Asia Business Week Ireland 2014 Programme

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Round Room, The Mansion House

in association with


ABOUT THE ORGANISERS! Asia Matters ! Asia Matters is an independent, not for profit, educational and non political think tank based in Dublin focused on the EU Asia business relationship. The Chairman is Alan Dukes, former Irish Minister for Finance."


It was founded to: promote understanding of EU Asia economic, trade and cultural relations, assist Irish policymakers and co-operate with governments and with likeminded agencies in the EU and in Asia in the further development of business relations. Asia Matters provides impartial thought leadership via discussion panels, events and publications." Stakeholder exchanges that take place at Asia Matters events can help to shape and accelerate these positive developments. Asia Matters works collectively with and complimentarily to Irish government departments, agencies and business organisations for the national benefit and produces the Ireland Asia Business Yearbook with foreword by the Taoiseach."


Dublin City Council! As Ireland continues on its path to economic recovery, Dublin – as its dynamic capital – is playing an important role in serving the country by driving growth and investment for the development and greater good of Irish society." It has become a gateway to Europe for top global companies, as well as a dynamic hub for some of the world’s best technological innovators. As Asian economies continue to grow, companies and investors are seeking to expand into new markets, with Asians becoming the key global tourist market. Given its unique position as a twinned city with Beijing, Dublin is well positioned to further promote tangible business benefits for Irish engagement with Asia."

Dublin Institute of Technology (Academic Partner)! Located in the heart of Ireland’s capital city, Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) provides an innovative, responsive and caring learning environment for a diverse range and level of programmes to students of all ages and backgrounds." DIT combines the academic quality of a traditional university with career-focused learning, discovery and the application of knowledge. DIT’s programmes emphasise excellence in learning, teaching, scholarship, research and support for entrepreneurship. DIT makes a meaningful contribution to technological, economic, social and cultural progress, and is engaged with and within our community.

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‘WHY ASIA MATTERS FOR IRELAND’! Alan Dukes, Chairman, Asia Matters! Since its establishment in January 2012, Asia Matters has achieved success with the support of key stakeholders. As an independent, not for profit, Dublin based think tank, Asia Matters focuses on further developing the EU Asia business and institutional relationships. As Chairman, I am proud of the achievements of Asia Matters in working collectively with EU and Asian government departments, agencies and business organisations to build stronger relations with key partners. Asia Matters has engaged at conceptual and multilateral levels to improve cultural awareness and mutual understanding."

"In its first three years, Asia Matters has accomplished a great deal. Significant

conferences have been convened, in Ireland, the UK and Japan linking Asian, European and Irish business and policy stakeholders at the very highest level. Asia Matters’ flagship conference series, the EU Asia Top Economist Roundtable was organised in both Dublin (2012, 2013) and Tokyo (2013), featuring keynote addresses by An Taoiseach - Enda Kenny, Richard Bruton, Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Mr. Jean-Luc Demarty, Director General, DG-Trade, European Commission, Prof. Masahiro Kawai, Dean, Asian Development Bank Institute, Hiroyuki Ishige, Chairman and CEO, Japan External Trade Organization, Sean O’ Driscoll, CEO, Glen Dimplex. Speakers included top diplomats and representatives from major global organisations such as Huawei, Infosys, Nomura, Barclays, OECD, Citibank, Philips."

"As the world’s economic centre of gravity moves towards Asia, Ireland must focus on the areas of global growth. Asia Matters plays a vital role in ensuring that stakeholders in Ireland can connect with their Asian counterparts. Asian economies, both developed and developing, have experienced a period of unprecedented growth, undergoing major societal shifts, moving millions out of poverty and urbanising at a rapid rate. During this period, the EU has intensified its engagement with Asia and is currently undertaking an ambitious programme of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with its partners across Asia, as well as the landmark EU-China Investment agreement. "


changes, coupled with the greater EU engagement, represent a major opportunity for Irish companies to unlock potential markets across Asia and Asian companies to increase their engagement with Ireland to access the EU single market. I believe that Asia Matters has an important role in providing a space for stakeholders to seize this unique opportunity. "

