populus Deltoides Eastern Cotton woods TyphaceaeCattails Achnatherum Calamagrotstis Native Grasses Baptista Australis Blue Indigo Allium OnionOrnamentalPraecox



Creating a linear progression of sprace allows for a seamless in door-outdoor connection. This is done through a series of gardens.


Castilleja Coccinea Indian Paintbrush Conifers Echinacea Purpurea Purple Cone FlowerDeltoidesCotton

Kansas City, Kaw Point Park sits within a highly indus trialized zone. Surrounding it is the meat packing district, power plants, and factories. Its waterfront perch is one of the only locations for wild life to breathe in the area. Creating a space for native life is vital to the survival of biodiversity in the area.

AsRESPONSIBILITYRES.COM.architects,itis our responsi bility to set the guide for our fu tures. In order to respect the earth we must creates spaces for it to flourish side by side with our work.

PROGRESSIONEmbeddinggarden spaces with in the form creates an integrat ed progression of space. This al lows for users to be constantly surrounded by native biodiversity.



10 First Lobby,FloorCafe, Offices, foodwinterPrimarygrowingtionsUtilizedBathroomsTeachingGardensfordemonstraonplantingandyourownfoodGrowHouseuseisintheasasecondarylocationtoteachaboutandecosystems01020 1 0 2 0 3 0 3

11 Butterfly Garden Located on the rooftop facing south, receives full EventCommunitysunlight.Roomspacethatcan be rented out to those in the community - flexi ble to suit their needs. Rooftop butterfly-garden looking east towards Kansas City 0 4 0 5 0 4 0 5

The programmed spaces are de signed to be multifaceted in use. The center for biodiversity and eco logical systems aims to protect and ty center initates a bridge in that gap. of the community center lit by the morning sun.




GuestsCOMMUNITYmustwalk through the series of teaching gardens before reach ing the structure and the heart of the design. Creating a sense of be ing, experiencing, and enjoying


WoodenNESTINGpaneling is throughout the in terior and exterior of the structure. This creates a sense of belonging.



Kent Spreckelmeyer Fall 2020 A sculpture workshop and educa tion space for artisans and stu dents. The space is used a range of sculptors, students and appren tices. The building is free-standing on the site, and it houses a variety of studio spaces to give instruction to approximately twelve students, and an area for offices and a break room. This structure pays is re spectful of its surrounding con text, the neighborhood, and mim icks the historic building style. The building will be a two-story struc ture with a double-height space to allow visual connections be tween the activities on two floors.

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Mission statement: Dedicated to the development and inspiration of art ists, young and old in the community. An open courtyard allows for the display of artwork along side creating a wide space for air movement. Doors open into the courtyard to allow for passive cooling during the warm months.

16 St.MassachusettsSt.Vermont StIslandRhodeSt.Ohio St.KentuckySt.Tennessee StIslandRhodeSt.Ohio St.KentuckySt.Tennessee St.MassachusettsSt.Vermont West 11th St Site Boundary

Infinite Arches is a hidden garden. This sculpture garden is not visible from the street, to en voke a sense of enclosure and sepa ration. The garden features work of local artists, put on display for the enjoyment of the city - with the ul timate aim of bringing a crucial sense of community to this proposal. St.JerseyNew St.Pennsylvania

East 11th St East 12th St East 13th St East 10th St

StConnecticut St.YorkNew St.JerseyNew St.Pennsylvania StConnecticut St.YorkNew

The Sculpture Studio sits just to the west if Lawrences' most pop ulated street, Massachusetts St. Mass. St. is well known for its en tertainment, shopping, and restau rants. Because of this, Mass. St. is the heart of Lawrence., Kansas.


Studio rep resent the stark timelessness of ma sonry in architecture. This project was inspired by the concept of art stand ing the test of time. Masonry arches bring a traditional aesthetic to the design, and a modern roof and interior brings the design into the modern age.



18 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 01

19 Makers' Space 0 1 0 Dust2 Room 0 Covered3 Walkway 0 Sculpture4 Garden 0 Exhibition5 Hall 01 Delivery Entrance + Storage 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 7 0 8 0 9 1 1 1 2 1 Classroom0 + Instructional ExhibitionRooftopMechanicalPatioHall 02 Bar + CommunityCoffeshopRoom 0201 02 FLOOR PLANS futher updated when learning REVIT

20 A project focused on masonry and creation, Infinite Arches accom plishes these goals to fruition. The arches that line the facade of Infinite Arches Sculpture Studio represent the stark timelessness of masonry in architecture. Just as art stands the test of time, so does design. Infinite Arches show cases a mix of traditional Roman masonry with glass and steel mod ern architecture. A hidden court yard is inspired by French city planing.This building is designed to feel light and spacious, with an open “C shaped plan, circualtion space is abundant. French doors allow for breeze to flow through the coutyard and the street.


