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Members that are displaying their “AOB Cert” postnominals are enjoying the recognition by their peers, patients, and community, for their commitment to specialist orthodontic education, excellence, and review. Congratulations in this achievement is to be awarded to our members and generous volunteers, both past and present, that have made this commitment and recognition possible. The membership list may be publicly accessed on the AOB website.

Several progressive, rewarding, and positive changes have been introduced in the AOB process in recent months. Detailed updates are planned for the ASOFRE Foundation Meeting in 2023.

• The focus for clinical cer tification is on real-life clinical practice, where case finishes are clinically acceptable with individual or special considerations, modifications, or compromises; and are not required to reflect textbook static perfection.

• In submitting digital records of two completed cases, members submit reports of the cases that discusses and reflects on the plan, treatment, considerations, alternate options, and compromises undertaken. Additionally, to demonstrate clinical excellence and evidence-based practice, members include 2-10 citations and a critical review that supports their assessment and treatment for each case.

• Members earn a total of 25 CPD points in recognition of the learning and professional development undertaken in the self-reflection and peer-review of their clinical practice.

• Clinical colleagues that generously and anonymously undertake the process of peerreview, support and feedback also enjoy 5 CPD points in recognition of their learning and professional development from real-life clinical cases.

• The AOB professional log has also been updated to align with Ahpra; with one point awarded per hour. The new log format is available for download from the AOB website.

TheCommitteeinvitesandwelcomesmembers andcolleaguestoenquire,providefeedbackand participateintheAOB,inwhatevercapacity theycan,asanexpertintheartandscienceof orthodontics.

FortheirongoingsupportoftheAOB,its endeavoursandcommitmenttoorthodontic excellence,educationandreview;heartfelt thanksisgiventoASOFederalCounciland headofficestaff,ourMembers,Assessors,State Liaisons:DrOykuDalci(SYD),DrColinNelson (QLD),ProfessorCraigDreyer(ADEL),DrTony Collett(MELB),MsRebeccaShain(WA),Dr FionaFirth(OTAGO)andStateConvenors:Dr PeterGrant(QLD),DrGuyBurnett(SA),Dr CarolynNg(VIC),A/ProfMikeRazza(WA),Dr AzzaAlAni(NZ).A/Prof JamesHawkinshas servedastheNSWStateConvenorformany years,andallinvolvedaredeeplygratefulforhis tirelessefforts

Sincereandspecialthanksarealsoextendedto DrColinNelson,DrTonyCollettandDrJonathon Ashworthinrecognitionoftheirgenerous contributionstotheASO,andespeciallyonthe executivecommitteeoftheAOB

DrCarolynNg Chair

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