"This year marks a pivotal point in Asia Matters development, as the organisation sets

out an ambitious programme of events in Dublin, London, Beijing and Tokyo. ‘Asia Business Week Dublin’, a joint initiative with Dublin City Council, and Dublin Institute of Technology as academic partner, is a C-Summit style event focusing on turning the vast potential of Asia-Ireland business relations into mutual beneficial growth realising real economic growth and real employment for Ireland and its partners across Asia. "

"Working with respected partners on the ground in London, Beijing and Tokyo, Asia Matters will deal with core bilateral trade issues in our EU Asia Top Economist roundtables in September and November this year. The events will feature thought leaders and policy makers discussing the key topics of business, financial and trade relations between Asia and the EU.


" "


"Asia Business Week Dublin is a hugely important initiative for Dublin and I am delighted that it includes all the countries of Asia in its remit.” ! — Lord Mayor Oisín Quinn!

From left to right: Martin Murray, Executive Director, Asia Matters; Alan Dukes, Chairman, Asia Matters; H.E. Radhika Lal Loke, Ambassador of India to Ireland; H.E. Chiro Atsumi, Ambassador of Japan to Ireland; Lord Mayor of Dublin, Oisin Quinn TD; H.E. Xu Jianguo, Ambassador of China to Ireland; H.E. Park Hae-Yun, Ambassador of Korea to Ireland; Tom Hardiman, Chairman, Chester Beatty Library.!

" " Partners! "

Asia Business Week Dublin is held in cooperation with Dublin Chamber of Commerce, IDA Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, Ibec, The Institute of Directors in Ireland, The Irish Exporters Association, Chambers Ireland, The Marketing Institute of Ireland, DCBA, SFA, Bord Bia, Tourism Ireland, Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport, ISME, The Irish Internet Association, and The Irish Funds Industry Association. " Media Partners are China Daily, Business & Leadership and Lee Communications.

" " " DUBLIN BEIJING BUSINESS SUMMIT ! kindly sponsored by Turkish Airlines!

Programme 4 June 2014! Venue: Round Room at the Mansion House, Dublin 2!


Twin Cities, Maximising Business Partnership Opportunities! Beijing, a city of 20 million people, is the gateway to China for Irish companies, Dublin is the gateway to Europe for Chinese companies.!

" 7:45 - 8:15 ! "

Registration and Networking !

8:15 - 8:30 ! " " " ! ! ! ! ! ! " " " " " "

Outline of Programme by Summit Chair:! Martin Murray, Executive Director, Asia Matters! ! Welcome Remarks! " H.E. Xu Jianguo, Ambassador of China to Ireland "

8:30 - 9:00" ! ! !

“Dublin - the Gateway to Europe for Chinese Companies” ! Oisin Quinn, Lord Mayor of Dublin"

" " "

“Join Hands for a Win-Win Future between Beijing & Dublin”" Du Deyin, Chairman, Standing Committee of Beijing" Municipal " People’s Congress (BMPC)"

" Owen Keegan, Dublin City Manager" " KEYNOTE ADDRESSES! " " "

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SESSION 1! ! ! !

" 9:00 - 10:15" " " !

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Connecting Cities, Maximising Trade and Business! Relationships! Chair: Martin Murray, Executive Director, Asia Matters "


“Chinese Market Opportunities and Incentives for Doing ! Business from Beijing”" Zhao Xinxin, Deputy Director, Beijing Investment Promotion Bureau"


“Ireland as a Destination for FDI”! Eileen Sharpe, Director of Growth Markets, IDA Ireland"

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“Beijing - Doing Business in a Global Mega-city”! Shen Yongqi, Chief Economist, " Beijing Local Taxation Bureau "


“A Global City for Global Companies” ! Gina Quin, Chief Executive, Dublin Chamber of Commerce"

" 10:15 - 11:00! "

Coffee Break & Company Networking!

