JCI Manila 2021 -The HERALD 2021 Year End APJ Special Issue

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Greetings! First of all, thank you to the Almighty for a great and wonderful leadership year for all of us. As your 73rd President, it was truly an honor and a privilege to have led as one with you this year.

We have successfully and sustainably achieved our “Lead As One” objectives of Recovery, Service and Collaboration. More so, we have set the bar and the tone for the future in this coming new and better normal. Amidst all the achievements we have made and the impact we have created, I am prouder of the better persons and leaders we have become this year through all the growth opportunities we have made despite the innate challenges brought about by the new surges and lockdowns. We have made better leaders especially from our brotherhood. Being the University of Leaders, this achievement of developing leaders is a testament of our raison d’etre. This process and culture we have and the various growth opportunities we offer makes JCI Manila who we are. Moreover, you, my fellow JCI brothers, are our chapter’s greatest trophies, and neither a Temiongnor a Titan can ever replace that. Furthermore, no setback can ever stop us from what we have been destined to do. We have been, we are and we shall always be JCI Manila and nothing can take that away from us. Rather, we even become more emboldened to become the bigger and better persons from every circumstance. I thank my family, my wife Hemilyn, two kids Roi and Ocio and my parents JCI. Sen Antonio L. Tamayo and Dr. Daisy M. Tamayo and my elder brother JCI Sen. Anthony Jose M. Tamayo and the rest of my siblings for their unwavering support extended to me all these years and to date. I would like to take this opportunity as well, to send my profound thanks and snappiest salute to the 2021 JCI Manila Board of Directors. Without their exemplary leadership and performance, we would not have been able to achieve all the legacy programs and projects this year. More so, the timeless benefit of the growth opportunities in making the best leaders out of our beloved chapter.

Gratitude as well to all our sister, baby and fellow JCI chapters including all our partners and stakeholders. Without your support and our valued partnerships, we would not be able to sustainably grow all our wonderful programs especially for our chosen and adopted communities and beneficiaries. We are also most definitely proud to have broken boundaries with all the collaboration efforts we have made most especially in the JCI RISE (Rebuild-Invest-Sustain-Evolve) Programs. Furthermore, we all have been led at an incredible time in spite of the pandemic we currently face. Not to mention, our chapter is leading to a penultimate moment, our diamond jubilee, being the First in Asia. I am confident with the continuous lineage of leadership with President-Elect Richard “Dods” B. Lim, Jr. and the 2022 JCI Manila Board of Directors, we will be able to not only sustain the amazing gains we have made this year, but they will even do better as we join them in Rebuilding the Future. This has been a nostalgic year for me. Having been a Baby Jaycee in 2003 and now leading in my last year as a regular member of the beloved chapter that has done so much for me, my family, my work and my life. I am not only proud and honored to have served you as your President this year, but for all the years I have spent with JCI Manila. It has truly been such an amazing journey and all that I have is gratitude for the opportunity to be of value and to be better. JCI Manila First, JCI Manila Always. Thank you and may God bless and keep you and your families safe always. Yours in JCI, JCI MEM. Richard Antonio M. Tamayo 2021 JCI Manila President

JOHN ROSS T. FRANCISCO 2021 Executive Vice President I am J.R. Francisco, a JCI Member of 10 years and your Executive Vice President this 2021. If there’s one thing that I am proud of, it would be all the members of this organization that have dedicated their time and resources to be of service to the chapter and its beneficiaries through the 194 projects we were able to roll-out this year. Through everyone’s effort, we were able to win this year’s Best Local Organization as well as the Best of the Best Local Organization during the Area Conference and hopefully in the upcoming NATCON! In a nutshell - challenging yet fulfilling. One thing that I tried to bring to the table was something I learned in the past - a happy board is an effective board which is then trickled down to the members. In this time of pandemic wherein everything seems to have a limitation, it was difficult to create that atmosphere of togetherness since there were very little opportunities for physical gatherings. Great projects can relatively be achieved easier if you have solid dynamics amongst the team members. And as much as there were several plans that needed to be changed or updated along the way, I would say that the whole chapter was still able to achieve great heights this year. That for me, brings the fulfillment knowing that we were able to do what we are known to do as a chapter, and again, being recognized through the awards we earned. So again, I would like to give my utmost gratitude and respect to all members of the chapter who not only sacrificed their resources, but the risk that they willingly accepted. As I have said several times - what is there left to do when everything seems to be going wrong, but to do what is right. It is through everyone's actions that we can truly create an impactful positive change and what better time to be courageous and determined, than now in this unprecedented time.

