Speech Bubble Part 1: Research

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Part 1: The Hidden World of a Stammer

Section Titles

These are the key sections in the document.


Planning Research


Background Research


Creative Research Tasks


Constructing a Brief


Ideation with Collaborators


Final Brief


I have always suffered from a stammer. On the surface stammering is simply defined as an issue with speech, however below the surface it is much more than just a speech problem and has had a huge affect on my life, which is something people don’t see. I want to use this opportunity to explore this personal issue and design something that could help people who have a stammer.




syllables: stam / mer verb 1. speaking with sudden involuntary pauses and a tendency to repeat the initial letters of words. synonyms: stutter, falter, halt, mumble, splutter

How to Use This document

Throughout my document this is the key to use.

Task Title What I did and why I did it

Contributing opinions Findings Key Insight

My reflection This is what I learnt from this task. Going Forward This is what I am taking forward from this task.


Planning Research

The stammering world lay ahead of me I didn’t have a clue where to start!

For my exploration I wanted to explore stammering.

Existing Knowledge Brainstorm...

The brainstorm was a way to display any existing knowledge of stammering and identify what information needs to be found during research.

My Reflection The task further confused me, I still didn’t have a clue where to start for research. Going Forward I went to discuss my topic area with my tutors (Neil Smith and David Parkinson) to get their advice on how I should approach research.

Tutorial #1

Neil and David gave their advice on how to plan research. The advice was to help clarify what was expected.

Neil Smith’s & David Parkinson’s feedback “Take one step at a time, It’s ok if you don’t have a focus at the minute, exploring stammering as a starting point is focused enough. Just find out everything you can about stammering”

“Speak to as many people as possible. Go wild! DON’T think about any conclusions just yet, they will come in time.”

My Reflection This session made me realise I was over-thinking my research! Going Forward Stop thinking and start research, but I must create a structure so my research is easier to manage.

Research Questions Identified

A structure was created after the tutorial and this was used to frame the research questions

1) Where do people stammer?- this was to find out if Is there a common trend where people stammer? Do people stammer in certain situations? 2) Why do people stammer? Is it something that is inherited through genes? or through the environment? 3) When do people stammer?-Do people stammer in certain conditions? Do people stammer on certain words? 4) What help is available?-Is there a cure out there for stammers? What do therapists offer? Is there charities out there? 5) who stammers?- Is there a typical person who stammers? Is there any trends? Is it more common in demographics? 6) How does stammer affect people?- How does it make them feel? How can someone overcome a stammer?

My Reflection Even though 6 qu estions were highlighted there are many questions surroun ding these I must be careful no t to get lost in the research. Going Forward With many questio ns needing to be answered. Th e next step was to create a resea rch plan

Planning Who to Contact

This brainstorm was categorising who would be best to contact to answer each question.

n g My Reflectio tless, comin as a bit poin w to sk lk ta ta is Th just s conclusion to an obviou hing. yt er ev t ou everyone ab d Going forwar ickly create rry up and qu ching! I need to hu sear then start re a plan and

I’m ing n lan n tio hat p tart! c ! s fle ll t G! Re er a y to IN My aft read ard CH Ok ally Forw EAR fin ing RES Go RT A ST


Background Research

A) Stammerers B) Professionals C) Read Books D) Reflecting

A) Stammerers

Contacting Stammerers

The Internet was used as a way to find groups and meeting that were happening on-line and in the local area.

Facebook and Twitter was a great way to get a feel of what was happening inside the stammer community.

‘Stutter Social’1 was a service using ‘Google Hangouts’, to bring stammerers together. This service was not used to reach people as it was not exclusive enough and people may not have been comfortable sharing honest, personal opinions whilst others are in the conversation.

There were no support groups in the North East within the time frame.

An anonymous on-line questionnaire was used as a way to gather real views.



Joining Groups On-line

The Internet was scoured to see who could be approached to speak to ask about stammering: Facebook, Twitter were some of the avenues used.

My Reflection I was very surprise d how large the stammer community actually was, there were many groups on-line for me to access however I didn’t fee l comfortable enough to ask qu estions openly Going Forward I set up an anonym ous questionnaire and adve rtised it on the groups joined.

