Summer Guide Slovenia 2009

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Experience the Nature of Perfection with Our Opening Discounts! Take advantage of the benefits to be offered at the opening of the renovated Špik Hotel. The opening package includes two overnight stays and buffet dinner, unlimited swimming in the new Špik swimming pool complex, animation at the hotel and free use of the Vitranc fitness gym. If you choose at least five overnight stays, you will get a free massage and free entry to the hotel’s Alpine Wellness Centre. Termin 3 days (2 nights) Additional day

Hotel Špik 4* Regular price € 120 € 60

Opening price € 84 € 42

Hotel Špik 3* Regular price € 86 € 43

The prices of packages are per person in a double room, from 21 June to 26 July 2009.

For additional information and to make a booking please call us at +386 (0)4/588-44-77 or send an email to

Opening price € 60,2 € 30,1

CONTENTS 4 6 8 10 12 18 22 24 28 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 52 54 57 58 59 60 61 62 64 66 68 69 40 74 79 80 82

Slovenia in brief Easygoing Slovenia Made in Slovenia Tips to plan holidays Summer festivals Piran & Portorož Izola Koper Postojna Mountain resort Cerkno Kobarid & Tolmin Bovec Mountain resort Kanin Kranjska Gora Mountain resort Kranjska Gora Bled Mountain resort Straža Sport climbing in Slovenija Mountain resort Vogel Škofja Loka Mountain resort Krvavec Mountain resort Velika Planina Mountain resort Golte Mountain resort Ivarčko jezero Mountain resort Rogla Šentrupert Dolenjske Toplice Slovenj Gradec Mountain resort Kope Mountain resort Celjska koča Ptuj Maribor Mountain resort Mariborsko Pohorje Moravske Toplice Ljubljana

Summer’s calling Slovenia is a small country where distances are most commonly measured in tens of minutes. There are 323 kilometres of road from the Sečvolje saltflats by the Adriatic Sea, to faraway Hodoš on the north eastern Hungarian border. It takes us nearly four hours to make the distance by car – and this is as far as we can go inside Slovenia. But if we take into consideration the fact that this drive takes us through four landscape types with different climates and that we can see a huge variety in architecture, cultures and dialects, this sort of smallness takes on a different dimension. We Slovenes might think that we know the 20,273 square kilometres of our homeland well, but each time we discover yet another town or another hidden piece of nature, which pleasantly surprises us. In this pocket guide, you will find presentations of select places, and hopefully the inspiration to plan your next move or a day trip for your family. In this year’s edition, we have paid special attention to the summer life of our wellknown winter resorts. The infrastructure that makes possible all the winter fun at the ski slopes is becoming more and more useful in the summer time as well. In the recent years, many additional facilities have been constructed to make the summer experience of these slopes more enjoyable, such as sled rails or bike parks. Ski lifts and cable cars bring mountain peaks closer to us or at least take us to mountain huts and highland pastures with nice views (and no sweat). Centuries of tradition in dedicating ourselves to our beautiful nature for relaxation, inspiration and recreation are now open for people from all over the world. Check it out for yourself!

Jaka Terpinc, editor

Slovenia in brief Area: 20,273 km2 Population: 2,019,406 (as of 30 June 2007) Capital city: Ljubljana Language: Slovenian; also Italian, German and Hungarian in nationally mixed areas Currency: Euro (since 1 January, 2007) State holidays: June 25 – Statehood Day, December 26 – Independence and Unity Day Phone dial code: +386 Time zone: GMT/UTC+1 Largest towns: Ljubljana, Maribor, Kranj, Celje

Dravograd Ravne na Koroškem


Kranjska Gora

Ivarčko jezero

Kranjska Hrušica Gora Mojstrana

Slovenj Gradec

Črna na Koroškem



Topolšica Šoštanj




Straža Bled Bohinjska Bela

Bohinjska Bistrica








Kamniška Bistrica







TRBOVLJE Zagorje ob Savi








Velika Planina

Preddvor Brdo

Ljubno ob Savinji







Vrhnika Grosuplje







Ivančna Gorica

Šm Top

Vipava Štanjel







Pivka Škocjan



Piran/Pirano Portorož/Portorose

Dolenjske Toplice



Kočevje Ilirska Bistrica

Osp & Mišja peč Črni kal Hrastovlje


Črnomelj Osilnica Kostel

Mountain resorts Climbing Area



Madžarska Moravske Toplice

Šentilj v Slov. goricah Radlje ob Dravi


Rogla Zreče

Lendava/ Lendva Ljutomer

Mariborsko Pohorje PTUJ Slovenska Bistrica




Središče ob Dravi



Slovenske Konjice


Dobrovnik/ Dobronak


Lenart v Slov. goricah





Lovrenc na Pohorju


Gornja Radgona

Rogaška Slatina




Podčetrtek Celjska koča

Rimske Toplice



Podsreda Sevnica Brestanica

Krško Brežice

marješke plice




Summer guide is a special supplement of The Slovenia Times magazine. Publisher Domus, d.o.o. Trg MDB 12, 1000 Ljubljana CEO: Brane Krajnik Phone: +386 (0)1 520 50 84 Fax: +386 (0)1 520 50 82 E-mail: Web: Project Manager: Aleš Smerdel Editor: Jaka Terpinc Design & Layout: Maja Kaplan (




Did you know! The highest mountain in Slovenia is called Triglav and the first ascent was made on 26 August, 1778. Triglav literally means “three-headed”. It is also the highest peak in the Julian Alps. This 2,864 metre high giant is also one of Slovenia’s key national symbols.

Marketing Managers: Irena Kržan ( Iztok Červ ( Phone: +386 (0)59 045 003 Source: Slovenian Tourist Board ( Local Tourist Organizations The Slovenia Times archive Print: Littera Picta Medvode, Barletova cesta 4, 1215 Medvode, Slovenija

Easygoing Slovenia Airports Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport, is the largest airport in Slovenia, 20 km north of the capital. Ljubljana is served by 13 airlines with 30 destinations throughout Europe. Aerodrom Ljubljana, d.d. Zg. Brnik 130a, 4210 Brnik-aerodrom Passenger information: T: +386 (0)4 20 61 981 T: +386 (0)4 20 61 000

Maribor Airport Edvarda Rusjana is the second largest international airport.

Aerodrom Maribor d.o.o. Letališka cesta 10, 2312 Orehova vas Passenger information: +386 (0)2 629 17 90

Portorož Airport is the third largest

international airport, mainly used for private flights. Aerodrom Portorož 6333 Sečovlje T: +386 (0)5 617 51 40

Rent-a-car The best way to see the country is by car, especially if you want to visit the more remote mountainous regions. Cars can be rented from agencies at Ljubljana Airport and from tourist agents in town.

Easygoing Slovenia

AIR CARRIER Adria Airways Kuzmičeva 7, 1000 Ljubljana Reservations and information: +386 (0)1 369 10 10 Toll-free number: 080 13 00

Railway Station The majority of trips within Slovenia start from the capital, Ljubljana. The railway station is the hub and there are regular train connections with all major towns in Slovenia. Slovenske železnice Kolodvorska 11, 1506 Ljubljana, T: +386 (0)1 29 13 332, Answering machine (Outside working hours): 090 93 98 01 Maribor Railway Station: T: +386 (0)2 29 22 164 Celje Railway Station: T: +386 (0)3 29 33 156 Koper Railway Station: T: +386 (0)5 29 64 158 The Slovenia Times

Bus The wide network of bus stations and stops throughout the country makes travelling by bus easy and convenient. The hub is Ljubljana, from where it is possible to reach almost any part of the country within a couple of hours. Avtobusna Postaja Ljubljana, d.d. Trg OF 4, 1000 Ljubljana T: +386 (0)1 234 46 00 Call centre: 090 93 42 30 Maribor Bus Station Mlinska ulica 1, 2000 Maribor T: +386 (0)2 235 02 12, Toll-free informations: 080 11 16

Vignettes In 2008 Slovenia has abandoned the system of paying tolls as you drive and introduced toll stickers instead. Currently the price of a half-year vignette is set at EUR 35 and EUR 55 for the annual vignette, what gives you a free access to all motorways. The transportation ministry however announced cheaper short-term vignettes so the above prices/periods may not be valid anymore by the time you read this. If you find the price too cruel for tourists in transit, there’s always an option to use local roads, but bear in mind that some sections such as the Ljubljana bypass also count as a vignette road. If you decide to gamble with the police, who can fine you EUR 300, a hint says you will most likely be checked at border control posts – what doesn’t mean other you are safe elsewhere on the motorways around the county.

Summer Guide 2009

Foreign Embassies and Consulates in Slovenia In Ljubljana: Albania Ob Ljubljanici 12, +386 1 432 23 24 Australia Trg Republike 3/XII,a, +386 1 425 42 52 Austria Prešernova cesta 23 Ljubljana, +386 1 479 07 00 Belgium Trg republike 3/IX, +386 1 200 60 10 Bosnia and Herzegovina Kolarjeva 26, +386 1 234 32 50 Brazil Baragova 5, +386 1 588 31 08 Bulgaria Rožna dolina, Cesta XV/18, +386 1 426 57 44 Canada Trg republike 3, +386 1 252 44 44 Chile Brdnikova 34 b, +386 1 423 96 70 China Koblarjeva 3, +386 1 420 28 55 Croatia Gruberjevo nabrežje 6, +386 1 425 62 20 Cyprus Mestni trg 24, +386 1 241 83 00 Czech Republic Riharjeva 1, +386 1 420 24 50 Denmark Kingdom Eurocenter, Tivolska 48, +386 1 438 08 00 Denmark Resljeva 24/I, +386 1 300 76 60 Egypt Opekarska cesta 18a, +386 1 429 54 20 Finland Ajdovscina 4/8, +386 1 300 21 20 French Republic Barjanska 1, +386 1 479 04 00 German Republic Prešernova cesta 27, +386 1 251 61 66 Greece Trnovski pristan 14, +386 1 420 14 00 Hungary Ulica Konrada Babnika 5, +386 1 512 18 82 India Maurerjeva ulica 29, +386 1 513 31 17 Indonesia Prešernova 11, +386 1 200 51 77 Ireland Republic Palača Kapitelj, Poljanski nasip 6, +386 1 300 89 70 Italian Republic Snežniška ulica 8, +386 1 426 21 94 Japan Trg republike 3/XI, +386 1 200 82 81 Jordan Zaloška cesta 159, +386 1 546 15 00 Luxemburg Slovenska cesta 17, +386 1 470 70 15 Macedonia Dunajska 104, +386 1 421 00 21 Malta Dunajska 122, +386 1 588 34 10 Marocco Kingdom Bizjanova ulica 2, +386 1 581 63 00 Mexico Trg republike 3, +386 1 470 70 35 Montenegro Resljeva cesta 40, +386 1 439 53 64 Nepal Kingdom Dunajska cesta 104, +386 1 568 23 31 Netherlands Palača Kapitelj, Poljanski nasip 6, +386 1 420 14 61 New Zealand Verovškova 57, +386 1 580 30 55 Norway Ajdovščina 4/8, +386 1 300 21 40 Philippines Ulica Bratov Učakar 50, +386 1 518 15 84 Poland Bežigrad 10, +386 1 436 47 12 Portugal Trg republike 3/X, +386 1 479 05 40 Romania Podlimbarskega 43, +386 1 505 82 94 Russian Federation Tomšičeva 9, +386 1 425 68 75 Serbia Slomškova ulica 1, +386 1 438 01 10 Seychelles Slovenska cesta 5, +386 1 754 29 46 Slovakia Tivolska cesta 4, +386 1 425 54 25 South Africa Pražakova ulica 4, +386 1 200 63 00 South Korea Trg republike 3, +386 1 252 71 17 Spain Trnovski pristan 24, +386 1 420 23 30 Sweden Ajdovščina 4/8, +386 1 300 02 70 Switzerland Trg republike 3/VI, +386 1 200 86 40 Thailand Kingdom Pražakova 12, +386 1 432 84 07 Turkey Livarska 4, +386 1 236 41 50 Ukraine Teslova ulica 23, +386 1 421 06 04 United Kingdom Trg Republike 3/IV, +386 1 200 39 10 United States of America Prešernova cesta 31, +386 1 200 55 00 Vatican - The Holy See Krekov trg 1, +386 1 433 92 04 (source: Slovenian Tourist Board)

Easygoing slovenia

Made in Slovenia Here’s a selection of products that are unique to the country and represent its tradition, innovation and creativity. They’re worth checking out – seeing or tasting them here and eventually bring them home as a memento or a gift.

Kočevski gozdni med

Idrijska čipka

Forest honey from the Kočevska region is certified with a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) by the EU, which sets the highest standard for the quality and the production processes of purely natural products. Forests, which cover more than ninety percent of the Kočevska region, contribute to the special characteristics of this honey.

The masters of handicraft in the town of Idrija are proud to present their bobbin lace, made according to the traditional school of lacemaking. The lace can be a stand-alone decoration as well an ornament on clothes or accessories.

Planinski čaj

Teran This fruity red wine is a variation of Refošk, another wine typical from the coastal region. What makes it special is that the vines grow in a rich acidic soil called terra rosa, giving this wine a typical strong taste and – allegedly – special healing powers.

“Mountain tea” is a blend of mountain herbs in a teabag makes a tasty warm drink – most desirable in cold months. A drop of lemon juice or honey boosts its healing powers.

Absinthe Supreme This mysterious drink is produced in the shadow of the Slovene Alps, drawing upon 18th century herbal recipes originating between Paris and Prague. This blend of carefully selected premium herbs, including artemisia absinthium (containing thujone) is a perfect ingredient for cocktails, which can be sampled in the company’s absinthe bar in the centre of Ljubljana.

Prešernove kroglice Directly translated as “Prešeren’s balls” and probably inspired by the Mozartkugel of Austria, these chocolate candies with a hazelnut core definitely deserve a try. Decide who wins – Prešeren or Mozart.

Union & Laško The two beers dominating the country can be a matter of momentary choice or a brand loyalty, which often coincides with regional pride: Union for Ljubljana and Laško for eastern Slovenia. Laško is considered tastier, with more flavour, while Union, in contrast, flows down the throat easier.   Made in Slovenia

Cviček The lovely reddish wine is a synonym for the Dolenjska region and is a specialty among Slovene wines. Cviček is intended for people who enjoy wine in good spirits. It is produced from select red and white grapes, which are mixed into a harmonious blend. It is dry, with a low alcohol level (8.5-10.0 %/vol.), and a somewhat high acidity. Owing to the fact that it relishes clay and limestone soils, it holds a reputation of having healing properties.

Kraški pršut Pršut, more commonly known by the Italian word “prosciutto,” is basically a dried pork thigh. This meat is a perfect companion to olives and wine. What makes it “kraški,” is the fact that it is naturally dried by a wind called “burja,” which contributes to its special taste.

Extravaganja A line of cosmetic products containing hemp extracts. Don’t expect applying the face cream will cause any funny effect on your psyche, but it can do much good for your skin and, among other effects, protect you from UV rays. The Slovenia Times

Tips to easily plan your next mountain holiday The secret to spending a great time on your holiday is in one word: planning. To make sure everyone brings back special memories, after paying the right price for accommodation and transport, careful preparation is de rigueur. Here is our short guide to organize a worryfree mountain holidays in Slovenia.

Set a date Decide on a date and write it on your calendar. If you are lucky enough to have a lot of flexibility, date-wise, for your holidays, ponder if you will go during high or low season. The high season allows vacationers to enjoy a wide selection of activities in a festive atmosphere. During the low season, resorts are of course not as crowded and definitely cheaper, but the choice of activities might not be as broad. In short, it all depends on what you are looking for.

Who is coming with you? Will you go on holiday alone, with your other half, with friends, with your kids, what about the dog? Do any members of your group have special needs? What activities would you and people accompanying you like to do?

Choose a destination Its size and central location make of Slovenia an ideal destination for families and groups, and hundreds of activities are available to holidaymakers in its dozen mountain resorts. Some resorts have a great offer of water activities: rafting, canyoning, kayaking, etc. Others are better for mountain bike enthusiasts, or hikers, or parachute jumping fanatics. Cultural discoveries are to be made in the museums found in some resorts and local cuisine to be tasted in tourist farms. To that list, you can add summer sledding, high rope courses, climbing, and many more activities! Carefully research each possible destination by visiting the resorts’ websites, to find which one has the offer closest to your wish list. Keep in mind that you can visit three or four different Slovenian resorts over a period of 14 days, as they are relatively close to each other.

Hotel or apartment?

