Where Do I Start with Email Marketing?

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Where Do I Start with Email Marketing?

By Adriana Elmes


EMAIL MARKETING? by Adriana Elmes (Owner of Ashtangasana) we do that? By showing them your value every day, as a result they will be fans of your Studio.

With all the focus and energy on needing to post to social media, we can forget about the simple use of email marketing. When looking at the costs of acquisition when promoting your Yoga Studio, email marketing is a fantastic strategy. Email is not only personal, it can be strategically scheduled and yet it is inexpensive. Social media is unpredictable due to changing algorithms and requires your customers to look at their feeds, at the right time. Only 30% of what you post gets shown on other’s feed. Less than 10% are what people actually see of their feeds.

Who Do I Send Emails to? The beauty of email marketing is that you can tailor the emails based on who you are targeting. One email campaign is not going to suit the new comer, the customer who hasn’t come in for a year. There are four categories of people within your list of customers: new customers, opt-ins off your website, existing customers and customers who haven’t been in for quite some time. Each of these groups will require a slightly different approach. If you just group everyone together and create one campaign for all, your efforts will be ineffective. The beauty of email campaigns is that you can tailor to your audience.

Using email marketing allows you to create high quality content to showcase your Yoga Studio. You can share your expertise with your community, becoming an authority in their yogic journey. You can engage your customer through this form of direct communication. Customers at New customers: Introduce to studio, make them a studio can be transient. You need to continually aware of all you have to offer, find ways for them win over your customer base, every day. How can to spread the word


Opt-Ins: They have not stepped through your make sure what you send is of value to the cusdoors yet. Must find a way to lure them to come tomer. Part of this is addressed in knowing what to the studio. group you are targeting. If it is irrelevant to the customer you have a higher probability they will Existing Customers: Everyday they have a unsubscribe. choice to come to you or go somewhere else. Use the emails to show you are valuable to their lives. Emails can be used to encourage opt-ins to come in and try out the studio. You can use a campaign Lost Customers: They have been through your when a new customer arrives as a way to encourdoors, know where you are, they may have just age them to keep coming back. You share with gotten off track. Use this to encourage them to them other aspects what your studio has to offer, find their way back to you. encouraging them to explore different classes, sharing with them upcoming events. Provide useTypes of Emails ful tips about the practice of yoga. Within the first 30 days of using a new service you are more likeAuto-responder – These are so effective. You ly to refer your friends to the new service. While are working while you aren’t working. You can set they are boasting about your studio, make sure to one or a series of emails off at scheduled times. provide them with free pass for friends. They also can be event based. If someone opts on your webpage, then an email automatically is sent Email campaigns or auto-responders are continto welcome you. I have drip campaigns that get uous and ongoing. You will have a string of emails started and every so many days, another email that can be sent to someone in September and will follow. You can string these emails with var- someone else will get the same series if they ious types of marketing: starting with a welcome joined as a new student in November. Thus, these email, then sharing class schedules, next intro- emails need to not be time sensitive. On the other ducing you to the teachers in the studio, then giv- hand, blasts are time sensitive. These are one-off ing a free pass to share with a friend, etc. emails that are relevant to what is going on in the studio, right now. Blast email – these are one off emails that are typically time sensitive. Auto-responders are not time sensitive and can be started any time. A blast Strategizing Content and Timing of Emails email will go to your entire list, at one time. Sug- Crafting the content of your emails, deciding on gested once a week as keeping touch points with your subject line, and scheduling the delivery your customers. Examples of email blasts can be: take attention and trial and error. You must think about what your customer would find value in. What group are you emailing to? New customer? Regular Customer? They need different messages.

• Studio Events such as Workshops, Trainings, Special Guests • Offers, such as discounted packages for a limited time • Change of studio class schedule • New or departing teacher announcements • Newsletters What is your Intention or Message? When creating emails, you need to be clear on your intention and objective of sending the email. We all receive far too many emails so you want to


Either way you still want to provide valuable, useful information such as articles that establish your expertise, information they can apply to their lives or their practice, schedules, etc. Think about the “pain points� for your customer, such as addressing common questions new yogis might have, or explain proper etiquette and procedures when

entering a yoga studio. Take the unknown out for them. Scheduling daily emails for the first week of a new customer can encourage them to return. Whereas an existing, loyal customer would only need emails that notify of class changes, new teachers, special events, etc.