Online Questionnaire

With stammering being a sensitive issue the questionnaire was made anonymous in order to make people feel more comfortable to share their views. The questionnaire was shared on all the groups joined. When all the answers were collected a presentation was created to summarise the answers. This helped simplify the complex story of what a stammer is to a stammerer.

33 participants

Describe...Stammer is like a roller-coaster

Stammer most...Rushing Panicing, Nervous

Worst thing...Constant obstacle

Best Thing...Can result in a better person

Feel...Embarrassed and frustrated

Stammer when...On certain words and phrases

Control it...Be calm and take your time

My Reflection The presentation, was very vague and I knew I had a lot more research to gather but it visually helped me digest the questionnaire findin gs. Going Forward The presentation could be used as a communicatio n tool to approach people working in the stammering.

B) Professionals

Contacting Professionals

The presentation was used in emails sent to people working in stammering to introduce initial thinking and ask for further advice. Sending the presentation out in emails showed initiative and provided an initial talking point. People who were approached... 1) Organisations (which include charities), were contacted to see what work was provided to help stammerers. 2) Therapists include speech therapists and specialists were contacted to see what help was provided medically. 3) Programmes include support groups which were contacted to see what help activities are available to help stammerers

this key will be used throughout this section of the document


Not helpful












rs ere m stam sk ory, ind. A t there t s the nm I be half eir ow view, y l on in th here ” t . s is s e “thi ve thi erers trast.. mm e n i m l o gra o r be -stam ge c re P u Gui non e a h Mc , b n dso will har Key


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My Reflection I felt sending the presentation out was a good idea as it showed a level of professiona lism and made my initial thoughts clear about the topic. I also co ntacted a wide variety of people Going Forward Chase up people.

British Stammering Association (BSA)

The UK national organisation for adults and children who stammer, run by people who stammer. They were contacted to find out what help they offer to stammerers They have many on-line resources to educate individuals on stammering. Their key message is that stammering currently can’t be cured, therefore individuals should embrace it. Their main focus is to raise awareness, to make stammering more accepted.

Organisation Therapist Programme


STEVEN HALLIDAY Social Media Officer Phone Interview

My Reflection I didn’t find the BS A very helpful, they just pointed me towards their Facebook gro up which I had already joine d.

The Stuttering Foundation

The US national organisation for adults and children who stammer. They were contacted to find out if they offer anything different from the BSA. Similar to the BSA their website is a major asset. They also encourage individuals to embrace their stammer, however unlike the BSA They use celebrities to provide individuals with inspiration. Their message is you are no different if you stammer. They are funding research.

Organisation Therapist Programme


JOAN WARNER Resource Co-ordinator Phone Interview

My Reflection They are very sim ilar to the BSA and again the y were very quick in the interv iew, pointing me mainly toward s their on-line material. Howeve r I did like the way they inspired individuals with celebrities, tha t was a nice approach.

Action For Stammering Children

They offer therapy programmes for children and young people who stammer. They are funded by the NHS. They sent a personal invite for a lecture at their new centre.

Individuals should be open about their stammer, hiding it makes it worse. Everyone should get an equal chance to speak. for children especially Parents, teachers and therapists need to work together to create an environment for the child that makes them feel confident and relaxed.

Organisation Therapist Programme


SUPPORT CHILDREN WHO STAMMER Stammering Support Centre (leeds) Lecture

in 1993 Michael Palin opened the 1st NHS Centre for stammering children

in 2011 another NHS Centre for Stammering Children opened in Leeds

My Reflectio n The lecture w as aimed at children stam merers but lik ewise in adults the same principl e occurs. Suffe rers must be open and not hide the stammer . Learning to ac cept is key to overcoming.

NHS: Newcastle Upon Tyne

The NHS offer a diverse range of treatments to be able to tackle each individual case. Lucy kindly offered to talk through some of services the NHS offer for stammering. Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is available which is type of personal construct therapy. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is available. Electronic ‘anti-stammering’ devices. These are designed to help people control their speech by giving them sound feedback. They understand that each case is individual so they offer many alternatives. NHS believe making individuals relaxed and confident about their use of language is the key to overcoming a stammer.

