ASM Expert Network 2023

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Leaders | Advocators | Discoverers | Practitioners | Collaborators | Communicators | Innovators & Inventors of Science, Engineering & Technology

Think Science | Celebrate Technology | Inspire Innovation


4 About ASM


7 Fellows


51 Top Research Scientists Malaysia


71 Young Scientists NetworkASM


A statutory body under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) is mandated by the Academy of Sciences Malaysia Act 1994 to advise the government and stakeholders on matters related to science, engineering, technology and economy (STIE). With a core membership of the best scientific minds, the Academy is positioned to be the apex advisory body on STIE matters through commissioned studies, leading to its recognition as an important strategic partner in the government decision-making process. To date, ASM consists of 482 Fellows across eight disciplines ranging from Biological Sciences to Social Sciences and Humanities, and further supported by 49 Associates, 187 members of the Young Scientists Network (YSN-ASM), 272 Top Research Scientists Malaysia recipients and 12 Mahathir Science Award Laureates in carrying out its mandate effectively. With widespread expertise, ASM’s voice in addressing STIE matters is more inclusive than ever. ASM envisions being an independent Thought Leader in STIE towards a progressive, harmonious, prosperous and sustainable society, nationally and internationally. As such, ASM carries out strategic and foresight studies and produces reports, position papers, blueprints, roadmaps and reviews which are independent, evidence-based, reliable and timely. The recommendations are designed to help policymakers and government officials comprehend the issues to enable them to design and develop practical and inclusive action plans. ASM studies are conducted by a team of analysts led by Fellows who are the subject matter experts in the relevant field. The knowledge, expertise, and network of the Fellows are harnessed to enable ASM to effectively play its role as the Thought Leader in STIE. In recent years, ASM had gone beyond its function as a Think Tank of providing recommendations on “what” to implement. ASM now aims to become a Change Maker by demonstrating the “how” to do through pilot projects that could demonstrate the feasibility of strategies that were recommended. Amongst others are the Malaysian Collaborative Network for Innovation (i-Connect) and Malaysian Open Science Platform (MOSP).

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Since its founding, ASM has been heavily involved in developing and nurturing talent in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) at various levels, ranging from school children to early-career scientists. ASM often collaborates with corporations and ministries to reach out to more young talents. The National Science Challenge (NSC), a premier science competition to create greater interest in STEM amongst secondary school students, has been organised by ASM since 1999. It has successfully inspired at least 33 teams of young science enthusiasts! Globally, advancement in STIE has paved the way for a higher-income society, which is why ASM endeavours to advance the agenda on STIE as the basis for long-term economic development and societal well-being. Hence, ASM emphasises on building international partnerships, collaborations and networks that promote scientific understanding, improve scientific quality and address global challenges. Malaysia’s participation in the global STI arena positions our scientists at various platforms and programmes abroad and enhances our scientists’ experiences and expertise apart from widening their network. In this capacity, ASM actively collaborates in international and regional programmes, committees and platforms such as the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. Understanding that science advocacy requires the greatest collective endeavours, ASM strives to promote better public awareness and perception in STIE issues like digitalisation, green energy and biodiversity by organising public engagement programmes such as FAScinate and ArtScienceTM that are presented in a simplistic and comprehensible manner to reach out to the general public.

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ASM Fellowship consists of distinguished scientists, engineers, technologists, and social scientists who have made exceptional contributions in their fields. A Fellow must be a leader and a distinguished subject matter expert, and have proven engagement and contribution in the areas of science, engineering, technology, social sciences and humanities. A Fellow must have demonstrated willingness and commitment to contribute effectively. As such, individuals with merit, possessing high integrity, demonstrating utmost decorum at all times with essential characteristics of an ambassador of ASM at national and international level are nominated each year. Fellowship is awarded based on stringent selection process in eight disciplines. A fellowship of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia is the highest recognition to the best scientific minds from the Government of Malaysia.

Biological Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Chemical Sciences Engineering Sciences Information Technology and Computer Sciences Mathematics Physics and Earth Sciences Medical and Health Sciences Science & Technology Development and Industry Social Sciences and Humanities

94 57 96 25 51 78 54 27

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(116 FASc)


(366 FASc)



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Professor Dr Lim Phaik Eem FASc Executive Director Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (IOES), Universiti Malaya Professor Dr Lim Phaik Eem FASc specialises in phycology, particularly marine seaweed systematics and biotechnology. Her research focuses on various aspects, including molecular phylogenetics, systematics of algae, insects, invertebrates, and parasites, as well as the biotechnological applications of algae. She also studies functional genomics, seaweed cultivation, and how algae respond and adapt to different environmental stressors. Throughout her career, Professor Dr Lim has made significant contributions to her field. She has discovered eight new seaweed species and authored over 160 papers cited in prestigious journals. Her research has earned her an H-index of 25 and garnered 2,189 citations. She's also actively engaged in practical applications, identifying commercially important species in the wild in collaboration with the Department of Fisheries Sabah.

Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Additionally, Professor Dr Lim and her team have published a book titled "Standard Operating Procedure of Eucheumatoid Cultivation Using Biosecurity-Based Approach" to guide farmers in selecting the right seaweed species for cultivation. Her expertise has led to invitations to serve as an editorial member for four international peerreviewed journals. Over the years, she has secured more than RM8 million research grants. Notably, she received a research grant from the United Kingdom Research & Innovation, GCRF Programme-Global Seaweed STAR, focusing on safeguarding the future of the seaweed industry in developing countries. She's also been awarded international research grants for projects related to seaweed taxonomy and innovative seaweed aquaculture. Professor Dr Lim is actively involved in the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) activities, having served as a member of the 2019 ASM Special Interest Group on Oceanography. She contributed to the Position Paper on Blue Economy and is currently a member of the ASM Special Interest Group on Blue Economy for 2023.

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Dr Lulie Anak Joshua Melling FASc Director Sarawak Tropical Peat Research Institute (TROPI) Dr Lulie Anak Joshua Melling FASc is a leading expert in the management of tropical peatlands and is renowned for her groundbreaking work in measuring greenhouse gas flux from tropical peatlands across the globe. Since 2016, she has held the position of Director at the Sarawak Tropical Peat Research Institute (Sarawak TROPI). Furthermore, Dr Lulie has provided technical advice and consultancy services to the Sarawak State Government and international organisations. Her significant contributions extend to establishing a global repository of tropical peat and peatland research, benefitting not only Sarawak but the world at large. Her pioneering efforts in peatland research have laid the foundation for one of Sarawak and Malaysia's vital economic resources. In 2010, Dr Lulie played a crucial role in TROPI's historic achievement of simultaneously setting up eddy covariance flux towers in three distinct ecosystems, revolutionising the monitoring of carbon balance in tropical peatlands. Today, TROPI stands as a source of pride for Sarawak, elevating Malaysia's reputation on the international stage.

Dr Lulie's extensive work focuses on tropical peatland ecosystems, with 48 articles in renowned journals, an H-index of 22, and 1705 citations, showcasing her impactful research. She's dedicated to advancing peatland research by training new researchers through postgraduate programs. At the Sarawak Tropical Peat Research Institute, she's supervised 7 international PhD candidates, 5 local master's students, and currently guides 13 ongoing research projects. Furthermore, Dr Lulie's involvement at ASM includes her role as a member of the Local and Transboundary Pollution Act Feasibility Study Task Force from 2019 to 2020.

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Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Dr Lulie’s innovative approaches have reshaped best practices for the responsible utilisation and protection of these invaluable ecosystems. Additionally, her role as a Science Steering Committee Member for AsiaFlux (20172024) underscores her invaluable contributions to peat soil management strategies.

Professor Dr Rosfarizan Mohamed FASc Deputy Dean (Research and Graduate Studies) Faculty of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia Professor Dr Rosfarizan Mohamed FASc specialises in Industrial Biotechnology, demonstrating expertise in research, leadership, national contributions, capacity building, mentorship, and international networking. In her research career, she led 23 projects and collaborated as a co-researcher on over 30 national and international research initiatives, totalling more than RM20 million in funding. She secured grants from various sources, including the Ministry of Higher Education (ERGS, FRGS, LRGS, PRGS), Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation (Science Fund, IRPA, Topdown), Inter-Islamic Network on Nanotechnology (OIC, PMI2, UNIDO), and Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation.

Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Dr Rosfarizan holds 11 successfully filed and granted patents, including one for 'BactoSite®,' a biomaterial currently in preclinical trials. She has also co-founded three startup companies to commercialise university research products and licensing technologies. Two of her technology innovations were selected for the InnoHub UPM programme, focusing on market validation studies and technology licensing. Additionally, she received the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) fellowship award four times as a visiting scientist at Osaka University, Japan. Her outstanding contributions earned her the Excellent Scientist Award from the Ministry of Higher Education. Notably, she was recognised as one of the Top 100 authors by publications from 2013 to 2016 at UPM by Elsevier SciVal and ranked amongst the top 2% of scientists worldwide (subject-wise) based on a citation impact study conducted by Stanford University, United States. Dr Rosfarizan has an extensive publication record, with over 168 articles published in refereed journals and six book chapters. Her publications and success in securing national and international grants have led to an impressive H-index of 37, 5503 citations, and contributions to several Tier-1 journals.

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Professor Dr Tang Thean Hock FASc Former Professor Universiti Sains Malaysia Professor Dr Tang Thean Hock FASc is a molecular microbiologist specialising in non-protein coding RNAs. He is a pioneer in Malaysia for his research on nucleic acid aptamers. Additionally, he played a pivotal role in developing the CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing tool. His significant contributions are in non-protein coding RNAs (npcRNAs) within medically important pathogens, isolation of nucleic acid aptamers, and application of npcRNAs and aptamers in molecular diagnostics. Professor Tang has been recognised for his expertise and was a visiting professor at the Institute for Experimental Pathology (ZMBE) at Uni-Muenster, Germany. He was appointed Adjunct Professor at the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, where he contributed to research on controlling Buruli Ulcers through sequencing and drug resistance mutation analysis. He also acted as a visiting research scientist at the National Biotechnology Development Agency (NABDA) in Abuja, Nigeria.

Furthermore, Professor Tang has received recognition for his innovations, securing seven awards in national and international competitions. He also holds two intellectual properties in the patents category. EzTB-Amp, a DNA-based amplification test for detecting M. tuberculosis and nontuberculous mycobacteria in clinical samples, licensed to MBDr. The second is a patent application for a Nucleic Acid Aptamer designed for specific binding to a target molecule and its various uses (Patent filed-PI 2019006170).

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Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Professor Tang's research achievements are reflected in his extensive publication record with 117 articles appearing in high-impact factor journals. He maintains an exceptional publication track record, boasting an H-index of 33, 5,446 citations, and numerous papers in Tier-1 journals.

Professor Dr Wong Mui Yun FASc Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia Professor Dr Wong Mui Yun FASc is a plant pathologist specialising in plant pathology and immunity, focusing on Ganoderma disease in oil palm. Her noteworthy research has led to commercialising a biopesticide product to combat rice blasts. Her work offers sustainable alternatives to the widespread use of chemicals in crop protection, especially in managing Ganoderma basal stem rot in oil palm.

Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

In addition to her research contributions, Professor Wong plays key roles in various governmental and international committees. She participates in the Ministry of Higher Education's evaluation panel for research grant applications and contributes to the Department of Agriculture's working group for the Agrologist Act. She is also involved in the technical committee on Biological Control and the Department of Standard Malaysia's Working Group on Biofertilisers and National Standard in Agriculture. Furthermore, she serves on the expert panel for the Biosecurity Plan for the Oil Palm Industry at the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB). She is an active American Phytopathological Society (APS) member and contributes to Biological Control, Biotechnology, and Molecular and Cellular Phytopathology committees. Professor Wong's achievements have garnered international recognition. In 2020, she received the Gold Medal Award at the 7th Kaohsiung International Invention & Design EXPO (2020 KIDE) in Taiwan, the Distinguished Women in Agricultural Sciences Award from the Center for Advanced Research and Design, Venus International Foundation in India, and the 2022 Fellow Award from the Asian PGPR Society for Sustainable Agriculture in Auburn, USA. Her dedication to research is evident in her successful grant acquisition, totalling RM5.2 million in public research grants and an additional RM775,000 in industry grants. She has an extensive publication record, contributing to 101 journals, 77 conference proceedings, four books, and six book chapters. Her academic impact is reflected in her H-index of 12 and a total of 588 citations, according to Scopus In 2021, Professor Wong served as a Keynote Speaker in the Agriculture and Food Security Track during the "Microbiome: The Way Forward in Transforming Food Security – an International Virtual Conference (ISVC)," organised by YSNASM.

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Professor Dr Zulqarnain Mohamed FASc Dean, Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Malaya Professor Dr Zulqarnain Mohamed FASc is a geneticist specialising in Molecular Genetics and Genomics, known for his leadership in academia and industry. His research involves the study of DNA variation in forensically important flies, which led to the naming of a new fly species, Boettcherisca zuli, in his honour. Recognised for his expertise in colorectal cancer mutations and genetic variations causing Glycogen Storage Diseases, he was appointed as a Session Scientist at Kuala Lumpur Hospital and became a member of the Technical Working Group for Medical Testing under the Malaysian Laboratory Accreditation Scheme for Medical Genetic Testing. Additionally, he holds a significant role as one of the 16 Allied Health Profession Council Members under the Ministry of Health and has been appointed as an adjunct professor at Universitas Negeri Malang following his presentation at the International Conference on Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Applications, Research, and Technology (ICON-SMART 2022) in Bali.

As Dean of the Faculty of Science and a member of the National Council of Science and Mathematics Deans, he has played a key role in shaping the "Curriculum of the Future" and presented a resolution to the Ministry of Higher Education, further highlighting his commitment to academic leadership and innovation.

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Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Professor Dr Zulqarnain is a prolific author with numerous publications in indexed, peer-reviewed journals, boasting an H-index of 16 and 662 citations. Beyond medical genetics, he applies his expertise to biodiversity studies and the conservation of various plants, animals, and insects. Currently, he is engaged in the conservation genetics of endangered dolphins off the coast of Langkawi.

Professor Ts Dr ChM Ahmad Zuhairi Abdullah FASc Dean, School of Chemical Engineering Universiti Sains Malaysia Professor Ts Dr ChM Ahmad Zuhairi Abdullah FASc has significantly contributed to advancing technology through innovative chemical reactions for downstream oleochemical synthesis and waste treatments. His impact extends to national and international chemistryrelated capacity building, where he serves as a reviewer, examiner, and evaluator of various academic materials. Additionally, he is vital in accrediting chemistry-based academic programs at several universities. With over 140 highly cited publications, primarily as the main or corresponding author, Professor Ahmad Zuhairi enjoys strong research visibility on the international stage. He has led 21 research projects as project leader, securing RM3.9 million in funding from institutions such as USM, MoHE, MOSTI, Felda, CREST, and WD-Media. These projects are focused on chemical reactions and processes, addressing knowledge and technological gaps while fostering the development of future researchers. His impressive H-index reflects his academic impact, with WoS (Web of Science) at 54 and citations totalling 9,932, Scopus at 57 with 11,123 citations, and Google Scholar at 63 with 14,163 citations.

Chemical Sciences

Professor Ahmad Zuhairi's innovative work has earned him several awards, including the Innovation AwardsGold Award at the IPTA R&D Exhibition in 2005, Silver Awards in Geneva (2006) and MTE Expo (2008), as well as a Bronze Award at Biolnno (2009). Furthermore, his expertise is globally acknowledged, with Stanford University in the USA listing him among the top 2% of scientists in the world in their respective fields for the years 2020, 2021, and 2022.

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Professor Dato’ Dr Ibrahim Jantan FASc Institute of Systems Biology (INBIOSIS) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Professor Dato’ Dr Ibrahim Jantan FASc has made significant contributions to natural products chemistry and medicinal chemistry, focusing on identifying lead molecules for drug discovery. According to Scopus, he has gained international recognition, ranking among the top 2% influencing researchers based on citation impact from 2019 to 2021. His extensive publication record includes 210 papers in high-impact journals covering phytochemistry, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, and drug discovery. He maintains an outstanding Scopus author H-Index of 38, with a total citation count of 5,047. Additionally, he holds two patents. In leadership roles, Professor Ibrahim served as the Founding Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at UKM. He also played a significant role as the President of the Malaysian Natural Products Society from 2010 to 2020, demonstrating strong leadership qualities that elevated the society's contributions to natural products research, education, and service at the national and international levels.