Sample Schedule for New Customer

Day 1

Welcome to the Studio

Day 2

About you, the owner and info about different classes

Day 3

Suggested classes for the new to yoga, the athlete, stress reduction

Day 4

Tips and recommendations to the new yoga student

Day 5

Free class pass for a friend

Day 6

Resource oriented establishing expertise

Day 7

Keep eye out for these events

Day 14

Checking In

Day 21

Helpful Tip (general, yoga oriented, health, recipes)

Day 28

Class Suggestions

Day 35

Helpful Tip #2

Day 42

Free class pass for a friend

Day 49

Resource oriented

Day 56

Checking In 3

After this point, they have established themselves Subject Lines in the habit of coming to your studio. Now, you This is so very important and needs to be expercan rely on Blast emails. imented with. Depending on what software you Keeping you campaigns under a 90-day process use, you should have access to analytics. After is wise. There is a lot that can change in a studio running some campaigns, see which ones had and in life that might prompt you to change your the highest open rates. Study that subject line as messaging. Keep it fresh and current. Make sure there was something there that enticed the readyou schedule time in your calendar to re-write er to open your email. Here are some pointers to campaigns every 90 days. Comes faster than one writing effective subject lines: thinks!

Sample Schedule for Opt In Day 1

Thank you for visiting our site, Introduce yourself and Studio, free class pass

Day 10

Interesting Article Yoga related

Day 20

Drive to website/blog

Day 35

Testimonial of student

Day 35

Helpful Infographic of Yoga in America (Yoga Journal 2016 Research)

Day 45

Workshops and Events

Day 55

Yoga for Everybody Article/Email

Day 60

Free Class Pass


Email Spam Words to Avoid

• Heighten curiosity – new class event, new workshop, special guest teacher


• Create urgency – expiration dates for promo/discount, limited availability

Buy Buying Judgements Order Order Shipped By Shopper

• Make relevant to them • Show value

As Seen On Buy Direct Clearance Order Status


• Elicit emotion

Dig Up Dirt on Friends Score With Babes

• Personalize your email- use first name for example • Open-ended questions

Meet Singls


• Schedule them at the right time

Additional Income Double your Earn per week Home based

• Tell a story – Yoga got rid of my migraines –Staci studio member • Short subject lines – between 1-20 characters • Subject lines with free stuff- but don’t use free

Income from home Money making Opportunity

What words you use can trigger spam alerts. Karen Rubin wrote a good article which included a list of words that can trigger spam.

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Why pay more?

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Chance Here

Dormant Hidden

Freedom Home


Financial Personal - Cont’d Leave Maintained Never Remove Satisfaction Success Greetings Dear [email/friend/somebody]

Lifetime Medium Passwords Reverses Solution Teen

Lose Miracle Problem Sample Stop Wife



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Email Tips

What System Can Help Me? You actually need to find a service, outside your gmail, internet provider. Sending group emails is actually not permitted by those providers. You need to have a company that provides email services for businesses. These systems are called email management systems. These systems make creating email blasts and campaigns much easier and provide you with analytics. Analytics are important as you will spend time creating the emails and you need to know if they are effective. You can then learn and replicate what works. They follow the laws set up for controlling spam. They have features that follow these rules, such as unsubscribe links within the emails sent out. Common EMS (Email Management System)


Campaign Monitor

Get Response

• Set time aside each month to create email blasts • 1 time a week Blast to all customers • Respond to inquiries quickly • Avoid Monday delivery • Best times: 5:30am – 6:30am & 1pm – 2:30pm • Include “Forward to a friend” • Be brief, to the point, respect your customer’s time and inbox

• Constant Contact •

• First email should be short, simple and text-based.

• Think in terms of solving a problem for your customer • The emails are to Serve your Customers (not sell your customers). Every email should convey that.

• Aweber • Infusionsoft

by Adriana Elmes (Owner of Ashtangasana) “Supporting the business growth of Yoga Studios.”



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