10 minute read
Pregnant in a pandemic
Mary Jeneverre Schultz
Life’s greatest moments—such as welreligiously. coming a newborn into the world—have “I was washing my hands all the time,” continued on despite the pandemic. he said. “If I touched something, I washed
Pregnant women are facing medical my hands after for at least 20 seconds.” uncertainties, curbing their cravings while Not only are pregnant women and their many of their favorite restaurants are partners being extra careful with handclosed, and giving birth in hospitals that washing, they are also avoiding contact are also caring for COVID-19 patients. with other people.
Nationally, anxiety and worries of an unLin Johnson shared her struggle with certain future is making moms think twice morning sickness. “I had all day and night before having children. According to the sickness for the first five months of my CDC, the number of births have dropped pregnancy,” she said. “I was pretty much one percent from last year’s figures. bed- or couch-ridden during that time,
However, here in Denver, Alana Zhu, a exhausted with no sleep and running to nurse at Denver Health in Labor and Delivthe sink every hour, so I was stuck at home ery has seen a steady number of pregnant with no visitors.” moms. She said: “The number of deliverWith food cravings, Johnson said it was ies hasn’t changed. Babies come whendifficult to get to her favorite restaurants. ever they want! Moms are getting more education regarding COVID-19 during “As a pregnant woman craving all sorts of foods, I was really sad when some of my
Alana Zhu is a nurse at Denver Health in Labor and Delivery.
their pregnancy. And moms are tested for favorite restaurants closed completely hold, my hips hurt during long walks, and COVID-19—unless they decline—when during quarantine.” I am frequently ravenous.” they are admitted to the labor deck.” When COVID-19 hit Colorado, a pregDenver resident Lisa Nguyen, who gave nant Jessalyn Herreria Langevin and her birth on May 17, knew the added risks of A HEALTHY AND SAFE PREGNANCY husband Dan began working from home. being pregnant. “I practiced social dis
Social distancing, staying home and Langevin said: “Working from home tancing and wore a face mask every time washing hands are recommended for evhas helped with social distancing as I I left the house as I knew my immune syseryone, especially pregnant women. have been too busy working to do much tem was compromised from the pregnan
As a nurse, Ruben Javier, whose wife else. But I wonder if I’ve gained too much cy,” she said. gave birth on April 24, washed his hands weight since my gym membership is on DOCTOR’S ORDERS
Nguyen’s doctor advised her to keep the stress levels down. “I, along with all other pregnant women had to worry about staying healthy for ourselves and protecting our babies,” said Nguyen, adding she had to prepare for the unexpected.
She continued, “Unfortunately, the health industry changed a lot of the rules at the hospital during the pandemic, such as only allowing one parent to be in the room during ultrasounds and various other tests.”
Lynda Saignaphone was 37 weeks pregnant when the Stay-At-Home order began on March 26 in Colorado.
“I had my doctor appointment on that same day. My partner accompanied me, Jessalyn Herreria Langevin is due this September. Moe (left) and Gus (right) are but when we arrived he was not allowed looking forward to the new addition to their family. to go in. The guideline was just put in

place, so we didn’t get a notification,” said Saignaphone, who was screened for COVID-19 before entering the facility.
“My partner waited in the car and we used video conference for him to see the ultrasound. Since we are first time parents, the experience was hard. We were looking forward to that appointment to see the growth of our baby and share in the excitement.”
Langevin shared not only the same experience at her 21-week anatomy scan, but the same feelings of disappointment.
“This ultrasound typically shows detailed pictures of the baby’s hands, feet, face, among other important structures. It’s also the last ultrasound done in a normal pregnancy so I was disappointed he couldn’t be there with me.”
“I had to wear a mask and use hand sanitizer immediately upon entering the office. Everyone wore masks and they limited the amount of people in the room with me to one at a time. I wasn’t allowed to videotape my ultrasound but
Lisa Nguyen and her daughter Natalie share the items in their baby shower gift baskets, including bottles of sangria.

A box of goodies was delivered to the guests celebrating Nguyen’s virtual baby shower. Lynda Saignaphone and Cedric Hill celebrated their baby shower on Feb. 29 right before stay-at-home orders began.

able to FaceTime my husband and take pictures home. Everyone’s trying to make the best of a bad situation, but the process felt sterile and lonely.”