If apartments are significantly cheaper than hotel rooms, choosing an accommodation type should not depend solely on the available budget. All hotels can serve you breakfast, and most also offer you the full and half board services. No cooking, no cleaning, just climbing and swimming, hiking and mountain biking, talk about a real family vacation! Some groups will prefer the flexibility offered by a holiday apartments, with its equipped kitchen and separate living room and bedroom(s). In the end, staying in an apartment usually ends up being cheaper, given that the guests don’t eat all meals in restaurants but actually use the equipped kitchen provided. 10  Tips to plan holidays

Size matters Larger hotels and apartment houses on the other hand offer a more standard service but can also have more services available to their guests, such as bicycle lending, babysitting, guided hikes, etc. And when it comes to the star rating, it all depends on how much you want to spend and what level of comfort you expect; however don’t rely exclusively on it. Some family-run hotels, bed and breakfasts and apartment houses are not rated but offer exceptional amenities and service.

Choose your means of transportation The simplest way to reach the Slovenian mountain resort you chose is by car, and that means of transportation also offers extra autonomy and allows you to visit less touristy areas. If your departure point is too far from the mountain resort you chose, you can rent a car from the airport or the train station. Slovenian ski resorts can all be reached within one hour drive from the Ljubljana (Jože Pučnik) national airport or, if you prefer, the airports of Graz and Klagenfurt, in Austria. Discount air carriers serve all three but don’t forget that most limit the luggage size allowed per passenger. Also, even on regular air carriers, special packaging might be required for mountain bikes and other large equipment, so get informed beforehand to avoid bad surprises.

About insurance Some holidaymakers still overlook the importance of subscribing to proper travel and medical insurance before leaving for their vacation. Some unfortunate events: sickness before departure preventing one member from taking part on the trip, lost luggage, injury in a foreign country, can turn out to be very costly. You will notice after some quick research on the web that many companies now offer insurance products at quite reasonable prices so it is not worth the risk of not subscribing to one.

Reserve early Because you followed all the previous tips, your plan is ready in advance. Well, don’t sit on it! Reserve early! Making reservations online is the way to go nowadays, you can compare prices and benefit from the most competitive rates on the market. Buy your plane ticket in advance to save, and to reserve your car in advance can get you free additional options. Accommodations also offer early-bird or first minute specials, and remember to book ahead all extra equipment you will need, such as a baby cot or an extra bed. The Slovenia Times

Ljubljana Ljubljana Festival 6 July – 27 August: Križanke, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana castle

The most ambitious festival in Ljubljana, if not in the whole of Slovenia, never fails to bring important classical music artists to the capital. This year, the festival opens with an interesting combination of music and dance: La Scala Milan presents a ballet, choreographed by Roland Petit to the music of Pink Floyd. As many people are eagerly anticipating this performance, it will probably be sold out long in advance. La Scala is not the only big name at this year’s festival; in addition to a number of Slovenian and foreign virtuosos, Križanke will again host the Bolshoi Theatre performing the opera Eugene Onegin. Other interesting performances include The Full Monty musical from Zagreb, a singing and dancing performance by a group of Russian Cossacks from the Don region, a concert by the Prague chamber orchestra and a flamenco performance. The cinema under the stars will screen movies in the Ljubljana castle courtyard.

Ljubljana Jazz Festival 29 June – 4 July: Križanke, Klub CD, the summer stage of Gala Hala at Metelkova

The opening events of the festival will be an exhibition and a concert by the Dutch musicians Han Bennink and Guus Janssen. The festival events will take place at 3 venues and will feature jazz musicians from different continents, from Africa to America. The legendary Roscoe Mitchell will be performing with the Chicago Quartet and the Powerhouse Sound will perform with Ken Vandermark and two members of the avant-garde rock band Tortoise. Drummer Louis Moholo – the only living member of the South African Blue Notes – will showcase his Viva La Black project. Among many other notable musicians, there is also Michel Camilo, one of the leading jazz and Latin jazz pianists, who will perform with his trio. The festival will close with a concert by the renowned 12  Festivals

Photo: M. Lovšin

Festivals American composer John Zorn, whose performance at Križanke will consist of three parts (Improvisations, The Dreamers and Zaebos). The final event will be a dance concert by the Paris jazz soul group Push Up at Klub CD.

Trnfest 28 July – 30 August: KUD France Prešeren

Every August, Trnfest presents a diverse programme with a number of Slovenian and foreign artists of all genres in the centre of Ljubljana. It began as a local alternative summer event in the courtyard of KUD France Prešeren and developed into a fullscale festival with a wide selection of free concerts, theatre, dance, literature, film, fine art, visual arts and creative and educational workshops. In addition to the quality, diversity and originality of the performers, the festival is also famous for grilled corn on the cob and is a symbol for summer fun. This year’s line-up includes Ferus Mustafov and the Džambo Aguševi Brass Band, X Muza and Kvinton.

East Lent Festival 26 June – 11 July: Maribor

Ray Charles, B. B. King, James Brown, Maceo Parker, David Byrne, Living Colour and Omara Portuondo are just some of the previous performers at this festival by the Drava, where world famous foreign artists are joined by a number of Slovenian musicians. Over 400 events and 500,000 visitors a year make Lent one of the largest European festivals of its kind and one that also attracts visitors from other continents. This multicultural festival, which developed from the Folkart folk festival 15 years ago, has won a number of awards, including 34 awards from the International Festivals and Events Association. Covering over 30 festival venues, Lent hosts classical, jazz, pop and ethno concerts and singer-songwriter evenings, theatre, dance and puppet shows, creative The Slovenia Times

workshops for children and sporting events. The international Folkart folk festival, the Jazzlent festival and the festival of Ljubljana’s Ana Desetnica street theatre are also parts of the Lent festival.

Brežice Festival 30 June – 30 August: Brežice

This festival, a European project that developed from courses introducing early music, serves to bring Slovenian cultural heritage to Slovenian and international communities with the help of young and talented artists. The festival revives old music from Slovenia and other countries. This year’s performers include Klaus Mertens, Cantica Symphonia, the Pramea Ensemble, Pierre Hamon and XVIII-21 Le Baroque Nomade.

Rock Otočec 26 – 28 June: Otočec

While mud is the most recognisable feature of this Dolenjsko festival, it is clearly not the only reason why the young and the old come to Otočec. This year’s line-up includes some of the most popular Slovenian bands, who have not performed at the festival in a while, a few bands from the former Yugoslavia, two excellent but so far unrecognised foreign bands and a world famous mystery band. The organisers refuse to say which band it is, but they say it is worth the wait.

Schengenfest 31 July – 2 August: Vinica

Schengen is not only an area, but also an open air festival connecting fans of music and fun across the borders. Schengenfest takes place in Bela krajina by the Croatian border. Its events include pop-rock and ethno concerts by the biggest Balkan and Central European stars and other activities. This year’s performers from Slovenia are Siddharta, Dan D and Strojmachine.

Urban music (The Toasters, Fandangle, Elvis Jackson, Carina, Real Life Version, King Shango Soundsystem), jam sessions, sports and adrenaline activities (the Njoki Lacrosse tournament, the Njoki “bee jumps”) are just some of the events attracting visitors to Ajdovščina. In addition to music and sports, the festival features dance workshops, cooking classes, hairdressing and graffiti art. The festival provides free camping.

Metalcamp 2 – 8 July: Tolmin

The largest Slovenian metal festival, which never fails to delight the performers as well as the visitors, has long outgrown the restrictions of the genre it promotes. The festival is located by the Tolminka and Soča rivers. This year’s line-up includes Napalm Death, Nightwish, Blind Guardian, Down, Dimmu Borgir, Lamb of God, Testament, Hatebreed, Amon Amarth, Satyricon, Kreator and many more.

Soča Reaggae Riversplash 15 – 19 July: Tolmin

Fans of Bob Marley, reggae and similar sunny genres can return to the emerald-green Soča for more good vibrations. This year’s performers include Rasites, Sister Nancy, Max Romeo, Najavibes and Asher Selector.


West Carniola Festival June: Kranj

Kranj’s Carniola festival is the largest cultural festival in the Gorenjsko region. It showcases international performers and multicultural events taking place in historic venues and in the old town centre. Previous performers include Laibach, Terrafolk, The Platters, the Picikato Brass Band and many more. As every year, this year’s festival features a number of music, theatre and dance events.

17 – 19 July: Koper

This festival brings thousands of visitors to Koper every year. It focuses on electronic music, from house and techno to drum’n’bass and chill-out. This year’s VJs and DJs include DJ Shah, Axwell and Masiello.

Sajeta 31 July – 1 August: Tolmin

This festival, located at the confluence of the Soča and Tolminka rivers, focuses on artistic expression rather than musical genres and features experimental and avant-garde musicians. This year’s line-up includes Trevor Watts & Peter Knight, Paul Wirkus, Clementine Glasser and Jean Louis.

Njoki Summer Festival 19 – 20 June: Ajdovščina – Police Sports Centre Summer Guide 2009

Festivals  13

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By signing this statement I hereby allow and authorise the Slovenian Chamber of Mountain Centres, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, to process my personal data for the purposes as laid down in the Rules for the AS Card, as well as for the purposes of direct marketing, i.e. being informed about the promotional activities and credit ratings of partner companies, and to receive information about all additional activities and events taking place at mountain centres. Data marked with * are obligatory. Hotels//Self-contained units// rooms//Tourist farms//Youth hostels//Guesthouses//B&Bs


+ 386 4 280 30 30

The widest selection of accommodation in Slovenia

The widest selection of accomodation in Slovenia

ž o r o t r o P & n a r i P

Portorož is now a modern tourist seaside resort with numerous hotels, a marina, an airport, casinos, congress and wellness centres, an excellent culinary offer and many possibilities for spending your free time actively.

Piran, 3 kilometres away from Portorož, is a very

interesting medieval town with narrow streets and houses tightly packed together, reigning over the Gulf of Piran for centuries. Saltpans, an ideal climate, seaborne trade and trade with the hinterland have brought power and wealth to Piran, which then enabled it to build the beautiful Venetian palaces, squares and numerous churches (there are five in the town). Piran is undoubtedly a town of culture where you can satisfy your curiosity and desire for beauty by visiting museums and galleries, lovely shops, the market with fruit and vegetables, or the antiques fair in the renovated Tartini Square. Besides Piran and Portorož, there are old villages like Sveti Peter, Padna or Nova vas hidden in the hills of the hinterland. Photo: Turistično združenje Portorož 18  Piran & Portorož

The Slovenia Times


TIC Portorož Obala 16 4 22 20 T: +386 (0) 5 67 i z.s ro to or ticpo@p .si oz or rt po w. ww


TIC Piran Tartinijev trg 2 3 44 40 T: +386 (0) 5 67 .si oz ticpi@portor


Piran & Portorož

122 km

Blue, white and green

Luxurious Novelties

Blue, white and green are colours that tinge your thoughts when you think of Portorož and Piran. Blue as the sea that hems this small part of the Slovenian Istria, refreshes us in the summer and warms us in the winter. White as the salt coming from the sea, which brought us wealth centuries ago, on which the little white town of Piran grew. Green as the Mediterranean plants, numerous pines, olive groves, vines and intoxicating spices, which add beguiling aromas and exquisite taste to this pleasant image.

One of the more important novelties of this tourist destination is certainly the renovated Palace hotel. Its history dates back to 1910 when it sparkled as one of the most beautiful hotels along the Adriatic coast. In October 2008, the hotel was revived in its new and modernized image as the Kempinski Palace Hotel, becoming the first luxurious Slovenian hotel with a 5-star superior rating. Other novelties include the renovated Lucija and Marita hotels, the Marina Residence with 70 luxurious apartments in the Portorož marina and a newly paved promenade, which is expected to be finished soon, making walks around Portorož even more pleasant. Summer Guide 2009

Piran & Portorož  19

Wellness From as early as the 13th century, Portorož has been known as a health resort. Its range of high-quality centres of well-being is therefore not surprising. There is the Terme & Wellness LifeClass Spa only one step away from the sea. Visitors can try out beauty, health and well-being programmes that combine all the natural features of the sea destination and the Mediterranean climate with the traditions of Sečovlje saltpans, Asia and the Far East. Paradise Spa is on the 9th and 10th floor of the Bernardin hotel, located between Piran and Portorož. An appealing swimming pool with the view of the sea, nine types of sauna, a modern fitness centre, 18 massage rooms, various baths, beauty treatments and a bio-bar is only part of its offer to help you get away from the everyday hustle and bustle, listen to your soul and body and yield to sensual pampering and complete relaxation. The Talaso Centre Salia is situated near a marvellous landscape park within the Terme Krka Strunjan complex. Its experts use natural sea materials like mud, algae and salts for beauty and preventive health care. In the Hotel Piran & Salinera Resort tourist residential area, is the Syra Bio-energy resort, which is meant to be something special. In this oasis of peace by the Strunjan bay, you can surrender yourself to traditional healing methods intended to sustain inner harmony and balance.

Entertainment Portorož has a venerable tradition of extravagant night parties and gambling. Since this still holds true, these entertainment possibilities are quite heterogeneous. There is a range of casinos, bars, night clubs and discos at hand that, despite their notorious mission, do not damage the dignity and peace becoming to a worldly resort. Grand Casino Portorož is the casino with the longest tradition in Slovenia. Its unique atmosphere of night life gives Portorož tourism a special allure.

The Slovenia Times

Events Numerous events take place in Piran and Portorož every year that attract visitors from around Slovenia and from abroad. Summer is the time of many festivals and outdoor events. Listening to one of the concerts of the Piran Musical Evenings in the Cloister of the Minorite Monastery in Piran is like a dream. The Tartini festival takes you to the Baroque period with an international musical festival dedicated to Giuseppe Tartini. The most important sports event takes place in July as Portorož becomes one with the Slovenia Open, WTA tennis tournament. The tournament takes place on concrete courts. The competitors in the tournament are tennis players ranked around the 30th position on the WTA ranking list.

Cuisine The local cuisine is based on Istrian and Mediterranean cuisine. It widely uses indigenous vegetables, local herbs and spices and, of course, the typical olive oils and wines (malvazija and refošk). Typical dishes of the Slovenian Istria include brudet, date mussels a la Trieste, scampi buzara, black risotto, whiteand bluefish, bobići, fuži and truffles prepared in various ways, Istrian style cod (bacalas) and desserts like hroštole and fritole.

f Events o r a d n e Cal Piran

al in nce festiv June: Da morja ije 22 – 27 of Melod ž : Festival 27 June 09 in the Por toro 20 in sonca m Auditoriu 009, ly: MIFF 2 ational Folklore u J 6 – rn 2 te In n ea n ž Mediterra iran and Por toro P in l a iv st Fe pen, WTA O ia n ve ž July: Slo 20 – 26 nament in Por toro ur an ir P tennis to st t: 31 7 Augus ter of 10 July – ings in the Clois en n Musical Ev e Monastery, Pira it n from io the Minor ss ce ro p st: Barge anizer: the u g u A 4 1 (org Strunjan Piran) Piran to e St. Georg of sh ri a p r: Tartini eptembe t – 12 S music festival in s u g u A al 28 ternation er Festival, in rož, Izola and Kop to or P , n a Pir uiem, the l eq R i: d i Festiva st: G. Ver 28 Augu ncert of the Tartin torož or opening co itheatre of the P ph in the am m r: Auditoriu eptembe st – 5 S u g u 29 A n a e Pir ism Day Ex-tempor orld Tour mber: W : Por torož te p e S 6 er 2 ž (organiz in Por toro ) m iu or it ud A al of er: Festiv Septemb lm Fi n Slovenia


The area of the Sečovlje saltpans is a landscape park and a cultural monument of national importance with its distinctive wind pumps and the remains of saltpan houses giving it a unique charm. Parenzan, a beautiful cycling path following the route of the former narrow-gauge Trieste-Poreč railway line, leads past it. There is also the Marina Portorož, an important sports and recreational centre where you can rent a vessel or play tennis on the nearby 17 covered sand courts.

Foto: J. Skok

a l o z I Enjoy Your Free Time! There are a number of medieval architectural highlights waiting to be discovered in the old town centre: the completely restored Manzioli and Lovisato palaces, the Besenghi palace, the restored church of St. Mary of Alieto and the parish church of St. Maur, dedicated to the patron saint of Izola. According to the legend, he saved the town from its enemies with the help of a white dove. To this day, the dove remains on the municipal coat of arms and the town flag.


