ASM Annual Report 1999

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Akademi SainsMalaysia Academy of SciencesMalaysia 902-4,JalanTirn Ismail 50480 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tel:603-2949898 Fax:603-2945858 E-mail:samsudin@akademisains. Home Page:hap:// @Akademi SainsMalaysia2000 All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced,storedin a retrieval system,or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic, mechanical,photocopying,recording,or orherwise,wirhour the prior permission of the Copyright owner. CoverDesignand Printedby: Hazrah Enterprise Tel :603-6867950

Laporan Presiden- 5 Presidznt's Report Fungsi -15 Functions Fellow Kehormat - -18 HonoraryFelhw Fellow I{anan - 19 SeniorFelhws FellowBaru - 20 New Felhws SenaraiFellow - 22 List of Fellows Ahli-ahli Majlis - 25 Membersof Council MesyuaratM$lis - 26 CouncilMeetings Kerja danProgam- 27 Jawatankuasa WorkingConzrnittees and Prograrnmes Cana Oryanisasi - 29 Organization Chart ACARA UTAMA HIGHLIGHTS MeqyuaratAgung Tahunan Keempat - 33 Fourth Annwal GeneralMeeting Majlis Makan MalamTahunan -.?8 Annual Dinner

AKTTYITI.AIflTYITI ACTIWTIES Aktiviti-aktiviti - 43 Actiaities Nasihat KepadaKer:rjaan- 44 Adaiceto Gouernment ProgramKecemerlanganSains- 5/ ScienceExcellence Programrne ProgramKesedaranSuns - 62 Sci m ceAwarenes s Prograrnrne Membantu unruk Meningkatkan KeupayaanIndusui Malapia Dalam BidangTeknologr-65 ,4ssistingin UpgradingTechno logical Capability in MalaysianIndustry ProgramAntarabangsa - 68 Intemati onaI Prograrnrne l-awatan - 82 Wsits Pebwat - 82 Visitors Penerbitan- 83 Publications PENYATA KE\TANGAN STATEMENT OFACCOUNTS




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SriDatukDr Ornu AcademicianTan FASc AbdulRahman

emenjakditubuhkan pada tahun 1995,Akademi SainsMalaysia telah berkembang,bukan sahajadari segibilangan Fellow malah dari segi aktiviti-aktiviti yang dijalankan dan sumbangannya terhadapperkembangan sains,kejurutera:rndan teknologi negara. BilanganFellowAkademi sehinggaakhir tahun 1999 adalah seramai77 orang, Menoleh kebelakang,tahun 1999 adalahtahun yang banyak menempa kejayaanbagi Akademi. Ini dapat dicapai melalui dedikasiFellow dan kakitanganAkademi. Oleh itu, izinkan sayauntuk menghuraikan pencapaianAkademi yang utama padatahun 1999. Akademi menganjurkan MeqyuaratAgung Thhunan yang Keempatpada24April 1999. Mesyuaratmeluluskan l,aporan Thhunan 1998 dan Penyata Kewanganberakhir 31 Disember 1998 sertaperlantikansepuluh Fellow baru Akademi bersama-sama

ince its inception in 1995, the Academy of SciencesMalaysia has grown from strength to strength, not only in terms of the number of Fellows but also in terms of activities and contributionsto the developmentof science,engineeringand technology of the nation. The membership of the Academy at the end of 1999 stoodat77. Looking back, 1999 has been a successfulyear for the Academy. It is made possiblethrough the dedication of the Fellows and staffof the Academy. Permit me to highlight some of the Academy's major achievementsin 1999. The Academy held its Fourth Annual General Meeting on24 Aprrl 1999. The meeting approved the 1998 Annual Report and Statement ofAccounts ending 31 December 1998 and the election of ten new Fellows of the Academy together with the electionof the Vice President,



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denganperlantikan Naib Presiden, SetiausahaAgung, Bendahari Kehormat dan enamAhli Majlis Akademi yang baru. Akademi juga buat penama kah melantik seramai empat Fellow Kanan berdas.arkan sumbangandan pencapaianmereka yang unggul ddam bidang sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi untuk manafaatnegaradan manusia sejagat.Fellow Kanan Akademi adalahlayak digelar Academiciari. Pemilihan Fellow Kanan dilaksanakanoleh satu PanelKhas yang dipengerusikanoleh Tan Sri Dato' SeriAhmad SarjiAbdul Hamid. Padatahun 1999, Fellow Kanan yang dilantik terdiri daripada AcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFASc, AcademicianDato'Ir LeeYee CheongFASc,AcademicianDr M.K RajakumarFAScdan AcademicianTanSri Datuk Dr AugustineS.H. Ong FASc. Salahsatu daripadaperanan Akademi adalahmemberi nasihat kepadaKerajaanberkenaanperkara berkaitan dengansains,kejurureraan dan teknologi. Padatahun 1999, Akademi telah diberi mandat oleh Kerajaanuntuk mengkaji semuladan mengolahPolisi56rT Kebangsaan yang mula digubal padatahun 1986. Dalam melaksanakan tugasini, Akademi menggunakantenaga mahir yang terdiri daripadapara Fellow Akademi dan pakar-pakar dari organisasidan badan-badan professionalyang berkaitan.Kajian semulaini dibuat dalamkonteks dayasaingMalaysia sebagairespons

SecretaryGeneral,Honorary Ti:easurer and six new Membersof the Council. The Academyalsofor the first time electedfour Senior Fellowsbasedon their outsranding contributionsand achievements in the areasof SET for the benefit of the nation and the humankind. The SeniorFellowsareentitled to be cdled Academiciari.The selectionof the SeniorFellowswasdone by a SpecialPanelchairedbyThn Sri Dato' SeriAhmadSarjiAbdul Hamid. In 1999 the SeniorFellowselected areAcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFASc, Academician Dato' Ir LeeYeeCheong FASc,AcademcianDr M.K. RajakumarFAScand Academician Tan Sri Datuk DrAugustine S.H. Ong FASc. One of the main rolesof the Academyis to provide independent adviceto the Governmenton matters relatedto sEience, engineeringand technology.In 1999,the Academy hasbeenentrustedby the Government to undertakethe reviewof the National Scienceand Technology Policythat wasfirst formulated in 1986. In undenaking the review process,the Academy draws relevant expertisefrom within its Fellowsas well asother relevantorganizations and professionalbodies.The review is done in the context of Malaysia's competitiveness in responseto the kdriven economy.It will address issues,the rolesof SET strategies and plan of action that will enhance


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i'ressdewts iteffiCIr{ kepadak-ekonomi. Ia akan menangani isu-isu,perananSEf,, strategi dan pelan dndakan yang akan meningka*an dayasaing Malaysiadalam k-ekonomi. Laporan awal telah pun dimajukan kepada KementerianSains,Teknologidan Alam Sekitar dan laporan akhir yang lengkap akan diserahkanpa& bulan April2000. Melalui Seminar"Future Directions and Business Opportunities in Food Productionin NAP3" Akademi sedangdi dalam proses menyiapkan satu laporan khasyang mengandungiusulan dan pelan tindakan mengenaiprospek masahadapanindustri makanandan pertaniandi Malaysia. Di bawahProgramKecemerlangan yang bertujuanunruk menanam budayakecemerlangandi dalam bidang sains,kejuruteraandan teknologi, Akademi menganjurkan SyarahanPerdana1999. Syarahan yang bertajuk "Superfluidiryin 3HE: Discoveryand Understanding" disampaikanoleh Prof Douglas Osheroff PemenangAnugerah Nobel dalam bidang Fizik tahun 1996 di Universiti Malaya.Lanjutan dari program ini, Akademi dengan kerjasamaUniversiti SainsMalaysia menganjurkansatu SyarahanUmum yang bertajuk "The Nature of Discovery in Physics"yang juga disampaikanoleh Prof Douglas Osheroff Akademi juga telah diberi mandat oleh KementerianSains,Teknologi danAlam Sekitaruntuk menghasilkan kertascadanganbagaimanauntuk

competitiveness of Malaysiain the kdriven economy.The inception report hasbeensubmittedto the Ministry of ScienceandTechnology and the Environment and the final report will be due for submissionin April2000. Through a Seminaron "Future Directionsand Business Opportunitiesin Food Productionin NAP3" the Academyis finalizing a specialreport containing recommendationsand action plans on future prospectsfor the food and agricultureindustriesin Malaysia. Under the Culture of Excellence Programmeaimedat inculcatinga culture of excellencein science, engineeringand technology,the Academyheld its 1999Annual Oration. The Oration entided "Superfluidity in 3HE: Discovery and Understanding"wasdeliveredby Prof DouglasOsherofi,a Nobel Laureatein Physicsin 1996 at the University of Malaya.fu a follow-up to this event,the Academyin collaborationwith the University of ScienceMalaysiaorganizeda Public Lectureentitled "The Nature of Discovery in Physics"which was also deliveredby Prof Douglas Osheroff. The Academy hasbeen taskedby the Ministry of Science,Technology and the Environment to come up with a proposalon how to get a MalaysianNobel Laureateby the Year 2020. This arisesfrom the challengethrown to the scientific community by our Prime Minister, YAB Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir w

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menghasilkanPemenangAnugerah Nobel Malapia pa& tahun 2020. Ini adalahlanjutan daripadacabaran oleh PerdanaMenteri Malapia, YAB Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad kepadamagyarakatsaintifik negara. SebagaisusulanAkademi telah menubuhkan satuJawatankuasa Petugasunruk mencadangkan aktiviti dan pelan tindakan yang harus diambil b"gr membolehkan Akademi menghasilkankertas cadangantersebut.Salahsatudaripada inisiatif yang diambil oleh Akademi adalahmenganjurkan satu qyarahan elsklusif berkenaan"Nobel Prizr - Its.Organization and Suategies:An F-xclusiveInsight" yang disampaikanoleh ProfJan S. Nilsson, PresidenRoyal Swedish Academy of Sciences.Kenas cadangantersebut merangkumi usahapemupukan budaya kecemerlangan di kalanganmasyarakat saintifik Malapia, penggalakan penyelidikan, dan perletakanasas bagi menghasilkansaintis Malapia yang inovatif, bermotivasi dan 'research minded' untuk pembangunan sains,kejuruteraandan teknologi di masahadapan. Satu daripadaaktiviti utama di bawahprogram ini adalah pelancaran Program Penyelidikan Malaysia-Antanika oleh YAB Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Timbalan PerdanaMenteri semasa Majlis JamuanThhunan Akademi 1999. Sayadengansukacita memaklumkan bahawakumpulan peftama saintis Malaysiatelah b erjayamenggendalikan

Mohamad. fu a follow up the Academy had set up a Task Force to propose activities and line of action that will enable the Academy to come up with the concept paper. One of the initiatives that have been undertaken by the Academy is the organization of an exclusive lecture on "Nobel Prize- Its Organization and Strategies:An Exclusive Insight" which was delivered by ProfJan S. Nilsson, President of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.The proposal encompassthe inculcation of the culture of excellencein the Malaysian scientific communiry the encouragement of research,the l"ymg of the foundation for the creation of innovative, motivated and researchminded Malaysian scientists on whom we can depend upon for our future development in the areasof science,engineering and technology. Another significant event under the programme was the launching of the Malaysia - Antarctica Research Programme by YAB Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Deputy Prime Minister during the Academyt 1999 Annual Dinner. I am pleased to report that the first team of Malaysian scientists had successfully concluded its researchin Antarctica. The four-member team shared their experiencesand thoughts about conducting researchin Antarctica in particular and co-operative research in generalin a briefing sessionheld at the Academy. The unique environment in which the research


LaporanFresiden Fy&sideyat's R.epan t penyelidikan merekadi Antanika. Kumpulan penyelidik seramaiempat orang ini telah berkongsi pengalamandan buah fikiran merela mengenaipenyelidikan di Antanika khususnyadan penyelidikan secara kerjasamaarnnyapada satu sesi taklimat di Akademi. Persekitaran yang unik dimana penyelidikan dijalankan merupakansatu aspek yang menarik terutamanyadari segi persediaanpenyelidikan, penganjurandan pengurusansefta perlaksanaannya.Di bawahprogram penyelidikan masaini, Penumpuan Penyelidikandalam Bidang-bidang Keutamaan(IRPA) telah meluluskan dua projek di Antartika. Projek pertamamengenaipencemaran bahan organik di sekitar ScottsBase sedangdiialankan. Projek kedua mengenaikajian Gelombang Graviti di kawasanRossIsland sedangdi dalam prosespenapisan oleh New T,ealand'sAntarctic Research Committee (ARAC). Sepertitahun lalu, dua pemenang dianugerahkanGeran Penyelidikan PerubatanDr RanjeetBhagwan Singh. Mereka adalahDr Fong Mun Yik dari Universiti Malaya dan Dr Kamarul fuiffin dari Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malapia. SyarahanMemorial Dr Ranjeet BhagwanSingh yang kedua benajuk "The New Biology and Medicine" disampaikanoleh Prof Erling Norrby, Professor,Fakulti Perubatan, Institut Karonslika/Setiausaha Agung Royal SwedishAcademyof Sciences. Akademi juga menganjurkansatu bengkel teknikal "Principles,

wasconductedrepresentan interestingaspectespeciallyin term of researchpreparation,organization, managementand implementation. Under the current research programme,Intensificationof Researchin Priority Areas(IRPA) hasalteadyapprovedtwo projectsin Antarctica.The first project on the study of organicpollutants around Scott Baseis underway.The second project on the study of Gravity 'Waves in the regionof RossIsland is at the moment undergoingNew Zealand'sAntarctic Research Committee (ARAC) veming. fu in previousyear,two recipients were awardedthe Dr Ranjeet BhagwanSingh Medical Research Grants.They wereDr Fong Mun Yik from Universiti Malaya and Dr KamarulAriffin from Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.The secondDr RanjeetBhagwanSingh Memorial Lectureentitled "The New Biology and Medicine" was deliveredby Prof Erling Norby, ProfessotMedical Faculry, KaronslikaInstitute/Secretary Generalof the RoyalSwedish Academyof Sciences. A technical workshopfunded under the Dr RanjeetBhagwanSingh Medical ResearchFund on "Principles, Protocolsand Pitfallson Fluorescenc e In Situ Hybridization (FISH) wasalsoorganizedby the Academy. Other highlights of the year under the ScienceExcellence Programmeincluded the India-



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Protocolsand Pidallson Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH)" y^g dibiayai oleh Geran Penyelidikan PerubatanDr RanjeetBhagwanSingh. Diantara acarakemuncak yang lain di bawah Program KecemerlanganSainsadalahSiri SyarahanIndia-ASEAN Eminent P.ersons. Prof P.N.Thndon, Professor Emeritus, JabatanNeurosurgeri,All India Institute of Microsurgery (AIIMS) menyampaikansyarahan benajuk "Sate of the Art (Neurosurgery)in Indid' dan "RecentAdvancesin Pathogenesis, Investigation and Tleatment of BrainstemHaemorrhages".Beliau juga membentangkankertaskerja yang benajuk "India'sResponsein Terms of National S6cT Policy to t}re Knowledge-drivenEconomy'' di SeminarAntarabangsaKajian SemulaPolisi S&T Kebangsaan. Salahsatu daripadafokus utama Akademi adalahunruk membantu meningkatkan keupayaanteknologi dan kompetensi indusui Malaysia. Di bawah bidang fokus ini, Akademi dengankerjasamaJapan Scienceand Technology Coqporation 0ST) telah menganjurkan dua forum industri peringkat tinggr. Satu darinya adalah mengenai"Strategyfor Upgrading Malapian Industr/ dan yang keduanyaadalahmengenai "Human ResourceDevelopmentfor Upgrading Manufacturing Capabiliryin Malaysid'.Pesefta forum tersebut adalahdari kalangan sektorindustri. Bulan Mei menyaksikan sambunganSyarahanPETROSAINS-

ASEAN Eminent PersonsLecture Series.Prof P.N.Thndon, Emeritus Professor,Departmentof Neurosurgery,All India Institute of Microsurgery(AIIMS) delivereda lectureon "Stateof the Art (Neurosurgery)in Indid' and anotler on "RecentAdvancesin Pathogenesis, Investigationand Theatmentof Brainstem Haemeorrhages". He alsodelivereda paperon "India'sResponse in Terms of National S&T Policyto the Knowledge-drivenEconomy''at the InternationalSeminaron National S&T PolicyReview. One of the Academyt major areas of focusis to assistin upgradingthe technologicalcapabiliryand competencyof Malaysianindustries. Under this thrust area,the Academy in collaborationwith the Japan Scienceand TechnologyCorporation [ST) organizedtwo high level industry fora,viz. "Strategyfor UpgradingMalaysianIndustry" and "Human ResourceDevelopmentfor UpgradingManufacturing Capability in Malaysia".The participantsat thesefora arethose from the industrial sectors. May 1999 sawthe continuation of the PETROSAINS-ASM 19981 1999Lecture,amajor projectunder the Academy'sScienceAwareness Programmewhich wasdevelopedto increaseawareness and understandingof the centralrole which scienceand technologyplay. The secondphaseof the PETROSAINS-ASM 1998I 1999


LaponanFresiden Fafesideeat's Etep*rt ASM I 998I l999,satu projek utama di bawah Program KesedaranSains Akademi yang benujuan untuk meningkatkan kesedarandan kefahamantentang peri pentingnya sainsdan teknologi. FasakeduaSyarahan PETROSAINSASM 199811999ini bermuladi Pulau Pinang dengandiikuti oleh Kulim, Beseri,Kuantan,Kota Bharu, Kuala Terengganu,Kuching dan berakhir di Kota Kinabalu. Syarahan tersebutmandapatsambutanyang amat memberangsangkandaripada para pelajar dan guru-guru yang terlibat. Seramai7,437 orangpelajar dan 602 orang gant daripada424 buah sekolahtelah terlibat dengan Syarahanini. Syarahanini telah ditq" sepenuhnyaoleh PETRONAS dan Akademi berharapagar kerjasamaini akan benerusanuntuk masa-masaakan datang. Semenjakdiberi mandat oleh Kerajaanuntuk menerajui penubuhan PusatSumber Sainsdan (NSTRC), TeknologiKebangsaan Akademi telah mengambil langkahlangkah yang wajar unruk menrealisasikancadangantersebut. SelanjutnyaAkademi telah diberi sebidangtanah di Serdang,Selangor oleh Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). Majlis Akademi kemudiannya memuruskansupaya NSTRC didirikan di atastanah tersebutsebagaisumbangan Akademi kepadaNSTRC. Sebuah firma arkitek ditugaskanuntuk melakar pelan konsepNSTRC. Kertas cadanganyang telah dikaii semuladan dipersetujui telah

Lecturebeganin Pulau Pinang followed by Kulim, Beseri,Kuantan, Kota Bharu, KualaTerengganu, Kuching and endedin Kota Kinabalu.The Lecturereceived overwhelmingresponsefrom both the studentsand the teachers.A total of 7,437 studentsand 602 teachers from 424 schoolsfrom all over Malaysiaparticipatedin the PhaseI and PhaseII of the Lecture.This Lecturewassolelysponsoredby PETRONAS and the Academy hopesfor this collaborationto continue in the future. Sincegiven the mandateto lead the efforts in the establishmentof the National Scienceand Technology ResourceCentre (NSTRC), the Academyhas taken the appropriate actionsto realizethe proposal. Subsequendythe Academywasgiven a pieceof land in Serdang,Selangor by Universiti Putra Malaysia(UPM). The Academy'sCouncil then decided that the NSTRC be setup on this land asthe Academy'scontribution to the NSTRC. An architectfirm wasthen engagedto draw the conceptualplan of the NSTRC. The final paperon the establishmentof the NSTRC which hasbeenreviewed and approvedhasbeensubmittedto MOSTE for approval.The Academy proposedthat the establishmentof the NSTRC be included in the 8m MalaysiaPlan. In 1999,the Academyhasbeen verv activein internationalactivities.