Every relationship is heavily anchored on communications. So as much as almost everything is limited to online platforms, it is about making each individual feel recognized and heard. t’s through the personal efforts that I believe contributed to keeping the membership alive and active. Knowing and understanding one’s needs and wants created the different avenues for the Lead As One BOD to anchor its programs and projects on. As much as the board has its vision for the year in place, it would’ve done the members injustice if we did not recognize theirs. I would be honest enough to say that this might end up being answered subjectively as we may all have different goals for ourselves. So I would refer to statistics to try and make this as objective as possible :) 194 projects for the year to date, is something unimaginable considering one, and for obvious reasons, the pandemic has really been a deterrent to a lot of things. Next, I think this is the most number of projects JCI Manila has executed in a year. In terms of quality, I think the awards are a testament on how we were able to deliver the programs and projects to signify that they are of value especially to their respective beneficiaries. Seeing also posts of appreciation by the different members of the chapter, as well as other local organizations, would further validate how we were able to be of service to them. With these, I would say we have achieved so much already to know we have achieved our “finest hour”. But truth be told that the term has yet to end, and we still have opportunities to create our finest “hours”. So I only look forward to being in service to all, up until that last second of our term as again, my sense of fulfillment heavily rests on the happiness of others.

My name is Gerry Hung, it is my pleasure and privilege to serve our chapter as your 2021 JCI Manila Secretary-General.

S E C R E T A R Y - G E N E R A L

I oversaw a team of extraordinary individuals. My team has worked tirelessly to ensure that our organization ran smoothly, and it showed in our organization’s overall achievements, an example iwould be our record breaking JCIPEA points this year. I’ve learned a lot this year, working with people that I have yet to work with before. As part of the EXECOM, you have to balance between being an elder brother and a good friend to the directors and members.

Listening to their concerns, questions or sentiments is crucial because it lets you grow as a person and it helps you find the best way to guide them.

Through empathy and communications, we were able to stand side by side with our brothers through their ups and downs.

I am proud of these men, who worked with me in these times of uncertainty and challenges brought about by the pandemic.

We respected their comfort level and yet continued to strive to become better and provided them areas of opportunities for their individual growth.

I was equally challenging because this year, we lost a lot of our loved ones because of the pandemic.

Recognizing them for their great work and sacrifice, being inclusive in all our activities and promoting mutual trust and friendship among people who spend little time together.

I am deeply humbled and extremely honored and grateful to be working closely with my brothers. I’ve learned a lot and hopefully I was able to impart my knowledge to them. Again, thank you very much brothers especially to my committee, you have been by my side through so many ups and downs, and I want you all to know that I’ll always do the same for you. Thank you! To all the commissioners, chairmen and members, your selfless service to the greater community is helping us all get through these tough times, your timeless efforts are not going unnoticed.

Maraming Salamat sa supporta ninyo.

I will always be proud of our members no matter the outcome of any awarding ceremony.

We would not have been able to achieve our finest hour without the hard work of our directors, commissioners, chairmen, members and secretariats. They are the backbone of our organization. They continually inspire us to achieve more and surpass the old record because we owe it to our members and past board of directors who have built the foundation of our chapter.

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2021 JCI Manila Secretary-General.

Especially during the pandemic season, I am proud to serve you with like-minded individuals that I call my brothers. I'm most proud of working with the hardworking secretariats, commissioners and members of our organization.

CHRISTIAN ANG 2021 Executive Treasurer Hello! I am Christian Ang, the 2021 Executive Treasurer. Being part of this year’s board and working alongside 14 other outstanding gentlemen in creating worthwhile and high-impact projects for both our beneficiaries and our members are perhaps the proudest achievement I could ever hope for. We have started advancing our operations to be fully adept in the digital era by adopting online banking and transactions on all our projects and chapter-wide transactions. Our secretariat has since been using online facilities to communicate and transmit pertinent data that was before made through manual work. Our coordination action with our partner financial institutions has vastly helped in improving how we do our jobs efficiently in the service of our beloved chapter. As part of the EXECOM, our main goal is to guide our fellow directors who are the front liners in creating valuable and high-impact projects for both beneficiaries and memberships alike. With this and being a 1st-timer, it is a huge change from being a director that is in the action of things to being a support and backend of things. I’ve come to realize that being in this position entails not only what deliverables your job description has but also the guidance and assurance that your fellow board members need to hear. As we strive to be a professionally run organization, one has to entail a balance of being frank and strict in submission and guidelines while at the same time understanding of once predicaments following the said guidelines. We have also embraced what is the future of financial transactions Cryptocurrency. With our dedicated members enthralled by this new era of the financial tool, a deregulated financial tool that could one day expand on how we transact with one another, they have helped me understand the complex dynamics of things. I am grateful for their genuine patience in explaining and expounding on why we as a chapter should be at the forefront of this tool. In these pandemic times, we give our all-out praises and grateful thank yous to all the members that have stood by and helped in all our projects, given their extra effort as well as their intent to have this chapter be not only at par with its regional NGO peers but also be at the front and center of creating a future-forward organization that has its leaderships vision outlined in the future. One does not take into account the huge opportunity that we have by having access to a lot of communication tools. And by these communication tools were able to find a renewed sense of the world brotherhood. As we come from a pre-pandemic era that only physical activity is determined by our “brotherhood” we now find our strength in digital brotherhood using unimaginable tools before, our VIBER and Telegram Messaging apps have been more so augmented by the use of DISCORD. Which was once a yearning for a physical hangout was abruptly and suitably replaced by a digital hangout where everyone is welcomed.