Render by Lauren Land

HELIX Rhino,Lawrence,HISTORICALPAVILLIONPRESERVATIONKSPartner:LaurenLandPhotoshopKentSpreckelmeyerFall2020Thedesignedisinspiredbytraditionalrailroadbridgeconstruction,organicpedestrianwalkways,andhistoriccommunityuseofthespace.Inthepast,WatsonParkwasfloodedandfrozeduringthewintermonths.Thisallowedforthepublicuseofskating,hockey,andawintergatheringspaceintheheartofthecity.MissionStatement:Ourdesignfocusistore-establishthesehistoricevents,whilealsocreatingthenewopportunityforsummeractivitiessuchaswading,kayaking,andtubefloating.Seatingisintegrallyconnectedtothetubedesigncreatingpleasantviewsontothewater.Thedynamicstructurewillbereflectedontheshallowwadingpool.Shadedsails,anopenstructure,andthewatersbelowallowforcoolcomfortablebreezestopassthroughonahotsummersday.03

Canvas Shades create sense of enclosure while protecting the train. Glass safteyRailwith an uninterrupted view of the activities on the water. tiePedistolesthehelix formation together right above the waters surface.

Extended Viewing Platform overlook onto the reflecting pool to view water activites. Curved Form organic modern form blended with timeless railway inspiration. entryADA is graded with surrounding ground for accessibility.


As0ART4long as I can remember I have turned to art as my source of rest. If I am ever overwhelmed, I have found peace in the process. I have explored city scapes, abstracts, and nature through a variety of mediums. Oil pastel has challenged me the most. My go-to is water color. There is a sense of meditation and patience that is required by water color that with practice, evokes feeling. I love that you can see the process, the brush strokes and thoughts behind painting


A special thank you to KBS Con struction and McClure Engineer ing, for working with Studio 509 to make this project posisble for the Childrens Discovery Center.

NEW YEARS' PAGODA Topeka, KS Rhino, Revit, CAD Keith Design-BuildVanDeReitFall 2021 0 Design-Build5

Studio 509 Fall 2021, fo cused on a shade structure for the Kansas Childrens' Discovery Center. This structure was to be an educa tional tool for those at the center. This project was insighted by one of the board members of the cen ter, who would become the donor.

Mission Statement: To create a place for children and adults alike, to experience Chinese culture through discover based learning.

Studio 509 provides the opportuni ty for real-life experience. For the first time in school, we are work ing for clients, with a budget, with a deadline. We also had the opportuni ty to meet contractors and vendors.

The parameters put in place were as follows; a sloped roof, green roof tiles, with an emphasis on red throughout the rest of the design.

On the New Years' Pagoda project I was in charge of the site development and foundation. This is a great fit because previosly, I have loved the site development aspect of projects.

Due to budget restraints, we were not able to make any large scale develop ments to the site. I completed all of the con struction document drawings for this por tion of the project in AutoCAD and Revit. The site and foundation team on this proj ect was a great group to work with and de livered their drawings quickly and concise ly. We were the fastest team on this project and were able to help the other groups with their work. The foundation and site team had our materials delivered first and was


On The New Years' Pagoda proj ect I had the unique opportuni ty to take part in leadership as pect of the team. The design-build process requires adaptive leader ship and excellent communication. I greatly enjoyed the trials that this semseter brought. Leading the Foun dation and Site team brought me invalu able skillsets in a real life application.

+ Site Team Leader

Head of Public Relations

31 PERSONAL IMPACT Fall Foundation2021

In addition to leading the site team, I was head of Public Relations, and directed the process of the decorative finial. These roles allowed for leadership development as well as gave me the opportunity to work hands on with our clients to develop their vision. Problem soving, creative solutions, and adaptation became the three pil lars to my process in design build. I am grateful to have learned a va riety of new tools as well as how to work on real-world projects.

32 Finial11.05 fabrication Welding11.12 the finialFINIAL11.22Weldingthe tension ring and finial cap Aligning11.24 the tension ring and finial cap Welding11.24 the connection plates Finial11.26 cap completed

Dragon12.09 CompletedAll12.09legs attached

TheFINIAL:finial was handed off to me as a problem that needed a solution. Slowly but surely we figured out how to connect the plates, roll steel fins, and weld multiple different guages of steel together. After weeks of solving, the finial was finally com pleted.ACOUSTIC DRAGON: I assisted Britney M in the design and fabrication of the steel dragon. Through a variety of trials we discovered how to roll a cone on a dated steel rolling pin. Accomplishing this was a huge win - at the beginning of this semester I would have never imagined I could make a steel dragon.

Assembling12.06 decorative plates


Cutting12.06 pipe to size, solving the curve Grinding12.06 welds

LIGHTBOX Inspired by Repetition in HumanFORMDNA Inspired by Zaha Hadid 06 FIRST YEAR - CONCEPTUAL Fall 2019 - Spring 2020

COVID-19 UNITS Drawing and Model Building Practice BODY AND MOVEMENT Study of Movement and The Human Body as aQUILTScale3D Extrusion of a 2D Quilt

Ashlyn 2021Reece

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