Use of assigned object functionality in QM Posted by smruti Parida 13-Mar-2012 Iin one of my previus projects one of the requirement was to add multiple serial numbers to a qulaity notification. After going through many of the option we came across the assigned object functionality in quality notification which really resolved our issue. Using this functionality the user can assign multiple objects to a quality notification at item level. This enables you to document a single defect for multiple batches or serial nos in place of creating multiple quality notifications. It also reduces the amount of processing required, and reduces the number of notifications. The following are object categories provided in the standard system: 1. Batch. 2. Serial No. 3. Inspection Lot. 4. Delivery Item. 5. Order no (Production or process) To be able to use this content for the SAP version should be ECC 6.0 and enhancement pack 4(EHP4). Instead of going for ABAP development the following config can be done to have this functionality Step - 1 IMG path - IMG / Logistics Execution / Quality Management/ Quality Notifications / Notification types/Define screen templates Select the Notification type and after defining the Header screen and the simplified view screen. Add Tab 20\TAB05in the extended view. For adding these details in the reference screen (Optional) add Screen area 840 in the simplified view. Step - 2 IMG path - IMG / Logistics Execution / Quality Management/ Quality Notifications / Notification Processing/ Assigned objects/ Define Object Categories We can define the following object categories As per the business scenario. Step - 3 IMG path - IMG / Logistics Execution / Quality Management/ Quality Notifications / Notification Processing/ Assigned objects/ Business AddIn for Implementing an Object Category
Make sure that the following BADI’s (Depending open the objects selected) are activated. Step - 4 IMG path - IMG / Logistics Execution / Quality Management/ Quality Notifications / Notification Processing/ Assigned objects/ Assign Object Categories for a Notification Type Select the notification type where the assigned objects need to be activated Click on the assignment to object catagory Maintain all the required object catagory to the notification type To check the functionality Create one notification and under item tab the assigned object tab ll be available. After filling the material detail in reference tab go to Item tab. Select the defect code for the item Go to the Assign object tab and enter the object type and the details. We can also enter ranges or generic values for the assigned objects. ·When you enter a range (such as 1 - 5), the system adopts all batches and/or serial numbers where the key is between 1 and 5 as assigned objects in the notification item. When you enter a range (such as 5*), the system adopts all batches and/or serial numbers where the key is starts with 5 as assigned objects in the notification item. To get the detailed report QM19 can be used The assigned objects function is also added in the Notification list (multi level). Regards, Smruti