Creating value through projects both for our beneficiaries and members while still in this pandemic would perhaps be our finest hour. The outside-the-box thinking and push the envelope mindset created new projects in this new normal.


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2021 Vice President for External Affairs. I am Richard “Dods” Lim. I have been a member since 2013, being a BJC Chairman of our project “MEN Who Care”. The next year, I became the Chairman of our legacy project, the RVR Awards. After a few more years, I became a Director in charge of International Affairs. I am now serving as the VP for External Affairs.

I am proud of the three Directors and Leaders of the Chapter that have developed under me. It was not always easy, but there was never a dull moment. I am proud what they have achieved for themselves and for the Chapter this year. Nothing gives more satisfaction, than to see them grow to the leaders they are today. It was really difficult this year to be one of the leaders of the chapter, especially with the global pandemic as a backdrop. On the personal side, a lot has happened, as with everyone else. However, it is still that strong sense of brotherhood and community that draws us to go beyond oneself to serve others. That has been the motivating force behind what we did this year, and as part of Execom, it was our job to make sure that this spirit permeated throughout everyone in the BOD.

The sincerest thank you to all the Members of JCI Manila! The chapter, though storied with its great traditions and prestigious in history, is ultimately nothing without the members that constitute it. In the words of the author Rudyard Kipling, the strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf; so it is true that the strength of the members is the chapter, and the strength of the chapter are the members. I could not be prouder of how we came together last year, be it through online projects, e-sports, GMMs, community programs.

While there is great diversity in our members in terms of interests and background, it has been made clear on what we all have in common which is our bond for the brotherhood of our chapter. We have shown that even in the deepest crisis, we are stronger together. I believe we saw this year as our finest hour, especially in the dedication and selflessness shown by the members towards the brotherhood and to the community. Despite being deeply affected by the pandemic, we saw members get out of themselves to rise together for the community, and Lead the Chapter As One.

ADRIAN PADIERNOS Director for Training and Leadership

I am Adrian Padiernos and I am this year’s Director for Training and Leadership. We are the directorate behind the Limitless Training Program and Ten Outstanding Guro Awards. I am most proud of the team we were able to build this year and the bond we have created despite being amidst a pandemic.

It was an amazing year. You truly find out that there is no limit to what you can achieve when you have a group of people who come together and work towards a common goal. You realize that no pandemic or crisis can stop these same people from building solid friendships together. The numbers speak for themselves.


Training Sessions

4000 Reaching over



JCI accredited official course trainers.

This just shows how the Limitless Team put all their heart out.

We have expanded the Legacy of Limitless not just in training but in other areas as well. We developed Limitless Talks, our own form of TedEx, wherein members get to share their unique experiences, interests, and hobbies.

We also established the Limitless Studio and Channel that have created various video productions for the year including that of the Vaccination awareness program. To help out with membership activation, we have launched Limitless Activ8 Points System that monitors and incentivizes membership activity and involvement in the chapter. Limitless Elev8 was another flagship self-development program we started this year that could definitely grow the very essence of Limitless, which is to build the future leaders of JCI Manila.

The Ten Outstanding Guro Awards or TOGA is another monumental program we have started this year and showed us that being better should not be limited to our members, but also to instrumental people in our society, like our teachers.

These are just some of what we had accomplished this year. This team was just built differently.

They showed NO LIMIT. Willie, Lance, Clarence, Raf, BZ, Dre, Martin, Deo, Patrick, Escay and Sam. Thank you for being the crazy ones in believing in me and in trusting the process. We have done so much this year and I credit it all to you, my brothers. Limitless for life.

DINNO GO CEDENIO I am Dinno Go Cedenio, the 2021 JCI Manila director for National Relations. I am proud of what the NATREL committee has accomplished this year. We were able to achieve our goal of improving our relationships with our sister chapters, other JCI chapters, and the JCI Philippines organization. I am also proud that we were able to accomplish amidst the ongoing pandemic where physical activities are still limited.

Being a JCI Manila director and getting married in the same year was a challenge for me but it made me happy once I was able to accomplish all of that this year. I learned to manage my time and resources properly this year. The best experience of being a director this year is that I was able to bond with new members and share with them my experiences as a JCI Manila member, and encourage them to become active members and future leaders.

