This Works interim report 2016

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2015 INTERIM REPORT With the support of the

“Nearly every problem has been solved by someone, somewhere. The challenge of the 21st century is to find out what works and scale it up�. Bill Clinton




















ASHOKA AND THE ROBERT BOSCH STIFTUNG PARTNERSHIP Ashoka is a global professional association of the wo rld’s leading social entrepreneurs—individuals with new ideas to systemically address the world’s biggest challenges and the entrepreneurial skill to t ransform those ideas into national, regional and global social impact. Since 1981, Ashoka has elected and supported over 3,300 leading social ent repreneurs – ‘Ashoka Fellows’ – in 85 countries working with global partners to scale their solutions and solve systemic problems in education, healthcare, civic participation, economic development , environmental protection and other key areas.

THIS WORKS initiative started from a shared conviction that one of the keys to putting an end to this crisis is to focus our efforts on opportunities instead of problems. Since spring 2014 when the program was launched, Ashoka and the Robert Bosch St iftung have worked together to look for proven innovative solutions tackling unemployment in various countries around the world and help replicate them in Southern Europe where local communities are eager to attract and adapt these solutions to their own conditions and needs. So far, we have (co-)hosted 555 events across Southern Europe showcasing 31 solutions, 17 of which Ashoka is currently supporting to scale. We engaged over 60 partners locally and mobilised four million euros to jumpstart social ent repreneurship ecosystems in these countries. Through the Fellows involved in THIS WORKS in Southern Europe over 3000 people received training and 1500 found a job. THIS WORKS is the first program Ashoka delivered in Italy and Greece and thus it has represented an opportunity to lay the foundations of two new country offices and reinforce the Spanish operations. This is why the impact of THIS WORKS goes far beyond the direct activit es undertaken ie. the replication of successful solutions in these countries. The partnership with the Robert Bosch Stiftung has enabled Ashoka to develop various other support programs in the region and engage local partners to render this effort sustainable.


The Robert Bosch Stiftung is one of the major German foundations associat ed with a private company and has managed the philanthropic bequest of company founder Robert Bosch for 50 years. Ashoka is pleased to work with the Robert Bosch Stiftung and deliver on Robert Bosch’s values of entrepreneurship, civic responsibility and innovation.



WHATIS THIS WORKS? Launched in spring 2014 by Ashoka with the support of Robert Bosch Stiftung and a consortium of local partners, THIS WORKS aims to accelerate proven social innovations in the field of employment in Southern Europe and kickstart local ecosystems for social entrepreneurship and employment. Click on this photo to watch a movie about THIS WORKS -




Select 25 international outstanding social entrepreneurship solutions tackling unemployment

Promote Fellows’ solutions through local events in Southern Europe

Facilitate the creation of committed partners to implement 50% of the solutions brought in the country

Enable participating social entrepreneurs and their teams to explore and develop a strategy for spreading their idea through the GlobalizerX program.

Inspire local changemakers Mobilize local stakeholders to inspire local replication of the most relevant of these solutions into their countries.

Launch sustainable support programs for local changemakers and citizens to start their own social enterprises, and grow them successfully.






2015 July














Development Local meetings / events GR/ES Identify and select social entrepreneurs Match socent with advisors GlobalizerX on Employment Ad hoc and ongoing scaling support to all social entrepreneurs who request it Partners meeting IT

Marketplace Event Milan

Training session Marketplace Event Madrid

Marketplace Event Athens

Local workshop Milan Local workshop Madrid Local workshop Ahtnes


Prepare local roadmaps and kickstart social entrepreneurship support programs


PREPARE AND ACCELERATE - GLOBALIZERX ON EMPLOYMENT Based on their experience in scaling social innovation, the Ashoka Globalizer team designed the GlobalizerX on Employment, to enable participating Ashoka Fellows to explore and develop a strategy for spreading their idea.

“We felt that the Globalizer experience was extremely valuable in focusing our thinking toward a strategy for the next several years, and for making some great connections that may help us spread the work in significant ways. Thanks for encouraging us to participate - I think we will look back in several years and see this as a key turning point for PYE. ” Ashoka Fellow Charlie Murphy





15 Ashoka Fellows accepted to engage in this program and work with Ashoka’s network of high level mentors to develop their scaling strategy

All Fellows were matched with at least one business leader and one management consultant to receive the necessary strategic and operational support throughout the process

From mid June to early September 2014, Fellows, staff and the advisory team worked together to define and elaborate the best scaling strategy for the Fellow’s innovation

On 20-21 September, 14 Fellows and/or their staff participated in a major Summit in London, pitched their strategies in front of leading entrepreneurs, policy makers and international experts and benefitted from one-on-one conversations with them to refine their strategies.

ü 27 Consultants ü 14 Senior Advisors



Develop and exchange Refine scaling strategy Foster networking

• Storytelling training from Freuds PR • Peer-to-peer sessions • Pitching and group discussions • Four one-on-one conversations with key Strategy Thought Partners • • Networking dinners with high-level guests



To celebrate the conclusion of the GlobalizerX advisory process and further refine our social entrepreneurs’ strategies for scaling their impact, Ashoka invited all participating Fellows, as well as 16 Strategy Thought Partners - leading advisors with business and policy backgrounds - from across Europe and beyond to a two-day Summit on 20-21 September in London.

The caliber of the STPs was impressive. I walked away with more work and insights. Thank you for all your dedication and unconditional support. We are truly blessed to have you at our side. Ashoka Fellow Lucas Simon I was surprised how professionally the conference was organized and led. The motivation and seriousness of all participants was impressive. Thomas Heinz, Strategy Thought Partner

It was very inspiring and engaging. It felt great to be part of a group of people who are passionate about making a difference. George Zarifi, Strategy Thought Partner 10

FROM IDEA TO LOCAL IMPACT –THE SCALING PROCESS To enable the spread and transfer of proven innovations in Southern Europe, Ashoka devised a process aimed at attracting and supporting solutions beyond those included in the GlobalizerX program. The process allows for a case-by-case approach to ensure a tailored development of each idea in a specific geography and culture. A scaling guideline with key insights, recommendations and templates was created in order to support the country offices.





Based on the following criteria: • Innovation with evidence: A systemchanging innovation, with sufficient evidence of positive results in the field of employment and entrepreneurship • Local need and potential for success: Innovation addresses an area of significant need in the regional/national context and there is evidence of potential to attract local champions and finance. • Organisational capacity of the entrepreneur and commitment to scale or support a local partner to implement/adapt the solution in the next context.

Organize tailored events to showcase the solutions selected and invite the social entrepreneurs, key stakeholders and potential investor to work together in order to facilitate the spread of the solution in the local community.

The Ashoka team offers ongoing support to the Fellow and local team to further develop and adapt the scaling strategy, matches them with advisors and consultants where necessary, disseminates information in the media, invites Fellows to follow-up events and supports them in designing their own meetings.

The Ashoka team works with local partners to kickstart an enabling and supportive ecosystem for social entrepreneurship and employment solutions by launching new programs for local changemakers and innovators, such as Venture and Fellowship, Ashoka Changemaker Schools, Impact Program….

contacts and prepares customised meetings, and creates the appropriate ground for the Fellows and the local partners to start conversations around the scale-up of the respective solution in the country or region. Ashoka also coordinates the followup of these contacts and potential partnerships and opens doors for the Fellows and local replicators to strategic partners and advisors.


WHAT WILL SUCCESSLOOK LIKE 30 or more local events, meetings and gatherings with the aim of showcasing selected solutions in Italy, Spain and Greece and inspiring new ideas, replication or adaptation of the presented solution 50% of the international solutions presented become part of the local roadmaps and are replicated Long-term support programs for social entrepreneurship launched in Southern Europe in partnership with other supporters and funders Local partners mobilized and committed to fund at least one replica of a solution and an Ashoka program (Venture and Fellowship, ChangemakerSchools etc), leveraging Bosch Foundation funding Publications and media materials produced to disseminate information about THIS WORKS and the employment solutions selected




• 54 events and official meetings hosted or co-hosted with local partners in the three countries • 15 Fellows accelerated through the GlobalizerX program on Employment • 31 Ashoka Fellows or their staff participated in events in Italy, Spain and Greece to present their solutions and scale them locally and other 6 solutions have been presented by Ashoka staff • 17 social entrepreneurs have started the scaling process in at least one of the three countries. As a result of their work, over 3000 people have been trained and 1500 found a job • 150+ articles and dozens of videos about THIS WORKS published on major media outlets such as Forbes, El confidencial, Corriere della Sera.

• 2 feasibility studies aimed at analysing the need and opportunity of expanding the programin Croatia and Portugal 14


• 12 new Ashoka Support Network members (seven in Italy, three in Greece and two in Spain).

• 60+ partners actively engaged with Ashoka to support the creation of a social entrepreneurship and employment ecosystem in Southern European Countries and other 50+ organisations with which we are having conversations for potential engagement in 2015

• Over € 3,3 million mobilised in addition to Robert Bosch Stiftung ’s € 950,000 investment and potential for € 1 million in 2016

Based on the successful experience of scaling solutions in new regions through This Works, Ashoka has replicated the methodology in new thematic partnerships such as “Fabric of Change” with C&A Foundation, “Tackle Fuel Poverty” with Schneider Electric Foundation and together with various partners is currently launching a new initiative around migration which aims to bring innovations into Germany.

