Design Thesis (MArchD Part 2)

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GRIND ZERO final year design project by Askaree Dzaharudin


by Ahmad Askaree bin Dzaharudin Final Year Design Studio 13090666 Ciaran O’Brien / Lucas Che Tizard

List of Contents


CHAPTER 1: The Aftermath of Miami


CHAPTER 2: The Psychology of Water


CHAPTER 3: The Spice Prodigy


CHAPTER 4: Grind Zero

CHAPTER 1 Aftermath of the Miami Water Rise

SITUATION Throughout history, giant tsunamis have been relatively rare events, but they do happen. Scientists tell us that a mega-tsunami can race across the open ocean at up to 500 miles an hour, and when they reach shore they can produce waves that are hundreds of feet high. And even though authorities claim that the threat to Florida is “remote”, it might be a surprise to learn that there are “Tsunami Hazard Zones” signs on Miami beaches. If a highly unusual event (such as a giant meteor hitting the Atlantic Ocean) caused a giant tsunami that hit Florida, the devastation would be absolutely unimaginable.

warning sign for tsunami hazard in Miami Beach

ISSUE Miami faces a problem that would amplify this disaster; a majority of its city area is slightly below sea water. Florida Institute of Oceanography illustrated a 100 year projection of water rise; the sands of Miami Beach which is the only barrier against the waves will be wholly engulfed by the ocean in 50 years. The water rise would not only destroy the beaches, but also renders all streets, fresh water, and vegetation useless. With no topographical resistance against the waves, even a recurring event such as a King Tide can devastate Miami, let alone a tsunami.

EXPLORATION STUDY My research intention is divided into two parallel processes; the information, and the imagination. The first is to predict the trajectory, patterns, and flow of a tsunami-strength wave that would hit the city fabric of Downtown Miami. Using methods of studying hydrodynamics (study of liquid in motion) by simulating wave mappings and interrogating the permeation of water through the topography, the information would provide hindsight of possible design preparations that can withstand against a tsunami.

The second process is to visualize an augmented reality of Miami that is transformable to withstand any strength of wave attacks from the ocean. These two processes are meant to corelate and inform one another of the possibilities of practical and radical solution to the tsunami situation; the mapping explores fluid forms that reacts to the flow of the waves, while the visualization ‘superimposes’ the form with technological, and transformable ideas.

Downtown Miami through the Miami River

DESIGN OBJECTIVE Miami needs not only a design that can withstand the possibility of a tsunami, but also livable with the water rise that will invade the topography of the city. With fresh water, vegetation and land lost to the ocean, I intend to design a connective bridge that would become the new ‘streets of Miami’.

This bridge would not only have the design preparations to withstand a tsunami attack, but also contains self-sustainable greenhouses that are transformable as an emergency shelter during a King Tide or a tsunami. In the future, more of these bridges will be built to produce more supplies, shelters and connectivity, creating a new Miami City that is built upon bridges.

AUGMENTED NARRATIVE The narrative of a design story is not neccesarily a sequence of writings, images and diagrams. This drawing is a representation of a narrative that works in a continuous flow, exploring various chaotic elements along the way in a focused and directed flow. This experimental imaginary narrative is a vital step for the design exploration since the study involves imagining complex augmented realities into physical drawings to inform the conceptuals of the design

WATER RIPPLE: CAUSE AND EFFECT the journey to understanding how the water rise could effect the urbanscape of Miami starts by illustrating the effect of a water ripple effect on the cityscape. This overlay of water movement diagram with the model of Miami city intends to open up the possibilities of understanding the connection between opaque objects and the flow of water.

THE MOTION DIAGRAM In practicality, this diagram is not particularly of use. However, it shows the potential that understanding the different strength and vector of water flow on different section within an urban scape could prove useful in an attempt to stem and control its flow, rather than just barricading against it.

AUGMENTED REALITY 01: KINETICITY The first vision is a future Miami that has long prepared for the possibilities of a tsunami attack. The imaginary city illustrates my vision of buildings that can self-repair their structures when hit by strong waves.

The mechanics of the building utilize wave parametric information to predict and learn the optimum and effective form to transform into when struck by various strengths of waves.

This robotic technology, coupled with information handling derived from Permeation Mapping and Wave Profiling, allows the city to become transformable to any form of incoming ocean waves.

AUGMENTED REALITY 02: WATERGATE LABYRINTH The second vision of the future Miami is imagining a city that is completely connected even when its streets are flooded with seawater. This is due to the existence of ‘elevated streets’ that preserve the outdoor social character of the city, while maintaining efficient connection between places.

