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The ASO Foundation for Research and Education (ASOFRE) is committed to maintaining a high standard of orthodontic education in Australia and supporting scientific and clinical research that explore methods for improved evidence-based orthodontic care.

Congratulations to our 2022 ASOFRE Award Winners

In March 2022 the ASOFRE recognised those whose achievements and contributions have had a profound impact on the Society and the profession.

Dr Tony Weir

The 2022 P Raymond Begg Research Award was presented to Dr Tony Weir based on his volume of research, both personal and supervisory, which he has completed and published, and had been accepted for publication, or awaiting submission and acceptance in the 24 months prior to March 2022 and into the near future.

The 2022 Milton R Sims Award was presented to Dr Raymond Lam. This Award is offered on a biennial basis to those completing their graduate programs. It is awarded to the most meritorious student in the two years preceding each Congress.

2023 Foundation Meeting

The FRE Committee worked tirelessly during 2022 with the Australian and New Zealand Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons (ANZAOMS) to plan the co-located meeting in 2023. The co-hosting of these industry leading events in Sydney on 19-20 May 2023 will bring members exceptional local and international speakers, more faceto-face networking with peers and a unique opportunity to leverage the key learnings and powerful combination of specialist orthodontics and oral and maxillofacial surgery.

ASOFRE Income and Expenses in 2022

Income earned from the ASOFRE’s investment funds continues to be the main source of revenue, with levies and individual donations from members and/or patients on their behalf being another important income stream.

In 2022, members and public donors contributed over $21,000 to the Foundation and the ASO extends its sincere gratitude to members for their continued support. The ASO would also like to thank our sponsors, in particular Henry Schein, for their support. This year our corporate supporter Henry Schein contributed $246,799.

During the year the ASOFRE supported orthodontic research through the funding of postgraduate student travel grants and special project grants and awards to a total of $25,600.

A committee is only as strong as the sum of its members. I am very fortunate to have an exceptional team. Special thanks to our Secretary Annu Nangia, Treasurer Alex Yusupov and Committee members Steven Naoum, Rob Mayne, Simon Toms and Derek Allan. They have all been amazing contributors to the ASOFRE Committee.

I would also like to thank the ASO CEO, Kerstin Baas for her support throughout the year. She attends all of our meetings and her knowledge and wisdom are greatly appreciated.

Thank you to Kate Harris, ASO Finance Manager for helping to keep our books in order, administering the day-to-day financials and supporting Alex in his role as Treasurer.

Juanita Ward-Harvey, our Communications Manager is the link between us, and our members and I am very grateful for her invaluable assistance in preparing reports, communicating with our members, and keeping our website up to date.

Kate Smith and the team at Waldron Smith have been our conference organisers for the Foundation Meeting and as usual Kate has done another fantastic job in putting the Meeting together.

I would like to extend my thanks to our President Andrew Toms and his Executive and the ASO Federal Council for continuing to support us during the year. Finally, I would like to thank all our members. We exist to support orthodontic education and research on behalf of the membership.

Greatly appreciated.

Dr Chris Theodosi Chair, ASOFRE

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