Shareholder statistics Analysis of shareholders at 30 June 2014 Ordinary shares
Size of holding 1 – 2 500 2 501 – 12 500 12 501 – 25 000 25 001 – 50 000 50 001 and over
Number of shareholders
% of total shareholders
Number of shares
% of total shareholding
33 162 2 977 450 235 371
89,2 8,0 1,2 0,6 1,0
16 526 753 15 537 025 7 925 005 8 418 687 407 933 567
3,6 3,4 1,7 1,8 89,4
37 195
456 341 037
Major shareholders Institutional shareholders According to the register of shareholders at 30 June 2014, the following are the top 10 registered institutional shareholders: Institutional shareholder Public Investment Corporation Foord Asset Management T. Rowe Price Associates Inc. BlackRock STANLIB Asset Management Vanguard Allan Gray Asset Management Old Mutual Investment Group Sanlam Investment Management Government of Singapore Investment Corporation
Number of shares
% of total shareholding
48 517 724 15 952 280 13 020 705 11 512 555 10 537 505 9 226 722 8 474 495 6 416 824 6 187 247 5 850 337
10,6 3,5 2,9 2,5 2,3 2,0 1,9 1,4 1,4 1,3
135 696 394
Top 10 beneficial shareholders According to the register of shareholders at 30 June 2014, the following are the top 10 registered beneficial shareholders: Shareholder Glaxo Group Limited Saad, SB Government Employees Pension Fund Imithi Investments (Pty) Limited Attridge, MG T. Rowe Price Associates Inc. BlackRock Vanguard Liberty Group Foord Asset Management
Number of shares
% of total shareholding
56 468 758 55 308 798 53 133 883 21 160 724 18 837 286 11 570 810 10 101 024 8 368 733 8 176 044 7 770 219
12,4 12,1 11,6 4,6 4,1 2,5 2,2 1,8 1,8 1,7
250 896 279
Shareholders’ spread As required by paragraph 8.63 and terms of paragraph of 4.25 of the JSE’s Listings Requirements, the spread of the ordinary shareholding at close of business 30 June 2014 was as follows: Number of shareholders
Number of shares
% of total shareholding
18 16 1 1
134 030 685 77 134 442 56 468 758 427 485
29,4 16,9 12,4 0,1
Public shareholders
37 177
322 310 352
Total shareholding
37 195
456 341 037
Non-public shareholders Directors and directors of major subsidiaries Glaxo Group Employee share trusts – treasury shares
Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Limited Integrated Report 2014