More than 65 pro-bono Advisors and Consultants involved so far in the GlobalizerX program and providing local support after the program.



• Italian Changemakers Map presented in February 2015 and used as source for candidate Fellows • Spanish Changemakers Map under development, results to be published in May 2016 • Pipeline of nominators and potential Ashoka Fellows in Greece under development • 12 new Fellows in Italy and Greece. 5 Fellows are expected to be elected in Spain in 2016. • 2014 Changemakers competition “Destination: Change. New Solutions for Greece” • Impact Program launched in Athens in January 2016 - • Changemaker Schools Program launched in Spain in 2015 with the selection of the first 5 schools *While most of these programs have not been part of This Works initiative, they are (at least in part) a positive consequence of the partnership between Ashoka and the Robert Bosch Stiftung in Southern Europe.





2015 SPAIN


ü 29-30 Nov 2014, Madrid, SenseCamp Madrid. Ashoka supported Ashoka Fellow Christian Vanizette to launch MakeSense in Spain and organize a first event in 2014. ü October 2015, Valencia. Following the replication workshop that BGE Parif delivered to the network of employment agencies of Fondacion Emplea, the national network ANIDA was build, gathering organisations supporting unemployed people to discover their entrepreneurial potential, ideas and develop self-employment opportunities. In October 2015 they organised a national knowledge and experience sharing event to further develop the network and inspire other organisations to join and use the methodology. ü 9 March 2015, Madrid, THIS WORKS marketplace event in the Spanish Senate. 8 Ashoka Fellows and teams of replicators presented their work to an audience of more than 200 stakeholders, among whom Raul Concha, Lukas Harlan, Stefan Wilhem, André Dupon, Marc Raulin, Sascha Haselmayer, Peridis. The objective of the event was to inspire local replication and new ideas, as well as to mobilize collective efforts to kickstart new programs supporting social entrepreneurs and an enabling ecosystem 18




ü 18-19 April 2015 in Thessaloniki, 25-26 and 27-28 April in Athens, Creative Facilitation Workshops with Ashoka Fellow’s colleagues Peggy Taylor and Gwen Wansbrough. Over 100 educators, professors, social workers and community volunteers, mentors, trainers and leaders of citizen sector organizations participated. ü 29 April 2015, Athens, Ashoka “Innovation for Society” Marketplace Summit. Seven Ashoka Fellows or their colleagues from Europe, the US and Africa and over 180 local changemakers, mavens and strategic potential partners joined Ashoka to co-create a Greek society where everyone is a changemaker, get inspiration Creative Facilitation Workshop, Athens and collaborate with Fellows to scale their models and foster employment in Greece. Ashoka Fellows Sandra Schurman, Christian Vanizette, Moka Lantum, Attila Von Unruh as well as colleagues of Charlie Murphy and Sascha Haselmayer and Jean-Michel Ricard were present. ü On April 30, the Ashoka Fellows participated in one on one discussions with key local players and Ashoka Greece is currently following up with the replication plans. Innovation for Society summit



2015 ITALY


ü 22 January 2015, Milan, “Training for the Future” Robert Bosch Italy event. Alessandro Valera represented Ashoka and presented THIS WORKS, while Ashoka Fellow Serra Titiz presented her work impacting youth employment. ü 26 February 2015, Milan, “Innovate to Restart” marketplace event. Ashoka invited eleven Fellows to showcase their solutions, accelerate the scaling of innovations inItaly, mobilise the local community and present Ashoka.

Innovate to Restart event

ü 27 February 2015, Milan. Following the marketplace event, Ashoka hosted in partnership with FabriQ, a local incubator a half-day workshop meant at giving participating Fellows an overview of the Italian ecosystem followed by meetings with their local advisors and local stakeholders to discuss strategies for replicating their work. ü 6 July 2015, Ashoka Dreamstorming, Rome. Ashoka partnered with Make Sense in organising an event in Rome aiming to identify three local social entrepreneurs and help them solve their strategic challenges. Ashoka also supported MakeSense in organising a training for local volunteers and a Sense Drink. 20



Ashoka and the Robert Bosch Stiftung will host a major one-day summit in Brussels in summer 2016 aiming to: ü ü ü ü

Disseminate lessons from what worked and what didn’t work Render these lessons and solutions ready to use by policy makers and philanthropic actors Stimulate collaborations, new partnerships and continue THIS WORKS across Europe Learn how these solutions can be supported and scaled through policy making

Ashoka Fellows and local replicators representing 10 THIS WORKS Solutions will share their stories of scaling innovative projects with EU policy makers, representatives of Member States, as well as European and global Foundations and corporate partners interested in the topics of social entrepreneurship, employment, skills and migration. The format of the event will be highly interactive, allowing for break-out sessions for each solution and plenty of networking opportunities. The summit will be preceded by a partners’ meeting aiming to gather Ashoka’s strategic partners on the topic of employment in Europe and beyond in order to share key lessons learnt, discover new approaches and assess potential future synergies. Register here to attend THIS WORKS SUMMIT: 21


THIS WORKS SOLUTIONS IN SOUTHERN EUROPE Over the past two years Ashoka has brought 31 solutions in Italy, Spain and Greece by inviting the Ashoka Fellows to pitch them in front of potential partners and supporters. To represent their replication progress in one or more Southern European country, we place each solution on a scale including four levels: 1) showcasing, 2) finding partners, 3) supporting transfer and 4) scaling local impact. While we hope that in the next years for most of these solutions concrete replication plans will be develope d, there are currently 17 projects that have raised interest from local partners, and Ashoka has committed to support their transfer and adaptation by facilitating contacts, promoting them in events and often supporting with logistics, communication, training and strategic consultancy. In the next pages you can learn more about the progress of these 17 solutions in the countries where they are being scaled. In 2016, we aim to bring as many as possible towards a full transfer and local implementation stage. Moreover, in the subsequent pages we briefly present the other solutions that have been showcased through THIS WORKS, as well as six solutions that were part of the GlobalizerX program but which have not been pursued anymore due to objective reasons such as illness of the social entrepreneur, development of a different strategic orientation or lack of identification of potential interested partners in Southern Europe.











ANA BELLA FOUNDATION Ashoka Fellow Ana Bella Estevez is leading a survivor movement network in Spain, connecting survivor women, who by example of their own recovery from a gender-relat ed violence experience convey a positive message. In addition, Ana Bella Social School for Women Empowerment trains women to realise their potential and become agents of change. So far, over 1100 survivor women were trained and 632 women were presented with job opportunities by December 2015, most of them being hired in valuable jobs as Brand Ambassadors, thus avoiding double victimization. Through their work, they contributed to the proven economic and social growth of companies (eg Danone) by decreasing staff turnover from 63% to 2.25% and reducing the absenteeism from 40% to 2%. In 2015 Ana Bella’s work was awarded as the best worldwide project for women empowerment by the Ecosysteme Fund and she was selected as one of the 100 Top Women Leader in Spain. Moreover, one of the survivor women she supported was selected as the director of the Women Institute influencing 500.000 women in Extremadura (Spain).



Through This Works GlobalizerX program, Ashoka supported Ana Bella to develop a scaling strategy with the help of international and Spanish advisors and consultants. Today, her national network includes ten survivor organizations which fight against domestic violence and aim to influence the media, policy makers, as well as reach out to more victims. Moreover, she is now training three organisations in Mexico to replicate her model there. Ashoka has also connected her with other Ashoka Fellows such as Narcis Vives with whom she is collaborating on a new project, the Ana Bella App launched in September 2015, through which she is already providing online support to women in Spain, Bolivia, USA, Mexico, Nicaragua, Romania and Honduras. Over the past years in Spain, Ana Bella has developed new partnerships with companies such as Campofrio, L'Oreal, Benefit, Amichi, Carrefour and many others. Last but not least, ESADE Institute for Social Innovation has also published a study assessing the social impact of the project to further help her make the case to scale in new countries.


Ashoka Fellow Ana Bella (Spain), Ashoka Director Alessandro Valera and her Italian Strategic Advisor, Odile Robottti


Following her participation in two high-level events in Italy, Ana Bella raised significant interest in her model and a team of local advisors and entrepreneurs was created to adapt her methodology to the Italian context and launch the Foundation in Italy. With support from Ashoka, one of the team members also undertook a study visit to Seville to better understand the model and be able to adapt it to the local market in Italy. Ashoka also introduced them to Hogan Lovells who are providing legal support to assess the options for the establishment of a legal entity. The team has established contacts with sectorial organisations interested in the project such as SVS DAD and DIRE. Moreover,theyhavebeen carrying out convers ations with D anone, Pupa, L’Oreal and FondazioneMarcegaglia in view ofpotenti al par tnership in Ital y. Luca Barbareschi, a famous Italian ar tist also decided to act as official ambassador of theproject in Italy and donateth erevenues ofoneshow each month to thel aunch of the project. The team is curren tly also receiving supportthrough Ashoka’s network ofprofessionals on establishing a legal entity in Italy. Thechallenges ofthe project consist in local fundraising in order to beable to start alocal pilot.