His contributions to the field have earned him prestigious awards, including the Honorable Award in 2010 from Medicine Srinakharinwirot University (MEDSWU) in Thailand and the Professor Dr. A. Hisham Endowment Award in India in 2016.

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Chemical Sciences

Professor Ibrahim's global impact extends to establishing extensive education and research networks, fostering collaborations between local scientists and international counterparts. He serves as the Malaysian focal point for Medicinal Plants Malaysia within the Indian Ocean Rim Association and holds the honorary advisor position for the Asian Association School of Pharmacy.

Professor Dr ChM Lee Yook Heng FASc Honorary Professor, Bioanalytical Chemistry, Department of Chemical Science Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Professor Dr ChM Lee Yook Heng FASc is a prolific researcher specialising in analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, primarily on chemical sensors and biosensors. His impactful contributions extend to the realm of chemical management for the Malaysian government, resulting in the presentation of policy papers to the Malaysian Parliament. This effort facilitated Malaysia's adoption of various international conventions, including the Stockholm Convention for persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and other UNEP chemicals management conventions.

Chemical Sciences

Dr Lee's research interests and expertise span physical chemistry and analytical chemistry, emphasising sensor science. He has received national recognition, including the Innovation Award from KPT, for his work on biosensor prototypes. Leveraging his knowledge of chemical ecology, he has actively contributed to environmental conservation and protection in Malaysia. This includes efforts to safeguard river water quality and protect endangered endemic species in Borneo. In 2022, Elsevier earned him recognition as one of the top 2% of scientists globally. His impressive academic impact is reflected in his H-index of 44 and a total citation count of 7,088. For 14 years, Dr Lee has led the Chemical and Biosensor Research Group at UKM and other key positions there, actively contributing to the university and faculty's management. His dedication to scientific advancement extends to his involvement with ASM, where he contributed as a member of the Task Force on Food Security and Safety (2022), the ASM Imbak Canyon Conversation Area Physical Sciences Working Group (2013), and the Maliau Basin Scientific Expedition (2006).

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Professor Dr Wan Jefrey Basirun FASc Department of Chemistry University of Malaya Professor Dr Wan Jefrey Basirun FASc is a renowned scientist known for his expertise in physical chemistry, specifically focusing on electrochemistry, material science, and nanotechnology. His work goes beyond academia, as he actively partners with a local company to recycle sodium metaborate into sodium borohydride. He also collaborates with various industries to explore methods for recycling spent hydrogen storage materials into solid hydrogen carriers. Professor Wan Jefrey teaches Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry in his role at UM. He boasts an impressive publication record, with 282 papers indexed in ISI Web of Science and seven book chapters. His academic impact is reflected in his H-Index of 44, with a total of 6,076 citations. Furthermore, he is an exceptional reviewer for more than 60 journals published by various reputable publishers, including Elsevier, Royal Society of Chemistry UK (RSC), American Chemical Society (ACS), and World Scientific. His Scopus profile shows an H-Index of 44 with 6,367 citations, and his Google Scholar H-Index is 49 with 7,689 citations.

Throughout his research career, Professor Wan Jefrey has secured over RM2.2 million in grants from the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MOHE) for fundamental and applied research across various fields. He was seconded to the Microelectronics Institute of Malaysia (MIMOS), where he played a key role in filing nine patents.

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Chemical Sciences

Professor Wan Jefrey has strong industrial collaborations with local companies and holds the role of guest editor for the Energy Electrochemistry journal published by MDPI. He has been consistently recognised for his contributions, including being named one of the top 1% of Analytical Chemists by the Japan Society of Analytical Chemistry in 2019. He is also among the top 1% of global Peer Reviewers, according to Clarivate Analytics and ranks in the top 2% of scientists worldwide in 2020, 2021, and 2022, according to Elsevier.

Professor Dato’ TPr Dr Alias Abdullah FASc Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design, International Islamic University Malaysia Professor Dato' TPr Dr Alias Abdullah FASc is a versatile researcher with expertise in urban planning and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). He has a wealth of experience in these fields and has actively contributed to numerous sustainable urban planning projects, addressing various town planning challenges. Notably, he played a significant role in establishing the Urban and Regional Planning degree and curriculum at IIUM, which received accreditation from MQA.

Engineering Sciences

His extensive professional involvement encompasses various key projects, including the Greater Kuala Lumpur Master Plan, the River of Life project, and the development of GIS for Selangor State. He has held notable positions such as serving on public hearing panels for the Kuala Lumpur 2020 Draft Local Plan (2008) and contributing to the Steering Committee for NKRA Greater Kuala Lumpur (2011-2012). Additionally, he served as the Chief Jury for the Bandar Malaysia Kuala Lumpur International Master Plan and Design Competition (2011-2012). He also received special funding from KDYMM Sultan Pahang for GIS development related to Sultanate Lands and was involved in the development of the Orang Asli Museum and Civilisation Centre in Pahang. His dedication to urban planning excellence earned him the National Award on Planning Excellence Scholar Award from the Malaysian Institute of Planners in 2010. Since 1991, Dr Alias Abdullah has been actively involved in research, consultancy, and publications. He maintains an H-Index of 11 in Scopus, with 503 citations. His extensive publication record includes over 100 indexed journal publications and several authored or edited books, covering diverse topics such as water environmental planning, Islamic perspectives in urban planning, and decision support systems in urban and environmental planning. Furthermore, he serves as an editor for the Planning Malaysia Journal, a Scopus-indexed journal.

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Professor Ir Dr Chong Wen Tong FASc Centre for Energy Sciences, Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya Professor Ir Dr Chong Wen Tong FASc is an expert in wind turbine technology, industrial aerodynamics, product design, and green technology. His remarkable contributions have earned him recognition globally, with 6,905 citations and a Hirsch index of 45. Before joining the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UM, he was the Head of the Technology and Mechanical Team at Dyson Malaysia, where he was pivotal in the research, design, and development projects related to vacuum cleaners, hand dryers, and bladeless fans. His leadership encompassed the guidance of over 30 engineers and technicians, leading to several award-winning products, patents, and innovative advancements. Dr Chong's research primarily focuses on Renewable Energy and Green Technology, securing more than RM7 million in research grants from various sources, including HIR-MOHE, Global Partnership Award-University of Southampton, and RCETS-NCKU, Taiwan.

In 2018, his outstanding contributions earned him the WSSET Innovation Award in Renewable Energy Systems and the prestigious Darjah Ahli Mahkota Perlis (AMP) award from His Royal Highness Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin ibni Almarhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail, the Raja of Perlis. Additionally, he holds 13 intellectual property rights, including 10 granted patents. Dr Chong has been an active contributor to ASM’s Task Force on Carbon-Free Energy (2014-2015) and as a Section Editor for the ASM Science Journal since 2021.

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During his tenure at UM, he assumed the role of principal investigator for 18 research projects, co-researcher for 6 projects, and supervised the graduation of 35 post-graduate candidates. His commitment to innovation is evident in his involvement in more than 25 invention and innovation awards. Dr Chong's influence extends to the development of Malaysian Standards on Dependability Management (SIRIM) and active participation in the Malaysian Wind Energy Roadmap.

Dato’ Ir Dr Dennis Ganendra FASc Chief Executive Officer Minconsult Sdn Bhd Dato’ Ir Dr Dennis Ganendra FASc is a distinguished expert in geotechnical engineering, renewable energy, and strategic management. With extensive experience in local and international infrastructure projects, he has managed various geotechnical engineering endeavours. Notably, his leadership has transformed Minconsult Sdn. Bhd. into a prominent international engineering entity, securing projects from Malaysian and international governments, international funding agencies, and multinational corporations. In addition to his remarkable engineering achievements, Dr Dennis has made significant contributions to studies, such as the National Transport Policy & Strategy Study and the National Sewage Master Plan. His robust network underscores his unwavering commitment to sustainable development. He generously shares his wealth of experience through participation in seminars and symposiums organised by various bodies, contributing to nation-building in various capacities.

Engineering Sciences

With over 30 years of comprehensive experience in engineering and management, Dr Dennis has overseen various projects, including highways, airports, power and petrochemical plants, industrial facilities, high-rise buildings, as well as water and sewage treatment plants. Furthermore, Dr Dennis has been at the forefront of developing Renewable Energy (RE) projects. He is the visionary founder of the Timeless Green Group of Companies (TG), a multiresource RE group with Solar, Biogas, and Hydro concessions across the ASEAN region. TG is one Southeast Asia's largest rooftop solar developers, successfully executing solar projects in Malaysia and the Philippines.

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Professor Ir Dr Koo Voon Chet FASc Faculty of Engineering and Technology Multimedia University Professor Ir Dr Koo Voon Chet FASc is a trailblazer in the realms of Radar Technology, Remote Sensing, and Embedded Systems, with a special focus on synthetic aperture radar, signal processing, smart sensing, and analytics. He has demonstrated exceptional expertise in employing microwave remote sensing for environmental monitoring. His groundbreaking inventions mark significant milestones in the field. In 1999, he pioneered Malaysia's first scatterometer. A decade later, he achieved another remarkable feat by designing the nation's first unmanned aerial vehicle imaging radar (UAV-SAR), which then received its patent and found application in relevant industries. This innovation reached its pinnacle in 2010 when Dr Koo and his team successfully operated the UAV-SAR, obtaining Malaysia's first synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image from an airborne platform for the Agency of Remote Sensing, Malaysia (ARSM).

As the Chairperson of the Centre of Remote Sensing and Surveillance Technologies (CRSST) in 2015, Dr Koo introduced a groundbreaking device capable of detecting ground movement with millimetre precision, potentially as an early warning tool for natural disasters for proactive mitigation and evacuation planning. Dr Koo's prolific contributions extend beyond his inventions and research endeavours. He boasts an impressive 1,413 citations and an ever-growing H-index of 16. In recognition of his outstanding achievements, he was honoured with the inaugural Young Engineer Award by the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia in 2004. Currently, Dr Koo serves as a Professor and Chairperson of CRSST at MMU as well as Chairperson for the IEEE Malaysia Section Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Chapter. His profound scientific contributions and extensive network of collaborators reflect his unwavering commitment to advancing the nation and society. 21 | ASM Expert Network

Engineering Sciences

Further showcasing his inventive prowess, Dr Koo holds the distinction of inventing the world's first multi-axis, multi-frequency, ground-based SAR system (Patent No: PI 2014703638). This commercialised cutting-edge technology contributes significantly to space science advancements for the nation and the wider Asia Pacific remote sensing community.

Dato’ Ir Dr Haji Md Nasir Md Noh FASc Former Director General National Water Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM) Dato’ Ir Dr Haji Md Nasir Md Noh FASc is a prominent figure in the field of erosion and sediment control, as well as river morphology. He displayed exceptional leadership as the Director General of NAHRIM (National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia), where he spearheaded numerous impactful projects and resource management endeavours. His expertise extends to various water-related initiatives and developing crucial water policies within Malaysia. His extensive portfolio of work reflects his dedication to water conservation and management. Dr Haji Md Nasir also received a Professional Certificate in Erosion and Sediment Control from the Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) USA. His wealth of knowledge in river basin management and environmentally friendly water resources management has been instrumental as a technical advisor and expert panel member in various technical working groups and professional bodies.

Engineering Sciences

One of his notable achievements lies in his innovative approach to rehabilitating Sungai Pinang in George Town, Pulau Pinang. This river, once amongst Malaysia's most polluted, transformed in the early 1990s under his guidance, serving as a blueprint for river improvement projects throughout the country. Recently, Dr Haji Md Nasir has played a pivotal role in shaping the future of water management in Malaysia. He led the formulation of the National Water Innovation Roadmap (20202040), which is poised to chart the course for sustainable water management and enhanced water security. Dr Haji Md Nasir conducted numerous water-related studies with ASM, including the Integrated Lake Basin Management and Climate Change Projection initiatives.

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Dato’ Ir Dr Nor Hisham Mohd Ghazali FASc Chair Malaysian Water Partnership Dato' Dr Ir Nor Hisham Mohd Ghazali FASc brings an exciting dimension to coastal engineering and coastal zone management. With his extensive experience and expertise, he's tackled numerous challenges and played a pivotal role in shaping coastal management policies in Malaysia. One of his remarkable contributions is the Eco-Friendly Raft Pile System, adopted by the Department of Irrigation & Drainage Malaysia (DID). This ingenious system has proven instrumental in addressing the nation's mangrove beach rehabilitation challenges. Throughout his illustrious career, Dr Nor Hisham has held esteemed positions, including as the Director General of NAHRIM and of DID Malaysia. His 35 years of dedicated government service have equipped him with invaluable insights, particularly in overseeing major projects like the KL SMART Tunnel.

Dr Nor Hisham introduced cutting-edge numerical modelling and Geospatial Information System into shoreline monitoring, significantly advancing Malaysia's coastal development guidelines and the first-ever National Coastal Physical Plan. In recognition of his global impact, he was elected as the Vice-President of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) in 2021, further solidifying his position as a leader in his field. Additionally, he was appointed as a Board Member of Pengurusan Aset Air Berhad in October 2022. Beyond his professional accolades, Dr Nor Hisham is deeply involved in various non-governmental organisations. His remarkable achievements and dedication underscore his standing as a distinguished figure in the realm of coastal engineering and management, worldwide.

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While he initially made a name for himself as a coastal engineering and shoreline management expert, he has since broadened his focus to encompass integrated water resources management, disaster risk reduction, and assessing national progress towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically Goal 6 (water and sanitation).

Professor Ts Dr Zainura Zainon Noor FASc Director, Centre for Environmental Sustainability and Water Security (IPASA) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Step into the world of Professor Ts Dr Zainura Zainon Noor FASc, a trailblazer in environmental science, focusing on life cycle assessment (LCA). Her work is a beacon of leadership and innovation that has garnered recognition on national and international stages. Dr Zainura is a maestro of green design and processes, specialising in LCA, carbon footprint analysis, greenhouse gas inventory, and sustainable development policy implementation. She thrives on collaborative, participatory methods, turning them into powerful tools to conquer intricate environmental challenges. Her impressive work boasts over 100 articles, spanning scientific papers, policy briefs, proceedings, and books. Moreover, over 60% of her scientific papers grace the pages of high-impact journals, earning her a stellar Scopus H-index of 25, complemented by 3,774 citations.

Engineering Sciences

Her extensive background in research and development, with adept project management, led her to helm the Green Technology Research Group at the Institute of Water Environment and Water Resources Management (IEWRM), a centre of excellence at UTM. She also serves on the Green Technology Focus Group (Sustainable Solid Waste) committee under the Ministry of Green Technology, Energy, and Water. The UTM-DTU International Summer Course on Sustainable Consumption and Production, a flagship event, is a testament to her prowess in fostering international collaboration. Dr Zainura’s insights bring tangible improvements to the environment, while her role as an ASM Associate and membership in key ASM initiatives like the Task Force on Strengthening Environmental Governance and the Water Sector Transformation 2040 Study highlights her dedication to advancing environmental science. Her influence reaches international shores, too, with organisations like UNDP, USAID, and the ASEAN Foundation engaging her expertise. Her remarkable contributions led to the Global Leadership Award 2021 (Academic) from the Global Learner Academy of Development.

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Professor Datin Dr Hapizah Md Nawawi FASc Director and Principal Fellow, Institute of Pathology, Laboratory, and Forensic Medicine Universiti Teknologi MARA Professor Datin Dr Hapizah Md Nawawi FASc is a luminary in the world of chemical pathology and metabolic medicine with a specialisation of lipidology and atherosclerosis. Her journey is punctuated by outstanding publications, including two co-authored gems nestled in the prestigious pages of the Lancet. With over 44 full papers that grace the hallowed halls of WoS Q1/Q2 journals, her Scopus H-index stands tall at 23, bolstered by an impressive citation count of 1,945. In 2004, she was the founding dean of UiTM Faculty of Medicine. She wielded her administrative prowess for eight years, from Head of Cluster/Unit to the Director of the Centre for Pathology Diagnostic and Research Laboratories (CPDRL). Under her stewardship, the I-PPerForM Centre became one of UiTM's most celebrated Centres of Excellence, securing research grants valued at RM9 million on local and international fronts.

