Beacon Technology Proximity Marketing Solutions
About Proximity Marketing..
Beacon Proximity Marketing..
How Does it Work?
Types of Proximity Marketing..
Applications & Solutions..
Opportunities for Retailers
New Generation Proximity Marketing -Proximity marketing describe new way of advertising and communicate as wireless over mobile phones and advertising products, special offers ,best deals etc..These messages are distributed to the nearby shopper’s mobile phones. The reception of these messages can be decided by the shoppers. -Proximity marketing close range marketing broadcasting information to use Bluetooth or WiFi enabled equipment at a particular location and automatic send notification in form of text, images, audio or video . -Proximity marketing NexGen Marketing solutions sometimes called it hyperlocal marketing -Its cellular based new technology run over Wi-Fi or Bluetooth signal. - The Main Purpose of the proximity marketing connects more customers while they are near your business or service and spur them into action.
What is Beacon Proximity Marketing?
How to Achieve Beacon Proximity Marketing ? - Beacon a small devices are placed as signal transmitters in space -Beacons are a system of low-powered transmitters that enable push notifications to mobile devices running an application in close proximity. -The Beacon works on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), also known as Bluetooth Smart iInside nodes use BLE and Bluetooth classic to enable location-based messaging and location analytics. -Smartphones in the range of a transmitter can be identified - Information and interaction can be triggered depending on the location of the smart phone.
How does it work? The Beacons technology is depend on three basic concepts
Distance Proximity Notification
1-Distance-Displaying on the screen of your Smartphone the distance between the beacon and the mobile of Customers will be able to navigate easily locate and highlight products. 2-Proximity--Through the ability to transmit greeting messages or information to customers transiting in the vicinity of your store, you can invite them to join. 3-Notification--While your customers are browsing through pre-defined perimeters inside the store, it will be possible to transmit information about the products on their screens in real time.
What are their uses? ď Ž
Retailers leverage the in-store advantage by enabling highly targeted, on-site communication
What are their uses? ď Ž
Retailers leverage the in-store advantage by enabling highly targeted, on-site communication.
Types of Proximity Marketing ď Ž
Beacon technology big factor of proximity marketing development in retail marketing it can be a boon for shoppers and store owners, consumer savings and increased merchant sales information to transmit message via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.
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There are several types of proximity marketing.
- On-the-spot digital coupons, - Bar code marketing, - Wi-Fi/Bluetooth signal marketing, and - Digital signage
Application Areas There are many application area proximity marketing, and numerous retailers around the globe are as of now taking point of interest. Restaurants Food Chains In Retail Stores Malls Stadiums Event Halls Museums Airports & Metro Rail Systems Retail Banking Educational Institutions
Beacon Opportunities for Retailers Beacon help to sharing product sell information included product notification ,new offers, deals and Coupon etc.
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Beacons are a type of a low-cost, micro-locationbased technology that use Bluetooth low energy (BLE 4.0) for communicating with beacon enabled devices
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Beacons can also help a retailer recognize, reward and understand its best customers, increasing loyalty and building a stronger relationship with them.
Beacon Opportunities for Retailers
The main idea behind is to provide greater accessibility and convenience.
Retail hub where offers and promotion are sent directly to your customer’s device, tailored to their needs
Restaurants are trying out new methods for ordering food, specifically for those with special instructions or allergies.
Beacon making it easier to choose what display, images, video or any other content you choose to show on mobile.
Easy accessing or collecting information, making payments, giving directions, marketing, or reducing manpower
Beacon usage for promotional purposes.
Conclusion Proximity marketing is new way of branding, advertising and marketing retailers products or sell offer to consumer . A new technology might do the trick in driving up sales and help build consumer loyalty send business notification at the right place, at the right time. Proximity marketing technology is rapidly changing in a world that is heavily reliant on it. As a result, retailers have to find unique methods of advertising to reach the consumer. In a day and age where companies are looking for innovative ways to bring customers through the doors and conventional with a new business idea enhance their customer experience . This technique is not just limited to retailers but can extend to restaurant, sports events, hotels and many other application areas
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Ashtopus Consulting Pvt Ltd 1590, FF, Madarsa Road, Kashmere Gate, Delhi 100006, INDIA info@ashtopus.com Ajay.sharma@ashtopus.com www.ashtopustech.com