Aspen Mandela Day 2016

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2013 50 000 beneficiaries 58 projects 29 countries 6 continents September 2016

9400 beneficiaries 36 projects 14 countries 6 continents

60 000 beneficiaries 98 projects 36 countries 6 continents







 Mandela Day

all year round in France

From the editor

Aspen’s business units across the world have again showed exceptional enthusiasm for the Group’s Mandela Day initiative. This year, 43 offices participated in the campaign with more than 4 200 Aspen employees contributing to 96 projects for the selected beneficiary organisations. Perhaps your contribution was financial through voluntary monthly contributions, brightening up a room for cancer patients, caring for orphans all year around, or supporting a dilapidated school in Peru that is the only educational institution for

12 From Russia with love

miles. Maybe you made a difference in building a simple home for earthquake victims, protecting and caring for the environment, preparing meals and feeding the hungry, improving a school and its sports fields, supplying water for a year, or donating basic items such as diapers, food, clothing, toiletries, appliances or

others. Irrespective of what you did, be assured that your actions have contributed to Aspen touching nearly 60 000 people in need. Probably the most valuable contribution expressed by beneficiaries though was the quality time that was spent engaging with them, uplifting their spirits, improving their surroundings and restoring a little dignity in their lives.


 Laughter –

just the right medicine!

Maslow originally defined our hierarchy of needs in 1943. From the Mandela Day activities witnessed over the years, Aspen’s employees continue to tick all the boxes related to those needs, namely physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem and self-actualisation. We have touched not only the lives of those who have received, but also our own, because it is in giving that we receive. If you’ve been part of this initiative, you’ll understand the emotion of seeing appreciation deep in the eyes of someone who has very little but who is so immensely grateful for what you have to share. Thank you for being an invaluable contributor in spreading the blessings that we enjoy daily and so easily take for granted. Let’s continue to work toward showing

23 Improving the Hope Academy

kindness and care to those who we meet along the way every day – not only on Mandela Day. If you’d like to read more about our activities, visit the Group website or click on Blessings

Shauneen Beukes


 Transforming lives

33 Primary healthcare support



Disclaimer Aspen’s Mandela Day magazine is published and distributed annually to communicate the news about the Aspen Group’s global involvement in the Nelson Mandela International Day initiative. This is intended to inform various stakeholders about the numerous projects conducted by Aspen’s Business Units in celebration of this initiative. All reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure the accuracy of information. The Aspen Mandela Day magazine editor, editorial contributors, the Aspen Group directors and Bastion Graphics cannot accept responsibility for any damages or inconveniences of any kind from information, opinions expressed, errors or omissions published in this magazine. Mandela, Nelson Mandela, Madiba and the Nelson Mandela Day device are trademarks of the Nelson Mandela Foundation and are used under licence. Image rights of Nelson Mandela are the property of the Nelson Mandela Foundation and all images are used under licence. ©Aspen 2016: This magazine is copyright protected under the Berne Convention. In terms of the South African Copyright Act No 98 of 1978, no part of this magazine may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission of the publisher.


Making a

daily difference While it is easy to drop in, drop off and depart, it takes a much greater

effort to show long-term compassion where it is needed. This isn’t always required in the form of financial contributions, as simply being present and volunteering in a personal capacity to help those in need would make a notable difference to them. We must never underestimate the impact of small gestures of kindness and compassion, made on a regular basis, on the upliftment of less fortunate people and communities. The many acts of kindness by Aspen employees reported on in this publication and the impact these initiatives have had provides first-hand evidence of this fact. Packing an extra snack such as an apple, sandwich or drink to pass on to a hungry or homeless person you might possibly come across during the course of your workday takes little sacrifice. This gesture could, however, mean the world of difference to someone who probably has very little to eat. Donating used clothing, educational toys, stationery or linen that no longer has a purpose in your life may change that of another. The care of your company, a gentle touch or simply visiting a hospitalised child or elderly person will not only serve to lift their spirits, but yours too. Although the demands of daily life may make it challenging to devote specific time to planned acts of kindness on a frequent basis, showing kindness through simply acknowledging a homeless person and treating them with dignity can also make a difference. Although some 60 000 beneficiaries were reached through 96 projects

The overwhelming response from all Aspen employees involved in the Group’s 2016 Mandela Day activities was that they are deeply touched by the impact that small gestures make in the lives of the less fortunate. Another broadly expressed sentiment from these employees was that Mandela Day initiatives shouldn’t be a oneday-a-year event. Some Aspen businesses have demonstrated their commitment to this notion by supporting their chosen beneficiaries in a variety of ways throughout the year.