She is the quiet force behind pivotal public policy decisions, offering her sage counsel to relevant bodies. She lends her expertise to the National Recovery Council (MPN), helping steer the ship toward transformative national goals. Her work spans from tackling the scourge of bullying in Malaysian schools to advising Institutions of Higher Learning on coronary risk profiles and preventing premature coronary heart disease amongst marginalised communities. Dr Hapizah is also a Malaysian representative in the Malaysian Space Mission and MARS-520 programmes as a Principal Investigator for several research projects conducted at the International Space Station (ISS) and the Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP) in Moscow. She's been a beacon of knowledge for over three decades, teaching and mentoring undergraduates, postgraduates, staff, and researchers. Dr Hapizah is not just a scientist; she's a visionary, a leader, and a changemaker on a journey that shows no signs of slowing down.

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With extensive industrial consultative experience, she seamlessly weaves partnerships between the university, industry titan Amgen Sdn Bhd, government health clinics, and the community, to elevate the quality of healthcare delivery to new heights.

Professor Dr Ong Teng Aik FASc Deputy Dean Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya Enter the world of Professor Dr Ong Teng Aik FASc, a leading figure in the realm of urology with a special focus on uro-oncology. In the world of academic research, Dr Ong shines with a Scopus H-index of 12 and an impressive tally of 564 citations. His reputation extends worldwide, having been invited to deliver more than 300 lectures, including the Urological Association of Asia Congress and the Malaysian Urological Conference. As Malaysia's representative in international study groups like Asia Cancer of Prostate (A-Cap) and Asia Pacific Prostate Cancer Consensus (APCC), he and his team have amassed extensive data, revealing that over 50% of prostate cancer patients present with stage-4 disease. Their dedication led to the development of educational modules aimed at enhancing healthcare providers' ability to detect prostate cancer early.

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Dr Ong's impact also extends to renal cancer research, where he played a pivotal role in establishing two renal cell carcinoma cell lines independently, pushing the boundaries of medical science. Recognised for his expertise in invasive surgery, he stands as a founding member of the Asian Urological Surgery Training & Education Group (AUSTEG). His influence reaches far and wide, with invitations to speak and serve as a surgical proctor in numerous workshops across China, Thailand, and beyond. His efforts have significantly elevated urology training standards throughout the Asia Pacific region, further solidifying his legacy. In a groundbreaking collaboration with Switzerland, under his leadership, a synthetic tissue graft for substitutional urethroplasty was developed. This innovation moved from animal models to the first-in-human surgery in August 2022. Early results hint at a potential breakthrough in reconstructive surgery. Adding to his impressive portfolio, Dr Ong initiated a pioneering uro-oncology combined clinic in Malaysia aimed to enhance the care provided to patients with urogenital cancer. In this ever-evolving field of urology, Professor Dr Ong Teng Aik's contributions transcend boundaries, making him a true beacon of innovation and progress.

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Professor Dr Rozita Rosli FASc Department of Biomedical Sciences Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia Meet Professor Dr Rozita Rosli FASc, a distinguished medical geneticist and molecular biologist with a laser focus on cancer genetics. Her academic journey is underscored by prolific contributions to the field of Medical Genetics, as evidenced by her Scopus H-index of 30 and an impressive citation count of 2,806. At the heart of her current research lies the intricate world of breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL). Dr Rozita's mission revolves around unraveling one of the most prevalent complications arising from breast cancer treatment while shedding light on the enigmatic lymphatic system. Her work touches on the quality of life experienced by breast cancer survivors, a topic that has garnered interest from the National Cancer Institute (IKN) and various cancer advocacy groups.

Notably, she played a pivotal role in establishing the Medical Genetics unit and research laboratory within UPM's burgeoning medical school. One such venture is the translational genomics research program, dedicated to harnessing cutting-edge molecular technologies to decode the complex pathways of carcinogenesis and unravel the mysteries of the cancer microenvironment, with a particular focus on Asian-specific genetic variations. As an ardent advocate for knowledge dissemination, Dr Rozita has nurtured numerous postgraduate students, with one of her PhD candidates participating in a Jointly Awarded Doctoral Degree program between UPM and the University of Newcastle in Australia. Dr Rozita lent her expertise to the ASM Task Force on Precision Medicine in 2019, actively participating in community engagement workshops that culminated in a significant position paper published in 2020. Her commitment to lifelong learning and her unwavering dedication to advancing medical genetics have positioned her as a prominent figure in the realm of cancer genetics and molecular biology.

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Dr Rozita has also served as the Deputy Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, where she demonstrated her commitment to fostering academic excellence. Her tenure as the Head of the UPM-MAKNA Cancer Research Laboratory at the Institute of Bioscience, UPM, marked a pivotal moment in her career, driving forward the frontiers of medical genetics.

Professor Dr Zamri Radzi FASc Dean Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Malaya Introducing the dynamic Dr Zamri Radzi FASc, a distinguished Professor of Orthodontics with an exclusive focus on dental bioengineering and materials, specialising in the intriguing realms of tissue expansion and craniofacial growth. Beyond the traditional clinical confines, his interests span in craniofacial and orthodontic treatment, where his pioneering spirit led to the establishment of the groundbreaking University of Malaya Combined Cleft Palate Clinic. His academic prowess shines through with an impressive ISI H-index of 36 and a Scopus index of 38, attesting to the substantial impact of his scholarly contributions. In addition to his scholarly pursuits, Dr Zamri’s roles include the shaping of the dental education framework. As an academic luminary, he designed the inaugural Orthodontic Specialist Programme at the University of Malaya and spearheading the proposal for Minimum Entry Requirement criteria for the Bachelor of Dental Degree Programme in Malaysia.

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He has enriched the cultural landscape by establishing a captivating dental museum and championed inclusivity by publishing a braille book on dentistry. He has also served as a Board Member of Special Olympics Malaysia and collaborated with NGOs to promote breastfeeding and oral health awareness amongst the Orang Asli community. He assumed the role of Chairman for the Dental Mobile Clinic and OKU Dental Bus at UM, channeling his efforts into promoting dental community service since 2016. Dr Zamri's innovative spirit has spark various groundbreaking inventions, from biopolymers to automated bone expanders, self-inflating tissue expanders, and temporary tooth assemblies.

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Tan Sri Dato’ Seri (Dr) Jeffrey Cheah FASc Founder & Chairman Sunway Group Meet the extraordinary Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah FASc, a visionary leader whose influence extends across diverse domains, including real estate, construction, education, healthcare, retail, and hospitality. He is an illustrious entrepreneur, and the spirit of SDGs thrives within his ventures. Central to his educational endeavours is the Sunway Education Group, accessible through the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation (JCF), embodying his dedication to advancing intellectual and cultural excellence in the East. Under his guidance, the Sunway Group has forged robust academic partnerships with several esteemed institutions. Beyond academia, Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah's expertise extends to organisations like the Economic Action Council, the United Nations Sustainable Development Network, and the Harvard Global Council. His commitment to sustainable development is exemplified by creating the Jeffrey Sachs Centre on Sustainable Development, serving as a regional hub for research and policy initiatives. He co-chaired Mission 4.7, dedicated to advancing SDG Target 4.7, emphasizing education's pivotal role in SDG achievement.

Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah's remarkable journey includes numerous prestigious international and national awards, notably the historic Hunayn ibn Ishaq Unity Award, a first for a non-Muslim recipient. His lifetime achievements have been honoured with the Sin Chew Education Awards-Lifetime Achievement, Asian Leadership Award, UK-Malaysia Personality Award, and Asia's Lifetime Achievement Award. His contributions have earned recognition from top universities worldwide, resulting in the bestowment of 12 honorary doctorates. This influential leader was appointed by MOHE in 2015 and played a pivotal role in reforming Malaysia's higher education system. He's also a founding trustee of the Mahathir Science Award Foundation, Razak School of Government, and the Perdana Leadership Foundation, contributing significantly to the country's education and leadership development. 29 | ASM Expert Network

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Recognising his strong commitment to sustainability, Sunway City Kuala Lumpur became one of the three key United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network centres, spearheading wide-reaching sustainability efforts across the continent. The Sunway Group received prestigious technology awards in 2022 thanks to his visionary leadership.

Dr Mohd Khanif Yusop FASc Retiree Universiti Putra Malaysia Dr Mohd Khanif Yusop FASc is a distinguished authority in the realm of soil chemistry and fertiliser application. His contributions extend across scientific research, capacity building for local and international young scientists, and academic guidance. His scholarly endeavors have resulted in the publication of over 200 scientific articles in esteemed journals. These publications have garnered significant recognition, amassing an impressive 2,387 citations and an H-index of 23.

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One of Dr Mohd Khanif's notable achievements lies in pioneering urea research in Malaysia. Collaborating with the Urea Research Committee (URC), he dedicated over two decades to researching the enhancement of urea efficiency and suitability in Malaysian soils. Amongst their groundbreaking discoveries was the development of urea coatings with urease inhibitors and essential micronutrients, boosting urea's effectiveness. The URC's valuable research outcomes have informed Petronas and contributed to numerous publications in international journals. Dr Mohd Khanif actively participates in various scientific and social organisations, assuming leadership roles that catalyse change. During his presidency at the Malaysian Society of Soil Science (MSSS), he initiated the Agrologist Act, a pivotal step in recognizing professionals in agriculture. Additionally, he founded the Malaysian chapter of the International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences (ISSAAS), where he became the inaugural Malaysian President. Within UPM, he has held several administrative positions, leaving an indelible mark on the institution. He served as the Head of the Department of Soil Science from 1986 to 1992 and later assumed the role of Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture from 2001 to 2006. Under his leadership, the UPM Faculty of Agriculture achieved ISO 9001 certification in 2003, a testament to its commitment to quality management. Dr Mohd Khanif also played a pivotal role in reinstating various bachelor's programmes there in agriculture, horticultural science, animal science, and aquaculture. In 2014, he established the Institute of Plantation Studies at UPM, a hub promoting research and development, graduate studies, and public forums within the plantation industry. 30 | ASM Expert Network

Mr Pong Kai See FASc Managing Director CY-Handee Group of Companies Mr Pong Kai See FASc is a dynamic force in the world of rubber technology and industry, marked by his trailblazing leadership and innovative contributions. His expertise spans the techno-economics of rubber chemicals, machinery, and all the essential elements underpinning the manufacturing of natural rubber products. His focus encompasses both dry rubber and latex sectors, serving as a driving force behind the industrialisation of natural rubber in Malaysia. Mr Pong's legacy includes pivotal advancements in the field of latex gloves. He played a crucial role in the development of latex glove dipping lines and was a pioneer in the creation of glove dipping machines. His groundbreaking work revolutionised the rubber industry, propelling dipping line technology and engineering beyond the boundaries set by Taiwanese, Chinese, and European counterparts.

During his tenure as President of the Plastics and Rubber Institute of Malaysia (PRIM), Mr Pong introduced the 'Post Graduateship of Rubber Technology (PGRT)' in collaboration with the late Professor Dato’ Dr Azanam Shah Hashim of the University Kuala Lumpur (UniKL). PGRT is a specialised certification program for graduates with engineering and technology backgrounds, offering an in-depth understanding of rubber and latex technology as they embark on their careers or pursue further studies. Additionally, he established the PRIM Northern Section at Universiti Sains Malaysia. As an inventive mind, Mr Pong has introduced novel features to the dipping process and testing lines for gloves and condoms. His ingenious creation, the ALUM proprietary rubber devulcanisation process, has been successfully commercialised and licensed to companies spanning Malaysia, Costa Rica, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, and China. Mr Pong's contributions are also documented in numerous papers, guidebooks, bulletins, and reports. He has shared his wealth of knowledge in rubber technology at various global conferences, seminars, rotary clubs, and diverse platforms, leaving an indelible mark on the industry's landscape. 31 | ASM Expert Network

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Mr Pong was instrumental in establishing over 20 companies across Indonesia, Thailand, India, and the Middle East. In these ventures, his roles encompassed consultation, technical guidance, and the supply of machinery.

Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor FASc Kakitangan Akademik Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Dato’ Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor FASc is no ordinary individual; he's Malaysia's very first astronaut, and his journey to the stars is a tale of adventure and inspiration. In 2007, he embarked on a remarkable voyage to the International Space Station, hitching a ride aboard Soyuz TMA-11 as part of the prestigious Angkasawan programme. His return to Earth, however, marked the beginning of a new mission – one dedicated to fostering a passion for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) amongst young minds, particularly school children and youth. Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor's experiences as Malaysia's sole astronaut hold immense significance for the nation. His compelling story serves as a beacon, guiding countless aspiring scientists and explorers on their own path towards the stars. In recognition of his contributions, 2022 saw him honored as an Adjunct Professor at Manipal International University (MIU) and bestowed with an Honorary Master of Medical Science title by the University of Cyberjaya.

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But his journey doesn't end there. Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor is not just an astronaut and surgeon; he's also an accomplished author. His books on parenting have made waves, with an astonishing 70,000 copies pre-ordered within a mere seven days of their release. Driven by an unwavering passion for STEM, he's become a vocal advocate for innovative teaching techniques, encouraging educators, especially teachers and schools, to inspire students to embrace and excel in the sciences. His tireless efforts extend to schools across the nation, where he actively engages with students, sharing his wisdom and igniting their curiosity about the limitless possibilities of STEM.

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Dato’ Sia Hok Kiang FASc Executive Chairman Malaco Mining Sdn Bhd Dato’ Sia Hok Kiang FASc is a distinguished figure in the world of geology and mining, focusing on tin and rare earth elements. His expertise lies in Economic Geology, with an emphasis on Advanced Materials. Currently, his research is centred on rare earth concentrate (REC), precipitation, and rare earth (RE) separation techniques, poised to revolutionise Malaysia's midstream RE industry. In the past, his research ventured into environmentally friendly alternatives for in-situ mining of non-radioactive rare earth elements (NR-REE). This pioneering work led to the filing of a patent in April 2020. Additionally, he holds two other patents related to the processing of ionic clay hosted rare earth elements (IAC-REE) and has established an R&D company to commercialise these patented inventions.

Beyond his academic prowess, Dato’ Sia is a trusted consultant for government bodies and scientific communities, thanks to his knowledge of Malaysia's mineral resources and development history. He advocates for sustainable REE mining and prioritising local value addition in the downstream RE industries. His counsel was pivotal in the recent decision by the KeTSA minister to permit only the export of semi- or finished products of NR-REE, signaling a strategic shift. Dato’ Sia's leadership extends when he chairs and manages several companies in Malaysia and Australia. Notably, his guidance led to the successful rehabilitation of the dormant Mt. Cuthbert Copper Mine in Queensland, Australia, into a productive venture within just 15 months. In Malaysia, his transformative impact turned the once stagnant Sungai Lembing into a thriving mining town, now renowned as a centre of geo-tourism. His contributions also extended to ASM where he was crucial in shaping the "Sustainable Mining: Rare Earth Industries (2019)" Position Paper and the ongoing development of the "Business Model for the development of the NR-REE industry in Malaysia." 33 | ASM Expert Network

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Dato’ Sia is a globally recognised authority in Rare Earth Elements (REE) Separation technology, an expertise previously dominated by China. His breakthroughs in separation technology encompass not only Light REE but also the coveted Heavy REE, in high demand across various international applications.

