Madison Locally Sourced – Giving: Our Community Nonprofits 2023

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INSIDE supporting our nonprofits

publisher & editorial director Amy Johnson lead designer Jennifer Denman copy editor & lead writer Kyle Jacobson sales & marketing director Amy Johnson designer Barbara Wilson photographs 9 Lives Rescue Inc., Angel Cars, Communit y Living Alliance, Dane Count y Humane Societ y, Edgerton Hospital, Project Home, Rooted, Stoughton Opera House, Zak Stowe cover photograph provided by Dane Count y Humane Societ y photographs on page 3 (lef t to right): Rooted, Children’s Theater of Madison’s The Wiz T YA Version, 2023 by ©Zak Stowe, Dane Count y Humane Societ y, Stoughton Opera House building by Mar y- Carel Verden Madison Locally Sourced c/o ASJ Publishing LLC, PO Box 559 McFarland, WI 53558 all rights reser ved. ©2023 No portion of this magazine may be reproduced without prior written permission from ASJ Publishing LLC.

editorial 12 11 4 13 14

Children’s Theater of Madison Dane County Humane Society The Hear t of Community Project Home Rooted

our nonprofits

10 9 Lives Rescue 10 Aldo Leopold Nature Center 10 Angel Cars 10, 12 Children’s Theater of Madison 12 Community Living Alliance 11, 12 Dane Buy Local Foundation 12 Dane County Humane Society 14 E dger ton Hospital/Fulton Square Clinic 2 FEED Bakery 2 FEED Bakery Training Program 2 FEED Kitchens 2 Healthy Food for All 14 Nor thside News 14, 15 Project Home 13, 15 Rooted 15 Stoughton Health 15, 16 Stoughton Opera House

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Photograph provided by Rooted

NONPROFITS The Heart of Community Photograph provided by Community Living Alliance

If you had to guess how many nonprofits there are in the Greater Madison area, it’s almost a guarantee you’re way off. It’s not dozens, not even hundreds. There are over 6,000 nonprofits operating in our area working to improve everything from the quality of life of residents and visitors to the natural ecosystems making up Wisconsin’s irreplaceable collection of wetlands, temperate forests, and prairies. Every nonprofit starts with an inspired individual or group seizing an opportunity to address a concern lacking awareness or resources. Though their visions may be grandiose, each founder has two things in common: passion and gumption. We’ve all heard the tiring mantras concerning contemporary work 4 | madison locally sourced

Selecting a nonprofit to support couldn’t be easier. With so many to choose from, at least one is bound to line up with your values and beliefs. ethic, but here in Greater Madison are over 6,000 testaments to the fact that this is not the case; these efforts just aren’t making the front page of the internet. With the handful of nonprofits we contacted for this special promotion, we’re hoping to inspire readers to support and participate in nonprofits new and old, which serve as the building blocks to one of Wisconsin life’s most essential pillars.

There are also nonprofits working to better the lives of particular demographics, like Community Living Alliance, founded by people with disabilities, healthcare professionals, and concerned community members to honor the desire for independent community living and self-determination. Stephanie

Stringer says, “CLA provides necessary home-based healthcare services and behavioral support to citizens of the Greater Madison area.” If this speaks to you, consider helping to further their mission with a donation or by volunteering, as many nonprofits operate on thin margins. If you’re seeking to amplify minority voices, address homelessness, or fight hunger, there are options addressing these issues from different angles and on several different levels. Take Angel Cars, whose mission includes educating people on general car maintenance as well as seeking to get affordable cars to the single parents and workers who need them.

Photograph provided by 9 Lives Rescue Inc.

Selecting a nonprofit to support couldn’t be easier. With so many to choose from, at least one is bound to line up with your values and beliefs. Each started with a founder who feels exactly the way you do about the cause. Take Dane Buy Local, whose founders sought to address

the growing pressure local businesses were feeling from retail giants. The core idea was to unite local businesses and showcase that there was a viable and preferable option to the “cheap” model promoted by larger chains. If you strongly believe in supporting local, it’s worth looking through their annual guide and finding businesses in your area to enjoy.

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Photograph provided by Angel Cars

Every nonprofit we communicated with agreed that their success is a direct result of having donors just as passionate as they are.