across 37 countries this year, I know that there are many more very worthy initiatives that don’t fall under the Mandela Day umbrella and which Aspen people are involved in. Irrespective of the role that you are playing in showing kindness and compassion to others, I encourage you to continue to do so and to thereby pursue what Aspen is all about – We Care. While I thank the Aspen businesses, employees, suppliers, service providers and partners who contributed to the 2016 Aspen Mandela Day campaign, I also extend a special word of thanks to those who show their care every day simply by the manner in which they conduct themselves. You are true examples of the humanity that we need in a world that tends to focus insufficiently on the needs of the less fortunate members of our society. With sincere appreciation

Stephen Saad aspen

 MANDELA DAY 2016 1


Changing the world for all ages The German-based Aspen Bad Oldesloe team supported three beneficiaries, namely the ‘Midnight Bus’, the Rasselbande Kindergarten and Kinderhuus Am Reesenbüttel. Hamburg’s Midnight Bus supplies homeless people with hot drinks, sandwiches, fruit, sleeping mattresses, socks and other articles. Two members of the Aspen team took the night shift to help and were overwhelmed emotionally as their small efforts had such a profound impact on the needy. The Kindergarten Rasselbande benefited from the team’s support in painting, picking weeds, planting flowers and reassembling gokarts. The children showed their appreciation by painting a South African flag for the Aspen Team. Outdoor seating where the children could relax after school was the wish of the Kinderhuus Am Reesenbüttel. Suitably skilled Aspen employees set to work to realise this dream while the children were entertained with a film and stories about South Africa. One little girl pointed to a photograph of Nelson Mandela and said, “This must be an old man, his hair is already grey.” Proof indeed that we’re never too old to help change the world!


Uplifting disadvantaged learners Ecole Pere Henri Souchron: Oasis de Paix School accommodates 250 students who have dropped out of the traditional educational system. About 30 volunteers from Aspen Global spent some time at the school engaging with the children in activities such as floral art, woodwork, baking cupcakes and painting. The learners did a presentation on Nelson Mandela and some painted beautiful works of art that were bought by the Aspen team. AGI sponsored the extension of an outdoor shelter assembly where other activities can be hosted. Staff raised sufficient funds to ensure that the children receive a meal for the final semester of the year. The learners also received food, drinks and snacks, and 75 children from the local community were also treated to a sumptuous lunch.






Love, treats and food given generously Children at Dubai’s Mediclinic City Hospital suffering from pathological ailments, such as cancer or heart disease, enjoyed a day of entertainment and colouring activities with volunteers from Aspen Health Care who also took 78 little patients gift bags containing games, puzzles, toys and healthy snacks. Many men who are responsible for the construction of the city work very long hours and cannot afford a meal – not to mention an Eid feast. As it was Ramadan, the Aspen team purchased 500 meals and distributed these to labourers on the streets of Al Quoz. Most live under very unpleasant conditions and receive a meagre wage but they have no choice as this is the only means by which they can support their families. The Dubai Autism Centre (DAC) is dedicated to improving the quality of life for children inflicted with autism spectrum disorder. Members from the EMENAC department spent the day with these children who desire nothing more than love and a little quality time. Together they coloured pictures, frosted cupcakes and made sparkling water bottles before being spoilt with educational gifts and treats.


Mythri Home Mythri Home, an orphanage for some 76 poor and needy children in Hyderabad, is in desperate need of various forms of support and was delighted to be adopted as Aspen India’s (Alphamed) Mandela Day beneficiary. Part of Mythri’s needs include clothes, school uniforms, books and stationery, and Aspen India committed to provide this for 76 children and also to pay school fees for 44 children. In addition, groceries, toiletries, general maintenance and equipment repairs is also provided for monthly. Seeing the joy and gratitude on the faces of these beautiful children is well worth the monthly voluntary contributions that employees make to a social welfare fund for this ongoing initiative.


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Caring for homeless boys and animals Father Peter McVerry has been working with Dublin’s young homeless boys for more than 30 years and he accommodates them at a private shelter that is in dire need of support. Two teams from Aspen Trading in Ireland engaged in the campaign – one with the Peter McVerry Trust shelter and another at the Ash Animal Rescue. Confidentiality at the shelter prevented the team from taking photos, but that didn’t hinder them from reaching out to the needy homeless boys. Gardens were tended to and a room was painted, while at Ash the animal enclosures were cleared out and the dogs were taken for a walk.


Feeding hungry children

The Dominican Republic received an exceptional blessing for Mandela Day! The small Aspen API team of 11 from Des Plaines in the United States of America supported Feed my Starving Children and packed 14 000 meals which will feed 40 children for a year. This is the first year that Aspen API has participated in the programme and their great teamwork also yielded a worthy financial donation to the beneficiary organisation.