Professor Emeritus Dr Azirah Hashim FASc Faculty of Languages and Linguistics Universiti Malaya Professor Emeritus Dr Azirah Hashim FASc specialises in Language Contact in Southeast Asia, English in ASEAN, higher education in ASEAN, and academic and professional discourse. Her expertise lies in Applied Linguistics, specialising in English and Multilingualism in Southeast Asia and ASEAN. She has held numerous leadership positions, nationally and internationally. Notably, Dr Azirah became the first Asian to serve as President of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA) from 2021 to 2024. In this role, she oversees 35 affiliates with 8,000 members worldwide, including regional networks like the AILA ASEAN network. She also holds the distinction of being the Founding President of the Malaysian Association of Applied Linguistics. Additionally, she is an honorary life member of the Executive Committee of the Asia Pacific Languages for Specific Purposes and Professional Communication Association and previously an Executive Committee member of the International Association of Forensic Linguists.

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Dr Azirah's contributions extend to her leadership of the Cluster of Humanities and Ethics at UM from 2010 to 2015. As an educator and research-focused academic, she boasts a portfolio of over 130 publications, including 17 books, articles in international journals, and book chapters published by renowned international publishers. Her academic impact is reflected in her H-index of 25, with 2,040 citations. Through her collaborations with researchers at national and international levels, Dr Azirah was essential in enhancing UM's standing, particularly within the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics. These collaborations have fostered strong relationships with various stakeholders. Notably, her co-authored book with Gerhard Leitner, titled "English in Southeast Asia and ASEAN: Transformation of Language Habitats" has received acclaim for its comprehensive exploration of the language's evolution over centuries.

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Datuk Professor Dr Azizan Baharuddin FASc Director Centre for Civilisational Dialogue, Universiti Malaya Datuk Professor Dr Azizan Baharuddin FASc is a distinguished scholar with a multifaceted expertise spanning sustainable development, environmental ethics, interfaith and inter-civilisational dialogue, Islam and science, bioethics, and religion in the context of sustainable development. Her prolific contributions include 200 books, book chapters, monographs, and articles. Her notable achievements in the realm of Science & Religion earned her recognition and an award from the Centre for Theology & Natural Sciences in the United States in 2001. Dr Azizan's research interests encompasses environmental ethics, the intricate interplay between religion and science, and the societal impacts of scientific advancements. Her specialisation lies in the history, sociology, and philosophy of science, with a primary focus on science, religion, and sustainability.

She has also served as a member on numerous advisory and consultative committees for ministries in Malaysia. Notably, she was appointed by the Prime Minister as the Director-General of the Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM) from 2015 to 2021. Dr Azizan's commitment to fostering understanding and harmony amongst religious communities was evident as the Chairman of the National Committee for the Promotion of Understanding and Harmony Amongst Religious Adherents (JKMPKA) from 2014 to 2015. Furthermore, her global impact is underscored by her appointment as a Member of the International Bioethics Committee in Paris, by the Director-General of UNESCO, from 2014 to 2017. She is also recognised as one of the Malaysian experts endorsed by UNESCO, emphasising her valuable contributions to international discourse in her field.

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Dr Azizan was crucial in advancing the sustainability agenda by bridging the gap between knowledge, practical application, and values. She possesses the insight to address the 'what', 'why', and 'how' in crafting holistic strategies to address the challenges of planetary resilience. Her scholarly impact is further evident through her H-index of 12, accompanied by 551 citations

Justice Dr Choong Yeow Choy FASc Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya Justice Dr Choong Yeow Choy FASc, a distinguished advocate and solicitor at the High Court of Malaya, is a prominent figure in legal discourse and reform, wielding a profound influence over domestic and international dispute resolution processes. In the legal field, he specialises in domestic and transnational civil litigation, with expertise in traditional and alternative dispute resolution. His dedication has greatly influenced the development of the University of Malaya's Faculty of Law, where he has served in multiple roles, including as Dean. Professor Choong's scholarly pursuits delve deep into transnational civil litigation, international commercial arbitration, and the administration of the civil justice system. He actively participates in legal bodies such as the Bar Council Disciplinary Committee and the ASEAN Law Association of Malaysia. Notably, his eminence in law led to his recognition as a distinguished member of the Judicial Appointments Commission. His contributions to the legal profession further extend to roles such as a member of the Bar Council Disciplinary Committee and the Disciplinary Committee of the Advocates and Solicitors Disciplinary Board.

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Beyond these roles, Professor Choong has made significant contributions as the founder of the Malaysian National Committee of the International Academy of Comparative Law and as a member of the Governing Council of the ASEAN Legal Information Centre. His intellectual prowess finds expression in a wealth of written works, which include books published by esteemed publishers like Butterworths and LexisNexis. His scholarly articles have graced the pages of renowned international journals, such as the Civil Justice Quarterly and the Australian Journal of Asian Law. Professor Choong's global impact is seen in his extensive travel and collaborations with scholars worldwide. He's shared his expertise by teaching at esteemed institutions like Duke Law School, Chulalongkorn University, Kyushu University, and the University of Tokyo, shaping the global discourse on dispute resolution.

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Professor Datuk Dr Danny Wong Tze Ken FASc Dean Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Universiti Malaya Professor Datuk Dr Danny Wong Tze Ken FASc, a respected historian, currently holds the position of professor in the Department of History at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UM. His scholarly interests include the history of Champa, Sabah, and Vietnam, as well as the study of Sabah and the Chinese communities in Malaysia. Notably, he serves as the leader of UM’s Malaysian Chinese Research Group and assumes the role of Director at the Center for Global Planning and Strategy, UM. In the realm of academia, his expertise shines in the fields of Social History, Communities Identity, and Diplomatic History. He has made substantial contributions to the understanding of Malaysian Chinese history and China's influence on the region. His impactful work has graced prestigious journals and boasts an impressive bibliography of 25 books in this domain. Dr Danny's knowledge and insights are sought after at national and international levels, reflecting his influential stature in his field. Importantly, his research outcomes have played a pivotal role in fostering unity within Malaysian and regional societies through a deeper comprehension of history.

Beyond his academic pursuits, Dr Danny passionately advocates for the preservation of personal family histories. He firmly believes that delving into one's own past is key to understanding the present and shaping the future. Originating from Sabah, his insights resonated with the local audience, particularly on the vital role of history, stories, and memoirs in preserving Sabahan and Chinese heritage. He inspires people to contribute their own stories to the collective tapestry of knowledge, enriching our understanding of life.

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One of his notable publications, "Spirit of Borneo" (2009), underscores his commitment to preserving and exploring the rich cultural heritage of Sabah. He has also delved into the intricate history of the region with works like "The Nguyen and Champa during 17th and 18th Century" (2007) and "Historical Sabah: the Chinese" (2005).

Professor Dato' Dr Fariza Md Sham FASc Director Institute of Islamic Civilisation, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Professor Dato’ Dr Fariza Md Sham FASc is a dynamo in the realm of religious studies, specialising in the fascinating domains of adolescent psychology and Islamic psychology. Her research focuses on contemporary issues, particularly the mental health of youth and women from an Islamic perspective. With a robust Google H-index of 15 and 887 citations, her contributions to Islamic studies and psychology are widely acknowledged. Her leadership in the field of Psychology Da’wah and Islamic Psychology is nothing short of remarkable. She serves as a Member of the Board of Visitors at the Psychiatric Hospital, PPUM, and as a Council Member of the Pahang State Islamic Religious Council. Her expertise was particularly sought after during the Movement Control Order (MCO) in 2020 when she was invited as an expert to address stress and depression from an Islamic psychological perspective by various esteemed media outlets, including RTM Selamat Pagi Malaysia, TV3, and leading newspapers.

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Dr Fariza is also deeply engaged with NGOs and government agencies, collaborating on pressing issues related to mental health amongst women and youth. Her impressive list of collaborators includes the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM), Islamic Da’wah Foundation, Malaysia (YADIM), and State Islamic Religious Councils, amongst many others. She is essential in the development, evaluation, and accreditation of academic programmes in Islamic studies, da’wah, and Islamic Psychology by MQA, public universities, and private universities. Amongst her recent accomplishments is the development of the Pahang Women’s Policy and Action Plan 2022-2026, addressing critical mental health issues exacerbated by COVID-19 from an Islamic perspective. Her influence extends internationally, garnering national and international awards for her outstanding contributions to the field. A crowning achievement was her Honorary Award from the President of Uzbekistan during the 30th Year of Independence of Uzbekistan in 2021. This accolade recognises her instrumental role in fostering educational and cultural ties between Uzbekistan and Malaysia.

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Mr Kiu Jia Yaw FASc Partner Messrs Kiu & Co. Kuala Lumpur Mr Kiu Jia Yaw FASc is not your typical lawyer; he's a legal virtuoso with a passion for sustainability law and a deep commitment to business responsibility. He earned his stripes in the legal arena when he joined the Malaysian Bar back in 2004. Since then, he's been a trailblazer in the field, championing sustainable development and environmental justice. At the helm of the Bar Council Environment and Climate Change Committee (BCECCC), he's been a driving force behind empowering the public to take an active role in environmental issues. Through the BCECCC, he's been on a mission to democratise knowledge about climate change and environmental rights. His battle cry: transform business practices and push for institutional reforms that make information and justice more accessible to all.

Currently, he's a key member of the National SDG Steering Committee, representing the Alliance in the Technical Working Group and Technical Working Committee. His goal is to help steer Malaysia towards success in the pursuit of the SDGs, collaborating closely with the United Nations Country Team. In 2021, Mr Kiu lent his expertise to the ASM Task Force on Strengthening Environmental Governance in Malaysia. His collaborative spirit extends far and wide, sharing his insights and knowledge. Notably, he's represented the Malaysian Bar in public consultations on issues like transboundary haze pollution and environmental law reform. Through his tireless efforts, he's fostered greater public involvement in shaping laws and policies, making the world a greener place for all.

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Mr Kiu's influence goes beyond the legal sphere. He's also vital in the All-Party Parliamentary Group Malaysia on the Sustainable Development Goals (APPGM-SDG). He's taken the knowledge gained from grassroots projects and worked hand-in-hand with academics and policymakers. Together, they're shaping policies that drive Malaysia closer to achieve the SDGs.

Professor Dr Mansor Abu Talib FASc Department of Psychology Faculty of Social Sciences & Liberal Arts, UCSI University Professor Dr Mansor Abu Talib FASc is not your run-of-themill academic; he's a dynamic figure in the world of Human Development Counselling at UCSI University. With a focus on guidance and counselling, he's a leading light in mental health advocacy, dedicating himself to prevention, intervention, and counselling for issues like self-harm and overall well-being. He's a hands-on practitioner with a real-world impact. Armed with an impressive Scopus H-index of 33 and 3614 citations, his work and expertise extends beyond academia, as he actively collaborates with ministries and international organisations, developing indexes and modules to shape the field.

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Dr Mansor isn't just a scholar; he's a licensed counsellor recognised by the Malaysian Board of Counsellors. In 2020, during his tenure as Vice-President of the Malaysian Counselling Association (PERKAMA), he spearheaded an initiative to address the surge in homelessness triggered by the pandemic and Movement Control Order (MCO). He advocated not just for jobs but also for essential needs like food, shelter, and emotional support, showcasing his commitment to holistic well-being. In October 2020, he championed the theme "Rahmah Untuk Semua" (Mercy for All) to mark the World Mental Health Day. This theme urged Malaysians to practice goodness and respect towards themselves and others. Former Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin embraced this theme, reflecting the government's commitment to inclusivity, spanning aspects like the economy, charity, and survival, all aimed at strengthening unity, harmony, and the overall wellbeing of Malaysia.

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Dr Mohd Shahwahid Haji Othman FASc Director MSR Inspire Sdn Bhd Dr Mohd Shahwahid Haji Othman FASc is a go-to expert in the realm of Natural Resources and Environmental Economics. His forte lies in economic valuation, socioeconomics, and social impact assessment. Companies and non-governmental organisations frequently seek his consultancy services to craft socioeconomic valuation reports, conduct cost-benefit analyses, and assess social impacts. Throughout his career, he has significantly advanced our understanding and application of socioeconomic analysis and economic valuation in environmental and natural resource management and conservation. Before his retirement, he wore many hats at UPM, including serving as the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management. He also directed UPM's Rainforest Academy, played a pivotal role at the Research Management Centre, and served as Deputy Director of the Institute of Tropical Forest and Forest Products. His contributions extended to capacity-building programmes and an array of publications that expanded scientific and technical knowledge on resource economics.

Notably, he co-authored publications shedding light on issues like the impact of sawn timber export levies on the timber industry and the multifaceted dimensions of Kelulut honey, encompassing its economic, societal, environmental, and entrepreneurial aspects within the honey industry. Dr Mohd Shahwahid's work extends beyond academia. On the international stage, he consulted for WWF Vietnam on setting optimum entrance fees for Bach Ma National Park and advised the Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA) on the economic consequences of haze resulting from forest residue burning. Nationally, he unlocked the economic value of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) for the Forestry Department of Peninsular Malaysia.

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His research spans from economically incorporating natural resources to conserving and sustaining them. With 91 journal articles, 24 books, and 28 book chapters under his belt, Dr Mohd Shahwahid has left an indelible mark. His H-Index stands at 11, with 424 citations.

Datin Sri Professor Dr Suhaiza Hanim Dato’ Mohamad Zailani FASc Department of Management Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Malaya Meet Datin Sri Professor Dr Suhaiza Hanim Dato’ Mohamad Zailani FASc, a trailblazing figure in the field of Supply Chain and Logistics at UM. With a remarkable H-index of 59 and a staggering 13,525 citations, she's a respected authority in her domain. Dr Suhaiza's research journey revolves around business, operations, and supply chain management, emphasising the enhancement of social capital, the transformation of inventions into commercial successes, and the dissemination of cutting-edge technologies. As the Director of the University Malaya Entrepreneurship Centre (UMEC) since December 2014, she has opened doors for aspiring entrepreneurs amongst graduates. Her extensive network in the industry has enabled countless opportunities. Under her leadership, UMEC achieved global recognition, earning a spot amongst the top 20 entrepreneurship centres worldwide in the ACCSB Entrepreneurship Spotlight Challenge.

Social Sciences and Humanities

What's remarkable is her ability to turn UMEC into a self-sustaining powerhouse. Through innovative entrepreneurship programmes, she not only empowers students but also uplifts communities. Success stories generated through these programmes have been commercialised, benefitting agencies and communities and generating income for UMEC. Dr Suhaiza made substantial contributions to capability development and various government initiatives, leaving a significant impact on domestic and regional trade. Holding the title 'MlogM,' she served as the Vice President of the Society of Logisticians Malaysia. Her accolades include certification as an Entrepreneurial Leader (ELP) by the MOHE in 2017 and recognition with the Industry Foundation Programme (CIFP) in 2013 by the Department of Standards Malaysia. Her outstanding achievements even earned her a spot as a finalist for the Anugerah Pemikiran dan Reka Bentuk Semula Pendidikan Tinggi Malaysia 2017. Dr Suhaiza's journey is an inspiring testament to the power of research, entrepreneurship, and innovation in driving positive change.