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dimajukan kepadaKementerian Sains,Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar untuk kelulusan.Akademi mencadangkansupayapenubuhan NSTRC dimasukkan ke dalam RancanganMalaysiake 8. Padatahun 1999,l&ademi telah bergiat aktif dalam melaksanakan aktiviti di peringkat antarabangsa. Akademi telah menghantardua delegasike luar negara, satu ke Republik Ralryat China dan satu ke Republik Ky, *f". Kedua-dua delegasidiketuai oleh sayasendiri. Objektif utama lawatan adalah unnrk meninjau perkembangan terbaru dan peluang penyelidikan di dalam bidang sains,kejuruteraan dan teknologi di China dan Kyrghyztan. Adalah diharapkan lawatan ini akan memeteraikanprogram kerjasama penyelidikan dan pembangunan ddam bidang sains,kejuruteraan dan teknologi di antara para professional dari Malaysiadan China serta KytgJqy". Akademi dengankerjasamaJapan International Scienceand Gchnology ExchangeCentre [ISTEC), Kementerian'Sains, Gknologi dan Alam Sekitar dan Institut Jurutera Malaysia (IEM) menganjurkan SeminarKeempat Sainsdan Gknologi Asia-Pasifik. Seramailebih kurang 100 peserra yang berkaitan denganpolisi S6cI, pengurusanproJ dan penyelidikan "k dan pembangunan dari sebelas negarafu ia-Pasifik menghadiri seminartersebut. Akademi juga berpeluangmenjadi hos kepadapelawat-pelawatpenting

It sentnvo delegationsabroad,one to the PeoplesRepublicof China and the other to the Kyrghyz Republic.I led both delegations.The main objective of the visits was to explorenew developmentsand opportunitiesin the areasof research in science,engineeringand technology(SET) in China and Kyt#y". The visitshoped to mateialize collaborative R&D programmesin SET between Malaysiaand China and Kyrghyz SET professionals. The Academyin collaboration with the JapanInternational Science and TechnologyExchangeCentre [ISTEC), the Ministry of Science, Technologyand the Environment and Institution of Engineers Malaysia(IEM) organized"The Fourth Asia-PacificScienceand TechnologySeminar".About 100 participantsrelatedto S&T policy, project managementand R&D management from 11 countriesin the fuia-Pacific Regionattendedthe Seminar. The Academyalsohad the privilegeto host many distinguished visitorsthroughout the year.Among them were Prof EmeritusDr Mu ShikJhon, Presidentof the Korean Academyof Sciencesand Technology (KAST), Prof S. Nilsson, President of the Royal SwedishAcademy of Sciences,Nobel LaureateProf 'Werner Arber, Presidentof the InternationalCouncil for Science (ICStt) and Prof PN. Thndon of the Department of NeurosurgeryAll


LaporanPresiden Fresidesat's Renoyt disepanjangtahun. Diantaranya adalahEmeritus Prof Dr Mu Shik Jhon, PresidenKoreanAcademy of Sciencesand Technology(KAST), Prof S. Nilsson, PresidenRoyal SwedishAcademyof Sciences, PemenangAnugerah Nobel Prof 'S7'erner Arber, PresidenInternational Council for Science0CSU) dan Prof PN. Thndon dari Jabatan Neurosurgeri,All India Institute of Microsurgery (AIIMS) dan Pemenang AnugerahNobel Prof Douglas Osheroff, Stanford University California. ParaFellow Akademi terus mendapat pengiktirafan nasionaldan antarabangsa menerusipenglibatan merekadalam banyak aktiviti serantaudan antarabangsa. Academician Dato' Ir LeeYee CheongFASc,Naib Presiden Akademi mengetuaidelegasiseramai empat orang menghadiri Mesyuarat fhhunan Ketiga'ASEAN SET Academiesand Similar National Organizationsand Didogue Parmers" dari Austrdia, Japan,dan China yang diadakandi Manila. Delegasi dianggotai oleh Dato' Dr Salleh Mohd Nor FASc,SetiausahaAgung, Tan Sri Datuk Ir Shahrizaila Abdullah FASc,FellowAkademidan Encik Zahir Ismail, PegawaiSains KananAkademi. Dato' Dr Salleh Mohd Nor FAScmembentangkan kenaskerjabenajuk"Competitiveness in A Knowledge-Driven Economy: The Roleof Science, Engineering and Technologi'yangdisediakan olehsaya bersama denganSetiausaha AgungDato' Dr SallehMohdNor FASc. 14 g* I. G-t

India Institute of Microsurgery (AIIMS) and Nobel LaureateProf DouglasOsherofi Stanford University California. The Fellowsof the Academy continue to gathernational and internationaldistinctionsarising from their activitiesand participation in many regionaland internationalactivities. Academician Dato' Ir LeeYeeCheongFASc,Vice Presidentof theAcademy,leda four memberdelegationto the Third Annual Meeting ofASEAN SET Academiesand Similar National Organizationsand DialoguePartners froin Australia,Japan,and China which washeld in Manila. The membersof the delegationwere Dato' Dr SallehMohd Nor FASc, SecretaryGeneral,Tan Sri Datuk Ir ShahrizailaAbdullah FASc,Fellow of the Academyand Mr Zahh Ismail, SeniorScientificOfficer of the Academy.Dato' Dr SallehMohd Nor FAScdelivereda paperentitled "Competitivenessin A KnowledgeDriven Economy:The Role of Science, Engineering andTechnolog;/' which wasjoindy preparedby me and the SecretaryGeneralDato' Dr SallehMohd Nor FASc. Dr YongHoi SenFASc representedthe Academyon my behalfat the International Symposiumon "SciencePoliry in Asia" which was held in Irkutsk, Russia.He presenteda paperentitled "Competitivenessin a KnowledgeDriven Economy:The Role of Science,Engineeringand




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DrYong Hoi SenFAScmewakili Akademi bagi pihak sayake SimposiumAntarabangsa'S cience Policy in Asid' yang diadakan di Irkutsh Rusia.Beliaumembentangkan kenas kerja yang benajuk 'Competitiveness in a KnowledgeDriven Economy: The Role of Science, EngineeringandTechnology". Sayamenghadiri "Asian Conference on ScientificCooperation(ACSC)" yang Keenamdan Ketujuh diTollyo. Prof Dato'Dr ShamSaniFAScjuga menghadiri ACSC yang ketujuh. Academician Dato' Ir ke Yee CheongFASctelah mewakili Malaysia di dua MesyuaratIAP-Sustainability Tiansition CoordinatingComminee (STCC) yang diadakan di French Academy of Sciencesdi Parisdan HungarianAcademyof Sciencedi Budapest. Academician Dato' Ir LeeYee CheongFAScdansayatelahmenghadiri mesyuaratdi Seoul mengenai penubuhanAssociationof Asian (AAAS). Academies of Sciences PenerbitanAkademi sepanjang ahun adalahseperti berikut: 1. LaporanTahunan1998 2. Laporan "The Role of Scientistsin MalavsiaTowardsExcellence in Researcli' Newsletter Prosiding SeminarPengurusan Sainsdan Teknologi AsiaPasifikke4:SuategicApproaches for Sustainable Socio-economic Growth in the Faceof Global Changes- Penerbitanbersama olehJSI MOSTE,JISTEC dan IEM PenerbitanDalaman

Technology''. I attendedthe Sixth and SeventhAsian Conferenceon ScientificCooperation(ACSC) in Tokyo.Prof Dato'Dr ShamSani FAScalsoattendedthe SeventhACSC. AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYee CheongFAScrepresentedMalaysia in both the lAP-Sustainabiliry Tlansition Coordinating Committee (STCC) meetingswhich wereheld at the FrenchAcademyof Sciencesin Parisand the Hungarian Academy of Sciencein Budapest. AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYee CheongFAScand I attendeda meetingin Seoulon the establishmentof an fusociation of (AMS). AsianAcademies of Sciences During the year the Academy publishedthe following: 1. 1998Annual Report 2. Reporton "The Roleof Scientistsin MalaysiaTowardsExcellencein Researcli' 3. Newsletter 4. Proceedings of the 4mAsiaPacificScienceand Technology ManagementSeminar: StrategicApproachesfor SustainableSocio-economic Growth in the Faceof Global Changes- Co Publishedby JST MOSTE, JISTEC and IEM 5. Internal Publications In 1999, the Academyreceived 387 publicationsfrom international institutionsand 110 publications from local institutions including


Padatahun 1999,Akademi menerimasebanyak387 penerbitan dari institusi antarabangsa dan 110 naskahpenerbitan daripadainstitusi tempatan termasukJurnal, Buku, Prosiding, Berita Akademi dan Laporan Thhunan.Akademi juga mengedarkansebanyak1000 naskah Newsletterdan 1000naskahlaporan Thhunan di dalam dan luar negara. Akhir sekalisayaingin merakamkan setinggi penghargaankepadasemua Fellow Akaderni diatassokongandan sumbangandari segimasa, pengetahuandan pengalamandan juga penglibatan merekadidalam aktiviti yang dijalankan. Terima kasih yang ikhlas juga ditujukan kepadasemuakakitanganAkademi diatassokongan,dedikasi dan komitmen. Sayamengucapkan tahniah kepadasemuaFellowsdan kakitanganAkademi diatassegala usahamereka.Hasil usahatersebut, yang dinyatakan didalam laporan ini, menjadi bukti. Sayamenunggu kedatangan tahun 2000, yang nampakmenarik, dan mempunyai program aktiviti yang telah sediaterancang.

Journals, Books, Proceedings, Academies News and Annual Reports. The Academy also circulated 1000 copies Newsletters and 1000 copies Annual Report locally as well as abroad. Finally I would like to record my sincere appreciation and gratitude to all Fellows of the Academy for their support and generouscontribution in terms of time, knowledge and experience and also for their active participation in our activities.A 'thank sincere you also to all stafffor their support, dedication and commitment. I congratulate all Fellows and staffof the Academy on the efforts they have made. The results of those efforts, summarized in this report, speak for themselves. I am looking forward to the year 2000, which appearsparticularly exciting, and to a firll programme of activities already mapped out.



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AcademicianTanSri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul Ra.hmanFASc Presiden,Akademi SainsMalaysia President,Acadzmyof Sciences Makysia


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FI]NGSI FUNCTIONS I untuk menggalakkandan merangsangpembangunansains, kejuruteraandan teknologi I untuk mengadakanforum pertukaran pen&pat di kalangan ahli sains,jurutera dan ahli teknologi I untuk menggalakkankesedaran negara,pemahamandan penghargaanakan peranansains, kejuruteraandan teknologi dalam kemajuan manusia o untuk menggalakkandaya rekaciptaandi kalanganahli sains, jurutera dan ahli teknologi I ,O untuk menggalakkansifat berfikari negaradalam bidang sains,kejurutera:rndan teknologi I untuk bertindak sebagaiforum untuk mengekdkan kesedarandi pih"k Kerajaanakan pentingnya peranansains,kejuruteraan dan teknologi dalamproses pembangunannegaradan membawakepada perhatian ahli sains,jurutera dan ahli teknologi akan keperluan-keperluan pembangunannegara * untuk mengandisamasalahmasalahteftentu negaradan mengendpastidi mana sains, kejuruteraandan teknoogi dapat memberi sumbangankepada

# to promote and foster the development of science, engineering and technology * to provide a forum for the interchange of ideas among scientists, engineers and *


technologists to promote national awareness, understanding and appreciation of the role of science, engineering and technology in human progress to promote creativity among . scientists, engineers and

technologists # to promote national self-reliance in the field of science, engineering and technology # to act as a forum for maintaining awarenbsson the part of the Government of the significance of the role of science, engineering and technolory in the development process of the nation and for bringing national development needs to the attention of scientists, engineers and technologists # to analyze particular national problems and identify where science, engineering and

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penyelesaianmasalahdengan membuatsyor-syorkepada Kerajaan unruk sentiasamengambl perhatian tentang perkembangan sains,kejuruteraan dan teknologi sertamengenalpasti perkembangan-perkembangan yang relevandengankeperluan negaradan membawakepada perhatian Kerajaanakan pekembangannya untuk meyediakanlaporanlaporan, kertas-kenasatau dokumen-dokumenlain berhubungan dgngandasarsains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi negara dan membuat syor-syoryang perlu kepadaKerajaan untuk mendayausahakandan membiayai k"ji* pelbagai disiplin yang berkaitan sefta keperluanpemahamanyang lebih baik tentangimplikasi-implikasi sosialdan ekonomi tentangsains, kejuruteraandan teknologi untuk menggalakkan penyelidikan dan pembangunan pendidikan sena latihan tenaga manusiayang sesuaidalam bidang saintifik, kejuruteraandan teknologi untuk mengadakandan mengekalkanhubungan antara Akademi dan badan-badanluar negeri yang mempunyai objektif yang hampir serupadengan objektifAkademi

their solution and accordingly to make recommendations to the Government *

to keep in touch with developments in science, engineering and technolory and identify those developments which are relevant to national needs and to bring such developments to the attention of the Government

# to prepare reports, papers or other documents relating to the national science, engineering and technology policy and make the necessaryrecommendations to the Government *

to initiate and sponsor multidisciplinary studies related to and necessary for the better understanding of the social and economic implications of science, engineering and technology

# to encourage research and development and education and training of the appropriate scientific, engineering and technical manpower *

to establish and maintain relations between the Academy and overseasbodies having the sarne or almost similar objectives in science, engineering and technology as the Academy





* untuk melakukan apa.apaperkara lain dalam bidang sains, kejuruteraandan teknologi sebagaiman ^ yang diminta oleh Kerajaandari semasake semasa * untuk melakukan apa-apa tindakan lain yang konsisten denganAkta Akademi Sains1994 sebagaiman a y{rg dikehendaki untuk meningkatkan kemajuan sains,kejuruteraandan teknologi di Malaysiadan kebajikan serta taraf Akademi


to advise on matters related to science, engineering and technolory as may be requested by the Government from time to time


to do such other acts which are consistent with this Act as may be required in order to further the advancement of science, engineering and technology in Mdaysia and the welfare and status of the Academy


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AcademicianTanSri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFASc

AcademicianTanSri Datuk DrAugustine S.H. Ong FASc

AcademicianDato'Ir LeeYeeCheong FASc


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AcademicianDr M.K. RajakumarFASc



Dr Mohd tuiffin Hj Aton (Engineering Sciences) Dato'Ir Hj Ahmad ZatdeeHj Laidin (EngineeringSciences)

Prof Dr Koh Chong Lek (BiologicalSciences)





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Dr Mohd T.ahranb Dato' SheikhAbdul Halim (Information Technolory)

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Prof Dr Z.aharinb Yusoff (Information Technolory)





Prof PuanSri Datin Dr Nafisah Hj. Nik Mohd Adeeb (Medical Sciences) Prof Dr Mak Chai @ Mak Lian Fong (BiologicalSciences)



DatukAlladin Hashim (S ScT Developmentand Industry)


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Dato' Dr Mazlan Othman (S 6.T Developmentand Industry)


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Prof Dr Ho Yin \Van (Biologicd Sciences)

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SenaraiFellowL999 Lisr wfF*Nsuus 1999t SAINSBIOLOGI/BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES - -w T:- il* 1. Professor Dr Abdul Latif IbrahimFASc 2. Emeritus Professor Dato Dr AhmadNawawiHajiAyobFASc 4 Datu-k_DrAhladZaharudinIdrusFASc 5. D4to' Dr SallehMohd Sor FASc

e:.P':[,;;D"Jil;##in. H"-iarns.

7. ThnSri Dato' Dr&ded,tMustaffaBabieeFA$i 8. Dr YongHoi SenFASc 9. FraeritusProfessorDr, 'Chin Hoong Fong FASc 10. Dr FrancisS.P.Ng FASc 11. Professor Dr Mak Chai @ Mak Lian FongFASc 12. Professor Dr Ho Yin \Wan'FASc 13. ProfessorDr Koh Chong Lek FASc








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AcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFASc

AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYeeCheong FASc

Dato'Dr SallehMohd Nor FASc


Sri DatukDrAugustineS.H.Ong FASc , AcademicianTan i j


Prof Dato' Dr<riAbdulHamid FASc Dr Yong Hoi SenFASc Datuk Dr Abdul Ain S.A. Kadir FASc Encik Fateh Chand FASc Prof Dr Looi Lai Meng FASc Dato' Dr Ikmal HishamAlbakri FASc Dr Ho CheeCheongFASc Prof Datuk PadukaDr MustaffaEmbongFASc Ir K. KumarasivamFASc Dr Chia SweePing FASc Prof DrAbdul LatiffIbrahim FASc






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MESYUARAI MAJLIS COUNCILMEETINGS Bagi tahun berakhir 31 Disember 1999, Majlis bermesyuaratsebanyak (5) lima kali: - 27 Februari t999 (ke23) 10 April 1999 ke24) - 3 Mei t999 (kez5) 17IluJart999 (ke26) I November 1999 (ke27) 18 Disember1999(ke28)


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Padamesyuaratini, Majlis membincangkanisu-isu yang berikut: - IGji* SemulaBelanjawan I 999 dan Aktiviti Program - Siri SyarahanPETROSAINSASM - FasaII - SyarahanPerdanaASM dan SyarahanUmum - Geran PenyelidikanPerubatan Dr Ranjeet BhagwanSingh dan SyarahanMemorial - PenubuhanThbungASM - Majlis Makan MalamThhunan ASM - IGji* SemulaPolisiSainsdan Teknologi Kebangsaan - ProgramAntaftika - Cadanganbagaimanaunruk menghasilkanPemenang Anugerah'Nobel padaThhun 2020 - Pernrkarandan lawatan

For the yearending31 December 1999,the Council met five (5) times: 27 February1999 (23'd) lOApril 1999(24'h) 3 May 1999 Q5e) 17 July 1999 Q6e) I November(276) 18 December1999(28e) At thesemeetings,the Council deliberatedon the following issues: - Reviewof 1999 Budgetand Programmeof Activities PETROSAINS-ASM Lecture Series- PhaseII - ASM Annual Oration and Public Lectures Dr RanjeetBhagwanSingh ResearchGrant and Memorial Lecture - ASM Fund Raising - ASM Annual Dinner Reviewof National SET Policy - AntarcticaProgramme Proposalon How to Get A Nobel Laureateby the Year 2020 - Exchangesand Vsits




KERJADAI\ PROGRAM JA\TATANKUASA WORI{INGAND PROGRAMMECOMMITTEES Untuk membantu dalam pentadbiran dan operasiAkademi, Majlis telah menubuhkan beberapa Jawatankuasayarirg bertanggungjawabuntuk menjalankanbeberapafungsi dan tanggungjawab.Dalam tahun 1999 adalah Jawatankuasa-jawaankuasa sepertiberikut:

To assistits management and operation of the Academy, the Council has set up various committees which are responsible for carrying out specific functions and responsibilities.In 1999, the following committees were operational:

PrcsidenlPresident AcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul RahmanFASc Naib Presidenl VicePresident AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYeeCheongFASc SetiausahaAgu nglSecretaryGmeral Dato' Dr SallehMohd Nor FASc Bendahari Kehormxl Honorary Ti,easurer AcademicianTan Sri Daruk Dr AugustineS.H. Ong FASc


PengerusilChairman AcademicianThn Sri Datuk Dr AugustineS.H. Ong FASc

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Penegerusi/Chairman AcademicianDr M.K. RaiakumarFASc


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PengerusilChairman AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYeeCheong FASc



jawacanlcuasa Kerja dan Frograrxa gu*ruruuu \Wr&iregaratf Fe'* u { * wew"e Ettee

Academician Thn Sri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFASc(Chairman) AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYeeCheongFASc Dato'Dr SallehMohd Nor (Secretary) Thn Sri Dato' Ir ShahrizailaAbdullah FASc Prof Dato' Dr Mohd Zawawilsmail FASc YM Tg Datuk Dr AzzmanShariffadeenTg Ibrahim FASc Prof Dato' Dr ShamSaniFASc Encik FatehChand FASc Dr Yong Hoi SenFASc

PengerusrlChairman AcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul RahmanFASc Setiausahal Secraary Dato' Dr SallehMohd Nor FASc

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SainsPeruba:'anlMedical Scimces Prof Dr Looi Lai Meng FASc SainsKejur uteraanlEnginning Scimces Dato' Dr Ikmal Hisham Albakri FASc SainsBiolo gilBiologicatSciences DrYong Hoi SenFASc SainsMatematik & FizikaV Mathematical & PhysicalSciences Dr Chia SweePing FASc SainsKimia/ ChernicalSciences AcademicianThn Sri Datuk Dr AugustineS.H. Ong FASc Teknologi Maklumat/ ITtforrnati on 7bchnology Dr Mohd fuif Nun FASc PembangunanS6cTdan Industri/ S &T Deuehprnew& Induttry Daruk DrAbdul AzizS.A.Kadir FASc