PARTNERS FOR YOUTH EMPOWERMENT Ashoka Fellow Charlie Murphy collaborates with communities to awaken t he creativ e leadership of young people. PYE provides training and support t o practitioners, s chools and y out h-serving organisations on using the arts to creat e dy namic and engaging learning experiences. PYE’s Creativ e Facilitation and youth program delivery model has already been transferred to ov er 10 countries including UK, India, Uganda, South Africa, Canada, US, Brazil, Jam aica, Greece and South Korea and more recently Greece. T hey hav e trained 2,000 adult practitioners repres enting 500 organis ations and reaching over 1,000,000 y out h. PYE’s online learning network regularly engages online with over 10,000 practitioners around the world. Through This Works and the GlobalizerX, Charlie focused on PYE’s expansion by diss eminating t he core met hodology to local partners. With the support of Ashoka, he and his team are currently scaling in Spain and Greece.



2015 has been a year of reorganization at a global level due to a serious disease Charlie Murphy (Ashoka Fellow) has been diagnosed with and thus a change in the leadership roles. In Spain, Ashoka has helped PYE’s Director Gwyn Wansbrough to set up several meetings with local stakeholders. As a result, she is in conversations with Blanquerna University (Catalonia) to discuss the opportunity of a partnership around training for future teachers (in the Faculty of Education). For 2016, Ashoka Spain plans to jointly organize with PYE a workshop / training for key stakeholders in Barcelona in May or June, gathering key actors and institutions in areas of education and youth. The aim is to identify local partners for PYE and start setting up a stable representation of PYE in the country. Ashoka Spain is currently considering as possible replicators: ChangemakerSchools, Ashoka Fellows working on youth and education, Spanish foundations such as Botín, Telefónica, Pórticus, etc.


Gwyn Wansbrough, PYE’s CEO

Ashoka Fellow Charlie Murphy (USA)


Ashoka Greece first invited PYE’s Founder Charlie Murphy to present his work and inspire local organisations in Thessaloniki in September 2014, followed by a workshop hosted in partnership with Anna Lindh Foundation. The interest raised by local educators in PYE’s model attracted the attention of a board member and the Tides Foundation, leading to the mobilisation of 30,000 EUR to be invested in local activities aimed at scaling the model in Greece. Since September 2014, PYE has delivered seven trainings in Greece, reaching over 185 practitioners, of which 110 teachers. Ashoka has been instrumental in scaling PYE in the country, facilitating contacts with partners such as Junior Achievement, the Pilot Experimental School of Agioi Anargyroi or the Institute for Educational Policy. PYE is currently planning a new series of trainings for March 2016 at the request of the previous participants and partners and some of them are preparing to become trainers themselves. Moreover, they are in contact with a local foundation interested in hosting a Creative Community Camp in Greece in 2016, engaging local trained teachers and youth workers. Last but not least, together with the University of Macedonia PYE is also part of a EU-funded project through which they will be able to further boost their scale-up plans.


LANZADERAS Following a 30-year career in sust ainable developm ent, As hoka Fellow Peridis (Spain) has decided to switch approach in order to bridge t he unemployment gap in Spain. In 2013 he launched a targeted Career Boosting and Social Entrepreneurship program, which brings together teams of 20 people and a coach to work toget her to find jobs or develop their own entrepreneurial activities. T he approach mixes job s eeking & entrepreneurial development with collective empowerment and a shared social and global vision, getting participants visible and proactive. Since 2013 the Lanzaderas project has grown exponentially in Spain. The founding team started with five pilot Lanzaderas (shuttles) in 2013, reaching 180 in April 2016 (ie. over 3200 unemployed). The Region of Cantabria has adopted the model as a public employment policy and the success of the project has led them to aim to create 150 new shuttles in 2016. In 2015 the Santa María la Real Foundation leading the project has received funding from the European Social Fund and from the Telefónica Foundation to further scale the program to 550 Lanzaderas in Spain by 2019 with a potential to reach 11,000 people across the country. Moreover, they have conducted an impact measurement process, which shows that unemployed participating in a Lanzadera find a job that is 20,9 percentage points more than those who have not.




Elected Ashoka Fellow in Spain, Peridis has received ongoing support from Ashoka on further elaborating and expanding his model, both through the participation in This Works’ GlobalizerX program, and by matching his team with a leading team of business experts who supported him to finalise an in-depth scaling strategy. In 2014, following an Ashoka event where he pitched Lanzaderas, Peridis was also granted a 150,000 euro financial support from Barclays to further expand his impact. In 2015 Peridis and his team have decided to start scaling the program in two other countries: Portugal, where they will begin shortly a pilot with a local partner and Italy, where they are collaborating with Ashoka. In Spain, Ashoka is organizing a series of “Breakfast meetings” with journalists to share information on relevant topics and Fellows solutions to them and Lanzaderaswill be the guest of the first gathering, to present their model for employment creation.

Ashoka Fellow Peridis (right) and his partner Alvaro Retortillo Osuna (left)


Ashoka Italy is closely looking into Peridis’s model and given the high demand for new approaches for tackling unemployment, Peridiswas invited to a major event to be held in Milan in February 2015. Despite various attemptsof the Italian Strategic to find a local partner, given the exponential expansion of Lanzaderasin Spain, more time was needed for the team to take a decision concerning internationalisation. Yet, the model attracted the interest from a donor who decided to support Peridis’s team to scale in Italy. Ashoka is currently supporting them to organise a local workshop in May 2016 to raise awareness, identify partners and help them to adopt the model in a rather decentralised approach.


THE FUTURE IS BRIGHTER Ashoka Fellow Serra Titiz empowers, encourages and enables y ouths to design their own unique f utures, formulat e proactiv e plans. T hrough “T he Future is Brighter”, s he gives y outh access information, contacts with businesses, universities and leading prof essionals across borders, and supports them to make better and more informed life and career choices. The platform combines online and offline services such as online trainings, coaching sessions, webinars, forums and workshops. So far, ov er 950 business prof essionals volunteered to share their firsthand success stories and insights with more than 5000 Turkish youth and open their eyes to the various options available. Through This Works, Serra aims to strengthen her national outreach by ex panding her network of services across the count ry, as well as disseminating her model in other Southern European countries through smart partnerships with local actors. Ashoka Fellow Serra Titiz (Turkey) pitching in Greece




Following the GlobalizerX Summit, Serra was connected with Robert Bosch in Milan who accepted to act as local strategic advisor for her scaling in Italy. Robert Bosch also invited Serra in Milan in January 2015 to pitch her work in one of their conferences on youth. Serra returned to Milan in February the same year for Ashoka’s event “Innovate to Restart” in which occasion Bosch has organised meetings with several organisations such as Monster, Este, Humangest, Jobadvisor, Randstad. Despite various attempts to find the right organisationalpartner to scale GDN, in 2016 Ashoka Italy has connected Serra with a committed pro bono educational consultant who has started to establish contacts with universities and students and is launching a series of coaching sessions with professionals on a pilot basis. Moreover, Ashoka is supporting Serra to organise a partners’ workshop in May 2016 in Milan and identify a consortium of actors interested in adapting the methodology and integrate it in their work.


In September 2014 Serra was invited in Greece to present her work and met with representatives from the City of Thessaloniki, local networks such as Mentorkids/einai2030, Tutorial gate and independent entrepreneurs. Despite their initial interest to engage in replicating the project, no ideal partner has been identified yet. Ashoka Greece is currently looking for replication partners and supporters to meet Serra in May 2016 in Athens and jumpstart a local adaptation in Greece.


OTELO Through the bottom-up OT ELO network, an open space f or creative t echnical activities, Ashoka Fellow Martin Hollinetz aims to generate s ocial and economic v alue in rural areas, theref ore tackling local challenges s uch as migration of the y outh and an aging population, high unemployment, increasing poverty, and the loss of regional identity and culture. So far, 9 OTELOs were created in various villages in Austria and 6 more are in development, including 10 labs, 26 groups purs uing a creativ e idea, and about 500 activ e participants, who have reached about 20.000 people with their activities and performances each year. Through T his Works, Martin aims t o explore expansion opportunities of his model in other rural communities across Europe and in particular in Southern Europe, where the phenomena of brain drain and ageing population require urgent solutions. Ashoka Fellow Martin Hollinetz (Austria) in Spain (left)



In October 2014 Martin participated to a three-day series of meetings in Soria and Madrid, aimed at testing the potential for expanding the OTELO network. In Soria he was hosted by El Hueco, Ashoka’s partner and met with various local organisationsand potential replicators. In Madrid, Ashoka connected him to Media Lab and Matadero, cultural and creative public labs , as well as with the Vice President of the Ministry of Environmental Issues in Madrid who showec interest in scaling OTELO in Spain. In June 2015 Martin’s colleague Martin Haarwas invited by Ashoka to Ecosi Fair in Girona where a group of five people had expressed interest to launch an Otelo in Girona. However, no concrete action has been undertaken yet. Ashoka is currently following up with the Regional Administration of Soria who has recently showed interest to support a local replica.