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2021 Director for National Relations

The National Relations directorate launched two flagship projects this year, Project Empower and the Vaccine Awareness Campaign Project. Project Empower is a national online job fair where we collaborated with 29 other JCI chapters, The Philippines Overseas Employment Agency, Department of Labor, Philippine Employment Services Office and other key stakeholders.. It was very successful and we were able to help those in need of jobs especially during this pandemic. I am very proud of what the project team was able to accomplish and the impact we were able to give back to the community.

The Vaccine Awareness Campaign project was launched to support our government’s effort in educating people the importance of being vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus. JCI Manila launched a TV commercial, which showed that getting vaccinated is important, not just to protect yourself but also to protect those people around you. We were able to collaborate with key stakeholders such as the Department of Health, Cignal TV, GMA TV, and other partner organizations. The project team was able to show this commercial through various mediums, social media, cable tv, and national television. I am so proud of what the project team has done given the challenges we had to encounter to achieve our goal.

Aside from these flagship projects, JCI Manila also supported the projects of other JCI chapters in the country thus improving our relationship with them and also these chapters have gotten to know JCI Manila better and opening future opportunities for projects. This year would not have been successful without the support of these people who have been there for me since the start of the year. Pres Richard Tamayo Thank you for giving me this opportunity to work with you this year. We were able to talk a lot especially when it comes to NATREL related stuff. I am thankful that you supported my suggestions for our chapter and it was my pleasure to have worked with you under your term as president. To my 2021 BOD It was awesome to have been able to work with you brothers this year. It was indeed quite a ride at the start but the journey towards the end, it was all worth it. Thank you for the support and guidance from each of you brothers, thank you for always having my back. Our 1 year to lead went by quickly but we still have plenty of years to bond with each other since we are now all brothers for life. To my NATREL Brothers It is an honor to have worked with you my brothers this year and I am grateful for the support you all provided to this directorate. To my commissioners, Rob Hong, Lorenz Lao, Janryck Lim, and Carlo Mendoza, thank you for accepting these roles when I called you guys last year. I knew that I could trust you brothers to accomplish all of the tasks which were assigned to us this year. Thank you also for guiding our NATREL chairmen throughout the year and showing them how we do it in NATREL. To the entire NATREL directorate, I am so proud that I was able to work with all of you brothers and we were able to accomplish a lot this year. To all of the project chairmen and committee members, I am very proud of what you guys accomplished this year and I hope that you all continue to grow and be active here in JCI Manila and become future leaders to our chapter. Mabuhay kayo brothers, mabuhay ang NATREL!

ROEL GALLARDO 2021 Director for International Relations I am Owie Gallardo and I am this year’s Director for International Relations. First and foremost,

I am proud to have survived this year. I am proud to call my fellow Board of Directors, my brothers. I would be lying if I told you this is what I have expected out of my term as a Director. I would also be lying if I told you it was easy. We all thought that with everything being online, we would be more connected to our counterparts across the globe. It turns out that is not the case, we still need that physical connection for us to bond, it is true that with one touch we can be face to face via zoom and such but that does not replace the moments we have created together. This year has had many ups and downs, I am glad to have survived it.

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Project RISE saw



National Chapters join in.

This project highlights the importance of Mental Health. It gives a sense of relief to know that we are not alone during this pandemic, what we are experiencing is being experienced by another. One might be able to smile but that person is one tear or one smile from making a life changing event.

All in All, we must all help each other, always offer a helping hand, never lose hope, and in the end we will RISE ABOVE ADVERSITY. Imagine yourself giving a speech, a chance to give thanks under a limited time, like an Oscar speech. Enumerate key people and/or groups who were attached to your projects and you want to give thanks during this speech. I would like to Thank Pres-Elect Richard Lim Jr for never giving up. Thank you to Pres Rich Tamayo for always being there. To Commissioners Bryan Santos, Jansen Siy, and Michael Lim, thank you for taking on this year with me. Thank you to Sen Lloyd Chao and Pres Jonas Ang for the guidance.

We curated topics for our GMMs to target what we think was most needed by our members during this time.

Carl Ang - the ever dependable director. Covers all aspects that are needed and always plans ahead. Being that his family is into events, there is no need to remind him to check the little details and I am always assured that it will be a successful, classy and well organized event. Joseph Gonzales - The careful one. This guy would really ask for your opinion on moves that he makes not because he is not confident, but because he always keeps the members in mind. He sees to it that he delivers quality projects from start to finish. Projects like the Business Academy, JCIM Business Directory, Project Ani to name a few, were all executed well. Like his art, it is surprising what this person can do if he sets his mind to it. Victor Queyquep - Michael Jordan. I think this guy loves basketball too much and likes to take the winning shot right before the buzzer. Luckily, he always delivers. ULO targets for the year were met. Innovative projects such as the JCI Manila Care groups, JCI Manila’s Ride and Run, JCI Manila Checkmate, Talk to a Champion Program, Bible and Basketball, and many more, the Membership Development directorate really stepped up and found ways to make members happy despite not having many physical events.