Mandela Day all year round in France More than 80 employees from Aspen NDB participated in the campaign that runs throughout the year in France. They supported six organisations that include Métropole Rouen Normandie, Lions Club Rouen Drakkar, Association des paralysés de France, Blouses Roses, Restos du coeur and Cardère. Some 11 000 beneficiaries were touched directly through this team’s efforts of waste collection and environmental restoration, picking and selling cut flowers to help the Rouen Hospital to buy medical equipment and help in the fight against cancer, assisting needy and handicapped citizens in Normandy, and decorating the Rouen Hospital and spoiling sick children over the Christmas period. Aspen NDB’s employees look forward to continuing their efforts in September after the wonderful European summer vacation period.


Clothing the refugees Diakonia Bayernkaserne, a refugee camp in Munich, collects donated clothing that is distributed further to refugees at various camps in the Bavaria region. These camps provide shelter, food, medical and educational support to approximately 1 500 adults and as many as 100 unaccompanied adolescent refugees. The teams from Aspen Germany and Aspen Europe, also based in Munich, assisted Bayernkaserne by donating and sorting clothing and then distributing this to those in need.


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Surplus food feeds the impoverished During 2016, the team from Aspen Italy again supported Associazione Banco Alimentare Onlus – an NGO that collects surplus product from the food industry and then, after sorting and packing it, redistributes it to organisations dedicated to meeting the needs of the impoverished. It is estimated that approximately 8 000 hungry people would benefit from the efforts of the 42 Aspen employees.





Children, the elderly and HCPs benefit The Kiev Hospice, Odessa Regional Orphanage and Ternopil City Hospital were supported by 22 volunteers from Aspen Ukraine. Forty elderly and disabled patients living at the Kiev Hospice, based at the Kyiv City Hospital #10, received support from Aspen’s South-East regional team who cleaned the facility and relaxation area and also tended to the gardens and walking paths. The Odessa Regional Orphanage, which cares for more than 100 children with disabilities, received a visit from the West region team who spent time with the children and also cleaned the facilities and gardens. The third beneficiary was the Ternopil City Hospital #3, where the Kiev and Central region team repainted the surgery department and cleaned the hospital wards.


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Adding colour to Dom Veternik Dom Veternik Ulica takes care of approximately 500 children and adults with mental disabilities. The team of six employees from Aspen Serbia will be installing an air conditioner, painting part of the facility and conducting general maintenance to enhance the environment for the residents during September.


Equestrian summer camp Trakietz, a horse riding club in Zhitnica, Bulgaria, was the organisation selected to accommodate 12 children from disadvantaged homes from Zhitnica’s Plovdiv villages. The club’s programmes focus on overcoming social and gender inequalities through equestrian activities. Horse therapy has long been used as a means to foster interpersonal communication and being with the horses also taught the children the importance of taking responsibility for animals by cleaning, grooming, feeding and observing them. Gender equality was further boosted through the supervised team Equi-games. These games, led by an Aspen volunteer, also taught the children the value of working together as a team and having fun at the same time.





Creativity boosts development Three volunteers from Aspen’s small office in Slovenia spent time working with underprivileged children at the Society for Creative Children Community. At the heart of this organisation is education to develop potential and personality, and to promote the internalisation of universal values through cultural and artistic activities. The Aspen team participated in a creative workshop hosted for 100 children and also provided them with nutritious meals and snacks on the day.


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A brighter oncology experience Before

Facing cancer and chemotherapy is an extremely traumatic experience for a patient. The team in Slovakia decided to brighten up the oncology department at the FNsP F.D. Roosevelt Hospital in Banska Bystrica which was built in 1982 but hasn’t been maintained since. Motivated by trying to improve cancer patient’s mental health, an oncology room was repainted, wooden panelling was removed, the floor repaired and wallpaper applied. The room was vastly more cheerful and a nurse said, “If a terminally ill patient comes here, he will survive.“ This priceless acknowledgement was heartwarming, more so when the patient said, “I feel like I’m at home, sitting in my living room!” What a wonderful reminder that such small deeds can have an immeasurable impact on others.


Helping Prahova’s children Providing a home and ensuring that 520 abandoned and needy children are educated are the core focus of ProVita Association in Prahova. This NGO accommodates 120 live-in children with the balance coming from nearby impoverished homes. A new home is being built for some of the children and the team from Aspen Romania is supporting them by providing a septic tank for the sewer system as well as painting the home inside and outside.






Blessings for 250 children and the elderly The Aspen team in Poland may be rather small but they have huge hearts. They engaged in five projects to the benefit of some 250 children. The Family Support Centre Gorzow accommodates 70 homeless children. General maintenance was carried out at this facility with ongoing support provided for sporting equipment and maintenance. Chronically ill, disabled and mentally handicapped children under the age of 18 are treated at the Kraszewo-Czubaki. Occupational therapy, sport and culture are some of the activities provided for the 50 children and Aspen’s volunteers donated art supplies as well as sports, rehabilitation and remedial therapy equipment to enhance the care of the children. Stowarzyszenie Centrum Młodzieży cares for 50 children from poor families. These children enjoyed a fabulously entertaining day that included a sports competition, games, face painting and lots more fun! Palliative care for patients suffering from incurable diseases is provided at Vita-Spes, Zaskalska in Szymańska. Eight volunteers arranged a picnic for the patients and enhanced the gardens at Vita-Spes for the wellbeing of those at this facility. Fifty disadvantaged, physically handicapped children are accommodated at Golasowicka Social Welfare Home. Aspen presented the children with a range of fun activities that they thoroughly enjoyed.