Organisation Therapist Programme


LUCY PATTERSON Lead SLT for School-Age Service In-Person Interview

My Reflectio n I learnt that St ammers affect people differently an d no one method is suitable fo r everyone Lu cy explained how NHS acknow ledge this an d off variety of tre atment the N HS offer.

Live Stutter Free in 3 days

Anna claims that she can identify your speech mistakes & teach you to fix them naturally in only 3 days.

Anna suggests that Stammerers use of imagination has resulted them in teaching themselves the incorrect way to speak. She Claims that the only way to eliminate a stammer is by re-learning the natural ways to speak. She says a stammer is a build up bad habits and can be undone with the correct techniques.

Organisation Therapist Programme


ANNA VEETER M.A Founder and Director Skype Interview



“I fff, umm, er sorry, fff eel pp uh presss u u r reed to sss spea k k”

“I can’t stop speaking now” Roger


My Reflectio n Anna was cr azy and so passionate ab out her technique th at she was on Skype for 3 ho urs promotin g it! She truly w as convinced she could cure a stammer, I’m not convinced w hen it is psychologica l.

Stammering Course (Birmingham)

Stephen a lifelong stammerer achieved fluency. He now runs his own programme using his own method. He offered to explain his method. Stephen says you can overcome stammering by mastering the techniques of those who can talk fluently. The first step is self-acceptance, then be confident in yourself in order to overcome your stammer. The famous stammerers such as ‘Marilyn Monroe’ or ‘Winston Churchill’ didn’t let their stammer affect their careers. They worked with it and took control of it.

Organisation Therapist Programme


STEPHEN HILL Founder Skype Interview

My Reflectio n Steven’s tech nique is very similar to An na’s however I prefer his ap proach, as he identifies that it requires a lot of hard work an d self determinatio n to overcom e the stammer.

The McGuire Programme

The McGuire Programme is a world renowned Programme for stammerers. The regional director and Head instructor for the North of England offered to meet. The fear of stammering causes stammer. The physical issues are secondary to the psychological stuff, first step should be to confront why the stammer is there in the first place. We encourage people to be open and honest about their stammer, stand up to the problem. They said the programme goes beyond overcoming your stammer It aims to transforms people who stammer into articulate, well spoken people. They don’t just concentrate on the speech, but the person as a whole. A world-renowned Programme and offer lifetime support.

Organisation Therapist Programme



Regional Director (UK north) In-Person Interview


MATTHEW RICHARDSON Head Instructor (UK North) In-Person Interview

My Reflectio n This meeting was the mos t useful so far, they were ve ry honest, and made the stam mer very understa ndable. I real ly enjoyed this meeting. continued...

Collaborator: The McGuire Programme

The McGuire Programme were interested in helping me after the initial meeting.

Iain Mutch (The Regional Director) sent a text offering his guidance and open the door to speak to others on the course, they world be imporatant in clarifying the theory side of the idea.

My Reflectio n I was really ha ppy that the McGuire prog ramme offere d to help me. Going Forwar d I will approach them throug hout the project to get their valid ation on my idea.


After all the interviews the findings were summarised to see what else needed to be found.

key insight stammers can be overcome providing the correct technique is combined with self confidence and self motivation

My Reflectio n I felt I talked to too many people, on re flection I feel I could have sp oken to less people and go t the same feedback Going Forwar d I feel I have co me to good insight to expl ore. I want to validate by re ading books

C) Stammering Books

“Newcastle University were the first university in the UK to offer speech and language therapy courses, they have a section on stammering� - Lucy Patterson, NHS

Reading Stammering Books

Stammering text books were read to validate what was learnt from speaking to stammerers and people working stammering. The key thing learnt from books was finding traditional significant therapies which were famously implemented in the past... Dr Knight Dunlap Technique: Unlearn it by voluntarily stammering first therapy to highlight that only the individual can overcome their stammer. Leonard Del Ferro Technique: Costal Breathing Again this would be achieved by the individual Joseph Sheehan Technique: Non-Avoidance. This again suggested that it can only be overcome if the individual doesn’t avoid it

1. Lewis, J (1997) The Stammering Handbook: A Definitive Guide to Coping with a Stammer. London:Vermilion 2. Stewart,T & Turnbull, J (1997) Coping with Stammering (Overcoming Common Problems). London:Sheldon Press 3Van Riper (1978) Speech Correction: Principles and Methods; 6th Edition. New Jersey(USA):Prentice Hall 4. Fraser, M (2013) Self-Therapy for the Stutterer; 11th Ed edition USA:Stuttering Foundation of America 5. Emerick, L. L (1981)Casebook of Diagnosis and Evaluation in Speech Pathology and Audiology. New Jersey(USA):Prentice Hall 6. Hahn, E F (1956) Stuttering: Significant Theories and Therapies. California:Stanford University Press.







