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DFB Pipe Band Secretary John McNally on a busy few months of activity
Since our last article, we have been as busy as ever with practice and gigs by the band and solo pipers.
Stardust Memorial
In mid-January we were invited to play at the unveiling of a new memorial to the 48 victims of the Stardust Fire in 1981. We gratefully accepted the invitation and attended the event on Saturday, 11 e band played a lament while the memorial was unveiled by Charlie Bird. e band then provided a wreath that was laid by DFB Pipe Band tenor drummer Paul Shannon and Band Trustee Paul Hand, both of whom attended the Stardust re on the night. We concluded the event by playing Amazing Grace.
February at the site of the tragic re in Artane.

Retirement Party
A week later on 17 February, the band performed at the DFB Sports & Social Club function for retirees at the Castleknock Hotel. While families of recently retired members of the DFB were seated, the band played the guests of honour into the room followed by a number of sets. We were particularly delighted to attend this year as our Chairperson, John Daly, was being honoured.

On ursday, 16 March, we were both honoured and delighted to play at the unveiling of a plaque in appreciation of Paul Hand and Jack O’Rourke, who restored an 1884 wooden wheeled escape ladder that is currently on display in the courtyard of the OBI. Paul Hand was present and was delighted with the presentation, with his family present also.

e biggest day of the year for the band is the St Patrick’s Day Parade, which the band have been participating in since the late 1980s, and in keeping with our tradition, this year’s parade was another great success. is is due to a lot of hard work in the background and months of preparation. From the Band’s perspective, a lot of practice nights are required along with checking of instruments and uniforms.
A lot of hard work is required by committee members in the search for an appropriate venue for the a er party. A special mention to drummer Eddie Du y who worked tirelessly in order to secure the best venue available on the day. is year again saw a joint venture with the Band, DFB Sports & Social Club and DFB management coming together to ensure that a great day was had by all involved, along with their families.
As is DFB Pipe Band tradition, the ceremonial part of the morning started with the reading of the names of deceased members from the previous year by the DFBPB Grand Marshall, A/S/O Paul Greene, who since retired at the end of March. Band drummer Tom McLoughlin played a drum roll for the lowering of the National ag followed by the band playing our tune “Tribute to Dublin Fire Brigade” written by our piping instructor Dave Rickard. is was followed by the band playing the National Anthem “Amhrán na bhFiann”.


e band, colour party and marching body then set o for the short march to the parade starting point at the Black Church. At 12 noon, the parade started with the DFB directly behind the Lord Mayor. Right out in front was student drummer Trevor Monaghan with Rory the Irish Wol ound. A special mention must go to Kathleen Kelly of Nutstown, Co. Dublin who as always kindly allows us to borrow one of her beloved Irish Wol ounds for every parade. Next was our Grand Marshall, Paul Greene, with the Band banner followed by the band itself. e colour party followed with the Irish Tricolour, DFBPB ag and the ags of all re stations. Next, a large marching body of uniformed DFB re ghters along with visiting re ghters from the USA and UK, and retired members. It was also great to see the current paramedic students from the most recent recruit class who took up the rear of the group wearing their re tunics. en it was o to Dicey’s at the Russell Court Hotel for the parade a er party. e large group gathered to enjoy food and refreshments during the day before the Band played for the crowds in Dicey’s Garden in the late a ernoon, followed by celebrations continuing late into the night.

All along the parade route the streets were lined with huge crowds who cheered us along with a fantastic atmosphere in, thankfully, dry weather.
Finally, the parade came to an end in Cu e Street where the band assembled with the colour party to play the National Anthem.

As always, we are asked to provide solo pipers for funerals of DFB family members and retired members. We also provided solo pipers for the last parade functions of retiring members. It has been great to see our new students continue to come down to practice over recent months to both the pipe and drum corps. As always, we are always here to welcome new members to the band as new blood is vital to ensure that the band survives into the future.
John McNally DFB
New Members
Our new recruitment poster was distributed around all work locations within the DFB recently. If you would like to give it a try, why not come along to the OBI any Monday night from 7.30pm and learn a new instrument? Beginners are always very welcome and musical ability is not a requirement at all. We would also like to welcome previous members back as well as people who may already have piping or drumming experience. You will be given top class instruction by our two world class instructors Dave Rickard (Bagpipes) and Ciaran Mordaunt (Drums).
The band can be reached at any time through any band member, social media or by emailing: dfbpbsec@gmail.com