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From Russia with love More than 80 Aspen employees across seven regions in Russia rolled up their sleeves to change lives in celebration of Mandela Day. Eight centralised primary activities took place with a further 20 initiatives by sales employees in the areas where Aspen has a presence. Their presentations can be viewed in more detail at CENTRALISED PRIMARY ACTIVITIES

Moscow and Central Russia Region Representatives from the United Nations and the South African Embassy in Russia joined Aspen’s employees and this group of 73 made a significant difference for patients receiving palliative medical care at the Morozov Children’s Clinical Hospital. The team upgraded the dining room and children’s wards and handed over donations that included a water cooler and medical equipment. The rooms were painted, new curtains were hung, stained glass doors were installed and wallpaper applied where required. After the hard work was completed, the little patients enjoyed being entertained as they listened to fairy tales in balloon-filled rooms while snacking on treats and appreciating gifts of clothing, toiletries and personal care items.

The second project in this region also included members of the South African Embassy in Russia and focused on children with disabilities at the Domodedovo Rehabilitation Centre. The playground was landscaped, developmental activities were conducted with the children and sporting equipment was also provided to them.





South Region The Rostov team of three Aspen volunteers hosted a drawing festival entitled “Rainbow of Dreams” for disabled children who were undergoing planned medical examinations at

Volga Region

the local clinic. Children’s furniture was also donated and assembled on site for the waiting area. The team ensured that plentiful stock of

Four participants from Kazan City in the Volga

art equipment was supplied to keep the young

Region assisted the local hospital and presented

patients busy and to cheer them up. Their works

them with sponsorship for drinking water for the

of art will certainly add interest and colour to

children for a year.

the walls of the waiting area.

Far East Region
 Fifteen deaf mute children from the Aridons Association were treated to a fabulous animal experience and loads of fun provided by two Aspen volunteers and a very friendly clown, Malvina. Shustrik the rabbit, Cenis the tortoise and Fuzzy the hedgehog kept them entertained as they enjoyed an educational tactile experience before celebrating with a giant Russian honey cake called Mashenka and over 3 000 air bubbles. What an exceptional time the children had!


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From Russia with love (continued)

North West Region The Aspen team from St Petersburg dedicated this day to patients who have suffered severe strokes and who are based at the SPBGUZ Hospital for war veterans. These elderly patients were taught how to make chocolates and crepe paper flowers. These activities promote fine motor skills and alpha motor neurons that improve the blood supply to the brain. Their moods were further lifted by the wonderful tea party that was hosted for them by 10 Aspen volunteers.

Ural Region Giant bubbles, games, laughter, fun and remedial activities brought hours of delight to 20 children at the Planet Igrik Entertainment Centre. The joy on the faces of these children, who all have autism spectrum disorder, cannot be expressed in words and the five Aspen volunteers who spent their day with them were most certainly blessed and affected emotionally by the incredible experience. Planet Igrik assists the children with sensory integration through “I am Active”. An additional advantage of this occasion was that it gave the children an opportunity to make new friends and for parents to meet over a cup of tea and exchange contact details for future play dates. The children all left exhausted, excited and armed with multi-coloured balls and a souvenir photo.

Siberia Region Terminally ill children with cancer at the Omsk Oncology Centre were entertained by two Aspen volunteers who cheered them up for the day. They enjoyed receiving balloons and sweets and were shown how to make bubbles – an activity that they thoroughly enjoyed and all participated in with absolute delight!





Mobile employees also committed to the Mandela Day campaign by carrying out activities in their personal capacity in the areas where they work across Russia.

Moscow Region right) has been a blood

Siberia Region

donor for more than five

Vasileva Irina and Ekaterina Romadina are committed to caring for the

years and he encouraged

environment so they set to work landscaping an overgrown playground in

friends as well as Evgeny

Barnaul City. Ornamental shrubs, trees and lawn were planted much to the

Kucherov (bottom

delight of the children who use this facility.

Alexander Krutikhin (top

right) to join him at the local blood bank in this life saving initiative.

North West Region Five activities were carried out in this region. The Arkhangelsk Orphanage No 2 is home to 61 children who were blessed by donations of creative supplies by Igor Nikitin. Animal care was the chosen preference of Elena Fedorova and Nikolay Yurpalov in

Volga Region

Murmansk and Syktyvkar respectively. Their

Eight Aspen teams took part in a Mandela Day awareness campaign across

welcomed at the veterinarian clinics.

kindness towards the animals was warmly

the Volga Region. Their aim was to encourage greater local support and engagement in this campaign and to mobilise citizens to engage in local

Children based at the GBUZ Children’s

causes and make a difference in the lives of others on a regular basis.