TIC Izola 4 Sončno nabrežje 10 50 0 64 )5 (0 T: +386



111 km

Fish Picnics and Panoramic Trips Organising fish picnics, panoramic trips along the Slovenian coast and sea angling: The Zlatoperka and Splendid tourist boats T: +386 (0)41 630 448, The Delfin II tourist boat T: +386 (0)41 675 781, The Jež tourist boat T: +386 (0)41 784 606 The Škarpena II tourist boat T: +386 (0)40 203 533

22  Izola

The Slovenia Times

Wine Cellars Purchase wines or enjoy tastings of Red Refošk, White Malvasia and other varieties from the Slovenian Istra. The Zaro wine cellar and the Manziolli wine bar T: +386 (0)5 616 21 37, The Korenika wine cellar T: +386 (0)41 586 007, (0)41 508 520 The Korenika & Moškon wine cella T: +386 (0)41 607 819, Steras T: +386 (0)41 788 173, Canteen Ivančič T: +386 (0)41 799 428,

Private Room and Apartment Bele skale T: +386 (0)5 640 35 55 Laguna T: +386 (0)41 412 611 Spik T: +386 (0)31 390 704 Žnider’s T: +386 (0)5 640 10 90

Accommodation Hotel Marina*** T: +386 (0)5 660 41 00 Belvedere Hotel and car camping*** T: + 386 (0)5 660 51 00 San Simon Hotel Resort ***/**** and Mirta Wellness & Spa T: +386 (0)5 660 31 00 Garni hotel Keltika T: +386 (0)5 641 97 77 Delfin Hotel ZDUS Izola *** T: +386 (0)5 660 70 00 Jadranka car camping T: +386 (0)41 724 230 Student residence halls – SGTŠ Izola T: +386 (0)5 662 17 40

Cycling and Hiking

Stara šola Korte Youth Hostel T: +386 (0)31 375 889

The Parenzana cycling and walking path is near Izola. Bike rental: Ritoša Bike Centre T: +386 (0)5 640 12 40, Adriarent d.o.o. T: +386 (0)41 300 050, Stara šola Korte Youth Hostel T: +386 (0)31 375 889, Hotel Belvedere T: +386 (0)5 660 51 00,

Art and Culture The Parezana Museum houses a collection of model trains and ships. Izola also has a number of art studios and galleries.

Summer Guide 2009


variety ts a wide e Izola hos th s a ch , su l, of events ’s Festiva nd en m er a Fish es, Wine liv O of s Fair, Day Antiques er st Ea , d Fish n a g n ili s sa numerou attas, spor ts g rowing re s, a boat show, on competiti film festivals d music an s. rt and conce d more fin You can in the on ti ndar informa ents cale monthly ev o .iz at www

Izola  23

r e p o K Become a Part of Countless Stories and Legends … Koper, the oldest town in Slovenia, developed on a rocky island that the Romans named Capris and, of the three coastal towns, it has changed its image the most. So far, quite a number of regimes and states have exchanged here, leaving their mark or their name on it; Capris to the Romans, Insula Caprarta (goat’s island) in the time of Pope Gregory I. (y. 599), Justinopolis to the Byzantines (mid 6th to 8th centuries) and Caput Histriae (the head of Istria) to the patriarchs of Aquileia. The Venetians then gave it the Italian name of Capodistria, the Slovenian variant of which is Koper. Nowadays, Koper is an economic and touristoriented town, developing its bathing, nautical, sports and shopping tourism. It has also become a university town.

Slovenian Istria Hiša Vrešje, a living museum in Krkavče in the heart of the Slovenian Istria, attests to the fact that the Istrian people wanted to live, work and belong to these places. Seeing the local ethnological and historical collection in Hiša od Bardinca (the Bardinec House) conjures up a feeling of cosiness and warmth. The history of Istria is also nicely presented in the regional museum of Koper. 24  Koper


TIC Koper Titov trg 3 4 64 03 T: +386 (0)5 66



106 km

Photo: U. Trnkoczy

The Slovenia Times

The old Town Centre Numerous architectural sights bear witness to the town’s importance; the Muda Gate (the only one of the former twelve town gates to be preserved) on the Prešeren Square and the Da Ponte Baroque style fountain (from 1666), Čevljar Street, designed for merchants and craftsmen for centuries and the most important street in Koper both today and in the past, the Tito Square in the centre, which is one the most beautiful squares on the former Venetian territory, surrounded by the Praetorian Palace (the town hall), Foresteria and Armeria (the seat of the University of Primorska), a loggia from the 15th c., the Cathedral of Mary’s Assumption and the town tower-belfry, which you can climb. You can continue your stroll through Koper along Pristaniška Street or, as we like to call it today, the Pristaniška promenade, which brings you to Taverna (a former salt warehouse and today a multipurpose centre) where numerous concerts and other cultural/entertainment events take place, especially in the summer.

Recreation, Inspiration and Gourmet Pleasures

With its typical Istrian villages, the hinterland of Istria is a true paradise for all lovers of unspoiled nature and genuine countryside. The Osp rock wall, very popular among climbers, can be found on the Karst edge. If you want to be pleasantly tired but with a clear mind, you can take a walk on the very nice educational route through the Ressel Grove, or on footpaths of the frontiersmen and quarriers of the Milje Hills, a longer walk through the Dragonja River Valley, a trip onto Mt. Slavnik with its mountain hut, or go cycling on the Parenzana Health and Friendship Route. Summer Guide 2009


The hinterland of Koper offers many possibilities for shorter trips creating extraordinary experiences. In the fortified Roman church of the Holy Trinity in Hrastovlje, there are worldrenowned frescoes called the Dance of Death, which convey the message that we are all the same in the face of death. There are also two galleries in the village (Jože Pohlen Gallery and Viktor Snoj Gallery) that are worth seeing. The nearby Socerb castle provides a wonderful view of the entire Gulf of Trieste and, just a few steps away, is an underground church called Sveta jama that is open to public.

Competition Coupon Submit a correctly filled out competition coupon and you will receive a small surprise. Correctly filled out competition coupons should be submitted to TIC Koper, Titov trg 3, 6000 Koper. Name: Surname: Address, post: E-mail: Personal data is protected by the Personal Data Protection Act.

Koper  25



20–26 July 2009



,, The Škocjan Caves Natural Park is situated in the classical Karst landscape (in fact, the geographical term “karst” has its orgin here). The renowned Škocjan Caves with their vast halls and underground canyon hold a special place in Slovenia. They are an intertwining of eleven caves, sinkholes, sinks, natura bridges, many enormous stalactites of different shapes and colours, beautiful sediment pools... Due to their exceptional natural and cultural heritage, the Škocjan Caves have been on UNESCO’s list of world heritage sites, as an underground wetlands under the Ramsar Convention and as the Karst Biosphere Region under the MAB Programme (Man and the Biosphere).

The Škocjan Caves Park invites you to... visit the renowned Škocjan Caves take a walk around the well-marked education trail spend the night in private rooms or apartments visit the museum collections: ethnological exhibition; karstological exhibition; biological, geological and archaeological exhibitions

Tourist agencies are entitled to a 10-percent discount for organized and pre-arranged groups


Park Škocjanske jame, Slovenija Škocjan 2, SI - 6215 Divača Tel.: +386 (0)5 70 82 110 Fax: +386 (0)5 70 82 111 e-mail:


10h 13h *15h

June - Sept.

10h 11h 12h 13h 14h 15h 16h 17h

Nov., Dec.

10h 13h *15h

April, May


10h 13h 15.30h

10h 13h 15.30h

*Sundays and festive days


a n j o t os

Interesting Under the Ground and Merry Above It Postojna is an attractive town just half an hour’s drive from Ljubljana and the Postojna Cave is certainly one of the biggest tourist attractions in Slovenia, though certainly not the only one. But it does mean that this Karst town on the crossroads of central Slovenia, the coastal region and the Kvarner, is certainly worth visiting.

Magical Underground Postojna Cave, carved out of stone … In the depths of the internationally known Postojna Cave are hidden the most beautiful treasures – the creations of nature. There is a network of wonderful limestone passages, galleries and halls in the Postojna Cave. A cave train takes you in to admire its beauty under electric lightning and to introduce you to its renowned indigenous inhabitant, the proteus. It is open all year round and one visit takes an hour and a half. The cave’s constant temperature is 8ºC. In the vicinity of the Postojna Cave are also Pivka Cave, Black Cave and the cave underneath the Predjama Castle, which you can visit and explore accompanied by a guide. 28  Postojna


Turizem KRAS Jamska cesta 30 0 01 00 T: +386 (0)5 70 .si as -kr em info@turiz .si www.turizem-kras

Ljubljana Postojna

53 km

The Slovenia Times

Erasmus Castle A few kilometres further on from the Postojna Cave entrance, there stands one of the most picturesque buildings. Predjama Castle is literally suspended in the middle of a 123 m high rock wall, with three, four floors, seeming somehow arrogantly plain, unconquerable and full of relentlessness. The fort got its present look at the end of the 16th c. although its medieval history can be traced back to the year 1201. The castle is characterized by the story of the knight Erasmus.

Pivka Jama Pivka jama, a tourist village, is located close by Postojna in a light pine tree forest and it accommodates up to 700 visitors spending their holidays in comfortable bungalows or a well-regulated camp. There are plenty of recreational possibilities available and, with an experienced guide, you can descend into the intact Pivka Cave using the stairs chiselled into the bedrock.

Military History Park Postojna Gate is an important area traversed for many centuries by people and armies from the north towards the south, and from the east towards the west of Europe. This is why military activities took place in this area in the past. In the Military History Park you can see the first museum collection of the most valuable examples of tanks, armoured fighting vehicles and cannons that were left in Slovenia by various armies and present an important technical military legacy. The collection is supplemented by the film and exhibition United in Victory, showing the Slovenian transition to independence in 1991. You can also visit the forts of the former defence line known as the Alpine wall. Summer Guide 2009

nts r of Eve C a l e nitdioan of dinosaur skeldeedtontos

The exhib jna Cave is exten to in the Pos . l events December ): Medieva ust (Sun 2 and 5 p.m. g u A , ly u J een ma betw in Predja t the urmani” a “f of ay D 5 July: Cave ent Postojna Tournam Erasmus djama : ly u 19 J re P in s ights of the Kn tional event bring , a ia This intern ups from Sloven a, gro lic, Croati together ub ep R est Czech Italy, the Austria. The bigg ht ig d Serbia an on the central kn is emphasis t where knight en tournam and swordsmen en cavalrym t themselves. n ft can prese this old handicra of Masters products on the eir exhibit th er the linden of d square, un hildren can .C Erasmus in handicraft te participa ride ponies and s, workshop just act silly with horses, or from the street s the clown . theatres

Postojna  29


Information: + 386 41 740 531 (Robert)

RAVE d.o.o. Rakitnik 1a 6258 Prestranek T: +386 5 720 13 10

Three kilometres from Postojna, immediately as you leave the highway and head south, there’s an airfield. Within the building complex of the airfield you can find a nice pub with a large terrace and wonderful surroundings. We make excellent pizzas, grilled meat, lasagnas, salads, sweets etc. Our winery stores top wines from entire Slovenia. Bottled wines are served also per glass.



Hotel Cerkno Sedejev trg 8 Cerkno 34 00 T: +386 (0)5 374 info@hotel-cerkn Even in summer, there are plenty of possibilities www.hotel-cerkn


for recreation in the area surrounding the ski resort, particularly at the top, where you will find breath-taking views and numerous hiking, cycling and walking paths. You can visit the waterfalls of Davča or walk to the panoramic lookout on Kopa (1360m). More experienced hikers can climb to the top of Porezen (1632m) or Blegoš (1562m). Visitors looking for new cultural and ethnological experiences can view the collection of old farming tools at the Lovec restaurant in Novaki or visit the museums in Cerkno and Železniki.

The Cerkno ski resort lies on the border between the Gorenjsko and Primorsko regions. The slopes of the 1291m high Črni vrh are the ideal destination for an active vacation in the summer or winter months. There is a modern self-serve restaurant decorated in a comfortable Alpine style, as well as six luxury apartments on the top of the ski slope.


Increasing numbers of visitors are attracted to the Cerkljansko region in the spring, summer and autumn by the numerous music events (the popular Radio Odmev Day on 7 June, the meeting of wind orchestras on 21 June), social, competitive and ethnological events (the meeting on Črni vrh from 4 to 5 July), education workshops, presentations, hiking The six-person events (the Slovenia Počivalo chairlift will Walks event on 6 operate from the beginning September), cycling of June until the middle Hotel Cerkno can accommodate 180 guests. programmes and of September on Sundays The rooms are equipped with modern meetings with renowned from 11 am to 7 pm. furniture and have either a balcony or air athletes, nutrition experts conditioning. Some rooms are adapted to accommodate and nature experts. handicapped guests. The hotel has an indoor pool with thermal water (25x13m), saunas, a fitness centre, tennis courts and a conference room. Picnics and daytrips are organised for the guests. The hotel is classed as a hiking hotel BOOK CERKNO ON of the fourth category and a cycling hotel of AND GET A 20€ DISCOUNT the first category.


32  Cerkno

The Slovenia Times

Sotočje TIC Kobarid - LTO 8 a ev čič or Greg 0 04 90 T: +386 (0)5 38 -so lto id@ ar ob info.k .si www.lto-sotocje

Photo: M. Lenarčič


d i r a ob


The Land of Living Water The emerald Soča River and peaks of the Julian Alps are breathtaking for every visitor. Right here, at the break of the Alpine terrain and the Friulian lowland, history has written great stories. One of them is during the First World War, with one of the bloodiest battles in the history of mankind, the Soča Front, which is presented insightfully in the Kobarid museum. A variegated past has left many historical and natural monuments to the region of Tolmin. Tolmin is the cultural and economic centre of the Soča Valley. It is particularly well-known for its music festivals (Sočn’Fest, Metal Camp, Reggae Festival) and events that attract thousands of visitors. Picturesque gorges, hidden ravines and glacier terraces dispersed in between little villages all give the Tolmin region a scent of the genuine connection between people and nature rarely seen today. Rich Alpine dairy-farming tradition and the renowned Tolmin cheese are still maintained on the surrounding Alpine pastures.

n i m l To


Sotočje TIC Tolmin - LTO 4 rja Petra Skala 0 04 80 T: +386 (0)5 38 .si cje info@lto-soto .si


Kobarid Photo: J. Humar


34  Kobarid & Tolmin

103 - 118 km Ljubljana

The Slovenia Times

A Paradise for Recreational Sportsmen Phot o: J. Hum ar

Picturesque nature offers numerous possibilities for spending your leisure time actively. The Soča River is a paradise for the enthusiast of water sports (rafting, kayaking, canyonig, etc.). Hikers and mountain bikers can enjoy the unspoiled nature of surrounding mountains like Stol, Matajur, Kolovrat and Zaprikaj, with the outdoor museum and an ascent up the mighty Mt. Krn. To mountain bikers, the Tolmin region also offers adventures on numerous forest trails in the surroundings of Tolmin and on the marked paths on the Šentviška Plateau. Hikers can enjoy walking tours to the peaks in the Tolmin surroundings, the Baška grapa Valley and on the Šentviška planota Plateau and, in spring, they can admire the unique fauna (Črna Prst). Everyone who likes sharing the sky with the birds can make use of the ideal thermals at the foothills of Mt. Stol and Mt. Kobala, and fly with a paraglider. This area is also a paradise for everyone who likes to For all gourmets, Kobarid and Tolmin enjoy the unspoiled nature in idleness and bathe in are the bull’s eye. The local tradition crystal clear rivers. and culture are still present in family Then there is the fishing and the famous Soča trout restaurants and inns where you can hiding in the wonderful clear pools in the river basin of try the dishes of their ancestors like the Soča. Besides the Soča River, fishermen also like to kobariški štruklji (a dessert), a catch fish in the Idrijca River and Trebuščica stream. homemade polenta, Alpine cheese and cottage cheese. These top culinary pleasures are prepared according to traditional experience, but with Kobarid Historical Path is a innovative gastronomic approaches. footpath leading you through history, past natural monuments (the Kozjak waterfall, the troughs of the Soča River). The Kobarid Museum of the First World War The Breginjski kot Valley with the Nadiža River, which is, according to oral lore, supposed to be a healing river offering pleasant refreshment on hot days. Idyllic small villages beneath the mighty Mt. Krn reveal the beauties preserved through time. They are picturesque Alpine villages that are also the starting points for mountaineering tours. Along the ridge of the Kolovrat mountain chain; there is a WWI museum in nature and memorable views of the Julian Alps and the Adriatic Sea. The Tolmin pools are the pools of the Tolminka and Zadlaščica streams, and are also the entry to the Triglav National Park. Javorca is a memorial church from WWI and a monument of European heritage. Čez Most po modrost is the Most na Soči cultural and historical trail, taking you through millenniums. Trebuša in Pršjak is a valley of unspoiled nature and hidden waterfalls. The Šentviška planota Plateau, where you can visit the St. Mary’s church and see the masterworks of the renowned Slovenian architect Jože Plečnik

Enjoy Your Meal!

Photo: M. Lenarčič

Phot o: J. Hum ar

Where to Go On a Trip?