My Reflectio n Reading was n’t as useful as I expected bu t it did validat e what I found in the intervie ws, researching old techniqu es strengthened the only the individ point that ual can overcome th e stammer.

D) Reflecting

Key Insight stammers can be overcome providing the correct technique is combined with self confidence and self motivation


y Ins

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“this is on ly half the story, sta believe th mmerers is in their own mind non-stam . Ask me be a huge rers their view, I b et there w contrast... ill �



n, McGuir e Program


it’s interesting that stammers can be undone so it would be interesting to re-make one see what insights this brings


Creative Research Tasks

A) Non-Stammerers B) Re-Create a Stammer

A) Non-Stammerers

Speaking to Non-stammerers

A questionnaire was used to contact non-stammerers find their view on their view of a stammer. This was so it could be compared to stammerers views It was found that only 50% participant knew someone who stammered and 70% had never thought about it! Interestingly no-one ridiculed but it would make them feel awkward and frustrated. However people said they would help and be patient.

33 participants

Comparing Views

The reason why the book was displayed with two sides which folded out was to display the two perspectives. It was an interactive leaflet to show people the extensive side of stammering which can’t be seen.

findings Non-stammerers only see the tip of the iceberg, they want to help, but don’t fully understand There is so much below the surface, stammerer affects their whole life

Key Insight Stammerers believe everyone is against them but, non-stammerers want to help There is a disconnect between the two.

My Reflection I found comparing the results proved Matthew Richardson correct. I feel if sta mmerers could open up to non-sta mmerers then maybe it wo uld benefit both parties Going Forward continue with tas ks, next up re-create stammer.

B) Re-Create a Stammer

Re-Creating a Stammer

The reason for re-creating a stammer was to see if it could be done and also see how it would affect people. Iain Mutch he explained what goes through a stammerers mind in situations, his explanation was used as the framework to create the games rules. By using Iain’s guidance, this provided reasoning behind each rule set.

ss s stammer conditions

What is your favourite word? nervous on the spot


Iain was approached to give a description of what emotions someone goes through before they stammer. This is a visual representation of Iain’s description.

know the suitable word but can’t use it...

It’s green but I stammer on g words?! ?

In the stammerers mind

can how ID?? O V A I nt

e iffer ad say ur? lo co sea?






on’t say I d !? know? bott le c olou


point to I could g?? in someth

find substitutes to avoid saying the original word...

The description was converted into a series of rules which formed the game rules to re-create the stammer quick...


quicker I need to answer

Iain Mutch, Mcguire Programme


the need to answer quickly adds time pressure...

“I am happy with the rules you have created they make sense!”

em m erald a stammer described by Iain Mutch

answering is the reward.

ss s stammer

conditions re-created

What is your favourite word? I will ask random pedestrians

nervous on the spot

Pick a word?

know the suitable word but can’t use it...


In the re-created stammerers mind


word ----

say 10 alternatives

word word word word word word word word word word you have 30 seconds... GO!

pass or fail? well done



find substitutes to avoid saying the original word...

the need to answer quickly adds time pressure...

My Reflection I felt the identifying of answering is was a success, ea game rules ch rule was the reward. justified alongside Iain’s description, I was good to go ahead and ask pe ople to play. Going Forward Playing the game

Play the Game

40 random pedestrians were approached on Northumberland Street in Newcastle. being placed on the spot. alternative word games were tested, which both failed... “have a conversation without saying...”- this was a way to make people conscious of a certain word. This didn’t work as people were getting confused and ironically forgot the word they weren’t meant to say. needed more to be about natural tip of the tongue moment ‘name the 7 dwarves in 30secs’- everyone failed and because it was too hard no one really showed much.