Republican Hospital’s allergen-

Information and posters were distributed in the Samara, Saratov, Nizhny

pulmonology centre had great fun with

Novgorod and Kirov areas by Andrianova Elena, Natalia Tupikina, Ravil

Shabdanbekov Eric, who, together

Sultanov, Shorina Nadezda, Kochetkova Ekaterina, Romanova Oksana,

with local doctors Frolkova Katherine

Kulikova Maryanna and Veronika Bazhina.

and Grinenko Alina, hosted a “Box of Crayons” painting competition for the children aged three to six years.

The Kirov Orphanage also received a desperately needed

Vologda-based Irina Galaktionova spent a

donation of diapers for babies

day entertaining nine-year-old Lisa Rogulin

accommodated at this facility from

who has Down syndrome. They enjoyed fun

Veronika Bazhina.

activities together, which also gave Lisa’s mother some time to herself for a few hours.


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Unconditional acceptance The team at Aspen Hungary believes in uplifting the community, reducing prejudice and accepting one another irrespective of circumstances. Drug addicts are highly stigmatised, and this team is working with the Budapest Drug Prevention and Rehabilitation Foundation in trying to help its members and reintegrate them into society. They purchased a tumble dryer for the members and also enhanced the facility with a fresh coat of paint.


Czech mate! The Liberec Hospital in the Czech Republic is very important to the regional healthcare services and equally so too for Aspen’s team who chose to reconstruct a portion of the hospital park for its 1 000 patients. The project included planting ornamental trees and shrubs and establishing an outdoor chess station for the relaxation of the patients. The 11 Aspen volunteers thoroughly enjoyed the experience which will also benefit their relationship with the hospital and its healthcare professionals.





Football fun Foundation Recreate was established to fight drug and alcohol abuse among young adults and Aspen Costa Rica took to the pitch with 25 keen teenagers in support of this organisation. The Mandela Day activity was hosted at Proyecto Gol, the training grounds of the local hero football team where the youngsters were introduced to the sport. This form of alternative therapy promotes and develops capabilities such as leadership, communication skills, team work and discipline. A motivational talk by leading triathlete, Elisa Fallas, further inspired them to strive toward achieving personal goals, building self-confidence and the benefits of sacrifice, engagement and hard work.


Working for Chile’s children The snow on the mountaintops didn’t deter the team from Aspen Chile who joined forces to support Hogar Esperanza, an NGO that cares for 23 orphans who have been deprived of basic human rights. The facility provides the children with shelter, education and psychological support and the team was only too happy to improve their environment and to provide much needed donations of clothing, food, diapers and hygiene items. They agreed that, despite the very cold weather and exhausting work, their greatest satisfaction came from helping the children – a contribution that they aim to continue with every day – not only on Mandela Day.


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Budding entrepreneurs This year, Aspen Colombia supported the Biblioseo Foundation – an organisation that empowers children and youth to become social leaders and entrepreneurs. Using the IDEA initiative, Biblio tries to encourage the youth to devise creative ways to provide solutions to community problems in Ciudad Bolivar, Bogotá. IDEA develops children’s entrepreneurial and leadership skills so that they can work towards realising their dreams. About 25 children are currently participating in this programme with the hope that more will become part of this high-impact entrepreneurship initiative in the community. Aspen Colombia supported five of the IDEA projects related to sports, the arts, environmental care, neighbourhood beautification and self-sustaining businesses. Aspen employee and their families worked together for more than a month to raise funds for the organisation by selling delicious food, holding auctions, raffles and more. Employees in Bogotá also attended a workshop led by the children about entrepreneurship, creativity and leadership for social change.


Laughter – just the right medicine! The joy on the faces of sick children at Mexico City’s National Paediatric Institute was priceless when employees from Aspen Labs celebrated Mandela Day by giving them toys, games, sweets and a delightfully funny educational show featuring superheroes and princesses. More than 2 000 little patients with disabilities, degenerative diseases or terminal cancer joined the physicians, doctors, nursing staff and adults and laughed heartily – something we all need to do more often! Aspen employees aimed to donate 300 toys to the children, but this target was significantly exceeded with some 1 000 gifts and hundreds of bags of sweetes delivered. Aspen welcomed the South African Embassy’s Councillor Anthea Joubert and First Secretary Adriaan Du Pisanie to the festivities and they shared a presentation of “Mandela’s Life and Work” with 130 HCPs, nurses and staff. It was indeed a very special day with overwhelming gratitude expressed for the many blessings that we enjoy daily.





