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4.4 15th, 16th, 17th & 18th Malaysia Plans 2036-2050 (Long Term
4.4.1 Hydrogen Infrastructure
Objective Strategies
To establish National Priority for hydrogen fuel infrastructure Establish National Priority in hydrogen infrastructure for the electricity generation and transportation sectors
Action Plans
1. Complete the cultivation of political initiatives to focus the government on hydrogen and fuel cell-related obligations
2. Attain full government cooperation as an early adopter of fuel cell technology for a range of high-profile applications
3. Install effective mechanisms for information dissemination to relevant regulatory bodies regarding the adopted codes and standards for
To gain proven high track records in the industry 4. Ensure substantial government commitment to develop and deploy hydrogen infrastructure in Malaysia by securing high-level political buy-in
• Central H2 production & storage
Obtain proven high track records of involvement in hydrogen energy industries
• H2 distribution systems 1. Collaborate with stakeholders by concentrating technical expertise and learning at chosen sites that canvas numerous domestic and industrial applications MTDC, TPM, EC
2. Establish efficient hydrogen infrastructure for high capacity storage system facilities, purification, production, distribution, and refuelling
3. 91Involve fuel cells in the Malaysian market by utilising high profile infrastructure development plan 91
Objective Strategies
High-quality green hydrogen producer Develop hydrogen production hub Develop hydrogen supply chain as a global Hydrogen supplier MITI, MIDA, Industry players
Action Plans
4.4.2 Fuel Cell Applications
Objective Strategies
To secure active involvement by stakeholders Secure strong and stable support from all stakeholders to maintain progress and growth 1. Organise awareness campaigns with stakeholders to raise a positive local and global profile for the fuel cell industry and technology in Malaysia
2. Develop high-profile collaborative ventures focusing on demonstration projects
3. Give clean fuel tax subsidies and incentives to hydrogen users and utility companies to encourage their involvement in the fuel cell and hydrogen supply chain
4. Install mechanisms to effectively publicize milestone achievements to stakeholders and markets as soon as they are accomplished
5. Formulate a business model that is capable of selling fuel cells at a discount but with sufficient volume secured to reduce payback time and increase the return of investment after 3 years KeTSA, KASA, MTDC, TPM, NGOs, Persatuan Tenaga Hydrogen, MIDA, industry players
Action Plans Stakeholders
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Objective Strategies
To become a strong regional market leader Advance R&D to be a strong regional market leader
To have industrial projects for fuel cell applications Develop the fuel cell transportation industry
Action Plans
1. Lead in areas that the domestic market is strongest at and collaborate with global partners in other areas
2. Install system design & integration of fuel cell technologies to suit the domestic setting and climate
3. Install full hydrogen production capacity from renewable sources for domestic usage and export
4. Fully develop the skills and technologies to build publically accessible hydrogen refuelling stations for the fuel cell transport sector 1. Successfully develop capabilities to test and certify suitable all aspects of hydrogen facilities and systems for light-duty vehicles
2. Obtain full hydrogen refuelling station capabilities
3. Instal mechanisms to support the deployment of fuel cell vehicles and refuelling of hydrogen fuel in Malaysia
• 50 PEMFC Powered Buses
• 200 H2 Refuelling Stations
Stakeholders Universities and industry players
Industry players
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Objective Strategies
To have a sustainable fuel cell powered-city model Develop a model city powered by fuel cell technology 1. Execute Distributed Generation (DG) projects by communicating the benefits of DG and adapting the regulatory framework to comprehend and remove the institutional, infrastructural, and policy barriers facing DG
2. Complete the development of islanding systems around fuel cell-powered DG installations
3. Integrate a renewable energy-based system to assist in producing hydrogen for a centralised or distributed energy facility to supply power
• 100MW SOFC Central Power
• 150 MW Distributed SOFCs
4. Provide heat and power using stationary fuel cells to the household and commercial installations
5. Power all security lighting (crime-prevention lamps) and streetlamps with fuel cells
6. Plan urban development, including the next generation transportation system, lifestyle and business opportunities
• Zero-emission smart city
7 Instal subsidy mechanisms to replace the residential power system with fuel cells in order to reduce GHG emissions in the residential sector SEDA, EC, MTDC, TPM, TNB, State governments
Action Plans Stakeholders
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4.4.3 Emerging Fuel Cell Technologies
Objective Strategies
To have new indigenous resources to replace expensive components Replace raw materials from expensive imports to new indigenous resources 1. Locally mass-produce the materials and components required for producing fuel cells in order to reduce cost and nurture cost-reduction certainty
2. Implement investment and development plans for local component production that will be monitored and reviewed continuously MITI, industry players