Summer Guide 2009

Kobarid & Tolmin  35

Photo: C. Costerni

c e v o B

Seekers of exciting adventures, lovers of simple cosiness, family tourists and world travellers in love with nature can all discover places anew every time, with their unique Alpine and Mediterranean climate. No wonder then that the Bovec area is the most attractive destination for time out in Central Europe for many. Grand peaks, sheep and goat pastures interspersed with trails, enchanting streams, rivers and waterfalls weave an abundance of experiences throughout the year.

The Bovec area is surrounded by mountains stretching into the Triglav National Park. There are plenty of starting points for numerous tours towards peaks like Mangrt, Krn, and Rombon. BOOK BOVEC ON

AND GET A 36  Bovec



130 km Ljubljana

The Stunning Beauty of the Soča River

Phot o: arch ive Soča rafti

The Highlands are Inviting


TIC Bovec žrtev 8 Trg golobarskih 8 700 38 1 )3 (0 86 T: +3 i info@bovec.s


In the Heart of the Valley of Adrenaline

For many, the most beautiful European river, it is safeguarded by 2000 metres high peaks, flows through rocky gorges and enchants with its emerald colour. The best-known inhabitant of the emerald river is the Soča trout, an endemic fish that can be caught as nicely with a camera as with a fishhook. The Slovenia Times

A World of Adrenaline Adventures The Soča River and its tributaries offer a diversity of sports and recreational activities, lead by adrenaline adventures with a raft, a river bobsled, a kayak or canyoning. Besides water and air activities – i.e. flying over Bovec with a paraglider or a light plane – there are plenty of activities to choose from on the solid ground, i.e. golf, horse-riding, biking, tennis and hiking. And the admirers of the mysterious underground can visit the caves. You can end your sporting day by going to a swimming pool or sauna.

Accommodation Hotel Šola Log pod Mangartom T: +386 (0)40 213 217 Motel Encijan Log pod Mangartom T: + 386 (0)5 384 51 30 Hotel Kanin T: +386 (0)5 389 68 80 Summer Guide 2009

The sequel to the hit film The Chronicles of Narnia was shot near Bovec. Although the filmmakers had looked for shooting locations all over the world, the Soča River and its surroundings turned out to be one of the most beautiful. The film premiere in Bovec was attended by many wellknown faces, including Slovenian politicians and the two main film stars.

Adrenaline Activities Providers Outdoor Freaks T: +386 (0)5 389 64 90 Bovec Rafting Team T: + 386 (0)5 388 61 28 Avantura d.o.o. T: +386 (0)41 718 317 Soča Rafting d.o.o. T: + 386 (0)5 389 62 00

Golf Golf lovers can swing their clubs on the new nine hole golf course. Five different tees are arranged according to USGA standards with regard to the player’s knowledge, which gives beginners an easier game and poses a more demanding and interesting challenge to good players and professionals.

Phot o: BOB O

1915-17 The Isonzo Front is known as one of the bloodiest battle sites from the First World War. Many different nations fought in the Italian army against the Austrohungarian and German empires. The remains of the front are still visible in the Bovec area. One of the major attractions from this period is the Kluže Fort..

Narnia Land

s of Event r a d n e l Ca Race:

ek o routes; , Bovec Tr 13 June hiking race on tw ude) / ltit g a in n m 00 A run (20 km, 15 ltitude) mountain 0 km, 3000 m a (4 gust: and ultra u A 3 1 to ly and 7 4 – 9 Ju al iv st Fe že lu K in Bovec: y nights e summer in the Thursda in th ay sd ur Every Th re a Bovec Squ

Bovec  37




ATC Kanin Dvor 43, Bovec 9 60 03 T: +386 (0))5 38 r@ te kaninski.cen an ck www.bove

Kanin, or the end station of the gondola lift, is an interesting starting point for mountain and hiking tours. Even though the Kanin mountain range is quite high, a fairly Mediterranean sun still scorches its crests. The view from Kanin reaches all the way to the east Julian Alps, over the Friuli lowland to the Gulf of Trieste, and to the lagoon surrounding Grado where the Soča River flows into the sea under the blazing sun. Kanin is a good takeoff point for paragliders, while mountain bikers can try out their skills in the Kanin Mountain Bike Park. Numerous deep Karst abysses and natural sights are also characteristic of Kanin, with Prestreljeniško okno (the window in Mt. Prestreljenik) being the most visited.

If you want to reach Mt. Prestreljenik (2202m), you can take the gondola lift. From there, you can climb up the peaks of Kanin following the marked trails or you can set off across the Prevala pasture onto Mt. Rombon, which will meet the demands of even the most eager mountaineers. The remains of the Soča Front can be found on Kanin and, if you go up Prevala over the col, you can see the traces of an Italian hospital there. You can also bump into the indigenous Bovec sheep on that trail, through which Bovec cheese also became famous. Children are especially keen on the “shaggy sheep” with propeller-like ears, because they approach them and eat the The gondola lift operates treats they offer. There is also an educational every day in July and trail for those who are not really good walkers, August and every weekend presenting the high alpine Karst area of Kanin with its 220 million years of geological history. from June to the end of September. The details are on its website.

Prestreljeniški podi

A typical part of the Kanin mountain range are the extensive highmountainous Karst plateaus, fraught with surface Karst and glacial phenomena. The largest plateau is called Kaninski podi, where the information signs on the nature trail tell you about the geography of the highland Karst. A walk on the 650 m long nature trail takes 1 hour including stops at the information points. 38  Kanin

MTB park

From the B station you can take the 2 km macadam road to the upper starting point of the MTB Park. The park is divided into three difficulty sections. Less proficient bikers can continue their descent on the macadam road in the lower section of the park. Courses on how to improve your mountain-bike skills and how to ride a mountain bike safely are organised by prior arrangement. and The Slovenia Times


r o a g a k s j n ra

In the Kingdom of the Zlatorog There is a fairyland in the northwest of Slovenia offering a myriad pleasures on the snow in the winter and an escape from the unbearable heat in the summer – a nice chill for all those who want to experience active and adventurous holidays. We are indeed talking of one of the most beautiful mountain pearls, Kranjska Gora. Kranjska Gora offers a diverse range of activities in the summer as well as the winter. You can choose from hiking, cycling, Nordic walking, golf, fishing, horse-riding, mountaineering, skiing, cross-country skiing, sledding, ski mountaineering and ice-skating.


ra TIC Kranjska Go 2 ca uli a Tičarjev 0 94 40 T: +386 (0)4 58 .si ra -go ka njs tic@kra www.kranjska-gor

Kranjska Gora

85 km Ljubljana

Hiking There are enough trails for everyone, from the easiest recreational trips to serious mountain tours that demand experience, suitable equipment and a mountain guide. The first beautiful trail you can find is within the Triglav National Park; following the Triglavska Bistrica stream trail in the Vrata Valley you will experience nature, the two Pričnik waterfalls, Galerije, the gable end of the valley and the magnificent north rock walls of Mt. Triglav. And there is plenty of mystery in the Kot Valley and, from here, you can reach the Vintgar Gorge through the Radovna Valley. Those of you who enjoy views of precipitous faces should take the demanding trail to Mt. Prisank from Vršič, and those who like safer views should take the trail of meditative solitude onto Mt. Slemenova špica. Perhaps the most BOOK KRANJSKA GORA ON beautiful trail in the Upper Sava Valley is the one leading to the first and second Martuljek waterfalls. Kranjska Gora also offers many possibilities for the increasingly popular AND GET A 20€ DISCOUNT Nordic walking, with instructors available and poles to rent. 40  Kranjska Gora

The Slovenia Times



A child hero created by local writer Josip Vandot has laid the foundation for probably the most popular Slovenian film trilogy. Kekec is a shepherd-boy who uses his thoughtfulness and sense of justice to protect the weak and helpless and to spite Bedanec the malicious hunter and Pehta the wicked herbalist.

You can choose between idle pedalling and more demanding trips into the heart of the Alpine valleys, or you can sweat and get a suntan on the steep slopes of the Karavanke mountain range. You can also briefly visit Bled through the Radovna Valley if you decide to take the three countries cycle path, which starts at the three-border meeting point with Austria and Italy. A cycling map and a snack in the backpack might just be the best way to get to know the Upper Sava Valley. The route is marked all the way to Mojstrana and you can also leave it for rougher terrain.

Russian Chapel For the Youngest In memory of the world wars and as a reminder of their foolishness, the Russian prisoners of war built a neat chapel from wood and bark between 1916 and 1917. The chapel stands by the road onto Vršič, the highest Slovenian mountain pass. Vršič was strategically important during WWI. because it enabled easier access to the Soča Front for the Austrian army. The Russian prisoners of war were shovelling snow from the road when a huge avalanche covered their camp and buried more than three hundred of them.

Summer Guide 2009

The youngest people will also enjoy themselves in Kranjska Gora. In the land of Kekec, children aged from 3 to 10 are f Events o r a d n e l received Ca Bike Mountain ip by Kekec, sh June: HIT 12 – 14 ropean Champion Eu who Downhill serves k, 15th 2009 rejčkov te : 4th And ič them 25 June rš V ce up l soured running ra ec festiva une: Kek J 8 2 – milk and 21 s ck sa os Russian C žganci, t the 25 July: oration a Commem : ly shows them around 26 Ju apel 0ka” his house, tells some stories from the Russian ch gorska 1 “Kranjsko tv s u g u A or past and makes sure that the children p t 15 Days of S August: also meet other heroes from Vandot’s 21 – 22 Kranjska Gora and Fun in Alpine world. Ascent ber: 31st In the mysterious part of Gozd 5 Septem of Vršič Martuljek, children can see the dwarfs who leave signs behind to help children see that they are on the right track, and they can meet them at the end, after going through the gates of the Dwarf’s land. In Dovje and Mojstrana, the promising offsprings can learn seven new fairy tales and try a giant’s biscuit. Kranjska Gora  41

Kranjska Gora


Bike Park

RTC Žičnice Borovška 103 a Kranjska Gora 0 94 00 T: +386 (0)4 58 .si ra -go info@kr

With nearly 2km of distance and approximately 350m of difference in altitude, the DH route, which was formed last year for the Slovenian Championship, enables fast rides for downhill addicts. New adjustments were added this year, increasing the route’s technical complexity. Along almost its entire length, it can be combined with a free ride route, which offers over 40 obstacles.

Vitranc 1 in Vitranc 2 delujeta med 9. in 17. uro vsak dan od 22. 6. do 14. 9., maja in oktobra ob vikendih.

The ski lifts at Kranjska Gora are ski lifts with the longest tradition in Slovenia. In summer, you are invited to attend the adrenaline downhill biking at the bike park, enjoy a ride on the summer toboggan run, join a hiking tour to the peak of Cipernik, or enjoy a ride to the peak of Vitranc with one of the most beautiful panoramic views of the Julian Alps.

To Vitranc on a ski lift The Vitranc 1 ski lift will take you to the Vitranc 2 ski lift. You can ride it to the peak of Vitranc, where, in the summertime, a beautiful cottage with its catering offer awaits. You can continue your hike on a marked path with a view to the peak of Cipernik (1746m), where a wonderful view of the Julian Alps and the Karavanke opens up.

Besna Pehta and Bedančeva drča The summer toboggan run extends along the slope of the Vitranc 1 run. The 1,500metre-long Besna Pehta run offers both daring and smooth runs alike, so you can try it out on your own or with your child. The Bedančeva drča chute, offering an air cushion ride, is located at the lower part of the ski slope. A conveyor belt brings you to the start of the chute before you slide down 70 metres on an air cushion. 42  Kranjska Gora

The Slovenia Times

d e l B Beauty with the Magic Power The fairytale beauty of Lake Bled has allured for millenniums with its magic power. We could quote travel writers, writers, rulers and presidents, but France Prešeren (1800-1849), the greatest Slovenian poet, described it the most beautifully: “The Kranj region has no greater beauty than this image of paradise with its surroundings”.

Bled in the Past and Today


TIC Bled Cesta svobode 10 4 11 22 T: +386 (0)4 57 ac lem te d@ tdble d.s www.ble i


54 km Ljubljana

The island in the middle of the lake attracted visitors as early as in prehistory (between the 11th and 8th c. BC). The old Slavs later worshipped Živa, the goddess of love and fertility, on the island. One millennium ago, on 10 April 1004, the settlement of Bled was mentioned for the first time. The German emperor Henrik II then gave Bled to Bishop Albuin of Brixen as a gift. A Romanesque tower, a part of today’s still powerful castle with a museum collection, was then already standing on the rock that rises vertically, 100 metres above the lake. Arnold Rikli, the Swiss hydrotherapist who was working in Bled for more than half a century, helped Bled a great deal in gaining its international reputation by setting up a climatic spa. The place, which was, at the start of the 20th century, already the most beautiful spa of the then empire, attracted the cream of the European aristocracy. After WWII, one of the most beautiful protocolar residences of the then state was in Bled and many very important people from all over the world enjoyed the beauties of Bled. For decades now, Bled has been visited by the travellers of the new era. Bled and its surroundings await with a thousand different possibilities. 44  Bled

The Slovenia Times

The Triglav National Park

Pho to: J. Sko k

The town of Bled lies on the edge of the Triglav National Park, the only national park in Slovenia. It was designed in 1906 in the area of the Triglav lakes, was established in 1981 at its current size of 83,807 hectares and occupies practically the entire Slovenian Julian Alps. The highest point of the Park is Mt. Triglav (2864m), the highest Slovenian mountain, after which it is also named. Bled is an ideal starting point if you want to visit the park’s natural beauties, because many accessible and well-maintained sights lie close by (the Vintgar gorge, the Pokljuka plateau, the Pokljuka gorge, the cave under Babji zob, Lake Bohinj).

The Perfect Place for Meetings People are sociable beings brought together by different things like wanting to have fun (there is plenty to be found in Bled and its surroundings) or to acquire new knowledge (evidenced by many professors and students from abroad), business meetings (hotels, halls, it is all taken care of), the culture, of course (music and festivals), and sports (Bled is the rowing centre with a gold Olympic medal, the most important chess site in the world, and the venue for the Olympic festival of the European youth). It is easy to socialize in Bled because it lies in the heart of Europe and has great international links. And when you’re in Bled, you do not need your car anymore, for everything is at hand. Summer Guide 2009

Pletna Boat The first records of this boat date back to the 12th century when the poorest farmers from the Mlino village, which lies on the south shore of Lake Bled, were given a task from the authorities to bring pilgrims to Bled island instead of paying tithe. Later, several families were authorized to carry them over and, since then, the pletna boat business has been passed on from generation to generation. Pletna boats have been changed and improved through time. Present-day pletna boats are perfectly safe and comfortable for sailing in Lake Bled and make for a unique experience.

Lasting Memories You can relive pleasant memories with your eyes closed; in a coach ride around Lake Bled, or in a pletna boat sailing to the island and then ringing the wish bell for a secret wish to come true. There are many who take their marriage vows in Bled. Memorable are also the colourful national costumes seen at folk music nights, the lights floating on Lake Bled during the traditional Bled Days, the Okarina Folk Festival and the International Music Festival, Bled, which awakens the muse of Bled every year. The festival is about playing, singing and dancing, natural beauties are ornamented with cultural events; music, the queen of art, is given its free wings, and the old acquaintances, Events nature and culture, ndar of e l a C the hold hands. Days with

ts ikli’s Spor 5 July: R onto Straža ur to ith the walking d Days w July: Ble ke, 24 – 26 le lights on the la and b e indispensa nd the fair of hom s a fireworks dicrafts and variou an artistic h al Music concerts ternation uly: The In lace in different J 6 1 – 2 p led takes oundings Festival B Bled and its surr in karina O locations gust: The – 16 Au 31 July l hosts the most ic iva Folk Fest nd interesting mus a world e th authentic r ve o om all groups fr

Bled  45

Straža Bled


Culinary Offer

ed Infrastruktura Bl Bled Rečiška cesta 2, 8 05 34 T: +386 (0)4 57 8 05 30 57 )4 T: +386 (0 kt ru st ra inf o@ inf

In the log cabin at the top stop is a snack bar offering warm and cold snacks and drinks. At the lower stop, there is a vending machine with drinks. Parking space is provided.

The Place for Activities

Straža is a slope facing Lake Bled and its beautiful surroundings. In winter, it is a ski slope, and a toboggan run operates in the summer from April to October. Straža is also a convenient ascent for recreation lovers. All these activities can be supplemented by jumping into the water of the nearby Castle Bathing Area, which has been receiving the Blue Flag sign for several years for its orderliness, or by renting a boat.

Rikli’s Fitness Promenade

There are several marked walking paths leading onto Straža. One of them is the trim path called Rikli’s Fitness Promenade. At the top, you can enjoy a beautiful view of the lake, the castle and the surround area.