.l*yuJ""kuasaKerjadan Flogram

\:b'p t',1": t t r.of t'[f t,i.1J l] r frffytl frt f Ft&,r L w.llt'nt t f t t,t:

PengerusiKoordinatoil CoordinatingCbainnan AcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul RahmanFASc

Nasihat Kepada KeralanlAduice to Gooemrnent PengerusiKoordinatorI CoordinatingChairrnan AcademicianThn Sri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFASc Pendidikan SunslScimceEducation PengerusilChairman Prof Datuk PadukaDr MustaffaEmbong FASc Pertaniandan Sektor BerasaskanSumberl Agricubureand Resource BasedSectors PengerusilChairman Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz S.A. Kadir FASc BiodiversitiI Biodiuersity PengerusilChairman Prof Dato' Dr Zal<riAbdul Hamid FASc PengurusanSumberAsli/ Natural Resources Management PengerusilChairman Encik FatehChand FASc Kesedaran dan KefahamanAwam Mengenai S&T/ Public S dt TAuareness, Undnstanding and Leadnsbip PengerusilChairrnan Dr Chia SweePing FASc Budaya Kecemerlangan/ Cuhure of Excellence PengerusUChairrnan Prof DrAbdul latiffIbrahim FASc SumbangankepadaPembangunanIndustri - Meningkatkan KeupayaanTeknologi/ Contribution to Indusnial Deuebpmmt - Enhancing Techno logicaI Capabi lity PengerusilChairman Dato' Dr Ikmal Hisham Albal*ri FASc




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IawatankuasaKeria dan Proeram WdrhingaredFrograk*u Cowdiwee

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MespraratAgungThhunanKeempat FourthAnnual GeneralMeeting


FourthAnnud General I Meetingwasheldon24 April 1999with the Presidentin the Chair. Twentysix FellowsattendedtheAGM. The meetingdiscussedand approvedthe following: o 1998Annual Reportand Statementof Accountsending 31 December1998 o Election of ten new Fellowsof the Academy n Prof PuanSri Datin Dr Nafisah Hj Nik MohdAdeeb (Medicd Sciences) .:. Dato' Ir Haji Ahmad Zaidee Haji Laidin (EngineeringSciences) * Dr Mohd Ariffin Haji Aton (EngineeringSciences) l. Prof Dr Mak Chai @ Mak Lian Fong (BiologicalSciences) i. Prof Dr Ho Yin'Wan (BiologicalSciences) * Prof Dr Koh Chong Lek (BiologicdSciences) .:. Dr Mohd Zahran Dato' Sheikh Abdul Halim (Information Technolory) * Prof Dr ZaharinYusoff (Information Technology) * DatukAlladin Hashim (S&T Developmentand Industry

l\ f .ryoaratAgungThhunanyang IVI Keempatdiadakanpada24 April 1999 dengandipengerusikan oleh PresidenAkademi. Seramai26 orang Fellow menghadiri meqnrarat tersebut. MesTuarat tersebutmembincangkan danmeluluskanperkara-perkara berikut: o LaporanThhunan1998 dan PenyataAkaun o Pemilihan sepuluh Fellow baru * Prof Puan Sri Datin Dr Nafisah Hi Nik Mohd Adeeb (SainsPerubatan) .:. Dato' Ir Haji Ahmad Zudee Haji Laidin (SainsKejuruteraan) .:. Dr MohdAriffin HajiAton (SainsKejuruteraan) * Prof Dr Mak Chai @ Mak Lian Fong (SainsBiologi) .:. Prof Dr Ho Yin'Wan (BiologicalSciences) .;. Prof Dr Koh Chong Lek (SainsBiologi) .r Dr Mohd ZahranDato'Sheikh Abdul Halim (Teknologi Maklumat) * Prof Dr ZahainYusoff (Teknologi Maklumat) .:. DatukAlladin Hashim (PembangunanS6cTdan Industri)





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* Dato'Dr Mazlan Othman (PembangunanS&T dan Indusui)



t Dato' Dr Mazlan Othman (S6cf Developmentand Industry)

o Pemilihan Naib Presiden, SetiausahaAgung, Bendahari Kehormat dan enamAhli Majlis baru * AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYee Cheong FASc (Naib Presiden) .:. Dato'Dr SallehMohd Nor FASc(Setiausaha Ag""g) * AcademicianThn Sri Datuk AugustineS.H. Ong FASc (BendahariKehormat) .!. Dr Ho CheeCheongFASc (Ahli Majlis) * Prof Datuk PadukaDr Mustaffa Embong FASc (Ahli Majlis) i. Ir K KumarasivamFASc (Ahli Majlis) * Dr Chia SweePing FASc (Ahli Majlis) * Prof DrAbdul Latif Ibrahim FASc(Ahli Majlis) * Dr MohamedAriffNun FASc (Ahli Majlis)

o Election ofVce President, SecretaryGeneral, Honorary Treasurerand six new Members of the Council l. Academician Dato' Ir Lee Yee Cheong FASc (Vice President) r.. Dato' Dr SallehMohd Nor FASc (SecretaryGeneral) * AcademicianThn Sri Datuk AugustineS.H. Ong FASc (Honorary Tleasurer) * Dr Ho Chee Cheong FASc (Council Member) * Prof Datuk Paduka Dr Mustaffa Embong FASc (Council Member) * Ir K Kumarasiva"mFASc (Council Member) * Dr Chia SweePing FASc (Council Member) * Prof DrAbdul Ladf Ibrahim FASc (Council Member) * Dr Mohamed AriffNun FASc (Council Member)

Di akhir mesyuaratAgung Thhunan,Presidentelah menyampaikanUcapan Presiden. Presidentelah mengutarakan beberapapencapaianutama Akademi padatahun 1998. Sebagaimemenuhi peranannyasebagaipemberi nasihat kepadaKerajaandalam perkara berkaitan dengansains,kejuruteraan dan teknologi,Akademi telah memajukantiga laporankepada Kera.jaan.Satu daripadalaporan

At the end of the Annual General Meeting, the President deliveredthe PresidentialAddress. The Presidenthighlighted some of the Academyt major achievements in 1998. In firlfilling the role of providing advice to the Government on matters related to science,engineeringand rcchnology, the Academy had



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tersebutadalahmengenai "'Malaysiat Natural Resources ManagemencAn Integrated Approach".Laporanlain adalahsatu laporan khas mengenaiisu lrisis air bertajuk "The'Water Crisis:A Compelling Casefor Intelrated 'W'ater ResourcesManagementin Malaysi/. Laporanmengenai "DesigningScienceEducationfor Competitiveness:Recommendations on Measuresto IncreaseStudent Enrolment in Sciencein Malaysid' dimajukan kepadaMenteri Pendidikan. SyarahanPerdanaAkademi pada tahun 1998bemajuk'Recent Developmenton Vibrational Spectroscopy of Ionic Clusters" disampaikanoleh Prof LeeYuan Tseh,PresidenAcademiaSinica Thiwan dan PemenangAnugerah Nobel dalambidang Kimia pada tahun 1986. SyarahanPETROSAINS-ASM I 998 dilancarkanoleh Timbalan Menteri Pendidikan, YB Dato' Khalid Yunus. FasaI Syarahan tersebutyang merangkumi Kuala Lumpur, ShahAlam, Seremban, Ipoh dan Melaka berkahir pada bulan Oktober 1998dan mendapat sambutanyang memberangsangkan dari guru-guru dan para pelajar.Fasa II Syarahantersebutakan bermula padabulanMei, 1999. Presidenjuga mengumumkan bahawaAkademi telah menjayakan Persidangan MejabulatSains, Kejuruteraandan TeknologiAPEC

presentedthree reportsto the Government.One is the study on "Malaysia'sNatural Resources Management:An Integrated Approach".Another is a special report to the Governmenton the issueof watel crisisentitled "The 'W'ater Crisis:A Compelling Casefor Integrated'W'ater Resources Managementin Malaysia".The reporton "DesigningScience Educationfor Competitiveness: Recommendationson Measuresto IncreaseStudentEnrolment in Sciencein Malaysia"waspresented to the Minister of Education. The Academyt 1998Annual Oration entitled "Recent Developmentin Vibrational Spectroscopy of Ionic Clusters"was deliveredby Prof LeeYuanTseh, Presidentof AcademiaSinicaTaiwan and Nobel Laureatein Chemistryin 1986. The PETROSAINS-ASM I 998 Lecturewaslaunchedby the Deputy Minister of Education,YB Dato' Khalid Yunus.PhaseI of the lecture which coveredKuala Lumpur, Shah Alam, Seremban,Ipoh and Melaka wascompletedin October 1998and receivedoverwhelmingresponse from the teachersand students.The PhaseII of the lecturewould begin in May, 1999. The Presidentalsomentioned that the Academyhad successfully concludedan APEC Science, Engineeringand Technology



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untuk membincangkan"Agenda APEC unruk KerjasamaIndustri Sains,Kejuruteraan dan Teknologi dalamAbad ke 21". Deklarasidan l.aporan mejabulat tersebut dimajukan kepadaYB Dato' Seri Rafidah Aziz, Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsadan Industri untuk dimasukkanke dalamAgendaAPEC. Akademi terlibat dalam banyak seminar dan persidangan antarabangsadan juga beqpeluang untuk menjadi hos kepadaramai pelawatpenting disepanjangtahun. Presidenmendorong Fellow Akademi untuk meluangkanmasa merekakearahmencapaiobjektif Akademi melalui penglibaranyang aktif di dalam akdviri-akdviti Akademi dan untuk mencurahkan pengetahuandan pengalaman merekakepadamasyarakatsaintifik di Malapia amnya. Sebagaimenyahut cabaranoleh PerdanaMenteri'kepada masyarakat saintifik negarauntuk menghasilkan PemenangAnugerah Nobel pada tahun 2020, Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar telah mengajakAkademiuntuk bekerjasamamenghasilkansatu agendabâ‚Źaimana untuk mencapai kecemerlangan di dalambidangsains. Presidenjuga merakamkan penghargaankepadaUniversiti Putra Malaysiakeranatelah memberi sebidangtanah di Serdang,Selangor kepadaAkademi. Presiden menggulung ucapannyadengan

RoundtableMeeting to discuss "APECAgendafor Scienceand TechnologyIndustry Co-operation into the 21* Century".The Declarationand Repon of the roundtable was forwarded to the Honorable Dato' Seri RafidahAziz, Minister of InternationalThadeand Industry for inclusion into the APEC agenda. The Academyhasbeenactively involvedin many international meetingsand conferences and also had the privilegeto host many imponant visitors throughout the year. The Presidenturged the Fellows of the Academyto apportion some of their valuabletime towards furthering the objectivesof the Academy through acdve participation in its activitiesand to impart their knowledgeand experienceto the Malaysianscientific community in general. fuising from the challenge thrown by the Prime Minister to the scientificcommunity to producea Nobel Laureateby the year 2020, the Ministry of Science,Technologyand the Environment hasapproachedthe Academyfor possiblecollaboration to developan agendato achieve excellence in science. The Presidentalsoexpressed his gratitudeto Universiti Putra Malaysiafor generouslyallocatinga pieceof land to the Academyin Serdang,Selangor.The President


merakamkanterima kasih kepada semuaFellow di atassokongandan sumbanganmerekadan kepada Selretariat Akademi di atastugas merekayang cemerlang.

concludedhis Addressby thanking all the Fellowsfor their support and contribution and to the Secretariat for their excellentwork.

Fellow menghadiri MesyuaratAgungThhunan Keempat Fellowsattending the 4'hAnnual GeneralMeeting ft



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Majlis Makan Malam Thhunan 1999 Annual Dinner 1999

kaderhi SainsMalavsia menganjurkanMajlis Makan Malam Tahunannyayang Kelima pada15 Ogos 1999di Hotel SheratonImperial, Kuala Lumpur. Majlis tersebutdihadiri oleh YAB Timbalan PerdanaMenteri Mdaysia, Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Majlis tersebutjuga dihadiri oleh YB Timbalan Menteri Sains,Teknologi danAlam Sekitar,DatukAbu Bakar Daud. Seramailebih kurang37D reramu yang terdiri dari FellowAkademi, Ketua dan PegawaiAgensi Kerajaan, KaptenIndustii dan KetuaKomuniti

he Academyof Sciences Malavsiaheld its Fifth Annual Dinner on 15 August 1999 atthe SheratonImperial Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. The occasionwasgracedby the Rt Hon Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia,Dato' SeriAbdullah Ahmad Badawi.The dinner wasalso honouredby the presenceofthe Deputy Minister of Science, Technologyand the Environment, the Hon DatukAbu BakarDaud. About 370 guestscomprising Fellowsof theAcademy,Headsand Officials of GovernmentAgencies and Ministries, Captainsof Industry



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Tetamu Kehormat di Majlis Makan Malam TahunanASM Guestsof Honour at the ASM Annual Dinner




and ScientificCommunity Leaders attendedthe dinner. The highlights of the evening werethe Deputy Prime Minister's Annual Addressto the Academy,the PresidenttAddress,confermentof FellowshipCertificatesto ASM SeniorFellowsand ten new Fellows and launchingof the MalaysiaAntarcticaResearchProgramme. The Annual Addressdeliveredby the Deputy Prime Minister stated amongothersthe needfor Malaysian scientistsand technologiststo be competitiveon the global stagein order for Malaysiato be part of the global innovation process;for the Academyto take the leadin promoting and establishing InternationalR&D Collaborationin SET for which the Government would be willing to allocate resourcesand to play a necessary consultativerole to the Ministry of Educationin reviewingand developingappropriatecurriculum for SET educationin schoolsand for the Academyto be thorough in its task in reviewingthe National S&T Policy.The Deputy Prime Minister his support on the alsoexpressed proposedestablishmentof the National Scienceand Technology ResourceCentre. The Academyalsofor the first time sawthe confermentof FellowshipCertificatesby the Deputy Prime Minister to four SeniorFellowswho wereelected basedon their outstanding

Saintifik menghadiri Majlis Makan Malam tersebut. Acara kemuncak padamalam itu adalahUcapanThhunanoleh Timbalan PerdanaMenteri, Ucapan Presiden,penganugerahanSijil Fellowship kepadaFellow Kanan dan sepuluh Fellow baru Alademi dan pelancaranProgramPenyelidikan Malaysia-Antanika. UcapanThhunanyangdisampaikan oleh Timbalan PerdanaMenteri antaralain mengutarakanperlunya parasaintisdan ahli teknologi Mdaysia berdayasaingdi peringkat antarabangsauntuk membolehkan Malaysiamenjadi sebahagian daripadaprosesinovasiglobal;unruk Akademi menerajui promosi dan penubuhanKerjasamaP&P Antarabangsadalam bidang sains, kejuruteraandan teknolog yang manapihak Kerajaanbersetuju untuk menyediakansumberyang diperlukan dan unruk memainkan peranansebagaipenasihatkepada Kementerian Pendidikan dalam usahamengulasdan menyediakan kurikulum yang sesuaiuntuk pendidikansains,kejuruteraandan teknologi di sekolahdan untuk Akademi membuat ulasanyang terperincibagi PolisiS6cTTeknologi Kebangsaan.Timbalan Perdana Menteri juga melahirkansokongannya terhadapcadanganpenubuhan Pusat SumberSainsdan Teknologi Kebangsaan. Akademi juga buat pertama kalinya menyaksikan penganugerahan Sijil Fellow oleh Timbalan PerdanaMenteri kepada A4



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Dr Azizan Abu Samah menerima benderaMalaysia dad YAB Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sebagaitanda pelancaranProgram Penyelidikan MalaysiaAnunika Dr Azizan Abu Samah receiving the Malaysian flag from YAB Dato' SeriAbdullah Ahmad Badawi to mark the launching of the MalaysiaAntarctica Research Programme

empat'Fellow Kanad yang dilantik berdasarkansumbanganmerekayang cemerlangdi dalam bidang sains, kejuruteraandan teknologi untuk kebaikan negaradan manusiasejagat. Fellow Kanan mendapatgelaran Academiciari. Pemilihan Fellow Kanan dilaksanakanoleh PanelKhas yang dipengerusikanoleh Tan Sri Dato' SeriAhmad SarjiAbdul Hamid. Padatahun 1999 Fellow Kanan yang dilantik terdiri daripada AcademicianTanSri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFASc, Academician Dato' Ir Lee Yee Cheong FASc,Academician Dr M.K. RajakumarFAScdan AcademicianTanSri Datuk Dr AugustineS.H. Ong FASc. YAB Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawijuga menyampaikanSijil Fellow kepadasepuluh Fellow baru yang dilantik. Selepaspenyampaian Sijil Fellow kepadaFellow Kanan dan Fellow baruAkademi,Timbalan PerdanaMenteri melancarkan denganrasminyaProgram Penyelidikandan Pembangunandi Antartika.

contributions and achievements in the areasof SET for the benefit of the nation and the humankind. The SeniorFellowsareentitled to be 'Academician. called The selectionof the SeniorFellowswas done by a SpecialPanelchairedbyTan Sri Dato' SeriAhmad SarjiAbdul Hamid. In 1999 the SeniorFellows electedareAcademicianThn Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman FASc,AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYee CheongFASc,Academician Dr M.K. Rajakumar FAScand Academician Tan Sri Datuk DrAugustine S.H. Ong FASc. The Right HonorableDato'Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawialso presentedthe FellowshipCertificates to the ten newly electedFellows. After the confermentof the Fellowshipcertificatesto the Senior Fellowsand new Fellowsof the Academy,the Deputy Prime Minister officially launchedthe MalaysianR6.D Programmein the Antarctica.


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kademi SainsMalaysia,yang ditubuhkan empat tahun lalu, telah diamanahkandenganmisi "untuk mencapai,menggalak,serta meningkatkan kecemerlangandalam bidang sains,kejuruteraandan teknologi khususuntuk kemajuan dan pembangunannegaradan juga untuk kebaikanmanusiasejagat". Akademi menjalankanaktivitinya berdasarkankerangkamisinya:

-fa h. Academyof Sciences I Malavsia, which was establisheifouryears ago,hasbeen entrustedwith the mission"to pursue,encouragâ‚Źand enhance excellencein the fields of science, engineeringand technologyfor the developmentof the nation and the benefit of mankind". '\Tithin the frameworkof its given mission,the Academyorganizedits activitiesbasedon the following thrust areas:

.1. Untuk memberinasihat kepadaKerajaanmengenai perkara-perkara-yang berkepentingannasional 2. Untuk merangsangbudaya kecemerlangandalam bidang sains,kejuruteraandan teknologi di Malaysia 3. Untuk membantu meningkatkan keupayaan industri di Malaysiadalam bidang teknologi 4. Untuk menggalakkan kesedaranumum tentang kepentingansains, kejuruteraandan teknologi dalam kehidupan seharian 5. Untuk menggalakkandan mengkordinasikanKerjasama dan UsahasamaAntarabangsa dalambidang penyelidikan

1. To provideadviceto Governmenton matters relatedto science,engineering and technologywhich areof national importance 2. To fostera Culture of Excellencein the SET in Malaysia 3. To assistin upgradingthe technologicalcapabilityand competencyof Malaysian industries 4. To promote public awareness on the importanceof SET in everydaylife 5. To facilitateand coordinate InternationalCollaboration and Cooperationin research


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rl"h satu daripadaperanan Q rJ pentingAkademi adalahmemberi nasihat kepadaK.t".l"* mengenai perkarayangberkaitandenganbidang sains,kejuruteraandan teknologi. Padatahun 1999,Akademi telah menjalankan aktiviti berikuc

ne of the main roles of the Academy is to advise the Government on matters related to science,engineering and technology which are of nationd importance. In 1999, rhe Academy has carried out the below-mentioned activities:

Kajian Semula Polisi Sains dan Teknologi Kebangsaan Kementerian Sains,Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar meminta Akademi SainsMalaysia untuk mengkaji semulaPolisi Sainsdan Teknologi Kebangsaanyang digubal pada tahun 1986.Dato'DrYusof BasironFASc telah ditugaskanuntuk mengetuai satu kumpulan yang dianggotai oleh pakar dari institusi dan organisasi penting. AcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFASc, PresidenAkademi SainsMalaysia yang juga PenasihatSainsKepada PerdanaMenteri mengkoordinasi dan memberi panduan kepada proj.k tersebut. Objektif utama prosesk"ji* semulaadalah (a) untuk mengkaji semulasecara l,rritikal Polisi Sainsdan Teknologi Kebangsaandan menilai kesesuaiandan kaitannya dalam memenuhi madamat negarasejajar denganperubahanekonomi, teknologi dan transformasi sosial.