Alex (left) and Lin (right) Johnson await their delivery date of June 5, 2020.
Javier and his wife, Liang, set their baby shower before stay-at home orders restricted gatherings. They felt fortunate to schedule it in their Northglenn residence.
Saignaphone was also able to host an in-person baby shower on February 29. She said, “It was co-ed baby shower with our friends and family joining us from all over the country. I’m so glad we were able to celebrate with our loved ones in person, which was the last time we got to see them before the pandemic and quarantine happened.”
However, Nguyen and Johnson were not so fortunate. In fact, Johnson and her husband had been trying to get pregnant for four years, so to celebrate with a baby shower would have marked this beautiful family moment.
Nguyen’s sister, cousin and three close friends hosted a virtual baby shower for her via Zoom. “They created beautiful gift baskets, which they hand-delivered to guests’ houses and mailed to out-ofstate guests,” she said. “We played virtual games, and were able to celebrate with everyone online.”
Johnson confessed her distress when they canceled her baby shower, scheduled for the end of March. “I was devastated and cried for hours, knowing it was going to be cancelled.” She and her husband, Alex celebrated by hosting an at-home photo shoot. As a photographer herself, Johnson captured her maternity memories with photo booth props and making the best of the situation.

Alex and Lin Johnson took photo booth photos to celebrate their baby shower.
“I’m so glad we did that because it definitely made me feel better through it all,” Johnson said.

Langevin wonders what her delivery will look like when the baby is due this September.
“During my career in nursing, I have been fortunate enough to watch C-sections and vaginal deliveries,” she said.
“However, I worry that my husband won’t be allowed in the delivery room. Nursing schools frequently name their OB course Care of the Childbirthing Family because care is needed for the mother, her baby, and their support system. Is it the
Lynda Saignaphone delivered her daughter Yara at Sky Ridge Medical Center amid the pandemic.

At my 39 week appointment, the doctor told me to pack my hospital bag just in case I would go into labor that same day. I checked into the labor unit at Sky Ridge Medical Center to have my blood pressure monitored, since it was on the cusp of being elevated.
My partner, Cedric, was not allow to accompany me since I was not in labor yet. Before entering the hospital, I had to be screened for COVID-19. There was only one open entry to the facility. I was escorted by a staff member to the labor unit. It was such an eerie environment. Most of the lights were off. The halls were dark and quiet. Everyone in the facility was wearing masks.
No families in the waiting room. No patients or visitors in sight besides the hospital staff and lots of marking tapes throughout the hospital. Doors needed key access, even the elevator. It was such a weird experience, and not having my partner there made it even harder.
I remember texting my family and Cedric to give them updates and feeling isolated in a room all alone. I was there for two hours before the doctor finally checked my dilation. I was dilated enough that it was time to get ready to give birth. I called Cedric right away to come to the hospital. His name was logged in at the entrance as every delivering mother was only allowed one visitor.
As I prepared for labor, Cedric set up a group text to send updates to my family about the whole process. It was a little overwhelming for him too, since there was so much going on. I have a pretty big family and everyone was worried, so we provided a lot of communication via texts during that whole process. It was such an interesting and weird first pregnancy experience for both of us.

Lynda Saignaphone gave birth to baby Yara (5.11 lbs, 19.5 inches) on April 10, 2020 at Sky Ridge Medical Center.
My birthing story was definitely not what I had in mind for my first baby. Being a new mom is hard enough. A pandemic on top of it all, added extra anxiety and worry.
The first two weeks at home were also a roller coaster. There was so much joy with a new baby mixed with worry about the unknown of the pandemic. Unlike the births of my older nieces and nephews, my family could not be around to meet our new baby and share in the joy.
On May 17, 2020, Lisa Nguyen and Joseph Libkey, Jr. gave birth to Layla Likey, who was 7 lbs 9 oz and 21 inches.
same joyful and happy experience if it’s just you and your new baby? As a whole, everything feels a little surreal and very uncertain.”
Johnson also indicated her disappointment to not have her mom and sister at the hospital for her baby’s birth. She also expressed her fears of contracting COVID-19; she is already encountering

trouble breathing just being pregnant. HISTORICAL COVID TIMES
Zhu said that things are changing daily in the hospital. “The only thing we can do is adapt to the changes and roll with the punches. I’m proud of the work I do and I’m grateful to be in a career where I’ll never worry about losing my job,” she said.
“Nursing is a special world to work in as you’re seeing people in their most vulnerable state. Every day I’m honored to be taking care of the Denver people!”
“This [pregnancy] was definitely one for the books,” said Nguyen, who also has a 12-year-old son Nathaniel and 8-year-old daughter Natalie.
“Times like these are never easy on anyone,” Javier said. “As long as we have each other, we will get through it, supporting one another.”
Johnson also said the love and support of her husband helped her during these pandemic times. “I couldn’t have gotten through it without my wonderful hus

Ruben (left) and Liang (right) Javier welcomed baby Isla on April 24, 2020. She was 6 lbs 13 oz and 19.25 inches. band, Alex!”
One positive aspect of the current situation is that new mothers may be able to work from home. Saignaphone said, “Now that my maternity leave has ended, I get to work from home which eases my worries staying home with my baby and not having to worry about pumping and breastfeeding. I’m fortunate to have family and friends to lend their support through this unpredictable time.”