Citi Serves Up a Best-of-Both-Worlds Recipe for an Uncertain Investment Universe At a time of unpredictable returns, Citi offers investors a new solution that has the technical advantages of structured products, while utilising the model portfolio capabilities of the world’s largest asset manager BlackRock.
inding a recipe for investment success has never been more challenging. In a new age of low interest rates, declining returns, US-China trade conflict, and an increasingly volatile global geopolitical situation, coupled with unpredictable situations, such as the new coronavirus outbreak, it requires vision, ability to break new ground and reactivity to adapt to constantly changing market environments.
The Multi-Asset Active Allocation Index by Citi (known as MA3), allocated by BlackRock, provides investors with a solution that is adapted to today’s financial environment, according to Citi’s head of Retail Solution Structuring APAC Mederic Gehl. The index, rebalanced dynamically according to input from BlackRock, benefits on top from optimised design with cost efficient unfunded instruments, daily control of the volatility and leveraging Citi’s execution capabilities.
Navigating a conservative landscape
The inspiration for the novel MA3 concept was born from a fast-changing global financial situation which Citi has risen to that challenge by has seen investors become increasingly conservative, shaking up the traditional investment Mederic Gehl with a leaning towards the greater security of multiingredients to offer a unique solution Head of Retail Solution Structuring APAC asset portfolios and an inclination to hold tight to that combines the advantages of Citi existing holdings. structured products with dynamic multi-asset allocation. This is done through an index, designed and “Everyone is conscious that the bull market is not going to continue created by Citi, and utilising BlackRock’s model portfolio allocation and somehow we are reaching a late-cycle environment,” Mederic advisory service.