an audio-based social media
DESIGN BRIEF I am building An audio–based timeline social application For Users who are tired of staring at the screen all the time and bombarded by an overload of visual information. In order to Have a new social experience primarily through sound, for a more focused interaction. By Uploading and sharing daily life recording fragments to form a audio timeline. In a world where Sound is being captured, shared and featured more than ever, and made easy due smart phones and cloud storage.
Alex Chen / Instructor: Anne Kitzmiller / Class: Nature of Interaction
RESEARCH BRIEF Screener User Must: Between 20–50 own a smartphone Full hearing ability Using social media Used to listen something through their smartphone
Hi, my name is Alex and thank you for helping me doing this survey. I’m doing a design project for people who are using social media and the experience of listening to music, radio, broadcast, audio-book… in your daily basis. 1. First I would like to know how’s you feeling and experience about checking and using social media (like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)? 2. How often do you check it and how long do you checking every time? 3. What are you usually do when you commute, driving or work?
4. Do you use your smartphone to listen to something? If so, what are the current tool you use?
• Basic descriptions of how they use social media
5. How do you feel about this tool?
• What is their experience of checking those social media? • How are their experiences of focusing screen for a long time? • What are the current tools they use to listen something they love? • What are they usually listen to when using the smartphone? • What are the things they want to listen about
6. What are the things you like/dislike about it? What make you want to keep using it?
(how long, how many times per day)?
7. Is there any specific thing you want to change or function you want to add to it? 8. What do you imagine the combine audio experience with social media? 9. How do you feel about it? What do you want it to be/ don’t want it to be?
except what they currently have?
1 0. Are you interetesd in recording sounds and audio? How do you feel about it?
social media or audio tools?
1 1. Are you interested in listen to other people’s recording or sound or audio?
• Anything they like/dislike about the currently use tools for • What they want the tool to be/ to be fixed? • Are they interested in recording sounds or listen the sound that other people record?
Alex Chen / Instructor: Anne Kitzmiller / Class: Nature of Interaction
1 0. Do you have any additional thoughts on social media and experience of listening to audio-based content? Thank you so much for your time and have a great day!
I like to record things; my voice will sound different when I listen to the records. Lots of people say that sounds good, so I found it very interesting, and maybe you can build a different profile through this media.
I won’t spent lots of time on it, but I need it. Because it’s a new way to communicate with people but can not replace the real face to face communication, or it will damage your life too much somehow.
I’m not interested in listening to people’s record. But if it was in real-time for example that I can listen to an audio in real time from a person in a cafe to know is there noisy or not, that would be cool.
I would like to listen to people’s record if the records are interested, like bird’s song in the mountain. But if it’s just noise on the street, I will pass. I think I like to listen to what people record instead listen to mine.
I am more interested in listening to others recording, with a voice you can know the real emotion of the post and take it more serious and feel real.
PERSONA The time he spends on social media: Less than 1 hour, but he will browse through Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to know what his colleague and friends are doing, if he have some time.
What is the experience that he needs to get from social media? • Mostly social needs. He wants to know what is popular topic and what the trend to have more things to talk about with his friend. • He also likes to read brief news blog to know what happened in the world.
How does he think about social media? It is a waste of time, but he really needs it mainly for social reasons.
Chris Young Professional
What is the purpose for them to listen to something? To get information from news, and just have some background sound, music, or people talking for relaxing and spacing out.
What tools do they currently use? SoundCloud, Facebook, Podcast, Youtube
How does he think about the audio tools he used?
Alex Chen / Instructor: Anne Kitzmiller / Class: Nature of Interaction
• He hopes that the music can keep playing that he don’t need to set it constantly. He needs to focus on what he is doing. • He just likes to check what friends are doing, he seldom post anything on social media. • He uses the only basic function of an application.
What features does he need the most? • Constantly calming environment sounds • Audio based news feeds or information sharing.
PERSONA The time she spends on social media:
How does she think about the audio tools she used?
Around 3–4 hours a day, she mainly spends time on Facebook,
What is the experience that she needs to get from social media?
• She hopes there are more share-friendly functions because she posts a lot, and she wants to save more time. • She likes the feed feature in SoundCloud • She also thinks the feed feature can be organized better in different categories.
• She wants to share her opinions and experience with her friends. • She needs it to know about what her friends are doing or thinking. • She wonders about what people do in other countries.
• Audio feeds organized system • Easy to follow friends posts, and easy to upload her post.
Instagram, and Twitter.
How does she think about social media? I should control myself, and try not to use it as much.
Katie Design Student
What is the purpose for them to listen to something? Just for fun, and know what does my friends likes to listen to.
What tools do they currently use? SoundCloud, Facebook, Podcast, Agogo, Spotify
Alex Chen / Instructor: Anne Kitzmiller / Class: Nature of Interaction
What features does she need the most?
PERSONA The time he spends on social media:
What tools do they currently use?
Around 4–5 hours a day, he mainly spends time on Soundcloud, | Facebook, and Spotify.
SoundCloud, Facebook, Ppodcast, Spotify,
What is the experience that he needs to get from social media? • To know what is trendy now, and peoples’ tastes. • He needs some songs, and audio fragments as inspirations for music production. • A great platform for promoting his works
How do they think about social media? I use it for inspiration mainly for music production and song writing. If I have enough followers, it’s also a great place to promote himself and his works.
Alfie Music Lover
What is the purpose for he to listen to something? To get and collects more insights or inspirations for song writing, music productions.