Too many to mention but truly it is each and every member in this organization that went out of their way to ensure that JCI Manila will rise above Covid-19 and continue to Lead As One. Our members truly showed us this year on why JCI Manila is still the premier leadership organization. Service to humanity was ever so bright during this time of the pandemic. I want to thank the entire membership for their unwavering support for the vision and mission of the 2021 Board Of Directors.

It has truly been an honor to serve you. THANK YOU!

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As VP, I would just like to say that this was beyond my expectations. It was very smooth to work with such capable and proactive directors.


As VP for internal affairs, it was of utmost importance for us to focus on how we would help our members recover from the pandemic. We launched our care groups and the JCI Manila business directory to connect the JCI Manila economy and make sure our member’s needs are taken care of.


2021 Vice President for Internal Affairs



Hello! I am Brainard Hao, 2017 Dir for LO Management and 2021 VP for Internal Affairs. What I am most proud of this year would be the directors that I have worked with. Dir Carl Ang, Joseph Gonzales and Victor Queyquep have performed above and beyond expectations given the current situation. They were able to adapt and deliver valuable projects and events that I know were able to help our members.

JOSEPH GONZALES 2021 Director for Business Development. I am Joseph Gonzalez, your 2021 Director for Business Development. We are the team that handled Project Ani, JCI Business Academy and Unbreakable.

There are many things to be proud of but to highlight one would be seeing our members step up and leading others during this time. Through service to humanity and bringing glory to our chapter, our members truly are champions leading champions. Being part of the board showed me what it takes to serve JCI Manila. It was amazing to see the type of bond we made as a chapter despite the challenges we all faced through this pandemic. From winning awards and being there for each other as we jump from project to project, truly it is a humbling experience knowing that we share the same purpose. Our calendars were filled and every moment was dedicated to the chapter, these are memories that I will never trade and will always treasure.




Those projects raised over


in cash which were done in benefit to our community projects.

this year

PROJECT ANI Project Ani, which serves the Indigenous People nationwide by teaching them basic business management, accounting and financial literacy was one of the key projects we handled this year. We maintained our partnership with PLDT Enterprise and Paymaya while gaining








GlobalLinker, Zagana, Shoppertainment and First Pacific. With their help, we were able to raise P1.25 Million in cash sponsorship and over P2 Million worth of pocket WiFi and Data to be provided to our IP partners around the Philippines.

JCI BUSINESS ACADEMY The JCI Business Academy which provided training to our members and audiences from the Philippines all the way to the Middle East were able to cover most of the major sectors of Business for our country. Through its sister project which is the JCI

220 Over

Business Online

Business Directory, we were able to bring over 220 businesses online for a more organized approach in contacting and engaging your co-members services and products.

JCI LEGACY PROGRAM JCI Legacy program which handles the Saint Teresa of Calcutta Award, Ramon V. Del Rosario Award, Unbreakable (PLDT – DTI partnered events) were maintained this year. Through our unbreakable series, we have featured over


JCI Members

and their businesses which had a reach of over

44,000 live viewers

to help advertise their work.

In the end, I am very happy to report that through the effort of the different committees under the business directorate, we were able to make this all happen and we are also able to turnover a potential legacy to the next directors who will continue our projects. I would like to thank the following who has supported our Directorate this year Project Ani: Molding the World's best Indigenous People Best Local Corporate Social Responsibility Program Project Ani Committee Commissioner Ralph Allen Sales Commissioner Quino Baterna Chairman for the Ani E-Commerce Platform, Joshua Aragon Chairman for the IP Business University, Jesse Jalandoni Chairman for E-Commerce Operations, Rj Almazan JCI Business 360: A Roadmap for Business Excellence Best Local Business and Entrepreneurship Program JCI Business 360 Commissioners Commissioner for 10 Business Academy Episodes, Rafael Verzosa Commissioner for Legacy Projects, Jerrold N Ong JCI Business Academy Overall Chairman, Juan Miguel Gabrino Chairman for JCI Business Promotions, Luj Pazziuagan Danao Chairman for Business Directory, Armando Franco Olayres Chairman for 12 Unbreakable Episodes, Kelly Blaquera Chairman for Sustainable Investment in a Volatile Market, Matt Flores Chairman for Business of Golf, Jay Chu Chairman for GoOFW Financial Literacy, Harold Glenn Labuguen Chairman for Business of Online Retail, Kevin Ty Chairman for Business of E Sports, Kit Rodriguez Chairman for Business of Design and Arts, Juan Miguel Gabrino Chairman for Digital Trends in Agriculture, Joshua Aragon Chairman for the Getting started in franchising, Magellan Fetalino Chairman for Jump ship to drop shipping, Angelo Sison Chairman for the Secret Life of Arts, PD Ken Sy Chairman for Performance Marketing, Kevin Cua Chairman for the Business Model Webinar, Juan Miguel Gabrino Chairman for RVR Nation Building Conference, Lance Ebol Thank you also to our corporate partners MVP PLDT/Smart CEO, Al Panlilio Smart PLDT Foundation President, Esther Santos Metro Pacific Investment Corporation Chief Finance Officer and Chief Sustainability Officer, June Cheryl Cabal-Revilla