National Science and Technolog;r Policy Review The Ministry of Science,Technology and the Environment requested the Academy of SciencesMalaysia to undertake the review of the National Scienceand Technology Policy that was first formulated in 1986. Dato' Dr Yusof Basiron FASc was entrusted to lead a team ofexperts from various key institutions and organisations. Academician Thn Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman FASc, the President of theAcademy and also the ScienceAdvisor to the Prime Minister provided the coordination and guidance to the project. The primary objectives of this review processare: G) to critically review the current National SET Poliry and assessits appropriatenessand relevancein meeting national goals in line with changing economic, technological and social transformations:



(b) untuk mencadangkanPolisi Sainsdan Teknologi Kebangsaandan Pelan Tindakan untuk jangkamasa 200l-2010 berdasarkan penilaian diatasdengan penekananpadalangkahlangkah praktikal dan efektif kearahpembangunan keupayaansains,kejuruteraan dan teknologi untuk ekonomi yang berdayasaingdan berlandaskanpengetahuan sertapeningkatan kualiti hidup masadepan. Didalam usahamengkaji semula polisi, Akademi menggunakan kepakaranpara Fellow yang menjadi terasusahakajian semulaPolisi Sains dan Teknologi Kebangsaan.Sumber lain dijana daripadainstitusi berkaitansepeftiUM, UTM, UUM, UMS, MIGHT MIMOS, MIER dan lainJain pakar dari dalam dan luar negara. Untuk lebih menguatkananalisis tersebut dan untuk berkongsi pengalaman,Akademi menganjurkan beberapasesi 'brainstormingf dan seminar. Sebanyak13 sesi'brainstorming2 denganpelbagaidisiplin sainsdan satu seminarkebangsaandan dua seminarantarabangsatelah dianjurkan. SeminarAntarabangsa "Challengesand Issuesin Science, EngineeringandGchnology in a Knowledge-Driven Economy" diadakandari 30 November - I

(b) to recommend a new National SET Policy and Action plan for the period 2001-2010 basedon assessmentsabove with emphasis on practical and effective measurestowards

Parapesera di Seminar Antarabangsa"Challenges and Issuein Science, the development of SET Engineering and capabilities for a competitive Technolog;/' and knowledge-driven Panicipantsat the International Seminaron economy as well as the Challengesand issuesin enhancement of the nationt Science,Engineeringand futurequaliryof life. Technology

In undertaking the reviewprocess, theAcademydrew relevantexpertise from within its Fellows.These Fellowsformed the corefor the reviewof the National SET Policy. Additional resourceswere harnessedfrom the relevant institutions such as UM,

UTM, UUM, UMS,MIGHI MIMOS, MIER andotherexperts


from overseas and from within the country. To further strengthenthe analysis the and to shareexperiences, Academyorganizeda seriesof and seminars. brainstormingsessions A total of 13 brainstormingsessions with the variousdisciplinesof sciencesand one national and two international seminars wereorganized. The InternationalSeminaron "Challenges and Issuesin Science,





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Disember L999 dr Hotel Park Plaza, Kuala Lumpur. Ia dihadiri oleh lebih kurang 100 peserta.Satubengkel 'Development and Enhancementof Researchand Scientific Culture" diadakan pada4 November 1999 di Hotel ShahVillage, PetalingJaya. Lebih kurang 60 pesera menghadiri bengkel tersebut.Perbincangan benumpu kepadabagaimanauntuk mengembangkan danmempeningkatkan mutu penyelidikansena membina budayasainsdi kalangansaintis Malaysia. Proseskajian semulaitu juga menggunakan sumber dan kepakarandaripada Commonwealth Partnershipfor Technolog;r Management(CPTM). Akademi juga bekerjasama denganMIGHT menganjurkan seminarkebangsaan untuk menyediakankerangkabagi SistemInovasiKebangsaan(NIS). Hasil daripadasemuaaktiviti ini digunakan oleh Akademi untuk menguatkaninputnya didatam proseskajian semulaini. Akademi juga menganjurkan satu ceramaholeh MrTed Harley dari JabatanPerdagangandan Industri, UKyang dihadiri oleh Fellows Akademi, ahli JawatankuasaPetugas kajian semulapolisi dan wakil badan-badanKerajaandan swasta yang dijemput. Ceram"h y*g disampaikanbertajuk "Our CompetitiveEdge BuildingKnowledgeDriven Economy" menekankan tentang responsUK terhadap ekonomi berlandaskanpengetahuan. Selaindari itu, Akademi juga melibatkan organisasidan badan

Engineeringand Technologyin a Knowledge-DrivenEconomy''was held from 30 November 1 December 1999 at the ParkPlaza Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. It was attendedby about 100 participants. A workshop on "Development and Enhancement of Researchand Scientific Culture" was held on 4 November 1999 at Shaht Village Hotel, PetalingJaya.About 60 participantsattendedthe workshop. Discussionswere focusedon how to develop and enhanceresearch and build scientific culture arnong Malaysian scientists.The review processalso drew considerable resourcesand expertisefrom the Commonwealth Partnershipfor Technology Management (CPTM). The Academycollaboratedwith MIGHT in a national seminarto draw up the framework for a National Innovation System(NIS) The outputs from theseactivities were used by the Academy to strengthen its input in the review Process. The Academy hosted a talk by Mr Ed Harley of the Department ofTrade and Industry UK to Fellowsof theAcademy, members of the review task force and invited representativesof government and private sectororganizationson the subject "Our Competitive Edge: Building Knowledge-Driven Economy''. The talk highlighted how UK respondedto the knowledge driven economy. In addition the Academyhasbeen very activeto engageother or ganizationsand professional


professionallain dalamperundingan untuk menggabungkanidea dan buah fikiran. JawatankuasaPetugas ini juga terlibat denganScienceand TechnologyCommittee of the National EconomicConsultative Committee II (NECC II) untuk memastikanbahawaterdapat penjajaranpolisi di manaberkaitan dengansains,kejuruteraandan teknologi. Akademi telah memajukan laporan awal kepadaKementerian Sains,Teknologidan Alam Sekitar. Laporanakhir kajian semulaPolisi Sainsdan Gknologi Kebangsaan akandiserahkan padabulanApril 2000.

bodies in consultationsto consolidate ideas and opinions. The review team was also involved at certain stageswith the Science and Technology Committee of the National Economic Consultative Committee II (NECC II) to ensure policy alignment as far as science, engineering and technology are concerned. The Academy has already submitted the inception report to the Ministry of Science,Technology and the Environment. The final report of the review of the National Science and Technology Policy will be due for submission in April

Seminar "Future Directions and Business Opportunities in Food Production in Natural Agriculture Policy III (NAP3)" Seminar"Future Directions and BusinessOppornrnitiesin Food Production in NAP3" diadakan dari 15-16 November 1999 di Hotel Legend,Kuala Lumpur. Ia dihadiri seramailebih kurang 100 pesenadan dirasmikanoleh Menteri Pertanian, YB DatukAmar Dr SulaimanDaud. PengerusiJawatankuasaPenganjur, Dato' Dr Abdul Aziz S.A.Abdul Kadir FAScmenyamp"ikan ucapan dan ucaptamaMenteri. Akademi diwakili oleh SetiausahaAgung, Dato'Dr SallehMohd Nor FASc yang menyamp"ik ucapan " pembukaan.Empat ucaptamadan lapan kertaskerjadibentangkan semasaseminartersebut.Satu

Seminar On "Future Directions And Business Oppornrnities In Food Production In Natural Agriculture Policy III (NAP3)' The Seminaron "FutureDirections Opportunitiesin Food and Business Productionin NAP3" washeld from 15-16 November1999*the LegendHotel, Kuala Lumpur. It was attendedby about 100 participants and officiatedby the Minister of Agriculture,YB DatukAmar Dr SulaimanDaud. The Chairman of the OrganizingCommittee, Dato' Dr Abdul Aziz S.A. Kadir FASc deliveredthe speechand keynote addressof the Minister. The Academywasrepresentedby its SecretaryGeneral,Dato' Dr Salleh Mohd Nor FAScwho deliveredthe welcomeaddress.Four keynote and eight paperswere addresses presentedat the Seminar.A


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perbincanganmejabulat mengikut format'Langkawi Didogue' diadakan untuk sedapsesi.Hasil yang dijangkakan dari seminar ini adalahsatu laporan khas kepada Kerajaanyang mengandungi usul dan pelan tindakan bagi prospek masadepan industri makanandan penanian di Malaysia.

roundtable discussion following the 'Langkawi Dialogue' format was organized for each of the three sessions.The expectedoutcome of the seminar is a special report to the Government containing recommendations and action plans on "Future Prospectsfor the Food and Agriculture Industriesin Malaysia".

Forum "Pengklonan Manusia Satu Perspektif Islam" Akademi SainsMalaysiamendapat jemputan dari Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM) untuk mengambil bahagiandalam Forum yang berajuk "PengklonanManusia - Satu PerspektifIslam". Forum tersebutdiadakan di Dewan Besar, IKIM pada26 Ogos 1999. Prof Dr Looi lai MengFAScmembenangkan kertaskerjayang benajuk "Cloning The Scienceof the Possible".Di dalam kenaskerjabeliau membincangkanisu pengklonan dari perspektif sains. DrAbu BakarAbdut Majeed,Fellow Kanan IKIM membentangkankenas kerja benajuk "Pengklonan- Mencabar Ketentuan Tirhan?". Pembentangan beliau bern:.mpukepadaisu pengklonan manusiadari perspektif Islam. Perbincanganyang diadakan merumuskan bahawaisu pengklonan manusiaharuslahdiselesaikanatau ditangani melalui konsensusdi antarasemuap4ar termasukpara ulama, saintis dan ahli perubatan. Satu laporan mengenaiisu pengklonan ini dari perspektif sains dan Islam di dalam konteks negara akan disediakan.

Forum on "Pengklonan Manusia Satu Perspektif Islam" At the invitation of Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM), the Academy of SciencesMalaysia participated in the Forum "Pengklonan Manusia - Satu Perspektif Islam". The Forum was held at Dewan Besar,IKIM on26 August 1999. Prof Dr Looi Lai Meng FASc presenteda paper on "Cloning - The Scienceof the Possible".In her paper she dealt with the scientific aspect of cloning. Dr Abu BakarAbdul Majeed, Senior Fellow of IKIM presented a paper entitled "Pengklonan Manusia Mencabar Ketentuan Ti;Ian?". His presentation was focused on the issue of human cloning from the perspective of Islam. From the discussion it can be summarized that issuesof human cloning need to be resolved through consensusamong experts including Islamic scholars, scientists and medical personnel. A report on the issue of cloning from both the scientific and Islamic perspectivesin the national context will be prepared.



Water Q""lity Management The Academyin collaborationwith \WorldHumanity Action Tiust (\7HAI), the MalaysianNational Committee on Irrigation and "Drainage(MANCID) and Malaysian'WaterPartnership (M\il?) organizeda one day forum on 11 October1999at the Legend Hotel, KualaLumpur. The forum wasofficiated by YB Datuk Amar Dr Hj SulaimanHj Daud, Minister of Agriculture,Malaysia.About 100

Pengurusan Kuatid Air Akademi dengan kerjasama'World Humanity Action Tlust (\7HAT), Malaysian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (MANCID) dan Malaysian'Water Partnership (MS(/P) menganjurkan forum seharipada 11 Oktober 1999 & Hotel Legend, Kuala Lumpur. Forum tersebut dirasmikan oleh YB Datuk Amar Dr Hj Sulaiman Hj Daud, Menteri Pertanian Malaysia. Seramai lebihkurang 100 pesefta menghadiri forum tersebut yang menyediakan saru landasan bagr peftukaran pengetahuan dan maklumat sertaberkongsi pengalaman tentang amalan terbaik dan tindakan yang membawa perubahan unruk keselamatandan pemulihan kuditi sumber air kita. Forum tersebut mengumpulkan tenaga dalam bidang tersebut dari dalam dan luar negarayang membentangkan kertas kerja masingmasing dan mengadakan perbincangan mengenai topik Pengurusan Kualiti Air. Ucaptama disampaikan oleh Prof JanuszKindler, Commission Member dan Dekan, Fakulti Kejuruteraan Alam Sekitar, Universiti Teknologi'!?'arsaw, Poland. Forum tersebut memberi, input dan perspektif kepada'global water vision.

YB DatukAmar Dr Hj Sulaiman Hj Daud semasa perasmianForum YB DatukAmar Dr Hj SulaimanHj. Daud during the openingofthe Forum

parnclpants attended the forum which provided a platform for exchangeof knowledge and information and sharing experiences

regardingbestpracticesand innovativeaction towardsthe protection and restorationof the qualiry of our freshwaterresources. The forum brought togetherinternational and local expertswho presentedpapersand held discussionson the topic of W'ater Qu"liry Management.The keynote addresswasdeliveredby ProfJanusz Kindler, CommissionMember and Dean, Faculryof Environmental Engineering,'Warsaw Universityof Technology,Poland.The Forum providedthe national input and perspectiveinto the globalwater vision. \P{4


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Simposium "Towards A MosquitoSafeEnvironment" Simposium"TowardsA MosquitoSafeEnvironment" selamadua hari dianjurkan oleh Akademi Sains Malaysiadi Hotel Legend,Kuala Lumpur dari 29-30 Jun 1999. Simposium ini mengumpulkan pakar-pakardalam bidang biologi dan kawalannyamuk untuk membentangkanpenemuandan pengalamanmerekakepadapemaju, perancarrgbandar,pengurushotel dan tempat peranginan,industrialis dan merekayang inginkan kawasan merekabebasdari nyamuk. Simposiumini dihadiri oleh 150 pesertayang diakhir simposium belajarbagaimanauntuk mengenalpastijenis nyamuk, memahami risiko yang terdedah kepadamereka,dan berpengetahuan bagaimanaunruk melaksanakan langkah kawalan. Hasil dari simposiumtersebut, selaindari perbincangandan bahanbahan edaranadalahbuku saintifik mengenaisubjek yang dibincangkan yang mana akan dijadikan sebagai teftsrujukan ddam usaha menjadikan alam sekitar kita selamat dari nyamuk. Ia juga akan menjadi sumbernasihatdan memberi maklumat teknikal kepadapemaju, pembinabangunan,arkitek, pereka senitaman, industrialisdan ramai lagi. Untuk orang awam termasuk sekolah,satu buku berillustrasi yang kurang teknikal dibandingkan dengankertaskerjaSimposium adalahdi dalam perancanganuntuk dihasilkan.

Symposi"m "Towards A Mosquito-Safe Environ m ent" A two-day symposiumon "Towards a Mosquito-SafeEnvironment" was organizedby the Academy of SciencesMalaysiaat the Legend Hotel, KualaLumpur ftom29-30 June 1999.The symposiumbrought togetherexpertson mosquito biology and control, to presenttheir findings and experiences to developers, builders,architects,planters, landscapers, town planners,hoteliers, resortmanagers,industrialistsand otherswho want to keeptheir domainsmosquito-safe.It was attendedby 150 participantswho at the end of the symposiumhad learnedhow to identify the different kinds of mosquitoes,understandthe risksthey areexposedto, and be sufficientlyknowledgeableto implement control measures. The outcomeof the symposium, apaft from the discussionsand the materialsdistributed at the symposium,would be a scientifically authoritativebook on the subject which would be a referencetext in making our environmentmosquitosafe.It would alsobe a sourceof adviceand would provide the technicalinformation to the developers,builders,architects, industrialistsand many landscapers, others.For the generalpublic, including schools,a separate illustratedbook is beingplanned which will be lesstechnicalthan the Symposiumpapers.




bjektif Program KecemerlanganSainsadalah untuk menanamBudayaCemerlang di dalam bidang sains,kejuruteraan dan teknologi di Malaysia.Adalah penting bagi negarakita menghasilkan saintis dan ahli teknologi generasi baru yang diharapkan dapat menerajui kemajuan penyelidikan, pembangunandan inovasi.Thhun 1999 menyalsikanbanyakaktiviti yang menarik dianjurkan oleh Akademi dibawah program ini. Sebagairingkasan,Akademi menganjurkan SyarahanPerdana, lima syarahan,dua forum, dua bengkel,satusimposium,satu perbincangan,satu Syarahan Memorial dan menganugerahkan dua geranpenyelidikan. Selaindari itu, Akademi juga sedang menyediakankertascadangan bagaimanaMalaysiadapat menghasilkanpemenanganugerah Nobel padatahun 2020.

he objective of the Science Excellence Programme is to inculcate a Culture of Excellence in the fields of science,engineering, and technology in Malaysia. It is important for our country to produce a next generation of scientists,engineersand technologistson whom the nation will depend for major advancesin research,development and innovation. The year 1999 saw many interesting activities being carried out by the Academy under this programme. In summary the Academy held an oration, five lectures, two fora, two workshops, a symposium,a discussion,a Memorial Lecture and awarded two research grants. In addition to that, the Academy is also preparing a proposal on "How to Get a Malaysian Nobel Laureate by the Year 2020".



A Proposal on "How To Get a Malaysian Nobel Laureate by the Yent 2O20" fuising from the challenge thrown to the scientific community by the Right Honorable Prime Minister to produce a Nobel Laureate by the year 2020, the Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment had taken the initiative to draw a plan of action to realize the challenge.The Ministry of Science,

Cadangan Bagaimana Untuk Menghasilkan Pemenens Anugerah Nobel Malaysia pada Tahun 2020 Sebagaimenyahut cabaranYAB PerdanaMenteri Malaysiakepada masyarakatsaintifik negaraunruk menghasilkanpemenanganugerah Nobel padatahun 2020, Kementerian Sains,Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar telah mengambil inisiatif untuk menghasilkanpelan \\

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tindakan untuk menyahut cabaran tersebur.Kementerian meminta Akademi menyediakankertaskonsep PelanTindakan bagaimanaunruk menghasilkanpemenanganugerah Nobel Malaysiapada tahun 2020. Kertaskonsep tersebutharus mengandungiperkaratersebut: (l) Untuk mencadangkanpelan tindakan yang dapat memupukdanmengembanglsn bakat tempatan dan teknologikal dengantujuan untuk menghasilkan PemenangAnugerah Nobel pada tahun 2020. (2) Unruk membantuperanqmgan ProgramPenyelidikankhas di dalam dan luar Malaysia dengantujuan untuk menggalakkanpenyelidikan oleh ralqyatMalaysiayang berkebolehan di dalambidangbidangyangdapatmenghasilkan manafaatyang banyak kepada manusiasejagat (3) Untuk meninjau keperluan khas infrastruktur penyelidikan yang dapat meningkatkan usaha menghasilkanpenyelidik benaraf antarabangsa (4) Untuk membantu merancang program promosi khasyang akan menjadi asaskepada penghasilanSaintis Malaysia yang inovatif;,bermotivasi dan "researchminded" yang akan menjadi Pemenang Anugerah Nobel dimasa hadapan (5) Untuk memastikanmekanisma perlaksanaanPelanTindakan

Technology and the Environment has requested the Academy to prepare a concept paper on a Plan ofAction to produce a Nobel Laureate by the year 2020.The concept paper is to include the following: (1) To suggesta plan of action


which can nurture and develop local and technological talents witl the aim of producing a Nobel Laureate bv the vear

2020 (2) To help in planning special ResearchProgrammesin and outside Malaysiawith the aim of encouraging researchby tdented Malaysiansin areaswhich can confer the greatest benefit to mankind (3) To look into special researchinfrastructural needswhich can enhance the efforts in producing world classresearchers (4) To help planning special promotion programmesto lay the foundation for the creation of innovative, motivated and research minded Malaysian Scientistswho could be our future Nobel Laureates (5) To determine a mechanism to implement the Plan of Action taking into consideration the roles of

yang mengambilkira peranan agensiKerajaan,BadanBukan Kerajaandan BadanKorporat (6) Untuk memasdkankewangan yang diperlukan unruk melalsanakanPelanTindakan dan mengenalpastisumber pembiayaanyang mungkin

government agencres, NGOs and corporate bodies (6) To determine the budget required to implement the Plan ofAction and to identify possiblesourcesof


SebagaisusulanAkademi menubuhkansebuahJawaankuasa Petugasuntuk mencadangkan akdvitiaktiviti dan pelantindakanuntuk membolehkanAkademimenghasilkan kertaskonseptersebut.Satudaripada . aktiviti tersebutadalahpenganjuran syarahanelsklusif benajuk "Nobel Prizr,- Its Organizationand Suategies: An ExclusiveInsight" yang disampaikanoleh ProfJan S. Nilsson, Presiden,RoyalSwedishAcademy of Sciences di AkademiSainsMalaysia padaJumaat,2lMei 1999.Syarahan ini dianjurkandengankerjasamaRoyal SwedishEmbassydi KualaLumpur. Objektif syarahanini adalahuntuk mendapatkanmaklumatyanglebih lanjut berkenaandenganpengurusan dan penyusunananugerahyang beqprestijini dan untuk mendedahkan komuniti sainsMalaysiadengan pengurusandan pemilihanAnugerah Nobel. Syarahandipengerusikanoleh PresidenAkademiSainsMalaysia AcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul RahmanFASc.Didalam syarahannya ProfJan S. Nilsson mengimbassejarahpenganugerahan Nobel kembalikepadapengasasnya. Syarahandihadiri oleh lebih kurang 70 peserta.