SESSION 2! ! ! !

Twin Innovation Hubs: Opportunities for Science and ! Technology Growth and Partnerships !

11:00 - 12:00" " " " " " " " " " ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! " " ! ! !

Chair: Peter Finnegan, Director, Office of Economy & International Relations, Dublin City Council" " “Dublin - Europe’s Capital of Digital Innovation and ! Talent” ! Joan Mulvihill, CEO, Irish Internet Association ! " “Doing Business with the Biggest Internet and Mobile ! Market in the World” " Ma Yunfei, Executive Chairperson, Digital Content Industries " Association, Zhongguancun Technology Hub"




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SESSION 3! ! ! !

" 12:00 - 13:00! " !



“Driving Future Technology Skills Through !! Community-Business Partnerships”! Eugene McDonough, COO, Coder Dojo Foundation" Building Lasting Links - Driving Growth through ! Tourism and Partnerships in Education! Chair: Martin Murray, Executive Director, Asia Matters! “Connectivity to China - Why it Matters” ! Kevin Toland, Chief Executive," Dublin Airport Authority"


“Dublin: A Great City to do Business in”! David Brennan, Chief Executive, " Dublin City Business Association!

" ! ! ! 13:00 - 13:15" ! ! !

" 13:15 - 14:30 ! " " " "

“Education - a case study in Successful Partnerships” ! Prof. David FitzPatrick, Provost, Beijing-Dublin International College, University College Dublin (UCD)" ! Summary of Discussions! Alan Dukes, Chairman, Asia Matters" Business Networking Lunch!

Programme subject to change

" ASIA IRELAND TRADE & INVESTMENT SUMMIT! Programme 5 June 2014! Venue: Round Room at the Mansion House, Dublin 2"


New Asia Realities for Ireland: Strategies, Market Opportunities and Challenges in a Changing Business Landscape!

" 7:45 - 8:45! "

Registration and Networking !

8:45 - 9:00 ! " " "

Welcome Remarks! Martin Murray, Executive Director, Asia Matters"

SESSION 1! ! ! !

Asia Strategies & Market Opportunities - Insights from ! Irish Experts !


" 9:00 - 10:15! " "



Chair: Alan Dukes, Chairman, Asia Matters" “Asian Opportunities for Irish Tourism” ! Niall Gibbons, CEO, Tourism Ireland "


“Market Readiness - How the Best Irish Companies Successfully Sell into Asia” ! Conor Fahy, Regional Director High Growth Markets, " Enterprise Ireland "


“The Importance of Asia to Ireland’s FDI Agenda” ! Eileen Sharpe, Director of Growth Markets, IDA Ireland"


“Why Irish Food Companies Continue to Succeed in Asia” ! Breiffini Kennedy, International Markets Manager, Bord Bia"

" 10:15 - 10:45"

Coffee Break & Company Networking

SESSION 2! ! ! !

" 10:45 - 11:30 ! " ! ! ! " ! ! ! " "

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Asia Strategies & Market Opportunities – Insights from ! ! Asian Experts! Chair: Martin Murray, Executive Director, Asia Matters! KEY ADDRESS! “Market Opportunities in the Fast Growing Economy of Vietnam”! H.E. Mr. Bui Thanh Son, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vietnam" “Maximising Business Opportunities in Japan”" Jun Arima, Director General, Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO) - London"


SESSION 3! ! ! !

Overcoming Challenges to Break the Asian Market - ! What Companies Need to Know to Succeed!

11:30 - 13:00! ! ! ! ! ! !

Chair and introduction to New Economic ! ! Research Outlining Asia’s Trade Potential for Ireland! Marc Coleman, Economics Editor, Newstalk!

