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Your chance to win a new book as well as one of our IWT branded t-shirts! We have three copies of ‘We Are e Ark’ and fi ve T-shirts to give away
We Are The Ark by Mary Reynolds
Change can happen. One person, one patch of land, one decision at a time. One person, one patch of land, one decision at a time. Individuals can’t save the world alone. But if millions of Individuals can’t save the world alone. But if millions of us work together to save our own patch of earth - then us work together to save our own patch of earth - then we really have a shot. How do we do it? With Acts of we really have a shot. How do we do it? With Acts of Restorative Kindness, ( Arks). An ark is a restored native Restorative Kindness, ( Arks). An ark is a restored native ecosystem. It’s a thriving patch of native plants and ecosystem. It’s a thriving patch of native plants and creatures that have been allowed to re-establish in the creatures that have been allowed to re-establish in the earth’s, intelligent, successional process of natural earth’s, intelligent, successional process of natural restoration. Over time, this becomes a pantry and a restoration. Over time, this becomes a pantry and a habitat for our pollinators and wild creatures who are in habitat for our pollinators and wild creatures who are in desperate need of support. desperate need of support. The ark-building actions are within our control and laid The ark-building actions are within our control and laid out here in ‘We are the Ark.’ In these inspiring pages, out here in ‘We are the Ark.’ In these inspiring pages, discover how one person’s actions can a ect big discover how one person’s actions can a ect big changes in this world, even the tiniest postage stamp changes in this world, even the tiniest postage stamp patch of land matters! patch of land matters!
You also have a chance to win one of the new designs of our organic clothes range of T-shirts. The IWT has a range of inspiring, ethical T-shirts, jumpers and tote bags in a range of styles to highlight our campaigns to protect nature. See https://iwtclothing.com/ for full details.

To win one of these great prizes just answer the following question:
What species recently became the first marine fish to be legally protected in Irish waters? The answer is somewhere in this issue!
Send your answer, name, address, prize preference and the design and size of the t-shirt that you would like to win to magazinecomp@iwt.ie by January 31st 2023.
Autumn issue.
In our autumn issue we gave readers a chance to win a copy of Portal by Tina Cla ey or an IWT branded t-shirt. The answer to the question is grey seal (the species of seal found on the Great Blasket island o Kerry). Congratulations to Gearoid Jackson in Co Limerick, David Devins in Co. Leitrim, and Mark Holmes in Co. Mayo who won the book, as well as Florence McNally in Herts in the UK, Louise Mac Elwain in Co. Dublin, Michele McNulty in Co. Mayo, James O’ Connor in Co. Dublin and Patrick Ryan also in Co. Dublin who won a t-shirt. Thanks to all who entered!