Alex Chen / Instructor: Anne Kitzmiller / Class: Nature of Interaction
Apple Music
How does he think about the audio tools he use? • SoundCloud, Facebook, and spotify are all good source pool for inspirations, but sometimes he wants more raw material such as sound effects and environmental sounds for inspirations. • We can comment on specific second in SoundCloud which is cool.
What features does he need the most? • Some hash tag searching functions • Flexible commentary systems
USER JOURNEY USER JOURNEY Aware: 1. Ad: social media 2. Ad: audio broadcast 3. Ad: public transportation 4. Ad: App store 5. Ad: Radio 6. Social media sharing 7. Sponsor event 8. Audio portfolio sharing 9. Friend invitation 10. Ad: Magazine Acquire: 1. Download the App 2. How to guide 3. Connect to the 4. Sign in 5. Link to other social media to get profile/to set up profile 6. Like with other social media to get friends 7. Onboarding/explore the App 8. Privacy/policy 9. Link to your music data in your smartphone 10. Acquired to GPS access First Use 1. Start/pause/stop to listen other users audio 2. Start to record self-made audio 3. Simple edit the soundtrack 4. See records being uploaded 5. See records’ sound wave being visualized 6. Choosing different category to save the records 7. Start to listen self-made audio
Alex Chen / Instructor: Anne Kitzmiller / Class: Nature of Interaction
8. Browsing the audio feeds 9. See and listen friends’ audio timeline 10. Searching for specific date and listen What are the records over the world 11. Searching for subject hash-tag for specific audio records 12. Like other’s records 13. Send your record to someone Fully Adopted: 1. Social media sharing, 2. Invite another user 3. Keep tracking the activity on timeline 4. Collecting other people’s records 5. Share in public 6. Record every day, anywhere 7. Creating his or her program
ONE SENTENCE STATEMENT Audiocampo It is an audio-based social platform for you to record and share the sound that you don’t want to forget.
APP NAME 1. Audiocampo 2. Recorda 3. Via Ears
Alex Chen / Instructor: Anne Kitzmiller / Class: Nature of Interaction
It’s not just about the visual on your screen; it’s the vivid imagination from what you’re listening. We should not only care about the visual but also the listening experience with less interruptions.
It’s not about creating amazing records; it’s about creating the audible memories. The design should focus on creating casual daily usages, a new way to memorized meaningful moment.
Recording sound can be fun, and we encourage to experience the world through sound. The application design should also create a joyful sense that let people think that recording the subtle sound from daily life can be interesting just like playing a game.
Alex Chen / Instructor: Anne Kitzmiller / Class: Nature of Interaction
Recording Mode
Auto play switch Audio contents (feeds) (timeline) Feeds photos Playing (Listening) Like button Comment button Share button
Record button Next button Go back button Upload photos / audio records from your phone Cut / editing Testing play Pause button Save Tag people Add location Share to other social media Share button
Profile Name Photo Number of records Followers and following Which city Number of likes that the user got Audio Collections My timeline
Notification Who liked your posts Other users’ photo Liked to other users’ profile The photo of your post
Setting Listening preference setting Volume User name / email / password Linked social media accounts Notification Settings Location permissions Language FAQ Delete account
Alex Chen / Instructor: Anne Kitzmiller / Class: Nature of Interaction
AudioCampo setting Profile Home We take you into the world of the sound. Let’s record the daily subtle in the beautiful world. Type: Source Sans Pro
Alex Chen / 03993547
AudioCampo S E T T I N G P R O F I L E H O M E We take you into the world of the sound. Let’s record the daily subtle in the beautiful world. Typeface: Frutiger
AudioCampo setting profile home
We take you into the world of the sound. Let’s record the daily subtle in the beautiful world. Typeface: Aktiv Grotesk
Collage Refinement
AudioCampo S E T T I N G PR O FI LE H O M E
This is the body text size and style for AudioCampo, an audio based social media that creates connection without disruption. Headline: Source Sans Pro / light / 17pt
Subline: Source Sans Pro / Medium /10pt
When you are listening to audio records.
When you are recording sounds.
The possible buttons and major layout.
The possible illustration
The possible editing mode’s look and feel.
The possible colors from cold to warm. It will change the color based on different types of sound waves. The possible icons.
Source Sans Pro/ Light / 11pt /
CONCEPT 1 REFINEMENT I made three major changes: 1. I put profile section into tab and put setting section into upper right corner. 2. I applied some visual inspirations of concept 2 into concept 1 3. I decided to make setting section and account section together.
2.1 Recording Mode
2.2 Recording
Alex Chen / Instructor: Anne Kitzmiller / Class: Nature of Interaction
3.1 Profile
4.1 Notification
5.1 Setting
WIREFRAMES: MAIN USER FLOW 1.1 Ready to record
4.1 Have a photo
2.1 Tap to stop
5.1 Share
3.1 You have a record
4.1 Edit
5.1 Take a photo
UI CONCEPT 1 1.Audio feed
2. Recording mode
App icon
2.1 Tap to stop
3. Profile
4. Notification
5. Setting
UI CONCEPT 2 1.Audio Feed
2. Recording mode
App icon
2.1 Tap to stop
2. Recording mode
App icon
2.1 Tap to stop
3. Profile
4. Notification
5. Setting
6. Have a photo
2. Tap to stop
7. Share to
3. You have a recording
App icon
4. Edit
5. Take a photo
Audio feed
Add Audio
Pull from Voice Memos
Audio Inbox
2. Recording mode
2.1 Tap to stop
3. Profile
4. Notification
5. Setting
6. Have a photo
2. Tap to stop
7. Share to
3. You have a recording
App icon
Final Prototype Link:
4. Edit
5. Take a photo