Pho to: A. Fev žer

Why be still? Natural beauties and fresh alpine air invite you on active holidays. Rowing and wind-surfing on the lake, fishing, kayaking and rafting on alpine rivers, horse-riding in the countryside, mountaineering on the surrounding hills, cycling and golf, balloon flights and paragliding, and so on. You can end your pleasantly tiring day with some pleasant refreshment in the lake or in the hotel swimming pools with thermal water. Then the evening can begin.

46  Straža Bled

The Slovenia Times

Diamonds are forever

Zlatar - Juvelir Fran Noshi Ljubljanska 4, TPC Bled 4260, Slovenia Mobile: +386 41 774 020, Phone/Fax: +386 4 574 16 34


James Denton wears the Gio

Sport Climbing in Slovenia The Major Climbing Area

Written by Sidarta and Aleš Smerdel

Osp & Mišja Peč (Primorska Region) 95 km from Ljubljana Osp is a climbing area on the Karst edge with a direct view of the sea. Together with Mišja Peč, which is 500 m away, they are known as the most popular climbing venues in Slovenia. Due to the reputation for a friendly climate throughout the year, quality rock and routes of all difficulties, it is visited by many foreign climbers as well. Ultimately, they are considered as two of the best European climbing areas.

Climbing season: They are suitable to climb throughout the year, though ideal in spring and autumn. It is very hot in the summer, due to its position. The exception is the right rock of Mišja Peč which is in the shadows in the morning. Access on foot: 5 – 15 minutes from the parking area Route altitude: Osp 10 – 140 m, Mišja Peč 6 – 41 m

Photo: J. Golob

Difficulty: There are a lot of overhanging rocks demanding considerable endurance. The most popular routes are quite slippery in some places.

Črni Kal (Primorska Region) 95 km from Ljubljana This is known as one of the most modern and best equipped Slovenian climbing areas and it is only a few kilometres away from the better known Osp. It is a mecca for climbing families due to its popular warm climate and wide view of the Gulf of Trieste. Therefore, it can be very crowded there on beautiful spring and autumn weekends. Difficulty: The rock is well dissected and suitable for beginners and climbing schools. There are also routes for more demanding climbers. Climbing season: It is at its most beautiful in spring, autumn and on warm winter days – and very hot in summer, with the exception of the north rock of Turški stolp. Access on foot: 5 – 10 minutes from the parking area Route altitude: 12 – 35 m

Additional info on sport climbing in Slovenia: Slovenia, a Sport-Climbing Guidebook (Sidarta) Additional info on mountaineering in Slovenia in the Sidarta guidebooks: Mountaineering in Slovenia Mountaineering and major ascents and tours: The Seven Lakes Valley, Mt. Triglav, Mt. Mangart, Mt. Ojstrica, Mt. Grintovec Website of Sidarta:

Kotečnik (Štajerska Region) 85 km from Ljubljana This is known as the best Slovenian summer climbing area. The venue is especially suitable for climbing in summer because the rocks are hidden in forests. It is known for a wide variety of routes, great rock and a high potential for new routes. Difficulty: The rock is excellent, with wide range of difficulty and a lot of routes. Climbing season: from spring to autumn Access on foot: 15 – 45 minutes from the parking area

Bohinjska Bela (Gorenjska Region) 63 km from Ljubljana Bohinjska Bela was once thought to be one of the best climbing areas in Slovenia due to its extensiveness and good equipment. The high quality rock and the wide range of difficulty attract more and more climbers. Difficulty: very heterogeneously difficult routes Climbing season: The Nova Bela rock is suitable for late spring, summer and autumn climbing. The Stara Bela rock is most visited in spring, autumn and on sunny winter days. The Kupljenik rock is the most suitable for climbing in summer. Access on foot: 5 minutes from the parking area Route altitude: 8 – 33 m

Vipava (Primorska Region) 74 km from Ljubljana This climbing area spreads over several venues above Vipava. There are mainly easier and medium-difficult routes on excellent rock. It is one of the rare climbing areas offering several pitches long easier routes. Difficulty: Mainly steep climbing on high quality grey limestone. In certain sectors, endurance and overhanging climbing is also possible. Climbing season: From autumn to spring and, in summer, climbing is recommended in the mornings because of the heat. Access on foot: 5 – 10 minutes Route altitude: 6 – 10 m

MOUNTAINEERING GUIDES & MAPS Mountaineering in Slovenia Slovenia - climbing guide Adriatic coast - Istria - climbing guide Sidarta & Tabacco maps


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Hotel Astoria Bled, Bled Castle Restaurant a place to learn and relax



Mountain Trails

hinj Žičnice Vogel Bo 6 c Ukan Bohinjsko jezero 2 97 12 T: +386 (0)4 57 l@ ge marketing.vo si el. www.vog

Vogel is a tourist centre in the Triglav National Park. A modern gondola lift takes you 1537 m high, giving you a beautiful view all around. In winter, Vogel is a well-known alpine ski resort where the snowy idyll of intact nature makes skiing, snowboarding or a merely a panoramic gondola lift ride even more pleasurable. In summer, Vogel exchanges its white clothing for more vivid colours. Numerous walking and marked mountain trails are perfect for recreation, photography or enjoying the pleasant peacefulness of the highlands and the mountain flora and fauna.

The upper stop of the gondola lift is an ideal starting point for strolling along the mountain trails, which follow the lifts and make their way towards interesting mountain destinations like Komna, Šija, Planina Razor or Črna Prst. There are plenty of interesting, marked routes and you need to choose them according to your abilities and the time you have available. At the end of a tour, you can return to the gondola lift or The two snack bars, Viharnik and descend into a valley. Orlove glave, and the Macesen

Enjoy Your Meal with a View

Let’s Fly with a Parachute Vogel offers many take-off points for paragliders. One is right next to the gondola lift stop, the other two can be reached with via chairlift or on foot. When the conditions are good, you can glide on the S slopes of the mountains above Bohinj. Due to the great BOOK BOHINJ ON height, panoramic flights and local gliding are also AND GET A 20€ DISCOUNT interesting. 52  Vogel

bar will serve delicious homeprepared food and refreshments, which are especially welcome for the walkers around Vogel in the summer months. The two restaurants offer special discounts for groups. You certainly will not leave Vogel hungry or thirsty.

The Slovenia Times


a k o L a j f o k

A Medieval Pearl Surrounded by Nature Being one of the oldest Slovenian towns, Škofja Loka boasts a rich medieval history. The tradition mirrored in its architectural and ethnological remains is carefully preserved and revived by the locals, including through numerous events. The central location of Škofja Loka and its natural geographical position, surrounded by lovely hills, is a paradise for tourists, travellers and recreational sportsmen. Its cuisine is also a part of the unique historical and natural ambience.

The Castle of Škofja Loka The original castle was built by the bishops of Freising soon after they received the territory of Škofja Loka. It was the seat of the caretaker or governor and the bishop stayed there when he came to see his manor. The castle was almost completely ruined in the earthquake of 1511, but has since been renovated. Today, the castle houses the collections of the Škofja Loka Museum containing the historical, cultural, art historical, ethnological and natural history wealth of the Škofja Loka territory. 54  Škofja Loka


LTO Blegoš 1a Kidričeva cesta 06 00 T: +386 (0)4 517 .si os eg -bl lto info@

Škofja Loka


23 km

A Moor in the Coat of Arm According to the legend, Abraham of Bavaria, the feudal lord, was travelling with his Moor servant through the Poljane Valley when he came across a huge bear. The servant killed the bear with his bow and in return, the master rewarded his servant so that generations after him would know about his heroic act: he had the Moor’s head painted into the town’s coat of arms.

The Slovenia Times

The Škofja Loka Passion It is believed to be the oldest preserved dramatic text in Slovene written in the Baroque period (in 1721) by father Romuald, a Capuchin monk. The passion is written as a procession making stops at set locations in Škofja Loka. The first performance of the passion was arranged as a repentant procession on 11 April 1721 and it was repeatedly performed until 1768. After two centuries, the passion of Škofja Loka was again performed around 1936 as part of a handicraft/industrial exhibition in the courtyard of the Škofja Loka School, then in its original form through the town streets in 1999, 2000 and 2009. The next performance is planned for 2015.

Nace’s House

The Old Town Architectural monuments in the old town centre tell many stories and legends; the Stone bridge, Homan House, the Plague column, St. Jacob church, the Granary, etc. What were once suburban villages and now a part of the central settlement, such as Puštal, Stara Loka and Crngrob, also display their thousand-year-old exterior.

Hotel Medno Medno 54, 1210 Ljubljana - Šentvid +386 (0)1 362 61 00

Nace’s House provides one of the most indigenous insights into the architecture and culture of living half a century ago. The Baroque exterior is from 1755, although its stone-built part, wine cellar arches and black kitchen suggest the start of the 15th and the 16th centuries.

Pri Lenart

Luxury boutique hotel and walking holidays near Škofja Loka



Luxury Walking Holiday... +386 (0)51 266 042 Summer Guide 2009

Škofja Loka  55

Škofja Loka Cycling for Gourmets This circular cycle route around Škofja Loka is intended for medium-fit bikers with mountain bikes. It is 50 km long, and you can cycle the whole distance in one go or in several stages. A bigger challenge is posed by the Škofja Loka Cycling Route leading through small villages and over steep meadows and through rustling forests. The entire path is more than 300 km long and is divided into 12 stages. The route runs on quiet roads and through the trails of the Škofja Loka hills. All the information needed is drawn and described on the cycling map, available at all tourist information points. The route itself is also marked.

Godešič This hamlet, situated between Ljubljana and Škofja Loka, celebrated its millennium anniversary three years ago. A good reason for a stop in this little village is its Educational walking path, which leads you to various important historical monuments in the village, hidden places like the Hallstatt tumuli from the 5th c. BC or the intact world of the Godešič water meadows, with its unique fauna and flora.

r C a l e noddieas in s t n e v E mel evening of



If you want to reach Crngrob from Škofja Loka, you can take a pleasant walk or cycle along a two-kilometre cycle path. Crngrob is known for its powerful threenave Gothic church of the Annunciation originating in the 13th c. at the latest. There is a fresco of the Holy Sunday from the 15th c. on the church’s façade. The entire interior furnishings are extremely Hotel Creina valuable, with numerous frescoes and gold altars. In 1999, the church was declared a cultural heritage of national importance.

56  Škofja Loka

: An 12 June ialects d orning Slovenian a Loka, m Oglasben udents of : e n u st 13 J e th nce of per forma Music School ka , Škofja Lo of Venus : The Path 20 June event l cert a medieva ening con e th : Grand ev 26 June tni trg square for es on the M oliday lh on municipa academy : Solemn e n u nd a a 30 J ay id ol h ipal the munic ening on the Škofja ev classical le l Loka Cast al festiva ternation 4 July: In nds, a cycle of a b tni trg of brass in the Mes concerts square Loca August: 20 – 27 international e th , a Music hool music sc summer t): a (S t us July, Aug otley Loka m er m Sum

The Slovenia Times




. RTC Krvavec, d.d Grad 76 kem Cerklje na Gorenjs 59 30 2 25 )4 (0 T: +386 .si ec info@rtc-krvav .si www.rtc-krvavec

In the summer season, the teleferic operates every day during the week from 7:00 to 17:00 (on the hour) and on weekends and holidays from 8:00 to 18:00 (on the hour). There is no additional charge for transportation of bikes on the teleferic. Besides the one-time return ticket, there is also a practical package of three single one-way funicular tickets and a season ticket available for cyclists. We also provide group bonuses and a discount on meals at Krvavec with ticket purchases.

The central Slovenia Ski resort, located only 25km from Ljubljana, is the starting point of many mountain tours to the peaks of the Kamniško Savinjske Alps, which can be shortened with a ride on the teleferic. Krvavec also presents a perfect terrain for biking up and downhill, as well as an aerodrome for parachutists.

Catering offer Within the summer season, all catering facilities on the resort are open (Brunarica Sonček, Planinski dom na Gospinci, Plaža Krvavec, Dom na Krvavcu, Planšarija Viženčar) and accommodations at Planšarija Viženčar, Planinski dom na Gospinci, and Dom na Krvavcu are available.

The blue route of History The route has four theme courses: The history and the development of RTC Krvavec presents the development and engineering of the teleferic and ski lifts line at Krvavec, which started in 1958, when the first two-seater ski lift from the valley to the Gospinca began operation. Pasture presents the summer activity of two pasture communities, who bring approximately 350 cattle to Krvavec. The Marija Snežna chapel was constructed according to plans by architect, Plečnik, in 1929. Each year on the first Sunday following Ascension Day, a traditional blessing takes place in the chapel. BOOK KRVAVEC ON Through folk tales, the Krvavec archaeological site reveals traces of early settlements between the 8th and 10th centuries, AD, and explains who the ajds were, the major AND GET A 20€ DISCOUNT settlers of this country. Summer Guide 2009

Krvavec  57

Velika planina


You can cross the pasture on foot or by bike, which you can take with you on the gondola lift or the two-seat chairlift. From there, biking signs lead you along the rocky roads and forest paths. You can choose from variously long and demanding routes, which slowly descend and mostly lead back to the valley of the Kamniška Bistrica River.

Pho to: K. Pod bev šek

On a Trip

.o. Velika Planina d.o a2 Kamniška Bistric Stahovica 2 72 58 T: +386 (0)1 83 .si ina lan ap lik ve info@ .si ina lan ap lik ve w. ww

The Herdsmen Settlement The herdsmen settlement is known as one of the few preserved settlements of this size. On the Kamnik side of Velika Planina, a herdsman hut is known as a herdsman’s cottage or herdsman’s cabin and is made from pine shingle called ‘šinkel’. They are delighted to invite you to try their home-made dairy products or a genuine herdsman lunch; sour milk and žganci. One section of the huts, also made in the traditional style, is intended for the tourists to rent. The settlement also features the Preskar museum, which is open every day during the pasture season. 58  Velika Planina

Velika Planina takes you into a wonderful natural ambience characterized by typical herdsman architecture. The pasture is especially alive in June when herdsmen move into the huts and stay there until September, pasturing their cattle. You can go for numerous walks or take longer tours around Velika Planina and, if you want to, you can visit the natural and ethnological interests of the pasture at the same time.

The St. Mary of the Snow Chapel The Chapel of St. Mary of the Snow was burnt down by the German soldiers in WWII. It was rebuilt in 1988 on the initiative of the herdsmen of the time. It is consecrated to St. Mary of the Snow and thus 5 August is a special holiday for the chapel and the entire herdsmen settlement. In the summer months, masses are scheduled every Sunday.

The gondola lift works every day and every full hour in the summer season. The Slovenia Times



The Trail on Golte The trail on Golte has been extended and remarked with multilingual signs this year. You can visit various Karst phenomena, from abysses to the Ledenica Cave, or climb up to the observation tower on Mt. Boskovec (1587 m). Those with a good appetite can ascend to one of the highest-lying farmhouses, while others can enjoy the view of the small lake or perhaps catch the sound of a wild rooster.

Gorski turistični center Golte Mozirje Radegunda 19c, 12 00 9 83 )3 (0 86 T: +3 i e.s olt marketing@g i e.s www.golt

From 25 June to 13 September, the gondola lift operates from 8 am to 6 pm. It starts every full hour and also outside the timetable for larger groups.

The Alpine Garden You can walk around the unique park of alpine flowers using laid out and safeguarded trails. The original 2 hectares of surface have now been further expanded, more than 100 indigenous plants marked and a tree horoscope and tree energy descriptions set up. You should come and see Slovenia’s most recognizable flowers: Primula auricula, Gentiana, lilium carniolicum, Nigritella lithopolitanica, Trollius europaeus and Sempervivum tectorum.

Summer Guide 2009

Golte, an alpine tourist centre, invites you to spend your active break at its hotel at an altitude of 1,410 m. You can reach it via a gondola lift and, after 8 minutes of riding, you will leave the summer heat, stress and tiredness behind you and replace them with walking boots. Besides the hotel, the Trije ploti mountain hut and the Alpine garden are open in the summer season. For children, a genuine bandit village is being set up on the Golte plateau and they can spend time in the Timi’s Alpine Adventures camp. Golte offers events such as Slovenian walks, a biking ascent up Golte, a hunting day or a mushroom pickers week. And a special offer for extraordinary wishes: a wedding on the gondola lift or a ski lift.

Hiking Hotel The restaurant of the Golte hotel offers lunches, dishes eaten with a spoon and grilled dishes. You can also enjoy a wonderful view and assorted cold cuts on the terrace of the Koča na Treh plotih mountain hut or, by prior arrangement, organized socializing with live music and a barbeque for groups. The Stari sani shepherd’s hut offers drinks and refreshments.