PLDT Enterprise Senior Vice President and ePLDT President, Jovy Hernandez PLDT Enterprise First Vice President - Core Business, Jojo Gendrano PLDT Enterprise First Vice President - Enterprise Revenue Group, Mitch Locsin Cignal TV First Vice President, Sieanna Olaso PLDT Enterprise AVP - Industry and Segment Marketing, Debbie Ledesma Paymaya Director and Head of Business, Raymund Villanueva UnionBank Global Linker Vice President - Customer Experience Group, SME Segment, Jaypee Soliman Unionbank Global Linker VP/Partnership Lead, Roanna Chua PLDT Enterprise Category Head - Digital Payment and Partner Ecosystems, Small and Micro Business, Vince Rodriguez PHINMA Corporation Vice President, Peter Perfecto Shoppertainment CEO, Yas Neri Soyao Icon Executive Asia CEO, Patt Soyao City Lofts Director for Sales and Marketing, Vincent Gustilo Autohub Group, Wayne Tee Ten VM Liwanag Liwanag Industries Corp, Jannel Liwanag Jalandoni Thank you to our Government partners Department of Tourism Secretary, Bernadette Romulo - Puyat Department of Trade and Industry ASEC, Jean Pacheco Department of Agriculture Deputy Executive Director IV and OIC Director of AgriBusiness and Marketing Assistance Service, Dr. Ramon Yedra National Commission on Indigenous People Regional Director, Atty. Roland Calde National Commission on Indigenous People, Dr. Donato Bumacas National Commission on Indigenous People, Kevin Constantine Fonseca National Commission on Indigenous People Zambales Provincial Officer, Randy Bernales National Commission on Indigenous People Provincial OIC, Engr. Marcial Lengao Thank you to everyone who has supported us that the Business Development Directorate of JCI Manila.

CARL LESTER ANG 2021 is a very challenging year, going through 2 life threatening diseases and losing 2 close family members. All these points made me give up, but JCI Manila was there. And these are the reasons why I decided to stay. It showed me that God has plans for me, it may not be the way I wanted it to be at first, but He showed me that I have the purpose why I am here as I pave my path of my directorate. It gave me a new family through my BOD brothers, they have shown me that we are never alone and there is always someone there to back us up.

This is the brotherhood of men in action. It exposed me to a chest trove of opportunities for my personal and professional career development, through the linkages, networking and collaboration, through the projects of the chapter that I immerse myself in. It gave me a chance to witness and practice the values of being guided by protocols, rules and fairness, because we are not here alone, but for our members. This is what makes JCI Manila the best in the world.

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2021 Director for Local Organization Management

It also showed me how a group of men who have never been together or worked together are very much willing to give a hand to be volunteers for our projects, this is being selfless and it shows that our innate human personality is to be good and to be of service to others. And most specially, it gave me a chance to be a catalyst to inspire people to create positive change may it be in their personal or professional lives. As the LOM director these are my reasons, and they are reasons enough for me to persevere to make the chapter proud of what I have become and what I have accomplished with it.

All these are not possible without the selfless men who never thought twice when I called upon them to serve with me this year. My trusted commissioners, my motivated chairmen and my loyal committee members all these happened because of you. My debt of gratitude to all of you. You have given me one of the best years of my life! This year we have shown everyone when we Lead As One, the impossible becomes I’m Possible! With this, your 2021 JCI Manila Local Organization Management Director, Carl Lester Ang is signing off.



Asian Pearl Journal for 2021

Website: Redeveloped our website to incorporate the ff: • Donation Page • Live Facebook feed • JCI Manila Business Directory • Video depository for projects, webinars and seminars • Unified Asian Pearl Journal page with the website • Full month JCIM Calendar of events • Won best website in JCIP Area Convention and

14 4.1M 31,600 33,660



Record Breaking

Record Breaking



Facebook Likes

Followers as of this date.