Transforming a dilapidated school In 2015, Aspen Peru adopted the Mi Buen Jesús School for 107 children. They have continued to support this institution that doesn’t have proper facilities and specific requirements for it to be recognised as an educational entity. Aspen collaborated with the school to help it pass accreditation so that learners can benefit from an appropriate education and environment. Aspen volunteers recently made vast improvements to the school including painting the ceilings and furniture and general repairs. The satisfaction from their efforts was all worthwhile given that Mi Buen Jesús is the only educational facility in this area. Be sure to take a look at the great video prepared by the Aspen Peru team at


It’s in your hands to make a difference Caracas, the principal city of Venezuela, is becoming more violent every year. This situation significantly impacts children from disadvantaged communities who are forced to stay away from school and their families due to domestic abuse or violence and at least one, if not both parents, being incarcerated. Aspen Venezuela again chose to support the Foundation Casa Hogar San José, an NPO that cares for 18 children. Volunteers carried out routine maintenance at the institution and enjoyed leisure time activities that included a visit from a magician and a delicious meal for the very grateful children. The South Africa Embassy’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Her Excellency Ms Shope-Linney again joined the Aspen team in commemoration of this special event.


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A new home for the Perfecto family An earthquake in Ecuador’s Manabi province in April 2016 destroyed many families – claiming lives, homes and meagre possessions. Yet, this catastrophe also changed the lives of Aspen Ecuador’s employees who reached out to a family that was left destitute. Collaborating with Techo Para, an NGO that provides emergency housing assemblies, Aspen employees dug deep and for four months each voluntarily contributed financially to build a new home for Mr Perfecto’s family who had lost everything in the earthquake. Fourteen Aspen volunteers came from Quito, Quayaquil and Manabi, and slept in tents on the site while they built the home with the assistance of Techo Para. Mr Perfecto and his family helped during the process but nothing could prepare the volunteers for the utter gratitude and joy expressed by this family when the key to the front door was handed to them amid celebrations of confetti and cheers. This experience certainly changed lives forever.


Caring for disabled children

About 140 employees from Aspen Pharma supported the Casa Lar Dona Meca Life Institute located in Barcelona, Serra-ES, in Brazil. This facility cares for 20 physically and mentally disabled children who were treated to a nutritious meal and spoilt with much needed daily items that we all take for granted. The majority of the Aspen team collaborated in groups of about five and each “adopted” a child at the institute with the aim of caring for their everyday needs. The little ones were delighted to be showered with gifts, clothing, toiletries, treats and food, but their greatest joy was simply being loved by the kind folk from Aspen.






Improving the Hope Academy Aspen’s staff at its head quarters in Durban participated in improving the environment at the Key of Hope’s new premises, the Hope Academy. Aspen re-selected Key of Hope, a United States-driven child welfare organisation, for their annual Mandela Day project. The partnership was initiated in 2015 to benefit about 1 500 destitute orphans – some who are HIV positive and others who come from disadvantaged homes. Stephen Saad and Gus Attridge joined the enthusiastic employees to improve three areas at the premises. They set to work to paint the classrooms, transform the garden and revamp the kitchen. Established in 2008, Key of Hope cares for a broad age group from babies to 18-year-old students. After matriculation, Key of Hope tries to secure employment or further the studies of some of the young adults. The children and staff from Key of Hope were most grateful and extremely happy with the pleasing results of their classrooms, kitchen and garden.


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Broad smiles at Tlhakanang Nearly 1 000 learners from the Tlhakanang Primary School in Tembisa, north of Johannesburg, were delighted with Aspen Pharmacare’s generous improvements to their school. The school accommodates learners from Grade R to Grade 7. The team from Aspen spent a few days at Tlhakanang where they upgraded the kitchen that serves meals to the students. The library was improved with shelves, tables and chairs, and a vegetable garden was introduced to complement the school’s feeding programme. Classrooms, pathways and the general facilities were also attended to including replacing broken window panes, repairing the floors, walls and ceilings, and adding a fresh coat of paint where it was needed most. The highlight for the children was certainly the playground and sportsfield which had been cleared and substantially enhanced to encourage them to spend more time outdoors and to benefit from exercising and soaking up the African sunshine. They didn’t need an invitation to do exactly that!


Providing relief in Tembisa The Tumelo Home for disabled children as well as the Buhle Bezwe Orphanage in Tembisa were both recipients of the generosity of some 280 employees from Aspen Nutritionals. These facilities received donations of food, appliances as well as maintenance work that was needed to provide for a more comfortable environment for the 120 children that they take care of collectively.