Golte  59

Ivarčko jezero


Party by the lake In the heart of the Koroška region, surrounded by the idyllic countryside under Uršlja gora, offers excellent summer hustle and bustle. Ivarčko offers a quiet and tranquil surrounding that inspires new ideas and replenishes energy. Friendly locals, culinary experience and a feeling of complete remoteness from the quick pace of everyday life are adequate reasons for a visit!

Ivarčko d.o.o. Podgora 43 em Ravne na Korošk 1 84 70 T: +386 (0)2 82


The lake, at an altitude of 645m, covers 10000m2 and is suitable for swimming. The accompanying offer next to the lake is quite diverse and includes recreation at multiple sports grounds. There are two beach volleyball courts, a court for classic volleyball, a basketball court and a futsal court. You can also play miniature golf or jump on a trampoline, and the children will have fun on a playground with various facilities. Throughout the summer season, a number of sport and cultural events (including concerts) take place here. The lake and its surroundings are also suitable for various camps. We take care of your hunger and thirst as well  the smell barbecue, casseroles and desserts wafts over the lake throughout the summer months.

Ivarčko is a suitable place for a get together over a picnic. Leave the organisation of a picnic to a caterer or simply journey to the intended place beside the lake and take care of it yourself.

Recreation Ivarčko is the starting point of many hikes and mountain tours, such as those to Uršlja gora or Peca. The surroundings offer neatly arranged bicycle paths for mountain biking intended for beginners as well as more demanding cyclists. Numerous organised agritourism farms are also nearby, offering traditional dishes from the Koroška region. 60  Ivarčko jezero

The Slovenia Times



Up Hill and Down Dale

Unior d.d. Program Turizem Cesta na Rogla 15 Zreče 7 60 00 T: +386 (0)3 75 u r.e itu www.un

Experienced hiking and cycling guides take you across numerous marked paths unveiling many secrets of the Pohorje woods. The well kept cycling trails are suitable for both hobby and physically stronger cyclists. Rogla is, above all, most suitable for mountain biking along the branching and well-kept tracks. You do not even have to bring your own bike; you can borrow one at the Rogla sports centre. In the summer season, the panoramic Planja chairlift is still operational, enabling transport of your bike. The Zlodejevo Alpine coaster, the climbing polygon at the sports hall and other activities provide an additional rush of adrenaline, making your day a truly unforgettable one. From 25 June to 14 September, you can enjoy the Pohorje woods from the Planja panoramic chairlift. The chairlift is also popular among trekkers and cyclists.

With a Motorhome BOOK ROGLA ON



Summer Guide 2009

The sports centre and the natural climatic health resort offer an abundance of recreational activities in a truly peaceful and remote part of the Pohorje hills. Rogla is ideal for recreational activities, especially trekking and cycling. The diverse offer on how to spend your leisure time at Rogla is rounded off by content and facilities for rest and relaxation. Indulge yourself in the saunas and steam baths (Turkish, Finish, infrared, carbon), swimming pools and whirlpools. The Terme Zreče Spa Resort located less than half an hour away offers relaxation and pampering in thermal pools along with numerous other wellness services.


r of E ven


the thlon for : The Tria 20 June up C rs Slovenian Fire-fighte The Zreče : ly u J 1 1 če re Night in Z e Concert The Jubile 17 July: ks at the Terme or and Firew Resor t a Zreče Sp Days July: The 25 – 26 in Resnik b co Ja t. of S sture t: The Pa 2 Augus la og R Picnic in utiful st: A Bea 16 Augu komarje S in Sunday ycling st: The C 22 Augu la og R to Trip stival of st: The Fe 23 Augu Pickers on Rogla Mushroom

There are numerous parking spots with water and electricity connections for all those holidaying with a motorhome. We offer a 20% discount for swimming pool and sauna tickets at Rogla and a 20% discount on lunch at Stara koča or the Koča na Jurgovem. Rogla  61


t r e p u r ent

A Land of Gentle Beauty and Soft The overhang above Šentrupert valley provides a view of the Bistrica River valley and the mighty Gothic Church of St. Rupert standing on a platform amid settlement houses and with roads leading towards it to create a rough star shape. Your eye will stroll over to the left alongside the sunny side of the wine-growing Oplenk with the Škrljevo Castle at its foot shaping an area with an historic past. There are picturesque views anywhere you look: the slope of Oplenk on the west and its Church of St. Barbara on the top of Okrog; further on, your eyes rest on the slopes of Šentrupert hills studded with hamlets and overgrown with woods and vineyards, while the Church of the Holy Ghost stands above the Hrastno settlement.


o Turistično društv rt Šentrupe Marko Gorenc 9 858 T: +386 (0)40 43 se c@ en or o.g rk ma si www.sentrupert.

60 km Ljubljana Šentrupert

Along Hiking Trails The Šentrupert valley and its hillsides are surrounded by 22 kilometres of hiking trail named after the historian Ivan Steklasa. The traditional Autumn Walk along Steklasa’s Trail is organised each year on the second Saturday of October. The interesting configuration of the terrain with its numerous panoramic summits, deep valley and streams, preserved natural swamp vegetation and rich cultural heritage, provides a hiking and cycling trail and bridleway, which is part of the regional Heritage Trails Network. A special characteristic of these trails is the information support provided by the Internet, as even in the hidden corners of the Mirna River Valley, a PDA, GPS or mobile phone is becoming the tourist guide of the modern era. 62  Šentrupert

The Slovenia Times

The Richness of Sacral Heritage One of the most valuable monuments is undoubtedly the three-nave hall Church of St. Rupert in Šentrupert. Supposedly, the missionaries from Aquileia erected a chapel here in 796. Today’s church goes back to the year 1393, when the parish came under the patronage of the Counts of Cilli. Among those enjoying the benefice of this respectable parish was Juril Slatkonja, the first bishop of Vienna who founded the boys choir that later became known as the famous Vienna Boys Choir. The pure baroque Church of St. Francis Xavier, with its valuable furnishings was constructed in 1729 on the remnants of the Church of St. Margaret. The most renown artists of the time participated in the furnishing of the church – the painters Valentin Metzinger and Fortunat Bergant, the fresco painter, Anton Tušek, and the workshop of golden altars from Novo Mesto. The Church of the Holy Ghost on Viher was first documented in 1275, while the semicircular Roman portal bears proof of its even older origins.

Šentrupert from the Air Šentrupert has plenty to offer to all who feel the desire for hang-gliding. Nowhere in the world does such a small space offer so many beauties. You can lift off from the 602-metre-high Nebesa (Heaven) summit.

Pilgrimage Routes The pilgrimage from Žalostna gora across Vesela gora to Zaplaz brings 28 kilometres of ancient pilgrimage habits, while the land of soft romance, with its numerous churches and castles, vineyards and vineyard cottages, hills and valleys is equally rewarding to the modern-day traveller. The pilgrimage along the Route of the Pilgrims takes place every year on the first or second Sunday in May. Ema’s Route of Pilgrimage is a 120 kilometre hiking trail connecting the towns from Šentrupert to Sveta Ema pri Podčetrtku that are in any way related to Saint Hemma of Gurk. Summer Guide 2009

rt Šentr upe in r e m is m l Su stiva truper t fe

Accommodation Hiša vina Frelih T: +386 (0)7 304 04 40 Pri Deželanu Tourist Farm T: + 386 (0)7 304 00 25

mer in Šen mmer cultural The Sum su e central ka region. All th of one e Dolenjs er the Imago th in ts d even forming un lture” artists per ject with “live cu ted ro p ia n ve t respec ic os Slo m e th e of t mus and at on stivals of ancien fe assical European per formance of cl t er io up “b tr a en h wit to Š lities. re invited music” a our historical faci t nd a er up re tr ua sq Šen uper t to The Šentr e suppor ts young m program their promotion. nd talents a

Šentrupert  63

The Home of Hot Springs As early as the end of the Middle Ages, a building with thermal baths was constructed in Dolenjske Toplice for the aristocracy. In the following centuries it developed into a modern spa resort in the Krka river valley. A number of recreation paths winding past well-preserved remains from feudal times provide visitors with a pleasant and unforgettable experience.


plice TIC Dolenjske To Sokolski trg 4 4 51 88 T: +386 (0)7 38 .net tic.dtoplice@volja

Photo: PrĹĄina

e c i l p o T e k s j n e l Do www.dolenjske-t


Terme Krka Spa The Dolenjske Toplice spa resort has a rich tradition as one of the oldest spas in Europe. Thermal springs and pleasant surroundings of the picturesque Krka river valley with its abundance of vineyards have been attracting visitors for centuries. The Izoakratoterme thermal spring is slightly mineralised, has the same temperature as the human body and is renowned for its many healing effects. It is highly suitable for treating rheumatic diseases of the locomotor system, post-injury care, post-operative care for locomotor systems with functional damage and treating gynaecological conditions. Highly qualified staff and the latest technological equipment also make it possible to diagnose osteoporosis very early on and to treat its symptoms. We can safely say that when it comes to treating the abovementioned conditions, we are the best in Slovenia. 64  Dolenjske Toplice

65 km Dolenjske Toplice

The Slovenia Times

Pho to: Prši na

Soteški park Next to the Soteska Manor, a Renaissance-style park was planned, initially covering only the walled-in surroundings of the Manor. At the end of the 17th century, a new Baroque park was planted on an open field by the Krka River. The main feature of the park is Hudičev turn (Devil’s Tower), a garden pavilion with a clover-shaped floorplan. The interior of the pavilion is painted in the Illusionist style from the end of the 17th century, attributed to the circle of the Dutch painter Almanach.

Walking Paths

Baza 20

There are 18 walking and 6 cycling paths in the area in and around Dolenjske Toplice. You can find maps with descriptions of individual paths in hotels and tourist offices. The Cvinger archaeological path is particularly picturesque. It leads towards an ancient hill fort, surrounded by a majestic wall that has recently been partly reconstructed.

During World War II, Baza 20 (Base 20) was the seat of the military and political leadership of the Slovenian national liberation movement and other partisan institutions. It remains the only preserved resistance movement monument of this kind in Europe. It consists of 26 huts. Hut no. 16 houses a permanent exhibition on the role and importance of Baza 20 and the permanent exhibition in hut no. 22 s depicts the variety of Event r a d n of partisan activities le Ca er r: Summ in Kočevski Rog. The eptembe June – S culture Partisan hospitals of 9 evenings ight 200 Jelendol and Zgornji Toplice N st 18 July: te n ion co Hrastnik are in the tv Accord 2 Augus close vicinity of Baza 20, while the Pugled hospital is more remote.

Kočevski Rog Kočevski Rog is a vast, 35km long and 15km wide hill terrain, covered predominantly in beech and fir forests. Just under the peak of Veliki Rog, you will find remains of the Auersperg sawmill, which was abandoned before World War II. This densely wooded area is the home of endangered species such as the brown bear, the wolf and the lynx, which was reintroduced into the forests of Kočevski Rog in the second half of the 20th century. Summer Guide 2009

Cultural and Congress Accommodation Centre

Termalis d. o. o. Penzion Termal Sokolski trg 2 T: +386 (0)7 393 74 70

JP EKKC d.o.o. Sokolski trg 4 T: +386 (0)40 466 589 T: +386 (0)7 306 51 50

Dolenjske Toplice  65

v o l S

c e d a r G enj

Peace Messenger Town Slovenj Gradec is the administrative centre of the Mislinja Valley. This ancient town in the basin between Pohorje and Mt. Uršlja gora is also a cultural centre where a rich past tradition and the modern pulse of the town go hand in hand. Slovenj Gradec has made itself known far beyond the homeland borders by organizing events under the aegis of the United Nations, which has marked it permanently as the town of peace and international communication. In 1989, the United Nations SecretaryGeneral, Perez de Cuellar ranked it among the honourable title holders of Peace Messengers.


ec TIC Slovenj Grad Glavni trg 24 1 21 16 T: +386 (0)2 88 .si tic@slovenjgradec


108 km

Slovenj Gradec


The Town of Churches, Museums and Galleries The old town core of Slovenj Gradec is itself a historical monument. In the Middle Ages, it was enclosed by walls, some of which have been preserved to the present day. The core is characterized by numerous buildings, the oldest one being the church of St. Elisabeth with one of the most beautiful Baroque altars in Slovenia, followed by the hospital church of the Holy Spirit standing next to it. Slovenj Gradec has numerous art galleries; the Soklič Museum houses over 1,500 exhibits, the Koroška Gallery of Fine Arts with its permanent international and national collection is among the biggest in Slovenia and the Koroška Regional Museum boasts a permanent collection called The Archaeology of the Koroška Region. The town is also known for the statue of the Venetian horse by Oskar Kogoj beautifying the middle of the town centre. 66  Slovenj Gradec

The Slovenia Times

Thematic Trails Inquisitive lovers of hiking trips will certainly enjoy at least one of the nine trails surrounding Slovenj Gradec. The home handicrafts trail is based on the handicraft tradition of the town. The trail onto the Rahtelov vrh hill provides a wonderful view of the town and the entire upper part of the Mislinja Valley and surrounding hills. The Roman trail follows the tracks of the former Roman road. The trail to the dwarf land and the annual Meeting with the Dwarfs on the Zagmajški vrh hill uniquely links together the past with the present, imagination, memories and reality, and reminds you of the creatures of which our ancestors told stories. All the trails are regulated and marked with signs and there are also brochures about the trails available at the Slovenj Gradec TIO.

Hugo Wolf Hugo Wolf (18601903), the composer who achieved international fame in the music capital of Europe of that period, Vienna, spent his childhood years in Slovenj Gradec. This child prodigy was a virtuoso violinist. After finding his star of fame on the Viennese musical sky, he was especially respected as a grand master of the cantata.

Mežerli Mežerli is a warm baked dish prepared from entrails, chopped bread soaked in milk, eggs, cream and spices. It is served as a stand-alone dish or with cold potato salad with pumpkin oil. Previuosly, mežerli or mavžlji used to be prepared with sheep entrails as a tasty snack during larger farming work projects. Today, you can try it in the inns in the Koroška region.

Accommodation Hotel “Aerodrom” Slovenj Gradec T: +386 (0)2 885 05 00

Mt. Uršlja gora, Plešivec The ascent, 1699 metres high, offers a nice view of the Mežica, Mislinja, Šalek and Drava Valleys. It is known as one of the more easily approachable mountaineering destinations. As well as a transmitter and a mountain lodge, there is also the church of St. Ursula, the highest lying church in Slovenia. You can reach it from different directions; Slovenj Gradec, Ravne na Koroškem, Črna, Mežica, Prevalje and even Šoštanj. Mt. Uršlja gora ends the Karavanke mountain range. Summer Guide 2009


r its known fo radec is Slovenj G events taking place e th s numerou the year. Among ial t nn throughou tant are: the Bie or tic most imp Home and Artis of Exhibition (April, May), the fts Handicra ay (June) and the D Medieval ons Day with the ati United N ival (October), st Peace Fe overnmental -g when non s present tion organiza on stands in the es themselv e and various tr town cen for children s workshop . take place

Slovenj Gradec  67




Vabo d.o.o. Glavni trg 43 Slovenj Gradec 3 98 50 T: +386 (0)2 88 op @k ije ac rv reze

The European route E6 also crosses Kope. Mountaineers like to follow the Slovene mountain transversal and ascend to the peaks of Kozjak, Pohortje, Uršlja gora, Smrekovec or to less accessible mountains, such as Peca, Olševa ali Raduha. Only in exceptional circumstances will you find larger groups of people there. Encounters with wild animals in their natural habitat are much more likely on these lesser-travelled routes. The tour from Ribniška koča (1.5 h) and on to Rogla (4-5 h) is the most visited.

The hills and mountains of Kope are covered in forests, cart tracks and footpaths intended for hikers of all kinds. From those, separate paths take off and lead to shelves, from which beautiful views extend. The Kope mountain centre is located at the west edge of Pohorje, and is also the highest part of Pohorje between 1010m and 1552m in height. At an idyllic mountain resort, you can do many things from mountaineering, Nordic walking, mountain biking, badminton and tennis, to mushroom picking. For the most perfect experience, a wellness centre with saunas and jacuzzi tubs is also provided.

A Family adventure Kope is the ideal place for all who spend their free time with their families and look for short getaways from the constant bustle of towns and cities and from the summer heat. Our hosts offer family picnics, bike rentals, games and recreational activities. After a full day of fun activities, one can relax at the wellness centre.

Specialities The Kope and Lukov dom restaurants offer a traditional mushroom soup with buckwheat porridge typical of Pohorje, various casseroles and delicatessen dishes typical of the Koroška region and a blueberry strudel for dessert. A wide range of daily menus and pizzas is also available.