As a follow up the Academyhad setup a TaskForceto propose activitiesand line of action that would enablethe Academyto come up with the conceptpaper.One of the activitieswasthe organizationof an exclusivelectureon "Nobel Prize - Its Organizationand Strategies: An ExclusiveInsight" which was deliveredby ProfJan S. Nilsson, Presidentof the Royal Swedish Academyof Sciencesat the Academy of SciencesMalaysiaon Friday,2l May 1999.The lecturewas organizedin collaborationwith the RoyalSwedishEmbassyin Kuala Lumpur. The objectivesof the lecturewereto obtain closerinsights of the organizationand management of theseprestigiousawardsand to exposethe Malaysianscientific community on the managementand the selectionprocessof the Nobel Prize.The lecturewaschairedby the Presidentof the Academyof Sciences Malaysia,AcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul Rahman FASc.In deliveringthe lectureProf JanS. Nilssontracedthe historyof the Nobel Prizeback to the man himself.The lecturewasattendedby about 70 participants.



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Siri PerbincanganAsM - "VaterThe Essenceof Life" Satu ceramahbenajuk "'Water- the Essenceof Life" disampaikanoleh Prof EmeritusDr Mu ShikJhon, PresidenKoreanAcademy of Sciencesand Technology dan Professorddam bidang Kimia di KoreanAdvanced Institure of ScienceandTechnologrdi Dewan Seminar,Akademi SainsMalaysia pada10 Februari1999.ProfJhon adalahpengasaskepadateori air heksagonaldan beliau menumpukan usahanyakearahmemahami pertalian diantara air dan kesihatan. Seramailebih kurang 30 peserta menghadiri ceramah.

ASM Discussion Series-'lWater The Essenceof Life" A talk on "'W'ater- the Essenceof Life" wasdeliveredby Prof Emeritus Dr Mu ShikJhon,Presidentof the KoreanAcademyof Scienceand Technologyand Professorin Chemistry at the KoreanAdvanced Institute of Scienceand Technology, at the AcademySeminarHall on 10 February1999.PrcfJhonis the originator of the hexagonalwater theory and he alsofocuseshis efforts towardsunderstandingthe relationshipberweenwater and health.About 30 participants attendedthe lecture.

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z z Prof EmeritusDr Mu ShikJhon deliveringthe Public Lecrure Prof EmeritusDr Mu ShikJhon menyampaikanSyarahanUmum !




Geran Penyelidikan Perubatan Dr Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh dan Syarahan Memorial 1999 Padatahun 1999 Jawatankuasa Pemilihan Geran Penyelidikan PerubatanDr RanjeetBhagwan Singh yang dipengerusikan oleh Dr Narimah MdAwin, Pengarah IMR telah memilih dua daripada35 permohonan untuk dianugerahkan dengangeranpenyelidikan. Mereka adalahDr Fong Mun Yik dari Universiti Malayadan Dr Kamarul Ariffin dari Hospital Universiti KebangsaanMalaysiayang masingmasingmenerimaRM35,000 dan RM 18,000. Gerandisampaikan kepadapemenangoleh YB Datuk Abu Bakar Daud, Timbalan Menteri Sains,Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar. Prof Erling Nonby, Fakulti Prubatan, Karonslika Institute/ Setiausahafuung Royal Swedish Academy of Sciencesmenyampaikan SyarahanMemorial Dr Ranjeet BhagwanSingh yang kedua benajuk "The New Biology and Medicine' kepadalebih kurangZ5} tetamu. Syarahandiadakan pada22 Mei 1999 dr Dewan Ungku Omar, Institut PenyelidikanPerubatan, Kuala Lumpur. Syarahan UmumASM Akademi telah menjemput PemenangAnugerah Nobel Prof 'Warner Arber, Presiden, InternationalCouncil for Science (ICSU) untuk menyampaikandua syarahanumum pada25 Ogos 1999. Syarahanpertamabemajuk

Dr Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh Medical ResearchFund and Memorial Lecture 1999 In 1999the SelectionCommitteeof Dr RanjeetBhagwanSingh Medical ResearchGrant, chairedby Dr Narimah Md Awin, Director of IMR, selectedtwo out of 35 applicantsto be awardedthe research grants.They wereDr Fong Mun Yik from Universityof Malayaand Dr KamarulAriffin Khalid from Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysiawho receivedRM35,000 The and RM18,000 respectively. grantswerepresentedto the winners byYB DatukAbu BakarDaud, Deputy Minister of Science, Technologyand the Environment. Prof Erling Norrby, Professor, Medical Faculry,Karonslika Institute/SecretaryGeneralof the RoyalSwedishAcademyof Sciences presentedthe secondDr Ranjeet BhagwanSingh Memorial Lecture entitled"The New Biologyand Medicine"to about250 guests.The lecturewasheld on 22 May 1999 at Dewan Ungku Omar, Institute for Medical Research,Kuala Lumpur.

ASM Public Lectures The Academyinvited Nobel 'Werner LaureateProf Arber, President,InternationalCouncil for Science(ICSU) to delivertwo public lectureson25 August 1999.The first lectureon "Molecular Mechanisms of Microbial Evolution" washeld at



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"Molecular Mechanismsof Microbial Evolution" diadakan di PusatSainsNegara.Ia dihadiri oleh 250 pesertayang terdiri daripada penyelidik, professor,guru-guru sainsdan wakil badan-badan professionalSET Syarahankedua bertajuk "Roots and Prospectsof Molecular Genetic" diadakandi Auditorium Teknologi Pendidikan, PersiaranBukit Kiara. Penonron seramai400 orangterdiri daripada pelajar,guru-guru dan pegawaidan Kementerian Pendidikan termasuk Ketua PengarahPendidikan,YBhg Dato' Dr Abdul ShukorAbdullah.

the National ScienceCentre.It was attendedby about 250 participants comprisingresearchers, professors, scienceteachers,and representatives of professional SET bodies.The secondpublic lectureon "Roots and Prospectsof Molecular Genetics"was held'at the Auditorium Teknologi Pendidikan,PersiaranBukit Kiara. The audienceincluded400 students, teachersand officialsfrom the Ministry of Educationincludingthe Director Generalof EducationYBhg Dato' Dr Abdul ShukorAbdullah.


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Prof !?'ernerArber bersamadenganAcademician Tan Sri Datuk Dr Augustine S.H. Ong semasaSyarahanUmum di Auditorium Teknologi Pendidikan 'Werner Prof Arber with AcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr AugustineS.H. Ong during the Public Lectureat the Auditorium Teknologi Pendidikan


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The Current StatusOf Research in HIV ProfJohn Mills, Pengarah, MacfarlaneBurnet Centre (MBC), Medical Research,Melbourne, Australia menyampaikansyarahan umum bertajuk "The Current Status of Researchin HM' pada26 Oktober 1999 dt Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia(HUKM), Kuala Lumpur. Seramailebih kurang 80 tetamu menghadiri syarahan tersebutyang dipengerusikanoleh TanSri Datuk Dr Musaffa BabjeeFASc.

The Current StatusOf Research in HIV ProfJohnMills, Director, MacfarlaneBurnet Centre (MBC) for Medical Research,Melbourne, Australiadelivereda public lecture on "The Current Statusof Research in HIV' on26 October1999at Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia(HUKM), Kuala Lumpur. About 80 guestsattendedthe lecture which waschairedbyThn Sri Datuk Dr MustaffaBabjeeFASc.

Bengkel "Principles, Protocols and PithIIs of FluorescenceIn Situ Hybridization (Fish)" Bengkelpertamayangdianjurkan di bawahTabung Penyelidikan PerubatanDr Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh iaitu "Principles,Protocolsand Pitfallsof Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization" diadakan darl,18--23 November 1999 dr Fakulti Perubatan,Universiti Malaya. la dirasmikanoleh Dato'Dr Salleh Mohd Nor FASc,SetiausahaAgung Akademi.

Workshop on "Principles, Protocols and Pidalls of FluoroscenceIn Situ Hybridiz.ation (Fish) " The first technicalworkshopfunded under the Dr RanjeetBhagwan SinghMedicalResearch Fund on "Principles,Protocolsand Pitfallsof Fluorescenc e In Situ Hybridization" washeld from 18-23 November 1999at the Faculryof Medicine, Universiryof Malaya.It wasofficiated by Dato' Dr SallehMohd Nor FASc, SecretaryGeneralof the Academy.

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Pesera bengkel menjalankan praktikal secara'hands-ori menggunakanteknik FISH. Vorkshop participantscarrying out hands-onbenchwork using FISH techniques



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Tirjt* bengkel tersebutadalah untuk mengenalkankepadapara pesertaasasteknik FISH bermula dari protokol hingga ke analisishasil dan ia bernrmpu kepadapersediaan cytogenetikmolekular (FISH), andisis dan intepretasihasil teknik FISH. Bengkeltersebutmegandungi syarahan,praktikal secara'hands-ort', milcoskopi dan tutorial. Diantara objektif bengkeltersebut adalahuntuk memberi pelajaran kepadapesertaberkenaanbatasan dan kesulitan apabilamenggunakan teknik FISH di bidang klinikal dan penyelidikan dan unruk mengendkan pesertadenganjenis probe' yangberbea untuk FISH. Assoc.ProfAndy K.H. Choo dari Murdoch Institute of Binh Defects, Melbourne, Australia, PakarTeknikal dari Depanment of Medical Genetics,BelfastCity Hospital, Ireland ditugaskanunruk membantu pengendalianbengkel.27 peserca yang dipilih berdasarkanpenggunaan teknik FISH merekapadamasa sekarangatau akan datang untuk kerja klinikal atau penyelidikan menghadiribengkeltersebut. Academician Tan Sri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFASc. PresidenAkademi SainsMalaysia menutup majlis dan seterusnya menyampaikanSijil kepadapara peserta.

The aim of the workshopwasto introduce participantsto the basisof FISH beginningwith protocols through to analysisof resultsand it wasfocusedparticularlyon molecularcFtogenetics(FISH) preparation,analysisand interpretationof FISH results.The workshopcomprisedof lectures, hands-onpracticals,microscopyand tutorials. Among the objectivesof the workshopwereto educate participantson the limitations and pitfalls when applying FISH to clinical and researchareasand to enlightenparticipantson the different typesof probesavailablefor FISH. Assoc.ProfAndy K.H. Choo from Murdoch Institute of Binh Defects,Melbourne,Australiaand Mr David McManus, Technical Specialistfrom the Department of Medical Genetics,BelfastCity Hospital, Irelandwere engagedto xsist the workshop.Twenty seven participantswho wereselectedbased on their current or future useof FISH in clinical work or research attendedthe workshop. The closingceremonyof the workshopwasofficiatedby Academician Tan Sri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFASc, Presidentof the Academyof Sciences Malaysiawho presentedCertificates to all participants.




Syarahan Perdana ASM f999 Akademi menganjurkan Syarahan Perdana1999 di Fakulti Sains, Universiti Malaya pada13 Disember 1999. SyarahanPerdanatersebut dianjurkan bersamaoleh Akademi dan Fakulti Sains,Universiti Malaya. Seramailebih kurang35} reramu menghadiri syarahantersebutyang bertajuk "Superfluidiryin 3HE : Discoveryand Understanding' disampaikanoleh Prof Douglas Osheroff,pemenanganugerahNobel dalam bidang Fizik pada tahun 1996. Prof DouglasOsheroffadalah seorangahli Fizik terkemuka di dunia dan penyelidikannyaadalah bertumpu kepadakajian tentang cecairdan pepejalkuantum dan kaca padatakat suhu lampau.

ASM Annual Oration 1999 The Academyheld its 1999Annual Oration at the Facultyof Science, Universityof Malayaon 13 December1999.The Oration was jointly organizedby the Academy and the Facultyof Science, Universityof Malaya.About 350 invited guestiattendedthe oration. The oration entitled "Superfluidity in 3HE : Discoveryand Understanding"wasdeliveredby Prof DouglasOsheroff,a Nobel Laureatein Physicsin 1996.Prof DouglasOsheroffis one of the worldt most distinguishedphysicists and his researchefFortscenrer around studiesof quantum fluids and solidsand glasses at ultra-low temPeratures.


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z Prof Douglas Osheroff menyampaikan SyarahanPerdana Prof DouglasOsheroffdeliveringthe Annual Orarion



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Syarahan Umum ASM 1999 Prda 14 Disember 1999, Prof Douglas Osheroff menyampaikan SyarahanUmum bertajuk "The Nature of Discovery in Physics"di Dewan Budaya,Universiti Sains Malaysia. Program dianjurkan bersamaoleh Akademi dan Universiti SainsMalaysia. Seramai lebih kurang3s} tetamu menghadiri syarahantersebut.

ASM 1999 Public Lecnrre On 14 December1999,Prof Dr DouglasOsheroffdelivereda Public Lectureentided "The Nature of Discoveryin Physics"at Dewan Budaya,Universiti SainsMalaysia. The programmewasjointly organizedby the Academy and Universiti SainsMalaysia.About 350 guestsattendedthe lecture.

Siri Syarahan India-Asean Flninent Persons"Neurosurgeryin Infia" Pada30 November 1999, Prof P.N. Thndon, ProfessorEmeritus, Jabatan Neurosurgeri,All India Institute of Microsurgery (AIIMS), New Delhi yang beradadi Kuala Lumpur sebagaitetamu Akademi dibawah Program Siri SyarahanIndia-ASMN Eminent Personstelah menyampaikandua syarahandan membentangkansatu kertaskerja. Program dianjurkan oleh Akademi denganIndian High Commission di Malaysia. ProfThndon menyampaikanqyarahanbenajuk "State of the Art (Nuerosurgery)in India" di Institut IGji SarafTirnku Abdul Rahman, Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur. Syarahantersebut dihadiri oleh 80 tetamu yang terdiri daripada doktor, pakar bedah neuro, penyelidik sainsperubatan dan jururawat. Diantara tetamu kehormat yang hadir adalahDato' Dr Haji Ahmad lajuddin j"ffu, Timbalan Pengarah(Perubatan), Kementerian Kesihatandan YBhg

India-Asean Eminent Persons Lecture Series"Neurosurgery in India" On 30 November1999Prof P.N. Thndon, EmeritusProfessor, Departmentof NeurosurgeryAll India Institute of Micro Surgery (AIIMS), New Delhi who wasin Kuala Lumpur asguestof the Academyunder the India-ASEAN Eminent PersonsLectureSeries programmegavetwo lecturesand presenteda paper.The programme was organizedby the Academy in collaborationwith the Indian High Commissionin Malaysia.Prof Thndon delivereda lectureon "State of the An (Neurosurgery)in India" at the Institut Kaji SarafTirnku Abdul Rahman,Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur. The lecturewas attendedby about 80 guests consistingof doctors,neurosurgeons and and medicalscienceresearchers sisters(nurses).Among the dignitariesat the lecturewere Dato' Dr Haji Ahmad Thjuddin l^ff^t, Deputy Director General(Medical), Ministry of Health Malaysiaand


Dato' Dr R. Selvaprasagam, PengarahInstitut Kaji SarafTunku Abdul Rahman Hospital BesarKuala Lumpur. Selepassyarahanbelidu melawatwad perubatan neurosurgeri dan mengadakanperbincangan dengandoktor-doktor di hospital. Padahari yang sama,ProfTandon menyampaikansyarahanbenajuk "RecentAdvancesin Pathogenesis, Investigation and Ti:eatmentof Brainstem Haemorrhages"kepada lebih kurang 100 teramudi Institut SainsBiologi, Universiti Malaya. Pada1 Disember 1999 Prcf Tandon menyampaikankenas kerja bertajuk "India'sResponsein Terms of National S&T Poliry to the Knowledge-Driven Economy'' di SeminarAntarabangsaKajian SemulaPolisiS 6cT Kebangsaan.

YBhg Dato' Dr R. Selvaprasagam, Director of Institut Kaji SarafTirnku Abdul Rahman,Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur. After the lecturehe visited the neurosurgerymedical ward and had discussionwith doctorsat the hospital. On thesamedayin theafternoon, ProfTandon delivereda lectureon "RecentAdvancesin Pathogenesis, Investigationand Tieatmentof Brainstem Haemorrhages" to about 100 guestsat the Institute of Biological Sciences,Universiryof Malaya. On 1 December1999Prof Thndon presenteda paper"Indiat ResponseIn Termsof National S&T Poliry to the Knowledge-Driven Economy''at the International Seminaron NationalS&T Policr Review.


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z Prof. P.N. Thndon bersamadengan doktor di Insdtut Kaji SarafTunkuAbdul Rahman Prof. PN. tndon with the doctorsat the Institute Kaii SarafTirnkuAbdul Rahman



PROGMM KESEDARANSAINS rogram KesedaranSains ditubuhkan dengantujuan untuk meningkatkan kesedarandan kefahamantentang perananpenting yang dimainkan oleh sainsdan teknologi dalam ekonomi Malaysia dan untuk kesejahteraansosialdan juga untuk menanambudayasains dikalanganmasyarakatkita. Padatahun 1999Akademi meneruskanSiri SyarahanASM yang dimulakan pada tahun lepas.Siri Syarahanini diadakan untuk meningkatkan kesedarantentang pencapaianSET di kalanganpelajar sainsSekolahMenengah berusiadi antara L5-16 tahun dan juga untuk menggalakkandan memberi inspirasi kepadagenerasimuda kita untuk memilih kerjryadalam bidang SET sertamenggalakkanmerekamenjadi penerajubidangini. Dengankerjasama PETROSAINSdan ditajasepenuhnya oleh PETRONAS, Akademi telah menjayakanfasakedua (FasaII) PETROSAINS-ASM 1999ini. Syarahan SyarahanPETROSAINS-ASM I 999 FasaII SyarahanPETROSAINSASM bermula di PulauPinang.Ia diadakandi UniversitiSainsMalaysia. SelepasPulau Pinang, syarahan diadakandi KolejMARA, Kulim, diikuti di Institut Kemahiran MARA, Beseri;Maktab Rendah SainsMARA, Kuantan; Maktab Rendah SainsMARA Pengkalan Chepa;'STisma Darul Iman, Kuala Terengganu;UNIMAS, Kota

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ne Jclence 1\wareness

I Programmewasdevelopedwith and the aim to increaseawareness understandingof the centralrole which scienceand technologyplay in Malaysia'seconomicand socialwellbeing and alsoto developa scientific culture in the society. In 1999 the Academycontinued with the ASM LectureSerieswhich startedlast year.The LectureSeriesis of SET developedto raiseawareness High School amongst achievements -16 years sciencestudentsaged| 5 inspire and alsoto challengeand young peopleto pursuecareersin SET and stimulatethem to become leadersin thesefields.'W'iththe cooperationof PETROSAINS and under the solesponsorshipof PETRONAS, the Academyhas organizedthe second successfully (Phase II) of the phase PETROSAINS-ASM 1999 Lecture.

