asl aviation group internal newsletter
n°7 - summer 2015
A message from our CEO Warm summer greetings to all at ASL. Given the nice summer weather in Europe you may think I’ve forgotten other parts of the ASL Group, I haven’t! It’s always warm in India, Thailand and South Africa (albeit cold in the evenings!) There is plenty of activity throughout the ASL Group currently with charter and contract flying from France and Ireland on the respective Boeing 737 and Boeing 757 fleets. Cargo activity for our major clients is also at high levels. We will of course cover these and indeed the scheduled passenger flying across the Group and Globe as well as ASL’s various Support businesses and aid/relief flying during the upcoming ASL roadshows. Three very pleasing recent and unsolicited points of feedback concerning all ASL’s business activity which I would like to share with you, can be summed up as follows:
A new brand for a stronger and more significant Group
Your premium brand had better be delivering something special, or it’s not going to get the business.
Warren Buffet o succeed to full potential in business today a company must think of itself as a brand and this must be reflected throughout the
organisation. Brands exist because companies and organisations have many audiences, and these audiences place great store in brand and reputation because it makes decisions on
> ASL’s business approach is reputable!
a purchase or investment safer and easier.
> ASL is trustworthy by its customers and providers!
A company that understands itself and its brand and
> A SL companies are committed to finding solutions for customers!
that has brand strategy as its business strategy has the
It of course goes without saying that that we need to consistently focus on our Group values (Profitability, Reliability, People, Quality and Safety) in order to ensure consistent and positive feedback such as this. In terms of opportunities and challenges I am confident that with these strong attributes the ASL Group will continue to grow from strength to strength in the months and years to come! Thank you for your enthusiasm and efforts.
foundation to successfully build loyalty, demand, sustainable income, reliable earnings and market value. In March Hugh Flynn wrote to all staff on the initiation of the new ‘Platform for Growth’ strategy and our new Group structure. A critical component of this new structure was the plan to change the names and brand of the 4 European airlines and this has now happened. Air Contractors has become ASL Airlines Ireland
Our new brand and identity will achieve a number of key strategic aims: > The creation of an evolutionary new identity and brand image > A progressive transition from the current ASL Aviation Group identity > Show a clear and consistent link between ASL Aviation Group and the 4 airlines > Reflect key selling points of trust, reliability, size and credibility > Affirm ASL’s commitment to our new value proposition to our customers > Enable us to enhance optimisation across the Group > Increase the competitiveness of each airline in the market
Europe Airpost has become ASL Airlines France
Farnair Switzerland has become ASL Airlines Switzerland Farnair Hungary has become ASL Airlines Hungary
Hugh Flynn
Each airline has now begun the transition to the new
group finance update
the big paris air show
.... and the best Paris air show!
asl airlines europe
safair : Safair Celebrates 50 Years of Excellence q uikjet india : Quikjet India to Launch Cargo Services k-mile : K-Mile Looks to Expand Network
support and leasing
the aclas brand : Development, Collaboration and Growth Leasing : Busy times for leasing team
taste of asl’s world
brand elements will become more and more visible internally and externally with our customers and the market generally.
Implementing the Change As the new brand and identities have been formally
asl airlines ireland : “Irish Aircraft Operator of the Year 2015” a sl airlines france : New routes as ASLF develops passenger strategy asl airlines switzerland : LEP Programme a Winner for Airline and Pilots
rest of the world
brand, and in the weeks and months ahead all of the
announced we are now moving quickly to implement the required change, with ASL Group supporting the airlines in the brand implementation with guidance on policy and procedure. The first aircraft is expected to be painted in the new ASL Airlines
The aim of this new common identity is to ‘affirm ASL’s commitment of enhanced service capabilities to
The ‘Brand Steering Group’ has been established at Group level:
our customers, our shareholders and at internal level
> To guide the implementation process
throughout the ASL Group.’
> To monitor developments and progress
The connection between ASL Aviation Group and ASL
> To manage the centralisation structure in order
Airlines will be obvious to our customers and pros-
Corporate Support
to control costs
pective customers and the new common identity will
This Steering Group will meet as often as required
position us perfectly for future growth.
throughout the implementation process. >>>>