In November 2014, Martin’s colleague Georg Ottingerparticipated in two events hosted by Ashoka in Thessaloniki and Athens to pitch OTELO. Ashoka presented Georg to Petros Kokkalis, local entrepreneur and Vice President of the Kokkalis Foundation, as well as to representatives of the Solidarity Now Fund, the Austrian Embassy, Latsis Foundation, local councilors of Thessaloniki, and several local organizations doing similar work, who showed interest in supporting a local replica. However, without a local entrepreneur or organisation to lead the project the pilot has been postponed. Ashoka is currently discussing with the Municipality of Karditsa and the Development Agency of Karditsa who has recently showed interest in leading a local replica in their territory.


MAKESENSE Ashoka Fellow Christian Vanizette has designed a very accessible yet highly structured approach for social entrepreneurs worldwide to resolve their strat egic and operational challenges. He enables this by drawing from the collective intelligence of a global network of citizens willing t o engage their skills and creativity in accelerating positive social change. To date, 15,000 people have been engaged in supporting over 600 social entrepreneurs in 100 cities around the world. This Works is a real opport unity for MakeSense to develop the v olunteer network in Sout hern Europe, a stronger local pres ence and partnerships with univers ities, incubat ors, public authorities and corporat es to mobilize a constant num ber of volunteers for innovative young social entrepreneurs.



Makesense launched in Spain in 2014 with the organisation of a Sensecamp–organized with the collaboration of Ashoka Spain - and with the support of a small group of volunteers. In 2015 there has been considerable progress, as the number of community members has increased and various events have been held. Specifically, by 2015, over 16 holdups have been organised, a second edition of the Sensecamphas been held in Madrid, seeing even more activities and participation. The Sensecampin November 2015 lasted two days and included presentations, workshops, lectures by social entrepreneurs with a focus on education. Besides, with the support of Ashoka, Christian Vanizette will participate at Rondaforum 2016, a discussion forum where entrepreneurs, experts, citizens and decision-makers share their views about the kind of city we want to live in.

Ashoka Fellow Christian Vanizette (France) in Italy


With the support of Ashoka Italy, MakeSense has started to scale in 2014. Christian was invited to come to Rome to present his work and was introduced to advisors from Unilink, as well as several potential corporate partners. In summer 2015 Ashoka and MakeSense also organised a Dreamstorming, traininig local volunteers and hosting three hold-ups. By February 2016, MakeSense volunteers have organized five SenseDrinksin Rome and several others in Milan, Bologna, Torino and Florence and six hold-ups to support social entrepreneurs to solve their challenges. Christian also collaborated with CISCO ACADEMY in a major event, involving over 1500 coding students and more than 10 000 online. In 2016, with Ashoka’s support, MakeSense is organising a SenseStorming for six entrepreneurs together with Luiss and collaborating with Ashoka and Enel on a series of other workshops.


Ashoka is also supporting Christian to scale MakeSense in Greece where a small community of volunteers is emerging. Three hold-ups have been already hosted and Christian and his team are looking into opportunities and synergies with universities and companies such as SAP and CISCO. Ashoka is also discussing a possible partnership with Coca Cola through which support for MakeSense replication could be possible. In 2016 MakeSense aims to develop a SenseStorming and a new hold-up is planned for the coming weeks.


SPECIALISTERNE Ashoka Fellow Thorkil Sonne (Denmark) changes t he way s ociety perceives autism by t ransforming it from a handicap t o a competitive adv antage. Through Specialisterne, he em ploys autistic people who hav e a t en times lower fault rate in software testing, programming, data-entry and other t asks as business consultants. In this way , the special characteristics and talents of people with autism are harnessed and used as a means to help people with autism secure meaningful employment. Specialisterne has operations in numerous locations around the world and is currently f ocused on expanding in the US. Between 2008 and 2012 people with autism employ ed by or through Specialisterne have generated a net value of DKK 13.5 million for the Danish state. With the s upport of Ashoka and This Works, Thorkil is ex panding to Spain and pot entially Portugal, where he is collaborating with a local entrepreneur Francesc Sistach.




Ashoka Fellow Thorkil Sonne (right) and local replicator Francesc Sistach (left)


Ashoka Spain is closely supporting Francesc to scale Specialisterne in Spain by providing him with strategic support, inviting him to pitch in major conferences and events in order to become more visible and attract potential partners and investors. In addition, Ashoka also connected Francesc with Accenture and Price Waterhouse Coopers, supports him with the organisations of meetings and events. In 2014, 13 consultants got jobs in data and document treatment and software testing in companies such as Avnet, Everis and Sogeti-Cap Gemini, SAP, BBVA. In 2015 they trained 107 individuals, 47 of whom found a job in partner companies such as AVNET, INOQUANT, AGBAR, PSIOUS, SOGETI or EVERIS. The co-creation meeting organisedby Ashoka Spain in March 2015 proved instrumental in creating key connections with companies such as Indra in view of new business partnerships. Among the partners who support Specialisterne in Spain (for the training courses) there is FSC Inserta of Once Foundation, Office of Employment of the Community of Madrid.


BOUTIQUES DE GESTION Ashoka Fellow Danielle Desguées (France) pionieered t he prof ession of Entrepreneurship Advisors (and opened her first Boutique de Gestion (BGE) in Paris in 1979. T hes e management s hops are open boutiques where entrepreneurs can ‘s hop’ for management advice. The RBGs and EAs assist at ev ery st age in the entrepreneur’s lifecycle, including individual counselling, des ign and specification of the entrepreneur’s business idea, business planning and v iability strategy , as well as access to capit al and counselling during the first months of launch. To dat e, BGE support ed the creation of more t han 120,000 new businesses 79% of which still operating after 3 years. In 2014 alone, thanks to BGE support 17,100 enterpris es where est ablished, thus creating 28,600 new jobs. A McKinsey study ev aluated the economic impact of BGE in Ile de France to € 8.3 million in 2010, with an estimated impact of € 182 million if all firms received support.



To bring BGE in Spain, Ashoka facilitatedthe creation of an alliance of local partners with Fundación ICO who agreedto finance a pilot program in Spain and Fundación Emplea who was interestedin adopting the methodology and implement it through 7 local members. In October2014, Isabelle Larregneste from BGE delivered a 4-day training course to transferthe methodology andmain tools to Fondacion Emplea‘s network. As a follow up, the seven organisations started to work togetherto adapt the methodology andcreated ANIDA network (Actions, News, Ideas, Development andSelf-employment). The pilot started in spring 2015 in close collaboration with various other local partners and public authorities. So far, 500 people received information and counselling at the 7 information points. In 2016, 55 information points are planned to be opened. Moreover, ANIDA will provide 19 training sessions on the BGE methodology, one in each region.


BGE PaRIF workshop in Palma de Mallorca


Following some visits to Milan and Trento in 2015, Ashoka Italy has identified Consorzio Mestieri Lombardy as ideal local partner with a key interest to replicate BGE methodology in their own network of employment agencies so that they can start offering also self-employment services. With the support of Ashoka, Consorzio Mestieri has submitted a EU-funding proposal engaging BGE and Fondacion Emplea from Spain aimed at initiating a first pilot in Italy and exchanging experiences. Despite a negative first reply, Consorzio Mestieri Lombardy continued the collaboration with BGE and organised a workshop in May 2016 in Milan to transfer the methodology and start a pilot through their network of local employment offices. The key tools have been already translated and are currently being adapted to the local context.

Ashoka Greece has already showcased Danielle’s model in several occasions in Greece. Among the local organisations which showed interest, Karditsa Development Agency is currently in conversations with Ashoka concerning a possible study visit and transfer training session.


LA RUCHE QUI DI QUI Ashoka Fellow Guilheme Cheron (France) has created “La Ruche qui Dit Oui” (“The Beehiv e that Says Yes”), a new marketplace for local, s ustainable s uppliers t hat targets mainstream cons umers. Guilhem brings together a critical mass of consumers and gives them access to a distribution system for local, small-scale and environmentally sustainable products. Since its launch in 2011 L a Ruche has ov er 800,000 members and it continues t o grow. There are over 800 m arket points across France, inv olving 600,000 clients and 4000 f armers. T he model has already scaled to Belgium, Spain, Germany , Great Britain and s ince Septem ber 2015 Italy. Recently, there have been requests from the US. The m anagers of each Ruche have the role of managing the relationships between clients and farmers, organis e t he market points and promote the model/ For this, about 8,35% of the revenues made through the online platform represent their remuneration.