The original rule was adopted again which was pick a word, just to keep the game simple

40 people were tested- 75% of the people couldn’t complete the task, which meant people do struggle in the stammer conditions.




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f f ffailed


how many passed and f f ffailed...

What Was the Most Challenging?

every participant was asked to fill out a form to identify what they struggled with, this was a way to see, what things prevented them within the challenege

the 3 things that were identified to be the most challenging were, thinking on the spot, visualising what they wanted to say, and finding alternatives, these are all things stammerers have to do on a day to day basis

Stammerers are forced to use their imagination

45% thinking






nothing My Reflection I didn’t give anyo ne a stammer, but it made me be tter understand a stammere rs mind. By this game evidentl y taking a lot of creativity, it made me realsie that stammerers are for ced to use their imagination Going Forward Reflect on all resea rch


Constructing a Brief


from all the research these were the key insights taken forward.

this insight was developed through creative tasks as It answered the question put forward by Matthew Richardson (McGuire Programme)

1 Key Insight stammers can be overcome providing the correct technique is combined with self confidence and self motivation

erers tamm ry, s . Ask o t will s mind there lf the ly ha eir own w, I bet n o is ie th “this e this in rs their v v e belie tammer trast...� e s n amm rogr non- uge co ire P h u G a c be on, M hew




2 Key Insight stammerers believe everyone is against them but, non-stammerers want to help There is a disconnect between the two.

3 Key Insight Stammerers are forced to use their imagination

My Reflection The 3 insight I ca me to could lead me to poten tially three different potentia l directions Going Forward Explore the insigh ts that I have come to see where I end up.

Refining Key-Insights

the three insights were equally explored and refined into 3 potential design directions.

Reading Charles Duhigg Power of Habit helped develop this insight into a way to change undesired habits. On reflection this wouldn’t really work as every stammer is different therefore habits will be different, also the word habit has a negative stigma attached to it. Neil Smith Feedback “referring to stammer as a bad habit could be quite offensive�

design a way to make situations more comfortable for both stammerers and non-stammerers. This would help stammerers build their confidence in situations. This may not work as non-stammerer would not really benefit from the idea unless they have regular contact with stammerers.

Reading the Talent Code was inspirational, the theory of 10,000 hours practice equals a world class skill, could potentially be used to help stammerers engage with their constantly developing imagination skill.

Key Insight...


1 2




Initial Brief Going Forward Using the imagination brief as a my favourite a brief was written this was to provide an initial direction to design towards.

the initial brief set was finding a way to allow stammerers to use their imagination as a way to build their self confidence.

th brfle iefctiw MyeRe onas rather ambitio I wa us s ,vean ry d exIcitco edulab dn ou’tt the see briefen budt Igo an haal, d toho adw miev t iter waI s very vague at the minute. th ou t using im Goinggh agination Forward as a to getse etll w ea thecrba po rolling annd to helpimpr meov figeure seou lf-tco annfi ande glenc I sp e ok weas staiq mm atoun rs,prtooa ueere gech ap t their thoughts on my ial direction. Next I wantedintto speak to stammerers to ga ther their opinions on my di rection.

Collaborator: Focus Group of Stammerers (setting up) A focus group was created. Stammerers who supplied contact details in previous questionnaires were sent emails. This was to speed up gaining feedback. It was more efficient than the questionnaire approach currently being used.

To make each person feel valued everyone was sent an exclusive email, thanking them for their help so far and offering them personally into the group.

However in the mean time a questionnaire was used to get stammerers opinion on the chosen design opportunity.

Questionnaire: Stammerers feedback

a questionnaire was shared on stammerers blog to get initial views on the design direction Stammerers responses to the questionnaire suggested that most believe it is impossible to overcome a stammer.

10 participants

My Reflection Suggesting to sta mmerers that their stammer ca n be overcome was shot down. Going Forward I realised I had to take an indirect approach so I did an observation task watching pe ople in conversations to see what unconscious actio ns they do

Unconcious Actions: Observing Conversations Videos were taken during normal everyday conversations This was a way to see what people do unconsciously during conversations

During the experiment it became evident that a lot of people unconsciously fiddle with their hands.

to see the video please scan here...

th MyeRe brfleiefctiw onas rather ambi This k go tio ustas , an dt Ime cothi ulnk thaet I dning ’t se could design some an end goal, hothi which wng ever stammere rs could pla y with I th ou gh us during cotnv in g im ag ersations. Coinuld atio thins as be aawa seycr toet reawlise eaim poagnina to im tio nanov d als pr o dis e se lf-tra difnc coctnfiinde ficult e was situations a unique approach Going Fo ard Next I wrw anted to speak to I went on to t this ide stammerertes s to gathaer their opinions on my di rection.

