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4.1.4 Strategy Recommendations - Hydrogen Economy Roadmap 2020

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The second barrier is the lack of understanding, education and awareness of the fuel cell technologies among the public, the relevant ministries, and to some extent, the R&D communities.

The third barrier to be overcome is the lack of clear and strong national policies that support new fuel cells applications and insufficient capacity, especially in innovation and technical know-how of hydrogen infrastructures such as hydrogen distribution, storage, and refuelling facilities, the high cost of deployment and inconvenient and impractical fuel cell applications.

4.1.4 Strategy Recommendations - Hydrogen Economy Roadmap 2020

To create an optimal path to achieve hydrogen economy, building a complete ecosystem for hydrogen economy should be one of the focuses on 12th Malaysia Plan. Three key areas were identified in The Blueprint for the Fuel Cells Industry in Malaysia, namely Hydrogen Infrastructure, Fuel Cell Applications and Emerging Fuel Cell Technologies.

Establishing hydrogen infrastructure is the most challenging step due to its high cost and uncertain market demand. It requires a high degree of government intervention to develop a local supply chain and specific market. Investment by the industry players plays a huge part in building hydrogen infrastructure.

Fuel cell applications need to be diversified and widely accepted by the market to establish a robust supply chain. At the same time, the nation should continue to keep up the pace of emerging fuel cell technologies. One of the demonstration projects to consider is to develop a model city powered by fuel cell technology.

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A complete ecosystem needs to be in place, which includes:


• Comprehensive guidelines, regulations, and policies to support hydrogen infrastructure according to international standards

• Policies, standards, and guidelines for novel fuel cell products and components

• Comprehensive technical codes and standards for hydrogen and fuel cell safety

• Hydrogen infrastructure for the electricity generation and transportation sectors to be set as National Priority

• Monitoring bodies to align collaborations between research institutes, government and industry

Public and market acceptance

• High public awareness and acceptance of the government’s policy on the hydrogen economy

• High track records of involvement in hydrogen energy industries

• Strong and stable support from all stakeholders to maintain progress and growth

Technology and Human Capital readiness

• Manufacturing line for high-quality components in the fuel cell and hydrogen industries

• New indigenous resources to replace raw materials from expensive imports

• R&D institutions on hydrogen and fuel cell technology, especially exploring advanced hydrogen usage in fuel cell applications.

• Adequate capacity building in human resources for the hydrogen and fuel cell industry, including relevant education programs in higher education institutions

Finance readiness

• Development effort to reduce the cost of the technology

• Large-scale campaigns to ensure continuous funding

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