[Business Model]
[Thinking Beyond Orphanages] Creating a new paradigm in orphan care that provides real homes and real families for orphans.
[We Are Not Creating Another Orphanage.] Our project is to create an economically self-sufficient charity serving street orphans that does not keep asking you for more money all the time, but is still able to proved children with homes, families, healthcare, education, computer skills and job skills for their future and the future of their country.
MISSON To create economically self-sufficient, environmentally green, high-technology based Communities in which street orphans live in a family, have surrogate parents and grandparents, receive healthcare, continue their education, learn computer skills, participate in social & recreational activities, receive job skills training and have an opportunity to attend college so They are better prepared for their and their country’s future.
VISION The global vision of O.F.O.C. is to improve the life and environment of orphans of any race, religion or gender throughout the world. This is done with an organization that establishes, in developing countries, economically selfsustaining Orphan Communities that purposefully integrate profit making businesses with family style childcare for orphans.
“Thus the task is not so much to see what no one yet has seen, but to think what nobody yet has thought about that which everybody sees.� arthur schopenhauer
WE ARE CREATING A community with proven businesses that provide jobs, skill training, food and the financial resources that help families of the community be able to adopt more children from orphanages, and provide them with love, guidance, education, computer and job skills, social and cultural activities that will prepare them for personal success and to become leaders in their own community and country.
OUR ECONOMIC MODEL Unlike some other charities, our model is to eventually allow for the communities we have created to become completely self-sufficient. Eventually the families that live within the orphan communities will be able to completely fund themselves.
Economic engine providing income to sustain community
Homes & families for street orphans
AN ECONOMIC ENGINE Community owned and operated businesses providing funding, energy, food, jobs and skills training for its members. This type of economic model makes it possible to provide family-style, community based childcare.
energy production
green house
skilled trades
meat production
biogas production
retail & service
garden/ agriculture
COMMUNITY CHILDCARE Family-style, community based childcare program allows street orphans to be part of a healthy family and community. Community owned businesses make it possible to provide job skills training to the residents.
culture appreciation
family & siblings
job skills training
health & care
global awareness
computer skills
art & music
sports & fitness
SOME OF OUR TEAMS Let us know which teams you can help or contact us to discuss how you can participate. Business plan writing Fundraising & donations Community development Website maintenance Home design/architecture Brochure creation Guidelines for childcare International contacts Guidelines for community Computer network
Selection of orphans Accounting & bookkeeping Selection of surrogates Legal advice PR, articles, newsletters Wireless internet Voluteer recruitment Job skills training Grant writing And Many more...
For a more complete list of volunteering opportunities, see our website: www.orphancommunities.org or in Spanish at: www.comunidadesdehuerfanos.org. We are also listing opportunities with Denver Metro Volunteers: www.metrovolunteers.org