Documento PACC 1041

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Special Edition, Dec 2009

Adapting to Climate Change in the Andes

PACCPERÚ Climate Change Adaptation Programme – PACC H-10 José Santos Chocano, Santa Mónica, Wanchaq Phone: (51)(84)235229 | Fax: (51)(84)232617 Cusco, Peru 857 Ricardo Palma Ave, Miraflores 18, Lima Phone: (51)(1)444-0493 Lima, Peru e-mail:


The Climate Change Adaptation Programme (PACC) is a bilateral initiative of the Peruvian Ministry of Environment and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation implemented by the Regional Governments of Cusco and Apurimac and facilitated by a consortium led by Intercooperation, Libelula and Predes

About PACC

Vulnerable Peru By 2025 the impact of climate change on the Peruvian economy is estimated to represent losses of $10 000 million annually, equal to 4.4% of the country's production value (Andean Community). During the last 12 agricultural cycles, 80 thousand hectares of potato were lost due to climate change and land degradation, leaving 11 million Peruvians unfed (Ministry of Environment)

The implementation phase of PACC has a time frame of three years (February 2009-January 2012), in which it will strengthen the capacity of regional and local stakeholders in the Cusco and Apurimac regions to confront the impacts of climate change.

Where is PACC being implemented?

70% of the world's tropical glaciers are found in Peru. These are important reserve and source of fresh water. During the last 30-35 years, around 25% of the surface of the glaciers has been lost. 20% of these glaciers are located in the Vilcanota Mountain Range, in the Cusco region This glacial retreat has caused a reduction of fresh water availability in the coastal areas of Peru of 12%. Here 60% of the country's population is located.

Cusco region Area: 71986 km2 1´171,503 inh. 16.3 hab/km2 Poverty rate: 75.3%

Huacrahuacho watershed, Cusco

Apurimac region Area: 20895.8 km2 418,882 inh. 20 hab/km2 Poverty rate: 69.5%



Objectives The specific objective of PACC is to promote the implementation of climate change adaptation strategies and measures by the local population and public and private institutions, as well as to capitalize on knowledge and allow dialogues on public policies at different levels.


Results PACC has four major areas of outputs: Result 3

Result 4

Monitor and inform


Learn and to engage in political dialogue





system for



in agreement


with local and



in Cusco and


Result 1

Result 2

Knowing vulnerabilities Assessment of vulnerability and adaptation conditions to climate variability in Cusco and Apurimac regions, developed with the participation of authorities, institutions and affected population

Apurimac regions.

Public policies at local, regional and national levels. International negotiation processes contain proposals generated by PACC´s actions.


Strategy National/Global

PACC works at both the local and national level

Use of global science on climate change

Local - regional

Engaging in the international process

At local and regional level PACC is: a) Developing scientific knowledge while revaluing traditional knowledge, b) promoting local pilot projects on climate change adaptation, c) promoting the formulation of adaptation strategies and their mainstreaming, as well as instruments for development planning and public investment.

Mainstreaming in development processes

Coherence and policies articulation

Driving a National Adaptation Plan

Strategies and information systems Pilot experiences Knowledge generation Local / Regional

National - global At local and regional level PACC is: a) Using and applying information on global climate scenarios, b) supporting the country's efforts in international climate change negotiations, c) supporting the development of a national framework for the implementation of a National Plan of adaptation to Climate Change. The implementation of this dual dynamic will be fostered through coherence and linkages between local and regional policies and processes, promoted in accordance with the established national policy framework on climate change adaptation. In turn, this policy is expected to incorporate knowledge from local and regional experiences in adapting to climate variability and to climate change.




Working levels

Monitoring the impacts of PACC will take place by comparing progress at three levels with five targets.

Level of observation


Families in prioritised watersheds

Capabilities are strengthened and climate change adaptation measures are implemented, contributing to the sustainability of livelihoods.

Communities in watersheds

Prioritise communal actions on adaptation to climate change, and facilitate the engagement of communities in political dialogue with their local authorities. The competences of political and technical teams have been strengthened in order to promote policies and actions for adaptation to climate change.

Local, regional and national institutions

Strategies and policies are implemented by local and regional governments and their associations, promoting climate change adaptation.

PACC has 3 different working levels:

National PACC works with the Peruvian Ministry of Environment, participating and supporting the processes and activities of the Ministry's Climate Change, Desertification and Water Resources Department. Furthermore, this office monitors and guides PACC's development.

Regional (sub-national) PACC works with the regional governments of Cusco and Apurimac,who lead its

Local With local governments of the prioritised watersheds, who will lead the management of at least 3 pilot adaptation projects.