" "

“Working with Japanese companies to succeed in Japan”! Shinichi Hayashida, Chairman, SMBC Aviation Capital"


“How Irish Companies are Uniquely Positioned to Succeed in Asian markets”! Dr. Pat Ivory, Head of EU and International Development, " Ibec "


“What Asian Partners Need from Irish Companies to Succeed Together” ! Hugh Kelly, Chairman, Asian Trade Forum, Irish Exporters Association



" “Coldface Market Success Lessons for Irish Companies’"" David Coghlan, Managing Director & President, Havok"

" "

“Succeeding in China’s Rapidly Developing Business Environment”! Sean O’ Reilly, Deputy Managing Director, Huawei -Ireland"

13:00- 13:15! ! ! ! " " " " " " " " " " " "

Summary of Discussions! Alan Dukes, Chairman, Asia Matters" " Closing Remarks " Professor Brian Norton, President, " Dublin Institute of Technology"

13:15 - 13:30! ! ! ! ! ! !

“Unlocking Asia-Ireland Trade Potential”! Richard Bruton TD, ! Minister for Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation!

13:30- 14:30 !

Business Networking Lunch!




" " " Programme subject to change

ASIA MATTERS ECONOMIC INNOVATION AWARD DINNER! Programme 5 June 2014, 19:00 ! Venue: Round Room at the Mansion House, Dublin 2!

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Celebrating Irish Innovators Breaking the Asian Markets! The “Asia Matters Economic Innovation Award Dinner” will be held on the evening of 5 June at the Round Room at the Mansion House. The award celebrates the best of Irish and Asian business talent. The event provides a unique business networking opportunity to celebrate the success stories of Asian and Irish organisations who provide inspiration for other innovators to succeed."


We are honoured that the first recipient of this award is Coder Dojo - founded in Cork, Ireland - an open source, volunteer led, global movement of free coding clubs for young people with a strong presence across Asia." The dinner will features a special performance of cultural entertainment by Suantraí."


19:00! ! ! !

Arrival and Welcome Drinks!

20:00! ! ! !

Dinner with Presentation of Award to Coder Dojo Founders James Whelton & Bill Liao!


" 21:30! ! "

Special Cultural Performance by Suantraí!

About Coderdojo - Award Recipient ! CoderDojo is a non profit global movement founded by James Whelton and Bill Liao. In June 2011 the first CoderDojo was launched in the National Software Centre in Cork which saw extreme success. Owing to this popularity a Dublin Dojo was launched soon after in Google’s Montevetro building. By making the movement open source it has led to hundreds of dedicated champions setting up more Dojos around Ireland, Asia and around the world.

" " " " THE FOURTH EU ASIA TOP ECONOMIST ROUND TABLE ! kindly sponsored by Air France KLM and PWC!

"Programme 6 June 2014!

Venue: Round Room at the Mansion House, Dublin 2!

"Changing Priorities in EU Asia Business Relations! " 7:45 - 8:30! Registration and Networking ! " 8:30 - 8:45 ! " " " " " " " " "

Welcome remarks! Martin Murray, Executive Director, Asia Matters" " Oisin Quinn, Lord Mayor of Dublin"

! "

Outline of Programme by Round Table Chairman:! Alan Dukes, Chairman, Asia Matters"


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" KEYNOTE ADDRESS! " 8:45- 9:15! " " "

Eamon Gilmore TD, Tánaiste, ! Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade"

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H.E. Mr. Bui Thanh Son, ! Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs,Vietnam!


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" SESSION 1! " 9:15- 10:30! ! ! ! " " " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Economic Perspective! “Asia’s Economic Outlook - European Opportunities” ! Rintaro Tamaki, Deputy Secretary-General, & Chief " Economist, OECD! ! “The Role of Asia in the Global Economy - Current Strengths and Vulnerabilities”" Dan O’Brien, Chief Economist, " Institute of International and European Affairs"


“Indonesia - the Economic Giant of ASEAN” ! H.E. Arif Havas Oegroseno, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the European Union"


" "Changes in India - implications for India-EU Economic Relations”! H.E. Manjeev Singh Puri, Ambassador of India to the European Union " 10:30 - 11:00!