If you like animals, either as a birdwatcher, a pet owner, or a wildlife conservationist, there are nonprofits dedicated to the needs of both domesticated and wild animals. Consider the Aldo Leopold Nature Center, working to preserve the land and improve accessibility to the natural world. Cara Erickson says, “The founders of the ALNC recognized the need for a green space, where children— whether on a field trip or with their families—could connect with the natural world.” You can find nonprofits working directly in your community as well as nonprofits working beyond the borders of our state.

Photograph provided by Dane County Humane Society

Every nonprofit we communicated with agreed that their success is a direct result of having donors just as passionate as they are. For example, Dane County Humane Society believes they are able to continue their work only through the support of the community and financial donations. Amy Good says, “Financial resources are the biggest limitation on what we can do.” Project Home, an organization helping vulnerable populations stay in their homes as long as possible by making critical home repairs, improving energy efficiency, and addressing needed accessibility modifications, points out that even government-assisted nonprofits will have gaps in funding. Kari Nichols says, “One of our programs, Serving Those Who Served, which helps veterans in need at no cost, is entirely funded through donations.” It’s through private donations that many nonprofits can help those outliers who would otherwise be left behind for not meeting the government funding’s criteria. Donations also make a great gift for the person who has everything or is 6 | madison locally sourced

Photograph of Julio Noriega, Home Repair Technican, provided by Project Home

impossible to shop for. If you have a friend or relative who cares a lot about any number of issues, a donation in their name might be the most thoughtful gift you can give. Most nonprofits are very transparent about where those monies are being spent, so if you do the research beforehand, you might even find a personal connection that speaks to your relationship with the giftee. Sometimes, you might be surprised at just how much certain aspects of a nonprofit cost. 9 Lives Rescue is dedicated to rescuing and housing cats and kittens in need, but Anna Goebel says 96 percent of their expenses are medical costs. “Any donation goes directly to providing care for cats, from routine spays and neuters and vaccinations to emergency veterinary procedures.” Rooted, a nonprofit resulting from a merger of two likeminded nonprofits focused on connecting the community with the land through growing food, is clear that your donation will always go to whatever part of the operation needs it most. Laura Whitt says, “We’re always delighted to have people join us

in our work, whether by participating in our programs or volunteering with the organization, but to be honest, the donations that would help Rooted the most are financial gifts to our general operations.”

we agree on how to fix things or on what needs our attention, but rather that we all agree there are improvements to be made and we can individually focus on those parts of life that are near and dear to us.

Two other ways to get more monies to the causes you care about are by encouraging a local business to donate to something related to their industry and by encouraging your employer to give matching donations. As mentioned, many of these operations are operating on tight margins, so anything you can do to get the word out can have a much larger impact than you might imagine; this is especially true for smaller nonprofits.

The future for the nonprofits we contacted looks bright. Angel Cars has purchased land in Columbus to build its trade center and is actively working to add more grants to their funding.

Every nonprofit seems to agree that the Greater Madison area is a great place to headquarter their cause due to the high volume of thoughtful individuals. There’s an understanding that all of the work being done and all the efforts being made have a symbiotic relationship affecting not just their own successes, but many aspects of life in Wisconsin, extending even to the rural parts of our state. What makes it all work isn’t that

The Aldo Leopold Nature Center is using the next five years to focus on advancing internal and external equity, building a sustainable business model that adequately reflects the organization’s and community’s needs, and improving and clarifying organizational structures and culture.

Dane Buy Local is continuing to work with the evolving landscape of consumer behaviors surrounding online shopping to make more Dane and contiguous county businesses successful.

9 Lives Rescue is working toward becoming a well-run, sustainable

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Photograph of Children’s Theater of Madison’s A Christmas Carol, 2022 by ©Zak Stowe Photograph provided by 9 Lives Rescue Inc.

organization combining compassion with a responsible approach to save as many at-risk cats and kittens as possible; in short, their goal is to become obsolete. Community Living Alliance is looking to the future to increase its ability to partner with community organizations, individuals, and others to strengthen and sustain opportunities for people of all abilities and ages to live in their homes. Dane County Humane Society has grown so much in recent years that they share their best practices and innovations with other shelters throughout the country. Project Home is working to continue changing with the building industry by providing state-of-the-art training and continuing education opportunities to their technicians so they can utilize new technologies in their work, including heat pump water heaters, cold-climate air source heat pumps, and solar electric systems. Rooted sees more people growing their own food in community gardens, some even going on to becomes growers on 8 | madison locally sourced