Modelling Concept 1...

Using the insight that people fiddle with their hands unconsciously during conversations a design direction could be to design something to fiddle with during conversations A modeling putty like Sugru could be used to spark imagination... what can people create unconsciously during conversations

quick ‘play doh’ modes were created to help visualise what the idea could look like

th MyeRe brfleiefctiw onas rather ambi I did n’t, rea tio lly Iknco us and ow where this e idea was going at uldn’t se an end goal, hothe moment wev but it wa er I s good to ge t a few th ou t us modegh im ls ma dein initation togse e ag ho w as could a se funcr ctiet on weapon to im Goov ingeFo pr serwlf-ard co Wear the pieces nfidence was a unique apprma oade chand see how it fee Next I wlsanted to speak to stammerers to ga ther their opinions on my di rection.

Testing Concept 1...

The prototypes were worn to see how they may be interacted with

the models were very obtrusive so they would draw a lot of attention. If someone invested in this product they would be consciously aware of it so arguably interaction would not be unconscious.

David Parkinson Feedback “what would make someone want to adopt this? there doesn’t seem to be a real benefit”

Iain Mutch, McGuire Programme “This form of therapy is called stimming and only works for some people, at McGuire we believe the pschological side needs to be grounded first not the physical stuff”

th MyeRe brfleiefctiw onas rather ambi Overa tio us,ll thi a was no ansdide I co success. It was gouldn’tt asee an end goal, hood to start ev model ma er king but I w had jumIped th ouit gh usick into inly, g im toot qu ination andag the as feedb a ac sekcrshetowwedeatha pot n thetoide im ahaov d no pr l pu e rea rpo selfsede . nce w co nfi as Next Step a unique approach I think it’s time to take a ste p Ne xtanI dwloc anate back tedwh toatsp to theea isskue st is tha amt m erer I am trysing totoga acth erveth hie . eir opinions on my di rection.

Brainstorm Session: What Is The Issue?

Back to the drawing board. brainstorming was used as a way to mind dump in order to get to the route of the problem.

The three key insights were highlighted as the focus of the project

David Parkinson Feedback “a combination of all three of your key insights need to work together as one has a counter affect on the others, how can you create a system to make them work together�

th MyeRe brfleiefctiw onas rather ambi I wa s pa tio nicding us , an at this po , I co see I didn’t have a cle uldn’tint ar problem an en goal, ho ever to solved. W hat was w trying toI th ou gh??t using imI ag achieve ination as Nexta St seepcret weapon to imThov ink,ethi pr nklf, thi se (donc conknfi!...de n’tepa wnic as) a unique approach Next I wanted to speak to stammerers to ga ther their opinions on my di rection.

Brainstorm Session: Realisation Moment

Through brainstorming it became clear that the problem may have been sitting right there all along!

Since forced imagination was identified as a key insight stammerers imagination has been seen as a positive, however maybe the imagination is actually out of control?

Key Insight The design brief could be a way to guide the stammerers mind-potentially through character design...

Iain Mutch, McGuire Programme “We make the stammer into this big monster in our minds. By avoiding situations, we let this imaginary monster win every time, we need to beat this monster�

th MyeRe brfleiefctiw onas rather ambi I felus t like tio I ha , an ddI ma code a breakthrough here,uldn’t see an end goal, how this idea ever I made se nse in my mind ... th ou ghept using imagin Next St ation as Chas aese upcrco etllab wora eator posnantod ge imtopov inion pr cirlfcuco e sse latnfi ingde ...Fnc indeouwt as if this is a worthy dir a unique approa ection! ch Next I wanted to speak to stammerers to ga ther their opinions on my di rection.