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ASM Fellows

**Names in BOLD are Foundation Fellows

BIOLOGICAL, AGRICULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Academician Emeritus Professor Dr Yong Hoi Sen FASc Academician Tan Sri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor FASc Academician Emeritus Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Syed Jalaluddin Syed Salim FASc Academician Emeritus Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Dr Zakri Abdul Hamid FASc Academician Professor Emeritus Dr Yong Hoi Sen FASc Academician Emeritus Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Syed Jalaluddin Syed Salim FASc Academician Emeritus Professor Tan Sri Dr. Zakri Abdul Hamid FASc Academician Tan Sri Dr Salleh Mohd Nor FASc Dr Francis S.P. Ng FASc Professor Dr Mak Chai @ Mak Lian Fong FASc Professor Dr Ho Yin Wan FASc Professor Dr Koh Chong Lek FASc Professor Emeritus Dr Mohd Nordin Hj Hasan FASc Dr Rajanaidu Nookiah FASc Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman FASc Emeritus Professor Dato' Dr Muhamad Awang FASc Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Mohamed Mahyuddin Mohd Dahan FASc Dato’ Dr Yeang Hoong Yeet FASc Professor Emeritus Dato’ Dr Abdul Latiff Mohamad FASc Datuk Professor Dr Ghazally Ismail FASc Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Hj Mohamed Abdul Majid FASc Dr Helen Nair FASc Professor Dr Soh Aik Chin FASc Academician Professor Datin Paduka Dr Khatijah Mohd Yusoff FASc Dr Tan Swee Lian FASc Academician Datin Paduka Setia Dato' Dr Aini Ideris FASc Dr Heong Kong Luen FASc Emeritus Professor Dr Phang Siew Moi FASc Dr Ravigadevi Sambanthamurthi FASc Dato’ Dr Sim Soon Liang FASc Professor Dato' Dr Azizan Abu Samah FASc Professor Dr Mohd Sanusi Jangi FASc Professor Dr Low Pak Sum FASc Professor Dato' Dr Mohamed Shariff Mohamed Din FASc Professor Datin Dr Faridah Hanum Ibrahim FASc Dr Harikrishna Kulaveerasingam FASc Professor Dr Wickneswari Ratnam FASc

Dr Tan Keng Hong FASc Emeritus Professor Dr Normah Mohd Noor FASc Datuk Seri Lim Chong Keat FASc Professor Dr Fatimah Md Yusoff FASc Dr Ng Wing Keong FASc Dr Saw Leng Guan FASc Professor Dato' Dr Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah FASc Professor Emeritus Dato' Dr Ibrahim Che Omar FASc Datuk Dr Abd Latif Mohmod FASc Professor Dr Agamuthu Pariatamby FASc Professor Dr Jinap Selamat FASc Professor Dr Shamsuddin Jusop PGeol FASc Datuk Dr Abdul Rahim Nik FASc Professor Dato' Dr Mazlin Mokhtar FASc Professor Dato' Dr Mohd Azmi Mohd Lila FASc Dr Rahimatsah Amat FASc Emeritus Professor Dato' Dr Rahmah Mohamed FASc Professor Dr S.Vikineswary Sabaratnam FASc Professor Dr Ahmad Ismail FASc Dr Ahmad Parveez Ghulam Kadir FASc Dr Chow Keng See FASc Professor Dato' Dr Mohd Ali Hassan FASc Dr Rajinder Singh Harminder Singh FASc Professor Dr Chan Kok Gan FASc Professor Datuk Dr Mohd Hair Bejo FASc Emeritus Professor Dr Nor Muhammad Mahadi FASc Professor Dr Rofina Yasmin Othman FASc Professor Dr Sheila Nathan FASc Associate Professor Dr Siti Aisah Alias FASc Professor Dato' Dr Mazlan Abd Ghaffar FASc Professor Dato' Dr Ismail Sahid FASc Professor Dato' Dr Mohd Yazid Abd Manap FASc Professor Dr Paridah Bt Md Tahir FASc Professor Dr Abdul Rahman Omar FASc Professor Dr K Sudesh Kumar C Kanapathi Pillai FASc Professor Dr Mohd Talib Latif FASc Professor Dr Raja Noor Zaliha Raja Abd Rahman FASc Professor Dr Tan Chin Ping FASc Professor Dr Tan Wen Siang FASc Professor Dr Lai Oi Ming FASc Dr Meilina Ong Abdullah @ Ong Li Mei FASc Professor Dato' Dr Zulkifli Idrus FASc Professor Dr Ahmad Zaharin Aris FASc Professor Dato' Dr Aileen Tan Shau Hwai FASc Professor Dr Amin Ismail FASc

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CHEMICAL SCIENCES Professor Datuk Wira Dr Raha Abdul Rahim FASc Dr Ramli Othman FASc Professor Dr Rosli Md Illias FASc Professor Dr Wan Kiew Lian FASc Professor Dr Clemente Michael Wong Vui Ling FASc Professor Dr Ida Idayu Muhamad FASc Professor Ts Dr Mohd Effendy Abd Wahid FASc Professor Datin Dr Siti Nor Akmar Abdullah FASc Dr Tan Chon Seng FASc Professor Dr Vijay Kumar FASc

**Names in BOLD are Foundation Fellows

Academician Emeritus Professor Tan Sri Datuk Dr Augustine Ong Soon Hock FASc Academician Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr V.G. Kumar Das Govinda Panicker FASc Emeritus Professor Dr Ng Soon FASc Academician Dr Ho Chee Cheong FASc Datuk Dr Mohinder Singh S Sucha Singh FASc Dr Goh Swee Hock FASc Academician Professor Datuk Dr Halimaton Hamdan FASc Emeritus Professor Dato' Dr. Md Ikram Mohd Said FASc Dr Lee Choong Kheng FASc Professor Emeritus Datuk Dr Sukiman Sarmani FASc Dato’ Dr Choo Yuen May FASc Professor Dr Ibrahim Abdullah FASc Professor Dato’ Dr Muhammad Idiris Saleh FASc Dr Lai Yoong Wong FASc Professor Dr Lee Soo Ying FASc Professor Datin Dr Zuriati Zakaria FASc Professor Dr Loh Teck Peng FASc Professor Dr Rauzah Hashim FASc Professor Dato’ Dr Mohd Jamil Maah FASc Professor Dato' Dr Ng Seik Weng FASc Professor Emeritus Dato' Dr Laily Din FASc Professor Dr Bohari Mohd Yamin FASc Professor Dr Lee Hian Kee FASc Dr Yang Farina Abdul Aziz FASc Professor Dato' Dr Musa Ahmad FASc Professor Dr Noorsaadah Abd Rahman FASc Professor Dr Mohd Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman FASc Professor Datuk Dr Taufiq Yap Yun Hin FASc Emeritus Professor Dato' Dr Wan Md Zin Wan Yunus FASc Dr Md Pauzi Abdullah FASc Dr Hj Mohamad Kamal Hj Harun FASc Professor Dr Wan Ahmad Kamil Che Mahmood FASc Professor Dr Zanariah Abdullah FASc Brigadier General Emeritus Professor Datuk Dr Kamarudin Husin FASc Datin Dr Sri Nurestri Abd Malek FASc Professor Dr Chuah Cheng Hock FASc Dr Gan Seng Neon FASc Professor Dr Khalijah Awang FASc Professor Dr Mansor bin Ahmad @ Ayob FASc Professor Dr Khozirah Shaari FASc Professor Dr Yatimah Alias FASc

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ENGINEERING SCIENCES Professor Dr Rusli Daik FASc Chm Dr Abdull Rahim Mohd Yusoff FASc Professor Dr Misni Misran FASc Professor Dr Nor Hadiani Ismail FASc Datuk Dr Omar Shawkataly FASc Professor Dr Azman Hassan FASc Professor Dr Ishak Ahmad FASc Dr Shahidah Mohd Shariff FASc Professor Dr Teh Geok Bee FASc Professor Dr Charles Santhanaraju Vairappan FASc Professor Dr Wong Tin Wui FASc Professor Dr Zainudin Arifin FASc

Academician Dato’ Ir Lee Yee Cheong FASc Academician Tan Sri Dato’ Ir Shahrizaila Abdullah FASc Dato’ Dr Muhammad Ridzuan Salleh FASc Academician Tan Sri Dato’ Ir Ts Ahmad Zaidee Laidin FASc Academician Datuk Ir Hong Lee Pee FASc Ar Hijjas Kasturi FASc Dato’ Dr Mohd Ariffin Hj. Aton FASc Ir Dr Ting Wen Hui FASc Professor Dato’ Ir Dr A. Bakar Jaafar FASc Professor Emeritus Dato' Wira Ir Dr. Mohammad Noor Hj Salleh FASc Emeritus Professor Dato’ Ir Abang Abdullah Abang Ali FASc Tan Sri Dato' Sri Professor Ir Dr Sahol Hamid Abu Bakar FASc Emeritus Professor Dr Mohd Ali Hashim FASc Professor Dato' Dr Goh Sing Yau FASc Tan Sri Professor Ir Dr Mohd Zulkifli Tan Sri Mohd Ghazali FASc Professor Dr Tan Hong Siang FASc Datuk Ir Dr Ow Chee Sheng FASc Dato' Ir Dr Gue See Sew FASc Ir Dr Salmah Zakaria FASc Dr Zahari Taha FASc Datuk Dr. A Rahman Abdullah FASc Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Ar Hj Esa Mohamed FASc Dato’ Seri Ir Dr Zaini Ujang FASc Professor Ir Dr Shah Nor Basri FASc Professor Ir Dr Nasrudin Abd Rahim FASc Tan Sri Dato' Ir Syed Muhammad Shahabudin FASc Tan Sri Dato’ Ir Omar Ibrahim FASc Ir Dr Ahmad Faizal Mohd Zain FASc Professor Datuk Dr Ahmad Fauzi Ismail FASc Dato' Sri Professor Ir Dr Judin Abdul Karim FASc Professor Ir Dr Wan Abu Bakar Wan Abas FASc Dato’ Ir Mohd Yusof Ibrahim FASc Ir Dr Ruslan Hassan FASc Professor Dr Zulkifli Yusop FASc Professor Dato’ Ir Dr Wan Ramli Wan Daud FASc Professor Datuk Ir Dr Mohd Jailani Mohd Nor FASc Professor Dr Hanafi Ismail FASc Professor Ir Dr Abd Halim Shamsuddin FASc Professor Ir Dr Abdul Latif Ahmad FASc Professor Dato' Dr Kamaruzzaman Sopian FASc Datuk Ir Mohd Adnan Mohd Nor FASc Datuk Ir (Dr) Abdul Rahim Hj Hashim FASc Professor Dato’ Ir Dr Abdul Rahman Mohamed FASc Professor Dato' Ir Dr Abdul Wahab Mohammad FASc Professor Dato' Ir Dr Badhrulhisham Abdul Aziz FASc Professor Dato' Dr Burhanuddin Yeop Majlis FASc Ir Lalchand Gulabrai FASc Ir Professor Dato' Dr Ewe Hong Tat FASc Datuk Professor Dr Mohd Ruddin Ab Ghani FASc 45 | ASM Expert Network

Professor Ir Dr Noor Azuan Abu Osman FASc Dato’ Ir Lim Chow Hock FASc Professor Dato’ Ir Dr Mahyuddin Ramli FASc Professor Dr Mohamed Ibrahim Abdul Mutalib FASc Professor Dato' Dr –Ing Ir Renuganth Varatharajoo FASc Professor Dr Azmi Mohd Shariff FASc Dr Leong Kok Hoong FASc Professor Dato’ Ir Dr Mohd Saleh Jaafar FASc Professor Ir Dr Ramesh Singh FASc Ir Dr Zuhairi Abd Hamid FASc Professor Ir Dr Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman FASc Professor Dr Mohd Adzir Mahdi FASc Datuk Ir Abdul Kadir Mohd Din FASc Professor Sr Dr Mazlan Hashim FASc Emeritus Professor Ir Dr Masjuki Hassan FASc Professor Dr Nik Meriam Nik Sulaiman FASc Dato’ Ir Dr Kamal Nasharuddin Mustapha FASc Professor Ir Dr Nor Aishah Saidina Amin FASc Professor Dr Dominic Foo Chwan Yee FASc Professor Dato' Ir Dr Eric Goh Kok Hoe FASc Ir Ts Mohamed Haniffa Abdul Hamid FASc Professor Ir Dr Azlan Adnan FASc Professor Dato' Dr Faisal Rafiq Mahamd Adikan FASc Professor Ir Ts Dr Mohd Zainal Abidin Ab. Kadir FASc Professor Dr Robiah Yunus FASc Dato' Ir Hanapi Mohamad Noor FASc Professor Ir Dr Mohd Azlan Hussain FASc Professor Ir Dr Mohd Sapuan Salit @ Sinon FASc Ir Dr Suzana Yusup FASc Professor Ir Ts Dr Zainuddin Abd Manan FASc Datuk Ir Dr Azuhan Mohamed PGeol FASc Professor Ir Dr Fatimah Ibrahim FASc Professor Ir Dr Haslenda Hashim FASc Professor Dr Lim Eng Hock FASc Professor Ir Dr Lim Yun Seng FASc Professor Dr M Iqbal Saripan FASc Professor Dr Mohd Razman Salim FASc Professor Ts Dr Safian Sharif FASc Professor Ir Dr Shaliza Ibrahim CEng FIChemE FASc Professor Ir Dr Siti Kartom Kamarudin FASc


Academician Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Ir Shamsuddin Abdul Kadir FASc Academician YM Tengku Datuk Dr Mohd Azzman Shariffadeen Tengku Ibrahim FASc Emeritus Professor Dato’ Ir Dr Mohd Zawawi Ismail FASc Professor Emeritus Dato’ Dr Tan Wang Seng FASc Datuk Dr Mohamed Arif Nun FASc Dr Mohamed Awang Lah FASc Dr Mohamad Zahran Dato’ Sheikh Abdul Halim FASc Professor Dr Zaharin Yusoff FASc Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Ir Zainul Abidin Md Shariff FASc Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Tengku Mohd Tengku Sembok FASc Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Halimah Badioze Zaman FASc Professor Datuk Ir Dr Ahmad Fadzil Mohamad Hani FASc Emeritus Professor Dato' Seri Ir Dr Mashkuri Yaacob FASc Professor Dr Abdullah Gani FASc Professor Dr Borhanuddin Mohd Ali FASc Professor Dr Zainab Abu Bakar FASc Professor Datuk Dr Shahrin Sahib FASc Professor Dr Tharek Abd Rahman FASc Ir Professor Dr Goi Bok Min FASc Professor Dato' Dr Mohamed Ridza Wahiddin FASc Dato' Ts Dr Amirudin Abdul Wahab FASc Professor Dato' Ts Dr Aziz Deraman FASc Professor Ir Dr Aduwati Sali FASc Dr Mahamod Ismail FASc Professor Datin Dr Sameem Abdul Kareem FASc

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MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS AND EARTH SCIENCES Academician Tan Sri Datuk Ir Dr Ahmad Tajuddin Ali FASc Academician Datuk Fateh Chand FASc Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Chatar Singh FASc Dato’ Dr R. Ratnalingam FASc Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Mohd Sham Mohd Sani FASc Dr Shaharir Mohamad Zain FASc Academician Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Ir Dr Chuah Hean Teik FASc Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Hassan Said FASc Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Ibrahim Komoo FASc Emeritus Professor Dr Bahrom Sanugi FASc Distinguished Professor Datuk Dr Harith Ahmad FASc Professor Dr Kurunathan Ratnavelu FASc Professor Dr Tou Teck Yong FASc Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Muhammad Yahaya FASc Dr Lim Ming Huat FASc Emeritus Professor Dr Wong Chiow San FASc Professor Dato' Dr Roslan Abd Shukor FASc Professor Dato’ Indera Dr Rosihan Mohamed Ali FASc Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Lim Koon Ong FASc Emeritus Professor Dr Fun Hoong Kun FASc Professor Dr Ong Seng Huat FASc Professor Dr Abdul Halim Shaari FASc Professor Dr Felix Tongkul FASc Professor Dr Fredolin Tangang FASc Professor Dr Mohd Shafee'a Leman FASc Professor Dr Joy Jacqueline Pereira FASc Professor Dr Wan Ahmad Tajuddin Wan Abdullah FASc Emeritus Professor Dato' Dr Kamel Ariffin Mohd Atan FASc Professor Dr Norani Muti Mohamed FASc Dr Mazlan Madon FASc Dr Low Kwai Sim FASc Professor Dato' Dr Mohd Yusof Hj Othman FASc Emeritus Professor Dr Ng Kwan Hoong FASc Dato' Dr Yap Kok Seng FASc Professor Dr Ishak Hashim FASc Professor Dr Raymond Ooi Chong Heng FASc Dr Selliah Paramananthan FASc Professor Dr Ramesh T Subramaniam FASc Professor Dr Zainuriah Hassan FASc Professor Dr Faidz Abd Rahman FASc Professor Dr Md Rahim Sahar FASc Professor Dr Mohd Salmi Md Noorani FASc Professor Dato' Dr Abd Aziz Tajuddin FASc Professor Dr Maslina Darus FASc Professor Dr Sahrim Haji Ahmad FASc