We at Madison Locally Sourced have worked with a number of nonprofits to get the word out and share their voices. Maybe a lot of people take comfort believing that these problems are already being taken care of, but the truth is it’s always a struggle. The drive to keep putting in the work doesn’t come from the promise of a paycheck; it comes from knowing that someone or something else is going to be better for it. As Michael Jahn of Angel Cars says, “It’s more than a real job. The time, the effort, the heart that goes into this—it consumes you, and it takes a lot of your time. We have a passion for it and a passion to help.”

Maybe a lot of people take comfort believing that these problems are already being taken care of, but the truth is it’s always a struggle. Photograph provided by Rooted

larger plots of land, and continuing to expand food literacy and knowledge through the programs they provide.

After looking through Giving: Our Community Nonprofits, we encourage you to share your passion with the nonprofit that resonates with you today.

Photograph provided by Angel Cars

In addition to the information given here, you can check out to learn even more about these nonprofits from the information they provided us in a six-question survey. We weren’t expecting them to be so excited to share as much as they did, but in retrospect, we should’ve known better.

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9 Lives Rescue Inc. Middleton, WI 53562 Our goal: to rescue (mostly local) cats and kittens in need of aid, bring them to health, and find them loving homes. 3,000 happy endings and counting! Please help: foster, volunteer, adopt, donate. Aldo Leopold Nature Center 330 Femrite Dr., Monona, WI 53716 (608) 221-0404 Ensure all children have opportunities to connect with nature through quality childcare programs fostering hands-on, exploratory learning opportunities. Your support will make a difference! Angel Cars 106 W. Mills St., Columbus, WI 53925 (608) 341-8067 We help low-income families, single moms, and veterans with free towing, diagnostics, and estimates. Support us by making a donation or donating a vehicle to help someone in need. Children’s Theater of Madison 1055 E. Mifflin St., Madison, WI 53703 (608) 255-2080 Madison’s premier theater for all ages. Only 58% of our revenue comes from ticket sales and class tuition, with the rest coming from sponsorships, grants, and donations. Support CTM today!

Calling All Cat Lovers! Support your locally sourced cat rescue! There are 2 ways you can give: Shop our Online Fall Auction October 29th–November 18

Donate 9 Lives Rescue Inc is a 501(c)(3) that depends on donations to bring at-risk cats and kittens to safety.

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Photograph of Children’s Theater of Madison’s A Christmas Carol, 2022 by ©Zak Stowe

Helping People Help Animals Why Animals Need YOU to Foster Our cats, dogs, and critters need foster care for a variety of reasons: • They are too young for adoption. • They need a quiet place to recover from an illness or injury. •P regnant and new moms need a safe place to have and wean their litter. •S ome animals—especially big dogs—need a break from the shelter. No matter the reason, animals benefit from time in foster homes.

Can you open your home to an animal in need?

Learn more and apply at

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Your Support Makes a Difference for Animals Like Ava Now


DOUBLE your impact today

and read Ava’s story

Community Living Alliance (608) 242-8335 We support older adults and people with disabilities and mental illness. We offer in-home care and therapy to help bring health, independence, and dignity home. Dane Buy Local Foundation 2801 International Ln. #110 Madison, WI 53704 (608) 729-7342 Dane Buy Local works to support local independent businesses. Invest in the economic vitality and cultural richness of your community by donating at Dane County Humane Society 5132 Voges Rd., Madison, WI 53718 (608) 838-0413 Adopt, donate, foster, or volunteer! As a private nonprofit animal shelter, your support makes a big difference for wildlife and companion animals at DCHS and in our community.

Your support makes a

DIFFERENCE! Madison’s premier theater for all ages

Children’s Theater of Madison (CTM) is a Wisconsin nonprofit organization and a Theater for Young Audiences (TYA) company. Since 1965, CTM has been a part of the cultural fabric of South Central Wisconsin, providing exceptional theater productions and educational programs for youth and families while casting adult and child actors in professionally produced plays. 12 | m a d i s o n l o c a l l y s o u r c e d

Are you in need of home repairs or accessibility modifications?