The bridges would be able to control the flow of water that passes through it, redirecting fluidity as they please, and accumulating them in designated areas, ensuring that no areas are in threat of submergence or destructive waves. By imitating the flow of the waves, the Watergate Labyrinth becomes a complex network of live wires whose form is flexible enough to adapt to a tsunami attack.

CHAPTER 2 The Psychology of Water

CONTEXT OF WATER AND OBSTACLES Before conducting any study of fluid dynamics, a complete site model of Downtown Miami must be established. The site must have the fundamental elements that can affect fluid dynamics of any tidal wave that engulfs it. The most essential element is the 3D form of the existing buildings within the urban fabric. Secondly, the existing water body of the Miami River that splits the downtown to its northern and southern parts. Finally, the water rise map and existing topography of the existing site. These elements are vital to ensure that the waves simulated will manifest as accurately to real-time events as possible.

BREAKING DOWN RAW CONTEXTUAL DATA The following series of site plan is the different representations of existing building plots that are simplified to its raw data for more focused analysis. The buildings are plotted into points to visualise population of buildings in different parts of the fabric. These points are also connected to one another to show basic connectivity between building void of streets. Grasshopper is used to generate voronoi mapping of cell structures between building points. These lines are the vector of water pathway as it penetrates the fabric of the city.

SUPERIMPOSITION OF RAW DATA To breakdown the elements to its individual forms, an exploded diagram of the site allocating each contextual data is illustrated.

PERMEATION MAPPING In fluid dynamics, river bifurcation is the basic study of how a water body can split in volume and current when facing a fork. This simple theory is used to predict the movements of rivers and study how geography of water bodies is formed. I intend to use this concept to visualize permeation of water currents that seeps between complex forks made by building fabrics in the event of a tsunami. In order to identify the specific area for the wave study, the whole of Downtown Miami is mapped to two basic aspects; the vector of water that flows between obstacles, and the linkage between those obstacles. This cross-mapping analysis indicates contrasting patterns between obstacle linkage and water bifurcation.

RIPPLE SIMULATION The first attempt to visualise fluid dynamics was to simulate a simple water ripple. The ripple is then divided into different time frame to analyse the physical form of the ripple and amplitude of the water wave in each time lapse.

REAL-TIME WAVE SIMULATION The following mappings are the simulation of an incoming tsunami wave in different areas of Downtown Miami. As the waves pass each area, the relative strength of the wave reduces in magnitude, causing less amplitude and splashing. The simulation shows that the rate of water inflitrating the city fabric is dependant on the complexity and proximity of buildings between one another. A set of buildings that are in close proximity to one another will allow minimal amount of water to pass through it, thrust resulting in the accumulation of water volume in certain areas that can cause violent waves and vortexes.

WAVE PROFILING The study of permeability should not only be analyzed on plan, but also in section. This is to indicate the profile of the water that permeates through the city fabric. By using Blender software to animate fluid dynamics, the waves that hit the 3D map is froze into time lapse to capture the motion of the water. These different time lapse of waves produced by the simulation is compiled and superimposed on the site section in order to compare the profile of the oncoming waves against the profile of the city skyline.

By observing in section, the varying amplitude created by the fluid movement can be seen to react to the different building profiles. The section also illustrates possible points of vortexes and redirections of water flow, which informs spaces that react negatively to fluidity of ocean waves.

PHYSICAL RECORDING: THE FROZEN SPLASH Each sequence of the tsunami simulation is also recorded in 3D printing. This is to explore the boundaries of forms derived from fluid dynamics and non-existent structure of a wave profile. The model is further manipulated and broken down into different forms that manifest itself from different information.

Monolithic Assemblies Water is a continuous flow of liquid that cannot be disassembled. As it turns to ice, the solidification of flow becomes a monolithic structure that manifest itself based on the obstacle it comes into contact with. However in solid form, this continuous, yet stagnant flow can be seen to have textures that can be disassembled into parts. Take this 3D printing model of a wave simulation for example, a closer look uncovers fine contour-like textures that produces space and voids in between flow. Architecture can be manifested in the same manner; the freezing of continuous flow in the search for organisation within chaos.