68  Kope

Hotel Lukov dom A new, contemporarily equipped hotel offers special comfort at the altitude of 1345m. Here, you will be served home cooking on a sunny terrace. The Slovenia Times

Celjska koča

A Modern Hotel

cija Turizem in rekrea .o. d.o , lje Ce a2 Mariborska cest 400 T: +386 590 70 .si ca -ko ka info@celjs -ko ka ljs www.ce


The modern three star hotel offers accommodation in 17 double rooms, an apartment for 4 and two large attic rooms with collective accommodation. It can accommodate up to 74 guests. The master chefs of the hotel restaurant make sure that both traditional home dishes and modern specialities are on the menu. And there is also a wellness centre in the hotel where you can relax in the Finnish and Turkish sauna or Jacuzzi, or exercise on the fitness devices. By prior arrangement, various types of massages and anti-cellulite treatments are available.

Walks and Tours A regulated forest educational trail in the surrounding area invites you for walks. You can ascend to the Grmada hill (718 m) and ring the wishing bell, or set off over the Tolsti vrh hill to Svetina. The grave of Alma M. Karlin, a renowned traveller and writer, is there. There are also cycling routes laid out over the neighbouring hills to Laško, Šentjur and Svetina. And if you want to get to know the cultural-historical side of Celjska koča and its surroundings, you should head for the church of St. Mary of the Snow or the church of the Holy Cross in the nearby village of Svetina, or take a tour to the last dwelling of Alma M. Karlin, lying directly above the Pečovnik village. Summer Guide 2009

With its intact surroundings, Celjska koča attracts numerous visitors who want to relax in various ways; rest surrounded by nature, make trips in the nearby and more distant surroundings and get to know interesting plant and animal species. For bikers, it is a quickly reachable destination or the end point of their biking tours over the Kozjansko hills.

Business Matters Celjska koča is perfect for business meetings, seminars, training, presentations or just socializing with colleagues and business partners. It has the equipment necessary for training and presentations, as well as catering and accommodation capacities for smaller and middle-sized groups.


A summer toboggan run for bobkarting will be opened for the summer of 2009 on Celjska koča. This will currently be the only summer toboggan run of this kind in Slovenia. It is intended for all lovers of adrenaline fun who would like to try a new form of summer tobogganing.

Celjska koča  69

j u t P Culture and Nature, Relaxation and Entertainment


TIC Ptuj Slovenski trg 5 01 73 T: +386 (0)2 771 .si info@ptuj-tourism

.si Ptuj is a picturesque town by the Drava river with an almost www.ptuj-tourism completely preserved medieval town centre that hides a number of treasures in its winding streets. Stop anywhere in Ptuj and you will be surrounded by historic scenery. You Ptuj will discover stories of the town’s rich and varied past in 130 km its churches and monasteries, the vaulted wine cellars, the Ptuj castle and tower, the Orpheus monument and the monuments of Mithraism. The town flourished in Roman Ljubljana times, when it was known as Poetoviona. With a population of 40,000, it was one of the largest towns in the Roman provinces. Ptuj and its surroundings are especially unique because of their extraordinary movable cultural heritage and rich ethnographic tradition. Individuals and families will find numerous ways to spend an active vacation in the town and its surroundings: horseback riding, jogging trails, walking and hiking trails, and biking trails of varying difficulty. You can also enjoy a hot panoramic air balloon flight, flights in gliders or sports planes and tandem skydiving.

The Drava River and the Ptujsko jezero Lake Water lovers can play water sports or go fishing in the Drava river and the Ptujsko jezero lake. The lake is in close proximity to the town and is perfect for water sports and the development of sports, tourism and other recreation activities. You can rent a kayak, a traditional rancar rowboat, a jet ski or motorboat, or go on a trip in the tourist boat Čigra. The Drava and the Ptujsko jezero lake are also protected Natura 2000 areas and members of the European Important Bird Area Programme. 70  Ptuj

The Slovenia Times

The Terme Ptuj Spa A vacation in the Terme Ptuj spa is an excellent way to relax, improve your health and enjoy a number of leisure time activities and water games. Terme Ptuj is one of the newest Slovenian spas, with several accommodation options: high quality apartments of varying sizes, self-serviced bungalows, camping or rooms in the new 4-star Grand Hotel Primus. The Thermal Park consists of four outdoor pools (with waves, a slow-flowing river and waterslides), six indoor pools (with whirlpools and water-air massage), a waterslide and saunas. The Park includes 4200 m 2 of water surfaces with beneficial mineral water. The Thermal Park is famous for its waterslide, the largest in Slovenia..

Golf The golf course is just a few minutes away from the old town centre. The varied terrain and a number of water obstacles make it a unique and challenging course. It covers over 500,000 m 2 including the StudenÄ?nica stream and two lakes, which are located among the 15 to 18 playing fields. The planners succeeded in combining the golf greens with the old town centre and the authentic flora and fauna of the Ptuj surroundings.

Hiking Trails

A Break for Gourmets and Wine Connoisseurs The Ptuj hotels (Grand Hotel Primus, Park Hotel, Hotel Mitra and Hotel Poetovio), the Kurent and Eva youth hostels and the numerous private accommodation providers give you a wide range of possibilities for rest and relaxation. Ptuj and its surroundings have always been known for good food and drink. The wine-growing tradition has been maintained for over 7 centuries and the region continues to produce top quality wines. The famous Ptujska klet wine cellar also houses Zlata trta, the oldest wine in Slovenia, dating back to 1917. Quality wines are best enjoyed with a home-cooked meal, a speciality of the Ptuj caterers and restaurateurs. It’s your turn to enjoy the good food and wine that were once the privilege of lords, soldiers and merchants.

Ptuj, its surroundings and the entire Spodnje Podravje region are perfect for hiking tourism and pleasant walks in the unspoiled countryside. Walking the well-marked hiking trails, you will encounter fascinating natural and cultural heritage at every step. The region is characterised by its friendly people, a wide and varied culinary offer and quality wines from Ptujska vinska klet and other vineyards. Summer Guide 2009

Ptuj  71

Ptuj The Mithras Trail Mithraism is a religion introduced into Poetoviona by Roman legionnaires, merchants and Illyric customs officials. It is a mystery Eastern religion that its followers were forbidden to speak or write about, but it changed considerably once it was taken up by the Romans. Five shrines dedicated to the god Mithras have been discovered in Ptuj and its surrounding area. Mithraeums I and III remain in their original location. They are protected and can be viewed by prior booking. The remains of the other mithraeums are exhibited in the lapidarium of the Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj museum, located in the Dominican monastery.

The Drava Biking Trail The Municipality of Ptuj biking trail is a beautiful scenic route with views over the Drava. It is part of a much longer biking trail that crosses four European countries. This medium difficulty trail is clearly marked and is suitable for tourist and recreational cycling. It consists of wellmaintained cycling tracks and low traffic roads. You can also cycle through Ptuj and its surroundings on a number of other cycling trails running through Slovenske gorice and Haloze. Ptuj is also the home of the Poli Marathon, the largest recreational cycle marathon in Slovenia.

Culture Trails Let’s pack a few short stories by the Ptuj writer Ivan Potrč and the fascinating Memoirs of the scholar Matija Murko and take a round trip from Ptuj across the slopes of Slovenske gorice. Both the author and the scholar praised the beauty of these places. It is an interesting challenge for hikers to walk through the landscape that was the birthplace of these stories. On this trail, you will also encounter the restored and protected vinedresser’s cottage, once known as Herbersteinova viničarija. 72  Ptuj

ro Calenda

f E vents

j 2009: stays Ptu July: Art ival of modern 1 3 – 4 2 st al fine ational fe the intern with an internation ic us s m rt a a l n a a su rs vi A p and the arts cam j Summer festival. t: The Ptu 1 Augus celebrating the 31 July, ts e of even Night, on y of Ptuj holiday. lit ing Municipa ja – a row t: Rancari ditional Drava s u g u 1A a tr h it w on competiti e Drava river and th boats on ro lake. ze Ptujsko je he 40th music ugust: T 21, 22 A lk entertainment fo mes festival of oman ga ugust: R 21–23 A tuj P r: at Terme eptembe st – 1 S u g u A n 24 w to en e op Ptuj – th ival) st (street fe ber: 6 Septem le Marathon yc The Poli C ber: 6 Septem stle games ca The Ptuj

The Slovenia Times

JOIN US FOR A TOAST! Join us for a toast with a glass of select wine. We are the proud winners of nine awards at Decanter, the world’s largest wine competition, held in London. Dveri Pax: the door to the world of superior wine. Wine tastings will be held throughout the month of June at some of Ljubljana’s high-end restaurants. A detailed list of tasting events is available on our website.

War ning: Excessive alcohol consumption can damage your health.


r o b i ar

The Metropolis of Štajersko While Maribor, the capital of the Štajersko region, is the second largest town in Slovenia, it is still pleasantly small. It is surrounded by the beautiful landscape of Pohorje on one side and hills full of vineyards on the other, with the Drava river flowing through it. Visit one of the most popular destinations in Slovenia and enjoy its diverse and quality tourist offer.


TIC Maribor Partizanska 6 a 4 66 11 T: +386 (0)2 23 i r.s tic@maribo www.maribor-poh


122 km Ljubljana

Wine-Growing Tradition The oldest vine in the world, the rich cultural history, a location between the wine-growing hills and the greenness of Pohorje, and the many opportunities for exploring, recreation, relaxation, fun and meeting new people will convince you that Maribor is a town with a heart and soul and that its people are excellent hosts. The picturesque wine trails wind over the slopes of Pohorje and the wine-growing hills all the way across the Austrian border, forming a wine and culture trail not only appealing to wine connoisseurs, but also to fans of culinary delights, traditional customs, ethnological heritage and beautiful panoramic views. The wine trails can be explored on foot or on BOOK MARIBOR ON horseback, by bike or by car. The farmers and wine growers AND GET A 20€ DISCOUNT will offer genuine hospitality and homemade culinary treats.

74  Maribor

The Slovenia Times

History A few sites from the younger Stone Age, urn tombs, Celtic finds and a Roman villa rustica are the oldest traces of settlement in the area of the modern Maribor. In 1146, the Carinthian duke Bernhard Speinheim built Burg in der Mark (Castle in the Mark), the first fort on the Piramida hill. In 1209, the settlement was granted market rights. In 1254, it gained town privileges and its inhabitants began constructing city walls, measuring 2 km in length. In the Middle Ages, the population of Maribor included a large and economically powerful Jewish community. They built a synagogue that was impressively large for its time, with characteristics that made it unique in the Central European region. The town, built of stone and wood, suffered several fires, as well as the plague. The construction of the southern railway in 1846, connecting Vienna and Trieste, contributed to the development of industry in Maribor. The small town quickly expanded and the traffic grew with it. Even in Roman times, the Drava was an important transport route with 700 cargo boats and 1200 rafts landing every year. During World War I, General Rudolf Maister and his meagre band of soldiers defended the northern border and protected the town from foreign occupation. The stormy years of World War I were crucial for the later development of the town. During World War II, the air raids of allied and enemy forces alike nearly demolished the entire town. The consequences of the attacks were evident for decades after the war. During the self-managing socialist period, companies mainly hired their employees based on social criteria, creating a working class for the new era. With the decrease in employment opportunities in the industry, Maribor focused instead on developing tourism and other service activities. The town, with a population of 110,000, became the university, economic, cultural, transport and tourism centre of northeast Slovenia.

The Old Maribor The old town centre offers unforgettable experiences: take a walk along the river banks and the lively streets and squares, where history and tradition meet speed and modernity. Visit the charming Lent, the oldest part of town, where you will find Stara trta, the oldest vine in the world, the Stara trta house of wine tradition and culture, and medieval towers and remains of the city walls. Other sights include the castle and museum in the Grajski trg square, the plague monument and the town hall at the Glavni trg square, the SlomĹĄkova stolnica cathedral and steeple offering beautiful views, the Jewish synagogue, the art galleries, theatres, etc.

The Aparthotel Pohorje A beautiful spot in the middle of the Pohorje forest, 1 km from the cable lift station. +386 (0)2 603 67 00

Summer Guide 2009

Maribor  75

Maribor Entertainment In Maribor, you are never short of entertainment and good company. Head to one of the many cafes, tea houses, sweet shops, theatres, pubs, clubs or restaurants, the casino or a similar venue and spend the afternoon or evening in the company of your family, friends or co-workers. You won’t be bored!

The Pohorje Pot The Pohorje Pot is a type of stew that was originally cooked for hungry forest workers. Every available ingredient went into the pot, which was then left to cook for several hours. The Pohorje Pot usually contains several kinds of meat and seasonal vegetables from Pohorje, as well as at least one type of legume and grains (millet gruel, spelt, barley, etc.). There is no official recipe for this traditional Pohorje stew, but whatever ingredients it contains are always homegrown. Each Pohorje Pot is a different and original dish that gets that special Pohorje character from its cook.

The Lent Festival Is there anything more enjoyable than listening to a concert under the starry summer sky? This is just one of the pleasures of Lent, the annual summer festival that transforms the river banks into a lively centre of culture and society, dancing to the rhythms of music from all over the world. With over 400 events and 500,000 visitors a year, Lent is one of the largest European festivals of its kind and it also attracts visitors from other continents. This multicultural festival, born 15 years ago from the Folkart folk festival, has also won a number of awards. The Lent Festival takes place from 26 June to 11 July. The Slovenia Times

Mariborsko Pohorje


Pohorje in a day

ŠC Pohorje, d.o.o. 29 Mladinska ulica Maribor 0 88 21 T: +386 (0)2 22 .si rje ho info@sc-po

With its many bicycle paths, Pohorje is inviting for any length of one-day hiking and cycling trips. Its ideal starting point is the peak of Mariborsko Pohorje, namely the cycling info point and the Garmin Test Centre at the upper stop of the Pohorje funicular railway. Here, you can obtain all the required information on the marked bicycle paths on Pohorje, or hire one of our mountain biking guides or trainers.

Pohorje bike park On Pohorje, adrenaline enthusiasts are greeted by an over 3km-long “free ride” route, namely the Pohorje bike park powered by GT. The park is renowned for its Mountain Bike Downhill World Championship. For all its visitors without their own gear, GT trademark bikes and Sixsixone protective equipment are available for rental.

Summer Guide 2009

Pohorje, the venue of the World Cup Championship and one of the largest ski centres in this part of Europe, turns into a popular destination for lovers of mountain- and street-biking in the summer. Through its slogans “From the white into the green” and “Bike green”, Pohorje offers nearly 500km of marked bicycle paths on forest plateaus and over 1000km of asphalt and macadam roads and cart tracks in the foothills. Along with its immediate surroundings, Pohorje is attractive to families who wish to spend a relaxing weekend, as well as to demanding bicyclists eager for a challenge. Bicycle tours lasting several days in unspoiled nature and presenting the cultural and ethnologic features of Pohorje are a real treat for sportsmen and adventurists.

Bike preparation camps The Martin Biking Village**** is perfect for the implementation of multiday preparation camps for top-level biking teams as well as for amateur biking clubs. Besides apartment houses of the higher accommodation class, which are equipped with bike storage rooms, there is also a practical workshop and a bike wash for bicycle self-maintenance. Mariborsko Pohorje  79

e c i l p o T e k s v a r o M A Source of Tradition and Health The road to our oasis of pleasure and comfort is now even shorter – when you take the new highway, you can drive from Ljubljana to Moravske Toplice in 2 hours, from Vienna to Moravske Toplice in 3 hours and from Trieste to Moravske Toplice in 3.5 hours. Moravske Toplice is the ideal destination for exercise enthusiasts, gourmets, lovers of thermal waters and, above all, everyone in search of a peaceful, beneficial and active vacation.


plice TIC Moravske To Kranjčeva 3 8 15 20 T: +386 (0)2 53 et tic.moravci@siol.n www.moravske-top

Moravske Toplice

190 km Ljubljana

An Oasis of Water Delights and Relaxation Terme 3000 spa resort encompasses over 5000m 2 of water surfaces, a world of saunas, a wellness centre and a golf course. Dive into a world of water delights: 28 pools, a number of water attractions and Aqua Loop – a 90m water slide with a rocket start and a 360° loop. The Thermalium relaxation centre offers wellness services and full treatments with therapeutic techniques that focus on restoring natural balance and bringing you in touch with nature. Terme Vivat spa resort encompasses over 2000m 2 of water surfaces, saunas and a wellness centre. There are 5 indoor and outdoor pools providing endless water delights. Sauna fans can choose from Turkish, Finnish, infrared and herbal saunas. One of the distinctive features of Terme Vivat is that all pools are filled with thermal water from local springs. Visit the Vivat wellness centre and give back the peace and relaxation that the pace and stress of everyday life has taken away from your body and soul. Relax in a world of baths, massages, body peelings and beauty treatments. 80  Moravske Toplice

The Slovenia Times

Paradise for Cyclists and Hikers

Oasis of Traditional Cuisine

117km of marked recreation paths, thematic paths and paths for Nordic walking; around 200km of marked cycle paths; 12 organised hikes and two cycle marathons a year. There are 10 marked cycle paths and 14 marked thematic hiking paths, some of them also suitable for Nordic walking. The paths are of varying lengths and difficulty, suitable for casual exercise or more intensive training, and pass the tourist attractions of Pomurje.