• Digital Marketing and Podcasts • Launched JCIM podcast @ spotify • Record Breaking FB likes, highest in the JCI community,

• Generated webinar and information drive for Vaccination • Introduced different vaccines like Novovax, Moderna, and Covaxin • Health updates on the field of science in regards to covid response for the members • Covid news development in the country • Delta Variant update • Hosted 12 GMMs • Invited from govt offices like DTI, DOT and DOH List of members who helped the LOM team this year Sen Reginald Yu Sen Soc Villanueva VP Mark lester "Lec" Toribio VP Bonnie Yu Director Jerick Jacoba Director Jon Richmond Ang Director Havy Bagatsing DE Andre Christopher Bernardo DE Carlo Manuel Delantar DE James ErvinTatel DE Joe Louise Gracia Comm bryan zafra Comm Ryan Chuacokiong Comm Clarence Santos Comm Cyril Manalo Comm Janryck Martin Lim Comm jerrold ong Comm Joshua Pielago

Comm Gene Kelly blaquera Comm Mark Villaruz Comm Richmond Fang Comm Rob Hong EIC Luis Peralta Chair Alexander Bryan Go Chair Calvin Grageda Chair Jason Pierre "Son-j"Laruscain Chair Jason Pilones Chair Jay El Chu Chair jazper tiongson Chair Jefferson Sia Chair Lujer Danao Chair Mao Chang Chu Chair Mark Gotauco Chair Mark Ryan penafiel Chair Mckinley Jon Sy Chair Nikko Joseph Que

Chair Ornel Jayson Sy Chair Patrick Tiu Chair Paul Soliman Chair Richard Chua Chair Shih Hao Hsu Chair Vincent Bryan Co Chair Virgili "Cholo" Legisma Alejandro Ramon Blay Arjay Lim Bhenjie Florentino Rodolfo John Robert Palattao Charman Ambrose Yu Dave Francis Dy David Nadela David Emmanuel Ong Andrew Rey Ballesteros Erwin Michael Angeles Francisco "Franz" Offemaria IV

Gumersindo "G3" Ilagan III Carlo Enrico "Ico" Rivera Jansen Dungo Jesse Jalandoni Jesus Sanchez Joel Sy John Magat Juan Miguel Gabrino Keon Kester Chioa Kevin Ng Kristoffer John Gutierrez Jonathan Lance Ebol Luis Espino Mark Jospeh Escay Martin Medina Marvin Bringas Jose Miguel "Miggy" Marty Miguel Aquino

Miguel Dualan Patrick Chua Paul Esclanda Rafael Froilan Rafael Tolentino Ron Dumlao Ronald Vincent Fortez Solomon Pascual Mark Timothy "Kit" Rodriguez Lorenz Lao

VICTOR QUEYQUEP 2021 Director for Membership Development FYou - We work for you! I am Victor Queyquep, director for Membership Development. What I am most proud of this year would be the team I have worked with. Never did I imagine that the MemDev team could achieve what we have accomplished this 2021. Our experience this year was both challenging and fulfilling. At first, it was tough for us to jumpstart projects because of pandemic








commissioners and chairmen, we were able to launch new programs under the directorate. Programs such as The Ride N Run Challenge, Talk to a Champion Program, JCI Manila Checkmate, Bible and Basketball and JCI Manila Member Care. These programs catered not only our regular members but also our senators, associates and their loved ones as well. Under recruitment, we reached our goal of over


These recruits were

New Recruits This Year

deployed to 28 baby jc projects under the community



Of course we continued successful programs from the past years. The JCI Manila Mobile Legends Community has never been this big. Through our expansion, we were able to create a tournament involving other LOs. CS:Go, is another online game that is rapidly growing, We have created a community to battle it out in the spirit of competition through our e sports programs.

Our team also conducted several fellowship events such as the

Committee Lounge, the 4x4 Outdoor Adventure, The Breakfast Run for our car enthusiasts, Badminton Fun Games and the Ride N' Run Fellowship.

Well, through the ups and downs, the memdev team has been successful in bringing more joy to our chapter. By being invested in our brothers growth and well being, our program’s core was to gather members, associates and senators together to experience the brotherhood that has been distanced through these trying times.

Through this, each one was given the opportunity to find a friend, a mentor, a brother, maybe even a short time lover through our team’s effort in keeping everyone connected. Our only wish was to make everyone remember and experience the luxury of being part of JCI Manila. Now, I would like to grab this opportunity to thank all the commissioners who have stuck it out with me this year. All the chairmen who have given their time and commitment to making our members experience an enjoyable one. And, to the rest of the committee, thank you for being there and showing your love for the chapter. F U, this is for you!