close-up image of the wave 3D printed model

DETAILED CONTEXTUAL FOCUS (DOWNTOWN MIAMI, AREA A) Area A has been chosen as it is the first area that is hit by the wave; therefore the most vulnerable. As the site gets specific, so does the intensity of the wave simulation that is animated to the site. The simulation is tuned to imitate the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami wave of approximately 100ft amplitude and speed of 100 miles per hour. However, it is worth mentioning that the exploration is not focused on predicting the accurate magnitudes of the tsunami waves, but rather recording and interrogating the form and pattern of the wave that is produced as it hits the city fabric.









existing building fabric

Node of water redirection vortex space starting point of flow

sequence of wave invasion

VISUAL RECORDING: THE RHYTHM OF THE OCEAN Wave profiling is broken down into its simplest form of flow; a single lined graph. The graphs would indicate the direction, redirection, and vector of each cross-section of the wave. The combination of single lines from different sections of the wave creates a set of flow, almost like a musical score.

CHAPTER 3 The Spice Prodigy

PRECEDENT STUDY 1: DUBAI VERTICAL FARM Studiomobile’s design for a sustainable skyscraper in Dubai became one of my top precedent studies for designing an environmental mechanic. The idea is that Dubai lacks fresh water and limited soil conditions to accommodate increasing populations. Therefore, a vertical farming, which optimises land use while producing food supplies, became a viable design intention for the future of Dubai. The concept uses Seawater Greenhouse process of humidity and temperature exchange between seawater and passing air, with sunlight as a catalyst to create fresh water and cultivation of high quality crop that is considered difficult to grow under normal circumstances in Dubai. By using natural processes, the design avoids the need for mechanical pumps and boiling to operate the cycle.

PRECEDENT STUDY 2: THE SAHARA FOREST PROJECT The above statement was mentioned in relation with another precedent study known as The Sahara Forest Project. In comparison with the Dubai Vertical Farm, this project is located in a dessert with very minimal water source. Therefore instead of flowing seawater to create the Greenhouse effect, it utilizes large amounts of evaporated seawater to achieve the same effects. In the context of this design, I am highly intrigued by the synergetic combination of Seawater Greenhouse process and Concentrated Solar Power (CSP). The parabolic formation of the photovoltaics acts as wind catchers, contributing to the efficiency of the Seawater Greenhouse by adding more surfaces that act as evaporators. Therefore, a large quantity of seawater will be evaporated, increasing the amount of condensed fresh water in the Seawater Greenhouse process immensely.

BIOMIMICRY OF THE BEETLE In an attempt to further interrogate the concept of Seawater Greenhouse, an inspiration is derived from a beetle that extracts seawater from the desert, more specifically the Namibian Beetle. The Namib Desert is one of the driest desserts in the world, with only the ocean fog carried from the southwest coasts of Africa as a source of water. For the beetle to successfully extract clean, drinkable water from the seawater fog, two main characteristics of the bug are emphasized. Firstly is the body temperature and orientation of the beetle’s body.

image of a Namibian Beetle

The internals of the beetle keeps a temperature value that is lower than the hot air of the dessert’s wind by radiating heat outwards at night. This difference in temperature allows condensation to occur on the outer surface of the beetle’s body. The beetle orientates the back of its body facing the wind to allow accumulated water to roll down to its mouth on its own. The second characteristic is the surface formation of the beetle’s back which is categorised into two functions; the 250 micron diameter hydrophilic hemispheres and 10 micron diameter super hydrophobic hexagons. The hydrophilic bumps act as a net to capture water droplets from the fog while the hydrophobic pavement guides the accumulated water from the back of the beetle to the mouth. surface texture of a Namibian Beetle consisting of hydrophobic bulges and hydrophilic net structure

“Seawater, when combined with the biological know-how of a beetle, might hold the key for creating fresh water…” (Ken Yeang) microscopic image of how hydrophobic textures trap water droplets

Environmental concept consisting of 3 natural processes to obtain freshwater from seawater

TRIPLE CYCLE GREENHOUSE The Triple Cycle is the concept for my environmental mechanics which utilizes the processes mastered from the precedents, using the material system governed by the biomimicry of the Namidian Beetle. The concept is named as such due to its potential to cover three elemental processes for my design. The first stage is the process of evaporation of seawater and the humidification of air. This process creates a saturated (saturated since the air in Miami already has high humidity levels) air that irrigates the plantations. The second stage is the heat exchange between the saturated air and the photovoltaics, creating a purified hot and humid air. In the third stage, this hot and humid air would rise in a stack effect, encompassing cool seawater along a vertical path and condenses into fresh water. This vertical stack would comprise of hydrophilic and hydrophobic synthetic materials that guide the flow of fresh water while maximizing surface area for condensation.

