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Therapeasy helps Coloradans find
Amidst the stresses of a pandemic, Therapeasy helps Coloradans find their perfect therapist
Due to stay-at-home orders and social movement to make taking care of our distancing guidelines, “shopping” around mental health as important as our physifor a behavioral health provider is difficult, cal health,” said Way. even through these services have been For reference, about 49% of white adults, deemed essential. 33% of Hispanic adults and 31% of black
Therapeasy is a digital tool that conadults with a mental health diagnosis renects users to providers who have the ceived counseling in the past year. Comhighest compatibility rating. The tool ofparatively, only 25% of Asian adults with a fers an easier way for people experiencmental health diagnosis received counseling mental health issues to seek profesing in the past year (nami.org/mhstats). sional help. Therapeasy understands that cost is
The algorithm reduces the trial and erthe #1 barrier to mental health care, and ror approach to finding a good connecthe platform is free for patients to get tion with a provider who is actually availmatched to a behavioral health provider. able, saving users costly consultation fees in the process. How it works
Therapeasy’s new online platform went The founders like to think of Therapeasy live on May 1, 2020. “I hope Therapeasy as the match.com or eharmony for bebecomes a strong movement in encourhavioral health care. Providers complete a aging everyone to take care of their menquestionnaire regarding expertise, availtal health the same way they take care of ability and personality to create a profile. their physical health,” says Christine People seeking care complete a quick Thai Way, CEO/Founder at Therquestionnaire, sharing their prefapeasy. “We aim to make therapy easy. It’s in our 1 in 5 erences, and the site will automatically provide them name!”
By promoting compatibility factors, Therapeasy aims to increase
are startling - for example, 1 in 5 American adults experience mental illness each year and only about 43% receive care (nami.org/mhstats). Therapeasy.co’s mission is to improve well-being by making connections, facilitating healing and eliminating stigma in behavioral health care.
with the top three compatible providers. From there, the user may view provider’s client retenonly 43% receive tion rates, which can be as low as 40%. The statistics
Why is Therapeasy important
“Growing up Chinese American influenced my idea for Therapeasy. Ironically, although resilience is a strength in Asian culture, stigma around mental health is still highly evident. This stigma can create an invisible barrier to seeking care when it is needed. I wanted to be a part of the
the provider profiles and initiate a chat with a provider to further explore if it is a good fit.
Our matching algorithm calculates compatibility based on factors beyond issues, demographics, location and availability, but also accounts for interpersonal and communication styles.
Getting through COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic is magnifying the existing mental health epidemic due to related stress, anxiety, and grief.
Developing a gratitude practice with a journal, starting a meditation or yoga practice with guided apps, and finding a counselor to connect with virtually or in-person are all ways to improve self-care.
Accessing behavioral health care may be more difficult during the COVID-19 crisis due to physical distancing guidelines. Therapeasy provides a virtual method for people to connect with providers.
If you are looking to receive mental health services or a Colorado behavioral health provider, visit www.mytherapeasy.com or e-mail hello@therapeasy.co.