PETROSAINS-ASM I 999 Lecture PhaseII of the PETROSAINS-ASM Lecturestanedin PulauPinang.It washeld at Universiti Sains Malaysia.After Pulau Pinang,the lecturewasheld at Kolej MARA, Kulim, followed by Institut KemahiranMARA, Beseri;Makab RendahSainsMARA, Kuantan; Maktab Rendah SainsMARA, .$7'isma Darul PengkalanChepa; Iman, KualaTerengganu;UNIMAS, Kota Samarahanand Promenade qlq9

Samarahandan PromenadeHotel, Kota Kinabalu.Seramai4,232 pelajardan 350 guru dari 245buah sekolahmenghadiriSyarahantersebut. Syarahanyang diadakandi Kuala Terengganudirasmikan oleh YAB Datuk SeriAmar DiRajaTan Sri Haji Van MokhtarAhmad, Menteri BesarTerengganu.SetiausahaAgung Akademi, Dato'Dr SallehMohd Nor FAScdan PengarahElsekuti{, Dr SamsudinTirgimanturut hadir. Di Sarawak,YAB Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri HajiAbdulThib Mahmud, Ketua Menteri Sarawakmerasmikan Syarahan.Dalam ucapanperasmian beliau mendorongibu bapauntuk menggalakkananak-anakmereka mengambildan mempunyaiminat terhadapsubjek sainsdari usia muda memandangkanbidang ini adalah penyumbangutama kepada pembangunannegaradi masadepan. Akademi diwakili oleh Setiausaha Agung, Dato' Dr SallehMohd Nor FASc.

Hotel, Kota Kinabalu. A total of 4,232 studentsand 350 teachers ftom245 schoolsattendedthe Lecture. The Lecturein KualaTerengganu wasofficiatedbyYAB Datuk Seri Amar DiRajaTirn Sri Haji \fan Mokhtar Ahmad, Menteri Besar Terengganu.The Academyt SecretaryGeneral,Dato' Dr Salleh Mohd Nor FASc and Executive Director, Dr SamsudinTirgiman werein affendance. In Sarawak,Chief Minister YAB Datuk PatinggiTan Sri Haji Abdul Thib Mahmud officiatedthe Lecture. In his openingspeechhe urged the parentsto encouragetheir children to take up and havean interestin sciencesubjectsatanearly age consideringthat thesesubjectswould be the prime contributor to the future developmentin the country. The Academywasrepresentedby its SecretaryGeneral,Dato' Dr Salleh Mohd Nor FASc. it

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AcademicianDato'Ir LeeYeeCheong FASc menyampaikan uqrpan semasaperasmian Syarahan PETROSAINS-ASM peringkat Negeri Sabah AcademicianDato'Ir LeeYeeCheong FASc deliveringthe welcomingspeechat the OpeningCeremony of the PETROSAINSASM Lecturein Sabah



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Dilokasi akhir Syarahan,Syarahan tersebutdirasmikan oleh YB Datuk Chong Kah Kiat, Menteri PembangunanPelancongan,Alam Sekitar,Sainsdan Teknologi Sabah. Academician Dato' Ir Lee Yee Cheong FASc,Naib Presidendan Dr SamsudinTugiman, Pengarah Eksekutif mewakili Akademi. Didalam uqrpan perasmianYB Datuk Chong Kah Kiat mendorong sektor swastauntuk membantu dalam usahauntuk menanamminat dalam bidang sainsdan teknologi dikalanganpelajar sekolahdi Sabah. Beliaujuga memohon bantuan Akademi untuk membantu usahausahayang dijalankan oleh kerajaan negeri Sabahuntuk mempromosikan sainsdan teknologi kepada pelajar sekolah. Syarahantersebutmendapat sambutanyang memberangsangkan dari guru-guru dan pelajar.Ia dianggapsebagaiberpengetahuan, berinformatif dan pada masayang samarnenyeronokkan.Adalah diharapkan Syarahansebeginidapat diteruskan dimasa-masaakan datang.

At the last venueof the tout the Lecture was officiated by YB Datuk Chong Kah Kiat, Menteri PembangunanPelancongan, Alam Sekitar,Sainsdan TeknologiSabah. AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYee Cheong FASc, Vice President and Dr SamsudinTirgiman,Executive Director representedthe Academy. The Minister in his openingspeech urged the privatesectorto help in funding interestin scienceand technology,especiallyamongschool children in Sabah.He alsosought the assistance from the Academyin the effortsto promote scienceand technologyin Sabahespeciallyto the schoolchildren. The lecture received overwhelmingresponsefrom both the studentsand the teachers.It was perceivedaseducating,very informative and at the sametime entertaining.It's hoped that the lecturewould be continuedin the future.



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Sepintaslalu aktiviti Syarahan PETROSAINS-ASM


An overviewof the activitiesat the PETROSAINS-ASM Lecture




Pusat Sumber Sains dan Teknologi Kebangsaan (NSTRC) CadanganpenubuhanPusatSumber Sainsdan Teknologi Kebangsaan (NSTRC) bermulapadatahun 1993 dimana GabunganPernrbuhanSains dan TeknologiMalapia (COSThM) memajukan kertascadanganasal kepadaMajlis Penyelidikandan KemajuanSainsNegara(MPKSN). Kertas cadanganyang dipersetujui kemudiannya dilanjutkan kepada KementerianSains,Teknologidan Alam Sekitar (KSTAS) untuk tujuan perlalaanaandan selanjutnya dipersetujuisupayaAkademi Sains Malaysiayang pada ketika itu di dalamprosespenubuhanmengambilalih tugasperlaksanaancadangan tersebut. Projekkemudiaannya ditangguhkan sehinggalahAkademi berfungsi sepenuhnya padabulanNovember1996. Akademi kemudiaanya menubuhkan JawatankuasaPetugas untuk mengambil langkahJangkah yang perlu ke arah penubuhan NSTRC. Akademi kemudiannya diberikan sebidangtanah di Serdang, Selangoroleh Universiti Putra Malaysia(UPM). Majlis Akademi kemudiannya memutuskan supaya NSTRC didirikan diatastanah tersebutsebagaisumbangan Akademi kepadaNSTRC. Input dari Akademi di dalam peranqmgan konseppenubuhantermasuklah lawatan ke PusatSumber Sains, Kejuruteraan dan Teknolog (SET) yang serupadi Manila Jakartadan Bejing. Sepanjangprosesini JawatankuasaPetugasdan

National Scienceand Technology Resource Center (NSTRC) The proposalto establisha National Scienceand TechnologyResource Centre (NSTRC) startedin 1993 when the Confederationof Scientific and TechnologicalAssociationsin Malaysia(COSTAM) submitted a paperto Majlis Penyelidikandan KemajuanSainsNegara(MPKSN). The approvedproposalwasthen referredto the Ministry of Science, Technologyand the Environment (MOSTE) for implementationand later it wasagreedthat the establishmentof the NSTRC would be the responsibiliryof the Academy of SciencesMalaysia(ASM) then in the processof formation. The project wason hold until the Academy becamefully operationalin November1996. The Academythen formed a SteeringCommittee to take the appropriateaction towardsthe establishment of the NSTRC. Subsequentlythe Academywasgiven a pieceof land in Serdang,Selangor by Universiti Putra Malaysia(UPM). The Academyt Council decidedthat the NSTRC be setup on this land as the Academyt contribution to the NSTRC. Inputs from the Academy in the conceptualplanningincluded visits to similar National SET ResourceCentresin Manila, Jakarta and Beijing.Throughoutthe process, the SteeringCommittee of the Academyand the Professional Science,Engineeringand Technologyfu sociations(PSETAs)



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PernrbuhanProfessionalSains, Kejuruteraan dan Gknologi (PSETAS)telah mengadakan perbincangandari masake semasa unruk mengkajisemuladan mempersetujuipelankonsep tersebut.Sebuahfirma arkitek kemudiannya ditugaskanuntuk melakar pelan konsepNSTRC. Reka konsepNSTRC membayangkan sebuahbangunanyang mesraalam dimana alam sekitar dan lanskap bangunanwujud secaraharmoni. Dimasapelbagaidisiplin SET pantasmenjuruske arahE-ekonomi dan K-ekonomi padaabadke 21, NSTRC akan memberikan satu titik tumpu atau fokus yang samakepada masyarakatSET Malaysiayang kecil siznya untuk memperkukuhkan dan menimbangkanisu-isuSET secara multi-disiplin.Kenaskonseppenubuhan NSTRC yang telah dikaji semula dan dipersetujuitelah dimajukan kepda KSTAS unruk kelulusan. Akademi mencadangkansupaya KSTAS meniasukkanNSTRC ke dalam RancanganMalaysiake 8.

hasmet periodicallyto reviewand approvethe conceptualplan. An architectfirm wasengagedto draw the conceptualplan of the NSTRC. The conceptdesignof the NSTRC envisages an environmentalbenign building with its environsin harmony with the landscape. As SET disciplinesarefast convergingin the E-economyand Keconomyof the 21" century, NSTRC will provide the common focusfor the relativelysmall MalaysianSET community to consolidateand considerSET issues in multi-disciplinary manner.The final project paperon the establishmentof the NSTRC which hasbeen reviewedand approvedhas beensubmittedto MOSTE for approval.The Academyproposed that the establishmentof the NSTRC be includedin the 8'h MalaysiaPlan.



atu daripadakomponenpenting dalam ekonomi negarayang memerlukaninput sains, kejuruteraan dan teknologi adalah sektorindustri. Padatahun 1999, Akademi dengankerjasamaJapan Scienceand TechnologyCoqporarion $ST) menganjurkandua forum industri peringkattinggi.

ne important component in the country's economy which

needsstrongSET input is the industrialsector.In 1999,the Academy,in collaborationwith the JapanScienceand Technolory Corporation (JST) organizedtwo high levelindustryFora.


Strategi untuk Meningkatkan Industri Malaysia Pada22April 1999Siri ForumJST: ASM benajuk"Strategifor Upgrading Malaysian Industry'' diadakan di Dewan SeminarAkademi. Objektif Forum S6cT yang dianjurkan bersama andTechnology JapanScience Corporation (fST) adalahunruk berkongsipengalaman danberbincang tentang ap^yangpenting bagi P6cP untuk menyumbangkepada pembangunanekonomi industri, terutamanyayang berkaitan dengan senarioMalaysia. Lebihkurang 70 pesenadari industri menghadiriForum. Mr Teruo Kobari, JICA Expert yang bertugasdi MIER membentangkan kenas kerja bertajuk "Strategyfor Upgrading of MalaysianIndustry''. MrAu Lek Chai dari Kementerian Perdagangan Antabangsadan Industri (MITI) bercakap "Technology mengenai Ti'ansfer",Mr Paramjit Singh dari MalaysianInstitute of Economic Research(MIER) menyampaikan ceramahberkenaan"Dwelopment on ResearchEnvironment and HRD" dan Ir Atdy KH. Seodari Federation of MalaysianManufacnrers (FMM) membentangkenaskqrja bertajuk "Enhancementof ManufacturingTechnologyt.

Strategy for Upgrading Malaysian Industry On22April 1999the first in the IST:ASM Forum Serieson "Strategy for UpgradingMalaysianIndustry" washeld at the AcademySeminar Hall. The objectivesof this seriesof S&T Forum with the JapanScience and TechnologyCorporation (|ST) areto sharepastexperienceand to discusswhat is important for R6cD to contribute to the developmentof industrial economy,in particular that relatesto Malaysianscenario. About 70 participantsfrom the industry attendedthe Forum. Mr Teruo Kobari, JICA Expert attached with MIER presentedhis paper entitled "Strategyfor Upgradingof MalaysianIndustry". Mr Au Lek Chai from the Ministry of InternationalTiade and Industry (MITI) spokeon "Technology Tiansfer",Mr ParamjitSingh from the MalaysianInstitute of Economic Research(MIER) on "Development on ResearchEnvironment and HRD" and Ir Atdy K.H. Seofrom the Federationof Malaysian Manufacturers(FMM) on "Enhancementof Manufacturing Technology"'.


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Pembangunan Sumber Tenaga Manusia untuk Menin gkatkqn Keupayaan Perkilangan di Malaysia Forum JST:ASM yang kedua mengenai"Human Resource

Human Resource Development For Upgrading Manufacturing Capability In Malaysia The secondJST:ASMForum on "Human ResourceDevelopmentfor


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Development for Upgrading Manufacturing Capability in Malaysid diadakanpada5 Oktober 1999 diAuditorium SIRIM. Seramai lebihkurang 60 pesenadari sekror industri menghadiriForum. Penceramahdi Forum adalahMr Masaaki Kurachi, JICA F-xpeftyang bernrgasdenganPenangSkill Dwelopment Cenue yang berceramahmengenai'Human ResourceDevelopment for Upgrading Manufacnring Capability in Malaysitr, Mr Mah Lok Abdullah, Timbalan Kerua Pengarah,National Productivity Coqporation Malaysiamengenai "Investing in HRD for Productivity

UpgradingManufacturing Capability in Malaysia"washeld on 5 October 1999 at the Auditorium SIRIM. About 60 participantsfrom industry attendedthe Forum. The speakersat the Forum wereMr MasaakiKurachi,JICA Expert amachedwith the PenangSkill DevelopmentCentrewho spokeon "Human ResourceDevelopmentfor UpgradingManufacturing Capabiliryin Malaysid',Mr Mah Lok Abdullah, Deputy Director General,National Productivity Corporation Malaysiaon "Investing in HRD for Productivity Improvement"and Mr R Paramasivam,Staff Manager,

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Ms Keiko Imai, dariJapan ScienceandTechnologT Foundation (Malapia) menyampaikan ucapannyasemasaForum Ms Keiko Imai, from JapanScienceand TechnologyFoundation (Malaysia)deliveringher welcoming speechduring the Forum

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Improvement" dan Mr Paramasivam, PengurusKakitangan, Pengurusan Strategikdan Pembangunan Kemahiran/PengurusOperasi, Motorola Sdn Bhd berceramah mengenai"HRD for Upgrading Manufacturing Capabiliry Motorola Experience". Forum tersebutmemberipara peseftasatu gambarankeseluruhan mengenaiisu-isu, pandangandan cadangantentang bagaimana pembangunansumbermanusia dapat dilaksanakandan contoh dan illustrasi bagaimanalatihan yang sebenarnyadilalsanakan di Matsushita, Motorola dan National Productiviti Coqporation.

StrategicManagementand Skill Development/OperationManager, Motorola Sdn Bhd on "HRD for UpgradingManufacturing Capabiliry- Motorola Experience". The Forum had given the participantsan overviewon issues, viewsand suggestions on how HRD shouldbe implementedand examplesand illustrationson how actualtraining courseshavebeen implementedat Matsushita, Motorola and the National Productivity Corporation.




okus ProgramAntabangsa f .l-Akademi adalahpadakerjasama dengannegara-negara ASEAN, Asia, Commonwealth dan Islam. Pada tahun 1999,Akademi bergiataktif di peringkat serantaudan global. Akademi menghadiri banyak mesluarat dan persidangan antarabangs a. Ia juga menganjurkan SeminarAntarabangsadan Simposium. Akademijugamenghantar delegasike China dan Repblik Kyrghyz dan pada masayang sama berpeluang menjadihoskepadaramai pelawatpenting disepanjangtahun.


h. Academy'sInternational I Programmefocuseson collaborationwith ASEAN, fuian, Commonwealthand Islamic countries.In 1999,the Academyhas beenvery activeat the regionaland global levels.It hasbeenactively involved in many international meetingsand conferences. It also organizedan International Symposiumand Seminar.The Academysent its delegationto China and Kyrghyz Republicand was privilegedto host many important visitors throughout the year.


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Delegasi SET Malaysia ke China AcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFASc, PresidenAkademi SainsMalavsia

Malaysia SET Delegation to China AcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFASc, Presidentof the Academvof Sciences

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mengetuaidelegasiseramaidua puluh sembilan orang dalam lawatan rasmike Republik RalryatChina dari 17-23 Oktober*an tersebut addah tindakan lanjutan kepadaMemorandum Kerjasama diantaraAkademiSainsMalvsia denganChineseAcademyof S.i.rr.. (CAS) dan ChineseAcademy of Engineering (CAE) yang ditandatanganipada 18 Ogos 1999. DelegasiMalaysiadianggotai oleh enam kumpulan berdasarkanbidang fokus yang dikenalpasti oleh Akademi termasukPolisi Sains, Kejuruteraan dan Teknologi, Pembangunandan Isu Strategik, SainsHayat, SainsFizik dan Matematik, SainsKimia, Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi dan SainsKejurutera:rn.

Malaysialed a twenty-ninemember delegationon official visit to the PeoplesRepublicof China ftom 1723 October l999.The visit wasa follow-up to the Memorandaof Cooperationberweenthe Academy of SciencesMalaysiaand the Chinese Academyof Science(CAS) and the ChineseAcademyof Engineering (CAE) signedon 18 August 1999. MalaysianDelegationconsistedof six groupsbasedon the focusareasof interestidentified by the Academy which included SET Policy, Developmentand StrategicIssues, Life Sciences,Physicaland MathematicalSciences,Chemical Sciences,Information and CommunicationTechnology[CT) and EngineeringSciences.


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DelegasiMalaysiadi FengThi TechnologyPark,Beijing Malaysiandelegationat FengThiTechnologyPark,Beijing




Objektif utamalawatanini adalah untuk meninjau pekembangandan peluangbaru dalambidang penyelidikansains,kejuruteraandan teknologi di China. Lawatanini berharapagardapatmemeterai programusahasama P&P dalam bidang sains,kejuruteraandan teknologi di antaraprofessional Malaysiadan China. Semasalawatan delegasimelawat dan mengadakanperbin cagan denganinstitusi penyelidikandi bawahChineseAcademyof Sciences, univeristi,taman teknologi dan badankorporat di Beijing, Shanghai, 'Wuhan dan Yichang.

The main objectiveof the visit wasto explorenew developments and opportunitiesin the areasof researchin science,engineeringand technology(SET) in China. The visit hoped to materializecollaborative R6aD programmesin SET between Malaysiaand China SET professionals. During the visit the delegation visited and had discussionwith researchinstitutesunder the Chinese Academyof Sciences,universities, technologyparls and corporationsin Beijing, Shanghai,'Wuhanand Yichang.

Mesyuarat Tahunan Ketiga Akademi Sains, Kejuruteraan dan Teknologi ASEAN dan Organisasi Nasional yang Serupa dan Rakan Dialog dari Australia, Jepun dan China AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYee CheongFAScmengetuaidelegasi seramaiempat orang ke Mesnrarat Thhunan Ketiga Akademi Sains, Kejuruteraan dan Teknologi ASEAN .lbrg dan OrganisasiNasion"l Serupa dan Rakan Dialog dari Australia, Jepundan China pada8 Julai 1999 di Bilik Champagne,Manila Hotel, Republik Filipina. Termasukdi dalamdelegasitersebutadalahDato' Dr SallehMohd Nor FASc, Setiausahafuung Akademi, Tan Sri Datuk Ir ShahrizailaAbdullah FASc, Fellow dan Encik Zahir Ismail, PegawaiSainsKanan Akademi.

Third Annual Meeting of Asean Academiesof Science,Engineering and Technolog;r and Similar National Organizations and Dialogue Partners from Australia, Japan and China AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYee CheongFAScled a four member delegationfrom the Academyto the Third Annual Meeting ofASEAN SET Academiesand Similar National Organizationsand DialoguePartners from Australia,Japanand China which washeld on 8 July 1999at the ChampagneRoom, Manila Hotel, Republicof Philippines.Includedin the delegationwereDato' Dr Salleh Mohd Nor FASc,SecretaryGeneral of the Academy,Tan Sri Shahrizaila Abdullah FAScand Mr Zahir Ismail, SeniorScientificOfficer of the Academy.




