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moderndog ”Why does my dog do that?!” 5 weird dog behaviors explained

“Why does my dog do that?!”

Be a better owner to you dog pg. 5

How to build your dog's vocabulary

Get to know your dog pg.6

6 Ways to help your new little buddy settle in

Table of Contents 01

Introduction on dogs…


4 weird dog behaviors explained…...Page.4-5


Get to know your dog…….page.6


How to tell your dog that you love them….page.7


INTRODUCTION 3 TO DOG’S It was found that dogs were more likely to be the

Can dogs sense love? Yes! Dogs have a hormone oxytocin which, with humans, involve feeling of love and affection for others. So it seems reasonable that dogs share the same feelings and emotions as ours.Dog’s shows love for us as we do them.

first tamed animal, they have accompanied humans for almost 10,000 years or so. Scientists believe that all dogs either domestic or wild, each share a related breed in its common ancestor which is a small south asian wolf. Dogs are very intelligent animals which communicate in several different ways such as, scent, using physical appearance, movement, facial expression , and much more. Dogs are affectionate and devoted to their owner but only if you treat them with care, science also shows that dogs can help with your physical and mental health as well as you being able to build up more self esteem with a dog. Dogs are completely loyal and can be trusted only if you treat them right, they show. A dog can also understand and know if you are a good or bad person, they may not understand your actions but they will always know and will react differently.

Can you hurt your dog’s feelings? Yes! You can hurt your dog’s feelings. Dog’s lives revolve around ours so if they aren’t provided enough time or comfort or getting unwanted punishment, they their feelings will get hurt.

4 weird dog behaviors explained


Tail Chasing:In sight of a dog chasing its’ own tail in a circle is quit funny and i suppose if we had tails, then we would do the same. It starts out early like when a dog is still young, so a puppy and when it sees a little fluffy tail behind them, then perhaps they would like to chase after it. They do it because they have a need to chase something, or they have a tick or flea problem so they try to bite their tail to relieve some of the itchiness. But there are ways to prevent dogs from chasing their tails such as keeping them clean for fleas and ticks and making sure to groom their tails often. Coprophagy:You may wonder why dogs eat their own feces, like why on Earth would they want to do that. There are several reasons as to why dogs do this, such as a litter of puppies and their mother. The mother would often eat the puppies feces so that they would not get tracked by other predators, it is also an old-age survival mechanism. They do it so that if predators try to track them by using their feces, the mother eats the feces to get rid of any evidence. If a dog is also not fed them it will eat feces as another food source out of desperation and try to find some other type of food source so, they turn to their own feces or other dogs and dig in.

4 weird Dog behaviors explained(continued)


Humping: While it is awkward for you to see a moment of your dog humping one another and you often wonder why that is taking place at such a young age or taking place at all, here are the answers. Humping can be triggered by sexual arousement or just a desire to mate but for dogs, it usually isn’t that simple.Often for dogs to evolve out of playing, dogs will hump as a stress release mechanism or do it to clarify his or her standing. Some dogs will get pushy and often use it as a way of controlling other dogs of while other dogs, just don't know any better. And finally humping can become a obsessive-compulsive behavior such as tail chasing or barking. Reverse Sneezing:Your dog sucks in air,while making a snorting sound,or choking sound. Your dog is just reverse sneezing. Also known as ‘paroxysmal respiration’, it may sound awful but it really isn’t all that bad. It can usually be caused by irritant in the air, eating or drinking too fast, nasal infection, or even hair balls. To minimize reverse sneezing, tone down with the cleaners, chemicals, and other potential irritants that will cause reverse sneezes. During the reverse sneezes, you can try rubbing your dog's throat to at least try to ease the spasm. There are many other weird dog behaviors but right now we are just sticking to the basics.

Get to Know your dog


How do you get to know your dog? How to you become closer to your dog? We will be answering all those questions for you! You can get to know your dog by Observing its’ health and its habits such as immediately taking them to the vet if you feel as though something is wrong or if you need to know something about its’ health. Bonding with your puppy such as giving it a routine to where they eat, exercise, and play. If you do this then it will enable the dogs’ ability to trust you more and build up a sense of security. Also cuddling with your puppy is one of them because it helps them feel more same a secure when you do that and make sure you are training your puppy and keeping them groomed. Giving your dog treats and telling them that they are a good boy or girl is also a good way to make your dog comfortable because you want to let them know that what they are doing is perfectly fine and also you will need to train your puppy. How do i become closer with my dog? Being calm around your do will help build up a friendship because whether your dog came from a terrible place like a mill or shelter it is always best to stay calm around your dog and to make them feel loved and comfortable. Establishing a safe space for your dog will also help because you want your dog to know that where they are is safe and nothing will hurt them. Observing your dog's regular habits will also tell you if they are happy or stressed and will help you if your dog has a change is moods.

What dogs feel when You rub their belly


If a dog is comfortable with you, they will often roll on their belly and often let you rub them. To dogs, the belly rub seems to feel good, if a dog rubs over by himself then it is applied to give them a belly rub. If a dog is forced to roll over them it often makes them anxious or upset so if the dog does not roll over and appears to not enjoy the belly rub, then it is not advised. Dogs will usually only roll over to expose their bellies only if they are comfortable with you because trust is key with a dog. If a dog is not yet comfortable with you then do not force them to roll over because it will make them very nervous. When a dog rolls over it shows that they trust you and it is not only just a sign of submission. Dogs really seem to enjoy belly rubs especially if they trust you and it also shows how much they trust you which is great on a bond that can last a lifetime. Dogs should be able to enjoy belly rubs and by forcing it, the dog will lose its trust in you and won't feel so comfortable with you, that will also make the dog lose its trust and the work that you are building up for your dog to be able to trust you will be gone and take a while to come back.

We hope that this is another step to being a better owner and hope that you learn what things will hurt dogs and Modern Dogs is a magazine that what things will help them gain trust in discusses various topics on a few you. questions that are asked about dogs. This magazine is here to help out on dog behaviors and some things that you need to know about dogs. In these magazines we discuss questions about dogs and always give a reasonable explanation as to why your dog does Get this magazine on sale these things or just simply on how to for only $12.99 build up a strong bond with your dog. Owners often do things that they do not know are harming the dog so we are here to comment on these things and help you be a better owner.

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