Issue1|September2022 TRANSFORMINGCOMPANIESORTHODONTICS Broughttoyoubythe AustralianSocietyofOrthodontists NewsletterINDUSTRYPRACTICEMANAGEMENT Cloud computing in orthodontics. Should you move to the cloud? GIVE A SMILE DrDanVickersshareshisexperience workingontheprogramsince2005

•Simulated 3D model view. Provides a detailed view for in-depth patient
For all editorial or advertising enquiries: P (02) 9965 7250 or
Welcome to the first edition of the “Industry Newsletter”. This first of its kind digital publication will focus on the latest industry trends and developments and will complement the ASO’s monthly national member e-newsletter.

Onlydiscussion.availableoniTero Element 5D Plus series Learn more © 2022 Align Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Contents Feature SPARK Aligners – Product Review ....... 03 Advertorials Ormco....................................................................... 04 Invisalign................................................................... 05 Dentalmonitoring .............................................. 06 uLab ............................................................................ 07 Practice Management Cloud computing in orthodontics ......... 08 Impact
A powerful tool to help drive Invisalign treatment acceptance, providing a highly realistic simulated in-face visualisation of your patient’s potential future smile after Invisalign treatment and softwaregenerated teeth whitening.

•Simulated in-face visualisation view. Creates initial “wow” moment with patients.
Experience the full benefits of Invisalign Outcome Simulator Pro.
So, Igor Lavrin
how do you Give a Smile? 10 Dr
**Source article: https://www.mdpi. com/1198216
The study concluded that the Spark template is more effective in transferring attachments to the tooth surface than the leading aligner brand’s template, resulting in less time and effort in removal and clean-up.**
Spark Aligners are also clearer, more comfortable, and stain less than the leading aligner brand*, and have smoother, polished edges for enhanced patient comfort.* These features may explain why 100% of patients recently surveyed said they would recommend Spark Aligners to a friend.*

Spark Clear Aligners
Powerful Approver TM software for better control
Spark’s Approver software is designed to give orthodontists start-to-finish control for more efficient and effective treatment planning. CBCT integration lets orthodontists import and visualise CBCT patient data,* request multiple treatment plans and compare them,* while posterior Bite Turbos can be added to address complex cases.* Orthodontists may select their preferred scanner, remote monitoring and virtual consult
According to study results published in Applied Sciences MDPI, the Spark attachment template was 3X more effective than the leading competitor’s attachment template in preventing attachment bonding •failures:**87.5% of Spark Aligners patients had NO attachment bonding failures versus 27.5% on patients using the leading aligner competitor.**
*Data on file. | 3
Aligners are manufactured by Ormco™ — a global leader in innovative orthodontic products with 60 years of expertise, R&D, and high manufacturing standards. Ormco has helped doctors treat more than 20 million patients in more than 140 countries.
Spark’s proprietary ApproverTM software is designed to give doctors more control and flexibility, while Spark’s advanced aligner technology and TruGEN™ material enable more sustained force retention* and better surface contact with the tooth*.
S park Clear Aligners are designed to give orthodontists start-tofinish control for more efficient and effective treatment
TruGEN XR™, Spark’s new, more rigid material, is optimally designed for finishing and refinements.* TruGEN XR is equivalent to the finishing wire option of traditional braces* and is available for all refinements at no additional charge.
Force retention and surface contact
Spark’s TruGEN material provides more sustained force retention* and improved contact surface compared with the leading aligner brand.* When touching the same tooth, Spark Aligners have 19% better surface contact than the leading aligner brand.*
Aligners is setting a new benchmark in clear aligners. Learn more about Spark Clear Aligners at or by calling 1800 023 603.
Finishing, refinements, and attachment bonding
Spark Aligners attachment template was proven to be over 3X more effective than the leading competitor’s attachment template in preventing attachment bonding failures in a controlled trial published in Applied Sciences MDPI.*
*Applied Science Article 7/2021 Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 6716.

Reduce Bond Failures and Increase Practice Efficiencies

87.5% of Spark™ Aligners patients had NO attachment bonding failures vs. only 27.5% of patients using the leading competitor.*

The iTeroTM Outcome Simulator Pro2 also allows you to show patients their potential new smiles after Invisalign treatment and teeth whitening, using in-face visualisation in addition to an all-new 3D dentition view, all done chairside in minutes.