Having proved its success in France, Ashoka Spain has been supporting the launch of this project in Spain since September 2014, also in partnership with UpSocial. In this context, Marc Raulin has led the task of coordinating the Colmenas(Ruches) in Spain and adapting the model to the local market in the country. Ashoka also put him in contact with URIA lawyers concerning pro bono consultancy, opened doors with various players and potential investors, supported with the organisation of the launch event Nowadays “La Colmena que Dice Si” has in total 24 market places in Madrid, Barcelona, Andalucía (Sevilla, Granada, Córdoba), Valencia, León and Bilbao, where 199 farmers have chosen the model as their channel of direct selling. Nowadays there are 10.000 people in Spain who are registered on the website and buy when and how much they need.


Participation of “La Colmena que dice si” at the SenseCampMadrid with the support of Ashoka


“L’Alveare che dice Sì” is led by Eugenio Sapora, w ho learnedabo ut the project during his stay in Paris. Ashoka is supporting the scale-up of the initiative in Italy by providing communication suppo rt, building capacities thro ugh trainings and facilitating strategic contacts with consultancy companies such as Hogan Lovells in order to meet specific needs of the project. Moreover, Ashoka is also lo oking for marketplace managers interestedto create their own Alveare anywhere in Italy. In Italy there are already 30 Alveari o pened or under development, counts over 2000 members and 100 farmers. Follow ing a pilot project in Turin, the project is scaling to Milan, Bergamo, Brescia, Trieste, Roma and Napoli and aims to reach 100 Alveari by the endof the year.


SIEL BLEU Ashoka Fellow Jean-Michel Ricard has dev eloped a preventiv e approach t o help society confront t he demographic and social challenge of life lengthening in the context of an ov erall aging population. T hrough SI EL Bleu Jean Michel has int roduced a new model of elderly care in France by offering adapted sports activities that help participants improve their physical and psychological well-being, and delay the onset of age-related degenerative illnesses. Siel Bleu manages currently 30,000 centers, 32 nursing homes and has 80,000 beneficiaries all over Europe. Every week 100 000 people benefit from the activities of his organization employ ing now over 300 specially trained sport teachers. Sile Bleu divides by 3 the risk for elderly people to fall and break their hips or leg bones and a recent survey showed that at scale the could save up to 5 billion € for the French health system. Through This Works, Ashoka Spain is supporting a the local Siel Bleu team to expand across Spain. Ashoka Fellow Jean-Michel Ricard, France





With the support of Ashoka Spain, SielBleu launched its program HAPPIER (Healthy Activity Physical Program Innovations Elderly Residents) in Spain. SielBleu has opened 7 local offices in Spain and in 2015 over 12,000 physical activity sessions took place mainly in elderly residences. 47 trainers work part time at SielBleu Spain (equivalent to 30 full time positions). SielBleu Spain collaborates with Nutricia in Spain (Danone Group) in designing a shared program for nursing homes which offers nutritional supplements (Nutricia) combined with physical activity (SielBleu). More than 100 Nutricia delegates are now promoting the joint project in almost all existing nursing homes of Spain. Thanks to the results of a major clinical research that provides important data on the benefits of the HAPPIER program, SielBleu is also cooperating with several public institutions in Spain such as IMSERSO (Public Institute for Elderly and Social Service) and “La Paz Hospital” a reference institution in elderly care. The challenges for 2016 are to continue increasing the number of sessions, partners and employees, to reach the largest amount of residences and to keep on seeking new allies to co-creation projects in which Ashoka will play an important role by introducing SielBleu local representatives to our partner BI and by making them part of the strategic project that is being developed by Ashoka Spain and its fellowship on Co-creation and Hybrid value chains between social entrepreneurs and businesses. Already in 2015, Ashoka facilitated a high level seminar with SeresFoundation (that gathers CSR representatives from top Spanish companies) in which Siel Bleu’s work and co-creation model was presented to 40 local companies among which AXA, Ambar Capital Investment Fund and Caser .


REGIONALWERT AG Through a simple market mechanism —Regionalwert AG, a legal holding company with publicly available shares, Ashoka Fellow Christian Hiss from Germany has created an accessible financial investment opportunity that is changing the structure of the agriculture sector. In addition to buying small farms with social and environmental impacts, the holding company also invests in wholesalers and organic catering firms with much higher financial margins. The result is that all three returns — financial, social and environmental —are soundly balanced within the holding. To date, Regionalwert has 500 investors and a capital of € 2.3 million. Christian supports 16 companies with more than 120 workers and around 30 interns or trainees. Through This Works, Ashoka Spain is supporting a local team to bring Regionalwert in Spain. Ashoka Fellow Christian Hiss, Germany





Ashoka Spain in partnership with UpSocialhave been supporting Regionalwert to build a local team of entrepreneurs to drive the scale-up plans for Spain. Christian’s colleague Martin Haar was in Spain in October 2014 and met various local organisations, as well as the Vice President of the Ministry of Environmental Issues in Madrid and two agricultural engineers interested in the project, as well as officials from the Government of Barcelona. Ashoka and UpSocial are now following up. In September 2015 EcoRegio society, the local replicator of Regionalwert, was founded and in December the promoter group was created with a capital of 60,000€. In fact, the same month Ashoka Spain found a promoter who provided a small capital injection and who has been also editing the book about EcoRegio that will have a preface written by Ashoka explaining also This Works project. EcoRegio’s promoter group is led by Dynamis(local partner), who has been joined by 12 influential people – from the fields of ethical banking, business, nutrition, lawyers, etc. They all opened a call for projects, reviewed about 40 and selected the more mature ones in order to conduct trainings with them, feasibility studies, and finally raise investments. They have also made acceleration contracts with the projects and those that work will enter into a round of crowdfunding. The goal is to raise 1 million euros for 4 projects. In addition to this, the EcoRegio team has been offered to create a professorship at the University of Lleida. In June 2015 the project EcoRegio was also presented to the regional administration in Girona.


JOBACT Sandra Schurmann's Non-Profit-Organisation "Projektfabrik" and its special programme JobAct® pioneers intertwined paths of self-discovery and skills training to dramatically increase the chances of employment for unemployed people of all ages. Instead of using theatre pedagogy to prepare for creative or artistic careers, she turns it into an empowerment instrument to leave the circles of dependence and frustration. With a 43% success rate of finding a job or vocational Training, JobAct strongly outperforms the state agencies' rate of 24%. On top of the 43%, an additional 24% of JobAct® participants go either back to school to finis h a degree or go into ot her programs that keep t hem off the streets. So far, J obAct have run over 225 perf ormances in 80 locations, inv olving m ore than 4500 participants and 45.000 people have attended JobAct® perf ormances. ProjektFabrik works with more than 80 educational institutions and established a network of collaboration throughout whole Germany and with 84 different Ashoka Fellow JobCenters . T hrough THIS WORKS they developed a s caling strategy , found reliable and committed partners and are now creating EU alliances to scale theSandra Schurmann, Germany model further. SHOWCASING


Following the supported provided through This Works GlobalizerX Program, JobAct team developed a clear idea of their scaling plans: they want to developa European network of institutions and individuals trained in JobAct methodology and/or who use art as an educational principle for employment programs. In 2015, following various events across Southern Europe where Ashoka introduced them to several partners, they created a small network a won a EUwide competition launched by Mercator Stiftung which enables them to organise local workshops in Italy, Spain and Greece and further develop the potential of the network and of scaling the methodology across Europe. In Spain, Ashoka has been marketing their work in various national medias to attract attention and is supported them to organise the local workshop in Madrid in April 2016 where they also re-connected them with potential supporters.


Ashoka Italy ha s been promoting Jo bAct among local partners since early 2015. Moreover, w ith the support of a local Strategic Advisor Francesca Cima, international affairs advisor at Italia Camp, JobAct team met various organisations interestedin learning more a bout JobAct and in particular Vivaio per l’Intraprendenza fro Florence who is currently the key partner in the co untry. Together t hey are applying for EU funds and maintaining the momentum after a local work sho p that JobAct delivered in October 2015 and hosted by Vivaio. Ashoka is suppo rting Vivaio to develop a fundraising strategy and with promoting the model in mainstram media.


Following JobAct’s team participation to a key event in April 2015 in Athens, Ashoka Greece has been supporting JobAct to develop a local partnership with CacoyannisFoundation. Ashoka has been supporting with dissemination and promotion in media as well as in the partners research phase and will support with the organisation of a local workshop in Athens in late spring 2016.


BERUFPARCOURS Ashoka Fellow Karin Ressel empowers students to realize their potential in vocational careers by reinventing the relationships between each other, their schools and future employers. Through hands-on learning modules that simulate real-life work experiences, students assess their interests and aptitudes while prospective employers increase their recruitment and retention rates. Each year, Karin’s organization Berufsparcours conducts 110 Profession Tours in schools and 90 company fairs in eight German counties, reaching approximately 50,000 pupils per year and engaging 3,800 companies. In June 2013, 700,000 youth participant were registered in professional courses.




