SPC: Valuation mode 100/110 effects on...
Martin Hinderer 76 posts since Oct 10, 2011 SPC: Valuation mode 100/110 effects on the process Feb 23, 2012 11:19 AM
I am struggling to find out what are the effects of using valuation mode 100 (Attributive inspection nonconf. units) or 110 (Attr. insp. nonconforming units / manual) in the sampling procedure. I could find a lot of threads about the general usage of valuation mode, also about the differences between e.g. 100 and 500 / 700, but I am still not able to fully know what will change in my process if I use either 100 or 110. I would expect it might be in results recording?
So far, the only information I could get out from the valuation rules that are behind both modes, is one small difference in the help in SPRO:
10 (refers to 100): (...) Task Acceptance decision for an inspection characteristic using the fraction of nonconforming units corresponding to an n-c or n-c-d relationship (special case d = c + 1). (...) 11 (refers to 110): Task Acceptance decision for an inspection characteristic using the fraction of nonconforming units corresponding to an n-c or n-c-d relationship (special case d = c + 1).
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SPC: Valuation mode 100/110 effects on...
If no valuation is possible, the system switches internally to a manual valuation. (...)
This just adds one more question to me: what happens if you use 100 and the valuation is not possible?
Regards Martin
Martin Hinderer 76 posts since Oct 10, 2011 Re: SPC: Valuation mode 100/110 effects on the process Mar 7, 2012 8:56 AM
So far, we have found out the following effects in results recording: - Valuation mode 100 results in automatic valuation, to be manually started via click on "valuate" - Valuation mode 500 results in manual valuation, to be manually started via click on "valuate"
Valuation mode 110 is a combination of mode 100 and mode 500: - If all results are recorded then it results in automatic valuation, automatically started (no click necessary) - If not all results are recorded and one clicks on "valuate", and the automatic valuation cannot be done, it automatically calls the manual valuation
Regards Martin
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SPC: Valuation mode 100/110 effects on...
Sandipsinh Shaktavat 576 posts since May 25, 2010 Re: SPC: Valuation mode 100/110 effects on the process Mar 7, 2012 9:53 AM
Dear Martin,
1)100 : If you use valuation mode Attributive inspection non conf. units then it will not come any pop up for valuation. valuation happens automaticaly.
2) 110 : For valuation pop up to come you need to choose Manual Valuation mode.
Valuation Mode The valuation mode defines the rules for accepting or rejecting a characteristic or a sample.
Use The sampling type and the valuation mode define which parameters will be used to determine the sample.
Example Sampling type: fixed sample Valuation mode: attributive inspection according to nonconforming units
As a result, a sampling instruction with the parameters sample size 'n' and acceptance number 'c' is stored in the sampling procedure. The sampling instruction is independent of the lot size (unless the lot size is smaller than the fixed sample size).
Generated by Jive on 2012-04-09+02:00 3
SPC: Valuation mode 100/110 effects on...
Martin Hinderer 76 posts since Oct 10, 2011 Re: SPC: Valuation mode 100/110 effects on the process Mar 7, 2012 10:02 AM
Hello Sandip,
1)100 : If you use valuation mode Attributive inspection non conf. units then it will not come any pop up for valuation. valuation happens automaticaly I did not deny this. I just stated that with my test setup I need to click on valuate to get the valuation executed (please check above).
2) 110 : For valuation pop up to come you need to choose Manual Valuation mode. That's not true, at least not for me, in our system the behavior is as described above(please check).
Regards Martin
Martin Hinderer 76 posts since Oct 10, 2011 Re: SPC: Valuation mode 100/110 effects on the process Apr 2, 2012 9:43 AM
Based on my testing, I can see only one major difference: if valuation fails, with 100 you cannot "do anything" to override this, while with 110 you still can confirm the valuation manually. I will close this thread then in some days if no responses will come up.
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SPC: Valuation mode 100/110 effects on...
Fire Fighter 2,036 posts since Jan 28, 2010 Re: SPC: Valuation mode 100/110 effects on the process Apr 2, 2012 2:24 PM
Martin, I hadn't seen this before or maybe I felt you had the answer. But to the best of my knowledge they are the same statisically. The only difference as you've seen is that one requires a manual valuation, hence the user in that case can change the valuation to whatever they want regardless of the system proposed valuation. With automatic valuation, the system does the valuation. FF
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