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VOL.29, NO.9
Inside PBS’s ‘Antiques Roadshow’ PHOTO BY MEREDITH NIERMAN FOR WGBH, © WGBH 2017
By Barbara Ruben A few years ago, a coin shop owner in Vienna, Va., had a customer who coveted a few of the coins in the store. In exchange, the customer offered a set of 15 posters made for the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. Each poster was signed by the artist, including such modernist luminaries as Roy Lichtenstein and Robert Rauschenberg. The shop owner figured the coins he exchanged were worth about $1,000. Curious about the limited edition posters’ actual worth — only 750 sets were made — he carted them down to a taping of the PBS hit show “Antiques Roadshow” in Virginia Beach, Va., last year. Out of thousands of people who brought their treasures for appraisal and possible inclusion on the long-running show, Saif (the show’s policy is not to use last names) was one of just a few dozen chosen to be filmed for the show. When the appraiser pronounced the collection worth $7,000 to $10,000 Saif’s eyes widened in surprise, “Wow,” he said a few times, collecting himself. “That is more than I was expecting.” That unexpected value of a treasure that might be lurking in your basement or attic is the hook that lures viewers to tune into “Antiques Roadshow” year after year. “Antiques Roadshow” is PBS’s mostwatched ongoing series, and is now in the midst of filming its 22nd season. One of the reasons for “Antiques Roadshow’s” continuing popularity is that “we’re smart reality television,” said Executive Producer Marsha Bemko in an interview with the Beacon. “You’re not going to watch “Antiques Roadshow” and not learn when the Civil War happened. You’re going to learn something in every show you watch. But you don’t notice you’re learning. How fun is that?” The show is not just a history lesson, but also part treasure hunt, she said. Each piece has had a journey, Bemko said. “We’re very interested in that journey. Whether you’re 8 or 80, you’re curious. What is that thing? Where has it been? And, let’s face it, we’re all human — how much is it worth?” she said.
5 0 SEPTEMBER 2017
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Exploring Beijing and some of its many attractions; plus, where and how to enjoy fall foliage, and Bob Levey on getting carded at 70-something page 46
On an episode of “Antiques Roadshow,” appraiser Matthew Quinn (right) discusses a sculpture of a mother dog and puppies carved by Black Forest artisans around 1900. Quinn, who is executive vice president of Quinn’s Auction Galleries in Falls Church, Va., is now taping his eighth season on the PBS television show that sometimes surprises viewers with the value of items in their attics. This carving, for example, is worth $20,000.
Appraisals at Beacon expos Attendees of the Beacon’s 50+Expos on Sept. 10 in Silver Spring, Md., and on Sept. 17 in Springfield, Va., will get a chance to find out how much their own treasures are worth from appraisers from Quinn’s Auction Galleries, based in Fall’s Church, Va. Matthew Quinn, the executive vice president of the company, is also an appraiser on “Antiques Roadshow.” He will be the keynote speaker at both expo locations, talking about “What’s of value in your attic or basement?” Quinn recently returned after taping “Antiques Roadshow” in several of the cities for next year’s shows, including New Orleans, Harrisburg, Pa., Green Bay, Wisc. and St. Louis. On Sept. 19, the show will be taped out-
doors for the first time, in Newport, R.I. Bemko said she is keeping her fingers crossed that it won’t rain, but noted that there will be tents and indoor areas if needed. As for the cities that the appraisers will visit next year for the 2019 shows, that’s top secret, Bemko said. The show was last taped in Washington in 2011 and in Baltimore in 2008. Quinn, who specializes in appraising decorative arts, pottery and porcelain, has appeared on eight seasons of “Antiques Roadshow.” But he came close to never being on the show at all. Almost a decade ago, he told the person sitting next to him on an airplane that he See ROADSHOW, page 27
Sondheim’s A Little Night Music at Signature is pure magic; plus, 1960s musical icons at Strathmore this fall, and new books about baseball page 61 TECHNOLOGY k Sleep gadgets
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