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Mesyuarattersebutdihadiri oleh 20 pesertadari enamAkademi ASEAN (Vietnam, Malaysia, Filipina, Thailand, Indonesiadan Brunei Darussalam)dan Akademi sena Organisasiyang terlibat dari Australia, Jepun dan China. Tema MesyuaratThhunan tersebut adalah "Critical Issuesin Science, Engineering and Technology: AddressingOpportunities and Challengesin the Asia-PacificRegion TowardsTiansition to Sustainability in the 21" Century". Mesyuarat tersebutdipengerusikanbersama olehAcademicianHjose O. Jullano, NationalAcademyof Scienceand Technology,Philippines dan AcademicianDato' Ir Lee Yee Cheong FASc,Naib Presiden Akademi SainsMalaysia. Datd Dr SallehMohd Nor FASc membentangkankenaskerjabertajuk "Competitivenessin A KnowledgeDriven Economy:The Role of Science,Engineeringand Technologi' yang disediakanoleh beliau bersamadenganPresiden, AcademicianTanSri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFASc. Sejajardengantema mesyuarat, satu persidangandianjurkan yang menarik seramai150 saintisdan penyelidik dari Filipina. Persidangan tersebut membincangkanbeberapa tema sepefti, makanan, tenaga,air, pelajaran,teknologi maklumat, 'sustainable consumption dan kesihatan.Tirn Sri Dato'Ir ShahrizailaAbdullah FASc

The meetingwasattendedby 20 participantsfrom six ASEAN Academies(Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines,Thailand, Indonesiaand Brunei Darussalam)and collaboratingAcademiesand organizationsfrom Australia,J"p* and China. The theme of the Annual Meeting was "Critical Issuesin Science,Engineeringand Gchnology: Addressing Opportunities and Challengesin the fu ia-Pacific RegionTowards Tiansition to Sustainabiliryin the 21" Century".The meetingwas jointly chairedby Academician Hjose O. Jullano of the National Academyof Scienceand Technology, Philippinesand AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYeeCheongFASc,Vice Presidentof the Academyof Sciences Malaysia. Dato'Dr SallehMohd Nor FASc delivereda paperentitled "Competitivenessin A KnowledgeDriven Economy:The Role of Science,Engineeringand Gchnologi', which wasjointly preparedby himself and the President,AcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFASc. In line with the theme of the meeting,a conferencewasorganized that drew some 150 scientistsand researchers from the Philippines.The conferenceaddressed severdbroad themessuchasfood, energy,water, education,information technology, sustainableconsumptionand health. Tan Sri Dato' Ir ShahrizailaAbdullah


menyampaikankenaskerjabenajuk "Global'WaterInitiativesin the 21" Century' manakalaAcademician Dato' Ir LeeYeeCheongFASc menyampaikankenaskerjabenajuk "SustainableConsumptiort''.

FAScpresenteda paperentitled "Global'WaterInitiativesin the 21" Century" while Academician Dato' Ir LeeYeeCheong FASc delivereda paperon "Sustainable Consumption".

Simposium Antarabangsa "Science Policy in Asia'' Dr Yong Hoi SenFAScmewakili Akademi bagi pihak Presidenke SimposiumAntarabangsa"Science Policy in fuid yang diadakan di Irkutsk, Rusiadari 6-10 September I 999. KenaskerjaSimposium merangkumi dua topik utama "Modern Gndenciesin Science, Economy and Technologies"dan "The Role of NationalAcademiesin Advancementof Science,Culture and Education in the Counries and Prerequisites for the Establishmentof the AssociationofAcademiesof Sciencesin Asia (lv{SA)". Dr Yong Hoi Sen FAScmenyampaikan keraskerja benajuk"Competitiveness in

International Symposium on "Science Policy in Asia" Dr Yong Hoi SenFAScrepresented theAcademy on behalfof thePresident at the InternationalSymposiumon "SciencePolicyin Asid'which was held at Irkutsk,Russiafrom 6-10 September1999.The symposium paperscoveredtwo main topics "ModernTendencies in Science, Economy and Technologies"and "The Role of National Academiesin Advancementof Science,Culture and Educationin the Countriesand Prerequisites for the Establishmentof the AssociationofAcademiesof Sciencesin fuia (Ar{SA)". On behalf of the Presidentof the Academy,Dr Yong Hoi SenFAScpresenteda tsr Fl

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z Academician Dato' Ir ke YeeCheong FASc, Naib PresidenAkademi bersamadengan para penyelidik AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYeeCheong FASc, Vice Presidentof the Academytogetherwith the researchers



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a KnowledgeDriven Economy: The Role of Science;Engineeringand Technologyin the Next Millenium" di Simposiumtersebut.Satu Memorandum Persefahaman PenubuhanAASA-ditandatangani oleh delegasidari Akademi-akademi yang hadir kecuali Republik Ralqfat China dan Malaysia.

Paperentided "Competitivenessin a KnowledgeDriven Economy:The Role of Science,Engineeringand Technologyin the Next Milleniurn' at the Symposium.A Memorandum of Understandingon the Establishmentof the AASA was signedby delegatesof representative Academies,exceptthe Peoples Republicof China and Malaysia.

Program Penyelifikan Malaysia di Antartika Dibawah terajuAkademi Sains Malaysia, dengansokonganpenuh oleh KementerianSains,Teknologi dan AIam Sekitar,pasukanpeftama saintis Malaysiatelah mengendalikan dengan jayanyapenyelidikan di Antanika. Peristiwaini menandakan satupencapaianpenting kemajuan penyelidikan sainsdi Malaysia. Akademi telah menjemput pasukanpenyelidik seramaiempat orangtersebutunruk berkongsi pengalamandan buah fikiran mengenaipenyelidikan di Antartika khususnyadan penyelidikan secara usahasamaamriya; Sesitaklimat diadakanpada 11 November 1999 di Akademi. Objektif ut ananya adalah untuk menguatkanlagi Program Penyelidikandi Antartika dan untuk mengadakanaktiviti-aktiviti yang berpotensiuntuk programkesedaran umum. Sesidipengerusikanoleh Naib Presiden,AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYeeCheongFASc.

Malaysian ResearchProgram m e in Antarctica Under the leadershipof the Academy of SciencesMalaysia,with full support from the Ministry of Science,Technologyand the Environment, the first team of Malaysianscientistshad successfully concludedits researchin Antarctica. This eventmarkeda,verysignificant milestonein Malaysia'sscientific research. The Academyinvited the fourmemberteam to sharetheir experiences and thoughtsabout conductingresearchin Antarcticain particular and co-operativeresearch in general.The briefing sessionwas held on I I December1999 at the Academy.The primary objectiveof the sessionwasto strengthenthe AntarcticaResearchProgrammeand developpotendal activitiesfor public awareness programme.The session waschairedby the Vice President, AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYee CheongFASc.



Asian Conference On Scientific Cooperation(ACSC)yang Keenam Academician TanSri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman FAScmenghadiri fuian ConfErenceon Scientific Cooperation(ACSC) yang keenam diTokyo dari 15-18 Mac1999. ACSCyangkeenammembincangkan denganlebih lanjut cadangan penubuhanScienceCouncil ofAsia (SCA) yang dijadudkan untuk dilaksanakanpadatahun 2001. SCA akan mengambil alih tugasACSC sebagaipemubuhannon-profiti antarabangs a yang tertakluk kepada kerjasamasec:rasukarelaoleh sepuluhnegaraAsia: China, India, Indonesia,Jepun,Korea,Malaysia, Filipina, Singapura,Thailand dan Vietnam. Objektif SCA adalah untuk memberisaintisdidalam pelbagaibidang termasuk kebudayaandan sosialserta'haturd sciences"dan teknologi satulandasan untuk mempromosikanprogram peftukaransainsdan kerjasamadi fuia untuk membaikitarafmasyarakat. Akademi mencadangkanSCA mengambilpendekatanatau perspektifAsia dalam "Sustainable Development"sebagaisatudari aktiviti utamanya.

Sixth Asian Conference on Scientiftc Cooperation (ACSC) AcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul RahmanFAScattended the Sixth Asian Conferenceon ScientificCooperationwhich was held in Tokyo from l5-18 March 1999.The SixthACSC discussed further the formation of the proposedScienceCouncil ofAsia (SCA) which is scheduledto be implementedin Year2OOl.The SCA will take over the role ofACSC asan internationalnon-profit organization constitutedby voluntary cooperation initially of ten fuian countries: China, India, Indonesia,Japan, Korea,Malaysia,Philippines, Singapore,Thailand and Vietnam. The objectiveof SCA is to provide scientistsin all fields including cultural and socialaswell asnatural sciencesand technologya collaborativeplatform for promoting scientificexchangeand cooperation in fuia for the improvementof human society.The Academy suggested that SCA developan Asian approachor perspectivein "Sustainable Development"asone of its priority activities.

Asian Conference on Scientific Cooperation (ACSC) Ketuiuh AcademicianThn Sri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFASc, PresidenAkademi SainsMalaysia dan Prof Dato' Dr ShamSaniFASc menghadiriACSC ketujuh di Tokyo dafi 28-21 Oktober 1999. Diantara

Seventft Asian Conference on Scientific Cooperation (ACSC) AcademicianThn Sri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFASc, Presidentof the Academyof Sciences Malaysiaand Prof Dato' Dr Sham SaniFAScattendedthe Seventh ACSC in Tokvo from 28-31 October




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hasil persidanganadalahpenerimaan kenas cadangan"Proposalfor the IAP 2000 Conference- Population and the Environmenc Asia'sCritical Role in SustainableDevelopment" sebagaimaklumat latar yang dilampir dengankertasurama unruk dibentangkandi IAP 2000 Conferencedi Tokyo pada 15 -18 Mei 2000, penerimaanstatutAsia ScienceCouncil (ASC) yang dibincangkan berdasarkan kertaskerja"Schemeof Science Council ofAsia (SCA) Provisiond PlanAfter 2000".


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Mesyuarat IAP-STCC Academician Dato' Ir Lee Yee Cheong FASc,Naib Presiden Akademi mewakili Malaysiake Mesyrarat SustainabilityTlansition Co-ordinatingComminee (STCC) pada2'" Jun 1999 di Hungarian Academyof Sciencesdi Budapest. Ahli STCC dari Hungary, United Kingdom, Perancis,Poland, Brazil, USA, Kanada,Colombia,Japan, India, Caribbean dan Malaysia menghadiri mesyuarattersebutyang dipengerusikanbersamaoleh ProfessorSherwoodRowland dan ProfessorP.N.Tirndon. Mesyuarat membincangkanInter Academy Panel(IAP) 2000 Conferenceyang dijadualkanpadabulan Mei 2000 di Tolyo. ScienceCouncil ofJapan akan menjadi hos persidangan tersebut.Adalah dipersetujuibahawa PersidanganIAP 2000 akan

1999.Amongstthe outcomesof the conferenceweret}reacceptance of the paper"Proposalfor the IAP 2000 Conference- Populationand the Environment:fuia's Critical Role in SustainableDevelopment"as backgroundinformation attachedto the main paperto be presentedto the IAP 2000 Conferencein Tok)'o on 15- 18May2000,theacceptance of the statuteoffuia ScienceCouncil (ASC) which wasdiscussedbasedon the paper"Schemeof the Science Council offuia (SCA) Provisional PlanAfter 2000".

IAP-STCC Meeting AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYee CheongFASc,Vice Presidentof the AcademyrepresentedMalaysiato the SustainabiliryThansitionCoordinating Committee (STCC) meetingon26June 1999in the HungarianAcademyof Sciencesin Budapest.STCC membersfrom Hungary United Kingdom, France, Poland,Brazil, USA, Canada, Colombia,J"p*, India, the Caribbeanand Malaysiaattendedthe meetingwhich wasjoindy chairedby ProfessorSherwoodRowland and ProfessorP.N.Tandon.The meeting discussedthe Inter AcademyPanel (IAP) 2000 Conferencescheduled for May 2000 in Tokyo. The Science Council ofJapanwould be the host of the conference.It wasagreedthat the IAP 2000 Conferencewould


membincangkanenam bidang fokus - Pelajarandan Maklumat; Tenaga; Makanan;Kesihatandan Populasi; Air dan Penggunaan. IAP-STCC telah bermesyuarat pada27 Januari 1999 & French Academy of Sciencesdi Paris. Malaysiadiwakili oleh Academician Dato' Ir LeeYeeCheongFASc,Naib Presiden,Akademi SainsMalaysia. Meqnrarat mengenalpastinegaranegaraahli yang akan bertanggungjawabunruk mendapatkancadanganbagi enam sub-temayang dikenalpasti dan u4ruk mencadangkanpenceramah yang berkaitan dengansetiapsaru SesiTematik. Mdaysia bersama denganIndia benanggungjawab keatassubjek Makanan dan Majlis memutuskan supayaAkademi mengadakanSesi'Brainstorming' untuk membincangkansubjek tersebut dan menyediakancadangan yang relevanuntuk dimajukan kepadaSekretariatSTCC. Pensidargn. APEC "Contribution of Science,Engineering and Technologr to Sustainable Economic Development in the APEC Region" PersidanganAPEC mengenai '(Contribution of Science, Engineering and Gchnology to SustainableEconomicDevelopment in theA?EC Region'diadakandi PalmerstonNonh, New Zealand dari 27--29 Oktober 1999.Ia dianjurkan bersamaoleh Iqstitution of ProfessionalEniineers New Zealand,

cover six areasof focus - Education and Information; Energy; Food; Health and Population;'Water and Consumption. The IAP-STCC previously met on27 January 1999 at the French Academy of Sciencesin Paris. Malaysia was representedby Academician Dato' Ir Lee Yee Cheong FASc, Vice President, Academy of SciencesMalaysia. The meeting identified the member countries that would be responsible to canvassproposals for the six subthemes identified and to recommend relevant speakersfor each Thematic Session.Malaysia together with India was responsible for the subject on Food and the Council had decided for the Academy to hold a brainstorming sessionto discussthe subject and to come up with appropriate recommendationsfor submission to the STCC Secretariat.

APEC Conferenceon the Contribution of Science, Engineering and Technology to Sustainable Economic Development in theAPEC Region The APEC Conferenceon the "Contribution of Science, Engineeringand Technologyto SustainableEconomic Development in the APEC Region'washeld in PalmerstonNorth, New Zealand from 27-29 October 1999.It was organizedjointly by the Institution of ProfessionalEngineersNew



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Ministry of Research,Scienceand Technology,MasseyUniversity dan Royal Societyof New Zealmd. Persidangandiadakansebagai lanjutan kepadaPersidangan MejabulatAPEC mengenaiSET yang diadakan di Kuala Lumpur dari 17 - t9 April 1998.Ekonomi dari USA, Kanada,Indonesia,Mdaysia, Thailand, Australia dan New Zealandmenghadiri persidangan tersebut.Delegasiseramaiempat orang dari Malaysia diketuai oleh Prof Dr Mohd Zawawilsmail FASc. Tirrut sena adalahEncik 7.ahir Ismail dari Akademi SainsMalaysia dan Encik Zal<tranAbidi dan Cik Norhuda Nordin dari MIGHT Hasil dari persidangantersebut secaraamnya adalahpenekanan terhadappentingnyamembangunkan sumbertenagamanusiauntuk memenuhi keperluan ekonomi berlandaskanpengetahuan.

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Memorandum Persefahaman di Antara Akademi Sains Malaysia (ASM) dat Korean Academy of Scienceand Technology (KAST) Pada1l Februari1999satu Memorandum Persefahaman ditandatangani oleh Akademi Sains Malaysiadan KoreanAcademy of Scienceand Technologr (KAST). Akademi diwakili oleh Presiden, AcademicianTanSri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFAScdan KAST diwakili oleh Presiden,Prof EmeritusDr Mu ShikJhon.

ZeaJand,Ministry of Research, Scienceand Technology,Massey Universityand the RoyalSocieryof New Zealand. The Conferencewasorganizedas a follow up to the APEC Roundtable Conferenceon SET held in Kuala Lumpur fromlT-19 April, 1998. Economiesfrom USA, Canada, Indonesia,Malaysia,Thailand, Australia and New Zealand attended the Conference.The four-member delegationfrom Malaysiawasled by Prof Dr Mohd Zawawi Ismail FASc. The other membersof the delegation wereEn Zahir Ismail ofAcademy of SciencesMalaysia,En Zakwan Zabidi and Ms Norhuda Nordin of MIGHT. The most common theme that emergedfrom the Conference wasthe importanceof developing human capitalto meet the needsand economy. requirements of theknowledge Memorandum of Understandi. g Between the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) and the Korean Academy of Scienceand Technology (KAST) of On 11February1999aMemorandum the Understanding wassignedbetween and Academyof SciencesMalaysia the KoreanAcademyof Scienceand Technology(KAST). The Academy wasrepresentedby its President, AcademicianTanSri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul RahmanFAScand by imPresident, KASTwasrepresented EmeritusProf Dr Mu Shik lhon.


Seminar Sains dan Teknologi AsiaPasifikYang Keempat JapanInternationalScienceand TechnologyExchangeCentre (JISTEC) dengankerjasama Akademi SainsMalaysia, KementerianSains,Teknologidan Alam SekitarMalaysiadan Institution of EngineersMalaysia (IEM) menganjurkanSeminarSains dan Teknologi Asia-Pasifikyang keempat. Seminaryang diadakan di Hotel Legend,KualaLumpur dari 8-10 Februari1999ditajaoleh JapanScienceand Technology Cooperation0ST). Seminartersebut dirasmikan oleh YB Datuk law Hieng Ding, Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar. Seramailebih kurang 100 peserta yang berkaitandenganpolisi S&l pengurusanprojek dan pengurusan (P&P) pembangunan danpenyelidikan dari 11 buah negarakawasanfuiaPasifikmenghadiriSeminartersebut. Objektif seminaradalahunruk mempelajaripengdamansetiap negaradan mendalamkan persefahamanbersama;untuk bertukar pendapattentang bagaimanameingkatkan kerjasama di antara negaradan organisasi berkaitanpadamasahadapandan untuk menjalinkanperhubungandi antara merekayang terlibat dengan pengurusanprqek sainsdan teknologi di setiapnegara.Sebanyak duabelaskertaskerja dan satu ucaptamadisampaikansemasa seminarselamadua hari itu. Satu

Fourth Asia-Pacific Science and Technologlr Seminar The Japan International Science and Technology Exchange Centre OISTEC) in collaboration with the Academy of SciencesMalaysia, the Ministry of Science,Technology and the Environment Malaysia and Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) organized the Fourth fuiaPacific Science and Technology Seminar. The seminar which was held in Legend Hotel, Kuala Lumpur from 8-10 February 1999 was sponsored by the J"p* Science and Technology Cooperation (JST). It was declared open by the'Honorable Datuk Law Hieng Ding, Minister of Science,Technology and the Environment. About 100 participants related to S&T policy, project management and researchand development (R&D) managementfrom 11 countries in the Asia-Pacific Region attended the Seminar. The objectives of the seminar were to learn the experience of each country and deepen mutual understanding; to exchange opinions on how to advance cooperation in the future between countries and related organizations and to build a network benrreenthose involved in scienceand technology, project management, and researchand development management in each respectivecountry. Twelve papers and one keynote addresswere presented during the two-day



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lawatan ke Melaka dan Multimedia Development Coqporation diaturkan untirk para peserta.

Seminar. One-day field trip to Malacca and the Multimedia Development Cooperation was arranged for the participants.

KeriasamaDenganAkadeni China Dua Memorandum Kerjasama ditandatanganioleh Akademi Sains MalaysiadenganChineseAcademy of Sciences(CAS) dan Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) di GreatHall of the People,Beijing pada 18 Ogos 1999.

Cooperation Sflith Chinese Academies Two Memoranda of Cooperation were signed berween the Academy of SciencesMalaysia and the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) at the Great Hall of the People,Beijing on 18 August 1999.

Upacaramenandatangani Memorandum Kerjasama di anaraAkademi Srins Malaysia dengan Chinese Academy of Sciencesdan ChineseAcademy of Engineering di Great Hall of the People,Beijing pada18 Ogos 1999


Signingof Memorandum of Cooperationbetween Academyof Sciences Malaysiaand Chinese Academyof Sciencesand ChineseAcademyof Engineeringat the Great Hall of the People.Beijing on 18 August 1999.


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Upacaramenandatangani memorandum berkenaanoleh PresidenASM, AcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFASc dan PresidenCAS, ProfessorLu Yongxiangdan PresidenCAE, Dr Song Kian disaksikanoleh Perdana Menteri Malaysia,YAB Dato'Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan Premier Zhu Rongji dan para Menteri, Ketua Menteri, Timbalan Menteri, dan tetamu kehormat yang lain dari Malaysiadan RepublikRalffat China. Semasaperbincangandiantara PerdanaMenteri dari kedua negara, YAB Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad mencadangkansebagai susulankepadaMemorandum Kerjasamaini satu program duahala dalam bidang sains,kejuruteraandan teknologi yang konkrit dimulakan diantara MalaysiadenganChina.

The signingbyASM President, AcademicianThn Sri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFAScand the CAS President,ProfessorLu Yongxiang andCAEPresident, Dr Song Kian waswitnessedby the Prime Minister, YAB Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Premier Zhu Rongji and Ministers,Chief Ministers,Vice Ministers, and other dignitariesfrom Malaysiaand the PeoplesRepublicof China. During subsequent discussion betweenthe Prime Ministers of both countries,YAB Dato'Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad proposedthat asa follow up to the Memorandaof Cooperationa concretebilateralSET programmebe initiated between Malaysiaand China.

