Ashoka is committed to a world in which every individual has the opportunity to learn the skill of empathy and every institution, from school to corporation to country, integrates empathy as a core principle and practice. The most critical step in getting there is to ensure that every child masters empathy. Without this skill, he or she will hurt people and groups, will be marginalized, and will not be able to join with others to create beneficial change in the world.
Over the last few months, we have begun to deepen our understanding of how Ashoka Fellows view empathy, the key strategies they're using to cultivate it, and the insights from their pattern-changing work that directs us to how to build a world where every child masters empathy. The following is a working draft of the overall patterns.
Acknowledgements: Created by Danielle Goldstone, Lennon Flowers, and Reem Rahman, with thanks to the Ashoka Fellows without whom this work would not be possible. .