Red Carpet Onboarding Experience Reviewed by
Aspen Employees
A study by the Aberdeen Group of senior executives and HR staffing/ recruiting functions found that 86% of new hires decide to stay with a company long-term within their first six months of employment. Onboarding is not a single event, but an ongoing strategy. We’ve enhanced the Aspen Heights Onboarding Experience from the mundane HR Paperwork, to a cultural and engaging journey.
A quick refresher of what Red Carpet enables us to accomplish digitally.
Event Launch
10 Days Before Start
•R ecruiter uploads signed offer letter • I T New Hire ticket created •S tart Notification email sends •W elcome Letter from Greg Henry •E mployee completes Personal Profile •E mployee completes Getting to Know You Survey •N ew Hire Paperwork (W4, I9, Handbook Acknowledgment) •E mployee submits ID (I9 Identification documents)
9 Days Before Start
• I t’s Our Turn Welcome Video
7 Days Before Start
•A re You Awake Awake Messaging •H R Shares Getting To Know You survey results with hiring manager •N otification of completed and passed background + drug test
5 Days Before Start
•N otification for HR to review new hire paperwork and enter the employee into ADP •N otification for business cards to be ordered (for applicable employees)
4 Days Before Start
• Manager Reminder to send personal welcome email
3 Days Before Start
•V alues of Values Video •R eminder for corporate employee’s Swag Bag to be created •W elcome email to be created via Picasso ticket
1 Day Before Start
•W e can’t wait to see you! video •A DP Login instructions •C ompany Holidays/Payroll Calendar
Employee Start Date 1 Day After Start
•T oolbox Introduction •O ffice Seating Chart
2 Days After Start
•W ork With Purpose Awake Messaging •M ake Your Play – Introduction to role specific playbooks •L et’s Get Social Invitation to Aspen Life Facebook page
5 Days After Start
•A re You Awake? Awake Messaging
14 Days After Start
•W ork With Purpose Awake Messaging
30 Days After Start
•L &D Notfied to follow up on 30-Day Checklist training •E valuation of Onboarding Experience •B enefits & Insurance Information – Coming Soon •M anager Check-In – Coming Soon
180 Days After Start
• 401K Information sent to eligible employees
Here’s what our employees have to say about their digital onboarding experience with Red Carpet.
"Very good experience. It could not have gone better."
"The HR Department was absolutely so accommodating and 100% helpful with all of my benefits inquiries. I felt very calm starting and was glad a significant portion of my first week was spent working alongside those employee."
"Red Carpet was a pretty good and easy to use tool to prepare me for working at Aspen. The emails helped a lot to remind me that I had some training to complete, I think that the amount of emails sent about training due dates was perfect."
Did you feel that Red Carpet prepared you for your first day/ week at work?
"The Red Carpet gave me the info I needed to enroll in benefits and submit needed paperwork. It also informed me on the culture of the company. Overall, it was helpful and the emails kept me up to date."
“I felt that Red Carpet contained almost everything I needed to know in order to start my first day off well!�
"The onboarding staff helped bridge any gaps and I can't think of anyway to improve the current process."
What was your least favorite part about your Red Carpet Experience? "Nothing. Everything was great!" "I loved every part of it so I did not have a least part." “Nothing was unpleasant, stressful or confusing, so this is a 'N/A' answer for me.�
81% felt that Red Carpet prepared them for their first day, week, and month.
19% felt that Red Carpet almost prepared them for
their first day, week, and month.
Please enter any comments regarding the ease or difficulty of use during your Red Carpet Experience. "It was a creative onboarding experience. It took time to realize that this bypassed all the 'First day paperwork' that I would have to do. It was cool."
"I really appreciate all of the prompt emails; every initiative required was easy to follow and to complete, with directions being very clear and concise."
"Email reminders were life savers, especially with transitioning out of my previous job!"
"The Red Carpet Experience was very intuitive, and any question I had was quickly answered by HR."
"Everything was very straightforward and easy to follow."
"I loved how everything has a due date to it, but if you do it sooner the better."
When asked, “On a scale from 1 to 5 (1 being the lowest), how effective was your onboarding experience at Aspen Heights?�
96% of employees rated our onboarding platform a 5 out of 5!