AJSTD 34(2) 2017

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Asean Journal on Science & Technology for Development Contents



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Vol. 34 No. 2, 2017 ISSN 0217-5460

A Journal of the ASEAN Committee on Science & Technology

ASEAN J. Sc. Technol. Dev. Vol. 34, No. 2, 2017

Influence of TESPT on Tensile and Tear Strengths of Vulcanized Silica-filled Natural Rubber A.K. Norizah and S. Azemi


Assessment of Natural Radioactivity Level and Radiological Index in the Vicinity of Lynas Rare-earth Processing Plants W.M. Zal U’Yun, M.W. Yii, K. Mohd Ashhar, M.K. Khairuddin, I. Abdul Kadir and Y. Mohd Abd Wahab


Thermal Efficient Design of Distributed Memory Generator for Dual-port RAM Using Unidirectional High-performance IO Standard B. Das and M.F.L. Abdullah


Adsorption and Diffusion Characteristics of 2-Naphthol from Aqueous Media by Chitosan-ENR Biocomposites R. Gunasunderi and M.R.H. Mas Haris


Preparation and Characterisation of Crosslinked Natural Rubber (SMR CV 60) and Epoxidised Natural Rubber (ENR-50) Blends M. Sasitaran, S. Manroshan, C.S. Lim, B.N. Krishna Veni, S.K. Ong and R. Gunasunderi


Diet and Exercise Decreasing Cholesterol Level among Obese Sri Lankan Patients Admitted to a Government Hospital ― A Cohort Study S. Sandasorroopan, K. Judenimal and R. (111) P. Dioso


Quantitative Analysis of Microcystin-LR in Drinking Water Comparing On-Line Solid Phase Extraction and Direct Injection LC/MS/MS R. Malarvili, Y.Y. Low and A. Zaiton


ASEAN Journal on Science & Technology for Development

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