Conceptual design surface material and texture for hydrophilic behaviours

conceptual form of the design bridge, integrating the triple cycle concept into the structures

MATERIAL PRECEDENCE: SERVO HYDROPHILE My interest in this precedence is the focus on which hydrophilic properties are concerned. The ability to capture water vapour is not only based on the properties of the material, but also the gestalt of the flow-controlling material itself. In relation to the Namidian Beetle, the hemispheric shape of the surface allows optimum exposure of hydrophilic cells to the air without threatening the aerodynamics of the bug, while the hydrophobic flat hexagons directs the flow of water.

section detail of protuberant ceramic

On the other hand, the surface of the Servo Hydrophile uses a contrasting formation where the protruding parts of the surface acts as hydrophobic parts and its surface made out of porous ceramic are in hydrophilic state. The ceramic structure would collect condensed freshwater from the air and accumulate on the tip of the protuberant. As the accumulated water becomes heavier, pressure would allow the water to be sucked into the protuberant and flow towards a reservoir for irrigation uses.

perspective model of the hydrophille farm

parametric structure and formation of protuberant for efficient water collection

sequence of the Ram Press Machine to create moulds for ceramic modules

CERAMIC MODULE FABRICATION The fabrication of specialised pieces of porous ceramic tiles includes generating test models for their individual molds. Ram press is applied on each molds to create ceramic structural modules, resulting in a number of variations of ceramic composite test panels. Ram pressing allows the ceramic structure to have multi-dimensional facial complexity which is accurate to given digital information. For the actual scale of structural components, the parametric information from Rhinoceros is fabricated using a Techno LC 4848 Series CNC Router. The machine has the capacity to generate the physical moulds based on numerical controls, allowing significant accuracy and workmanship over the previous Ram press process. After the press moulds are generated, the structural ceramic units are rapidly produced. These modules are then air-dried and fired in a kiln. The temperature of firing ceramic is dependant on the function of the ceramic; faรงade tiles are heated to cone4, while structural tiles are heated to cone 6. Once cooled, the ceramic modules are coated with woven fibre glass reinforcement to enhance the porous property of the ceramic, creating a strong mechanical bond between the molecular matrix of the ceramic and the fibre glass.

formation of ceramic tiles fabricated using Rhinocerous for digital precision

PARAMETRIC WAVE STRUCTURE The important aspect of constructing hydrophilic ceramic structures is its potential in using indexical data and parametric information from the local environment to generate organic forms that has a feedback loop with the hydrodynamic analysis of the waves. For this exploration study, I intend to 'physicalise' the wave profile into structural elements that can define the boundaries for each individual surface of the ceramic tile. This would provide a digital model for creating molds to produce specialised modules of hydrophilic ceramic tiles.




The fluid model of the actual simulation, made by freezing a point in time of simulation when the whole area is engulfed

Sectional profiles enable the visualisation of water behaviour at each interval.

The sectional profiles are lofted to create a singular entity as a representation of direct wave flow




Using voronoi, a set of structural points are establish within the surface of the flow. These points create boundaries between one another

The boundaries of the cellular structure creates veins that connects the modules together. These veins can be hydrophobic tubes that directs water to be absorbed by the modules

The space surrounding the structural points. These individual shapes are the hydrophilic modules of porous ceramic. Therefore, the method of fabrication must have digital precision to create each parametric module.

AGRICULTURAL ROBOTS AS SALVATION TO THE FUTURE A great fascination of agricultural technology is the use of robotics in doing repetitive functions and detecting specific conditions within a large scale plantation. With spices being very climatic-sensitive plants, the use of robotics could greatly enhance and maintain the capability of the plants to grow, given the incondusive conditions of the flooded Miami. With most of the survivors within the colony would focus on rebuilding the community, mundane activities such as maintaining the botany could be done by supervising robotic protocols, optimising the use of manpower for other prioritised purposes.

DESIGN VISION: THE SPICE BRIDGE The preliminary design idea was to connect between two buildings that acts as a means for transportation, source of necessity, and a social space for the community. As the colonies grow, more bridges would connect between building, offering a rich source for food, and a complex connection between building, reconstructing the streets and landscape of Miami.

CHAPTER 4 Design Solution: Grind Zero


by Ahmad Askaree bin Dzaharudin Final Year Design Studio 13090666 Ciaran O’Brien / Lucas Che Tizard

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