ERWIN N. PO 2021 Vice President for Community affairs

The best work of life is service to humanity. That passage from the JCI creed effectively encapsulates the mission of the Community Affairs section. The division has always been at the forefront of JCI Manila, especially when it comes to community work, providing livelihood and educational opportunities to the underprivileged and differently-abled, assisting displaced populations hit by natural calamities, assisting in the vaccination efforts of the government, protecting the environment and promoting peace through partnerships with various national and international institutions. This year, I had the privilege of working with two outstanding directors, Dir. Jason Oliva and Dir. Migo Ochoa, who were challenged in coping with a series of lockdowns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic while still serving local communities. However, this did not stop them from continuing to work toward our aim of assisting our beneficiaries, demonstrating that community service is at the heart of JCI Manila.

JASON OLIVA 2021 Director for Community Development

I am Jason Oliva, this year’s director for Community Development. I am proud of what we accomplished this year.

Staying true the JCI Creed of “Service to Humanity is the Best Work of Life” During the start of the year, everyone’s optimistic that things will be back to pre- pandemic level. Hoping for the best but expecting the worst, the Community Development team planned on doing projects and programs that will compliment the recovery of our beneficiaries. We were able to execute 22 projects (48 in total including 2 projects having multiple legs) Inducted almost 50 bjcs into regular membership. But most importantly, helped our fellow Filpinos in this unprecedented time. The comdev directorate was able to execute


Total Projects

for the year (including 26 with multiple legs). It is hard to help every Filipino but we can do meaningful programs that will have a ripple effect for our beneficiaries.

Under comdev we have 6 major programs namely; Livelihood, PWD’S, Public Health, Water- Sanitation and education- youth. We see to it that our projects will be replicable to different parts of the country. We focus more on giving livelihood to those most vulnerable and public health. From giving livelihood to the visually impaired, with dwarfism, single mothers and making the Barbershop on the go for those who lost their jobs because of the pandemic, which by the way a private sector replicate this in a different city. From doing 2 new potential flagship projects for the youth sector such as Sea of Dreams in Cebu and Skate Park in Central Luzon that we plan to replicate in different places. To actively participate in the vaccine roll out of the government. Lastly, by teaming up with Manila LGU, we see to it that Manilenos will get back on its feet by doing multiple projects with them.


2021 Director for Special Projects

I am Carlos Miguel E. Ochoa, better known as Migo, your 2021 Director for Special Projects. This year I am extremely proud of the amount of people we have helped and the members we have shaped to become better versions of themselves through challenging community projects.


My experience as a JCI Manila Director this year has been both tough and rewarding.

Philippine Army Memorandum of Partnership for all Special Project Programs which led to OPLAN Kaisa, the formal bridging of JCIP and local chapters to their respective PA Division representatives for project partnerships. Philippine National Police Memorandum of Agreement for community projects and partnerships Revival of the legacy project which is the Gimenez Awards with the Philippine National Police. Spearheading the participation during the World Clean Up Day with 23 other local chapters Formation of partnership with Plastic Bank Philippines and Green Antz Builders which tackles the problem regarding plastic waste in the country. Creation of a new Program under Special Projects which is the APEX Program, our answer to animal welfare particularly the Philippine Eagles. Strengthening of our Oplan Damayan by putting together a structure which helps us respond to emergencies/calamities immediately. When we started the year there were a lot of challenges brought upon by the emergence of the Delta variant which prompted lockdowns that challenged the way we do our projects, how we motivate the membership to follow through and also how we get support for our efforts. In the end, we were able to pivot to better strategies on how we can still affect lives for the better..what an amazing feeling to actually make a difference.

D I R E C T O R First off I would like to thank my family for being ever so supportive in my one year to lead. You allowed me to be of value to this beloved organization despite the situation. I would like to thank my Lead as One brothers for always pushing me to give my best in all the challenges we faced this year. I would not have been as effective of a leader if it wasn’t for your sound advice, support and encouragement to dig deep and follow through with all the projects done during this time of the pandemic. I would also like to thank my Special Projects Commissioners..Carlos Mattus, Kevin Ty and Charles Ratcliffe who were there when I needed support. You guys were instrumental in allowing everyone to know all the good we have done in our projects. To our past board of directors who served as mentors and sponsors, thank you for your wisdom and support. To the hundreds of Special Projects Chairmen and Committee members, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to lead you through this avenue for growth. Thank you for the trust that you gave me.

Without each and everyone of you our organization would not be the same.

2 0 2 1

This year we were able to accomplish the following:


It was tough because I found myself starting the year by contracting the COVID 19 virus which a lot of people dont know. This made it even more challenging for me to execute projects by not just having to worry about myself but also my committee’s well being as well, especially when the Delta variant surfaced. It was rewarding because we persevered and delivered life changing projects to our beneficiaries but at the same time developing our members through implementing community projects.

09182021 – World Cleanup Day

APEX Program: Garden of Eden Quirino Isabela -September 15, 2021

APEX EDEN-TREE PLANTING Quirino, Isabela and Sept 15, 2021

APEX (Light Up Philippines) Quirino, Isabela and Sept 15, 2021


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