Meqfuarat Penubuhan Association Of Asian Academies Of Sciences (AAAS) AcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul R^h-* FASc, PresidenAkademi SainsMalaysia dan AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYee Cheong FASc,Naib Presiden ' Akademi menghadiri mesyuarat penubuhanAssociationof Asian Academiesof Sciences(AAAS) semasalawatan merekake Seoul dari 7-10 April 1999. PresidenChinese Academy of Sciencesdan Presiden Siberian Branch dan Far East Branch, RussianAcademy of Sciencesturut hadir.

Meeting On The Establishment Of Association Of Asian Academies Of Sciences(AAAS) Ac4demician ThnSriDatukDr Omar Abdul RahmanFASc,Presidentof the Academyof SciencesMalaysia and AcademicianDato' Ir LeeYee Cheong FASc,Vice Presidentof the Academyattendeda meetingon the establishment of an Associationof fuian Academiesof Sciences(AAAS) during their visit to Seoulfrom 7-10 April 1999.Presidentof the Chinese Academyof Sciencesand Chairmen of the SiberianBranchand the Far EastBranchof the RussianAcademy of Sciences alsoattended themeeting.





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Delegasi Malaysia Ke National Academy Of Sciences,Republik Ky"Shy, Delegasiseramailapanorangyang diketuai oleh PresidenAkademi SainsMalaysia,AcademicianThn Sri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul Rahman FASc telah melawat Bishkek dan mengadakan mesyuarat danpebincangan denganpara saintis dari National Academy of Sciences,Kyrghyztan. Objektif utama lawatan ini adalah untuk meninjau perkembangan terbaru dan peluangpenyelidikandi dalam bidang sains,kejuruteraan dan teknologi di Kyrghyztan. Lawatan ini ditumpukan unruk memeteraikan program usahasamadan kerjasama sainsdan teknologi di antara saintis Malaysiadengansaintis dari Republik KytgJr1y". Delegasi melawatbeberapa institusi semasalawatan.Beberapabidang yang berpotensidikenalpastiuntuk projek usahasama diantaraInstitut dan Universiti P&P Malaysiadan Institut P&P dari National Academy of Sciences, RepublikKyr*yz Bidang tersebutadalahTeknologiPlasma, Standards, SainsGeologi,SainsBahan Baru dan Getah dalam Kejuruteraan. Satuprotokol y*g merangka mekanismausahasama yang dipersetujui telah ditandatangani oleh Presidendari kedua-dua Akademi. Semasalawaran AcademicianTanSri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFASctelah dianugerahkangelaran"Honorary Academicianof the National Academyof Sciencesof Kyrghyz Republic".

Malaysian Official Delegation to the National Academy Of Sciences of the Kyrg!y" Republic An eight memberdelegationled by the Presidentof the Academyof SciencesMalaysia,Academician Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul RahmanFAScvisited Bishkekand had meetingsand discussions with scientistsfrom the National Academyof Sciences,Kyrghyztan. The main objectiveof the visit to the Kyrghyz Republic was to explore new developmentsand opportunities in the areasofresearchin science, engineeringand technologyin Kyrghyzian The visit was oriented to materializejoint venture programmesand scientificand technologicalcooperationbenveen Malaysianscientistsand scientists from the Kyrghyz Republic. The delegationvisited several Institutes.Severalpotential areas wereidentified for collaboration betweenMalaysianR6cD Institutes and Universitiesand R6cD Institutes from the National Academyof Sciencesof the Kyt#f" Republic. They werePlasmaGchnology, Standards,GeologicalScience,New MaterialsScienceand Rubberin Engineering. A Protocolwhich outlined the agreedmechanismof collaboration wassignedby the Presidentsof both Academies.During the visit AcademicianThn Sri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFAScreceived the tide "HonoraryAcademician of the NationalAcademyof Sciencesof KyrghyzRepublic".




Sepanjangtahun 1999,Akademi telah menerima kunjungan beberapa pelawattermasuk dua pemenang Anugerah Nobel Akademi juga mengadakanlawatan ke China, Korea dan beberapaAkademi dan Institut P 6. P.

During 1999, the Academyhosted severalvisitors including two Nobel Laureates.The Academy also initiated important visits to China, Koreaand variousAcademiesand R 6( D Institutes.



L7 -23MarchL999 | IawatanhpAustralianAcadeny of Technoltgbal of ScincesdanAcadeny 2-3MarchL99'9

Scimcesand EngineeringVisit to the Austtalian Academy of Sciencesand ,Academyof Technological Sciencesand Engineering Iawatan heAhadni. Sairc Indoneia. ASEAN Seneuriat Fuwtional Cooperation dan WESCO JaharuVsit to the Indonesian Academy of Sciences,ASEAN Secretariat Functional Cooperation and UNESCO

9 - 18June1999

Jakarta Iawatan he NationalAcademy of Sciences,I$rglryznnVtsitto .Academyof Sciences,Kpghyztan


17- 23 Octobs 1999 | Iawauu he Chinese Academyof Scimces,institnsipatyelidihandan to the Chinese Academy of Sciences,researchinstitutions unioeritiVsit and universities



7 - 12Februarv1999

Iaraun olzhProf Emerina Dr. Mu Sbihlhoa PresidenKoreanAcademy of Sci.ences and Tecbnohg (IAST)Yrsitby EmeritusProf Dr. Mu ShikJhon, Presidentof the KoreanAcademyof Sciences and Technology(KdST) 20 -22 May 1999 lauatan olebProf S,Nibsou PresideaRoyalSwedisltAcadewy of Sciewes (WA)I4.sit by Frof S.l{ilsson, Fresidentof the RoyalSwedishAcademyof (WA) Sciences 'Verner 24-26Aaguxl999 Iawaun olebNobelLalrean Prof Arber, PresidmIntrnatianal Councilfor ScienceQCSUVrsit of NobellaureateProfVemerfuber, (ICSID Ptesidentofthe InternationalCouncilfor Science I^auatanolebProfessor Zhu Xuan SetiausabaAgtngClrineseAcadeny of 30 September1999 ScieT.caYrsitbyProfessorZhu Xuan,SecretaryGeneral,ChineseAcademy ofSciences 29 NovemberLawatanolebProf P.N, Tandoulabawn NeurorurgerlAII India Instinu 2 Decenber1999 of Mino Surg"ry(AIIMS)Vsit of Prof P.N. Tandon,Departmentof NeurosurgeryAll Infia Instituteof Micro Surgery(AIIMS) 12- l8 December 1999 LanoatanolebNobelLameateProf DouglzsOsberoff,Stanfmd Unioersity CalifuraiaYisit of NobelLaureateProf DouglasOsheroffof Stanford UniversityCalifornia


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Senaraipenerbian Akademi bagi rahun ligg b.rilirt, "d "hseperti

The list of the 1999 publicationsof the Academy areas follows:




l. I"qorai Tatrman drPmyaa Keuangan 19.918 , 1998$nqual Report& $tatementof$ccounts 2, Ihe roh qf Scieubr itt Malqyfu - Towar& I ' ' &rtelltniekResearch ,, Ndwdette? 4. Prosidhg Snriur Pengurusan Sainsdon 'Tehufui Asia-Pasifih he4:S*aagic Anroaches forfuasuka.btoSocio+conowhGroa,* in*te Face - Pensrbiw bavna ohbJST, , of GlnbalC&anges MOSIEISIEGASMdaTIEM Proceedirs of the 4d'fuia-Faciffc Scienceand Technology Mmagement Seminar: Stategic Approaches for Sustainable Socio. economic Growth in the Faceof Global Changes- Co Published by JST,MOSTE,JtrSTEC,ASM and IEM

PENERBITANDAIAMAI{/INTERNAL PUBLICATIONS 1, LaparanIaantan DelegasiSET Malalsia heRspublibRalyat Cbinayang




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Ahadeni SainsMoloyi" Report of the Vtsit of the Malaysian S.E.T. Delegation Led by the Academy of Science Malaysia to the People'sRepublic of China Kst'tas lbntep Faiiat Semth Polisi Sains Kejwaeraandan TebwhgiKebmgsaan Concept Paper on R.eviewof the National Science,Engineering and Technology Folicy .

gangdibnungfrandi Mesyaat Ta.hataI{etigaAhafuni Sains, 3. Krwshaja Setninar dm Rahan danOryanissiNasionalymgserupa lfuj*tueruw daruTebnolngiASWN Dialogdd Ausfialitalryrrn dahCbii&yangbeft4ir&"Qoyrp*i.funess iu.a K*wlzdgedriomEcoaomy: TbeRohof Scimce, EaghuningandTecbnolag in fu Nat Millennhmr" olebAcadmician TanSriDatuhDi UirrarAbd$l RahnbtFASc danDaa'Dt $4W MohdNm .: FAsc ,r', , Semiriar Paperpresented at theThird.Annual MeetingofASEAN;dcademics of Sciencg Engineerlng andTechnolory Fartners andSirnitart{ationalOrganizations aodDialogue from Australia,Japanand Chinaentitled"Competitiveness in a Knowledge-driven Economl':The R.oleof Science, EngineeringandTechnologyin the NextMillennium" by AcademicianTan Sri Datuk Dr OmarAbdul RahmanFAScand Dato' Dr SallehMohd Nor FASc K*asfu$a Sminm yangdibmungpan di Mesyarat TabunanKetigaAhadmti Sains, lkjwuteruaa. dan TebnohgiAsFeNdan @ganisasiNasionalyangEtnEadan Rahan DialngdaiAest?dlia,lep.m dan Chinayngbertafuh "GlobalVatzr Inbiai.os in*e 216 &wwy" olebTaa Si Dan'Ir Sh&rizaikAbdallah FASc SeminarPaperpresentedat the Third Annual Meetingof ASEANAcademies of Science Engineeringand Terhnologyand SimilarNationalOryanizationsand DialoguePartners



, &on Ausaalia,Japanand.Chinaentidod."Globalll[arer Initiativesin the 21" Century''by ' Tan Sri Daro' Ir ShahrizirilaAldulhh FASc 5. KertashojaSntino ya.q.g di$qtuungbm.di.MesyxaratTabwan IQ TigaAhadnei Saiu, ila* Tebnol4i ASEANdan Oryanttati Narioul XatSSmqa dan Rabm Wuruteraan Dblng dafi hstrolirb l"?rat QattCbiaayoagbqajub "sotsuiuabbbnsmtptinn" obb Acadnticiaz Dno'Ir Lce YeeCbeongFA SeminarPaperpresentedat theThfudAnnuatMeetingof ASEANAcademies of Science, EngineeringandTechnologyand SimilarNationalOrganizationsandDialoguePartners &om Australia,Japanand Chin4endded"susainableConsumption"byAcadenician Dato' Ir LeeYeeCheongFASc 6. Knushefa Smi'nn yag dibntaflskon di ForumIKIM Pengklonanldanush - Satn PerepekifIslan Wg betuiu4 "Qlm,ing- theScieueof $e Possibb"olcbProf Ib laoi Lai . : MengFASq ' $eminarPaperplceuted atUqlVl Foru'rl sn Pngrthnan Mauwia.- San PerE&nf Isbn (Q[6ningthe Scienceof the Poseible"by Prof Dr looi lai MengFASC 7. IhjiansmulaPolisisdinsKejunneaandotTehzohgilGbaagsaaet:I*puotlnwim NationalSciencgEugineeringandTechnologrPolicyReviewrlnterim Report 8, Ikjfu"t Sntula Pof,si&ilnt;.IGjttrrtsoe don Tebnohgilbbaagwan: I"qwm. Sepm& Pengal ,' NationalScience,Engineedngad TechnologyPolicyReview:Mid Term Report 9, Kajiatt Senuk Polisi Sains l{ejwuttraan daa Tebnhgi lkbatgaan: Daatl-qrailhbir NationalScienceEngineeriqgan(lTechnologlPolicyRwiem Draft Find Report 10. oFraneWor* of ScicflceatodTechaologPoliey:Iaoestingforfie &rtzre" b7Pnf Detb Dt Mofunad fuaiatoi.IsrnaltPl* ll. Lqaan Sak* fefimneraan da?,Tehologi Austalia: An Assessns?tt offuxtralhw Retpuws n Gbbal lfuowldge nonooty ' Reporton the AustralianScieaceEngineeringand Techaology:An Assessment of AustralianResponsoto Globd KnowledgeFronomy tZ, tgny mnryy; pnyeti,(*aa danpngalornatt di Ant4tiha bnni"h @ilrrgan "ChallmgesofAnaraica Researcb: TbeFunne" Reponon the reseafchimprexio-n,andexperience inAntarctica entitled"Chaflengesof AntarcticaRe.searchl The Futureo Fr d tl


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LembaranImbanganAkademi Sains Malaysia pada 31 Disember 1999, penyata pendapatandan perbelanjaanserta penyata aliran tunai bagi tahun tersebut telah diperiksaoleh TetuanS. F. Yap & Co., AkauntanAwam, di bawaharahansaya.Pihak pengurusanAkademi SainsMalaysia bertanggungiawabterhadappenyatakewangan. Tanggungiawabsaya adalah untuk memberi pendapatterhadappenyata kewangan tersebutberdasarkankepadapengauditanyang dijalankan. 2. Pengauditantelah dilaksanakanmengikut Akta Audit 1957 berpandukan Standard Pengauditan Antarabangsa. Standard-standardtersebut mengkehendaki pengauditandirancangdan dilaksanakanuntuk mendapatkepastianyang munasabatr sama ada penyata kewangan Akademi Sains Malaysia adalah bebas daripada kesilapanatau ketinggalanyang ketara.Pengauditanitu termasukmemeriksarekodrekod secaxasemak uji, menyemakbukti-bukti yang menyokong angka-angkadan memastikanpenzahiranyang mencukupi dalam penyatakewangan.Penilaian juga dibuat terhadapprinsip-prinsipperakaunanyang digunakandan penyarrpaianpenyata kewangansecarakeseluruhan. 3. Padapendapatsaya"penyatakewanganini memberigarrbaranyang be,lrardan saksamaterhadapkedufirkan kewanganAkademi SainsMalaysia pada 31 Disember 1999,hasil operasisertaaliran tunainyauntuk tahuntersebut.





uur PENYATA PRESIDENDAN BENDAIIARI KEHORMAT AI(ADEMI MI]VS T,IAI.AYSIA Kami, ACADEMICIAN TAI\[ SRI DATUK Dr OMAR BIN ABDUL RAHII,IANF.A Sc dan ACADEIIflCIAN TAI\ SRI DATUK Dr AUGUSTINE S.H ONG F.A Sc., yang merupakanPresidendan BendahariKehormatAI(ADEMI SAINS MAIAYSIA danjuga Ahli-ahli Majlis, denganini menyatakan bahawa,padapendapatMajlis Akademi,penyata kewanganyang dikemukakandalamhalaman3 hingga8 besertadengannota-notadi dalamnyaadalahdisediakan untukmerujukpandangan yangbenardansaksama berkenaan : (a)

lembaranimbanganpada31 Disember 1999 dan akaunpendapatandan perbelanjaan untuk tahun trerakhir tarikh itu; dan


penyataaliran tunai untuk tahunberakhir pada31 Disember1999

Bagi pihak Majlis

fuaa ^/t

Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar bin Abdul RahmanF.A Sc Presiden Akademi SainsMalaysia

KUAI-A LUMPUR, MAI.AYSIA Tarikh : l,o rL4,qc .?ooo


Tan Sri Datuk Dr Augustine S.H Ong F.A Sc BendahariKehormat Akademi SainsMalaysia

ffi I sAtNs I



PENGAKUANOLEH PENGARAHEI$EKI]NT KE ATASPENGARUSAN KEWANGANAI(ADEMI SA/NSMAIAYSIA saya, DATO' Dr. SAIVISIJDIN BIN TUGIII{AN, pegawai utama yary bertanggungiawab ke ataspengurusankewanganAI(ADEIVI sNNs nrar.avsra, feryan ikhlsssyu mengakuibahawapenyatakewanganyang dikemukakandalam halaman3 hingga8 besertadengannota-notadi dalamnya,mengrkutsebaik-baik pengetahuan dankepercayaan saya,adalahbetuldansaya,membuaiikrarini dengan sebenarnya mempercayai bahawaianyaitu adalahbenai dan ataskehendak-kehendak AktaAlaranBerkanun1960.

Sebenarnya dan sesungguhnya diakui oleh penamadi atas di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

pada 14 l'|AR2000

Di hadapansaya,

{gaLAvs9 AngkasaRaya Lot 2.10,Ting. 2. Bangunan Kuala llmPr 5@-50 JalanAmparg.



1999 RM

l99t RM


8,3t0 ltn$u 33,580 454,318

Pelbagaipenerimaan Faedahdari depositjangkaPendek Kutipan Majlis Makan Malam Sumbangan(Grant)


17,t47 9E9,95t 46r6il9 M5,0oo



445r29E 4t3rtzl lL1952 4,992 71712 14E,095 4tr3E2 734,194 ,'146

Emolumen Perkhidmatan& bekalan dan alat kelengkapanpejabat Penyelengaraan Pemberiandan kenaanbayarantetap Perbelanjaanperbelanjaanlain Susutnilai hqrtatetap Majlis makanMalam programsains mengendalikan Perbelanjaan




411,539 349,59 ll,93t 4rA2 91@l5

14Er0l2 45r4EE 46il,6tl 1,




t999 RM

1998 RM



ASET SEMASA IainJain penghutang








Wang tunai dan baki di bank


43 tl,,41y9,1r,

225,347 1l



Iainlain sipiutang



11,042,664 --

BW 17,469,693

12,288,058 _:_.-_ 12W:Br

DIBIAYAI OLEH: KumpulanWang: Baki pada I Januari


(Kurangan)/Lebihan pendapatan atasperbelanjaan bagi tahun

(575,124) -

Baki pada3L Disember







1999 RM Nota ALIRAN TUNAI DARI AKTIVTTI OPEITASI atasperbelanjaan (Kerugian)/Lebihanpendapatan



Pelarasan: Susutnilai Faedahdari depositjangkaPendek

148,095 Q42,345)

I48,OLz (989,958)



(I-ebihan)/kurangansiberhutang Iebihan sipiutang

133,988 230,818

(36,401) (194,785)

Tunai bersih (ke)/dari aktiviti operasi


dari operasisebelum (Kerugian/kelebihanpendapatan kerja perubahanmodal





Pembelianasettetop Faedahditerima

0 742,345

(1,650) 989,958

Tunai bersih (ke)/dari aktiviti pelaburan







1 1 432.289







NOTA.NOTAKEPADAAI(AUN BERAKHIRPADA31 DISEMBER1999 DASAR-DASARPERAI(AUNAN (a) AsasPerakaunan Akauntelahdisediakan mengikutkonvension kossejarahdanmengikutpiawaianperakaunan yangdiluluskan. (b) Asettetapdansusutnilai Asettetapdinyatakan padakossetelahditolaksusutnilaiterkumpul. Susutnilaibagi asettetapdikira berasaskan kaedahgarislurus di ataskos di sepanjangternpob bayatkegunaan aset-aset tersebutpadakadaryangberikut:Perkakas pejabat& komputer Komputer Kenderaan bermolor Pengubahsuaian


20Vo 20Vo 2-0Vo 2Vo


Perkakas pejabat RM KOS Pada1 Januari Tambahan Pada31 Disember

Komputer RM

82,399 242,632 000 82,399

Kenderaan bermolor RM


Pengubahsuaian RM

1,108,399 00

1999 RM


1998 RM

1,736,392 r,650


SUSUTNII"AI TtsRKIJMPUL Pada1 Januari Dikenakan Pada31 Disember

35,506 16,480

97,655 48

MI,AI BI'KU BERSIH 31.12.1999 31.12.1998


49,878 t68

196,531 r48,Ot2



1999 RM 5,849 24,212

Pendahuluan FaedahTerakru



7999 RM


berlesen Depositdisimpandalaminstitusikewangan



t999 RM

Bank Tunai Runcit


1998 RM 5,448 158,601

r998 RM


1998 RM

41,501 2,m0

223,y7 2,000



Termasukdalamtunaidanbaki dibankadalahbaki: 1999 RM 61,625 237.125

GeranRanjitBaghwanSingh ' Petrosains Programmen Awareness Dananscience



1999 RM 10,856 2,377 0 428 2,499 3L7,698 17,100 6,505

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