Professor Ir Dr Sulaiman Wadi Harun FASc Professor Dr Zainal Abidin Talib FASc Professor Dr Chong Kok Keong FASc Professor Dr Sidek Ab Aziz FASc Professor Ts Dr Kasturi Devi Kanniah FASc Dr Saim Suratman PGeol FASc

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**Names in BOLD are Foundation Fellows

MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES Academician Distinguished Professor Datuk Dr Looi Lai Meng FASc Academician Tan Sri Datuk Dr M. Jegathesan FASc Emeritus Professor Dr Mak Joon Wah FASc Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Yahya Awang FASc Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Abu Bakar Dato’ Suleiman FASc Academician Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Lam Sai Kit FASc Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Haji Musa Mohamad FASc Professor Emeritus Dato’ Paduka Dr Mustaffa Embong FASc Professor Emeritus Puan Sri Datin Dr Nafisah Hj. Nik Mohd Adeeb FASc Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Hashim Yaacob FASc Professor Dr Yap Sook Fan FASc Professor Emerita Datuk Dr Asma Ismail FASc Academician Emeritus Professor Dr Cheong Soon-Keng FASc Professor Dato' Dr Anuar Zaini Md Zain FASc Professor Dr Victor Lim Kok Eow @ Azman Lim FASc Professor Emerita Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr Sharifah Hapsah Syed Hasan Shahabudin FASc Emeritus Professor Dr Mohd Ismail Noor FASc Tan Sri Datuk Dr Mohd Ismail Merican FASc Professor Dr Cheah Phaik Leng FASc Professor Dr Mary Jane Cardosa FASc Emeritus Professor Dr Boo Nem Yun FASc Dr Subramaniam Krishnan FASc Professor Dato' Dr Jafri Malin Abdullah FASc Professor Dato' Dr Adeeba Kamarulzaman FASc Professor Dr Rosnah Mohd Zain FASc Professor Dr Rahmah Noordin FASc Professor Dato' Dr Ikram Shah Ismail FASc Professor Emeritus Dato’ Dr Lian Chin Boon FASc Tan Sri Dato’ Professor Dr Mohd Amin Jalaludin FASc Emeritus Professor Dato' Dr Tan Chong Tin FASc Professor Dr Norazmi Mohd Nor FASc Dr Salmaan Hussain Inayat Hussain FASc Emeritus Professor Dr Khor Geok Lin FASc Datuk Professor Dr Awg Bulgiba Awg Mahmud FASc Professor Dr Mustafa Ali Mohd FASc Professor Dr Jamunarani S Vadivelu FASc Professor Datuk Dr Rohana Yusof FASc Professor Datin Paduka Dr Teo Soo Hwang FASc Professor Datuk Paduka Dr Wan Azman Wan Ahmad FASc

Professor Dr Balbir Singh Mohan Singh FASc Datuk Dr Lokman Hakim Sulaiman FASc Professor Dr Sazaly Abu Bakar FASc Professor Dr Suresh Kumar P.Govind FASc Professor Dato’ Dr Balwant Singh Gendeh FASc Professor Dr Lee Way Seah FASc Professor Dr Mary Anne Tan Jin Ai FASc Professor Dr Wan Ariffin Abdullah FASc Professor Datuk Dr A Rahman A Jamal FASc Professor Dr Lim Shen-Yang FASc Professor Dr Shamala Devi K.C. Sekaran FASc Professor Dr Thong Meow Keong FASc Professor Dr Tunku Kamarul Zaman Tunku Zainol Abidin FASc Professor Dr Yvonne Lim Ai Lian FASc Professor Dr Onn Hashim FASc Professor Dr Ngeow Yun Fong FASc Professor Dato' Dr Ravindran Jegasothy FASc Professor Dato' Dr Syed Mohamed Aljunid FASc Professor Dr Wong Kum Thong FASc Professor Dato’ Dr Zainal Ariff Abdul Rahman FASc Professor Dato' Dr Mohamed Ibrahim Abu Hassan FASc Professor Dr Cheong Sok Ching FASc Professor Dr Tan Kay Sin FASc Professor Dr Chan Kit Lam FASc Professor Dr Hany Mohd Ariffin FASc Datuk Dr Lekhraj Rampal Gyanchand Rampal FASc Dr Seow Heng Fong FASc Professor Ts Dr Cheah Yoke Kqueen FASc Professor Dr Fong Mun Yik FASc Professor Dr Lau Yee Ling FASc Professor Dr Maznah Dahlui FASc Professor Dr Cheah Fook Choe FASc Professor Dr Chua Kek Heng FASc Professor Dr Lee Yeong Yeh FASc Professor Dr Zaleha Abdullah Mahdy FASc

**Names in BOLD are Foundation Fellows 48 | ASM Expert Network

SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES Professor Dato’ Dr Aishah Bidin FASc Dato’ Dr Sharifah Maimunah Syed Zin FASc Emeritus Professor Datuk Dr Shad Salem Faruqi FASc Emerita Professor Dato’ Dr Siti Zuraina Abdul Majid FASc Dr Zainal Ariffin Ahmad FASc Distinguished Professor Datuk Dr Shamsul Amri Baharuddin FASc Professor Dr Mahendhiran Sanggaran Nair FASc Dato Dr Madeline Berma FASc Professor Dato’ Dr Tengku Aizan Tengku Abdul Hamid FASc Emeritus Professor Dr Jomo Kwame Sundaram FASc Professor Emeritus Datuk Dr Norma Mansor FASc Distinguished Professor Ts Dr Ooi Keng Boon FASc Distinguished Professor Dato' Dr Rajah Rasiah FASc Professor Dr Sarinah Low Abdullah @ Low Wah Yun FASc Emeritus Professor Datuk Dr Ahmat Adam FASc Professor Datuk Dr Jayum Anak Jawan FASc Professor Datuk Dr Mad Nasir Shamsudin FASc Emeritus Professor Datuk Dr Osman Bakar FASc

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Malaysia’s transformational agenda rightly emphasises on the importance of digitalisation, technology adoption, and innovation in ensuring sustainable economic growth. One of the challenges identified through the 12th Malaysia Plan is insufficient research, development commercialisation, and innovation (R&D&C&I) capability. To supply the talents and skills required in driving the adoption and application of digital and advanced technology, the country needs to identify, recognise and harness its top scientific minds, as well as sustain a pool of talented people. This challenge needs to be addressed for Malaysian to achieve the status of a developed country by 2025 by aligning the R&D towards commercialisation, wealth generation, and economic growth. Top Research Scientists Malaysia (TRSM) is ASM’s initiative aims to address this challenge. Through TRSM, launched in 2012, the Academy aspires to identify Malaysian outstanding Research Scientists who possess pioneer mindsets to move the country forward to an innovation-led economy. An innovationled economy that aspires Malaysia towards its next phase of development to attain high income status and enable the rakyat to enhance their quality of life. In addition to giving the country’s illustrated researchers a national level recognition, TRSM showcases the profiles of leading Malaysian research scientists and their research backgrounds that would act as a central point of reference. It is hoped that the online database would create a hub for knowledge generation and dissemination. The TRSM database could also be a repository of potential research scientists for Science, Technology, Innovation and Economy (STIE) linkages at national and international levels.

ASM aims to project the TRSM recipients as role models of excellence, mentors to next generation of scientists and leaders to implement the national STIE agenda that could contribute significantly to the economic growth of the nation. After 10 years of its establishment, currently there are a total of 148 TRSM recipients who are still actively involved in R&D of STIE. They are categorised into eight ASM Discipline Groups to showcase the strengthen of Malaysia.

178 30 TRSM RECIPIENTS 2012-2023

22 14 85 14 9 14 8 12

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Biological Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Chemical Sciences Engineering Sciences Information Technology and Computer Sciences Mathematics Physics and Earth Sciences Medical and Health Sciences Science & Technology Development and Industry Social Sciences and Humanities


TOP RESEARCH SCIENTISTS MALAYSIA 009 | Conferment of Fellowship 51 | ASM Expert Network ASM

Professor Dr Ainin Sulaiman International University of Malaya-Wales Area of Expertise: Technology Adoption

Professor Dr Ainin Sulaiman is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Business at the International University of Malaya-Wales (IUMW) after serving UM for 30 years. Her research focuses on the application of information and technology in selected local authorities in the UK and Malaysia. She has since then conducted numerous research on technology adoption and its impact on individuals or organisations. She has authored over 100 publications in various reputable journals, including Lighting Research & Technology, Sustainability, PLOS One, and IEEE Access. Additionally, Dr Ainin serves as a reviewer for international-indexed journals.

Associate Professor Dr Balan Rathakrishnan Universiti Malaysia Sabah Area of Expertise: Psychology Professor Balan Rathakrishnan is a lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology and Education, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS). He provides training, consultancy, and research services to a wide variety of local and international organisations in the fields of youth and community development, industrial and organisational psychology, stress management, psychometric testing for career development, employee participation, human resource management, reward schemes, creativity and other related areas. Over the years, Dr Balan has completed a considerable number of published research on stress management, career development, creativity, and mental health, nationally.

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Associate Professor Ir Ts Dr Bernard Saw Lip Huat Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Area of Expertise: Energy Engineering

Associate Professor Ir Ts Dr Bernard Saw Lip Huat’s research interests include energy storage systems, thermal management, renewable energy, and HVAC. Dr Saw's pioneering research has earned recognition in both academia and industry, placing him amongst the top 2% of the world's most highly cited scientists. His innovative spirit extends to developing patented products and intellectual property, resulting in numerous awards from international and local competitions. Recently, his research on ventilation played a crucial role in co-authoring national ventilation guidelines for healthcare facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Professor Ts Dr Chia Chin Hua Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Area of Expertise: Nanotechnology Professor Ts Dr Chia Chin Hua's research focuses on syntheses of metallic and polymer nanomaterials, tailoring their nanostructure to optimise properties and performance for applications including wastewater treatment, supercapacitors, and hydrogen production. Specific interests include developing nanocomposites utilising metals, graphene, graphene oxide, nanocellulose, and more. Amongst his awards are the Young Scientists Award from UKM (2012) and the Young Scientists Award from the Malaysian Solid-State Science and Technology Society (2014) for his early career accomplishments. In 2017, he received the Distinguished Lectureship Award from the Chemical Society of Japan, recognising his stature in the international scientific community.

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Professor ChM Dr Chong Kwok Feng Universiti Malaysia Al-Sultan Abdullah Area of Expertise: Material Chemistry

Professor ChM Dr Chong Kwok Feng’s research focuses on the electrochemical study of electrode/ electrolyte interfaces, novel processing of advanced functional materials, and their industrial applications. He spent more than 15 years studying carbon nanomaterials, documented in various scientific journals. This allows him to apply his fundamental knowledge to provide practical solutions to various industrial problems. Professor Chong and his research team successfully developed a patented approach to produce low-cost carbon nanomaterials from oil palm waste. He is a passionate advocator in promoting a circular economy for electronic products.

Professor Ir Dr Faridah Othman Universiti Malaya Area of Expertise: Water and Environmental Engineering

Professor Ir Dr Faridah Othman specialises in Water and Environmental Engineering. Her research focuses on water resources and environmental engineering. She has vast experience in flood, river, and surface water quality modelling and simulations, as well as using AI and machine learning approaches, along with GIS and remote sensing applications in her research work. She has been actively involved in numerous consultation projects with relevant authorities and private companies such as JPS, DOE, LUAS, SPAN, Daiki Axis, Kubota Corporation, Alam Sekitar Malaysia, and G&P Waters.

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Professor Dr Goh Bey Hing Sunway University Area of Expertise: Functionality of Natural Products Professor Dr Goh Bey Hing's research focuses on the functionality of natural products from herbs, microbes and algae. He uniquely applies his pharmacology and chemistry expertise in novel, practical ways across diverse fields, including nutraceuticals, nutrition, aquaculture, and clinical science. Dr Goh also excels at education, having received awards for teaching innovations. His overall dedication to biology, contributions to research and education, as well as to the community and policymaking were recognised through being selected as one of the Top 10 Outstanding Young Malaysians in 2020. He is the first Malaysian to be appointed to the Advisory Board of the International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce.

Associate Professor Ir Ts Dr Irraivan Elamvazuthi Universiti Teknologi Petronas Area of Expertise: Advanced Engineering

Associate Professor Ir Ts Dr Irraivan Elamvazuthi has over three decades of experience in the advanced engineering industry and academia. His research focuses on robotics, automation, and artificial intelligence with smart cities and healthcare applications. Notably, he pioneered automation in traditional 'Batik Lukis,' promoting mass customisation for increased production. His transdisciplinary research has yielded advanced systems for smart cities and healthcare, including neurorehabilitation strategies.

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Professor Dr Jolius Gimbun Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah Areas of Expertise: Computational Fluid Dynamics, Food Engineering, Advanced Materials, Biofuels Professor Dr Jolius Gimbun is a chemical engineer with over 20 years of experience in computational fluid dynamics, food engineering, advanced materials, and biofuels. Stanford University recognised him as one of the world’s top 2% scientists. At UMPSA, he served as the director of the Fluid Centre and held various leadership positions, including head of the Department of Chemical Engineering, head of Technical, and head of the BioNexus Pilot Plant. He worked with companies like Petronas, Felda, Axiata, and Lynas, doing diverse projects involving troubleshooting, engineering design, retrofitting, chemical analysis, and safety assessment. He has three granted patents in food, herbal, and biofuel technologies.

Associate Professor Ts Dr Juhana Jaafar Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Area of Expertise: Membrane Technology for Fuel Cells Technology

Associate Professor Ts Dr Juhana Jaafar is a distinguished energy and chemical engineering scientist. She is the Director of the Advanced Membrane Technology Research Centre (AMTEC). Her extensive publication record from 500 papers in ISI-indexed journals attests to her expertise in fuel cells, including direct methanol and hydrogen fuel cells, and water reclamation using membrane technology. Her international collaborations, such as the European Union Grant and Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS), revolve around employing innovative materials for sustainable environmental remediation.

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Professor Ts Ir Dr Kumaran Kadirgama

Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al Sultan Abdullah Areas of Expertise: Molecular Pathogenesis of Cancer and Drug Target Discovery Professor Ts Ir Dr Kumaran Kadirgama is a distinguished research fellow at the Advanced Nano Coolant Lubricant Laboratory (ANCoL), UMPSA, boasts 19 years of experience in academia and research, specialising in Nano Coolant and Nano Lubrication. His works find applications in energy storage, automotive, and heat exchangers, particularly in the automotive cooling sector. With patented nano coolant technology and over 300 publications in reputable journals, he's been recognised globally as one of the top 2% scientists globally by Stanford University for two consecutive years.

Datin Professor Ir Dr Lariyah Mohd Sidek Universiti Tenaga Nasional Area of Expertise: Dam Safety & Sustainability Intelligence

Professor Lariyah Mohd Sidek specialises in hydro-technical engineering, dam safety, and hydrodynamic modelling. Additionally, she serves as the leader of a special task force in the Inspection & Assessment of Kenyir Dam & Appurtenance Structure. Professor Lariyah has conducted numerous training programmes and is currently a co-president of the Malaysian National Committee on Large Dams (MYCOLD), the Chair of the Dam Safety Technical Committee of MYCOLD and also the Malaysian Dam Safety Expert for the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) in Paris, France.

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Associate Professor Dr Latifah Munirah Kamarudin Universiti Malaysia Perlis

Area of Expertise: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Wireless Sensing Technologies

Professor Latifah Munirah Kamarudin's research revolves around healthcare improvement, smart cities, and support for sustainable industrialisation by implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and wireless sensing technologies. One of her emerging research areas is non-contact and non-invasive continuous vital sign monitoring using AI-based wireless sensing, specifically designed to benefit aged populations and a healthy society. She is one of the co-founders of IDERIA, a startup aimed at promoting R&D product commercialisation.

Associate Professor Dr Lau Woei Jye Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Area of Expertise: Membrane Technology

Associate Professor Dr Lau Woei Jye’s research focuses on membrane science and technology, especially for water and wastewater treatment. Dr Lau has made significant scholarly contributions, publishing more than 300 scientific papers. He has a strong presence in intellectual property, securing 15 patents in collaboration with academic and industrial partners. Dr Lau is also an editor for Water Reuse (International Water Association) and Chemical Engineering Research and Design (Elsevier). Currently, he holds a position on the Management Committee of the IWA Specialist Group on Membrane Technology.