Ashoka Fellow Karin Ressel, Germany


The current objective of Ashoka Spain related to the program created by our German Fellow Karin Ressel consists in raising awareness about the potential of this model among schools, companies and public institutions. While still in a preliminary stage, Ashoka is working with a local replicator for the organization of a seminar that will bring together potential partners and funders. This gathering is foreseen for the first half of 2016 in cooperation with MediaLab Prado. Ashoka is currently assessing potential partners on the corporate side (such as Talenthouse or JES), and engaging the head of the Program to Support Children and Families in Madrid (Programa de Apoyo a la Infancia y lasFamilias en Madrid) to identify which two institutes will participate in the pilot. Depending on this, Ashoka and Karin’s team will also gather a better understanding of the profile of the students and which methodology would allow for a more positive impact.


CODERDOJO Ashoka Fellow James Whelton pioneered a global youth movement of citizen coders. CoderDojo is a movement of free, volunteerled, community based programming clubs for young people between 7 and 17 who are empowered to learn how to code, develop websites, apps, programs, games and explore technology in an informal and creative environment. The coding clubs are built on action-based learning, collaboration, and open source principles. Not only are boys and girls equipped with the skills to actively contribute to technology, a key influence in their lives today, but they are also empowered to combat the growing restrictions and barriers of technology. The openness of the internet used to be its greatest strength, but it is growing more restricted as Ashoka Fellow James Whelton (left)from it develops. As of January 2016 there are now over 875+ verified Dojos in 63 countries and growing everyday. Ireland and Raul Concha (right) from Spain





Coder Dojo started its implementation in Spain in Madrid, with the collaboration of MediaLab Prado. Due to the expansion model of CoderDojo (decentralized and self organized) the role that Ashoka Spain has played in the replication of it has been mainly supporting on communication. As a result, CoderDojo was included at the “Top 100 innovations on STEM Education” published by Fundación Telefónica in 20105. Currently, Coder Dojo has opened 7 groups in Spain: 2 in Madrid, and the others in Bilbao, León, Cáceres, Valencia and Murcia who meet weekly and gather parents, mentors and children. Coder Dojo Spain is currently in the process of registering a local association with the 7 existing programming clubs. The website is online but still needs to be further developed. In 2016 CoderDojo will participate at an online teacher training organized by INTEF (Public Institution created to promote TICs in the school system) and they are making a great effort to showcase the work and value of CoderDojo clubs in publications and media. They also plan to participate at SIMO EDUCATION, the most important Faire in Spain related to technology and they plan to host and organize the DojoConference in 2017 in Spain (international annual conference of CoderDojo).


VITAMINE T To access new financial resources and increase the legitimacy of job insertion ventures, Ashoka Fellow André Dupon from France attracts private companies based on their real business interests—recruitment, market penetration and CSR activities. He then offers the opportunity to invest in the co-creation of new social ventures that can produce both economic and social impact. To guarantee that the social mission comes first and to ground the intention of the partnership, André implements key governance principles such as a maximum of 49 per cent of the capital for private partners and no payment of capital and reinvestment of all the profits for a pre-determined period of time. In 2014, Vitamine T employed 2 600 people, had more than 950 clients, and generated a turnover of €50M, being the largest job insertion company in France. So far, more than 35 000 people benefitted from Vitamin T’s job training programs and for each euro invested in Vitamine T 2,5 euros are given back through taxes and employers’ contributions. Major companies such as Adecco, Paul and the Dutch Van Gansewinkel recycling company or Sodexo are just some of the co-creation partners Vitamine T has engaged with.




Ashoka Fellow Andre Dupon, France


Following an intense promotion of the Vitamine Tmodel in Spain led by Ashoka anda public pre sentation of the modelby André in Ashoka’ sTH IS WORKS event in the SpanishSenate in March2015, Dominique Gross, an experienced consultant for the social sector expressed interest in assessing a possible replica of Vitamine T model in Spain. Together with a colleague from his team and with Ashoka’s support, they visited André in Lille to understand hand-on the model, compare different ideas forthe replica andreceive useful feedback forAndré’s team. To support Dominiq ue’s plans, Asho ka matched him w ith a senior consultant from Price Waterhouse Coopers in Spain who gladly joined the team and is supporting Dominique in evaluating the challenges, researching opportunities andtaking strategic decisions. Ashoka Spain is currently supporting with drafting the Business Plan for the implementation of a second-hand store in Madrid (local ada ptation of the model) and making first contacts with the Church of Madrid. Among the goals set up for 2016, Ashoka aims to finalise the business plan and decide the legal entity by the end of February, counting on the legal pro bono support offered by Fundación Profesor Uría. By April t he plan is to register the organisation, identify the location of a store and start recruiting. The first second-hand clothing store Koo pera Store will be la unched between May andJune and, if it proves successful, a secondstore will be launched shortly after.


CITYMART Ashoka Fellow Sascha Haselmayer helps cities deliver more impact by strengthening their innovation capacity and sharing high-impact solutions and methods to engage and transform their communities. Through Citymart, he delivers proven results to help city governments become more open, agile and empathic by opening their procurement processes to be problem and impact focused and invest less public resources to greater societal effect. Citymart offers a unique set of services enables cities to identify, evaluate, and adopt game-changing solutions, which contribute to the creation of more sustainable, resilient, entrepreneurial and responsive communities. Through m ore than 100 Challenges publis hed by cities with the support of Citymart, they have discovered more than 10.000 new solutions, eliminated re-inventions and scaled proven urban and social innovations across cities around the world. Today, 7.5 Million citizens benefit from solutions delivered 3x faster through Citymart– with 33 Million benefiting indirectly and 80% cost saving.




Ashoka Fellow Sascha Haselmayer, Germany


Citymart started operations in Spain in 2011 ande stablished it s headquarters in Barcelona. It has worked wit h10 citie sacro ss Spain, among which are Barcelona, Valencia, Seville and Madrid. F or example, since 2011, Barcelona ha s successfully completed12 Citymart challengesin area s suc ha s real-time traffic monitoring, smart wa ste management, contactlesstransactions in to urism, and preventing youthunemployment. Ashoka Spain has been supporting Sascha to scale the impact of Citymart in the country by facilitating showcasing andnetworking opport unities in Spain, such as in the major“ THIS WORKS” event held on March 9, 2015 in the Spanish Senate andconnecting Sascha withthe Mayorof Barcelona. .


THIRD AGE Ashoka Fellow Mary Nally is tapping into an underutilized demographic bounty by creating active contributors among the aging. She is combating loneliness and isolation by bridging gaps between generations and disparate populations, and engaging older people in programs to help other people in need. Mary equips older people to be service providers in social initiatives, including a national helpline for lonely and depressed older people that systematically gathers information on the population. Through her program Failte Isteach, she has established complementary programs that bridge two growing demographic groups, employing senior citizens to teach conversational English to new immigrants, another frequently isolated group. Third Age Foundation builds structures that keep older people engaged in their communities and place them as advocates for other isolated people, tapping an underutilized population group to build communities of healthier older people who are a willing and able part of society, and serving as an unusually effective advocate for the concerns and needs. For example, through Failte Isteach, the growth of the project in 2015 ensured that every week over 800 volunteer tutors welcomed over 2,700 migrant students from 76 different countries to the community, helping them to integrate and thrive. Fáilte Isteach branches - variously located in 22 counties throughout Ireland – offered a combined total of 42,000 hours of free tuition annually.




Ashoka Fellow Mary Nally, Ireland


Following Mary’s participation in Ashoka’s event in Milan in February 2015, Ashoka has identified a local organisation interested in scaling her model of language support for migrants and activation of the elderly. Cooperativa Sociale Piccolo Principe is currently discussing with Ashoka Italy the possibility of piloting a local adaptation of the project and assessing the best frame for such an initiative. One idea could be to integrate it within “Welfare for Everyone” project funded by Cariplo Foundation, which foresees the creation of an activation center where families can identify the available social services in the area, with a particular focus on the elderly and vulnerable groups. However, since the start of this project could take between 6 months and one year, Piccolo Principe is also looking for other opportunities. In particular, the intention is to present the project to Unicredit Foundation in the framework of a call for proposals that aims to promote social cohesion and is aimed primarily at organizations that work with people of the third age. Ashoka will be supporting them over 2016 to further develop their fundraising plans.




ANDES Ashoka Fellow Guillaume Bapst is rev olutionizing the way low income households access and purchas e food. I n an attempt t o improve t he f ood distribution system in France, where access is often slow and bureaucratic, choices are limited, and quality and nutritional value are low, Guillaume built in 2000 a network of solidarity grocery shops (ANDES). By partnering with large brands, the ANDES s upermarkets are able t o provide a constant supply of goods at low prices without sacrificing quality. In 2013, ANDES counted 271 adherent s hops, 436,597 beneficiaries and 1,794 tonnes of fruits and vegetables delivered to 218 organisations. I n addition, ANDES developed ins ertion s ites, where ov er 117 people are employed to v alorize the uns old fruits and v egetables, trans port them t o supermarkets and/or produce gems and soups. Ashoka Fellow Guillaume Bapst, France

RESEAU DES JARDINS DE COCAGNE Ashoka Fellow Jean-Guy Henckel from France has been working since the 1980’s to t o help the most excluded out of long-term unemployment. His innovative model trains them to produce high-value, organic agricultural products and organiz es them into local “Cocagne Gardens,” organiz ations that market their packaged products to conscientious consumers, who in turn commit to buying their products every week. Beginning locally, Jean-Guy has expanded his approach to over 100 locations across France. Since 1991, he developed 140 solidarity enterprises and integrated on the labor market 40000 people, positioning as the first provides of biological vegetables in France.