1. Invisalign SmileView® simulation is a computer-generated simulation of how your smile might look with straighter teeth. It is not available for people with chipped and/or missing teeth. The simulation compares your image against our existing database of thousands of patients’ final outcomes. It matches your photo to the closest “before” template and then applies the corresponding “after” template to the upper and lower arches to generate your Invisalign SmileView simulation.
Engaging consumers who are considering orthodontic treatment
Invisalign Virtual Care AI4 provides you with a remote monitoring solution, allowing you to maximise practice efficiency and save patients from attending in-person. It is fully integrated with the Align Digital Workflow and uses artificial intelligence to help you prioritise Invisalign treatment tracking exceptions.
Both these tools can help you to tailor the initial consultation and increase the likelihood of progressing with treatment.
Visualising the predicted treatment outcome
4. Virtual Care® is software that uses artificial intelligence to aid health care professionals in remotely monitoring and communicating intra-oral situations and malocclusion treatments using the Invisalign System. ALWAYS FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS FOR USE.
The value of this tool is in understanding how any changes you make in the ClinCheck plan (or ClinCheck 3D models) affect the patient’s clinical outcome in their own profile, not a simulation.
Keeping connected with patients throughout their treatment journey
3. ClinCheck® is a proprietary 3D computer application for depicting and viewing an orthodontic treatment plan. ALWAYS FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS FOR USE.
By utilising these Align Digital Workflow tools, which are available to all Invisalign Providers, you can look to maximise your practice efficiency whilst providing the optimal patient experience before and during Invisalign treatment. Visit digital-transformation/ for more information. | 5
As consumers engage more with apps offering virtual reality to see what their new clothes, haircut or glasses can look like, it is exciting that these experiences can be offered via orthodontists to motivate potential patients to commence treatment and encourage compliance to achieve the desired result.
The power of visualisation can also be achieved through ClinCheck® In-Face Visualisation, a clinical tool integrated into ClinCheck software3
The Invisalign SmileView simulation tool1 can now be used chair-side with the Invisalign Practice App, and allows potential patients to see what they could look like with straighter teeth through an on-screen simulation.
2. The Invisalign Outcome Simulator Pro is only available on the iTero Element™ 5D Plus (Cart and Mobile) scanner models and requires an active ‘Orthodontic/Restorative Comprehensive’ iTero service plan.
Whattypeoftreatmentsdoyounowmonitorwith DentalMonitoring?
What was your reason for starting to use DentalMonitoring (DM) in your practices? There was a desire to be innovative, and we understood the benefit to patients and the approach to begin. We did a patient survey a few years back to see the average travel time required for dental appointments, 90 minutes for ultimately a threeminute doctor-patient interaction. Last week alone, we did 70 virtual consultations by using DM, reducing stress on staff, patients, and parents. Even a more significant value to patients in remote areas.
Theplanwasalwaystogoallin;westartedby monitoringallalignerpatientsandnowexpanding. Wehavebegunmonitoringbracesandretention, andothergroupsofpatientsareplannedtobe added.Weseeamultifacetedplanwithinthe practicetomonitorallpatientsrequiredand improveourcommunicationtoconnectwiththose patients.Weareimprovingthestandardofcare. YouhavebeenapartoftheDMInsightpilotwhich isbeingreleasedonSept15.DMInsightisabout givingbackthedatatotheDoctor.Whathaveyou gainedfromhavingaccesstobusinessanalytics youhavebeentesting?Whatit’senabledustodo, whichwecouldn’tdobeforeislookatcohortsof patientsandlearnthings.Withtheinformation,we cangobackandthinkwelldoIneedtochangemy movementorsequenceprotocolssooverallwecan makebetter-informeddecisionsbasedonthedata

Class1philosophyisaboutgivingbackto yourcommunityandenvironment;howdoes technologyplayapart?Wesupportlocalsporting clubsandhavejuststartedplanting2,600trees onourfarm.Wehaveinstalledsolarinfourclinic locationsandaretryingtomakeourpracticemore sustainableandenvironmentallyfriendly.Virtual appointmentsandreducingpeopletravellingare allapartofthesustainabilityapproachweare tryingtodevelop.
6 | Industry Newsletter
Dr OrloffChrisis the ofDirectorClass OrthodonticsClassinOrthodontics1Perth,WA.1
encompasses seven clinics. The adventurer and alpaca farmer is also a dedicated research fellow with a keen interest in sleep disorders and refining orthodontic techniques using the latest in dental tech to serve his community and improve sustainability. I talked with Chris about the future of virtual consultations, where we are, and where we’re going.
treatment better?
a. Inform the patient they’re not a candidate, and recommend braces
When to switch from fixed to clear Startaligners?byplanning any A/P corrections, significant expansion, extrusion, major torque and significant rotations for the first, fixed phase of treatment. As soon as these major movements are accomplished, scan and transition the patient. Use aligners where they are undeniably superior: finishing, detailing, midline and tooth size discrepancy management and spacing correction.
The Case TreatmentCombinationfor
What if you could improve patient satisfaction AND profitability?
Many prospective patients are interested in aligner- only therapy, but often are not ideal candidates. When a patient requiring extrusion, significant rotation and/ or posterior expansion presents, your options are:
You can offer combination treatment without modifying your fee scale. Pay-per-aligner lab fees—often just a few hundred dollars—are easily offset by the elimination of appointments.
Dr. Eric Wu, Palo Alto and Redwood City, CA Adjunct Faculty, UNLV and Roseman University Orthodontics