We can help!

WE OFFER… • City of Madison and Dane County funded Home Repair Programs. • Grants & Loans for income qualified homeowners. • Professionals that perform minor home repairs and/or major rehab home projects.

Photograph provided by Edgerton Hospital

Learn more and apply for assistance at

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Photograph provided by Stoughton Opera House

Edgerton Hospital Fulton Square Clinic 111 W. Fulton St., Edgerton, WI 53534 (608) 561-6614 We are pleased to expand access to mental health services with the addition of new providers offering excellent patient-centered care using a wide variety of integrated healing methods. Northside News (608) 230-1229 A free bimonthly community newspaper published by the Northside Planning Council. Northside News welcomes your financial support to go toward publishing.

Offering community-based programs focused on food, land, and learning. Rooted includes Badger Rock Neighborhood Center, Troy Farm, Gardens Network, and youth education programs at Badger Rock, Goodman Youth Farm, Troy Kids’ Garden, schools, and childcare centers. Kids, families, and communities thrive when they learn, grow, and eat together! 14 | m a d i s o n l o c a l l y s o u r c e d

Project Home 3841 Kipp St., Madison, WI 53718 (608) 246-3737 Project Home provides energy improvements, home repairs, and accessibility modifications to our neighbors in need in Dane and Green Counties.

Rooted (608) 240-0409 Rooted offers community-based programs focused on food, land, and learning. Kids, families, and communities thrive when they learn, grow, and eat together! Stoughton Health 900 Ridge St., Stoughton, WI 53589 (608) 873-6611 Stoughton Health provides a variety of healthcare and wellness services to Stoughton and surrounding communities. We accept over 160 insurance plans including Dean Health Plan and Quartz. Stoughton Opera House 381 E. Main St. Stoughton, WI 53589 (608) 877-4400 The meticulously restored Stoughton Opera House is one of Wisconsin’s premier music theaters. Show your support by making a donation or volunteering. Gift cards available online.

Ways to get

Complete Shoulder Care

INVOLVED • Make a financial donation • Volunteer • Attend a nonprofit event • Sponsor an event • Share information about a nonprofit with others • Donate needed supplies

Stoughton Health OrthoTeam Clinic Shoulder Center accepts over 160 area insurance plans including Dean Health Plan and Quartz.

OrthoTeam Clinic Shoulder Center

2 Science Court, Madison (608) 231-3410 900 Ridge Street, Stoughton (608) 877-3419 A Clinic of Stoughton Health •

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The meticulously restored Stoughton Opera House is one of Wisconsin’s premier music theaters featuring legendary performers and cutting-edge contemporary musicians in the intimate atmosphere of an era gone by.

Your seat is waiting…

if t Give the Gways l they w ill a er! rememb

Some of our Exciting 2023–24 Shows • Steve Poltz • We Are The Willows • Alison Brown • Fireside Collective • The Del McCoury Band • Wu Fei & Abigail Washburn • Jeff Tweedy—Solo Acoustic • The Dustbowl Revival • Davina and the Vagabonds • Jake Xerxes Fussell • Leo Kottke • Harmonious Wail • Susan Werner • Jake Shimabukuro • The New Standards • Livingston Taylor & Karla Bonoff • JD McPherson • Squirrel Nut Zippers • Willy Porter Band • On a Winter’s Night • Mia x Ally & Talisk • An Evening with Michael Perry • Victoria Victoria featuring Charlie Hunter • BeauSoleil avec Michael Doucet • Cherish the Ladies • Steely Dane • Aimee Mann

• Charlie Parr • Haley Heynderickx & The Westerlies • The Infamous Stringdusters • Armchair Boogie • Los Lobos • Tim O’Brien Band with special guests Martha Scanlan & Jon Neufeld • Sonny Landreth & The Iguanas • Opera for the Young: Beauty & the Beast • Hot Club of Cowtown • Ladysmith Black Mambazo • Kruger Brothers • Michael Perry & the Long Beds • Them Coulee Boys • Marty Stuart & His Fabulous Superlatives • BoDeans • Roy Rogers & The Delta Rhythm Kings • Ray Wylie Hubbard • Kathy Mattea • The Ballroom Thieves • Corky Siegel’s Chamber Blues ... and Many More!



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