Abundant blessings for the children Aspen’s Port Elizabeth team has always embraced their Mandela Day contribution with exceptional passion. This year was no different when they adopted four projects in celebration of this annual initiative. The joy on the children’s faces at Sinomonde Daycare Centre as well as St Anne’s Primary School speaks volumes. Missionvale-based Sinomonde provides education and meals to 86 children between the ages of two and seven years. Most of their parents are unemployed so it is not always possible for them to cover the costs of their children’s tuition and meals. This centre received a Wendy house, a range of electrical and household appliances, linen, furniture, food and electricity vouchers for 12 months while various maintenance needs were also tended to. St Anne’s cares for 108 impoverished kids between the ages of six and eight. Their needs of educational material, playground equipment, mattresses and furniture, food and maintenance to their facility were all met. In 2016, a group of ladies established Groom-a-Girl. This initiative assists 30 underprivileged teenage girls who each received a bag of feminine hygiene products donated by Aspen employees. Preserving the environment for future generations cannot be overlooked, and a team of 25 members of the SHE department participated in cleaning up litter around the North End Lake adjacent to the Port Elizabeth manufacturing site.


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Sprucing up Sinothando Sinothando Daycare Centre in East London’s East Bank township was the beneficiary of Aspen’s goodwill this year. More than 150 employees contributed toward the needs of the 46 children who come from low-income families and who are nurtured at Sinothando. They received clothing, food, educational toys and stationery, and the children thoroughly enjoyed a day of fun, entertainment and special treats on Mandela Day. The Aspen team went to work enhancing the environment for the children and also painted the daycare facility.


Heartfelt fun and gratitude Fine Chemicals Corporation (FCC) left a huge impression on the staff and students at Litha Primary School in Gugulethu, Cape Town. The FCC contingent of more than 35 employees changed the spirit at the school and certainly gave the children one of the best days of their lives. It was not just an investment of money and resources but most importantly of time. FCC pledged to fence the school’s sports field and donated 400 chairs for their classes to replace those that are no longer comfortable due to age. A highlight for the children included the netball, soccer, arts and crafts, and tug-of-war challenges with the FCC visitors. The 605 children were so very grateful to receive a warm meal as well as goody bags, beanies and scarves. The look of gratitude on their faces was priceless and it gave new meaning to appreciating the little things in life. Thanks to the generosity of the FCC staff and some valued business partners, the budget for the initiative was nearly tripled! What a fantastic Mandela Day!





Feeding the hungry Three primary beneficiaries, which reach across five vast territories, were selected by Aspen Australia for their Mandela Day activities. Aspen teams from New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia, Queensland and South Australia all contributed to the incredible efforts of Ozharvest, Australia’s first perishable food rescue organisation. Ozharvest collects quality excess food from commercial outlets and delivers it at no charge to 600 charities who provide much needed assistance to vulnerable men, women and children. Aspen employees took to the kitchen and had a great time preparing a variety of meals to feed hundreds of individuals across Australia. The team from New South Wales also supported the Salvation Army that works within the inner city of Sydney. They provide a variety of programmes and services to some of the poorest, disadvantaged and marginalised citizens. Employees assisted by serving food, stocking grocery shelves, sorting their product donations and helping out with general maintenance of the centre. FareShare in Victoria has previously been supported by Aspen, and the team was once again at their facilities to prepare 2 000 meals which were delivered to charities across Melbourne. Like Ozharvest, FareShare also collects surplus quality food from supermarkets, farmers and other businesses and delivers nutritious meals to Victorian charities such as soup vans, homeless shelters, food banks and school breakfast programmes.


Going green The choice of Mandela Day support varies greatly and Aspen Malaysia decided to support the Free Tree Society in Kuala Lumpur. This organisation donates healthy plants to the public and encourages families to nurture the plants and thereby improve the environment. Aspen’s 22 employees pulled on their gloves and went gardening at a small nursery in Bangsar where they also learnt a lot about the environment and important green activities. They planted 100 passion fruit plants, weeded the nursery, cleaned the nursery of overgrown shrubs and planted vegetable seedlings. They agreed that it was extremely rewarding to contribute toward preserving the planet for future generations.


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Transforming lives Three projects were adopted by the Aspen Philippines team. These included the very touching efforts of the sales team who conducted acts of random kindness (ARKs) by caring for strangers on the streets; engaging with the South African Embassy in the Philippines; and committing to a 16-week programme through International Care Ministries Foundation (ICMF). ICMF supports extremely impoverished families in the Vismin Region. Aspen Philippines joined their Transform project managed by the Manapla Cosmopolitan Christian Church to care for about 40 families who each have at least four children. This programme helps to improve the wellbeing of malnourished children so that they can reach a healthy weight. Aspen participated in three phases, namely packing nutritious meals for the community, transporting the meals and spending time with the community, and monitoring the progress of the families by receiving weekly statistics as their health and body weight improved. The Aspen team continued its support of the South African Embassy’s efforts at the Missionaries of Charity Home in Tayuman that cares for both the elderly and children. Employees contributed by donating grocery items that could be used by the home. More than 20 ARKs were carried out by sales representatives who were again emotionally affected by this initiative. Rio and Audrey donated diapers to Cribs and said that Mandela Day is a reminder to be thankful for our blessings despite the personal challenges that we face. Lourenz said feeding someone who didn’t know where their next meal would come from made him very happy and grateful. Dan, Irwin, Rachelle, Rhona, Nestor, McWin, Jesreal, Aivy, Seth, Hilda, Austine, Ivy, Derick, Merniel, Tata, Freny, Judely, Junalyn, Ramon, Paolo and Kristine all shared similar testimonies which you can read about at http://www.