Dr. Wu received his DMD from the University of Pennsylvania, Advanced General Dentistry degree from UCLA and his Orthodontic degree from the University of Pittsburgh. He is a published author, inventor and frequent speaker. He is passionate about clear aligner therapy innovation, additive manufacturing/3D printing and has treated over 4000 patients with aligners.
c. Propose <6 months in braces followed by clear aligners
are available on a pay-per-aligner basis with very rapid delivery, supporting the profitability and timing of these cases.
© 2022 uLab Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. uLab Systems, uLab, uAssist, uView and uSmile are trademarks and uDesign is a registered trademark of uLab Systems, Inc. MAR-0000994 Rev 1 uLab Systems TM has launched in ANZ! Contact |

b. Attempt clear aligner treatment, anticipating a long case with multiple refinements, or
What is combination treatment?
Combination treatment is the use of two treatment modalities to achieve the best possible result in the shortest amount of time. Usually this means starting a patient in braces then transitioning to clear Whyaligners.iscombination
How to price combination treatment?
By choosing option C, you balance the patient’s wishes with the treatment requirements. The result? Higher conversion rates, greater patient satisfaction, good clinical outcomes and, generally, shorter total treatment time. uSmile™ clear aligners
Waiting until fixed appliances stall only serves to prolong treatment time and increase the total number of appointments.
Matthew Has worked in IT for nearly 30 years and specifically with Orthodontic Practices for over 20 years. He has crafted his business to be boutique offering highly customised and personal service to his clients Australia wide.
8 | Industry Newsletter
Matthew Edward Sensitive It
often get asked by practitioners ‘Should we move to the cloud? Everyone is talking about the cloud’. Fear of being left behind or missing out on new features is often the motivator.
First let’s define ‘the cloud’. Network engineers use diagrams to show the flow of data through a network from one point of a computer to another. They faced a problem when data travelled over the internet as it could take multiple different paths and there was no way to determine exactly how your data would get from one side to the other. For simplicity when data enters the internet they would simply draw a cloud and the data would magically transit the cloud and get to its Sayingdestination.something is in the cloud simply means it is connected to and accessible via the internet. We may think of it as hosted by a separate company on their servers and you can access it when you are connected to the internet.

As a rule, if the program or application has to travel over the internet to work then it is often best to move it to the cloud. An example would be your website or email. They push data over the internet and cannot function without the internet so get a specialist to host them in the cloud.
As you consider moving to the cloud look at each application individually, remember that there are risks and count the cost.
management software, usually priced above $100 per user per month. So, with 5 users this would be $6,000 per year, with 20 users it would be $24,000 per year. Whereas your own server would cost between $10,000 and $25,000 including ongoing maintenance and support and should last 5 years.

myths about hosting practice management software in the cloud:

Firstly, that it is more reliable. The moment you move anything to the cloud you lose control. You are dependent on a stable reliable internet connection to access your data. By moving practice management software to the cloud, you effectively add many extra potential points of failure compared to having your own servers. Secondly many wrongly assume that cloud is cheaper. Renting server space in the cloud (IaaS) is expensive, costing from hundreds to thousands every month. Some companies offer per user licensing of their cloud-based practice
Should you move to the cloud and get rid of your own servers?
What about practice management
“The public dental system was overloaded (and now after COVID, even worse) and only the very severe cases were ever likely to be treated through that. That left many people with untreated problems.”
their time freely to help the disadvantaged,” Dan said.
been a staunch supporter of GAS since its inception and says the program has come a long way since its humble beginnings.
“It’s also important that the public, our dental colleagues, and government authorities see orthodontists giving of

SO members have provided pro bono orthodontic treatment to over 2000 needy patients across the country since the program launched in 2005. This is quite remarkable and to those members we say a heartfelt thank you for your generosity – without your continued support, the program would not be Danpossible.has
“When I was asked to oversee the program in NSW, I was delighted to be able to help. I felt that as orthodontists we could and should help those who are less fortunate. Many orthodontists already occasionally provided treatment at no charge for families in need, and GAS was a wonderful way of formalising this.”
“Once I spoke with a single mother of two children. She was trying to survive on a pension and her son was very much in need of orthodontic treatment. The malocclusion, although psychologically affecting her son, was not quite severe enough for treatment through the public system and she could not afford it on her own. When I confirmed that we could provide treatment at no charge through the GAS program she broke down in tears,” he said.
Eighteen years and over 2000 patients – that’s the raw data on Give a Smile (GAS). Dan Vickers is now the longest serving GAS Liaison Officer and looks after NSW.
“As Liaison Officer I have no direct contact with the patients, but when I do need to phone a family, they are generally so appreciative of the opportunity, it reaffirms how important and valuable the program is.”
Dan encourages those members who have not yet joined GAS to sign up by completing the ASO online form, or to contact their State Liaison Officer with any questions.
“Your only commitment is to take on one GAS patient every year – it sounds simple because it is and you’ll be amazed at not only how this helps a family in need, but also what it does for you and your practice team.” Dan said.