Ideation with Collaborators


from now on collaborators will be used to validate design decisions, there are two main collaborators on board

1 The McGuire Programme, world renowed programme. Iain Mutch (Regional Director, North, UK) Matthew Richardson (Head Instructor, North, UK Role: Offer advice from the therapist viewpoint

2 The Stammer Focus Group (Private Facebook Group) 12 members to provide an opinion from a stammerers point of view Role: Offer advice from a stammerers viewpoint

“We make the stammer into this big monster in our minds. By avoiding situations, we let this imaginary monster win every time, we need to beat this monster” Iain Mutch, McGuire Programme

th MyeRbeflrie ecftio wnas rather am biTheuco tio bodraItoco s, lla an rs uwld asna’tsu cceess recruitment w se an end goalas, a success, I a view fro owever I had m two h perspe th ctive htt tauke sooI u sinfugll im mgus agntinagatsion adva as e of theirakn se crleet ow dgw e. eapon to imNro extve Step p self-confiden Meet Iain From ce w as a un e appMcGuire Prograiqmum ro ac h e to Nea exs.t I wantedidscuss my latest id to speak to stammerers to gather thei r opinions on my direction .

Characterising a Stammer with Iain

Iain agreed to meet to discuss the recent direction of the project. It had been a while since we last met. He loved the idea of a character and helped construct a stammer character.

“a stammer character is a great way to be able to visualise your stammer.�

Iain gave the characteristics for a stammer which were then turned into a visual, the session was ended with a stammer character fully designed.

, he cess in c n u s io t er a eflec h was amm My R ing Iain rify a st ppy wit a t la Mee d me c , I was h rated. e e help wn mind we gen r ocus my o haracte he F t c in the Step ter ? hink arac t Nex the ch o they t d re Sha , what p grou

Stammer as a Thing: What do you think?

A post was uploaded asking the group their opinion of the stammer. This was to find any room for improvement

My Reflection I wasn’t sure what to expect but it was very positive feedback, not bad for a first post! Going Forward Keep pushing Ho w could an idea work? Really get these guys on board.

Sketch Ideation-The Idea

After such a positive response for the character the next step was to demonstrate how an idea using this concept may work.

Mandy shared a visualisation experiment she once took part in, where she had stand up to her shadows, this provide inspiration

My Reflection I had a simple idea what the idea could do at it’s most basic level... Going Forward I know the idea wasn’t that refined yet but it will be good to share it on the group to get initial feedback.

The Idea: What do you think?

A very simple structure was shared, this was to spark creativity for the member to join in the brainstorm.

My Reflection As I hoped people joined in the discussion and ma de suggestions... Going Forward People suggested this could be a self reflectio n tool with the added bonus of be ing able to embrace your sta mmer...More brainstorming int o how this system may work.

System Mapping

a mapping of the system and to help figure out how it may work

Through the mapping 4 stages were identified which would make up the system

A brief was written and shown to David Parkinson...

David Parkinson Feedback “The system plan sounds good but some of the deliverables may be abit ambitious at the moment, I think you need to start story boarding ideas so you can visualise how it may work�

My Reflection I felt this task allo wed me to clarify what exactly I will be designing Going Forward Communicate vis ually to the focus group how the system will work...

System Map

This was a way to communicate how the system could work

My reflection The idea didn’t se em to appeal to focus group as they were trying to push me down the kids route and overall they didn’t seem to understan d my idea. Going Forward My communicatio n wasn’t very clear. I had to share a concept

Conceptual idea

This was a way to communicate how an idea may look and what it may do.

My Reflection This concept clearl y wasn’t very clear or popular in the group as no one commented , I felt I was hitting abit of a bri ck wall with my idea. Going Forward I need to reflect on what I have so far, as I felt like I was getting lost.


This was a clarified reflection of everything discussed so far in the group.


My Reflection I felt this was a nic e presentation which I can talk to The McGuire Programme abou t see where they can guide me Going Forward Speak to The Mc Guire Programme get the ir advice on the project so far .

Coffee with Iain Mutch

Iain met up to discuss the current position in the project

Iain Mutch Feedback “there are 5 main things stammers cause you to do... freeze your diaphragm struggle in your vocal chords distorts your articulators trick situations avoid situations they are the 5 weapons stammer has against us”

“a self-reflection tool will be really useful, but there is a glass wall between actually doing something like therapy as people live in denial.”