Traditional Prekmurje cuisine is renowned for a number of dishes: langaš (a savoury fried dish made of leavened dough), pajani krüj (bread with minced lard and garlic), prekmurska gibanica (layered cake with poppy seeds, cottage cheese, walnuts and apples), kiflini (savoury rolls), home-cooked retaši (a type of strudel) with various fillings, posolanke (cottage cheese cake), pumpkin seed oil, freshly baked layered cakes, dödöli (a potato and flour dish), Prekmurje bograč (a type of goulash), fresh and dried fruit, a wide variety of homemade marmalades, home-grown vegetables with pumpkin seed oil seasoning, homemade fruit juices, homemade brandy, and quality wines at wine tastings. Visit us and discover an oasis of orchards, vineyards, pastures and fields of wheat, corn and pumpkins. We offer you the best nature can provide at the most competitive prices.

Home of Tradition

Visit the open-air museum of Lončarska vas (Pottery Village) in Filovci for an authentic insight into old crafts and typical Prekmurje cooking. In Ratkovci, you can learn about the art of making honey sweets, enjoy a honey dessert and visit the apiary in Ivanjševci. Another interesting and inspiring destination is the Časarjev mlin mill and museum of old tools and steam engines in Berkovci, where you will learn about old crafts from the past and present (basket and broom weaving, straw and bast fibre products). You can also visit the mill on the Otok ljubezni (Island of Love) in Ižakovci or the Babičev mlin mill in Veržej and experience the life of a miller on the Mura River. The Romanesque rotunda in Selo, Plečnik’s masterpiece in Bogojina and the church of St. Martin in Martjanci are a must for fans of cultural heritage, while history buffs can get a taste of the past by visiting the many castles of Prekmurje. For some relaxation and revitalisation, try a visit to the energy points at Lake Bukovniško to replenish your energy and open your energy blockages.

Accommodation Šinjor Guest & Boarding House Martjanci 32 T: +386 (0)2 530 39 00 Summer Guide 2009


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Moravske Toplice  81

Photo: M. Lovšin

a n a j l b u Lj i

TIC Ljubljana Stritarjeva ulica 6 12 15 T: +386 (0)1 30 .si na lja ub tlj isi tic@v .si lja www.visitljub na

The Lively Capital Welcome to Ljubljana! This town in the heart of Slovenia is not just the political and cultural centre of the country, but also the intersection of important Central European traffic routes. Ljubljana provides plenty of opportunities for entertainment and has a varied cultural offer. You can visit a museum in the morning and spend the afternoon in one of the galleries in the narrow side streets by the Ljubljanica.

Slovenian Tourist re Information Cent 10 trg ov ek Kr 6 45 75 T: +386 (0)1 30


A Brief History

Emona, a Roman settlement, was founded in 15 AD. The first mentions of Ljubljana can be traced back to medieval times, around 1020. In 1220, Ljubljana was granted city rights and soon became the capital of the Carniola region. The Habsburg rule was interrupted only briefly from 1809 to 1813, when Ljubljana was appointed the capital of the French Illyrian Provinces – making 2009 their 200th anniversary. In the second half of the 19th century, Ljubljana became the political and cultural centre of Slovenia. During World War II, most of its inhabitants supported the Liberation Front and took part in the underground resistance movement. After the war, Ljubljana became the capital of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia. In 1693, the Academia operosorum Labacensis was founded, followed by the Academia philharmonicorum in 1701. The University of Ljubljana was established in 1919 and the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts in 1937. 82  Ljubljana

Jože Plečnik Jože Plečnik (1872-1957), a native of Ljubljana, is one of the world’s leading pioneers of modern architecture. His creative opus shaped the image of three Central European cities: Vienna, Prague and Ljubljana. After his work abroad, Plečnik returned to Ljubljana in 1921. He left a distinctive and indelible mark on his home town, making Plečnik’s Ljubljana a unique urban sight and one of the most important comprehensive works of art in the 20th century. The Slovenia Times

Walk this way


The Prešernov trg 1 square developed from a medieval crossroads at the entrance to the fortified town. In the 17th century, the Franciscan Church of the Annunciation 2 was built next to it, but the crossroads itself was not transformed and paved until the middle of the 19th 1 century after the town walls were pulled down.

After the great earthquake of 1895, new town palaces were built around the square: the Frisch and Seunig houses at the bottom of Čopova Street, the Central Pharmacy 3 building (Centralna lekarna), later the Urbanc shop 4 and Hauptmann house and thirty years after that the Mayer Palace (Mayerjeva palača).

Monument 7 , created by architect Maks Fabiani and sculptor Ivan Zajc, was unveiled in the autumn of 1905. The monument features Prešeren and, above him, his poetry muse 7 holding a laurel branch. Symbolically, the statue of Prešeren’s love, Primičeva Julija 8 , gazes at the poet from the facade of a house on the nearby Wolfova Street.

In the same period, the Filip Mansion 5 (Filipov dvorec) and Kresija building were erected on the opposite bank of the Ljubljanica, designed by architect Leopold Theyer from Graz. The first decade of the 20th century saw the renovation of the Hauptmann house in the style of art nouveau and the construction of the Urbanc house; now the Centromerkur store, it was the first department store in Ljubljana and one of the most beautiful art nouveau buildings in the city.


Ljubljana is a city full of lovely and interesting bridges. It is conjectured that the first bridge across the Ljubljanica was built in Roman times, probably somewhere between the present-day bridges of Čevljarski most 9 and Šentjakobski

In the period between the two World Wars the south rim of the square was rounded off by the facade of the Mayer store.


Summer Guide 2009

With the building of Tromostovje 6 (Three Bridges) by architect Plečnik, the square expanded across the river and gained its present appearance. Prešeren’s M hotel / Derčeva ulica 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Si /

most. In medieval Ljubljana there were only two wooden bridges: the old bridge at the site of today’s Tromostovje, and Mesarski most in the place of today’s Čevljarski most. When, at the end of the 18th century, the defensive wall was pulled down, the danger of flooding was somewhat reduced by the Gruber Canal (1783), and the town expanded to the left riverbank. Several new bridges were built, mostly wooden at first, later replaced by metal, stone or concrete constructions.


Up to the middle of the 20th century, when it was thoroughly regulated, the Ljubljanica frequently flooded. The present image of its tamed and concreted river bed was designed by architect Jože Plečnik. He planned the embankments and public walks with tree rows along the river, among them the romantic Trnovski pristan landing with weeping willows and a terraced promenade. He also created and renovated several bridges along the river and its tributaries, from the bridges of Trnovski and Čevljarski most to the centrally located Tromostovje, all of which today give the town its unmistakeable creative stamp.


Hotel Park Ljubljana Tabor 9, SI-1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Tel: +386 1 300 2 500, Fax: +386 1 433 05 46,

Hotel Park, a friendly hotel in the centre of Ljubljana, offers a great combination of price and quality. Our hotel is ideal choice for leisure guests, families as well as for business travellers. WELCOME For more details visit

The square of Mestni trg 10 was, from the 12th century onwards, one of the centres of the medieval town. After many of the medieval buildings had collapsed in the earthquake of 1511, they were replaced by Renaissance and later, 11 baroque buildings, which still characterise the square today. The most famous of these is the Town Hall 11 building. In front of it stands Robba’s fountain 12 , created by Francesco Robba between 1743 and 1751. The Town Hall complex also comprises two adjoining buildings that were purchased by the city authorities for its use in the 17th and 12 18th century. The house

The Ljubljanica The Ljubljanica, also known as the River of Seven Names, is the final section of a Kras river that flows from Notranjsko to the Sava. On its way, it disappears underground several times, then springs out again, each time with a different name. 10 km northeast of the centre of Ljubljana, it flows into the Sava. The Ljubljanica was the main route for transporting cargo in and out of the town until the railway took over in the middle of the 19th century. The main port was in the part of town called Breg. In the summer, you can take a ride down the Ljubljanica on a tourist boat or rent your own boat or canoe. The tourist boat route runs from the Ribji trg square on the Cankarjevo nabrežje embankment towards the Zmajski most bridge, where it turns against the current and takes you under the many bridges of the old part of Ljubljana, past the Trnovski pristan landing to Špica, then returning to the starting point. Boat trips: at 12:00 and 16:00 every day Without the tourist guide: at 10:00, 11:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00 and 20:00 Romantic trip: at 9:00 Group trips by prior arrangement. The Slovenia Times

CAFE & RESTAURANT EVROPA SLOVENSKA CESTA 54, 1000 LJUBLJANA Opening hours Mon-Fri 8:00-22:00, Saturday, Sunday and holidays closed Phone: + 386 (1) 438-24-20 E-mail: RESTAURANT PRI VITEZU BREG 20, 1000 LJUBLJANA Opening hours Mon-Sat 10:00-23:00, Sunday closed, holidays open Phone: + 386 (1) 426-60-58 E-mail:

at the address Mestni trg 2 once belonged to the prominent Dolničar family. Its facade was redesigned around 1780. Mestni trg is characterised by a number of other interesting houses, among them the Haman house, which today houses the City Gallery; Lichtenberg’s house with a 1540 facade, decorated with reliefs by sculptor Osbalt Kittel and a mid-18th century stairway; the Skoberne house with a facade from the same period; the Rakovec and Obrez houses, designed by architect Matija Persky; and the tallest among them, the Souvan house, with an Empire-style facade, embellished with reliefs representing art, trade and farming. It was designed by Francesco Coconi in the 17th century. Stari trg 13 was the earliest settlement in the medieval town. It stretches out towards the square of Gornji trg 14 , which slopes up to the foot of the castle hill (Grajski grič). Both squares, just as does Mestni trg square (all three comprising the core of the oldest, once medieval part of Ljubljana), skirt the foot of the castle hill with their distinctive garland shape. The facades of the houses facing the street are, just as in Mestni trg, mostly baroque, but their inner structure is medieval. Many of them were remodelled and simultaneously joined to the neighbouring buildings in the 17th and 18th centuries. Four houses encircling Gornji trg have preserved a medieval layout with their roof ridges pointing at the street. At the broadest point of Stari trg, where Gornji trg branches off, stands the fountain of Hercules 15 (Herkulov vodnjak), a modern interpretation of the older baroque fountain. It is faced by the renowned

Did you know? Legend has it that Ljubljana was founded by Jason, a Greek prince and his band of Argonauts. They were on the run after having stolen the Golden Fleece from King Aietes. They sailed from the Black Sea into the Danube, from there to the Sava, and from the Sava into the Ljubljanica. Close to Ljubljana, in the marshlands, they were surprised by a terrible monster. The fearless Jason took it on and slew it in a frightful battle. It is believed that this monster is the dragon of Ljubljana, which today adorns the top of the castle tower as well as the city’s coat of arms. mansion Stiški dvorec 16 . A large part of the square was, right up to the end of the 18th century, occupied by the Jesuit College with the Church of St James. When the college building burned down, today’s Levstikov trg 17 square emerged in its place. Gornji trg used to end near the present-day tunnel under the castle hill, where the town gates would arch over the road leading to the east or to the Dolenjska region. The centre of the square is distinctive for its baroque Church of St Florian 18 , built after 1672. Ljubljana Castle 19 dominates the skyline of Slovenia’s capital. The foundations of the castle go back as far as the 9th century, although it wasn’t officially recorded in history books until 1144. For a long time it served as a governor’s residence and was later turned into a prison. It is now a museum, gallery and venue for various events and performances, as well as a popular tourist spot for panoramic views of the city.

19 86  Bovec - Kanin

The Slovenia Times




Tourist information

Book store





14 15



8 13 10



12 10 11


2 4 3 7 5 8 1 6

9 12 7 13 16


17 18




















City Hotel Ljubljana

Dalmatinova ulica 15 T: +386 (0)1 239 00 00

Antiq Hotel

Gornji trg 3 T: +386 (0)1 421 35 60

Union Executive

Miklošičeva cesta 3 T: +386 (0)1 308 11 70

Cvetličarna Media Park

Kranjčeva ulica 20

Patrick’s Irish Pub

Precna ulica 6 T: +386 (0)1 230 17 68

Metelkova mesto

Masarykova cesta 24


Stari trg 7 T: +386 (0)1 425 04 55

As Lounge

Knafljev prehod Čopova 5a T: +386 (0)1 425 88 22

Gostilna Sokol

Ciril Metodov trg 18 T: +386 (0)1 439 68 55 Zvezda

Wolfova ulica 14 Slon

Slovenska cesta 34 T: +386 (0)1 470 11 46

Cha - čajnica

Stari trg 3 T: +386 (0)1 25-27-010












Vale Novak

Wolfova 8 T: +386 (0)1 422 34 10


Slovenska cesta 29 T: +386 (0)1 241 30 00

Geonavtik boook store caffe

Kongresni trg 1 T: +386 (0)1 252 70 27

Slovenian Tourist Information centre - STIC

Krekov trg 10 T: +386 (0)1 306 45 75

Turist Information Office

Trg Osvobodilne fronte 6 T: +386 (0)1 433 94 75

TTourist Information centre Ljubljana - TIC

Adamič-Lundrovo nabrežje 2 T: +386 (0)1 306 12 15

City museum of Ljubljana

Gosposka ulica 15 T: +386 (0)1 24 12 500

National Museum of Slovenia

Muzejska ulica 1 T: +386 (0)1 241 44 00

Slovenian museum of Natural History

Muzejska ulica 1 T: +386 (0)1 241 09 40

Slovene Ethnographic museum

Metelkova ulica 2 T: +386 (0)1 300 87 00

Slovenian school museum

Plečnikov trg 1 T: +386 (0)1 251 30 24

w w w .vi sit lju bl ja na .si



Ljubljana is perfect for cycling. In the summer season, you can rent a bike at several locations (hotels, Tourist Information Centre) for a symbolic price, while tourist card holders can rent bikes free of charge for a 4 hour period. You can also take part in a guided bike tour of the capital. The starting point is the Slovenian Tourist Information Centre, where you get your bike and a helmet. The tourist guide then leads you through the Plečnik marketplace to the Secession-style Zmajski most bridge (its dragon statues are the symbol of Ljubljana) and on past the many sights of Ljubljana, including those outside the old part of town.

The Ljubljana Zoo offers the sight of a number of native and foreign animals in a natural environment. In addition to the many mammals and birds, the Zoo also houses reptiles, amphibians, insects, spiders and snails – 500 specimens, excluding insects. The Ljubljana Zoo is a member of EAZA, the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria. The Zoo staff organise several guided and supervised “animal adventures”, allowing you to pet certain animals, observe others in their aquatic environment and learn many interesting facts about them. The Zoo is open from 9:00 to 19:00 in the summer (Jun-Aug) and 1 hour less every subsequent month until December.

The Funicular Railway The idea of a funicular railway connecting the old part of town and the Ljubljana castle is over a century old. The railway was finally constructed in 2006, providing a minute-long ride from the Šentjakob theatre to the castle walls as an alternative to a pleasant walk on one of the paths leading up to the castle. Riding in the glass cabin of the funicular railway is a unique and exciting experience. The Slovenia Times

Stop! Wait a minute Mr Postman! The Slovenia Times and the Ljubljana Tourist Board present a ‘new’ old-fashioned way of delivering newspapers. We are sending the time machine back 150 years to the dawn of the mail service that was. Throughout the summer an old fashioned postman will tour Ljubljana’s old town acting as a mobile tourist information point. As well as delivering copies of The Slovenia Times and Summer Guide Slovenia, the postman will also give advice about places to see in Slovenia’s capital. ­A lthough the postman is modeled on a traditional postman from 1860, he represents one of the latest addition to Ljubljana’s tourist services. The postman will wear a dark blue and orange uniform. One particular challenge for the costume maker was to make the clothing, inspired by a standard Austro-Hungarian uniform. More information: T: +386 (0)59 045 003

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Experience the Nature of Perfection!

Located at the heart of the Martuljek forest, the renovated Ĺ pik Hotel is an alpine paradise where you and your whole family can have a refreshing swim in the pools, relax in the saunas, do yoga or enjoy a soothing massage along with the fresh air. Most of all, the paradise and its five elements of nature will make sure that your body, mind and spirit are completely at peace. Experience it - experience the nature of perfection.

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