ARK in the Philippines


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Little hands make yummy food

The Taiwan Fund for Children and Families (TFCF), which cares for children aged from nine to 12, received support from Aspen Taiwan for the third consecutive year. Twelve Aspen Taiwan employees hosted 19 children from TFCF at Hsin-Chu City where they had great fun being taught how to make rice noodles, puffed rice, red tortoise cake, rice dumplings and the art of pounding mochi. Making mochi is a team effort that requires pounding the rice until the sticky mocha is made. It’s important for Taiwanese children to understand the history of rice noodles that was explained to them through a fun game. They also thoroughly enjoyed making puffed rice cookies and all the other treats that are an integral part of their culinary heritage. The children also received Valda candies and other treats while the Aspen team thoroughly spoilt them by giving them the gift of quality time, care and love – which every child needs and wants.


Restoring a little dignity Twelve single, helpless and less privileged elderly folk enjoyed the thoughtful visitors from Aspen Asia who chose to support the Hong Kong Society for the Aged (SAGE) in North Point, Hong Kong. Some of these senior citizens suffer from preliminary memory loss or cognitive limitations, while others are awaiting admission to government nursing home or a seniors’ care facility. Over a few years, Aspen Asia has shown continued support for the elderly who simply yearn for someone to talk to and share memories with so that they can feel understood, respected and appreciated. The Aspen team did exactly that again this year and also presented each resident with a fortune bag containing daily commodities and healthy snacks. It was indeed heartwarming to realise that such small gestures can mean so much to those who have been abandoned by their families.






Beta helps babies and the elderly Beta Healthcare’s staff in Kenya devoted Mandela Day to visiting four homes for less fortunate members of society. Some 137 employees and 224 contract employees participated in the initiative and donated food, clothes, school books, toys and other household items. Beta also contributed infant nutritional products, multivitamins, baby diapers, food and toiletries. The House of Charity on Waiyaki Way is home to 70 babies who have been abandoned or rejected. It is run by Poverelle Sisters of Bergamo who were exceedingly grateful for the donations. Little Sisters of the Poor: Nyumba Ya Wezee in Kasarani caters for the needy elderly. The sisters at the home have devoted their lives to giving elderly people peace, comfort and happiness and the team’s donations and presence was much appreciated by them. Compassionate Hands for the Disabled Foundation (CHDF) in Ruai was started in 2008 and serves 100 children with mental and physical disabilities. Most of these children are abandoned and orphaned, some afflicted with HIV/AIDS. CHDF depends on charity for its provision of services such as education, occupational therapy, feeding programmes and medical help for the children. This home has many needs and the donations were heartily appreciated. The Baby Blessings Children’s Home which houses 80 abandoned babies was again supported by the Beta team who were delighted to have made a difference in the lives of so many citizens on Mandela Day.


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Blessing the babies Destitute babies lie very close to the hearts of the employees at Beta’s office in Uganda who provided various donations to the Sanyu and Nsambya Babies Homes that care for 70 and 80 little ones respectively up to the age of six.


Gifts of food, clothes and medicine The Shelys team identified two schools based in Dar es Salaam that care for children with disabilities such as deafness, blindness, autism and albinism. Uhuru Mchanganyiko Primary School and the Salvation Army Matumaini Primary School accommodates 400 and 100 children respectively. SHDEPHA is a forum for activists who are HIV positive and who are prepared to publicly declare their status and advocate against HIV/AIDS. It currently has more than 100 members. These three beneficiaries were all most grateful for the gifts of food, medicines and clothes that were donated by over 430 employees.





Primary healthcare support Every day, three paediatricians from the General Hospital in Ikorodu, Lagos, offer consultation services at the PHC Agbala primary healthcare centre. Mothers who brought their little ones for immunisation on Mandela Day were in for a wonderful surprise. They were warmly greeted by a team from Aspen Nigeria who told them about Mandela Day and about Aspen. Some 120 mothers were overjoyed to receive gift hampers of baby products while a desperately needed donation of Infacare nutritional product was also made to PHC Agbala.


Helping those awaiting adoption … Teshie Orphanage in Accra accommodates 21 orphans, abandoned or socially challenged children who have been placed at this facility by the children’s social welfare or the police and who await adoption. The children and staff were very happy to receive stationery and food from the 46 employees who participated in this initiative.


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