Indaba No. 1 - Summer 2012 English

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n°1 - summer 2012


asl aviation group internal newsletter


air contractors : Challenge 500 at Air Contractors europe airpost : A unique partnership safair : She has arrived aclas : Around the world ace : Gives leading edges the ‘boot’




Working groups




Message from our CEO

France : 0,00€ , Ireland : 0,00€, United Kingdom : 0,00£, South Africa : 0,00 rand

Thanks for the meaningful contribution from all at ASL Aviation. It is a particular pleasure to provide an introduction to the inaugural Indaba newsletter. This follows a commitment made at the Indaba conference in early February this year to initiate a newsletter for the Group. Following what was a most satisfactory year’s performance in 2011, the latest Annual Report is accessible on the ASL website for viewing. All ASL colleagues should feel justifiably pleased with these results and a special word of thanks to each and every one for their meaningful contribution to the success in 2011! While the first part of 2012 is showing similar promise as we passed through the month of June, challenges such as the European economy and its effects on demand for our services may have an impact on our performance. For this reason and by virtue of the successful manner in which we have overcome challenges which have tested us in recent years, we need to be constantly aware of best practices in confronting those difficulties as they arise. The respective ASL Group companies reflect individually on their business activities in this newsletter. In support of the various companies’ strenuous efforts for top performance and continued growth, it is paramount for top-level performance and cost effectiveness to form the basis of the ASL Group’s competitiveness in order to ensure this growth. The seven Indaba working groups are continuing to provide areas of strong co-operation and are bringing together core essentials which I believe will reinforce the ASL Group’s efforts focused on growth with a strong base. In appreciating the achievements which have gone into the compilation of this newsletter, I hope it will provide a valuable new dimension to the ASL Group’s continued actions at improving communication levels throughout our companies. Kind regards Hugh Flynn

two versions of the logo


he design of ASL Aviation Group’s logo was carried out four years ago when the Group was created. The ASL Aviation Group’s logo is the graphic institutional representation of the group of air services, which enables individuals to instantly recognise the company. The letters “ASL” explain the three activities of the Group: A for Air Transportation, S for Services, L for Leasing. The shape and orientation of the design (a sail and the letters “ASL”) impart movement, the rounded and profiled lettering in italics establish dynamism, the colours are representative of the world of aviation. This simple, sober logo, used as a signature, establishes the Group’s name.

asl aviation All you need in Aviation

Created in 2008, ASL Aviation Group is a significant international Group, which serves numerous customers worldwide. ASL gathers the best of Aviation in one group: Air Transportation, Services and support, Leasing, Management, and has a strong commitment to its customers : fulfilling their needs in aviation.

In a few figures

1 200 employees throughout the world, 27 nationalities represented A fleet of ± 90 Turnover of €


410 million

814 000 passengers

314 000 tons of freight 68 000 Flight hours


The strength of this logo lies in the fact that it is internationally readable, corporative, easily identifiable and still relevant year after year. Recently, a study was carried out to work on an adaptation of the logo for the cargo doors of the aircraft. The wing was moved to the centre of the logo to accompany the movement and the text “aviation group” has been re-centred under the main lettering of ASL. This first adaptation of the logo will be used on the new Europe Airpost Boeing 737-400F.

Indaba Indaba is a Zulu word for an important conference held by the leaders of the Zulu and Xhosa people of South Africa for purposeful discussion, meaning “ business” or “matter”. These meetings are where the leaders get together to sort out the problems that affect them all, where everyone has a voice and where this is an attempt to find a common mind or common story. For ASL the Indaba is both a process and a method of engagement as we listen to one another concerning challenges that face ASL Aviation Group. Its aim is to enhance the levels of co-operation and synergy between the various ASL Aviation Group companies, to continue to grow from strength to strength and to be all together always more performant and competitive.

competition: choose a title for the newsletter This first edition of the internal newsletter comes out of the Indaba process and therefore the first issue has been naturally given the working title : Indaba.

To participate to the competition, please send your best suggestions of a name for the newsletter to Ian Reece :, before 31st October.

This name may change, and you can be part of this change by proposing and choosing the definitive name of the newsletter.

Once all the suggestions are collected, everyone can vote on the title they like best. The winner who suggested the name with the most votes, will receive an ipad 3.

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