PACC is working to facilitate exchanges and knowledge generation between these three levels.

PACC – second-tier actor, is facilitating and articulating processes, promoting knowledge exchange.

Ministry of Environment

Participation in executing, tracking and monitoring the programme; through its Direction of Climate Change


Regional Governments

Lead the regional implementation, supported by PACC, under a model of co-management

Local level

Local Governments

Lead the management of the localpilot projects on adaptation to climate change

National level Regional level

National public policy on climate change is strengthened, making best use of the knowledge generated locally and regionally.

regional implementation under a model that enhances a shared management and coordination between these regional governments and PACC's Coordination Unit.

Capacity strengthening to design and implement climate change strategies



Research The research in PACC takes place at two levels: regional (in Apurimac and Cusco) and local (through prioritised watersheds within these regions). Research is carried out by Peruvian regional (sub-national) and national technical-scientific institutions, which receive support from Swiss scientific entities. The studies cover a wide range of themes linked to the problem of climate change, and will contribute to a better understanding of its impacts on the rural populations of Cusco and Apurimac and their livelihoods.

These studies, which are building research for action, take place in various sectors:


? Climate characterization and climate change scenarios for

2030 and 2050 in Apurimac y Cusco ? Assessment of current and future water resource

availability in main basins


? Assessment of current and future water demand in main

basis ? water conflict analysis


? Climate sensitivity analysis of priority crops for food

security. ? Climate change impact assessment on crop productivity.

? Historical analysis of extreme weather events and impacts.


? Current and future physical territorial sensitivity analysis. ? Analysis of risk from climate hazards to social and economic

infrastructure. ? Analysis of the perceptions of rural people in the southern




Andes of local effects of climate change and its impact on their lives. ? Recognition (and collection) of traditional adaptation measures. ? Analysis of how traditional knowledge can be better used for climate prediction and participative validation of adaptation measures ? Socio-economic scenarios and economic studies of costs of

climate change impacts.


Pilot experiences on climate change adaptation

Linking adaptation to climate change with disaster risk reduction

In 2010 PACC will initiate pilot projects on climate change, based on results of vulnerability studies in prioritised watersheds. In Apurimac PACC pilot actions will take place in the Mollebamba basin in the province of Antabamba, and in Cusco will take place in Huacrahuacho basin, located in the province of Canas.

Despite the fact that the Cusco and Apurimac regions have high poverty, and have suffered extreme weather events that caused serious impacts and large economic losses in the past, it remains a challenge to bring the stakeholders' attention towards existing risks and vulnerabilities considering now future risks with climate change.

The development strategy for these local adaptation activities has been agreed upon in a highly participative process involving municipal authorities and social based. Such stakeholders will prioritise local adaptation measures, taking into account PACC´s crosscutting themes of water resources, food security and disaster risk reduction. Local adaptation measures will also consider existing knowledge and local expertise in these three areas.

PACC supports regional governments of Cusco and Apurimac in integrating their work on adaptation to climate change with existing processes and tools for disaster risk reduction.

Huacrahuacho watershed, Cusco

In this sense, one of PACC´s implementation strategies is to involve key stakeholders (both public and private) seeking to improve their capacities. This kind of initiatives for adaptation to climate change face a better chance of success. The adaptation activities and local adaptation pilots in the prioritised watersheds will include integrated risk reduction as part of their development process. It is an objective of PACC that in a way that such experience of linking adaptation to climate change with disaster risk reduction can be replicated in a sustainable way. PACC works together with regional capacities and institutions. Its implementation strategy has a strong basis in ongoing processes and existing institutions. In the case of Disaster Risk Reduction, PACC works with the Peruvian Centre for Studies and Disaster Prevention (PREDES). Together they support the Regional Government of Cusco in updating the Regional Plans for Disaster Prevention.



The implementation process and linking results PACC considers how political and participative processes at regional level can incorporate climate change scenarios and adaptation demands. With this in mind two regional Climate Change Technical Groups have been formed in the PACC regions.

Huacrahuacho watershed, Cusco

These Technical Groups provide a multi-institutional working platform for the development of Regional Climate Change Strategies. Such scheme can be adjusted to local levels (watersheds), in areas where existing discussion platforms are part of their decision making process.

REGIONAL PROCESS Public awareness Capacity building ownership

Institutions Technical - Science National - Regional

Technical processes Social and political agreement

Regional Technical Groups on climate change

Regional policies and strategies

Regional studies

Regional governments

Infotmation system

Local institutions

Public awareness Capacity building ownership

Local studies

Local strategies and measures

Local roundtable

Local governments

Technical processes Social and political agreement



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