OTHER SOLUTIONS SHOWCASED IN SOUTHERN EUROPE UNIS-CITÉ Over the last 15 years, As hoka Fellow Marie Trellu-Kane from France has designed a m odel to make citiz en engagement a normal step in young peoples’ liv es and has thus created the infrastructure to help them become s ocial changemakers . Unis-Cit é stands for “All United for the Community,” and is one of its biggest and most innovative NGOs in France. The success of her initiativ e, Unis-Cit é, convinced the French government to create t he first Civic Service National Agency in 2010 t o scale-up her model and fost er a citizens hip spirit among new generations of young people. T his agency now officially recognizes and finances social engagement.

Participants and networking at the Ashoka U event in Greece

SCHLA-U SCHULE Recognizing the systematic discrimination that underage asylum seekers experience Michael Stenger is providing young refugees a chance for education and integration into German society while also changing negative public perceptions towards this group. By establishing and spreading a cost efficient and effective private school system for this highly discriminated groups, Michael develops the individual skills and potentials of youth refugees throughout Germany. Providing first-class student services such as social-psychological aid and legal assistance, his students have an extraordinarily high success rate at the basic state school exam, which enables them to qualify for vocational studies and a professional career. Moreover, Michael skillfully brings these success stories to the attention of politicians, state welfare organizations and the wider public, Michael is transforming the perception of young asylum seekers in the eyes of relevant stakeholders. Ashoka Fellow Michael Stenger, Germany

In 2014 more than 1500 students had travelled through Schlau. In 2004 the Bavarian Government officially recognized SchlaU-Schule as a state-accredited school. Today the State of Bavaria covers two-thirds of the cost of the school’s teachers.


OTHER SOLUTIONS SHOWCASED IN SOUTHERN EUROPE SOCIAL IMPACT START Ashoka Fellow Norbert Kunz is working to make self-employment a viable career option for young people. Through a holistic, low-threshold support system with certified trainers, coaches, mentors, co-working spaces, scholarships and crowdfunding support, he brings together all institutional stakeholders to empower and enable youth to take charge of their lives and help improve their communities. Through the various programs which he designed in order to match the needs of entrepreneurs at various stages of their business cycle, Norbert has helped to create more than 3,500 jobs.

Ashoka Fellow Norbert Kunz (Germany) and potential partners from Impact Hub Rome

MITT LIV Ashoka Fellow Sofia Appelgren launched a program t hat mat ches the most dy namic and entrepreneurial young women immigrants with Swedis h entrepreneurs and corporate leaders. Mitt Liv (My Life) to build mentor relationships and to expand educational opportunities int o the extracurricular space through short courses on Swedish society, life-planning, and labour market competitiveness. Since 2010, Sofia engaged ov er 600 ment ors and participants together with 27 large companies, changes the way immigrants are perceived and find their way in the Swedish society. Ashoka Fellow Sofia Appelgren, Sweden


OTHER SOLUTIONS SHOWCASED IN SOUTHERN EUROPE DREAMS ACADEMY Ashoka Fellow Ercan T utal leads a minds hift change across Turkey in public perceptions of dis abled people, changing oppressive attitudes and securing greater freedom of opportunity for t hose affected by disabilities. T hrough DUSLER AKADEMI (“Dreams Academy”) Ercan offers disabled people of all ages and abilities opportunities to confront and overcome challenges through the arts and through sports and s how themselv es, t heir families, neighbours and the public what they can do. So far, ov er 2,000 y oung people with disabilities have participat ed in scuba div ing through his initiativ e, and 7,000+ have participated in divers e arts and sports camps. Ercan now directs his attention towards employment: creating great er opportunities f or disabled and socially dis advantaged people to participate in economic life both as producers and consumers.

Ashoka Fellow Ercan Tutal, Turkey

B-Fit Ashoka Fellow Bedriye Hüly a’s b-Fit uses a unique model that combines access to s ports and entrepreneurship as v ehicles to promot e gender equality, education, entrepreneurship, and em powerm ent of women and girls in Turkey. Co-owned, franchis ed, managed, and used by women only, the b-Fit model combines a gym with a community cent er t o form alternativ e spaces where women of all ages and backgrounds hav e t he opportunity to develop a range of essential life-skills. Within eight years of creating her first “by and for women” b-Fit, thous ands of women have come together as a result of Bedriye’s work. Besides fost ering their health t hrough sports, t hes e women developed self -awareness, attended trainings on a wide-range of issues including nutrition, hy giene, sexual health, communication. T hrough b-Fit, Bedriye im pacted over 90,000 women in 200 centers in Turkey , one in Northern Cyprus and another in Germany. Ashoka Fellow Bedriye Huyla, Turkey


OTHER SOLUTIONS SHOWCASED IN SOUTHERN EUROPE MOZAIK RH Ashoka Fellow Saïd Hammouche founded Mozaïk RH in 2007 in France as the first executive recruitment agency specialized in promoting diversity within corporate culture and reversing employment discrimination patterns by connecting people from disadvantaged communities to leading employers. Said identifies talent from poorer communities and enables companies to develop their recruiting strategies and to match their executive recruitment needs with talented, qualified leaders from diverse areas. Mozaïk’s services are now provided through Adecco’s agency, proving that diversity in the workforce is becoming an essential requirement of today’s corporate culture. In seven years after its launch, Mozaik RH has supported candidated in over 10,000 jon interviews and has placed more than 2,500 unemployed in the labor market.

Ashoka Fellow Said Hammouche, France

DISCOVERING HANDS Ashoka Fellow Frank Hoffmann has pioneered a diagnostically superior, personal, low-cost breast examination method by training blind people as skilled diagnosticians. Discovering Hands approach integrates them into the primary health care infrastructure, while enhancing women’s health care experience and opening an entirely new professional path to a differently-abled constituency.

Ashoka Fellow Frank Hoffman, Germany

Preliminary qualitative research on 450 cases shows that MTEs det ect 30% more and 50% smaller tissue alterations in the breast than doctors ( 5-8mm vs. 10-15mm). Over 10,000 ex aminations have been carried out to dat e and the model has been scaled to Austria and is now being replicated in Mexico. Ashoka has tried to support Frank’s team to scale in Spain and Italy, but any progress is dependent of the publication of the results of a clinical study done by a German University (due in 2016). Fondacion Once has already showed interest to support a local pilot.


OTHER SOLUTIONS SHOWCASED IN SOUTHERN EUROPE TERRE DE LIENS Ashoka Fellow Jérôme Deconinck has created the first French agricultural land trust to mobilize the population to preserve their agricultural heritage, and to promote the development of a more unified small-scale organic farming culture. Jérôme’s land trust helps small farmers create their own organic or otherwise environmentally friendly enterprises. Through Terre de Liens, he mobilizes private savings by creating a new financial product, and capitalizing on donations through a public foundation, thus building a critical mass of private depositors willing to invest in agricultural land acquisition. Since 2003, Jérôme has mobilized over 32m € for the Ashoka Fellow acquisition of 100+ farms with over 2000 ha of biological crops, involved more than 10 000 citizens in his movement and supported more than 500 Jérôme Deconinck, France candidates.

CRESUS Ashoka Fellow Jean-Louis Kiehl is pioneering a model to prevent excessive consumer debt and efficiently fight against social and financial exclusion. Through a wide range of social and legal support, trainings and innovative partnerships with banks and finance companies, Jean-Louis helps at-risk populations and also professionals manage financial issues, reduce the risk of excessive debt and shift current practices toward an improved and responsible credit system.

Ashoka Fellow Jean-Louis Kiehl, France

Jean-Louis uses a threefold approach that focuses on education, prevention, and early detection. With respect to education, he combines individual follow-ups with web and radio consultations, as well as gives people the necessary advice and budget tools to relieve the burden of debt. Betting on prevention, Jean-Louis has successfully reshaped the activ-ties of Cresus towards the empowerment of financially-weakened individuals and families, while for detecting potential over-indebted, he is creating part-nerships with credit institutions in order to identify them in time and focus on the roots oft he problem. So far, Cresus gathers 24 associations as members and 117 points of contact. In 2013, Cresus has accompanied 128 700 households in difficulty and created a network of 35 partners committed to fighting over-indebtness.


OTHER SOLUTIONS SHOWCASED IN SOUTHERN EUROPE ALIANÇA EMPREENDEDORA Ashoka Fellow Rodrigo Brit o has created unique inf rastructure and s ervices to encourage and ensure the s uccess of entrepreneurial initiatives in low-incom e communities across Brazil, including existing businesses , promising start-ups, and the rev enue-generating projects of community groups . Aliança's method is based on f orming people into collaborative groups or ‘cells’. Each cell has both young and mature entrepreneurs who exchange experience and knowledge. Since 2005, the Aliança has worked with ov er 40 spons ors and clients including Coca-Cola, Danone and Sant ander, partnered with 50 local NGOs, and supported over 16,000 micro-entrepreneurs in 15 locations throughout Brazil.

