2 minute read
Editor: Adam Hyland
Consulting Editor: Dan Fynes
Dan Fynes, Las Fallon, John McNally, Tony McCann, Paul McCann, Ger Ryan
Designer: Neasa Daly
Cover Credit: DFB
Photography: Dublin Fire Brigade, Dublin City Council, Ray McMonagle, Trevor Hunt, John McNally, Las Fallon, Adam Hyland, Tony McCann, Paul McCann, A Watch Kilbarrack, Alan Sexton, Darren Donovan, Stephen O’Reilly, Vintage, Granta, New Island Books, Four Courts Press, Radiocoms Systems Ltd, Abu Dhabi Civil Defence, Fire and Rescue New South Wales.
Sales Manager:
David Byrne
Production Executive:
Claire Kiernan
Publisher: Chesterfox Ltd, T/A Firecall Magazine, P.O. Box 6766, Dublin 2. Tel: (01) 432 2200; Fax: (01) 6727100
Managing Director: Gerry Tynan
Diarmaid Lennon
Distribution by: Magazine Mailing
Ashville Media Group
Unit 55, Park West Road, Park West, Dublin 12 Tel: (01) 432 2200 Fax: (01) 676 6043
Publisher’s Statement:
The information in Firecall is carefully researched and believed to be accurate and authoritative, but neither the Dublin Fire Brigade Sports & Social Club nor the publisher can accept responsibility for any errors or omissions. Statements and opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Editor or of the publisher.
Copyright ©2023
Firecall Magazine
No part of this may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the publisher.
Dear readers,
Welcome to the latest issue of Firecall.
The last few months have been a time of change in the DFBSSC, but Firecall continues as always in striving to bring you interesting features, recaps of recent events, and regular contributions that I hope you enjoy.
The work being done by FF/P Darren Donovan to archive and digitalise photographs from DFB past and present is a great endeavour, and it was fascinating to hear about his e orts and his plans in what is a highly-recommended read.
Also of great interest is Las Fallon’s personal review of the ‘Decade of Centenaries’ in which he looks back at an important part of not just Irish history, but his own journey as a historian, researcher and author. Las has been a regular contributor to this magazine and we are in debt to him for his excellent work.
It is great to also have regular contributions from the DFB Pipe Band and the Retired Members Association, while the most recent retirement party is also covered. Many thanks for the contributions!
It was also great to talk to D/O EMS Training Paul Lambert and RCSI Programme Manager Patricia Fitzpatrick about the very successful partnership between DFB and the RCSI, and to hear from Captain Jason Smith of Montgomery County Fire Service as part of our international profile.
Thanks must also go to A Watch Kilbarrack, who welcomed me for the station profile, particularly S/O Gilbert and FF/P Brennan, and it was fascinating to hear how their station redevelopment is pointing the way forward for fire stations across Ireland and the world.
Also in this issue, I spoke to A/C/F/O Greg O’Dwyer about the recent ERCC recruitment campaign, FF/P Alan Sexton about his charity climb of Mount Kilimanjaro, and FF/P Stephen O’Reilly about the DFB trip to Boston. All are very much worth the read.
On a personal note, I’d like to thank D Watch North Strand for allowing myself and family to visit recently. Thanks to S/O Derek Rooney for setting it up, to S/O Graham Parkes, O icer Ger Cummins for letting us in, to Gary Dawson for showing us around, and to Derek Singleton for letting the boys loose on the hose.
St Patrick’s Day is always a major event in the DFB calendar and it was great to hear Dan Fynes’ account of the day. On the subject of Dan, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for all the fantastic work he has done in producing the magazine with me. It was a pleasure to work with him and I wish him all the best as he steps down as DFBSSC Secretary. I look forward to working with Ger Ryan on future issues.
As always, I would encourage anybody who wants to talk about any upcoming endeavours, or who has an idea for a story, to get in touch. This is your magazine. I hope you enjoy the read,