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Cherry Creek High School students organize Tedx event to share big ideas
Every household knows about electronic games, whether it is Nintendo favorites such as Mario Bros. or Zelda from the 80s or today’s popular Minecraft and Fortnite. Video games like Dungeons & Dragons have even evolved into movies.
An estimated six million kids are addicted to games, according to a local high schooler, who is fighting game addiction through awareness.
Speaking in a TEDx speech, Michael Zhang, a student at Cherry Creek high school, shared about his gaming addiction, corporate greed, and how the industry should be regulated.
Now he is partnering with his friend Chelsea Chi to host their own TEDx event called TEDxCherryCreekHS.
On Saturday, August 12, join The Schoolhouse on for the first TEDx event in the South Denver Metro area themed “Beyond The Horizon.”
With the support of the powerful TED platform, the event offers a TED-like experience, bringing people together and sparking deep discussion and connection.
“The TED platform is powerful, offering excellent support and publicity for TEDx events. All TEDx speeches will be uploaded onto ted.com, which attracts millions of views. TED also provides comprehensive guidance, making hosting a TEDx event an easier process,” Zhang said.
“We hope that the big ideas our speakers bring to the event will spark deep and meaningful conversations from the community and, moreover, some tangible actions to bring about tangible changes.”
Zhang is curious about science and computer science, and he hopes to pursue a career in these fields. Plans are to continue hosting TEDx events annually.
In the modern and beautiful Schoolhouse at Parker Arts, the event will feature 12 powerful talks and two performances. Speaker and performer applications are available at tedxcherrycreekhs.com. Comprehensive training will be provided to selected speakers.
The team of Zhang, Chi and their parents are hoping for 100 sold seats. The event is open to the public, especially children and adults in South Denver Metro communities.
TEDx Cherry Creek High School is a youth-run nonprofit organization dedicated to ideas worth spreading. For more information, visit tedxcherrycreekhs.com or contact tedx.cherrycreekhs@gmail.com.
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