" SESSION 2! "


Coffee Break & Company Networking! Business Perspective!

11:00 - 12:15 ! ! " ! ! ! ! "

“Why Japanese Companies Continue to Invest in Europe”! Shinji Kowase, Director, Chief Administration Officer," Mitsubishi Corporation International (Europe) Plc. ! ! “New Asian !Investment Flows into Europe - Implications ! for Ireland”! Fergal O’Brien, Chief Economist & Head of Policy, Ibec" ! “Changing Infrastructure in India - Opportunities for ! ! India-EU business partnerships”! Dennis Gada, Global Head of Client Services for Financial Services, Infosys!


Trade and Investment Perspective!

12:15 - 13:15 ! ! ! "

“The Value to Business of the EU-Asia Free Trade ! Agreements” ! Gerard Monks, Director - Trade Policy, Department of " Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation !

! ! " " " !

“The Business Benefits of the EU-Japan Economic ! ! Partnership Agreement" ! Jun Arima, Director General, JETRO – London" " “EU Engagement in the Asia-Pacific - Promoting Better ! Business and Trade Relations”! Gerhard Sabathil, Director, North East Asia and the Pacific, European External Action Service"



13:15 - 13:30! !

Summary of Discussions! Alan Dukes, Chairman, Asia Matters"

13:30 - 14:30 "

Business Networking Lunch!



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Programme subject to change

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Asian Embassies Accredited/ Pending Accreditation to Ireland




Diplomatic representation for Brunei is handled by the

Diplomatic Representation for Laos is handled by the embassy

embassy in Singapore


in Vietnam (Hanoi)



Diplomatic representation for Cambodia is handled by the

Embassy of Ireland


The Amp Walk, 218 Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur



Embassy of Ireland

Ambassador: H.E. Declan Kelly

embassy in Vietnam (Hanoi)


Tel: +60-3-2161-2963

3 Ri Tan Dong lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100600


Tel: + 861065322691/ 2914



Diplomatic Representation for Mongolia is handled by the


embassy in China (Beijing)



Ambassador: H.E.Paul Kavanagh


Consulate General of Ireland Shanghai

Diplomatic Representation for Myanmar is handled by the

Suite 700A, Shanghai Centre, 1376 Nanjing Road West,

embassy in Vietnam (Hanoi)

200040, Shanghai, China


Tel: 00 86 21 6279 8729



Diplomatic Representation for Philippines is handled by the


embassy in Singapore

Consul General: Austin Gormley


Honorary Consulate of Ireland

Honorary Consulate of Ireland Suite 1408, Two Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong

3/F Max'x building, 70 Jupiter St, Bel Air 1, Makati City 1209

Tel: +852 2527 4897

Metro Manila


Tel: 00 63 2 896 4668 Email:


Honorary Consul General: Noreen Trota



Honorary Consul: Mr Harry O'Neill



Embassy of Ireland

Embassy of Ireland

Ireland House, 541 Orchard Road, Liat Towers, 8th Floor,

C17 Malcha Marg Chanyakapuri New Delhi 110021

Singapore 238881

Tel: +91-11-49403200

Tel: +65 6238 7616 Website:


Ambassador: H.E Joseph Hayes



Ambassador: H.E.Feilim McLaughlin



Honorary Consul of Ireland Bangkok

Honorary Consulate of Ireland

Thaniya Building, 4th Floor, Room 407, 62, Silom Road,,

Jakarta Stock Exchange Building, Tower I, 12th Floor, Jl.

Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Thailand

Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190, Indonesia

Tel: +66 2 632 6720 Email:

Tel: + 6221 515 1977


Honorary Consul: Gary Biesty


Honorary Consul of Ireland Phuket

Honorary Consul: Mr Anangga W. Roosdiono



Tamarind Valley, 79/6 Moo.4, Soi Suksan, Viset Road, Rawai,

Embassy of Ireland

Phuket 83130

Ireland House 5F, 2-10-7 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo

Tel: +66 76 281 273 Fax: +66 76 281 084



Tel: +81-3-32-63-06-95

Honorary Consul: Ms. Hélène Fallon-Wood



Ambassador: H.E. John Neary




2nd Floor, Sentinel Place, 41A Ly To, Hoan Kiem District,

Embassy of Ireland

Hanoi, Vietnam

13F. Leema Building, 146-1 Soosong-dong, Chongro-gu, Seoul,

Tel: + 84 4 3974 3291

Korea 110-140


Tel: +82-2-774-6455

Ambassador: H.E. Damien Cole



Ambassador: H.E. Aingeal O’Donoghue


" " "

Ireland’s Diplomatic Representation in Asia


H. E. Mr. Khouanta Phalivong Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary


19/20 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PG Tel: +4420 7581 0521 Email: Awaiting appointment of new Ambassador Mr. Mohd Aziyan Abdullah, Deputy Head of Mission


THE ROYAL EMBASSY OF CAMBODIA 64 Brondesbury Park, Willesden Green, London NW6 7AT Tel: +4420 8451 7850 Email: Awaiting appointment of new Ambassador Ms. Ban Borom, Counsellor, Charges D’Affaires a.i.


EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA 40 Ailesbury Road, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 269 1707 / 01 260 1119 Email: Web page: H.E. Mr. Xu Jianguo , Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary


EMBASSY OF INDIA 6 Leeson Park, Dublin 6 Tel: 01 497 0806/ 01 497 0987 Email: Web page: H.E. Mrs. Radhika Lal Lokesh, Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary


EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA 38 Grosvenor Square, London W1K 2HW Tel: 004420 7499 7661. Email: Web page: H.E. Mr Teuku Muhammad Hamzah Thayeb Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary


EMBASSY OF JAPAN Nutley Building, Merrion Centre, Nutley Lane, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 202 8300 Email: Web page: H.E. Mr Chihiro Atsumi, Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary


EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA 15 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 660 8800 Email: Web page: H.E. Mr Hae-yun Park Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary


EMBASSY OF THE LAO PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC 74 Ave Raymond-Poincaré, 75 116 Paris Tel: 0033 145 530 298. Email:

" " " " "

EMBASSY OF MALAYSIA Level 3A - 5A, Shelbourne House, Shelbourne Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 667 7280. Email: Web page: Awaiting appointment of new Ambassador Mr. Mohamed Yasin, Counsellor, Charges D’Affaires a.i.


EMBASSY OF MONGOLIA 7 Kensington Court, London W8 5DL Tel: 004420 7937 0150 Email: Web page: H.E. Mr Tulga Narkhuu Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary


EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNION OF MYANMAR 19A Charles Street W1J 5DX Tel: 004420 7499 4340 Email : Web page: H.E. Mr Kyaw Zwar Minn Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary


EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES 6-8 Suffolk Street SW1Y 4HG Tel: 004420 7451 1780 Email: H.E. Mr Enrique A. Manalo Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary


EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE 9 Wilton Crescent, Belgravia, London SW1X 8SP Tel: 004420 7235 8315. Email: Web page: H.E. Mr T Jasudasen, Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary


THE ROYAL THAI EMBASSY 29-30 Queen’s Gate, London SW7 5JB Tel: 004420 7589 2944. Email:


Web site: H.E. Mr. Pasan Teparak Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary


EMBASSY OF THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM 12-14 Victoria Road, London W8 5RD Tel: 004420 7937 1912. Email: Web page: H.E. Mr Vu Quang Minh Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary

Asia Matters Contacts!


Martin Murray! Executive Director,! Asia Matters! E:! T: +353 87 268 8805!


R贸n谩n Lenihan ! Director of Operations and Development,! Asia Matters! E:! T +353 87 799 2913!


Stephanie FitzGerald-Smith! Deputy Director of Marketing and Communications, ! Asia Matters,! E:! T: +353 87 771 4316!

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