“What would be really beneficial, just getting a way to get people to admit to their stammer...So a deep reflection tool would be useful”

My Reflection Meeting Iain made me realise I was biting of way more than I can chew. A worth y focus would be a self reflectio n tool Going Forward Digest Iain’s feedb ack

Digesting Iain’s Feedback This was to clarify the design direction

This is the aim-It is much more complicated than expected!

Person 1- doesn’t know how to talk about it Person 2 - opens up to other stammerers Person 3- does something about it

My Reflection Honestly I’m stuck , I don’t know what to do! Going Forward Do a quick fire ide a session. 30 idea in 30mins GO !

30 ideas: 30 minutes

My Reflection Surprisingly very useful, some ideas were shortlist ed. The ideas selected were all about attaching positive stigma to stammer Going Forward speak to Neil and David and refining the brief.


Meet David and Neil for a tutorial to discuss the final brief

Potential outcomes 1) Identify your stammer-the first step is to identify the so-called monster 2) A physical model-which allows access into the on-line community‘take the stammer out of the mind’ 3) An on-line community- ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’

My Reflection This tutorial was really useful as it really clarified ho w and what I wanted to deliver Going Forward Explore around a fin

al brief.


Final Brief


working progress


- Gain

using the 5 weapons of a stammer as identified by Iain Mutch a customisable stammer monster could be created

A stammer needed form was posted on the focus group. This was a way to get individuals to share the best things about their stammer.


your stammer is needed What is your stammer called? What are the 3 best things about your stammer?

What does it looks like on a good day?

(Please draw or place photo here)

Your name


provide me with your address below and I will re-create your stammer and send it to you in the post so you can interact with it and show it to the world Your address


Using the answers to the questionnaire a criteria was created for a character design


1) what is your stammer called?

- Gain

Stammer name

2) what is the personality of your stammer? working progress strength -Gain

- Gain

Sta Arthur

Byron stength

work in progress



3) what does it look like?



Each person had a character sent to them in the post...


- Gain

Stammer name



working progress


- Gain

Stammer name


working progress


- Gain

Arthur Stammer name


Stammer name





- Gain

Stammer name




“it could o discuss pen up a door ion abo ut my s of if I didn tammer 't w if I wish he's a c ant a discuss ed ion I co haracte uld eas or r I like” ily say -Byron Ford

ter hen t rac cha ould to g w n n i i r e a m me xpl if I tam that to y to e mer ing to s t e rn, i m t i n a r t hav s o rtu ou fav Legh oppo self & badge y y m n r n “ hor lf a g m you e” Fog myse gardin than to m r e e e v ant gi one r rath e m any ted to t it all n a h wa w lain exp ung r Yo u h t -Ar

My Reflection the model making task was a success and I lea rnt the characters have to be really positive and really personal

The physical object could be the access key to the on-line community...

Could be a bit like ‘Shift.ms’...

Feedback Session

Howard Fenwick, Mic Porter, David Parkinson, John Elliot gave feedback These were all the questions raised... Prevent hierarchy on-line system? How does the physical object track progress? Is there a brand Identity? What are the key messages?

Going Forward What will I deliver?


This is what will be handed in

• • •

• • • • •

System (how it will work) Brand identity Character Design

Shows progression Physical Object Character Design System (how it will work) Is it the access to online

• • • • •

Shows progression Physical Object Character Design System (how it will work) Provide online

Questions that need answering...

Prevent hierarchy on the on-line community How does the physical object track progress? What is the brand Identity? What is the tag line?

My Reflection there are no imag es of the ambition as I don’t have an identity for the de sign yet, this is to come. I really want to ow n this project and give it all I ca n!


This is how the remaining time will be used... THIS IS IT! APRIL












F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M TW T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 London

Collaborator Feedback How to identify How the System works? Physical Product connection to on-line community How on-line community works? How Physical Object works? Final Character Designed Final Design Descions

Brand finalisied Feedback-User Testing

Website Planned Physical Product connecting to on-line Execution plan Execution-25days Overall Presentation Website designed (How it works) identify System (How it works) Plan and execute Video + Plan and execute Photoshoot Risk zone-use this time if anything goes wrong

by Asis Patel

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