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Professor Dr Lim Weng Marc Sunway University Area of Expertise: Marketing Professor Dr Lim Weng Marc, recognised as the ‘Youngest Professor’ in the Malaysia Book of Records and the Ten Outstanding Young Malaysians honoree, is a leading expert in consumer psychology and marketing strategy. He currently serves as the Dean of the AACSBaccredited Sunway Business School. Professor Lim also features as the top 2% scientists in the Science-wide Author Database by Stanford University, besides being an Editor-in-Chief of the Global Business and Organizational Excellence and an Associate Editor of the Journal of Business Research and Journal of Strategic Marketing. He is a thought leader who has spoken at AACSB, UNESCO, and the World Economic Forum.

Professor Ir Dr Mandeep Singh Jit Singh Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Area of Expertise: IoT-Satellite Communication

Professor Mandeep Singh Jit Singh's research focuses on IoT-oversatellite communication, which contributes to smart agriculture, logistics, asset tracking, and emergency services. He has successfully developed an antenna on an international nanosatellite to establish downlink and uplink communication between the satellite and Earth for remote sensing. He served as the past advisor and chairman of the Engineering Education Technical Division (E2TD) at the Institute of Engineers Malaysia.

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Professor Ir Dr Mardina Abdullah Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Area of Expertise: Ionospheric Study Professor Ir Dr Mardina Abdullah specialises in ionospheric effects on GPS satellite range determination. Currently, Dr Mardina and her team are meticulously examining earthquake precursors through Lithospheric-Atmospheric-Ionospheric coupling, employing multiple ground and space-based geophysical parameters. She introduced lowcost systems using Raspberry Pi for student-led ground-based solar activity monitoring. She aspires to promote space weather studies amongst youth through STEAM for a sustainable and comfortable future. She has five patents filed along with other intellectual properties, garnered numerous research-related awards, and earned international recognition through research collaborations.

Professor Ts Dr Mohd Hamdan Ahmad Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Areas of Expertise: Architecture, Sustainable Building and Development

Professor Ts Dr Mohd Hamdan Ahmad’s expertise and research interests include sustainable cities and architecture designs, building climatology for human comfort, low-carbon cities, and matters relating to architecture education. He has been involved in many green development masterplan projects and practices, including the Low Carbon Society of Iskandar Malaysia 2025, Kuala Lumpur Low Carbon Society Blueprints 2030, and Wangsa Maju Carbon Neutral Growth Centre 2050 (Wangsa Maju CNGC) Comprehensive Action Plans.

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Professor ChM Dr Mohd Hasbi Ab. Rahim Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah Area of Expertise: Catalysis Chemistry Professor ChM Dr Mohd Hasbi Ab. Rahim has been the Senior Director of the Research Management Centre at Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) since 2021. Dr Mohd Hasbi is actively involved in research, especially catalysis chemistry-related, and has successfully published in high-impact journals such as Science, Angewandte Chemie, and ACS Catalysis. His research also generated 11 intellectual properties and won many national and international awards through his more than 18 years academic tenure.

Associate Professor Dr Mohd Hazwan Hussin Universiti Sains Malaysia Area of Expertise: Green Technology

Professor Dr Mohd Hazwan Hussin mainly focuses on elucidating lignocellulosic materials from Malaysian biomass waste as environmentally friendly substitutes in the formulation of corrosion inhibitors and coating products. His extensive research is widely recognised in governments, corporations, and academic circles around the globe. Some of his invented products have been patented and commercialised to relevant stakeholders. His research has received numerous awards, including the Asian Invention Excellence Award and is listed as one of the most cited scholars today in green materials and technology.

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Dr Mohd Khairun Anwar Uyup Forest Research Institute Malaysia Area of Expertise: Wood Science and Technology

Dr Mohd Khairun Anwar Uyup's research focuses on enhancing the quality of wood and non-wood forest products by using polymers reinforced with nanomaterials and monomers, specifically for outdoor applications. His research innovations have led to the development of a simplified method for producing durable bamboo-based composites. Furthermore, he has been involved in developing cross-laminated timber (CLT) using Malaysian wood species for timber and construction industries. He was also granted several patents on the developed technology and played a vital role in shaping policy and standards related to wood and bamboo.

Associate Professor ChM Dr Ng Eng Poh Universiti Sains Malaysia Area of Expertise: Nanoporous silica materials

Associate Professor ChM Dr Ng Eng Poh’s primary research interests include the synthesis, investigation, and application of nanoporous silica-based materials for adsorption, catalysis, and various advanced applications. He has published over 160 indexed journals, including top-tier journals like Science, Chemistry of Materials, Green Chemistry, and Chemical Engineering Journal. He was recognised as one of the world’s top 2% scientists in his research field by Stanford University from 2019 to 2022.

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Associate Professor Ts ChM Dr Nik Ahmad Nizam Nik Malek Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Area of Expertise: Applied Materials Science

Associate Professor Ts ChM Dr Nik Ahmad Nizam Nik Malek’s research focuses on the application of materials for biological and medical areas, including synthesis and modification of inorganic materials (zeolites, clays, metal nanoparticles, silica, and other advanced materials) as an antimicrobial agent, biomaterial, adsorbent, carrier agent and other application. He and his team have discovered various plant extracts that can synthesize metal nanoparticles in a green and sustainable approach and use them as a biocompatible antimicrobial agent.

Professor Ts Dr Norhana Arsad Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Area of Expertise: Photonics and Optical Spectroscopy

Professor Ts Dr Norhana Arsad is the Centre for Engineering Education Research (P3K) chair at the faculty and Head of the Photonics Technology Research Group in UKM. Professor Dr Norhana does modern photonics by integrating the fundamental principle of photonics into applications using Artificial Intelligent Assistive. She focuses on designing and investigating laser systems for application in spectroscopy, sensing, healthcare and smart systems. To date, Dr Norhana has registered more than 20 licensed intellectual properties, including Innoqibla, in 2019. She believes that research paves the way for remarkable innovation and commercialisation.

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Associate Professor Ir Ts Dr Sheikh Ahmad Zaki Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Areas of Expertise: Wind Engineering and Building Environmental Engineering Associate Professor Ir Ts Dr Sheikh Ahmad Zaki currently works at the Department of Mechanical Precision Engineering, Malaysia Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), UTM. His research activities can be classified into the following academic fields: urban climatology, building environmental engineering, wind engineering, and thermal comfort. He has investigated the effects of urban geometry on the wind and thermal environment based on field measurement, wind tunnel experiments, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Dr Sheikh Ahmad Zaki has been involved in measuring indoor thermal comfort for buildings in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, and Japan.

Professor Ir Dr Siti Fauziah Toha @ Tohara International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Areas of Expertise: Modelling and Analysis of Complex Systems (MACS) and Green Renewable Energy Ir Dr Siti Fauziah Toha specialises in the Modelling and Analysis of Complex Systems (MACS), Control Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence Optimisation, Assistive Devices and Bio-inspired Robotics, Electric Vehicles and Green Renewable Energy. She revitalises complex modelling and control using AI optimisation towards green technology infrastructure and is a forerunner for ingenious energy management technology in electric vehicle (EV).

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Professor Dr Suriani Abu Bakar Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) Area of Expertise: Nanotube and Nanotechnology Professor Dr Suriani Abu Bakar leads the Nanotechnology Lab at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI). Her research is in the field of Nanomaterials, Nanotechnology and Renewable Energy, focusing on the synthesis of carbon-based nanomaterials such as graphene and carbon nanotubes from bio-hydrocarbon and waste precursors. Her research also investigates its potential application in nanoelectronics, such as in electron emission devices, electrode materials for supercapacitors, dye-sensitized solar cells, membranes and adsorbents for water treatment applications

Associate Professor Gs Dr Tan Mou Leong Universiti Sains Malaysia Areas of Expertise: Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System (GIS), Environmental Geography Associate Professor Gs Dr Tan Mou Leong's research primarily focuses on assessing how land use and climate change impact water resources, floods, and droughts, improving satellite data and the hydro-climatic modelling framework for carrying out accurate water resource assessments in tropical regions. As a professional member of the Institute of Geospatial and Remote Sensing Malaysia (IGRSM), he has participated in various consultancy projects with the main roles of processing, analysis, and mapping of geographical data and developing geodatabases. Dr Tan, the Vice-President of Water Watch Penang, is actively involved in raising disaster awareness and promoting water conservation.

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Professor Ir Dr Vigna Kumaran Ramachandaramurthy Universiti Tenaga Nasional Area of Expertise: Electrical Energy Systems Professor Ir Dr Vigna Kumaran advocates industry-based research and is a key proponent of the renewable energy industry in Malaysia. His other interest includes power systems, smart grid, energy storage, power quality and electric vehicle. Professor Vigna conducts the technical due diligence for RE plants in Malaysia and has completed more than 300 RE projects, including hydro, solar PV, biomass, biogas, wind and energy storage. He also sits on the UK-Nigeria Infrastructure Advisory Facility Board, providing technical input to international RE projects in Africa and led the development of the Technical Interconnection Guidelines for solar PV and electric vehicles for the Malaysian utility. His latest foray includes developing strategies for energy transition and electric vehicle fleet transformation.

Professor Ts Dr Zuriati Ahmad Zukarnain Universiti Putra Malaysia Areas of Expertise: Quantum Communication, Network Security and Wireless Networks Professor Dr Zuriati Ahmad Zukarnain’s research aspiration focuses on Quantum Communication, Network Security and Wireless Networks. She has invented a software designing tool known as the Quantum Communication Simulator (QuCS), a web-based application interface of ‘’drag and drops” using “Software as Services” to help researchers model a quantum experiment in assisting the process of forming a real quantum experimental model. Recently, she invented ZWallet to provide society with a flexible, secure, and instant cashless payment system using blockchain technology. ZWallet recently won First place for the Information Technology Cluster of the Selangor Research & Development Innovation Expo 2022.

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TRSM 2023 BIOLOGICAL, AGRICULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Associate Professor Dr Badlishah Sham Baharin Professor Dr Lee Chow Yang Professor Dato’ Dr Nik Muhamad Nik Ab Majid Professor Dr Chong Shu Chien @Alexander Professor Dr Darah Ibrahim Professor Dr Thong Kwai Lin Professor Dr Othman Sulaiman Professor Dr Rokiah Hashim Professor Ir Dr Srimala Sreekantan Professor Dr Liong Min Tze Dr Loh Soh Kheang Professor Dr Mohd Rafii Yusop Professor Dr Abdul Rashid Mohamed Shariff Professor Dr Suraini Abd Aziz Professor Dr Mohd Razi Ismail Professor Ts Dr Chong Khim Phin Professor Dr Sreeramanan Subramaniam Professor Dr Lim Phaik Eem Associate Professor Dr Lim Po Teen Professor Ts Dr Hidayah Ariffin Dr Lee Soon Leong CHEMICAL SCIENCES Dr Kamariah Long Professor Dr Mohd Zobir Hussein Professor Dr Nor Azah Yusof Professor Datuk Dr Abdul Khalil Shawkataly Dr Nor Azah Mohamad Ali Professor ChM Dr Yeap Guan Yeow Professor Dr Faridah Abas Professor Dr Lim Hong Ngee Associate Professor ChM Dr See Hong Heng

ENGINEERING SCIENCES Professor Dr Hamidi Abdul Aziz @ Abdul Rahman Professor Dr Lee Keat Teong Professor Dr Zainal Arifin Mohd Ishak Professor Ir Dr Cheong Kuan Yew Professor Dr Luqman Chuah Abdullah @ Chuah Teong Guan Professor Ts Dr Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah Professor Ir Dr Sheikh Hussain Shaikh Salleh Professor Ir Dr Abdul Halim Mohamed Yatim Professor Ts Dr ChM Ahmad Zuhairi Abdullah Professor Ts Dr Che Mohd Ruzaidi Ghazali Professor Dr Hazizan Md Akil Professor Ir Dr Mariatti Jaafar @ Mustapha Professor Dr Mohammad Nazri Mohd Ja'afar Professor Ir Dr Sim Kok Swee Professor Ts Dr Uda Hashim Professor Ir Dr Ani Idris Professor Ir Dr Farid Nasir Ani Professor Ir Dr Mohd Omar Ab. Kadir Professor Dr Mohd Sobri Takriff Professor Ir Dr Mohd Nordin Adlan Professor Dr Zainal Arifin Ahmad Professor Ir Dr Chai Siang Piao Professor Ir Dr Denny Ng Kok Sum Professor Dr Noordin Mohd Yusof Professor Ir Dr Sharifah Rafidah Wan Alwi Professor Ir Dr Sharul Kamal Abdul Rahim Associate Professor Ir Dr Chong Wen Tong Associate Professor Dr Foo Keng Yuen Professor Dr Huda Abdullah Associate Professor Ts Dr Mohd Hafiz Dzarfan Othman Associate Professor Ts Dr Aeslina Abdul Kadir Professor Dr Anis Nurashikin Nordin Professor Ir Ts Dr Ahmad 'Athif Mohd Faudzi Associate Professor Ir Dr Ching Yern Chee Professor Ts Dr Khalina Abdan Professor Ts Dr Lam Su Shiung Professor Ir Ts Dr Mohamed Thariq Hameed Sultan Associate Professor Ir Dr Mohd Arif Anuar Mohd Salleh Associate Professor Dr Muhammad Ramlee Kamarudin Professor Dr Narayanan N Kulathu Ramaiyer Associate Professor Dr Nor Azwadi Che Sidik Professor Ir Dr Rosalam Sarbatly Professor Ir Dr Rosdiadee Nordin

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Professor Dr Zulkifli Ahmad Professor Ir Dr Abu Bakar Sulong Associate Professor Dr Ammar Zakaria Professor Dr Azlan Abdul Aziz Associate Professor Ts Ir Dr Chan Yee Kit Professor Dr Che Hassan Che Haron Associate Professor Dr Chong Meng Nan Professor Ir Dr Hazlie Mokhlis Professor Dr Ooi Boon Seng Professor Dr Mohammad Hamiruce Marhaban Professor Dr Mohd Rafie Johan Professor Ir Dr Mohd Syuhaimi Ab Rahman Professor Ir Dr Sevia Mahdaliza Idrus Sutan Nameh Professor Ir Dr Wan Azlina Wan Ab Karim Ghani Professor Dr Zahriladha Zakaria Professor Dr Zainovia Lockman Professor Ir Ts Dr Zuhailawati Hussain Associate Professor Ir Ts Dr Ahmad Safuan bin A Rashid Professor Dr Alyani Ismail Associate Professor Ir Dr Cheah Chee Ban Professor Dr Chow Wen Shyang Professor Ir Dr Khairul Salleh bin Mohamed Sahari Associate Professor Ir Dr Leo Choe Peng Associate Professor Dr Low Siew Chun Professor Ir Dr Mohd Fadzil Ain Professor Ir Dr Mohd Shukry Abdul Majid Associate Professor Ts Dr Nik Noriman Zulkepli Associate Professor Dr Norasikin Ahmad Ludin Professor Dr Zulkurnain Abdul Malek INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & COMPUTER SCIENCES Professor Ir Dr Syed Alwee Aljunid Syed Junid Professor Ir Dr Leong Wai Yie Professor Ir Dr Hafizal Mohamad Professor Dr Mohamad Kamal A Rahim Ir Dr Nordin Ramli Professor Datin Dr Rubiyah Yusof Professor Dr Loo Chu Kiong Associate Professor Ts Dr Mardeni Roslee Professor Dr Naomie Salim Professor Ir Dr Nor Ashidi Mat Isa Professor Ir Dr Zulfadzli Yusoff Professor Dr Chan Chee Seng

MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS AND EARTH SCIENCES Professor Ir Dr Hairul Azhar Abdul Rashid Professor Ts Dr Ruzairi Abdul Rahim Professor Dr Abdul Kariem Mohd Arof Professor Ts Ir Dr Abdul Manaf Hashim Associate Professor Dr Goh Boon Tong Associate Professor Dr Mohd Ambri Mohamed Associate Professor Dr Suhairul Hashim Dr Yong Kok Chong Professor Dr Roslinda Mohd Nazar MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES Professor Dr Ishwar Singh Parhar Professor Dr Latiffah Abdul Latiff Professor Dr Noor Hayaty Abu Kasim Pofessor Dr Mohd Yunus Abd Shukor Associate Professor Dr Chan Yoke Fun Professor Dr Leong Chee Onn Professor Dr Rozita Rosli Professor Dr Tang Thean Hock Associate Professor Dr Tang Tong Boon Professor Dr Chan Yean Yean Associate Professor Ts Dr Lee Learn Han Associate Professor Dr Sasidharan A/L Sreenivasan Associate Professor Dr Tee Kok Keng Professor Dr Teh Lay Kek SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRY Dr Meor Yusoff Meor Sulaiman Dr Abdul Rahim Harun Professor Ts Dr Norinsan Kamil Othman Professor Ir Ts Dr Shreeshivadasan A/L Chelliapan SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES Professor Dr Lean Hooi Hooi Professor Dr Fatin Aliah Phang Professor Ts Dr Zaidatun Tasir Professor Dr Choong Chee Keong Associate Professor Sr Dr Choong Weng Wai Professor Dr Khairiyah Mohd Yusof Associate Professor Dr Marlia binti Puteh

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Contemporary scientific challenges often benefit from investigators with diverse backgrounds and expertise. Thus, bringing together of talented young scientists creates new opportunities for better solutions to both national and international challenges. Furthermore, the exchange of best practices amongst young scientists across disciplines could further expand the opportunities for career development of young scientists in any country. To achieve this, there is a need for a strong platform where top young scientists can interact, coordinate, and organise to meet these challenges. The Young Scientists Network-Academy of Sciences Malaysia (YSN-ASM) was officiated at the YSN-ASM Inaugural Colloquium in December 2012 with the following objectives: • represent the voice of young Malaysian scientists on national and international issues and give them a platform to influence policy decisions

YSN-ASM intends to function as a National Young Academy (NYA) that will link with the Global Young Academy (GYA). To date, YSNASM has linked with the Global Young Academy of Sciences as well as other young academies to provide opportunities for Malaysian young scientists to interact internationally with other young scientists. The Network consists of 134 members and 122 affiliates from various disciplines and institutions. It aims to create a network of young Malaysian scientists who are not only excellent in their field of study but also demonstrate a passion to contribute to society and collaborate with colleagues from diverse fields and background. Apart from that, the Network also aims to inspire the future generation of scientists as well as early career scientists to work together as affiliate members towards ensuring the success of YSN-ASM programmes.

• facilitate networking opportunities amongst young and senior scientists to exchange knowledge and experiences • engage young scientists to be involved in addressing national issues using scientific knowledge and technology through interdisciplinary approaches and contribute towards the development of scientific capacity and awareness in Malaysia • promote career in science as the choice for young people to ensure scientific progress and sustainability in the country

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YSN-ASM YSN-ASM HONORARY MEMBERS Associate Professor Dr Syahrilnizam Abdullah Dr Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed Tahir Professor Dr Mohd Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman FASc Professor Dr Cheah Yoke Kqueen FASc Professor Dr Cheong Sok Ching FASc Professor Dr Huda Abdullah Ir Dr Nordin Ramli Professor Ir Dr Haslenda Hashim FASc Professor Dr Lee Keat Teong Professor Dr Leong Chee Onn Professor Dr Zainovia Lockman Professor Dr Lee Yeong Yeh FASc Associate Professor Dr Ong Boon Hoong Professor Ir Dr Aduwati Sali FASc Professor Dr Abhimanyu Veerakumarasivam Professor Dr Liong Min Tze Associate Professor Dr Mimi Haryani Hassim Associate Professor Dr Normi Mohd Yahaya Professor Ts Dr M Iqbal Saripan FASc Associate Professor Dr Lee Hooi Ling YSN-ASM MEMBERS Associate Professor Dr Chan Kok Meng Professor Ir Dr Sharifah Rafidah Wan Alwi Professor Ir Dr Denny Ng Kok Sum Associate Professor Ts Dr Mohd Hafiz Dzarfan Othman Professor Dr Wan Azlina Wan Ab Karim Ghani Professor Ir Dr Rosdiadee Nordin Dr Ng Sing Muk ChM Dr Mohd Sukor Su'ait Associate Professor Dr Oon Chern Ein Associate Professor Dr Teh Su Yean Associate Professor Ir Ts Dr Poh Kiat Ng Associate Professor Dr Chia Yoke Yin Associate Professor Dr Faisal Ali Anwarali Khan Associate Professor Ts Dr Ho Wai Shin Professor Dr Fatin Aliah Phang Associate Professor Dr Chai Lay Ching Dr Chau De Ming Associate Professor Dr Mohd Ghows Mohd Azzam Dr Lee Sai Cheong Associate Professor Ts Dr Lee Khai Ern Dr Afnizanfaizal Abdullah Associate Professor Dr Baharudin Ibrahim Associate Professor Ts Dr Lionel In Lian Aun

Associate Professor Dr Oh Pei Ching Associate Professor Ts Dr Shahiron Shahidan Associate Professor Dr Siti Fauziah binti Toha @ Tohara Associate Professor Dr Tee Kok Keng Associate Professor Dr Wahizatul Afzan Azmi Professor Ir Ts Dr Ahmad 'Athif Mohd Faudzi Associate Professor Dr Low Siew Chun Dr Cindy Teh Shuan Ju Ts Dr Khalisanni Khalid Associate Professor Dr Razinah Sharif @ Mohd Sharif Dr Phan Chia Wei Ts Dr Aslina Baharum Dr Chang Wei Sea Associate Professor Dr Derek Chan Juinn Chieh Associate Professor Dr Garry Kuan Pei Ern Dr Loo Keat Wei Dr Nadiah Abu Associate Professor Dr Yap Wing Fen Associate Professor Dr Nurbiha A Shukor Associate Professor Ir Ts Dr Liew Peng Yen Associate Professor Dr Rafidah Zainon Associate Professor Dr Wan Hanna Melini Wan Mohtar Professor Ts Dr Lam Su Shiung Professor Dr Mohd Saberi Tan Ah Chik @ Mohamad Ts Dr Jaysuman Pusppanathan Associate Professor Ts Ir Dr Syuhaida Ismail Dr Teow Yeit Haan Associate Professor Dr Wong Kok Sheik Associate Professor Dr Wong Yew Hoong Dr Ang Wei Lun Dr Heo Chong Chin Datin Ts Dr Rozzeta Dolah Dr Azzuliani Supangat Dr Ong Lin Kooi Dr Tan Lu Ping Dr Sheela Chandren Dr Manraj Singh Cheema Dr Nur Hazwani Abdul Bahar Dr Chua Kah Heng Associate Professor Dr Siti Sarah Othman Associate Professor Dr Sarina Sulaiman Dr Mailin Misson Ts Dr Mohd Fahmy Abdullah Dr Nur Adlyka Ainul Annuar Associate Professor Ts Dr Mohd Hafiz Arzmi Dr Ahmad Ilyas Rushdan

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Dr Lai Khin Wee Dr Abdullah Al-Hadi Ahmad Fuaad Dr Wong Sok Kuan Ts Dr Wan Azani Wan Mustafa Dr Wan Abd Al Qadr Imad Wan Mohtar Dr Vivien How Dr Vinod RMT Balasubramaniam Associate Professor Ts Dr Vigneswari Sevakumaran Associate Professor Dr Tan Tse Guan Dr Tan Suat Cheng Dr Tan Shing Cheng Dr Tan Lling Lling Associate Professor Ts Dr Nurfadhlina Mohd Sharef Associate Professor Ts Dr Nur Hanis Hayati Hairom Dr Nor Saadah Mohd Yusof Dr Noor Fadiya Mohd Noor Assistant Professor Dr Ng Chuck Chuan Associate Professor Dr Mohd Yusmiaidil Putera Mohd Yusof Dr Musfirah Zulkurnain Dr Mohd Firdaus Abdul Wahab Ts Dr Affero Ismail Ir Dr Anuar Mohamed Kassim Associate Professor Dr Mohammad Noor Amal Azmai Associate Professor Dr Mohamad Faizal Ibrahim Associate Professor Dr Chan Siok Yee Dr Anwar PP Abdul Majeed Associate Professor Dr Mariatulqabtiah Abdul Razak Professor Ts Dr Lee Ming Tatt Associate Professor Dr Ng Hui Suan Dr Fazira Ilyana Abdul Razak Associate Professor Dr Hassimi Abu Hasan Dr Hadzliana Zainal Dr Fiffy Hanisdah Saikim Associate Professor Dr Yeong Chai Hong Dr Gan Hong Seng Associate Professor Dr Noor Dayana Abdul Halim Dr Thaigarajan Parumasivam Dr Siti Hawa Ngalim Dr Kew Si Na ChM Dr Fatimah Salim Dr Lee Sau Har Associate Professor Dr Cheah Chee Ban Ir Ts Dr Mo Kim Hung Associate Professor Dr Evan Quah Seng Huat Associate Professor Dr Mohamad Najmi Masri Associate Professor Dr Felicia Chung Fei Lei

Associate Professor Dr Chuah Lay Hong Associate Professor Dr Cham Tat Huei Associate Professor Dr Law Zhe Kang Ts Dr Siti Nuurul Huda Mohammad Azmin Ir Ts Dr Vimal Rau Aparow Associate Professor Dr Tan Chee Seng Ts Dr Mardawani Mohamad Professor Dr Tiu Zian Cheak Associate Professor Ir Dr Wong Jianhui Dr Nur Athirah Yusof Dr Tang Yin Quan Ts Dr Chew Xinying Dr Norazuwana Shaari Dr Khaw Khai Wah Dr P Yukthamarani Permarupan Ir Ts Dr Nagentrau Muniandy Associate Professor Dr Fatimah Abdul Razak Dr Mohamad Syazwan Mohd Sanusi Dr Mohd Ifwat Mohd Ghazali

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YSN-ASM AFFILIATES Dr Mohana Sundaram Muthuvalu Mr Shawn Keng Teck Ee Dr Radha Kodiappan Dr Wendy Yeo Wai Yeng Associate Professor Dr Mas Jaffri Masarudin Associate Professor Dr Nor Alafiza Yunus Associate Professor Dr Azham Zulkarnain Dr Chew Bee Lynn Dr Nethia Mohana Kumaran Dr Nur Fareisha Md Hashim Associate Professor Dr Pasupuleti Visweswara Rao Professor Dr Suhairul Hashim Ts Ooi Ghee Chien Dr Sharifah Sakinah Syed Alwi Dr Tham Chau Ling Dr Carmen Goh Kar Mun Associate Professor Dr Noor Syamilah Zakaria Dr Wan Chang Da Associate Professor Dr Farrah Aini Dahalan Associate Professor Dr Siti Hamimah Sheikh Abdul Kadir Dr Suhaila Sepeai Associate Professor Dr Nur Faeza Abu Kassim Associate Professor Dr Kesaven Bhubalan Dr Ng Siew Kit Associate Professor Dr Juhana Jaafar Associate Professor Dr Lim Seng Joe Dr Nadiah Wan Mohd Ghazali Dr Lee Tze Yan Dr Mohammad Firdaus Abdul Aziz Dr Nor Ain Husein Dr Mai Chun Wai Dr Rohimah Mohamud Dr Tan Choo Hock Ts Dr Hanafi Azami Dr Amalina Mohd Tajuddin Dr Siti Fathiah Masre Dr New Siu Yee Dr Lee Kian Mun Dr Nor Farahwahidah Abdul Rahman Dr Nursalwa Baharuddin Dr Le Cheng Foh Dr Leo Bey Fen Dr Baskaran Gunasekaran Dr Alia Farhana Abdul Ghaffar Dr Bong Yi Bonn Dr Chen Jit Ern Dr John Tang Yew Huat Dr Nur Aizati Athirah Daud Dr Rozaini Abdullah

Dr Sandra Maniam Dr Tan Sik Loo Dr Vicit Rizal Eh Suk Dr Yuhanis Mhd Bakri Dr Nurul Farhana Jumaat Associate Professor Ts Dr Wan Nurul Nadiah Wan Rasdi Dr Nina Diana Nawi Dr Felicita Fedelis Jusof Dr Melissa Beata Martin Dr Karen Ng Lee Peng Dr Kang Chia Chao Dr Shahrul Nizam Ahmad Dr Mohd Faidz Mohamad Shahimin Dr Phang Kean Chang Dr Lee Chia Ping Dr Amirah Abdul Rahman Dr Sharifah Nabihah Syed Jaafar Dr Ana Haziqah A Rashid Dr Magaret Sivapragasam Dr Anurita Selvarajoo Ir Dr Hoo Choon Lih Dr Yanny Marliana Hj Baba Ismail Dr Muhammad Abd Hadi Bunyamin Dr Syed Abdul Mutalib Al Junid Syed Abdul Rahman Ts ChM Dr Faizuan Abdullah Dr Norazsida Ramli Prof Madya Ts Dr Fauziah Tufail Ahmad Dr Chee Su Yin Ts Dr Ranjetta Poobathy Associate Professor Ts Dr Aeslina Abdul Kadir Dr Iskandar Abdullah Associate Professor Dr Viknesh Andiappan Murugappan Ts Dr Seow Eng Keng Dr Chew Kit Wayne Associate Professor Dr Hazlee Azil llias Dr Syed Idros Syed Abdullah Inspector Ts Mohd Norzikri Kamaruddin Dr Abe Woo Sau Pinn Dr Anis Diyana Halim Dr Muhammad Khairul Adib Muhammad Yusof Dr Mohd Munir Hj Baharom Ts Dr Nur Hashimah Alias Dr Jezamine Lim Assistant Professor Dr Eugenie Tan Sin Sing Assistant Professor Dr Lee Ying Loong Assistant Professor Dr Tan Chung Keat Assistant Professor Dr Normina Ahmad Bustami Associate Professor Ir Dr Chan Yen San Dr Afifah Mohamed Dr Chong Kar Yeen Dr Nur Azzalia Kamaruzaman

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Dr Nurul Akidah Baharuddin Dr Siti Khadijah Ali Ts Dr Chin Ji Jian Ts Dr Norfariza Ab Wahab Ts Dr Suganthi Appalasamy Dr Nurzatil Sharleeza Mat Jalaluddin Associate Professor Dr Abdul Halim Abdullah Assistant Professor Ts Dr Teng Kah Hou Assistant Professor Ir Ts Dr Lim Wei Hong Dr Michelle Teo Yee Mun Associate Professor Nor Azimah Mohd Zain Dr Norulhuda Ismail Dr Nur Hafizah Abd Khalid Dr Billie Hiew Yan Zhang Dr Tan Ji Wei Dr Hafiz Rashidi Ramli Dr Sazlinda Kamaruzaman Dr Sabrinah Adam Dr Dina Azleema Mohamed Nor YSN-ASM ALUMNI (MEMBERS) Associate Professor Dr Tan Kar Ban Associate Professor Dr Michael Ling King Hwa Associate Professor Dr Chen Soo Kien Dr Cheah Pike See Associate Professor Dr Nafarizal Nayan Associate Professor Dr Tan Yee Shin Dr Paul Cliff Simon Divis YSN-ASM ALUMNI (AFFILIATES) Associate Professor Dr Thahira Begum Dr Farah Nadia Mohd Isa Dr Hanis Mastura Yahya Dr Yeow Jian Ai Dr Vanitha Mariappan Dr Siti Khayriyyah Mohd Hanafiah Dr Faisal Mohd Khalid Associate Professor Dr Faizal KP Kunchi Mohamed Dr Afandi Ahmad Dr Loh Jiun Yan Dr Lee Si Yuen Dr Ernest Mangantig

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Level 20, West Wing, MATRADE Tower, Jalan Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah, off Jalan Tuanku Abdul Halim, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia T: +6 (03) 6203 0633 / F: +6 (03) 6203 0634

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