Ashoka Fellow Rodrigo Brito and Alianca’s Director Lina Maria Useche, Brazil

TEAM-U Ashoka Fellow Attila v on Unruh empowers, de-stigmatizes and lobbies for ins olvent peoples’ ability t o restart their ent repreneurial liv es and reverse the vicious circle of shame and is olation. In res ponse t o the lack of an effective support system, Attila began I nsolv ents Anonymous (IA) as a self -help group in Cologne in 2007 to fight t he phenomenon of isolation and help entrepreneurs regain t heir s elf-est eem and relearn t heir strengths. T o satisfy an increasing demand f or his services, Attila is currently developing a hybrid social business model, combining the activities of t he s elf-help groups , a hotline, learning academy and advocacy work just to nam e a few, with tailored cons ulting to identify and support ent repreneurs in an early stage and avoid, where possible bankruptcy. Ashoka Fellow Attila Von Unruh, Germany

So far, t hrough the self-help groups over 12.000 individual entrepreneurs hav e benefitted from one-on-one support and coaching, in addition to the network of contacts and the community of peers. T hough still in the beginning, the cons ulting s ervices have already im pacted more than 200 entrepreneurs who received support from a network of ten professional consultants.



*not pursued through This Works due to the illness of the social entrepreneur, the development of a different strategic orientation or the lack of identification of potential interested partners in Southern Europe

OTHER SOLUTIONS SHOWCASED IN SOUTHERN EUROPE CAREER MOVES Ashoka Fellow Gregor Demblin started Career Moves in Austria with the goal of fostering a more inclusive job market. Gregor has designed Europe’s first online career platform that provides a simple and efficient way to include people with disabilities in all types of jobs. Career Moves closely integrates the needs of disabled workers into an online job platform, providing a centralised virtual space for all Austrian job seekers, irrespective of any disabilities they might have. This initiative transforms traditional business culture and attitudes of distrust about hiring disabled people by combatting the prevailing lack of knowledge regarding their abilities. Gregor’s model has become a go-to for Austrian businesses that seek practical and strategic advice for integrating people with disabilities into its workforce. Career Moves already promoted more than 12,000 jobs for people with disabilities since 2009 from over 450 companies. Ashoka Fellow GregorDemblin, Austria

PØBELPROJECT Ashoka Fellow Eddi Eidsvåg is working with young people who fall through the cracks in Norway’s social support systems, to help them recognise their own skills, find career paths andconnect with personal meaning. Accordingly, he designed the Pøbelproject to work directly with disengaged young people, and help both society and the youths themselves fully value their personal skills, life experience, resilience and creativity.

Ashoka Fellow Eddi Eidsvåg , Norway

In Eddi’s model, youths go through an intensive six week course in which they learn to believe in themselves and utilize those capacities in productive employment. The programme has worked with over 1300 hard-to-reach youths, 930 of whom have gone from a situation of inactivity to pursuing employment or education.


OTHER SOLUTIONS SHOWCASED IN SOUTHERN EUROPE SCOPEINSIGHT Ashoka Fellow Lucas Simons is enabling medium-sized agricultural producers to access the knowledge and finance they need to thrive, grow and compete effectively. Through ScopeInsight, Lucas has designed a tool for rating and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of agricultural producer groups, to bridge the information gap between rural farmers and financial services or other external stakeholders. This provides a common language and standard of information which enables mainstream banks to provide financial support to the ‘missing middle’ of farmer groups, and assess risk in an affordable and transparent manner. In turn, farmers are aided to access finance and other inputs, but also understand their strengths, weaknesses and how to improve their “bankability”. SCOPEinsight has regional offices in East Africa and Central America and a track record of over 330 assessments in 14 countries, in turn reaching over 1.4 million farmers. SCOPEinsight aims to scale up these activities in different regions, improve its tools, systems and analyses, establish more partnerships and coalitions with large organizations and make the assessments into a new, globally-recognis ed standard.

Ashoka Fellow Lucas Simon, Netherlands


Ashoka Fellow Shauneen Lambe, UK

Shauneen Lambe is changing the criminal justice system’s treatment of young offenders from one of punishment and stigmatisation into a unique opportunity for positive intervention.Through Just for Kids Law, Shauneen is reframing the way in which the criminal justice system interacts with children in the UK by training legal practitioners, advocating for legislative reform and bringing legal expertise to tackle the root causes of youth offending. In 2012-13 they have worked intensively with 280 vulnerable young people, supporting them with a wrap-around, holistic model of care which builds long-term stability in their lives and bridges into education and employment. Just For Kids Law currently have three community offices reaching across London’s regions, and the organisation is now developing a sustainable and scalable model for growth, through independently managed community offices and partnerships.


OTHER SOLUTIONS SHOWCASED IN SOUTHERN EUROPE GROUNDSWELL Ashoka Fellow Will Byrne has developed a model in the USA that he calls ‘civic consumption’ and through which he is organizing community organizations and citizens into collective purchasing networks, bundling demand for products and services in clean energy sectors. The model delivers deep value for clean energy businesses and service providers, whilst participating communities benefit from decreased costs for clean energy services and gain new economic opportunities and revenues. Since 2009, the organization has mobilized $2M of investment in clean energy projects—resulting in the abatement of over 5,000 metric tons of carbon emissions, the creation of over 40 new jobs, and savings of nearly $700,000 on energy bills for community members and not-for-profit organisations.


Ashoka Fellow Will Byrne, USA

Ashoka Fellow Johannes Lindner believes that entrepreneurial skills are essential to educate independent young people and create active citizens. Lindner has compiled a comprehensive set of innovative teaching materials now integrated in school curricula for all grades, including handbooks, exercise books, case studies, and CDs for teachers and students, as well as business plan competitions that encourage young people to combine their entrepreneurial thinking with self- driven actions. The fact that debate is built into the social entrepreneurs hip curriculum ensures that students will not simply be socially entrepreneurial but will have the communication skills needed to drive the dissemination of their ideas. Johannes’ creative materials are reaching about 20,000 students every year and are used in three to eight hours of the curriculum each week.

Ashoka Fellow Johannes Linder, Austria

He has trained a total of 400 teachers and 2,700 business teachers in Austria and has trained teachers in ten southeast European countries. Each year, 2,500 students participate in competitions, which encourage young people to combine their entrepreneurial thinking with self-driven action. Two third of them implement their ideas into practice.



Building on This Works as a foundational program in Southern Europe, over the last years a number of local partners have joined Ashoka in promoting recovery and a changemaking society in Southern Europe across different programs. Discover who they are!















Media Outreach Websites – Ashoka webpages launched in each country with a dedicated page for THIS WORKS, solutions and events •

Spain: and


Greece: and

THIS WORKS website:

Social media •

Twitter: 12,8k, 826, 591 Ashoka followers Spain, Italy and Greece respectively

Facebook: 5,8k, 2,1k and 2,2k likes of Ashoka Spain, Italy and Greece respectively


Media Outreach •

Written press – over 150 articles referencing THIS WORKS published in major media outlets such as Forbes, El confidencial, Corriere della Sera. Many other articles and three videos published on Ashoka and partners’ blogs and local online newspapers.

TV – 5 TV appearances in Spain presenting This Works or Fellows solutions and an upcoming one in Italy

Publications – „New solutions for employment and recovery in Southern Europe“ handbook, THIS WORKS leaflets in English, Spanish, Italian and Greek, roadmaps of This Works solutions scaling in Southern Europe (and more coming in 2016)

Partnerships – various partnerships with key media groups and communication agencies – El Confidencial, Forbes Spain, Valuecom

Videos – Eight THIS WORKS videos

* Click here to find links to all publications, articles and videos or check this link:





Ana de Miera Saenz Director

Felix Oldenburg Director ASHOKA GERMANY

Arnoud Mourot Director ASHOKA FRANCE

Marie Ringler Director ASHOKA AUSTRIA

Remi Fremont

Markus Sollner



Christina Fili Director ASHOKA


Conchi Gallego ProgramManager


Alessandro Valera Director



Laura Catana Program Manager THIS WORKS ASHOKA BELGIUM

Giulia Sergi Project Manager

Giulia Sergi Junior Project Manager


Margot Mackay, ASHOKA UK Georg Schoen, ASHOKA AUSTRIA

Rainer Hoell Natalia Pazzaglia ASHOKA GERMANY ASHOKA ITALY

Casilda Heraso ASHOKA SPAIN

Evita Kolokouri ASHOKA GREECE

Aphrodite Bouikidis ASHOKA GREECE

Aroa Fernandez ASHOKA SPAIN


THANK YOU! None of this could have been achieved without the generous support of the ROBERT BOSCH STIFTUNG, the consortium of local partners and continuous engagement of our volunteers and pro bono advisors. Thank you for helping Ashoka to support more changemakers to solve the world’s most pressing social challenges!

With the support of the

Laura Catana Program Coordinator ASHOKA

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