PinkdotTO 2022 Program Booklet

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in partnership with TD Bank Group presents

#PinkdotTO 2022 “Togetherness” An evening of celebration and talent showcase

July 13, 2022 Reception 6:30pm to 7:30pm Dinner/Program 7:30pm to 9:45pm Sky Dragon Chinese Restaurant 280 Spadina Ave., Top Floor Toronto M5T 3A5

Cash bar is available at the event Pop/Soda…………………….……$4.00 Local Beer………………………..$6.00 Import Beer………………………$8.00 Cocktail…………………….……..$8.00 (rum and coke, screw driver, vodka tonic)

Bios of our fabulous performers and emcees of the night…

She is known to her peers as THE MOST TRAVELLED BEAUTY QUEEN. She is a well-known beauty Queen in the Philippines, an advocate, and a messenger of hope. She is also a pageant Director and dedicates her me as a "Queen maker.”


My name is Claim; 22 years old, and some people call me Claimyyy; I am cool with it. On the day of the PinkDotTO event, I will be performing the song called "This Is Me" from the movie The Greatest Showman. I chose this song because of its message; it is a story and a process of being who you are and loving yourself. As a transgender woman, discrimina on and bullying is a never unusual things. I've been through hardships and almost ended it all. S ll, throughout all those challenges, I slowly realize what I am capable of and who I truly am- a erce Queen, and no one can ever change that! I love performing because I can showcase my crea vity and talent and inspire everyone. I want to dedicate this song and performance to all the LGBTQ+ people, especially those s ll hiding in the dark, to nd the light and be loud and proud.


I am twenty-four years old and living in Toronto. I am a culinary management graduate working as a cook/baker at Fresh City Farms. On the side, I am also a dance choreographer and singer. I am also proud to share that I am a beauty queen strongly advoca ng for mental health and dreams of becoming the rst famous trans-woman chef.















I am 26 yrs old, from Toronto and an accoun ng graduate. Presently, I am working as a customer experience advisor and a subject ma er expert in the call centre industry a dancer, a singer, and an ar st. I am also a beauty pageant enthusiast and advocate for trans women's rights and poverty. I aspire to become the rst trans woman in Canada to bring home an interna onal trans pageant tle.




Ericka I am very proud of my culture and family's heritage. I am no ordinary woman. I work in the healthcare

se ng, primarily in pa ent care. I love my job because I get to help people and be er their lives. I am a woman who loves life, loves to laugh, and is not afraid to take risks and face adversity head-on. I channel my passion into cooking, dancing, singing, walking, and enjoying nature.

Miss Bang Cock

Bang Cock is a 21-year-old Drag star from Vancouver, BC. Even though the drag scene on the west coast is enormous, it wasn't un l Bang Cock moved to Toronto that they discovered the art of drag. Drag gives Bang Cock the freedom to express themselves uniquely. As well, it's a way for Bang Cock to share inspiring messages and connect with people. When you come to a Bang Cock show, you can expect a highenergy performance, stunning looks, and, most importantly, a fantas c me!

RPM Dance Crew

R.P.M is a Toronto-based k-pop cover dance group formed in March 2014. R.P.M has performed in previous K-Pop conven ons in Toronto and is s ll ac ve in the k-pop community, par cipa ng in events and compe ons regularly. They love being involved with the community, whether that's in person or virtually, and con nue to strive and produce great content for our million Youtube subscribers, as well as our audiences on Instagram and TikTok.

Vale Vale is a queer, mixed-race weirdo from Mississauga, now living in Toronto. They work in the non-

















pro t sphere by day, and play video games and D&D by night. As a comedian, Vale has brought the laughs to various comedy and variety shows, such as F*ck Sh*T Up Cabaret, Kings & Classics, Comic Sans, Super Gay Saturday, Cabbagetown Fes val, Up & Comers, Sit Down & Stand Up, and League of Laughs. They enjoy weird electronic music, fashion, noodle soup, and queer open mics.

Jade Elektra Alfonso King Jr is a Toronto-based “out”HIV+ Queer African-American Drag

Entertainer, Recording Ar st/Vocalist, Film/Stage/ Television Actor and AIDS Ac vist originally from Tampa, Florida, via New York City and nally found a home in Toronto at the end of 2009. A er being diagnosed in 1990, King dreamed of leaving Tampa, Florida, for the hustle and bustle of New York City. In 1992, he relocated and began working as a DJ in the nightlife scene. By 1993, he formed a drag revue called "The Illusions" and performed in various venues throughout Harlem. Film and television roles followed as he built his brand as Jade Elektra and DJ Relentless. But it wasn't un l he moved to Toronto and married John Richard Allan that he came out publicly about his HIV status. Jade Elektra is most noted for his ac vism through his music. "H-I-Vogue," "Undetectable," and his cover of "Love Hangover" are all HIVthemed messages to encourage tes ng and gh ng. , aka Kelly Estomo, is a bi FilipinaKelso Jeans Canadian who writes picturesque lyrics to dreamy guitar chords, oa ng between emo-folk singer-songwriter and head-nodding indie rock. She started wri ng and singing in her childhood Mississauga home and hopes to create a fully-realized project with her talented friends. ”He is a MC: Jonathan proud gay Canadian-born Filipino. By day, he is the United Way

campaign manager for the Ontario Public Service. By night, he has hosted countless events, including the 2017 Miss Pres ge pageant, and of course, some of you may recognize him from the 2nd Miss ACAS pageant! His measurements are 42, 34 and 8 inches! Please welcome Jonathan de la Cruz!” She is a Cancerian, ar st, and a plant MC: Mina mother. Mina has been with ACAS since 2014 and has co-hosted several ACAS events fabulously. She joined ACAS early this year. "As cheesy MC: Eva as it sounds, I want to volunteer my me to help be er the lives of others and give back to the community." She



















enjoys public speaking and created/facilitated interac ve public speaking workshops to develop the skills of rst-year students during her UofT days.

Please support our campaign for PinkdotTO P ro c e e d s fo r AC A S LGBTQ+ Programming. Simply scan the QR code with your smartphone to make a donation. A tax receipt is generated automatically for every d o n at i o n m a d e. We would like to thank you all in advance!

Special thanks to…


Our long term individual donors Dr. Alan Li Andre Goh Dedicated Volunteers, Community Members And Board of Directors



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