How to Keep Your Residential Air Conditioner Long lasting

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In a country like New Zealand, all good houses have air conditioners which keep the temperatures cool and stable throughout the year. They make sure that the temperature inside the rooms is cool and calming. With ever rising global heat and its impact on New Zealand, the demand for residential air conditioners is peaking. Residential air conditioners are the devices that are used for household purposes or at domestic levels for maintaining the room temperatures. While residential Air Conditioning systems do not require as complex a procedure of maintenance, yet they can malfunction from time to time due to different reasons. Since it is easy to protect them from damages by using simple methods and tips that help them keep clean and in return, also make the system long lasting.

The main components in residential air conditioner are condenser and evaporator. The condenser unit is normally located outside the house and while evaporator is mounted on the junction. Both these parts are sealed and require technical assistance in case of malfunction other than routine cleaning. This should be done from time to time as it helps machines work smoothly and for a longer time period. Routine cleaning should not be limited to just professional servicing; you can manually help your residential air conditioner last longer by following some easy and simple steps. Front coil should be routinely cleaned with a cleaning agent to free it from smell and dirt. A clean filter ensures that the machine lasts longer. It should be cleaned and replaced in case of suspected damage. Normally it requires to be cleaned after every 24 hours but you can manage it as per your best judgment.

Along with this, the outdoor coils are also needed to be cleaned regularly because they are exposed to rain and dirt and will probably malfunction if they are not maintained properly. Dirt is the biggest reasons for damages in Air Conditioners so you should keep checking the machines to protect them from the attack of dirt. There might be problems of air leakage in the air conditioner and it must be checked. Since it is not possible to wait for the routine servicing to detect it and it might be late so one needs to do it by themselves. After manually cleaning it all, what you need to do, is to turn it on and check if there are air leaks. If any leaks are found, they must be sealed well with duct tapes.

Check if there are any grasses or weeds grown on the outer part which is known as condenser. This is dangerous as it can obstruct a proper flow of air, and in return can cause heavy damage to the entire air conditioning system. These weeds and vines are easy to remove and hence can be done manually. If possible cover the condenser when it is not in use, i.e. during winters. Refrigerant needs to be replaced from time to time, but it is advisable that you should not do it by yourself as it involves technical work and technical skill which only a trained professional must handle. In such types of cases you should take professional help. Our team of qualified and well trained experts is known for their effective work and efficient tasks. We call ourselves “apex� for a reason! There are some easy steps by which Residential Air Conditioners can be made long lasting without much of a trouble. This can help prevent a lot of problems from arising before time and help your air conditioner function properly for a long time.

By: Ashwin Patel

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